harmony 鸿蒙Location Subsystem ChangeLog

  • 2023-02-17
  • 浏览 (599)

Location Subsystem ChangeLog

cl.location.1 API Migration from @system.geolocation.d.ts to @ohos.geoLocationManager.d.ts

APIs in @system.geolocation.d.ts do not support throwing error codes. To support this function, all APIs in @system.geolocation.d.ts are migrated to the newly added @ohos.geoLocationManager.d.ts file, and corresponding error code description is added.

To use APIs of the location subsystem, you need to import @ohos.geoLocationManager.

import geoLocationManager from ‘@ohos.geoLocationManager’;

Change Impacts

All APIs of the location subsystem are affected. To ensure normal use of these APIs, you need to import @ohos.geoLocationManager.

import geoLocationManager from ‘@ohos.geoLocationManager’;

Key API/Component Changes

Class API Type Declaration Change Type
Geolocation class Geolocation Migrated to @ohos.geoLocationManager.d.ts and replaced by ohos.geoLocationManager/geoLocationManager.
Geolocation interface static getLocation(options?: GetLocationOption): void; Migrated to @ohos.geoLocationManager.d.ts and replaced by ohos.geoLocationManager/geoLocationManager.getCurrentLocation.
Geolocation interface static getLocationType(options?: GetLocationTypeOption): void; Deprecated.
Geolocation interface static subscribe(options: SubscribeLocationOption): void; Migrated to @ohos.geoLocationManager.d.ts and replaced by ohos.geoLocationManager/geoLocationManager.on#event:locationChange.
Geolocation interface static unsubscribe(): void; Migrated to @ohos.geoLocationManager.d.ts and replaced by ohos.geoLocationManager/geoLocationManager.off#event:locationChange.
Geolocation interface static getSupportedCoordTypes(): Array; Deprecated.
interface GeolocationResponse Migrated to @ohos.geoLocationManager.d.ts and replaced by ohos.geoLocationManager/geoLocationManager.Location.
interface GetLocationOption Migrated to @ohos.geoLocationManager.d.ts and replaced by ohos.geoLocationManager/geoLocationManager.CurrentLocationRequest.
interface GetLocationTypeResponse Deprecated.
interface GetLocationTypeOption Deprecated.
interface SubscribeLocationOption Migrated to @ohos.geoLocationManager.d.ts and replaced by ohos.geoLocationManager/geoLocationManager.LocationRequest.

(Optional) Adaptation Guide

The following sample code shows how to call enableLocation in the new version:

  import geoLocationManager from '@ohos.geoLocationManager';
  try {
      geoLocationManager.enableLocation((err, data) => {
          if (err) {
              console.log('enableLocation: err=' + JSON.stringify(err));
  } catch (err) {
      console.error("errCode:" + err.code + ",errMessage:" + err.message);


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