harmony 鸿蒙Input Method Framework ChangeLog

  • 2023-02-17
  • 浏览 (817)

Input Method Framework ChangeLog

cl.inputmethod_frameworks.1 API Filename Change

The following modules do not comply with the OpenHarmony API file naming rules. Therefore, they are modified in API version 9 and later.

Change Impacts

The SDK after the change is incompatible with the earlier versions. Therefore, adaptation is required for applications developed in earlier versions so that they can be properly built with the SDK in the new version.

Key API/Component Changes

Module File Name Before Change File Name After Change
Input method framework module @ohos.inputmethod.d.ts @ohos.inputMethod.d.ts
Input method service module @ohos.inputmethodengine.d.ts @ohos.inputMethodEngine.d.ts
Input method ExtentionAbility module @ohos.inputmethodextensionability.d.ts @ohos.InputMethodExtensionAbility.d.ts
Input method ExtentionContext module @ohos.inputmethodextensioncontext.d.ts @ohos.InputMethodExtensionContext.d.ts
Input method subtype module @ohos.inputMethodSubtype.d.ts @ohos.InputMethodSubtype.d.ts

Adaptation Guide

In the application code, change the name of the d.ts file following import to the new file name, which complies with the UpperCamelCase or lowerCamelCase style.


import inputMethodEngine from '@ohos.inputMethodEngine';


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