spark DataSource 源码

  • 2022-10-20
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spark DataSource 代码


 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources

import java.util.{Locale, ServiceConfigurationError, ServiceLoader}

import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}

import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path

import org.apache.spark.SparkException
import org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkHadoopUtil
import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
import org.apache.spark.sql._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.{Resolver, UnresolvedAttribute}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.catalog.{BucketSpec, CatalogStorageFormat, CatalogTable, CatalogUtils}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.Attribute
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.LogicalPlan
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.{CaseInsensitiveMap, TypeUtils}
import org.apache.spark.sql.connector.catalog.TableProvider
import org.apache.spark.sql.errors.{QueryCompilationErrors, QueryExecutionErrors}
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.SparkPlan
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.command.DataWritingCommand
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.csv.CSVFileFormat
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.jdbc.JdbcRelationProvider
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.json.JsonFileFormat
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.orc.OrcFileFormat
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.parquet.ParquetFileFormat
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.v2.FileDataSourceV2
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.v2.orc.OrcDataSourceV2
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.metric.SQLMetric
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming._
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.sources.{RateStreamProvider, TextSocketSourceProvider}
import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.SQLConf
import org.apache.spark.sql.sources._
import org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.OutputMode
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{DataType, StructField, StructType}
import org.apache.spark.sql.util.SchemaUtils
import org.apache.spark.util.{HadoopFSUtils, ThreadUtils, Utils}

 * The main class responsible for representing a pluggable Data Source in Spark SQL. In addition to
 * acting as the canonical set of parameters that can describe a Data Source, this class is used to
 * resolve a description to a concrete implementation that can be used in a query plan
 * (either batch or streaming) or to write out data using an external library.
 * From an end user's perspective a DataSource description can be created explicitly using
 * [[org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrameReader]] or CREATE TABLE USING DDL.  Additionally, this class is
 * used when resolving a description from a metastore to a concrete implementation.
 * Many of the arguments to this class are optional, though depending on the specific API being used
 * these optional arguments might be filled in during resolution using either inference or external
 * metadata.  For example, when reading a partitioned table from a file system, partition columns
 * will be inferred from the directory layout even if they are not specified.
 * @param paths A list of file system paths that hold data. These will be globbed before if
 *              the "__globPaths__" option is true, and will be qualified. This option only works
 *              when reading from a [[FileFormat]].
 * @param userSpecifiedSchema An optional specification of the schema of the data. When present
 *                            we skip attempting to infer the schema.
 * @param partitionColumns A list of column names that the relation is partitioned by. This list is
 *                         generally empty during the read path, unless this DataSource is managed
 *                         by Hive. In these cases, during `resolveRelation`, we will call
 *                         `getOrInferFileFormatSchema` for file based DataSources to infer the
 *                         partitioning. In other cases, if this list is empty, then this table
 *                         is unpartitioned.
 * @param bucketSpec An optional specification for bucketing (hash-partitioning) of the data.
 * @param catalogTable Optional catalog table reference that can be used to push down operations
 *                     over the datasource to the catalog service.
case class DataSource(
    sparkSession: SparkSession,
    className: String,
    paths: Seq[String] = Nil,
    userSpecifiedSchema: Option[StructType] = None,
    partitionColumns: Seq[String] = Seq.empty,
    bucketSpec: Option[BucketSpec] = None,
    options: Map[String, String] = Map.empty,
    catalogTable: Option[CatalogTable] = None) extends Logging {

  case class SourceInfo(name: String, schema: StructType, partitionColumns: Seq[String])

  lazy val providingClass: Class[_] = {
    val cls = DataSource.lookupDataSource(className, sparkSession.sessionState.conf)
    // `providingClass` is used for resolving data source relation for catalog tables.
    // As now catalog for data source V2 is under development, here we fall back all the
    // [[FileDataSourceV2]] to [[FileFormat]] to guarantee the current catalog works.
    // [[FileDataSourceV2]] will still be used if we call the load()/save() method in
    // [[DataFrameReader]]/[[DataFrameWriter]], since they use method `lookupDataSource`
    // instead of `providingClass`.
    cls.newInstance() match {
      case f: FileDataSourceV2 => f.fallbackFileFormat
      case _ => cls

  private[sql] def providingInstance(): Any = providingClass.getConstructor().newInstance()

  private def newHadoopConfiguration(): Configuration =

  lazy val sourceInfo: SourceInfo = sourceSchema()
  private val caseInsensitiveOptions = CaseInsensitiveMap(options)
  private val equality = sparkSession.sessionState.conf.resolver

