spark DataSourceScanExec 源码

  • 2022-10-20
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spark DataSourceScanExec 代码


 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.apache.spark.sql.execution

import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit._

import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path

import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.{FileSourceOptions, InternalRow, TableIdentifier}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.catalog.BucketSpec
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.QueryPlan
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.physical.{HashPartitioning, Partitioning, UnknownPartitioning}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.{truncatedString, CaseInsensitiveMap}
import org.apache.spark.sql.errors.QueryExecutionErrors
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources._
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.parquet.{ParquetFileFormat => ParquetSource}
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.v2.PushedDownOperators
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.metric.{SQLMetric, SQLMetrics}
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.vectorized.{ConstantColumnVector, OffHeapColumnVector, OnHeapColumnVector}
import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.SQLConf
import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.{BaseRelation, Filter}
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType
import org.apache.spark.sql.vectorized.ColumnarBatch
import org.apache.spark.util.Utils
import org.apache.spark.util.collection.BitSet

trait DataSourceScanExec extends LeafExecNode {
  def relation: BaseRelation
  def tableIdentifier: Option[TableIdentifier]

  protected val nodeNamePrefix: String = ""

  override val nodeName: String = {
    s"Scan $relation ${"")}"

  // Metadata that describes more details of this scan.
  protected def metadata: Map[String, String]

  protected val maxMetadataValueLength = conf.maxMetadataStringLength

  override def simpleString(maxFields: Int): String = {
    val metadataEntries = {
      case (key, value) =>
        key + ": " + StringUtils.abbreviate(redact(value), maxMetadataValueLength)
    val metadataStr = truncatedString(metadataEntries, " ", ", ", "", maxFields)
      s"$nodeNamePrefix$nodeName${truncatedString(output, "[", ",", "]", maxFields)}$metadataStr")

  override def verboseStringWithOperatorId(): String = {
    val metadataStr = metadata.toSeq.sorted.filterNot {
      case (_, value) if (value.isEmpty || value.equals("[]")) => true
      case (key, _) if (key.equals("DataFilters") || key.equals("Format")) => true
      case (_, _) => false
    }.map {
      case (key, value) => s"$key: ${redact(value)}"

       |${ExplainUtils.generateFieldString("Output", output)}

   * Shorthand for calling redactString() without specifying redacting rules
  protected def redact(text: String): String = {
    Utils.redact(conf.stringRedactionPattern, text)

   * The data being read in.  This is to provide input to the tests in a way compatible with
   * [[InputRDDCodegen]] which all implementations used to extend.
  def inputRDDs(): Seq[RDD[InternalRow]]

/** Physical plan node for scanning data from a relation. */
case class RowDataSourceScanExec(
    output: Seq[Attribute],
    requiredSchema: StructType,
    filters: Set[Filter],
    handledFilters: Set[Filter],
    pushedDownOperators: PushedDownOperators,
    rdd: RDD[InternalRow],
    @transient relation: BaseRelation,
    tableIdentifier: Option[TableIdentifier])
  extends DataSourceScanExec with InputRDDCodegen {

  override lazy val metrics =
    Map("numOutputRows" -> SQLMetrics.createMetric(sparkContext, "number of output rows"))

  protected override def doExecute(): RDD[InternalRow] = {
    val numOutputRows = longMetric("numOutputRows")

    rdd.mapPartitionsWithIndexInternal { (index, iter) =>
      val proj = UnsafeProjection.create(schema)
      proj.initialize(index) r => {
        numOutputRows += 1

  // Input can be InternalRow, has to be turned into UnsafeRows.
  override protected val createUnsafeProjection: Boolean = true

  override def inputRDD: RDD[InternalRow] = rdd

  override val metadata: Map[String, String] = {

    def seqToString(seq: Seq[Any]): String = seq.mkString("[", ", ", "]")

    val markedFilters = if (filters.nonEmpty) {
      for (filter <- filters) yield {
        if (handledFilters.contains(filter)) s"*$filter" else s"$filter"
    } else {

    val topNOrLimitInfo =
      if (pushedDownOperators.limit.isDefined && pushedDownOperators.sortValues.nonEmpty) {
        val pushedTopN =
          s"ORDER BY ${seqToString(}" +
          s" LIMIT ${pushedDownOperators.limit.get}"
        Some("PushedTopN" -> pushedTopN)
      } else { => "PushedLimit" -> s"LIMIT $value")

    val offsetInfo = => "PushedOffset" -> s"OFFSET $value")

    val pushedFilters = if (pushedDownOperators.pushedPredicates.nonEmpty) {
    } else {

