tidb kv 源码
tidb kv 代码
// Copyright 2015 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package kv
import (
deadlockpb "github.com/pingcap/kvproto/pkg/deadlock"
tikvstore "github.com/tikv/client-go/v2/kv"
pd "github.com/tikv/pd/client"
// UnCommitIndexKVFlag uses to indicate the index key/value is no need to commit.
// This is used in the situation of the index key/value was unchanged when do update.
// Usage:
// 1. For non-unique index: normally, the index value is '0'.
// Change the value to '1' indicate the index key/value is no need to commit.
// 2. For unique index: normally, the index value is the record handle ID, 8 bytes.
// Append UnCommitIndexKVFlag to the value indicate the index key/value is no need to commit.
const UnCommitIndexKVFlag byte = '1'
// Those limits is enforced to make sure the transaction can be well handled by TiKV.
var (
// TxnEntrySizeLimit is limit of single entry size (len(key) + len(value)).
TxnEntrySizeLimit uint64 = config.DefTxnEntrySizeLimit
// TxnTotalSizeLimit is limit of the sum of all entry size.
TxnTotalSizeLimit uint64 = config.DefTxnTotalSizeLimit
// Getter is the interface for the Get method.
type Getter interface {
// Get gets the value for key k from kv store.
// If corresponding kv pair does not exist, it returns nil and ErrNotExist.
Get(ctx context.Context, k Key) ([]byte, error)
// Retriever is the interface wraps the basic Get and Seek methods.
type Retriever interface {
// Iter creates an Iterator positioned on the first entry that k <= entry's key.
// If such entry is not found, it returns an invalid Iterator with no error.
// It yields only keys that < upperBound. If upperBound is nil, it means the upperBound is unbounded.
// The Iterator must be Closed after use.
Iter(k Key, upperBound Key) (Iterator, error)
// IterReverse creates a reversed Iterator positioned on the first entry which key is less than k.
// The returned iterator will iterate from greater key to smaller key.
// If k is nil, the returned iterator will be positioned at the last key.
// TODO: Add lower bound limit
IterReverse(k Key) (Iterator, error)
// EmptyIterator is an iterator without any entry
type EmptyIterator struct{}
// Valid returns true if the current iterator is valid.
func (*EmptyIterator) Valid() bool { return false }
// Key returns the current key. Always return nil for this iterator
func (*EmptyIterator) Key() Key { return nil }
// Value returns the current value. Always return nil for this iterator
func (*EmptyIterator) Value() []byte { return nil }
// Next goes the next position. Always return error for this iterator
func (*EmptyIterator) Next() error { return errors.New("iterator is invalid") }
// Close closes the iterator.
func (*EmptyIterator) Close() {}
// EmptyRetriever is a retriever without any entry
type EmptyRetriever struct{}
// Get gets the value for key k from kv store. Always return nil for this retriever
func (*EmptyRetriever) Get(_ context.Context, _ Key) ([]byte, error) {
return nil, ErrNotExist
// Iter creates an Iterator. Always return EmptyIterator for this retriever
func (*EmptyRetriever) Iter(_ Key, _ Key) (Iterator, error) { return &EmptyIterator{}, nil }
// IterReverse creates a reversed Iterator. Always return EmptyIterator for this retriever
func (*EmptyRetriever) IterReverse(_ Key) (Iterator, error) {
return &EmptyIterator{}, nil
// Mutator is the interface wraps the basic Set and Delete methods.
type Mutator interface {
// Set sets the value for key k as v into kv store.
// v must NOT be nil or empty, otherwise it returns ErrCannotSetNilValue.
Set(k Key, v []byte) error
// Delete removes the entry for key k from kv store.
Delete(k Key) error
// StagingHandle is the reference of a staging buffer.
type StagingHandle int
var (
// InvalidStagingHandle is an invalid handler, MemBuffer will check handler to ensure safety.
InvalidStagingHandle StagingHandle = 0
// LastActiveStagingHandle is an special handler which always point to the last active staging buffer.
LastActiveStagingHandle StagingHandle = -1
// RetrieverMutator is the interface that groups Retriever and Mutator interfaces.
type RetrieverMutator interface {
// MemBuffer is an in-memory kv collection, can be used to buffer write operations.
type MemBuffer interface {
// RLock locks the MemBuffer for shared read.
// In the most case, MemBuffer will only used by single goroutine,
// but it will be read by multiple goroutine when combined with executor.UnionScanExec.
// To avoid race introduced by executor.UnionScanExec, MemBuffer expose read lock for it.
// RUnlock unlocks the MemBuffer.
// GetFlags returns the latest flags associated with key.
GetFlags(Key) (KeyFlags, error)
// SetWithFlags put key-value into the last active staging buffer with the given KeyFlags.
