tidb key 源码
tidb key 代码
// Copyright 2015 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package kv
import (
// Key represents high-level Key type.
type Key []byte
// Next returns the next key in byte-order.
func (k Key) Next() Key {
// add 0x0 to the end of key
buf := make([]byte, len(k)+1)
copy(buf, k)
return buf
// PrefixNext returns the next prefix key.
// Assume there are keys like:
// rowkey1
// rowkey1_column1
// rowkey1_column2
// rowKey2
// If we seek 'rowkey1' Next, we will get 'rowkey1_column1'.
// If we seek 'rowkey1' PrefixNext, we will get 'rowkey2'.
func (k Key) PrefixNext() Key {
buf := make([]byte, len(k))
copy(buf, k)
var i int
for i = len(k) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if buf[i] != 0 {
if i == -1 {
copy(buf, k)
buf = append(buf, 0) // nozero
return buf
// Cmp returns the comparison result of two key.
// The result will be 0 if a==b, -1 if a < b, and +1 if a > b.
func (k Key) Cmp(another Key) int {
return bytes.Compare(k, another)
// HasPrefix tests whether the Key begins with prefix.
func (k Key) HasPrefix(prefix Key) bool {
return bytes.HasPrefix(k, prefix)
// Clone returns a deep copy of the Key.
func (k Key) Clone() Key {
ck := make([]byte, len(k))
copy(ck, k)
return ck
// String implements fmt.Stringer interface.
func (k Key) String() string {
return hex.EncodeToString(k)
// KeyRange represents a range where StartKey <= key < EndKey.
// Hack: make the layout exactly the same with github.com/pingcap/kvproto/pkg/coprocessor.KeyRange
// So we can avoid allocation of converting kv.KeyRange to coprocessor.KeyRange
// Not defined as "type KeyRange = coprocessor.KeyRange" because their field name are different.
// kv.KeyRange use StartKey,EndKey while coprocessor.KeyRange use Start,End
type KeyRange struct {
StartKey Key
EndKey Key
XXXNoUnkeyedLiteral struct{}
XXXunrecognized []byte
XXXsizecache int32
// IsPoint checks if the key range represents a point.
func (r *KeyRange) IsPoint() bool {
if len(r.StartKey) != len(r.EndKey) {
// Works like
// return bytes.Equal(r.StartKey.Next(), r.EndKey)
startLen := len(r.StartKey)
return startLen+1 == len(r.EndKey) &&
r.EndKey[startLen] == 0 &&
bytes.Equal(r.StartKey, r.EndKey[:startLen])
// Works like
// return bytes.Equal(r.StartKey.PrefixNext(), r.EndKey)
i := len(r.StartKey) - 1
for ; i >= 0; i-- {
if r.StartKey[i] != 255 {
if r.EndKey[i] != 0 {
return false
if i < 0 {
// In case all bytes in StartKey are 255.
return false
// The byte at diffIdx in StartKey should be one less than the byte at diffIdx in EndKey.
// And bytes in StartKey and EndKey before diffIdx should be equal.
diffOneIdx := i
return r.StartKey[diffOneIdx]+1 == r.EndKey[diffOneIdx] &&
bytes.Equal(r.StartKey[:diffOneIdx], r.EndKey[:diffOneIdx])
// Entry is the entry for key and value
type Entry struct {
Key Key
Value []byte
// Handle is the ID of a row.
type Handle interface {
// IsInt returns if the handle type is int64.
IsInt() bool
// IntValue returns the int64 value if IsInt is true, it panics if IsInt returns false.
IntValue() int64
// Next returns the minimum handle that is greater than this handle.
Next() Handle
// Equal returns if the handle equals to another handle, it panics if the types are different.
Equal(h Handle) bool
// Compare returns the comparison result of the two handles, it panics if the types are different.
Compare(h Handle) int
// Encoded returns the encoded bytes.
Encoded() []byte
// Len returns the length of the encoded bytes.
Len() int
// NumCols returns the number of columns of the handle,
NumCols() int
// EncodedCol returns the encoded column value at the given column index.
EncodedCol(idx int) []byte
// Data returns the data of all columns of a handle.
Data() ([]types.Datum, error)
// String implements the fmt.Stringer interface.
String() string
// MemUsage returns the memory usage of a handle.
MemUsage() uint64
// ExtraMemSize returns the memory usage of objects that are pointed to by the Handle.