   * Whether or not paths should be globbed before being used to access files.
  def globPaths: Boolean = {
      .map(_ == "true")

  bucketSpec.foreach { bucket =>
      bucket.bucketColumnNames, "in the bucket definition", equality)
      bucket.sortColumnNames, "in the sort definition", equality)

   * Get the schema of the given FileFormat, if provided by `userSpecifiedSchema`, or try to infer
   * it. In the read path, only managed tables by Hive provide the partition columns properly when
   * initializing this class. All other file based data sources will try to infer the partitioning,
   * and then cast the inferred types to user specified dataTypes if the partition columns exist
   * inside `userSpecifiedSchema`, otherwise we can hit data corruption bugs like SPARK-18510.
   * This method will try to skip file scanning whether `userSpecifiedSchema` and
   * `partitionColumns` are provided. Here are some code paths that use this method:
   *   1. `` (no schema): Most amount of work. Infer both schema and partitioning columns
   *   2. ``: Parse partitioning columns, cast them to the
   *     dataTypes provided in `userSpecifiedSchema` if they exist or fallback to inferred
   *     dataType if they don't.
   *   3. `spark.readStream.schema(userSpecifiedSchema)`: For streaming use cases, users have to
   *     provide the schema. Here, we also perform partition inference like 2, and try to use
   *     dataTypes in `userSpecifiedSchema`. All subsequent triggers for this stream will re-use
   *     this information, therefore calls to this method should be very cheap, i.e. there won't
   *     be any further inference in any triggers.
   * @param format the file format object for this DataSource
   * @param getFileIndex [[InMemoryFileIndex]] for getting partition schema and file list
   * @return A pair of the data schema (excluding partition columns) and the schema of the partition
   *         columns.
  private def getOrInferFileFormatSchema(
      format: FileFormat,
      getFileIndex: () => InMemoryFileIndex): (StructType, StructType) = {
    lazy val tempFileIndex = getFileIndex()

    val partitionSchema = if (partitionColumns.isEmpty) {
      // Try to infer partitioning, because no DataSource in the read path provides the partitioning
      // columns properly unless it is a Hive DataSource
    } else {
      // maintain old behavior before SPARK-18510. If userSpecifiedSchema is empty used inferred
      // partitioning
      if (userSpecifiedSchema.isEmpty) {
        val inferredPartitions = tempFileIndex.partitionSchema
      } else {
        val partitionFields = { partitionColumn =>
          userSpecifiedSchema.flatMap(_.find(c => equality(, partitionColumn))).orElse {
            val inferredPartitions = tempFileIndex.partitionSchema
            val inferredOpt = inferredPartitions.find(p => equality(, partitionColumn))
            if (inferredOpt.isDefined) {
                s"""Type of partition column: $partitionColumn not found in specified schema
                   |for $format.
                   |User Specified Schema
                   |Falling back to inferred dataType if it exists.
          }.getOrElse {
            throw QueryCompilationErrors.partitionColumnNotSpecifiedError(
              format.toString, partitionColumn)

    val dataSchema = { schema =>
      StructType(schema.filterNot(f => partitionSchema.exists(p => equality(,
    }.orElse {
      // Remove "path" option so that it is not added to the paths returned by
      // `tempFileIndex.allFiles()`.
        caseInsensitiveOptions - "path",
    }.getOrElse {
      throw QueryCompilationErrors.dataSchemaNotSpecifiedError(format.toString)