SetWithFlags(Key, []byte, ...FlagsOp) error
// UpdateFlags updates the flags associated with key.
UpdateFlags(Key, ...FlagsOp)
// DeleteWithFlags delete key with the given KeyFlags
DeleteWithFlags(Key, ...FlagsOp) error
// Staging create a new staging buffer inside the MemBuffer.
// Subsequent writes will be temporarily stored in this new staging buffer.
// When you think all modifications looks good, you can call `Release` to public all of them to the upper level buffer.
Staging() StagingHandle
// Release publish all modifications in the latest staging buffer to upper level.
// Cleanup cleanup the resources referenced by the StagingHandle.
// If the changes are not published by `Release`, they will be discarded.
// InspectStage used to inspect the value updates in the given stage.
InspectStage(StagingHandle, func(Key, KeyFlags, []byte))
// SnapshotGetter returns a Getter for a snapshot of MemBuffer.
SnapshotGetter() Getter
// SnapshotIter returns a Iterator for a snapshot of MemBuffer.
SnapshotIter(k, upperbound Key) Iterator
// Len returns the number of entries in the DB.
Len() int
// Size returns sum of keys and values length.
Size() int
// RemoveFromBuffer removes the entry from the buffer. It's used for testing.
// FindKeysInStage returns all keys in the given stage that satisfies the given condition.
func FindKeysInStage(m MemBuffer, h StagingHandle, predicate func(Key, KeyFlags, []byte) bool) []Key {
result := make([]Key, 0)
m.InspectStage(h, func(k Key, f KeyFlags, v []byte) {
if predicate(k, f, v) {
result = append(result, k)
return result
// LockCtx contains information for LockKeys method.
type LockCtx = tikvstore.LockCtx
// Transaction defines the interface for operations inside a Transaction.
// This is not thread safe.
type Transaction interface {
// Size returns sum of keys and values length.
Size() int
// Len returns the number of entries in the DB.
Len() int
// Reset reset the Transaction to initial states.
// Commit commits the transaction operations to KV store.
Commit(context.Context) error
// Rollback undoes the transaction operations to KV store.
Rollback() error
// String implements fmt.Stringer interface.
String() string
// LockKeys tries to lock the entries with the keys in KV store.
// Will block until all keys are locked successfully or an error occurs.
LockKeys(ctx context.Context, lockCtx *LockCtx, keys ...Key) error
// SetOption sets an option with a value, when val is nil, uses the default
// value of this option.
SetOption(opt int, val interface{})
// GetOption returns the option
GetOption(opt int) interface{}
// IsReadOnly checks if the transaction has only performed read operations.
IsReadOnly() bool
// StartTS returns the transaction start timestamp.
StartTS() uint64
// Valid returns if the transaction is valid.
// A transaction become invalid after commit or rollback.
Valid() bool
// GetMemBuffer return the MemBuffer binding to this transaction.
GetMemBuffer() MemBuffer
// GetSnapshot returns the Snapshot binding to this transaction.
GetSnapshot() Snapshot
// SetVars sets variables to the transaction.
SetVars(vars interface{})
// GetVars gets variables from the transaction.
GetVars() interface{}
// BatchGet gets kv from the memory buffer of statement and transaction, and the kv storage.
// Do not use len(value) == 0 or value == nil to represent non-exist.
// If a key doesn't exist, there shouldn't be any corresponding entry in the result map.
BatchGet(ctx context.Context, keys []Key) (map[string][]byte, error)
IsPessimistic() bool
// CacheTableInfo caches the index name.
// PresumeKeyNotExists will use this to help decode error message.
CacheTableInfo(id int64, info *model.TableInfo)
// GetTableInfo returns the cached index name.
// If there is no such index already inserted through CacheIndexName, it will return UNKNOWN.
GetTableInfo(id int64) *model.TableInfo
// SetDiskFullOpt set allowed options of current operation in each TiKV disk usage level.
SetDiskFullOpt(level kvrpcpb.DiskFullOpt)
// ClearDiskFullOpt clear allowed flag
// GetMemDBCheckpoint gets the transaction's memDB checkpoint.
GetMemDBCheckpoint() *tikv.MemDBCheckpoint
// RollbackMemDBToCheckpoint rollbacks the transaction's memDB to the specified checkpoint.
// UpdateMemBufferFlags updates the flags of a node in the mem buffer.
UpdateMemBufferFlags(key []byte, flags ...FlagsOp)
// AssertionProto is an interface defined for the assertion protocol.
type AssertionProto interface {
// SetAssertion sets an assertion for an operation on the key.
// TODO: Use a special type instead of `FlagsOp`. Otherwise there's risk that the assertion flag is incorrectly used
// in other places like `MemBuffer.SetWithFlags`.