ExtraMemSize() uint64
var _ Handle = IntHandle(0)
var _ Handle = &CommonHandle{}
var _ Handle = PartitionHandle{}
// IntHandle implement the Handle interface for int64 type handle.
type IntHandle int64
// IsInt implements the Handle interface.
func (IntHandle) IsInt() bool {
return true
// IntValue implements the Handle interface.
func (ih IntHandle) IntValue() int64 {
return int64(ih)
// Next implements the Handle interface.
func (ih IntHandle) Next() Handle {
return IntHandle(int64(ih) + 1)
// Equal implements the Handle interface.
func (ih IntHandle) Equal(h Handle) bool {
return h.IsInt() && int64(ih) == h.IntValue()
// Compare implements the Handle interface.
func (ih IntHandle) Compare(h Handle) int {
if !h.IsInt() {
panic("IntHandle compares to CommonHandle")
ihVal := ih.IntValue()
hVal := h.IntValue()
if ihVal > hVal {
return 1
if ihVal < hVal {
return -1
return 0
// Encoded implements the Handle interface.
func (ih IntHandle) Encoded() []byte {
return codec.EncodeInt(nil, int64(ih))
// Len implements the Handle interface.
func (IntHandle) Len() int {
return 8
// NumCols implements the Handle interface, not supported for IntHandle type.
func (IntHandle) NumCols() int {
panic("not supported in IntHandle")
// EncodedCol implements the Handle interface., not supported for IntHandle type.
func (IntHandle) EncodedCol(_ int) []byte {
panic("not supported in IntHandle")
// Data implements the Handle interface.
func (ih IntHandle) Data() ([]types.Datum, error) {
return []types.Datum{types.NewIntDatum(int64(ih))}, nil
// String implements the Handle interface.
func (ih IntHandle) String() string {
return strconv.FormatInt(int64(ih), 10)
// MemUsage implements the Handle interface.
func (IntHandle) MemUsage() uint64 {
return 8
// ExtraMemSize implements the Handle interface.
func (IntHandle) ExtraMemSize() uint64 {
return 0
// CommonHandle implements the Handle interface for non-int64 type handle.
type CommonHandle struct {
encoded []byte
colEndOffsets []uint16
// NewCommonHandle creates a CommonHandle from a encoded bytes which is encoded by code.EncodeKey.
func NewCommonHandle(encoded []byte) (*CommonHandle, error) {
ch := &CommonHandle{encoded: encoded}
if len(encoded) < 9 {
padded := make([]byte, 9)
copy(padded, encoded)
ch.encoded = padded
remain := encoded
endOff := uint16(0)
for len(remain) > 0 {
if remain[0] == 0 {
// padded data
var err error
var col []byte
col, remain, err = codec.CutOne(remain)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
endOff += uint16(len(col))
ch.colEndOffsets = append(ch.colEndOffsets, endOff)
return ch, nil
// IsInt implements the Handle interface.
func (*CommonHandle) IsInt() bool {
return false
// IntValue implements the Handle interface, not supported for CommonHandle type.
func (*CommonHandle) IntValue() int64 {
panic("not supported in CommonHandle")
// Next implements the Handle interface.
func (ch *CommonHandle) Next() Handle {
return &CommonHandle{
encoded: Key(ch.encoded).PrefixNext(),
colEndOffsets: ch.colEndOffsets,
// Equal implements the Handle interface.
func (ch *CommonHandle) Equal(h Handle) bool {
return !h.IsInt() && bytes.Equal(ch.encoded, h.Encoded())
// Compare implements the Handle interface.
func (ch *CommonHandle) Compare(h Handle) int {
if h.IsInt() {
panic("CommonHandle compares to IntHandle")
return bytes.Compare(ch.encoded, h.Encoded())
// Encoded implements the Handle interface.
func (ch *CommonHandle) Encoded() []byte {
return ch.encoded
// Len implements the Handle interface.
func (ch *CommonHandle) Len() int {
return len(ch.encoded)
// NumCols implements the Handle interface.
func (ch *CommonHandle) NumCols() int {
return len(ch.colEndOffsets)
// EncodedCol implements the Handle interface.
func (ch *CommonHandle) EncodedCol(idx int) []byte {
colStartOffset := uint16(0)
if idx > 0 {
colStartOffset = ch.colEndOffsets[idx-1]
return ch.encoded[colStartOffset:ch.colEndOffsets[idx]]
// Data implements the Handle interface.
func (ch *CommonHandle) Data() ([]types.Datum, error) {
data := make([]types.Datum, 0, ch.NumCols())
for i := 0; i < ch.NumCols(); i++ {
encodedCol := ch.EncodedCol(i)
_, d, err := codec.DecodeOne(encodedCol)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
data = append(data, d)
return data, nil
// String implements the Handle interface.
func (ch *CommonHandle) String() string {
data, err := ch.Data()
if err != nil {
return err.Error()
strs := make([]string, 0, ch.NumCols())
for _, datum := range data {
str, err := datum.ToString()
if err != nil {
return err.Error()
strs = append(strs, str)
return fmt.Sprintf("{%s}", strings.Join(strs, ", "))
// MemUsage implements the Handle interface.
func (ch *CommonHandle) MemUsage() uint64 {
// 48 is used by the 2 slice fields.
return 48 + ch.ExtraMemSize()
// ExtraMemSize implements the Handle interface.
func (ch *CommonHandle) ExtraMemSize() uint64 {
// colEndOffsets is a slice of uint16.