    Map("ReadSchema" -> requiredSchema.catalogString,
      "PushedFilters" -> pushedFilters) ++
      pushedDownOperators.aggregation.fold(Map[String, String]()) { v =>
        Map("PushedAggregates" -> seqToString(,
          "PushedGroupByExpressions" -> seqToString(} ++
      topNOrLimitInfo ++
      offsetInfo ++ => "PushedSample" ->
        s"SAMPLE (${(v.upperBound - v.lowerBound) * 100}) ${v.withReplacement} SEED(${v.seed})"

  // Don't care about `rdd` and `tableIdentifier` when canonicalizing.
  override def doCanonicalize(): SparkPlan =
    copy(, output)),
      rdd = null,
      tableIdentifier = None)

 * A base trait for file scans containing file listing and metrics code.
trait FileSourceScanLike extends DataSourceScanExec {

  // Filters on non-partition columns.
  def dataFilters: Seq[Expression]
  // Disable bucketed scan based on physical query plan, see rule
  // [[DisableUnnecessaryBucketedScan]] for details.
  def disableBucketedScan: Boolean
  // Bucket ids for bucket pruning.
  def optionalBucketSet: Option[BitSet]
  // Number of coalesced buckets.
  def optionalNumCoalescedBuckets: Option[Int]
  // Output attributes of the scan, including data attributes and partition attributes.
  def output: Seq[Attribute]
  // Predicates to use for partition pruning.
  def partitionFilters: Seq[Expression]
  // The file-based relation to scan.
  def relation: HadoopFsRelation
  // Required schema of the underlying relation, excluding partition columns.
  def requiredSchema: StructType
  // Identifier for the table in the metastore.
  def tableIdentifier: Option[TableIdentifier]

  lazy val metadataColumns: Seq[AttributeReference] =
    output.collect { case FileSourceMetadataAttribute(attr) => attr }

  override def vectorTypes: Option[Seq[String]] =
      requiredSchema = requiredSchema,
      partitionSchema = relation.partitionSchema,
      relation.sparkSession.sessionState.conf).map { vectorTypes =>
        vectorTypes ++
          // for column-based file format, append metadata column's vector type classes if any
 { metadataCol =>
            if (FileFormat.isConstantMetadataAttr( {
            } else if (relation.sparkSession.sessionState.conf.offHeapColumnVectorEnabled) {
            } else {

  lazy val driverMetrics = Map(
    "numFiles" -> SQLMetrics.createMetric(sparkContext, "number of files read"),
    "metadataTime" -> SQLMetrics.createTimingMetric(sparkContext, "metadata time"),
    "filesSize" -> SQLMetrics.createSizeMetric(sparkContext, "size of files read")
  ) ++ {
    if (relation.partitionSchema.nonEmpty) {
        "numPartitions" -> SQLMetrics.createMetric(sparkContext, "number of partitions read"),
        "pruningTime" ->
          SQLMetrics.createTimingMetric(sparkContext, "dynamic partition pruning time"))
    } else {
      Map.empty[String, SQLMetric]
  } ++ staticMetrics

   * Send the driver-side metrics. Before calling this function, selectedPartitions has
   * been initialized. See SPARK-26327 for more details.
  protected def sendDriverMetrics(): Unit = {
    val executionId = sparkContext.getLocalProperty(SQLExecution.EXECUTION_ID_KEY)
    SQLMetrics.postDriverMetricUpdates(sparkContext, executionId, driverMetrics.values.toSeq)

  private def isDynamicPruningFilter(e: Expression): Boolean =

  @transient lazy val selectedPartitions: Array[PartitionDirectory] = {
    val optimizerMetadataTimeNs = relation.location.metadataOpsTimeNs.getOrElse(0L)
    val startTime = System.nanoTime()
    val ret =
        partitionFilters.filterNot(isDynamicPruningFilter), dataFilters)
    setFilesNumAndSizeMetric(ret, true)
    val timeTakenMs = NANOSECONDS.toMillis(
      (System.nanoTime() - startTime) + optimizerMetadataTimeNs)

