spark DataSourceStrategy 源码

  • 2022-10-20
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spark DataSourceStrategy 代码


 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources

import java.util.Locale

import scala.collection.mutable

import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path

import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.{CatalystTypeConverters, InternalRow, QualifiedTableName, SQLConfHelper}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.CatalystTypeConverters.convertToScala
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.catalog._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.encoders.RowEncoder
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.aggregate.AggregateExpression
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.planning.PhysicalOperation
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.{InsertIntoDir, InsertIntoStatement, LogicalPlan, Project}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.rules.Rule
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.streaming.StreamingRelationV2
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.{ResolveDefaultColumns, V2ExpressionBuilder}
import org.apache.spark.sql.connector.catalog.SupportsRead
import org.apache.spark.sql.connector.catalog.TableCapability._
import org.apache.spark.sql.connector.expressions.{Expression => V2Expression, NullOrdering, SortDirection, SortOrder => V2SortOrder, SortValue}
import org.apache.spark.sql.connector.expressions.aggregate.{AggregateFunc, Aggregation}
import org.apache.spark.sql.errors.QueryCompilationErrors
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.{RowDataSourceScanExec, SparkPlan}
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.command._
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.v2.PushedDownOperators
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.StreamingRelation
import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.SQLConf.StoreAssignmentPolicy
import org.apache.spark.sql.sources._
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import org.apache.spark.sql.util.CaseInsensitiveStringMap
import org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.UTF8String

 * Replaces generic operations with specific variants that are designed to work with Spark
 * SQL Data Sources.
 * Note that, this rule must be run after `PreprocessTableCreation` and
 * `PreprocessTableInsertion`.
case class DataSourceAnalysis(analyzer: Analyzer) extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {

  def resolver: Resolver = conf.resolver

  // Visible for testing.
  def convertStaticPartitions(
      sourceAttributes: Seq[Attribute],
      providedPartitions: Map[String, Option[String]],
      targetAttributes: Seq[Attribute],
      targetPartitionSchema: StructType): Seq[NamedExpression] = {


    val staticPartitions = providedPartitions.flatMap {
      case (partKey, Some(partValue)) => (partKey, partValue) :: Nil
      case (_, None) => Nil

    // The sum of the number of static partition columns and columns provided in the SELECT
    // clause needs to match the number of columns of the target table.
    if (staticPartitions.size + sourceAttributes.size != targetAttributes.size) {
      throw QueryCompilationErrors.insertMismatchedColumnNumberError(
        targetAttributes, sourceAttributes, staticPartitions.size)

    if (providedPartitions.size != targetPartitionSchema.fields.size) {
      throw QueryCompilationErrors.insertMismatchedPartitionNumberError(
        targetPartitionSchema, providedPartitions.size)

    staticPartitions.foreach {
      case (partKey, _) =>
        if (!targetPartitionSchema.fields.exists(field => resolver(, partKey))) {
          throw QueryCompilationErrors.invalidPartitionColumnError(partKey, targetPartitionSchema)

    val partitionList = { field =>
      val potentialSpecs = staticPartitions.filter {
        case (partKey, partValue) => resolver(, partKey)
      if (potentialSpecs.isEmpty) {
      } else if (potentialSpecs.size == 1) {
        val partValue = potentialSpecs.head._2
        conf.storeAssignmentPolicy match {
          // SPARK-30844: try our best to follow StoreAssignmentPolicy for static partition
          // values but not completely follow because we can't do static type checking due to
          // the reason that the parser has erased the type info of static partition values
          // and converted them to string.
          case StoreAssignmentPolicy.ANSI | StoreAssignmentPolicy.STRICT =>
            val cast = Cast(Literal(partValue), field.dataType, Option(conf.sessionLocalTimeZone),
              ansiEnabled = true)
            cast.setTagValue(Cast.BY_TABLE_INSERTION, ())
          case _ =>
            val castExpression =
              Cast(Literal(partValue), field.dataType, Option(conf.sessionLocalTimeZone),
                ansiEnabled = false)
      } else {
        throw QueryCompilationErrors.multiplePartitionColumnValuesSpecifiedError(
          field, potentialSpecs)

