tidb error 源码
tidb error 代码
// Copyright 2015 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package kv
import (
mysql "github.com/pingcap/tidb/errno"
pmysql "github.com/pingcap/tidb/parser/mysql"
// TxnRetryableMark is used to uniform the commit error messages which could retry the transaction.
// *WARNING*: changing this string will affect the backward compatibility.
const TxnRetryableMark = "[try again later]"
var (
// ErrNotExist is used when try to get an entry with an unexist key from KV store.
ErrNotExist = dbterror.ClassKV.NewStd(mysql.ErrNotExist)
// ErrTxnRetryable is used when KV store occurs retryable error which SQL layer can safely retry the transaction.
// When using TiKV as the storage node, the error is returned ONLY when lock not found (txnLockNotFound) in Commit,
// subject to change it in the future.
ErrTxnRetryable = dbterror.ClassKV.NewStdErr(mysql.ErrTxnRetryable,
pmysql.Message(mysql.MySQLErrName[mysql.ErrTxnRetryable].Raw+TxnRetryableMark, []int{0}))
// ErrCannotSetNilValue is the error when sets an empty value.
ErrCannotSetNilValue = dbterror.ClassKV.NewStd(mysql.ErrCannotSetNilValue)
// ErrInvalidTxn is the error when commits or rollbacks in an invalid transaction.
ErrInvalidTxn = dbterror.ClassKV.NewStd(mysql.ErrInvalidTxn)
// ErrTxnTooLarge is the error when transaction is too large, lock time reached the maximum value.
ErrTxnTooLarge = dbterror.ClassKV.NewStd(mysql.ErrTxnTooLarge)
// ErrEntryTooLarge is the error when a key value entry is too large.
ErrEntryTooLarge = dbterror.ClassKV.NewStd(mysql.ErrEntryTooLarge)
// ErrKeyExists returns when key is already exist.
ErrKeyExists = dbterror.ClassKV.NewStd(mysql.ErrDupEntry)
// ErrNotImplemented returns when a function is not implemented yet.
ErrNotImplemented = dbterror.ClassKV.NewStd(mysql.ErrNotImplemented)
// ErrWriteConflict is the error when the commit meets an write conflict error.
ErrWriteConflict = dbterror.ClassKV.NewStdErr(mysql.ErrWriteConflict,
pmysql.Message(mysql.MySQLErrName[mysql.ErrWriteConflict].Raw+" "+TxnRetryableMark, []int{3}))
// ErrWriteConflictInTiDB is the error when the commit meets an write conflict error when local latch is enabled.
ErrWriteConflictInTiDB = dbterror.ClassKV.NewStdErr(mysql.ErrWriteConflictInTiDB,
pmysql.Message(mysql.MySQLErrName[mysql.ErrWriteConflictInTiDB].Raw+" "+TxnRetryableMark, nil))
// ErrLockExpire is the error when the lock is expired.
ErrLockExpire = dbterror.ClassTiKV.NewStd(mysql.ErrLockExpire)
// ErrAssertionFailed is the error when an assertion fails.
ErrAssertionFailed = dbterror.ClassTiKV.NewStd(mysql.ErrAssertionFailed)
// IsTxnRetryableError checks if the error could safely retry the transaction.
func IsTxnRetryableError(err error) bool {
if err == nil {
return false
if ErrTxnRetryable.Equal(err) || ErrWriteConflict.Equal(err) || ErrWriteConflictInTiDB.Equal(err) {
return true
return false
// IsErrNotFound checks if err is a kind of NotFound error.
func IsErrNotFound(err error) bool {
return ErrNotExist.Equal(err)
// GetDuplicateErrorHandleString is used to concat the handle columns data with '-'.
// This is consistent with MySQL.
func GetDuplicateErrorHandleString(handle Handle) string {
dt, err := handle.Data()
if err != nil {
return err.Error()
var sb strings.Builder
for i, d := range dt {
if i != 0 {
s, err := d.ToString()
if err != nil {
return err.Error()
return sb.String()
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