  // We can only determine the actual partitions at runtime when a dynamic partition filter is
  // present. This is because such a filter relies on information that is only available at run
  // time (for instance the keys used in the other side of a join).
  @transient protected lazy val dynamicallySelectedPartitions: Array[PartitionDirectory] = {
    val dynamicPartitionFilters = partitionFilters.filter(isDynamicPruningFilter)

    if (dynamicPartitionFilters.nonEmpty) {
      val startTime = System.nanoTime()
      // call the file index for the files matching all filters except dynamic partition filters
      val predicate = dynamicPartitionFilters.reduce(And)
      val partitionColumns = relation.partitionSchema
      val boundPredicate = Predicate.create(predicate.transform {
        case a: AttributeReference =>
          val index = partitionColumns.indexWhere( ==
          BoundReference(index, partitionColumns(index).dataType, nullable = true)
      }, Nil)
      val ret = selectedPartitions.filter(p => boundPredicate.eval(p.values))
      setFilesNumAndSizeMetric(ret, false)
      val timeTakenMs = (System.nanoTime() - startTime) / 1000 / 1000
    } else {

   * [[partitionFilters]] can contain subqueries whose results are available only at runtime so
   * accessing [[selectedPartitions]] should be guarded by this method during planning
  private def hasPartitionsAvailableAtRunTime: Boolean = {

  private def toAttribute(colName: String): Option[Attribute] =
    output.find( == colName)

  // exposed for testing
  lazy val bucketedScan: Boolean = {
    if (relation.sparkSession.sessionState.conf.bucketingEnabled && relation.bucketSpec.isDefined
      && !disableBucketedScan) {
      val spec = relation.bucketSpec.get
      val bucketColumns = spec.bucketColumnNames.flatMap(n => toAttribute(n))
      bucketColumns.size == spec.bucketColumnNames.size
    } else {

  override lazy val (outputPartitioning, outputOrdering): (Partitioning, Seq[SortOrder]) = {
    if (bucketedScan) {
      // For bucketed columns:
      // -----------------------
      // `HashPartitioning` would be used only when:
      // 1. ALL the bucketing columns are being read from the table
      // For sorted columns:
      // ---------------------
      // Sort ordering should be used when ALL these criteria's match:
      // 1. `HashPartitioning` is being used
      // 2. A prefix (or all) of the sort columns are being read from the table.
      // Sort ordering would be over the prefix subset of `sort columns` being read
      // from the table.
      // e.g.
      // Assume (col0, col2, col3) are the columns read from the table
      // If sort columns are (col0, col1), then sort ordering would be considered as (col0)
      // If sort columns are (col1, col0), then sort ordering would be empty as per rule #2
      // above
      val spec = relation.bucketSpec.get
      val bucketColumns = spec.bucketColumnNames.flatMap(n => toAttribute(n))
      val numPartitions = optionalNumCoalescedBuckets.getOrElse(spec.numBuckets)
      val partitioning = HashPartitioning(bucketColumns, numPartitions)
      val sortColumns = => toAttribute(x)).takeWhile(x => x.isDefined).map(_.get)
      val shouldCalculateSortOrder =
          sortColumns.nonEmpty &&

      val sortOrder = if (shouldCalculateSortOrder) {
        // In case of bucketing, its possible to have multiple files belonging to the
        // same bucket in a given relation. Each of these files are locally sorted
        // but those files combined together are not globally sorted. Given that,
        // the RDD partition will not be sorted even if the relation has sort columns set
        // Current solution is to check if all the buckets have a single file in it

        val files = selectedPartitions.flatMap(partition => partition.files)
        val bucketToFilesGrouping =
 => BucketingUtils.getBucketId(file))
        val singleFilePartitions = bucketToFilesGrouping.forall(p => p._2.length <= 1)

        // TODO SPARK-24528 Sort order is currently ignored if buckets are coalesced.
        if (singleFilePartitions && optionalNumCoalescedBuckets.isEmpty) {
          // TODO Currently Spark does not support writing columns sorting in descending order
          // so using Ascending order. This can be fixed in future
 => SortOrder(attribute, Ascending))
        } else {
      } else {
      (partitioning, sortOrder)
    } else {
      (UnknownPartitioning(0), Nil)

