harmony 鸿蒙Resource Scheduler Subsystem ChangeLog

  • 2023-02-03
  • 浏览 (489)

Resource Scheduler Subsystem ChangeLog


Rectified the original APIs of backgroundTaskManager of the resource scheduler subsystem. All APIs of API version 9 in the @ohos.backgroundTaskManager.d.ts file are deleted, and the APIs of API version 9 in the @ohos.resourceschedule.backgroundTaskManager.d.ts file are used. The new APIs in API version 9 comply with the error code specifications.

Change Impacts

If your application is developed based on the SDK versions of OpenHarmony and later, adapt to the modules and APIs in API version 9 and the pattern for returning error codes. Otherwise, the service logic will be affected.

Key API/Component Changes

The following methods, attributes, enums, and constants are changed in API version 9 and later versions. All the APIs in the @ohos.backgroundTaskManager.d.ts file are migrated to the @ohos.resourceschedule.backgroundTaskManager.d.ts file.

|Class|API Type|Declaration|Description| | –|–|–|–| |backgroundTaskManager|method|function resetAllEfficiencyResources(): void;|Deleted in API version 9 and moved to the ohos.resourceschedule.backgroundTaskManager.d.ts file.| |backgroundTaskManager|method|function applyEfficiencyResources(request: EfficiencyResourcesRequest): bool;|Changed in API version 9 to function applyEfficiencyResources(request: EfficiencyResourcesRequest): void; and moved to the ohos.resourceschedule.backgroundTaskManager.d.ts file.| |backgroundTaskManager.ResourceType|enum|export enum ResourceType|Deleted in API version 9 and moved to the ohos.resourceschedule.backgroundTaskManager.d.ts file.| |backgroundTaskManager.ResourceType|enum|CPU = 1|Deleted in API version 9 and moved to the ohos.resourceschedule.backgroundTaskManager.d.ts file.| |backgroundTaskManager.ResourceType|enum|COMMON_EVENT = 1 << 1|Deleted in API version 9 and moved to the ohos.resourceschedule.backgroundTaskManager.d.ts file.| |backgroundTaskManager.ResourceType|enum|TIMER = 1 << 2|Deleted in API version 9 and moved to the ohos.resourceschedule.backgroundTaskManager.d.ts file.| |backgroundTaskManager.ResourceType|enum|WORK_SCHEDULER = 1 << 3|Deleted in API version 9 and moved to the ohos.resourceschedule.backgroundTaskManager.d.ts file.| |backgroundTaskManager.ResourceType|enum|BLUETOOTH = 1 << 4|Deleted in API version 9 and moved to the ohos.resourceschedule.backgroundTaskManager.d.ts file.| |backgroundTaskManager.ResourceType|enum|GPS = 1 << 5|Deleted in API version 9 and moved to the ohos.resourceschedule.backgroundTaskManager.d.ts file.| |backgroundTaskManager.ResourceType|enum|AUDIO = 1 << 6|Deleted in API version 9 and moved to the ohos.resourceschedule.backgroundTaskManager.d.ts file.| |backgroundTaskManager.EfficiencyResourcesRequest|interface|export interface EfficiencyResourcesRequest|Deleted in API version 9 and moved to the ohos.resourceschedule.backgroundTaskManager.d.ts file.| |backgroundTaskManager.EfficiencyResourcesRequest|field|reason: string|Deleted in API version 9 and moved to the ohos.resourceschedule.backgroundTaskManager.d.ts file.| |backgroundTaskManager.EfficiencyResourcesRequest|field|isProcess?: bool|Deleted in API version 9 and moved to the ohos.resourceschedule.backgroundTaskManager.d.ts file.| |backgroundTaskManager.EfficiencyResourcesRequest|field|isPersist?: bool|Deleted in API version 9 and moved to the ohos.resourceschedule.backgroundTaskManager.d.ts file.| |backgroundTaskManager.EfficiencyResourcesRequest|field|timeOut: number|Deleted in API version 9 and moved to the ohos.resourceschedule.backgroundTaskManager.d.ts file.| |backgroundTaskManager.EfficiencyResourcesRequest|field|isApply: bool|Deleted in API version 9 and moved to the ohos.resourceschedule.backgroundTaskManager.d.ts file.| |backgroundTaskManager.EfficiencyResourcesRequest|field|resourceTypes: number|Deleted in API version 9 and moved to the ohos.resourceschedule.backgroundTaskManager.d.ts file.|

Adaptation Guide

Import the backgroundTaskManager module.

import bundle form '@ohos.resourceschedule.backgroundTaskManager'

Exception handling also needs to be adapted. For details, see the backgroundTaskManager API reference.