    // We first drop all leading static partitions using dropWhile and check if there is
    // any static partition appear after dynamic partitions.
    partitionList.dropWhile(_.isDefined).collectFirst {
      case Some(_) =>
        throw QueryCompilationErrors.invalidOrderingForConstantValuePartitionColumnError(

    val projectList =
      sourceAttributes.take(targetAttributes.size - targetPartitionSchema.fields.size) ++
        partitionList.take(staticPartitions.size).map(_.get) ++
        sourceAttributes.takeRight(targetPartitionSchema.fields.size - staticPartitions.size)


  override def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan resolveOperators {
    case CreateTable(tableDesc, mode, None) if DDLUtils.isDatasourceTable(tableDesc) =>
      val newSchema: StructType =
          tableDesc.schema, tableDesc.provider, "CREATE TABLE", false)
      val newTableDesc = tableDesc.copy(schema = newSchema)
      CreateDataSourceTableCommand(newTableDesc, ignoreIfExists = mode == SaveMode.Ignore)

    case CreateTable(tableDesc, mode, Some(query))
        if query.resolved && DDLUtils.isDatasourceTable(tableDesc) =>
      CreateDataSourceTableAsSelectCommand(tableDesc, mode, query,

    case InsertIntoStatement(l @ LogicalRelation(_: InsertableRelation, _, _, _),
        parts, _, query, overwrite, false) if parts.isEmpty =>
      InsertIntoDataSourceCommand(l, query, overwrite)

    case InsertIntoDir(_, storage, provider, query, overwrite)
      if query.resolved && provider.isDefined &&
        provider.get.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT) != DDLUtils.HIVE_PROVIDER =>
      val outputPath = new Path(storage.locationUri.get)
      if (overwrite) DDLUtils.verifyNotReadPath(query, outputPath)

      InsertIntoDataSourceDirCommand(storage, provider.get, query, overwrite)

    case i @ InsertIntoStatement(
        l @ LogicalRelation(t: HadoopFsRelation, _, table, _), parts, _, query, overwrite, _) =>
      // If the InsertIntoTable command is for a partitioned HadoopFsRelation and
      // the user has specified static partitions, we add a Project operator on top of the query
      // to include those constant column values in the query result.
      // Example:
      // Let's say that we have a table "t", which is created by
      // CREATE TABLE t (a INT, b INT, c INT) USING parquet PARTITIONED BY (b, c)
      // The statement of "INSERT INTO TABLE t PARTITION (b=2, c) SELECT 1, 3"
      // will be converted to "INSERT INTO TABLE t PARTITION (b, c) SELECT 1, 2, 3".
      // Basically, we will put those partition columns having a assigned value back
      // to the SELECT clause. The output of the SELECT clause is organized as
      // normal_columns static_partitioning_columns dynamic_partitioning_columns.
      // static_partitioning_columns are partitioning columns having assigned
      // values in the PARTITION clause (e.g. b in the above example).
      // dynamic_partitioning_columns are partitioning columns that do not assigned
      // values in the PARTITION clause (e.g. c in the above example).
      val actualQuery = if (parts.exists(_._2.isDefined)) {
        val projectList = convertStaticPartitions(
          sourceAttributes = query.output,
          providedPartitions = parts,
          targetAttributes = l.output,
          targetPartitionSchema = t.partitionSchema)
        Project(projectList, query)
      } else {

      // Sanity check
      if (t.location.rootPaths.size != 1) {
        throw QueryCompilationErrors.cannotWriteDataToRelationsWithMultiplePathsError()

      val outputPath = t.location.rootPaths.head
      val mode = if (overwrite) SaveMode.Overwrite else SaveMode.Append

      val partitionSchema = actualQuery.resolve(
        t.partitionSchema, t.sparkSession.sessionState.analyzer.resolver)
      val staticPartitions = parts.filter(_._2.nonEmpty).map { case (k, v) => k -> v.get }

      val insertCommand = InsertIntoHadoopFsRelationCommand(

      // For dynamic partition overwrite, we do not delete partition directories ahead.
      // We write to staging directories and move to final partition directories after writing
      // job is done. So it is ok to have outputPath try to overwrite inputpath.
      if (overwrite && !insertCommand.dynamicPartitionOverwrite) {
        DDLUtils.verifyNotReadPath(actualQuery, outputPath)