  protected lazy val pushedDownFilters = {
    val supportNestedPredicatePushdown = DataSourceUtils.supportNestedPredicatePushdown(relation)
    // `dataFilters` should not include any metadata col filters
    // because the metadata struct has been flatted in FileSourceStrategy
    // and thus metadata col filters are invalid to be pushed down
    dataFilters.filterNot(_.references.exists {
      case FileSourceMetadataAttribute(_) => true
      case _ => false
    }).flatMap(DataSourceStrategy.translateFilter(_, supportNestedPredicatePushdown))

  override lazy val metadata: Map[String, String] = {
    def seqToString(seq: Seq[Any]) = seq.mkString("[", ", ", "]")
    val location = relation.location
    val locationDesc =
      location.getClass.getSimpleName +
        Utils.buildLocationMetadata(location.rootPaths, maxMetadataValueLength)
    val metadata =
        "Format" -> relation.fileFormat.toString,
        "ReadSchema" -> requiredSchema.catalogString,
        "Batched" -> supportsColumnar.toString,
        "PartitionFilters" -> seqToString(partitionFilters),
        "PushedFilters" -> seqToString(pushedDownFilters),
        "DataFilters" -> seqToString(dataFilters),
        "Location" -> locationDesc) { spec =>
      val bucketedKey = "Bucketed"
      if (bucketedScan) {
        val numSelectedBuckets = { b =>
        } getOrElse {
        metadata ++ Map(
          bucketedKey -> "true",
          "SelectedBucketsCount" -> (s"$numSelectedBuckets out of ${spec.numBuckets}" +
   { b => s" (Coalesced to $b)"}.getOrElse("")))
      } else if (!relation.sparkSession.sessionState.conf.bucketingEnabled) {
        metadata + (bucketedKey -> "false (disabled by configuration)")
      } else if (disableBucketedScan) {
        metadata + (bucketedKey -> "false (disabled by query planner)")
      } else {
        metadata + (bucketedKey -> "false (bucket column(s) not read)")
    } getOrElse {

  override def verboseStringWithOperatorId(): String = {
    val metadataStr = metadata.toSeq.sorted.filterNot {
      case (_, value) if (value.isEmpty || value.equals("[]")) => true
      case (key, _) if (key.equals("DataFilters") || key.equals("Format")) => true
      case (_, _) => false
    }.map {
      case (key, _) if (key.equals("Location")) =>
        val location = relation.location
        val numPaths = location.rootPaths.length
        val abbreviatedLocation = if (numPaths <= 1) {
          location.rootPaths.mkString("[", ", ", "]")
        } else {
          "[" + location.rootPaths.head + s", ... ${numPaths - 1} entries]"
        s"$key: ${location.getClass.getSimpleName} ${redact(abbreviatedLocation)}"
      case (key, value) => s"$key: ${redact(value)}"

       |${ExplainUtils.generateFieldString("Output", output)}

  override def metrics: Map[String, SQLMetric] = scanMetrics

  /** SQL metrics generated only for scans using dynamic partition pruning. */
  protected lazy val staticMetrics = if (partitionFilters.exists(isDynamicPruningFilter)) {
    Map("staticFilesNum" -> SQLMetrics.createMetric(sparkContext, "static number of files read"),
      "staticFilesSize" -> SQLMetrics.createSizeMetric(sparkContext, "static size of files read"))
  } else {
    Map.empty[String, SQLMetric]

  /** Helper for computing total number and size of files in selected partitions. */
  private def setFilesNumAndSizeMetric(
      partitions: Seq[PartitionDirectory],
      static: Boolean): Unit = {
    val filesNum =
    val filesSize =
    if (!static || !partitionFilters.exists(isDynamicPruningFilter)) {
    } else {
    if (relation.partitionSchema.nonEmpty) {

  private lazy val scanMetrics = Map(
    "numOutputRows" -> SQLMetrics.createMetric(sparkContext, "number of output rows")
  ) ++ {
    // Tracking scan time has overhead, we can't afford to do it for each row, and can only do
    // it for each batch.
    if (supportsColumnar) {
      Some("scanTime" -> SQLMetrics.createTimingMetric(sparkContext, "scan time"))
    } else {
  } ++ driverMetrics