    // We just print a warning message if the data schema and partition schema have the duplicate
    // columns. This is because we allow users to do so in the previous Spark releases and
    // we have the existing tests for the cases (e.g., `ParquetHadoopFsRelationSuite`).
    // See SPARK-18108 and SPARK-21144 for related discussions.
    try {
        (dataSchema ++ partitionSchema).map(,
        "in the data schema and the partition schema",
    } catch {
      case e: AnalysisException => logWarning(e.getMessage)

    (dataSchema, partitionSchema)

  /** Returns the name and schema of the source that can be used to continually read data. */
  private def sourceSchema(): SourceInfo = {
    providingInstance() match {
      case s: StreamSourceProvider =>
        val (name, schema) = s.sourceSchema(
          sparkSession.sqlContext, userSpecifiedSchema, className, caseInsensitiveOptions)
        SourceInfo(name, schema, Nil)

      case format: FileFormat =>
        val path = caseInsensitiveOptions.getOrElse("path", {
          throw QueryExecutionErrors.dataPathNotSpecifiedError()

        // Check whether the path exists if it is not a glob pattern.
        // For glob pattern, we do not check it because the glob pattern might only make sense
        // once the streaming job starts and some upstream source starts dropping data.
        val hdfsPath = new Path(path)
        if (!globPaths || !SparkHadoopUtil.get.isGlobPath(hdfsPath)) {
          val fs = hdfsPath.getFileSystem(newHadoopConfiguration())
          if (!fs.exists(hdfsPath)) {
            throw QueryCompilationErrors.dataPathNotExistError(path)

        val isSchemaInferenceEnabled = sparkSession.sessionState.conf.streamingSchemaInference
        val isTextSource = providingClass == classOf[text.TextFileFormat]
        // If the schema inference is disabled, only text sources require schema to be specified
        if (!isSchemaInferenceEnabled && !isTextSource && userSpecifiedSchema.isEmpty) {
          throw QueryExecutionErrors.createStreamingSourceNotSpecifySchemaError()

        val (dataSchema, partitionSchema) = getOrInferFileFormatSchema(format, () => {
          // The operations below are expensive therefore try not to do them if we don't need to,
          // e.g., in streaming mode, we have already inferred and registered partition columns,
          // we will never have to materialize the lazy val below
          val globbedPaths =
            checkAndGlobPathIfNecessary(checkEmptyGlobPath = false, checkFilesExist = false)
        val forceNullable = sparkSession.conf.get(SQLConf.FILE_SOURCE_SCHEMA_FORCE_NULLABLE)
        val sourceDataSchema = if (forceNullable) dataSchema.asNullable else dataSchema
          StructType(sourceDataSchema ++ partitionSchema),

      case _ =>
        throw QueryExecutionErrors.streamedOperatorUnsupportedByDataSourceError(
          className, "reading")

  /** Returns a source that can be used to continually read data. */
  def createSource(metadataPath: String): Source = {
    providingInstance() match {
      case s: StreamSourceProvider =>

      case format: FileFormat =>
        val path = caseInsensitiveOptions.getOrElse("path", {
          throw QueryExecutionErrors.dataPathNotSpecifiedError()
        new FileStreamSource(
          sparkSession = sparkSession,
          path = path,
          fileFormatClassName = className,
          schema = sourceInfo.schema,
          partitionColumns = sourceInfo.partitionColumns,
          metadataPath = metadataPath,
          options = caseInsensitiveOptions)
      case _ =>
        throw QueryExecutionErrors.streamedOperatorUnsupportedByDataSourceError(
          className, "reading")

  /** Returns a sink that can be used to continually write data. */
  def createSink(outputMode: OutputMode): Sink = {
    providingInstance() match {
      case s: StreamSinkProvider =>
        s.createSink(sparkSession.sqlContext, caseInsensitiveOptions, partitionColumns, outputMode)

      case fileFormat: FileFormat =>
        val path = caseInsensitiveOptions.getOrElse("path", {
          throw QueryExecutionErrors.dataPathNotSpecifiedError()
        if (outputMode != OutputMode.Append) {
          throw QueryCompilationErrors.dataSourceOutputModeUnsupportedError(className, outputMode)
        new FileStreamSink(sparkSession, path, fileFormat, partitionColumns, caseInsensitiveOptions)

      case _ =>
        throw QueryExecutionErrors.streamedOperatorUnsupportedByDataSourceError(
          className, "writing")