SetAssertion(key []byte, assertion ...FlagsOp) error
// Client is used to send request to KV layer.
type Client interface {
// Send sends request to KV layer, returns a Response.
Send(ctx context.Context, req *Request, vars interface{}, option *ClientSendOption) Response
// IsRequestTypeSupported checks if reqType and subType is supported.
IsRequestTypeSupported(reqType, subType int64) bool
// ClientSendOption wraps options during Client Send
type ClientSendOption struct {
SessionMemTracker *memory.Tracker
EnabledRateLimitAction bool
EventCb trxevents.EventCallback
EnableCollectExecutionInfo bool
// ReqTypes.
const (
ReqTypeSelect = 101
ReqTypeIndex = 102
ReqTypeDAG = 103
ReqTypeAnalyze = 104
ReqTypeChecksum = 105
ReqSubTypeBasic = 0
ReqSubTypeDesc = 10000
ReqSubTypeGroupBy = 10001
ReqSubTypeTopN = 10002
ReqSubTypeSignature = 10003
ReqSubTypeAnalyzeIdx = 10004
ReqSubTypeAnalyzeCol = 10005
// StoreType represents the type of a store.
type StoreType uint8
const (
// TiKV means the type of a store is TiKV.
TiKV StoreType = iota
// TiFlash means the type of a store is TiFlash.
// TiDB means the type of a store is TiDB.
// UnSpecified means the store type is unknown
UnSpecified = 255
// Name returns the name of store type.
func (t StoreType) Name() string {
if t == TiFlash {
return "tiflash"
} else if t == TiDB {
return "tidb"
} else if t == TiKV {
return "tikv"
return "unspecified"
// Request represents a kv request.
type Request struct {
// Tp is the request type.
Tp int64
StartTs uint64
Data []byte
KeyRanges []KeyRange
// For PartitionTableScan used by tiflash.
PartitionIDAndRanges []PartitionIDAndRanges
// Concurrency is 1, if it only sends the request to a single storage unit when
// ResponseIterator.Next is called. If concurrency is greater than 1, the request will be
// sent to multiple storage units concurrently.
Concurrency int
// IsolationLevel is the isolation level, default is SI.
IsolationLevel IsoLevel
// Priority is the priority of this KV request, its value may be PriorityNormal/PriorityLow/PriorityHigh.
Priority int
// memTracker is used to trace and control memory usage in co-processor layer.
MemTracker *memory.Tracker
// KeepOrder is true, if the response should be returned in order.
KeepOrder bool
// Desc is true, if the request is sent in descending order.
Desc bool
// NotFillCache makes this request do not touch the LRU cache of the underlying storage.
NotFillCache bool
// ReplicaRead is used for reading data from replicas, only follower is supported at this time.
ReplicaRead ReplicaReadType
// StoreType represents this request is sent to the which type of store.
StoreType StoreType
// Cacheable is true if the request can be cached. Currently only deterministic DAG requests can be cached.
Cacheable bool
// SchemaVer is for any schema-ful storage to validate schema correctness if necessary.
SchemaVar int64
// BatchCop indicates whether send batch coprocessor request to tiflash.
BatchCop bool
// TaskID is an unique ID for an execution of a statement
TaskID uint64
// TiDBServerID is the specified TiDB serverID to execute request. `0` means all TiDB instances.
TiDBServerID uint64
// TxnScope is the scope of the txn
TxnScope string
// ReadReplicaScope is the scope of the read replica.
ReadReplicaScope string
// IsStaleness indicates whether the request read staleness data
IsStaleness bool
// ClosestReplicaReadAdjuster used to adjust a copr request.
ClosestReplicaReadAdjuster CoprRequestAdjuster
// MatchStoreLabels indicates the labels the store should be matched
MatchStoreLabels []*metapb.StoreLabel
// ResourceGroupTagger indicates the kv request task group tagger.
ResourceGroupTagger tikvrpc.ResourceGroupTagger
// Paging indicates whether the request is a paging request.
Paging struct {
Enable bool
// MinPagingSize is used when Paging is true.
MinPagingSize uint64
// MaxPagingSize is used when Paging is true.
MaxPagingSize uint64
// RequestSource indicates whether the request is an internal request.
RequestSource util.RequestSource
// CoprRequestAdjuster is used to check and adjust a copr request according to specific rules.
// return true if the request is changed.
type CoprRequestAdjuster func(*Request, int) bool
// PartitionIDAndRanges used by PartitionTableScan in tiflash.
type PartitionIDAndRanges struct {
ID int64
KeyRanges []KeyRange
const (
// GlobalReplicaScope indicates the default replica scope for tidb to request
GlobalReplicaScope = oracle.GlobalTxnScope
// ResultSubset represents a result subset from a single storage unit.