 * Replaces [[UnresolvedCatalogRelation]] with concrete relation logical plans.
 * TODO: we should remove the special handling for hive tables after completely making hive as a
 * data source.
class FindDataSourceTable(sparkSession: SparkSession) extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {
  private def readDataSourceTable(
      table: CatalogTable, extraOptions: CaseInsensitiveStringMap): LogicalPlan = {
    val qualifiedTableName = QualifiedTableName(table.database, table.identifier.table)
    val catalog = sparkSession.sessionState.catalog
    val dsOptions = DataSourceUtils.generateDatasourceOptions(extraOptions, table)
    catalog.getCachedPlan(qualifiedTableName, () => {
      val dataSource =
          // In older version(prior to 2.1) of Spark, the table schema can be empty and should be
          // inferred at runtime. We should still support it.
          userSpecifiedSchema = if (table.schema.isEmpty) None else Some(table.schema),
          partitionColumns = table.partitionColumnNames,
          bucketSpec = table.bucketSpec,
          className = table.provider.get,
          options = dsOptions,
          catalogTable = Some(table))
      LogicalRelation(dataSource.resolveRelation(checkFilesExist = false), table)

  private def getStreamingRelation(
      table: CatalogTable,
      extraOptions: CaseInsensitiveStringMap): StreamingRelation = {
    val dsOptions = DataSourceUtils.generateDatasourceOptions(extraOptions, table)
    val dataSource = DataSource(,
      className = table.provider.get,
      userSpecifiedSchema = Some(table.schema),
      options = dsOptions,
      catalogTable = Some(table))

  override def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan resolveOperators {
    case i @ InsertIntoStatement(UnresolvedCatalogRelation(tableMeta, options, false),
        _, _, _, _, _) if DDLUtils.isDatasourceTable(tableMeta) =>
      i.copy(table = readDataSourceTable(tableMeta, options))

    case i @ InsertIntoStatement(UnresolvedCatalogRelation(tableMeta, _, false), _, _, _, _, _) =>
      i.copy(table = DDLUtils.readHiveTable(tableMeta))

    case UnresolvedCatalogRelation(tableMeta, options, false)
        if DDLUtils.isDatasourceTable(tableMeta) =>
      readDataSourceTable(tableMeta, options)

    case UnresolvedCatalogRelation(tableMeta, _, false) =>

    case UnresolvedCatalogRelation(tableMeta, extraOptions, true) =>
      getStreamingRelation(tableMeta, extraOptions)

    case s @ StreamingRelationV2(
        _, _, table, extraOptions, _, _, _, Some(UnresolvedCatalogRelation(tableMeta, _, true))) =>
      import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.v2.DataSourceV2Implicits._
      val v1Relation = getStreamingRelation(tableMeta, extraOptions)
      if (table.isInstanceOf[SupportsRead]
          && table.supportsAny(MICRO_BATCH_READ, CONTINUOUS_READ)) {
        s.copy(v1Relation = Some(v1Relation))
      } else {
        // Fallback to V1 relation

 * A Strategy for planning scans over data sources defined using the sources API.
object DataSourceStrategy
  extends Strategy with Logging with CastSupport with PredicateHelper with SQLConfHelper {

  def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): Seq[execution.SparkPlan] = plan match {
    case PhysicalOperation(projects, filters, l @ LogicalRelation(t: CatalystScan, _, _, _)) =>
        (requestedColumns, allPredicates, _) =>
          toCatalystRDD(l, requestedColumns, t.buildScan(requestedColumns, allPredicates))) :: Nil

    case PhysicalOperation(projects, filters,
                           l @ LogicalRelation(t: PrunedFilteredScan, _, _, _)) =>
        (a, f) => toCatalystRDD(l, a, t.buildScan(, f))) :: Nil

    case PhysicalOperation(projects, filters, l @ LogicalRelation(t: PrunedScan, _, _, _)) =>
        (a, _) => toCatalystRDD(l, a, t.buildScan( :: Nil

    case l @ LogicalRelation(baseRelation: TableScan, _, _, _) =>
        PushedDownOperators(None, None, None, None, Seq.empty, Seq.empty),
        toCatalystRDD(l, baseRelation.buildScan()),
        None) :: Nil

    case _ => Nil

  // Based on Public API.
  private def pruneFilterProject(
      relation: LogicalRelation,
      projects: Seq[NamedExpression],
      filterPredicates: Seq[Expression],
      scanBuilder: (Seq[Attribute], Array[Filter]) => RDD[InternalRow]) = {
      (requestedColumns, _, pushedFilters) => {
        scanBuilder(requestedColumns, pushedFilters.toArray)