   * Create a resolved [[BaseRelation]] that can be used to read data from or write data into this
   * [[DataSource]]
   * @param checkFilesExist Whether to confirm that the files exist when generating the
   *                        non-streaming file based datasource. StructuredStreaming jobs already
   *                        list file existence, and when generating incremental jobs, the batch
   *                        is considered as a non-streaming file based data source. Since we know
   *                        that files already exist, we don't need to check them again.
  def resolveRelation(checkFilesExist: Boolean = true): BaseRelation = {
    val relation = (providingInstance(), userSpecifiedSchema) match {
      // TODO: Throw when too much is given.
      case (dataSource: SchemaRelationProvider, Some(schema)) =>
        dataSource.createRelation(sparkSession.sqlContext, caseInsensitiveOptions, schema)
      case (dataSource: RelationProvider, None) =>
        dataSource.createRelation(sparkSession.sqlContext, caseInsensitiveOptions)
      case (_: SchemaRelationProvider, None) =>
        throw QueryCompilationErrors.schemaNotSpecifiedForSchemaRelationProviderError(className)
      case (dataSource: RelationProvider, Some(schema)) =>
        val baseRelation =
          dataSource.createRelation(sparkSession.sqlContext, caseInsensitiveOptions)
        if (!DataType.equalsIgnoreCompatibleNullability(baseRelation.schema, schema)) {
          throw QueryCompilationErrors.userSpecifiedSchemaMismatchActualSchemaError(
            schema, baseRelation.schema)

      // We are reading from the results of a streaming query. Load files from the metadata log
      // instead of listing them using HDFS APIs. Note that the config
      // `spark.sql.streaming.fileStreamSink.metadata.ignored` can be enabled to ignore the
      // metadata log.
      case (format: FileFormat, _)
          if FileStreamSink.hasMetadata(
            caseInsensitiveOptions.get("path").toSeq ++ paths,
            sparkSession.sessionState.conf) =>
        val basePath = new Path((caseInsensitiveOptions.get("path").toSeq ++ paths).head)
        val fileCatalog = new MetadataLogFileIndex(sparkSession, basePath,
          caseInsensitiveOptions, userSpecifiedSchema)
        val dataSchema = userSpecifiedSchema.orElse {
          // Remove "path" option so that it is not added to the paths returned by
          // `fileCatalog.allFiles()`.
            caseInsensitiveOptions - "path",
        }.getOrElse {
          throw QueryCompilationErrors.dataSchemaNotSpecifiedError(
            format.toString, fileCatalog.allFiles().mkString(","))

          partitionSchema = fileCatalog.partitionSchema,
          dataSchema = dataSchema,
          bucketSpec = None,

      // This is a non-streaming file based datasource.
      case (format: FileFormat, _) =>
        val useCatalogFileIndex = sparkSession.sqlContext.conf.manageFilesourcePartitions &&
          catalogTable.isDefined && catalogTable.get.tracksPartitionsInCatalog &&
        val (fileCatalog, dataSchema, partitionSchema) = if (useCatalogFileIndex) {
          val defaultTableSize = sparkSession.sessionState.conf.defaultSizeInBytes
          val index = new CatalogFileIndex(
          (index, catalogTable.get.dataSchema, catalogTable.get.partitionSchema)
        } else {
          val globbedPaths = checkAndGlobPathIfNecessary(
            checkEmptyGlobPath = true, checkFilesExist = checkFilesExist)
          val index = createInMemoryFileIndex(globbedPaths)
          val (resultDataSchema, resultPartitionSchema) =
            getOrInferFileFormatSchema(format, () => index)
          (index, resultDataSchema, resultPartitionSchema)

          partitionSchema = partitionSchema,
          dataSchema = dataSchema.asNullable,
          bucketSpec = bucketSpec,

      case _ =>
        throw QueryCompilationErrors.invalidDataSourceError(className)

    relation match {
      case hs: HadoopFsRelation =>
          "in the data schema",
          "in the partition schema",
        DataSourceUtils.verifySchema(hs.fileFormat, hs.dataSchema)
      case _ =>
          "in the data schema",


