harmony 鸿蒙Bundle Manager Subsystem ChangeLog

  • 2023-02-03
  • 浏览 (718)

Bundle Manager Subsystem ChangeLog

cl.bundlemanager.1 Changed Underlying Capability by Adding Verification to bundle-name in the Signing Certification During Application Installation

During application installation, the bundle-name field in the signing certificate profile is verified against the bundle name of the application.

If the value of bundle-name is different from the value of bundleName in the application configuration file, the installation fails and the following error information is displayed:

error: verify signature failed.

Change Impact

For applications using system images of or later, if the bundle-name field in the signing certificate profile is different from the bundle name of the application, application installation fails. This change has no impact on applications using system images earlier than

Key API/Component Changes

No API or component change is involved.

Adaptation Guide If “error: verify signature failed” is displayed, change bundle-name in the signing certificate profile to the bundle name of the application, generate a new signing certificate (with the file name extension .p7b), and sign the application again.

For details about how to use the signing tool and generate a signing certificate, see hapsigner Guide.

cl.bundlemanager.2 Changed Underlying Capability by Adding Control over Applications Without Entry Icons

If no entry icon is configured for an application that has not requested the AllowHideDesktopIcon privilege, a default icon is displayed on the home screen. Any click on the icon redirects to the application details page. An application is determined to have no entry icon in either of the following scenarios: 1. The abilities field is not configured for the application. 2. The abilities field is configured for the application, but the skills field under the ability of any page type does not contain both ohos.want.action.home and entity.system.home, as follows: json "skills": [ { "actions": [ "ohos.want.action.home" ], "entities": [ "entity.system.home" ] } ] If the application installation mode is hdc_std install or bm install, a default icon is displayed for the application on the home screen.

If your application does not need an icon to be displayed on the home screen, request the AllowHideDesktopIcon privilege and configure it in the signing certificate or trustlist (install_list_capability.json). For details, see Application Privilege Configuration Guide.

If your application needs an icon to be displayed on the home screen, select an ability from abilities and configure its skills field to contain both ohos.want.action.home and entity.system.home.

Change Impact

For applications using system images of and later versions, if no entry icon is configured for an application, the default icon is displayed on the home screen when the application is installed using the CLI. This change has no impact on applications using system images earlier than

Key API/Component Changes

No API or component change is involved.

Adaptation Guide

If your application does not need an icon to be displayed on the home screen, request the AllowHideDesktopIcon privilege and configure it in the signing certificate or trustlist (install_list_capability.json). For details, see Application Privilege Configuration Guide.

If your application needs an icon to be displayed on the home screen, select an ability from abilities and configure its skills field to contain both ohos.want.action.home and entity.system.home.

cl.bundlemanager.3 Changed Underlying Capability by Restricting AllowAppUsePrivilegeExtension, AllowAppMultiProcess, and AllowFormVisibleNotify from Being Configured in the Signing Certificate

The AllowAppUsePrivilegeExtension, AllowAppMultiProcess, and AllowFormVisibleNotify privileges can no longer be configured in the signing certificate. They can be requested only through the trustlist (install_list_capability.json). If your application requests these privileges in the signing certificate, the installation may fail or the privileges may be invalid.

If the following error information is displayed, adapt to the new privilege configuration method. For details, see Application Privilege Configuration Guide.

error: install parse profile prop check error.

For the XTS or local debugging demo, if the install_list_capability.json file on the development board cannot be modified, you can change the bundle name of the application to start with com.acts. and request the privileges in the signing certificate.

The AllowAppUsePrivilegeExtension privilege is requested by configuring it under the extensionAbilities field, with the type attribute set to dataShare or service, in the application configuration file. If this privilege is not configured, the installation fails.

Change Impact

For applications using system images of or later, if the required privileges are not requested using the trustlist (install_list_capability.json), application installation may fail. This change has no impact on applications using system images earlier than

Key API/Component Changes

No API or component change is involved.

Adaptation Guide

If the following error information is displayed, adapt to the new privilege configuration method. For details, see Application Privilege Configuration Guide.

error: install parse profile prop check error.

For the XTS or local debugging demo, if the install_list_capability.json file on the development board cannot be modified, you can change the bundle name of the application to start with com.acts. and request the privileges in the signing certificate.

cl.bundlemanager.4 Changed Underlying Capability by Not Decompressing the HAP During HAP Installation

The HAP will no longer be decompressed during installation. After the installation is complete, only the HAP file exists in the installation directory. As a result, the application must use the standard resource management interface, rather than a combined path, to access a resource file.

Change Impact

If the application uses a combined path to access a resource file, the access fails. It must use the resource management interface.

Key API/Component Changes

No API or component change is involved.

Adaptation Guide

The resource management subsystem provides the JS interface for accessing resource files. Reference: Accessing Resource Files


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