  // Based on Catalyst expressions. The `scanBuilder` function accepts three arguments:
  //  1. A `Seq[Attribute]`, containing all required column attributes. Used to handle relation
  //     traits that support column pruning (e.g. `PrunedScan` and `PrunedFilteredScan`).
  //  2. A `Seq[Expression]`, containing all gathered Catalyst filter expressions, only used for
  //     `CatalystScan`.
  //  3. A `Seq[Filter]`, containing all data source `Filter`s that are converted from (possibly a
  //     subset of) Catalyst filter expressions and can be handled by `relation`.  Used to handle
  //     relation traits (`CatalystScan` excluded) that support filter push-down (e.g.
  //     `PrunedFilteredScan` and `HadoopFsRelation`).
  // Note that 2 and 3 shouldn't be used together.
  private def pruneFilterProjectRaw(
    relation: LogicalRelation,
    projects: Seq[NamedExpression],
    filterPredicates: Seq[Expression],
    scanBuilder: (Seq[Attribute], Seq[Expression], Seq[Filter]) => RDD[InternalRow]): SparkPlan = {

    val projectSet = AttributeSet(projects.flatMap(_.references))
    val filterSet = AttributeSet(filterPredicates.flatMap(_.references))

    val candidatePredicates = { _ transform {
      case a: AttributeReference => relation.attributeMap(a) // Match original case of attributes.

    val (unhandledPredicates, pushedFilters, handledFilters) =
      selectFilters(relation.relation, candidatePredicates)

    // Combines all Catalyst filter `Expression`s that are either not convertible to data source
    // `Filter`s or cannot be handled by `relation`.
    val filterCondition = unhandledPredicates.reduceLeftOption(expressions.And)

    if ( == projects &&
        projectSet.size == projects.size &&
        filterSet.subsetOf(projectSet)) {
      // When it is possible to just use column pruning to get the right projection and
      // when the columns of this projection are enough to evaluate all filter conditions,
      // just do a scan followed by a filter, with no extra project.
      val requestedColumns = projects
        // Safe due to if above.
        // Match original case of attributes.

      val scan = RowDataSourceScanExec(
        PushedDownOperators(None, None, None, None, Seq.empty, Seq.empty),
        scanBuilder(requestedColumns, candidatePredicates, pushedFilters),
        relation.relation,, scan)).getOrElse(scan)
    } else {
      // A set of column attributes that are only referenced by pushed down filters.  We can
      // eliminate them from requested columns.
      val handledSet = {
        val handledPredicates = filterPredicates.filterNot(unhandledPredicates.contains)
        val unhandledSet = AttributeSet(unhandledPredicates.flatMap(_.references))
        AttributeSet(handledPredicates.flatMap(_.references)) --
          (projectSet ++ unhandledSet).map(relation.attributeMap)
      // Don't request columns that are only referenced by pushed filters.
      val requestedColumns =
        (projectSet ++ filterSet -- handledSet).map(relation.attributeMap).toSeq

      val scan = RowDataSourceScanExec(
        PushedDownOperators(None, None, None, None, Seq.empty, Seq.empty),
        scanBuilder(requestedColumns, candidatePredicates, pushedFilters),
        projects,, scan)).getOrElse(scan))

   * Convert RDD of Row into RDD of InternalRow with objects in catalyst types
  private[this] def toCatalystRDD(
      relation: LogicalRelation,
      output: Seq[Attribute],
      rdd: RDD[Row]): RDD[InternalRow] = {
    DataSourceStrategy.toCatalystRDD(relation.relation, output, rdd)

   * Convert RDD of Row into RDD of InternalRow with objects in catalyst types
  private[this] def toCatalystRDD(relation: LogicalRelation, rdd: RDD[Row]): RDD[InternalRow] = {
    toCatalystRDD(relation, relation.output, rdd)

   * The attribute name may differ from the one in the schema if the query analyzer
   * is case insensitive. We should change attribute names to match the ones in the schema,
   * so we do not need to worry about case sensitivity anymore.
  protected[sql] def normalizeExprs(
      exprs: Seq[Expression],
      attributes: Seq[Attribute]): Seq[Expression] = { { e =>
      e transform {
        case a: AttributeReference =>

  def getPushedDownFilters(
      partitionColumns: Seq[Expression],
      normalizedFilters: Seq[Expression]): ExpressionSet = {
    if (partitionColumns.isEmpty) {
    } else {
      val partitionSet = AttributeSet(partitionColumns)
      val predicates = ExpressionSet(normalizedFilters
        .flatMap(extractPredicatesWithinOutputSet(_, partitionSet)))
      logInfo(s"Pruning directories with: ${predicates.mkString(",")}")