   * Creates a command node to write the given [[LogicalPlan]] out to the given [[FileFormat]].
   * The returned command is unresolved and need to be analyzed.
  private def planForWritingFileFormat(
      format: FileFormat, mode: SaveMode, data: LogicalPlan): InsertIntoHadoopFsRelationCommand = {
    // Don't glob path for the write path.  The contracts here are:
    //  1. Only one output path can be specified on the write path;
    //  2. Output path must be a legal HDFS style file system path;
    //  3. It's OK that the output path doesn't exist yet;
    val allPaths = paths ++ caseInsensitiveOptions.get("path")
    val outputPath = if (allPaths.length == 1) {
      val path = new Path(allPaths.head)
      val fs = path.getFileSystem(newHadoopConfiguration())
      path.makeQualified(fs.getUri, fs.getWorkingDirectory)
    } else {
      throw QueryExecutionErrors.multiplePathsSpecifiedError(allPaths)

    val caseSensitive = sparkSession.sessionState.conf.caseSensitiveAnalysis
    PartitioningUtils.validatePartitionColumn(data.schema, partitionColumns, caseSensitive)

    val fileIndex = { tableIdent =>
      sparkSession.table(tableIdent).queryExecution.analyzed.collect {
        case LogicalRelation(t: HadoopFsRelation, _, _, _) => t.location
    // For partitioned relation r, r.schema's column ordering can be different from the column
    // ordering of data.logicalPlan (partition columns are all moved after data column).  This
    // will be adjusted within InsertIntoHadoopFsRelation.
      outputPath = outputPath,
      staticPartitions = Map.empty,
      ifPartitionNotExists = false,
      partitionColumns =,
      bucketSpec = bucketSpec,
      fileFormat = format,
      options = options,
      query = data,
      mode = mode,
      catalogTable = catalogTable,
      fileIndex = fileIndex,
      outputColumnNames =

   * Writes the given [[LogicalPlan]] out to this [[DataSource]] and returns a [[BaseRelation]] for
   * the following reading.
   * @param mode The save mode for this writing.
   * @param data The input query plan that produces the data to be written. Note that this plan
   *             is analyzed and optimized.
   * @param outputColumnNames The original output column names of the input query plan. The
   *                          optimizer may not preserve the output column's names' case, so we need
   *                          this parameter instead of `data.output`.
   * @param physicalPlan The physical plan of the input query plan. We should run the writing
   *                     command with this physical plan instead of creating a new physical plan,
   *                     so that the metrics can be correctly linked to the given physical plan and
   *                     shown in the web UI.
  def writeAndRead(
      mode: SaveMode,
      data: LogicalPlan,
      outputColumnNames: Seq[String],
      physicalPlan: SparkPlan,
      metrics: Map[String, SQLMetric]): BaseRelation = {
    val outputColumns = DataWritingCommand.logicalPlanOutputWithNames(data, outputColumnNames)
    providingInstance() match {
      case dataSource: CreatableRelationProvider =>
        disallowWritingIntervals(, forbidAnsiIntervals = true)
          sparkSession.sqlContext, mode, caseInsensitiveOptions, Dataset.ofRows(sparkSession, data))
      case format: FileFormat =>
        disallowWritingIntervals(, forbidAnsiIntervals = false)
        val cmd = planForWritingFileFormat(format, mode, data)
        val resolvedPartCols =
          DataSource.resolvePartitionColumns(cmd.partitionColumns, outputColumns, data, equality)
        val resolved = cmd.copy(
          partitionColumns = resolvedPartCols,
          outputColumnNames = outputColumnNames), physicalPlan)
        DataWritingCommand.propogateMetrics(sparkSession.sparkContext, resolved, metrics)
        // Replace the schema with that of the DataFrame we just wrote out to avoid re-inferring
        copy(userSpecifiedSchema = Some(outputColumns.toStructType.asNullable)).resolveRelation()
      case _ => throw new IllegalStateException(
        s"${providingClass.getCanonicalName} does not allow create table as select.")