return uint64(cap(ch.encoded) + cap(ch.colEndOffsets)*2)
// HandleMap is the map for Handle.
type HandleMap struct {
ints map[int64]interface{}
strs map[string]strHandleVal
type strHandleVal struct {
h Handle
val interface{}
// NewHandleMap creates a new map for handle.
func NewHandleMap() *HandleMap {
// Initialize the two maps to avoid checking nil.
return &HandleMap{
ints: map[int64]interface{}{},
strs: map[string]strHandleVal{},
// Get gets a value by a Handle.
func (m *HandleMap) Get(h Handle) (v interface{}, ok bool) {
if h.IsInt() {
v, ok = m.ints[h.IntValue()]
} else {
var strVal strHandleVal
strVal, ok = m.strs[string(h.Encoded())]
v = strVal.val
// Set sets a value with a Handle.
func (m *HandleMap) Set(h Handle, val interface{}) {
if h.IsInt() {
m.ints[h.IntValue()] = val
} else {
m.strs[string(h.Encoded())] = strHandleVal{
h: h,
val: val,
// Delete deletes a entry from the map.
func (m *HandleMap) Delete(h Handle) {
if h.IsInt() {
delete(m.ints, h.IntValue())
} else {
delete(m.strs, string(h.Encoded()))
// Len returns the length of the map.
func (m *HandleMap) Len() int {
return len(m.ints) + len(m.strs)
// Range iterates the HandleMap with fn, the fn returns true to continue, returns false to stop.
func (m *HandleMap) Range(fn func(h Handle, val interface{}) bool) {
for h, val := range m.ints {
if !fn(IntHandle(h), val) {
for _, strVal := range m.strs {
if !fn(strVal.h, strVal.val) {
// MemAwareHandleMap is similar to HandleMap, but it's aware of its memory usage and doesn't support delete.
// It only tracks the actual sizes. Objects that are pointed to by the key or value are not tracked.
// Those should be tracked by the caller.
type MemAwareHandleMap[V any] struct {
ints set.MemAwareMap[int64, V]
strs set.MemAwareMap[string, strHandleValue[V]]
type strHandleValue[V any] struct {
h Handle
val V
// NewMemAwareHandleMap creates a new map for handle.
func NewMemAwareHandleMap[V any]() *MemAwareHandleMap[V] {
// Initialize the two maps to avoid checking nil.
return &MemAwareHandleMap[V]{
ints: set.NewMemAwareMap[int64, V](),
strs: set.NewMemAwareMap[string, strHandleValue[V]](),
// Get gets a value by a Handle.
func (m *MemAwareHandleMap[V]) Get(h Handle) (v V, ok bool) {
if h.IsInt() {
v, ok = m.ints.Get(h.IntValue())
} else {
var strVal strHandleValue[V]
strVal, ok = m.strs.Get(string(h.Encoded()))
v = strVal.val
// Set sets a value with a Handle.
func (m *MemAwareHandleMap[V]) Set(h Handle, val V) int64 {
if h.IsInt() {
return m.ints.Set(h.IntValue(), val)
return m.strs.Set(string(h.Encoded()), strHandleValue[V]{
h: h,
val: val,
// Range iterates the MemAwareHandleMap with fn, the fn returns true to continue, returns false to stop.
func (m *MemAwareHandleMap[V]) Range(fn func(h Handle, val interface{}) bool) {
for h, val := range m.ints.M {
if !fn(IntHandle(h), val) {
for _, strVal := range m.strs.M {
if !fn(strVal.h, strVal.val) {
// PartitionHandle combines a handle and a PartitionID, used to location a row in partitioned table.
// Now only used in global index.
// TODO: support PartitionHandle in HandleMap.
type PartitionHandle struct {
PartitionID int64
// NewPartitionHandle creates a PartitionHandle from a normal handle and a pid.
func NewPartitionHandle(pid int64, h Handle) PartitionHandle {
return PartitionHandle{
Handle: h,
PartitionID: pid,
// Equal implements the Handle interface.
func (ph PartitionHandle) Equal(h Handle) bool {
if ph2, ok := h.(PartitionHandle); ok {
return ph.PartitionID == ph2.PartitionID && ph.Handle.Equal(ph2.Handle)
return false
// Compare implements the Handle interface.
func (ph PartitionHandle) Compare(h Handle) int {
if ph2, ok := h.(PartitionHandle); ok {
if ph.PartitionID < ph2.PartitionID {
return -1
if ph.PartitionID > ph2.PartitionID {
return 1
return ph.Handle.Compare(ph2.Handle)
panic("PartitonHandle compares to non-parition Handle")
// MemUsage implements the Handle interface.
func (ph PartitionHandle) MemUsage() uint64 {
return ph.Handle.MemUsage() + 8
// ExtraMemSize implements the Handle interface.
func (ph PartitionHandle) ExtraMemSize() uint64 {
return ph.Handle.ExtraMemSize()
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