  private def translateLeafNodeFilter(
      predicate: Expression,
      pushableColumn: PushableColumnBase): Option[Filter] = predicate match {
    case expressions.EqualTo(pushableColumn(name), Literal(v, t)) =>
      Some(sources.EqualTo(name, convertToScala(v, t)))
    case expressions.EqualTo(Literal(v, t), pushableColumn(name)) =>
      Some(sources.EqualTo(name, convertToScala(v, t)))

    case expressions.EqualNullSafe(pushableColumn(name), Literal(v, t)) =>
      Some(sources.EqualNullSafe(name, convertToScala(v, t)))
    case expressions.EqualNullSafe(Literal(v, t), pushableColumn(name)) =>
      Some(sources.EqualNullSafe(name, convertToScala(v, t)))

    case expressions.GreaterThan(pushableColumn(name), Literal(v, t)) =>
      Some(sources.GreaterThan(name, convertToScala(v, t)))
    case expressions.GreaterThan(Literal(v, t), pushableColumn(name)) =>
      Some(sources.LessThan(name, convertToScala(v, t)))

    case expressions.LessThan(pushableColumn(name), Literal(v, t)) =>
      Some(sources.LessThan(name, convertToScala(v, t)))
    case expressions.LessThan(Literal(v, t), pushableColumn(name)) =>
      Some(sources.GreaterThan(name, convertToScala(v, t)))

    case expressions.GreaterThanOrEqual(pushableColumn(name), Literal(v, t)) =>
      Some(sources.GreaterThanOrEqual(name, convertToScala(v, t)))
    case expressions.GreaterThanOrEqual(Literal(v, t), pushableColumn(name)) =>
      Some(sources.LessThanOrEqual(name, convertToScala(v, t)))

    case expressions.LessThanOrEqual(pushableColumn(name), Literal(v, t)) =>
      Some(sources.LessThanOrEqual(name, convertToScala(v, t)))
    case expressions.LessThanOrEqual(Literal(v, t), pushableColumn(name)) =>
      Some(sources.GreaterThanOrEqual(name, convertToScala(v, t)))

    case expressions.InSet(e @ pushableColumn(name), set) =>
      val toScala = CatalystTypeConverters.createToScalaConverter(e.dataType)

    // Because we only convert In to InSet in Optimizer when there are more than certain
    // items. So it is possible we still get an In expression here that needs to be pushed
    // down.
    case expressions.In(e @ pushableColumn(name), list) if list.forall(_.isInstanceOf[Literal]) =>
      val hSet =
      val toScala = CatalystTypeConverters.createToScalaConverter(e.dataType)

    case expressions.IsNull(pushableColumn(name)) =>
    case expressions.IsNotNull(pushableColumn(name)) =>
    case expressions.StartsWith(pushableColumn(name), Literal(v: UTF8String, StringType)) =>
      Some(sources.StringStartsWith(name, v.toString))

    case expressions.EndsWith(pushableColumn(name), Literal(v: UTF8String, StringType)) =>
      Some(sources.StringEndsWith(name, v.toString))

    case expressions.Contains(pushableColumn(name), Literal(v: UTF8String, StringType)) =>
      Some(sources.StringContains(name, v.toString))

    case expressions.Literal(true, BooleanType) =>

    case expressions.Literal(false, BooleanType) =>

    case e @ pushableColumn(name) if e.dataType.isInstanceOf[BooleanType] =>
      Some(sources.EqualTo(name, true))

    case _ => None

   * Tries to translate a Catalyst [[Expression]] into data source [[Filter]].
   * @return a `Some[Filter]` if the input [[Expression]] is convertible, otherwise a `None`.
  protected[sql] def translateFilter(
      predicate: Expression, supportNestedPredicatePushdown: Boolean): Option[Filter] = {
    translateFilterWithMapping(predicate, None, supportNestedPredicatePushdown)