Rectified the original APIs of workScheduler of the resource scheduler subsystem. All APIs of API version 9 in the @ohos.workScheduler.d.ts file are deleted, and the APIs of API version 9 in the @ohos.resourceschedule.workScheduler.d.ts file are used. The new APIs in API version 9 comply with the error code specifications.

Change Impacts

If your application is developed based on the SDK versions of OpenHarmony and later, adapt to the modules and APIs in API version 9 and the pattern for returning error codes. Otherwise, the service logic will be affected.

Key API/Component Changes

The following methods, attributes, enums, and constants are changed in API version 9 and later versions. The @ohos.workScheduler.d.ts file is deleted, and all the APIs in it are moved to the @ohos.resourceschedule.workScheduler.d.ts file.

|Class|API Type|Declaration|Change Type| | –|–|–|–| |workScheduler|namespace|declare namespace workScheduler|Deleted in API version 9 and moved to the ohos.resourceschedule.workScheduler.d.ts file.| |workScheduler.WorkInfo|interface|export interface WorkInfo|Deleted in API version 9 and moved to the ohos.resourceschedule.workScheduler.d.ts file.| |workScheduler.WorkInfo|field|parameters?: {[key: string]: any}|Deleted in API version 9 and moved to the ohos.resourceschedule.workScheduler.d.ts file.| |workScheduler.WorkInfo|field|idleWaitTime?: number|Deleted in API version 9 and moved to the ohos.resourceschedule.workScheduler.d.ts file.| |workScheduler.WorkInfo|field|isDeepIdle?: boolean|Deleted in API version 9 and moved to the ohos.resourceschedule.workScheduler.d.ts file.| |workScheduler.WorkInfo|field|repeatCount?: number|Deleted in API version 9 and moved to the ohos.resourceschedule.workScheduler.d.ts file.| |workScheduler.WorkInfo|field|isRepeat?: boolean|Deleted in API version 9 and moved to the ohos.resourceschedule.workScheduler.d.ts file.| |workScheduler.WorkInfo|field|repeatCycleTime?: number|Deleted in API version 9 and moved to the ohos.resourceschedule.workScheduler.d.ts file.| |workScheduler.WorkInfo|field|storageRequest?: StorageRequest|Deleted in API version 9 and moved to the ohos.resourceschedule.workScheduler.d.ts file.| |workScheduler.WorkInfo|field|batteryStatus?: BatteryStatus|Deleted in API version 9 and moved to the ohos.resourceschedule.workScheduler.d.ts file.| |workScheduler.WorkInfo|field|batteryLevel?: number|Deleted in API version 9 and moved to the ohos.resourceschedule.workScheduler.d.ts file.| |workScheduler.WorkInfo|field|chargerType?: ChargingType|Deleted in API version 9 and moved to the ohos.resourceschedule.workScheduler.d.ts file.| |workScheduler.WorkInfo|field|isCharging?: boolean|Deleted in API version 9 and moved to the ohos.resourceschedule.workScheduler.d.ts file.| |workScheduler.WorkInfo|field|networkType?: NetworkType|Deleted in API version 9 and moved to the ohos.resourceschedule.workScheduler.d.ts file.| |workScheduler.WorkInfo|field|isPersisted?: boolean|Deleted in API version 9 and moved to the ohos.resourceschedule.workScheduler.d.ts file.| |workScheduler.WorkInfo|field|abilityName: string|Deleted in API version 9 and moved to the ohos.resourceschedule.workScheduler.d.ts file.| |workScheduler.WorkInfo|field|bundleName: string|Deleted in API version 9 and moved to the ohos.resourceschedule.workScheduler.d.ts file.| |workScheduler.WorkInfo|field|workId: number|Deleted in API version 9 and moved to the ohos.resourceschedule.workScheduler.d.ts file.| |workScheduler|method|function isLastWorkTimeOut(workId: number): Promise;|Deleted in API version 9 and moved to the ohos.resourceschedule.workScheduler.d.ts file.| |workScheduler|method|function isLastWorkTimeOut(workId: number, callback: AsyncCallback): boolean;|Deleted in API version 9 and moved to the ohos.resourceschedule.workScheduler.d.ts file.| |workScheduler|method|function stopAndClearWorks(): boolean;|Changed in API version 8 to function stopAndClearWorks(): boolean; and moved to the ohos.resourceschedule.workScheduler.d.ts file| |workScheduler|method|function obtainAllWorks(): Promise>;|Deleted in API version 9 and moved to the ohos.resourceschedule.workScheduler.d.ts file.