   * Returns a logical plan to write the given [[LogicalPlan]] out to this [[DataSource]].
  def planForWriting(mode: SaveMode, data: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = {
    providingInstance() match {
      case dataSource: CreatableRelationProvider =>
        disallowWritingIntervals(, forbidAnsiIntervals = true)
        SaveIntoDataSourceCommand(data, dataSource, caseInsensitiveOptions, mode)
      case format: FileFormat =>
        disallowWritingIntervals(, forbidAnsiIntervals = false)
        planForWritingFileFormat(format, mode, data)
      case _ => throw new IllegalStateException(
        s"${providingClass.getCanonicalName} does not allow create table as select.")

  /** Returns an [[InMemoryFileIndex]] that can be used to get partition schema and file list. */
  private def createInMemoryFileIndex(globbedPaths: Seq[Path]): InMemoryFileIndex = {
    val fileStatusCache = FileStatusCache.getOrCreate(sparkSession)
    new InMemoryFileIndex(
      sparkSession, globbedPaths, options, userSpecifiedSchema, fileStatusCache)

   * Checks and returns files in all the paths.
  private def checkAndGlobPathIfNecessary(
      checkEmptyGlobPath: Boolean,
      checkFilesExist: Boolean): Seq[Path] = {
    val allPaths = caseInsensitiveOptions.get("path") ++ paths
    DataSource.checkAndGlobPathIfNecessary(allPaths.toSeq, newHadoopConfiguration(),
      checkEmptyGlobPath, checkFilesExist, enableGlobbing = globPaths)

  private def disallowWritingIntervals(
      dataTypes: Seq[DataType],
      forbidAnsiIntervals: Boolean): Unit = {
      TypeUtils.invokeOnceForInterval(_, forbidAnsiIntervals) {
      throw QueryCompilationErrors.cannotSaveIntervalIntoExternalStorageError()

object DataSource extends Logging {

  /** A map to maintain backward compatibility in case we move data sources around. */
  private val backwardCompatibilityMap: Map[String, String] = {
    val jdbc = classOf[JdbcRelationProvider].getCanonicalName
    val json = classOf[JsonFileFormat].getCanonicalName
    val parquet = classOf[ParquetFileFormat].getCanonicalName
    val csv = classOf[CSVFileFormat].getCanonicalName
    val libsvm = ""
    val orc = "org.apache.spark.sql.hive.orc.OrcFileFormat"
    val nativeOrc = classOf[OrcFileFormat].getCanonicalName
    val socket = classOf[TextSocketSourceProvider].getCanonicalName
    val rate = classOf[RateStreamProvider].getCanonicalName

      "org.apache.spark.sql.jdbc" -> jdbc,
      "org.apache.spark.sql.jdbc.DefaultSource" -> jdbc,
      "org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.jdbc.DefaultSource" -> jdbc,
      "org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.jdbc" -> jdbc,
      "org.apache.spark.sql.json" -> json,
      "org.apache.spark.sql.json.DefaultSource" -> json,
      "org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.json" -> json,
      "org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.json.DefaultSource" -> json,
      "org.apache.spark.sql.parquet" -> parquet,
      "org.apache.spark.sql.parquet.DefaultSource" -> parquet,
      "org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.parquet" -> parquet,
      "org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.parquet.DefaultSource" -> parquet,
      "org.apache.spark.sql.hive.orc.DefaultSource" -> orc,
      "org.apache.spark.sql.hive.orc" -> orc,
      "org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.orc.DefaultSource" -> nativeOrc,
      "org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.orc" -> nativeOrc,
      "" -> libsvm,
      "" -> libsvm,
      "com.databricks.spark.csv" -> csv,
      "org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.TextSocketSourceProvider" -> socket,
      "org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.RateSourceProvider" -> rate

   * Class that were removed in Spark 2.0. Used to detect incompatibility libraries for Spark 2.0.
  private val spark2RemovedClasses = Set(