   * Tries to translate a Catalyst [[Expression]] into data source [[Filter]].
   * @param predicate The input [[Expression]] to be translated as [[Filter]]
   * @param translatedFilterToExpr An optional map from leaf node filter expressions to its
   *                               translated [[Filter]]. The map is used for rebuilding
   *                               [[Expression]] from [[Filter]].
   * @param nestedPredicatePushdownEnabled Whether nested predicate pushdown is enabled.
   * @return a `Some[Filter]` if the input [[Expression]] is convertible, otherwise a `None`.
  protected[sql] def translateFilterWithMapping(
      predicate: Expression,
      translatedFilterToExpr: Option[mutable.HashMap[sources.Filter, Expression]],
      nestedPredicatePushdownEnabled: Boolean)
    : Option[Filter] = {
    predicate match {
      case expressions.And(left, right) =>
        // See SPARK-12218 for detailed discussion
        // It is not safe to just convert one side if we do not understand the
        // other side. Here is an example used to explain the reason.
        // Let's say we have (a = 2 AND trim(b) = 'blah') OR (c > 0)
        // and we do not understand how to convert trim(b) = 'blah'.
        // If we only convert a = 2, we will end up with
        // (a = 2) OR (c > 0), which will generate wrong results.
        // Pushing one leg of AND down is only safe to do at the top level.
        // You can see ParquetFilters' createFilter for more details.
        for {
          leftFilter <- translateFilterWithMapping(
            left, translatedFilterToExpr, nestedPredicatePushdownEnabled)
          rightFilter <- translateFilterWithMapping(
            right, translatedFilterToExpr, nestedPredicatePushdownEnabled)
        } yield sources.And(leftFilter, rightFilter)

      case expressions.Or(left, right) =>
        for {
          leftFilter <- translateFilterWithMapping(
            left, translatedFilterToExpr, nestedPredicatePushdownEnabled)
          rightFilter <- translateFilterWithMapping(
            right, translatedFilterToExpr, nestedPredicatePushdownEnabled)
        } yield sources.Or(leftFilter, rightFilter)

      case expressions.Not(child) =>
        translateFilterWithMapping(child, translatedFilterToExpr, nestedPredicatePushdownEnabled)

      case other =>
        val filter = translateLeafNodeFilter(other, PushableColumn(nestedPredicatePushdownEnabled))
        if (filter.isDefined && translatedFilterToExpr.isDefined) {
          translatedFilterToExpr.get(filter.get) = predicate

  protected[sql] def rebuildExpressionFromFilter(
      filter: Filter,
      translatedFilterToExpr: mutable.HashMap[sources.Filter, Expression]): Expression = {
    filter match {
      case sources.And(left, right) =>
        expressions.And(rebuildExpressionFromFilter(left, translatedFilterToExpr),
          rebuildExpressionFromFilter(right, translatedFilterToExpr))
      case sources.Or(left, right) =>
        expressions.Or(rebuildExpressionFromFilter(left, translatedFilterToExpr),
          rebuildExpressionFromFilter(right, translatedFilterToExpr))
      case sources.Not(pred) =>
        expressions.Not(rebuildExpressionFromFilter(pred, translatedFilterToExpr))
      case other =>
          throw QueryCompilationErrors.failedToRebuildExpressionError(filter))

   * Selects Catalyst predicate [[Expression]]s which are convertible into data source [[Filter]]s
   * and can be handled by `relation`.
   * @return A triplet of `Seq[Expression]`, `Seq[Filter]`, and `Seq[Filter]` . The first element
   *         contains all Catalyst predicate [[Expression]]s that are either not convertible or
   *         cannot be handled by `relation`. The second element contains all converted data source
   *         [[Filter]]s that will be pushed down to the data source. The third element contains
   *         all [[Filter]]s that are completely filtered at the DataSource.
  protected[sql] def selectFilters(
      relation: BaseRelation,
      predicates: Seq[Expression]): (Seq[Expression], Seq[Filter], Set[Filter]) = {

    // For conciseness, all Catalyst filter expressions of type `expressions.Expression` below are
    // called `predicate`s, while all data source filters of type `sources.Filter` are simply called
    // `filter`s.