| |workScheduler|method|function obtainAllWorks(callback: AsyncCallback): Array;|Deleted in API version 9 and moved to the ohos.resourceschedule.workScheduler.d.ts file.| |workScheduler|method|function getWorkStatus(workId: number): Promise;|Deleted in API version 9 and moved to the ohos.resourceschedule.workScheduler.d.ts file.| |workScheduler|method|function getWorkStatus(workId: number, callback: AsyncCallback): void;|Deleted in API version 9 and moved to the ohos.resourceschedule.workScheduler.d.ts file.| |workScheduler|method|function stopWork(work: WorkInfo, needCancel?: boolean): boolean;|Changed in API version 8 to function stopWork(work: WorkInfo, needCancel?: boolean): void; and moved to the ohos.resourceschedule.workScheduler.d.ts file.| |workScheduler|method|function startWork(work: WorkInfo): boolean;|Changed in API version 9 to function startWork(work: WorkInfo): void; and moved to the ohos.resourceschedule.workScheduler.d.ts file| |workScheduler.NetworkType|enum|export enum NetworkType|Deleted in API version 9 and moved to the ohos.resourceschedule.workScheduler.d.ts file.| |workScheduler.NetworkType|enum|NETWORK_TYPE_ANY = 0|Deleted in API version 9 and moved to the ohos.resourceschedule.workScheduler.d.ts file.| |workScheduler.NetworkType|enum|NETWORK_TYPE_MOBILE|Deleted in API version 9 and moved to the ohos.resourceschedule.workScheduler.d.ts file.| |workScheduler.NetworkType|enum|NETWORK_TYPE_WIFI|Deleted in API version 9 and moved to the ohos.resourceschedule.workScheduler.d.ts file.| |workScheduler.NetworkType|enum|NETWORK_TYPE_BLUETOOTH|Deleted in API version 9 and moved to the ohos.resourceschedule.workScheduler.d.ts file.| |workScheduler.NetworkType|enum|NETWORK_TYPE_WIFI_P2P|Deleted in API version 9 and moved to the ohos.resourceschedule.workScheduler.d.ts file.| |workScheduler.NetworkType|enum|NETWORK_TYPE_ETHERNET|Deleted in API version 9 and moved to the ohos.resourceschedule.workScheduler.d.ts file.| |workScheduler.ChargingType|enum|export enum ChargingType|Deleted in API version 9 and moved to the ohos.resourceschedule.workScheduler.d.ts file.| |workScheduler.ChargingType|enum|CHARGING_PLUGGED_ANY = 0|Deleted in API version 9 and moved to the ohos.resourceschedule.workScheduler.d.ts file.| |workScheduler.ChargingType|enum|CHARGING_PLUGGED_AC|Deleted in API version 9 and moved to the ohos.resourceschedule.workScheduler.d.ts file.| |workScheduler.ChargingType|enum|CHARGING_PLUGGED_USB|Deleted in API version 9 and moved to the ohos.resourceschedule.workScheduler.d.ts file.| |workScheduler.ChargingType|enum|CHARGING_PLUGGED_WIRELESS|Deleted in API version 9 and moved to the ohos.resourceschedule.workScheduler.d.ts file.| |workScheduler.BatteryStatus|enum|export enum BatteryStatus|Deleted in API version 9 and moved to the ohos.resourceschedule.workScheduler.d.ts file.| |workScheduler.BatteryStatus|enum|BATTERY_STATUS_LOW = 0|Deleted in API version 9 and moved to the ohos.resourceschedule.workScheduler.d.ts file.| |workScheduler.BatteryStatus|enum|BATTERY_STATUS_OKAY|Deleted in API version 9 and moved to the ohos.resourceschedule.workScheduler.d.ts file.| |workScheduler.BatteryStatus|enum|BATTERY_STATUS_LOW_OR_OKAY|Deleted in API version 9 and moved to the ohos.resourceschedule.workScheduler.d.ts file.| |workScheduler.StorageRequest|enum|export enum StorageRequest|Deleted in API version 9 and moved to the ohos.resourceschedule.workScheduler.d.ts file.| |workScheduler.BatteryStatus|enum|STORAGE_LEVEL_LOW = 0|Deleted in API version 9 and moved to the ohos.resourceschedule.workScheduler.d.ts file.| |workScheduler.BatteryStatus|enum|STORAGE_LEVEL_OKAY|Deleted in API version 9 and moved to the ohos.resourceschedule.workScheduler.d.ts file.| |workScheduler.BatteryStatus|enum|STORAGE_LEVEL_LOW_OR_OKAY|Deleted in API version 9 and moved to the ohos.resourceschedule.workScheduler.d.ts file.|

Adaptation Guide

Import the workScheduler module.

import bundle form '@ohos.resourceschedule.workScheduler'

Exception handling also needs to be adapted. For details, see the workScheduler API reference.


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