  /** Given a provider name, look up the data source class definition. */
  def lookupDataSource(provider: String, conf: SQLConf): Class[_] = {
    val provider1 = backwardCompatibilityMap.getOrElse(provider, provider) match {
      case name if name.equalsIgnoreCase("orc") &&
          conf.getConf(SQLConf.ORC_IMPLEMENTATION) == "native" =>
      case name if name.equalsIgnoreCase("orc") &&
          conf.getConf(SQLConf.ORC_IMPLEMENTATION) == "hive" =>
      case "com.databricks.spark.avro" if conf.replaceDatabricksSparkAvroEnabled =>
      case name => name
    val provider2 = s"$provider1.DefaultSource"
    val loader = Utils.getContextOrSparkClassLoader
    val serviceLoader = ServiceLoader.load(classOf[DataSourceRegister], loader)

    try {
      serviceLoader.asScala.filter(_.shortName().equalsIgnoreCase(provider1)).toList match {
        // the provider format did not match any given registered aliases
        case Nil =>
          try {
            Try(loader.loadClass(provider1)).orElse(Try(loader.loadClass(provider2))) match {
              case Success(dataSource) =>
                // Found the data source using fully qualified path
              case Failure(error) =>
                if (provider1.startsWith("org.apache.spark.sql.hive.orc")) {
                  throw QueryCompilationErrors.orcNotUsedWithHiveEnabledError()
                } else if (provider1.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT) == "avro" ||
                  provider1 == "com.databricks.spark.avro" ||
                  provider1 == "org.apache.spark.sql.avro") {
                  throw QueryCompilationErrors.failedToFindAvroDataSourceError(provider1)
                } else if (provider1.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT) == "kafka") {
                  throw QueryCompilationErrors.failedToFindKafkaDataSourceError(provider1)
                } else {
                  throw QueryExecutionErrors.failedToFindDataSourceError(provider1, error)
          } catch {
            case e: NoClassDefFoundError => // This one won't be caught by Scala NonFatal
              // NoClassDefFoundError's class name uses "/" rather than "." for packages
              val className = e.getMessage.replaceAll("/", ".")
              if (spark2RemovedClasses.contains(className)) {
                throw QueryExecutionErrors.removedClassInSpark2Error(className, e)
              } else {
                throw e
        case head :: Nil =>
          // there is exactly one registered alias
        case sources =>
          // There are multiple registered aliases for the input. If there is single datasource
          // that has "org.apache.spark" package in the prefix, we use it considering it is an
          // internal datasource within Spark.
          val sourceNames =
          val internalSources = sources.filter(_.getClass.getName.startsWith("org.apache.spark"))
          if (internalSources.size == 1) {
            logWarning(s"Multiple sources found for $provider1 (${sourceNames.mkString(", ")}), " +
              s"defaulting to the internal datasource (${internalSources.head.getClass.getName}).")
          } else {
            throw QueryCompilationErrors.findMultipleDataSourceError(provider1, sourceNames)
    } catch {
      case e: ServiceConfigurationError if e.getCause.isInstanceOf[NoClassDefFoundError] =>
        // NoClassDefFoundError's class name uses "/" rather than "." for packages
        val className = e.getCause.getMessage.replaceAll("/", ".")
        if (spark2RemovedClasses.contains(className)) {
          throw QueryExecutionErrors.incompatibleDataSourceRegisterError(e)
        } else {
          throw e

   * Returns an optional [[TableProvider]] instance for the given provider. It returns None if
   * there is no corresponding Data Source V2 implementation, or the provider is configured to
   * fallback to Data Source V1 code path.
  def lookupDataSourceV2(provider: String, conf: SQLConf): Option[TableProvider] = {
    val useV1Sources = conf.getConf(SQLConf.USE_V1_SOURCE_LIST).toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT)
    val cls = lookupDataSource(provider, conf)
    cls.newInstance() match {
      case d: DataSourceRegister if useV1Sources.contains(d.shortName()) => None
      case t: TableProvider
          if !useV1Sources.contains(cls.getCanonicalName.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT)) =>
      case _ => None

   * The key in the "options" map for deciding whether or not to glob paths before use.
  val GLOB_PATHS_KEY = "__globPaths__"