    // A map from original Catalyst expressions to corresponding translated data source filters.
    // If a predicate is not in this map, it means it cannot be pushed down.
    val supportNestedPredicatePushdown = DataSourceUtils.supportNestedPredicatePushdown(relation)
    val translatedMap: Map[Expression, Filter] = predicates.flatMap { p =>
      translateFilter(p, supportNestedPredicatePushdown).map(f => p -> f)

    val pushedFilters: Seq[Filter] = translatedMap.values.toSeq

    // Catalyst predicate expressions that cannot be converted to data source filters.
    val nonconvertiblePredicates = predicates.filterNot(translatedMap.contains)

    // Data source filters that cannot be handled by `relation`. An unhandled filter means
    // the data source cannot guarantee the rows returned can pass the filter.
    // As a result we must return it so Spark can plan an extra filter operator.
    val unhandledFilters = relation.unhandledFilters(translatedMap.values.toArray).toSet
    val unhandledPredicates = translatedMap.filter { case (p, f) =>
    val handledFilters = pushedFilters.toSet -- unhandledFilters

    (nonconvertiblePredicates ++ unhandledPredicates, pushedFilters, handledFilters)

   * Translate aggregate expressions and group by expressions.
   * @return translated aggregation.
  protected[sql] def translateAggregation(
      aggregates: Seq[AggregateExpression], groupBy: Seq[Expression]): Option[Aggregation] = {

    def translate(e: Expression): Option[V2Expression] = e match {
      case PushableExpression(expr) => Some(expr)
      case _ => None

    val translatedAggregates = aggregates.flatMap(translate).asInstanceOf[Seq[AggregateFunc]]
    val translatedGroupBys = groupBy.flatMap(translate)

    if (translatedAggregates.length != aggregates.length ||
      translatedGroupBys.length != groupBy.length) {
      return None

    Some(new Aggregation(translatedAggregates.toArray, translatedGroupBys.toArray))

  protected[sql] def translateSortOrders(sortOrders: Seq[SortOrder]): Seq[V2SortOrder] = {
    def translateSortOrder(sortOrder: SortOrder): Option[V2SortOrder] = sortOrder match {
      case SortOrder(PushableExpression(expr), directionV1, nullOrderingV1, _) =>
        val directionV2 = directionV1 match {
          case Ascending => SortDirection.ASCENDING
          case Descending => SortDirection.DESCENDING
        val nullOrderingV2 = nullOrderingV1 match {
          case NullsFirst => NullOrdering.NULLS_FIRST
          case NullsLast => NullOrdering.NULLS_LAST
        Some(SortValue(expr, directionV2, nullOrderingV2))
      case _ => None


   * Convert RDD of Row into RDD of InternalRow with objects in catalyst types
  private[sql] def toCatalystRDD(
      relation: BaseRelation,
      output: Seq[Attribute],
      rdd: RDD[Row]): RDD[InternalRow] = {
    if (relation.needConversion) {
      val toRow = RowEncoder(StructType.fromAttributes(output), lenient = true).createSerializer()
      rdd.mapPartitions { iterator =>
    } else {

 * Find the column name of an expression that can be pushed down.
abstract class PushableColumnBase {
  val nestedPredicatePushdownEnabled: Boolean

  def unapply(e: Expression): Option[String] = {
    import org.apache.spark.sql.connector.catalog.CatalogV2Implicits.MultipartIdentifierHelper
    if (nestedPredicatePushdownEnabled) {
    } else {

  private def extractTopLevelCol(e: Expression): Option[String] = e match {
    // Attribute that contains dot "." in name is supported only when nested predicate pushdown
    // is enabled.
    case a: Attribute if !".") => Some(
    case _ => None

  private def extractNestedCol(e: Expression): Option[Seq[String]] = e match {
    case a: Attribute => Some(Seq(
    case s: GetStructField =>
      extractNestedCol(s.child).map(_ :+ s.childSchema(s.ordinal).name)
    case _ => None

object PushableColumn {
  def apply(nestedPredicatePushdownEnabled: Boolean): PushableColumnBase = {
    if (nestedPredicatePushdownEnabled) {
    } else {

object PushableColumnAndNestedColumn extends PushableColumnBase {
  override val nestedPredicatePushdownEnabled = true

object PushableColumnWithoutNestedColumn extends PushableColumnBase {
  override val nestedPredicatePushdownEnabled = false

 * Get the expression of DS V2 to represent catalyst expression that can be pushed down.
object PushableExpression {
  def unapply(e: Expression): Option[V2Expression] = new V2ExpressionBuilder(e).build()


spark 源码目录


spark AggregatePushDownUtils 源码

spark ApplyCharTypePadding 源码

spark BasicWriteStatsTracker 源码

spark BucketingUtils 源码

spark CatalogFileIndex 源码

spark CodecStreams 源码

spark DataSource 源码

spark DataSourceUtils 源码

spark DaysWritable 源码

spark FallBackFileSourceV2 源码

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