 * Physical plan node for scanning data from HadoopFsRelations.
 * @param relation The file-based relation to scan.
 * @param output Output attributes of the scan, including data attributes and partition attributes.
 * @param requiredSchema Required schema of the underlying relation, excluding partition columns.
 * @param partitionFilters Predicates to use for partition pruning.
 * @param optionalBucketSet Bucket ids for bucket pruning.
 * @param optionalNumCoalescedBuckets Number of coalesced buckets.
 * @param dataFilters Filters on non-partition columns.
 * @param tableIdentifier Identifier for the table in the metastore.
 * @param disableBucketedScan Disable bucketed scan based on physical query plan, see rule
 *                            [[DisableUnnecessaryBucketedScan]] for details.
case class FileSourceScanExec(
    @transient override val relation: HadoopFsRelation,
    override val output: Seq[Attribute],
    override val requiredSchema: StructType,
    override val partitionFilters: Seq[Expression],
    override val optionalBucketSet: Option[BitSet],
    override val optionalNumCoalescedBuckets: Option[Int],
    override val dataFilters: Seq[Expression],
    override val tableIdentifier: Option[TableIdentifier],
    override val disableBucketedScan: Boolean = false)
  extends FileSourceScanLike {

  // Note that some vals referring the file-based relation are lazy intentionally
  // so that this plan can be canonicalized on executor side too. See SPARK-23731.
  override lazy val supportsColumnar: Boolean = {
    relation.fileFormat.supportBatch(relation.sparkSession, schema)

  private lazy val needsUnsafeRowConversion: Boolean = {
    if (relation.fileFormat.isInstanceOf[ParquetSource]) {
    } else {

  lazy val inputRDD: RDD[InternalRow] = {
    val readFile: (PartitionedFile) => Iterator[InternalRow] =
        sparkSession = relation.sparkSession,
        dataSchema = relation.dataSchema,
        partitionSchema = relation.partitionSchema,
        requiredSchema = requiredSchema,
        filters = pushedDownFilters,
        options = relation.options,
        hadoopConf = relation.sparkSession.sessionState.newHadoopConfWithOptions(relation.options))

    val readRDD = if (bucketedScan) {
      createBucketedReadRDD(relation.bucketSpec.get, readFile, dynamicallySelectedPartitions,
    } else {
      createReadRDD(readFile, dynamicallySelectedPartitions, relation)

  override def inputRDDs(): Seq[RDD[InternalRow]] = {
    inputRDD :: Nil

  protected override def doExecute(): RDD[InternalRow] = {
    val numOutputRows = longMetric("numOutputRows")
    if (needsUnsafeRowConversion) {
      inputRDD.mapPartitionsWithIndexInternal { (index, iter) =>
        val toUnsafe = UnsafeProjection.create(schema)
        toUnsafe.initialize(index) { row =>
          numOutputRows += 1
    } else {
      inputRDD.mapPartitionsInternal { iter => { row =>
          numOutputRows += 1

  protected override def doExecuteColumnar(): RDD[ColumnarBatch] = {
    val numOutputRows = longMetric("numOutputRows")
    val scanTime = longMetric("scanTime")
    inputRDD.asInstanceOf[RDD[ColumnarBatch]].mapPartitionsInternal { batches =>
      new Iterator[ColumnarBatch] {

        override def hasNext: Boolean = {
          // The `FileScanRDD` returns an iterator which scans the file during the `hasNext` call.
          val startNs = System.nanoTime()
          val res = batches.hasNext
          scanTime += NANOSECONDS.toMillis(System.nanoTime() - startNs)

        override def next(): ColumnarBatch = {
          val batch =
          numOutputRows += batch.numRows()

  override val nodeNamePrefix: String = "File"

   * Create an RDD for bucketed reads.
   * The non-bucketed variant of this function is [[createReadRDD]].
   * The algorithm is pretty simple: each RDD partition being returned should include all the files
   * with the same bucket id from all the given Hive partitions.
   * @param bucketSpec the bucketing spec.
   * @param readFile a function to read each (part of a) file.
   * @param selectedPartitions Hive-style partition that are part of the read.
   * @param fsRelation [[HadoopFsRelation]] associated with the read.
  private def createBucketedReadRDD(
      bucketSpec: BucketSpec,
      readFile: (PartitionedFile) => Iterator[InternalRow],
      selectedPartitions: Array[PartitionDirectory],
      fsRelation: HadoopFsRelation): RDD[InternalRow] = {
    logInfo(s"Planning with ${bucketSpec.numBuckets} buckets")
    val filesGroupedToBuckets =
      selectedPartitions.flatMap { p => { f =>
          PartitionedFileUtil.getPartitionedFile(f, f.getPath, p.values)
      }.groupBy { f =>
          .getBucketId(new Path(f.filePath).getName)
          .getOrElse(throw QueryExecutionErrors.invalidBucketFile(f.filePath))