   * Checks and returns files in all the paths.
  private[sql] def checkAndGlobPathIfNecessary(
      pathStrings: Seq[String],
      hadoopConf: Configuration,
      checkEmptyGlobPath: Boolean,
      checkFilesExist: Boolean,
      numThreads: Integer = 40,
      enableGlobbing: Boolean): Seq[Path] = {
    val qualifiedPaths = { pathString =>
      val path = new Path(pathString)
      val fs = path.getFileSystem(hadoopConf)
      path.makeQualified(fs.getUri, fs.getWorkingDirectory)

    // Split the paths into glob and non glob paths, because we don't need to do an existence check
    // for globbed paths.
    val (globPaths, nonGlobPaths) = qualifiedPaths.partition(SparkHadoopUtil.get.isGlobPath)

    val globbedPaths =
      try {
        ThreadUtils.parmap(globPaths, "globPath", numThreads) { globPath =>
          val fs = globPath.getFileSystem(hadoopConf)
          val globResult = if (enableGlobbing) {
            SparkHadoopUtil.get.globPath(fs, globPath)
          } else {

          if (checkEmptyGlobPath && globResult.isEmpty) {
            throw QueryCompilationErrors.dataPathNotExistError(globPath.toString)

      } catch {
        case e: SparkException => throw e.getCause

    if (checkFilesExist) {
      try {
        ThreadUtils.parmap(nonGlobPaths, "checkPathsExist", numThreads) { path =>
          val fs = path.getFileSystem(hadoopConf)
          if (!fs.exists(path)) {
            throw QueryCompilationErrors.dataPathNotExistError(path.toString)
      } catch {
        case e: SparkException => throw e.getCause

    val allPaths = globbedPaths ++ nonGlobPaths
    if (checkFilesExist) {
      val (filteredOut, filteredIn) = allPaths.partition { path =>
      if (filteredIn.isEmpty) {
          s"All paths were ignored:\n  ${filteredOut.mkString("\n  ")}")
      } else {
          s"Some paths were ignored:\n  ${filteredOut.mkString("\n  ")}")


   * When creating a data source table, the `path` option has a special meaning: the table location.
   * This method extracts the `path` option and treat it as table location to build a
   * [[CatalogStorageFormat]]. Note that, the `path` option is removed from options after this.
  def buildStorageFormatFromOptions(options: Map[String, String]): CatalogStorageFormat = {
    val path = CaseInsensitiveMap(options).get("path")
    val optionsWithoutPath = options.filterKeys(_.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT) != "path")
      locationUri =, properties = optionsWithoutPath.toMap)

   * Called before writing into a FileFormat based data source to make sure the
   * supplied schema is not empty.
   * @param schema
  def validateSchema(schema: StructType): Unit = {
    def hasEmptySchema(schema: StructType): Boolean = {
      schema.size == 0 || schema.exists {
        case StructField(_, b: StructType, _, _) => hasEmptySchema(b)
        case _ => false

    if (hasEmptySchema(schema)) {
      throw QueryCompilationErrors.writeEmptySchemasUnsupportedByDataSourceError()

   * Resolve partition columns using output columns of the query plan.
  def resolvePartitionColumns(
      partitionColumns: Seq[Attribute],
      outputColumns: Seq[Attribute],
      plan: LogicalPlan,
      resolver: Resolver): Seq[Attribute] = { { col =>
      // The partition columns created in `planForWritingFileFormat` should always be
      // `UnresolvedAttribute` with a single name part.
      val unresolved = col.asInstanceOf[UnresolvedAttribute]
      assert(unresolved.nameParts.length == 1)
      val name = unresolved.nameParts.head
      outputColumns.find(a => resolver(, name)).getOrElse {
        throw QueryCompilationErrors.cannotResolveAttributeError(
          name,", "))


spark 源码目录


spark AggregatePushDownUtils 源码

spark ApplyCharTypePadding 源码

spark BasicWriteStatsTracker 源码

spark BucketingUtils 源码

spark CatalogFileIndex 源码

spark CodecStreams 源码

spark DataSourceStrategy 源码

spark DataSourceUtils 源码

spark DaysWritable 源码

spark FallBackFileSourceV2 源码

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