// TODO: Find a better interface for ResultSubset that can reuse bytes.
type ResultSubset interface {
// GetData gets the data.
GetData() []byte
// GetStartKey gets the start key.
GetStartKey() Key
// MemSize returns how many bytes of memory this result use for tracing memory usage.
MemSize() int64
// RespTime returns the response time for the request.
RespTime() time.Duration
// Response represents the response returned from KV layer.
type Response interface {
// Next returns a resultSubset from a single storage unit.
// When full result set is returned, nil is returned.
Next(ctx context.Context) (resultSubset ResultSubset, err error)
// Close response.
Close() error
// Snapshot defines the interface for the snapshot fetched from KV store.
type Snapshot interface {
// BatchGet gets a batch of values from snapshot.
BatchGet(ctx context.Context, keys []Key) (map[string][]byte, error)
// SetOption sets an option with a value, when val is nil, uses the default
// value of this option. Only ReplicaRead is supported for snapshot
SetOption(opt int, val interface{})
// SnapshotInterceptor is used to intercept snapshot's read operation
type SnapshotInterceptor interface {
// OnGet intercepts Get operation for Snapshot
OnGet(ctx context.Context, snap Snapshot, k Key) ([]byte, error)
// OnBatchGet intercepts BatchGet operation for Snapshot
OnBatchGet(ctx context.Context, snap Snapshot, keys []Key) (map[string][]byte, error)
// OnIter intercepts Iter operation for Snapshot
OnIter(snap Snapshot, k Key, upperBound Key) (Iterator, error)
// OnIterReverse intercepts IterReverse operation for Snapshot
OnIterReverse(snap Snapshot, k Key) (Iterator, error)
// BatchGetter is the interface for BatchGet.
type BatchGetter interface {
// BatchGet gets a batch of values.
BatchGet(ctx context.Context, keys []Key) (map[string][]byte, error)
// Driver is the interface that must be implemented by a KV storage.
type Driver interface {
// Open returns a new Storage.
// The path is the string for storage specific format.
Open(path string) (Storage, error)
// Storage defines the interface for storage.
// Isolation should be at least SI(SNAPSHOT ISOLATION)
type Storage interface {
// Begin a global transaction
Begin(opts ...tikv.TxnOption) (Transaction, error)
// GetSnapshot gets a snapshot that is able to read any data which data is <= ver.
// if ver is MaxVersion or > current max committed version, we will use current version for this snapshot.
GetSnapshot(ver Version) Snapshot
// GetClient gets a client instance.
GetClient() Client
// GetMPPClient gets a mpp client instance.
GetMPPClient() MPPClient
// Close store
Close() error
// UUID return a unique ID which represents a Storage.
UUID() string
// CurrentVersion returns current max committed version with the given txnScope (local or global).
CurrentVersion(txnScope string) (Version, error)
// GetOracle gets a timestamp oracle client.
GetOracle() oracle.Oracle
// SupportDeleteRange gets the storage support delete range or not.
SupportDeleteRange() (supported bool)
// Name gets the name of the storage engine
Name() string
// Describe returns of brief introduction of the storage
Describe() string
// ShowStatus returns the specified status of the storage
ShowStatus(ctx context.Context, key string) (interface{}, error)
// GetMemCache return memory manager of the storage.
GetMemCache() MemManager
// GetMinSafeTS return the minimal SafeTS of the storage with given txnScope.
GetMinSafeTS(txnScope string) uint64
// GetLockWaits return all lock wait information
GetLockWaits() ([]*deadlockpb.WaitForEntry, error)
// EtcdBackend is used for judging a storage is a real TiKV.
type EtcdBackend interface {
EtcdAddrs() ([]string, error)
TLSConfig() *tls.Config
StartGCWorker() error
// StorageWithPD is used to get pd client.
type StorageWithPD interface {
GetPDClient() pd.Client
// FnKeyCmp is the function for iterator the keys
type FnKeyCmp func(key Key) bool
// Iterator is the interface for a iterator on KV store.
type Iterator interface {
Valid() bool
Key() Key
Value() []byte
Next() error
// SplittableStore is the kv store which supports split regions.
type SplittableStore interface {
SplitRegions(ctx context.Context, splitKey [][]byte, scatter bool, tableID *int64) (regionID []uint64, err error)
WaitScatterRegionFinish(ctx context.Context, regionID uint64, backOff int) error
CheckRegionInScattering(regionID uint64) (bool, error)
// Priority value for transaction priority.
const (
PriorityNormal = iota
// IsoLevel is the transaction's isolation level.
type IsoLevel int
const (
// SI stands for 'snapshot isolation'.
SI IsoLevel = iota
// RC stands for 'read committed'.
// RCCheckTS stands for 'read consistency read with ts check'.
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