    val prunedFilesGroupedToBuckets = if (optionalBucketSet.isDefined) {
      val bucketSet = optionalBucketSet.get
      filesGroupedToBuckets.filter {
        f => bucketSet.get(f._1)
    } else {

    val filePartitions = { numCoalescedBuckets =>
      logInfo(s"Coalescing to ${numCoalescedBuckets} buckets")
      val coalescedBuckets = prunedFilesGroupedToBuckets.groupBy(_._1 % numCoalescedBuckets)
      Seq.tabulate(numCoalescedBuckets) { bucketId =>
        val partitionedFiles = coalescedBuckets.get(bucketId).map {
        FilePartition(bucketId, partitionedFiles)
    }.getOrElse {
      Seq.tabulate(bucketSpec.numBuckets) { bucketId =>
        FilePartition(bucketId, prunedFilesGroupedToBuckets.getOrElse(bucketId, Array.empty))

    new FileScanRDD(fsRelation.sparkSession, readFile, filePartitions,
      new StructType(requiredSchema.fields ++ fsRelation.partitionSchema.fields), metadataColumns,
      new FileSourceOptions(CaseInsensitiveMap(relation.options)))


   * Create an RDD for non-bucketed reads.
   * The bucketed variant of this function is [[createBucketedReadRDD]].
   * @param readFile a function to read each (part of a) file.
   * @param selectedPartitions Hive-style partition that are part of the read.
   * @param fsRelation [[HadoopFsRelation]] associated with the read.
  private def createReadRDD(
      readFile: (PartitionedFile) => Iterator[InternalRow],
      selectedPartitions: Array[PartitionDirectory],
      fsRelation: HadoopFsRelation): RDD[InternalRow] = {
    val openCostInBytes = fsRelation.sparkSession.sessionState.conf.filesOpenCostInBytes
    val maxSplitBytes =
      FilePartition.maxSplitBytes(fsRelation.sparkSession, selectedPartitions)
    logInfo(s"Planning scan with bin packing, max size: $maxSplitBytes bytes, " +
      s"open cost is considered as scanning $openCostInBytes bytes.")

    // Filter files with bucket pruning if possible
    val bucketingEnabled = fsRelation.sparkSession.sessionState.conf.bucketingEnabled
    val shouldProcess: Path => Boolean = optionalBucketSet match {
      case Some(bucketSet) if bucketingEnabled =>
        // Do not prune the file if bucket file name is invalid
        filePath => BucketingUtils.getBucketId(filePath.getName).forall(bucketSet.get)
      case _ =>
        _ => true

    val splitFiles = selectedPartitions.flatMap { partition =>
      partition.files.flatMap { file =>
        // getPath() is very expensive so we only want to call it once in this block:
        val filePath = file.getPath

        if (shouldProcess(filePath)) {
          val isSplitable = relation.fileFormat.isSplitable(
              relation.sparkSession, relation.options, filePath) &&
            // SPARK-39634: Allow file splitting in combination with row index generation once
            // the fix for PARQUET-2161 is available.
            sparkSession = relation.sparkSession,
            file = file,
            filePath = filePath,
            isSplitable = isSplitable,
            maxSplitBytes = maxSplitBytes,
            partitionValues = partition.values
        } else {

    val partitions =
      FilePartition.getFilePartitions(relation.sparkSession, splitFiles, maxSplitBytes)

    new FileScanRDD(fsRelation.sparkSession, readFile, partitions,
      new StructType(requiredSchema.fields ++ fsRelation.partitionSchema.fields), metadataColumns,
      new FileSourceOptions(CaseInsensitiveMap(relation.options)))

  // Filters unused DynamicPruningExpression expressions - one which has been replaced
  // with DynamicPruningExpression(Literal.TrueLiteral) during Physical Planning
  private def filterUnusedDynamicPruningExpressions(
      predicates: Seq[Expression]): Seq[Expression] = {
    predicates.filterNot(_ == DynamicPruningExpression(Literal.TrueLiteral))

  override def doCanonicalize(): FileSourceScanExec = {
      relation,, output)),
        filterUnusedDynamicPruningExpressions(partitionFilters), output),
      QueryPlan.normalizePredicates(dataFilters, output),


spark 源码目录


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