harmony 鸿蒙Video

  • 2022-08-09
  • 浏览 (1057)


The <Video> component is used to play a video and control its playback.


This component is supported since API version 7. Updates will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.

Required Permissions

To use online videos, you must apply for the ohos.permission.INTERNET permission. For details about how to apply for the permission, see Declaring Permissions.

Child Components

Not supported


Video(value: {src?: string|Resource, currentProgressRate?: number|string|PlaybackSpeed, previewUri?: string|PixelMap|Resource, controller?: VideoController})


Name Type Mandatory Description
src string |Resource No Path of the video source, which can be a local path or a URL.
The video resources can be stored in the video or rawfile folder under resources.
The path can include a dataability:// prefix, which indicates that the path is provided by a Data ability. For details about the path, see Data Ability Development.
- Strings with the file:///data/storage prefix are supported, which are used to read resources in the application sandbox. Ensure that the application has the read permission to the files in the specified path.
The supported video formats are MP4, MKV, WebM, and TS.
currentProgressRate number |string |PlaybackSpeed8+ No Video playback speed.
The value of the number type can only be 0.75, 1.0, 1.25, 1.75, or 2.0.
Default value: 1.0 |PlaybackSpeed.Speed_Forward_1_00_X
previewUri string |PixelMap |Resource No Path of the preview image displayed before the video playback starts. By default, no preview image is displayed.
controller VideoController No Video controller to control the video playback status.


Name Description
Speed_Forward_0_75_X 0.75x playback speed.
Speed_Forward_1_00_X 1x playback speed.
Speed_Forward_1_25_X 1.25x playback speed.
Speed_Forward_1_75_X 1.75x playback speed.
Speed_Forward_2_00_X 2x playback speed.


In addition to the universal attributes, the following attributes are supported.

Name Type Description
muted boolean Whether to mute the video.
Default value: false
autoPlay boolean Whether to enable auto play.
Default value: false
controls boolean Whether to display the video playback control bar.
Default value: true
objectFit ImageFit Video scale type.
Default value: Cover
loop boolean Whether to repeat the video.
Default value: false


In addition to the universal events, the following events are supported.

Name Description
onStart(event:() =&gt; void) Triggered when the video is played.
onPause(event:() =&gt; void) Triggered when the video playback is paused.
onFinish(event:() =&gt; void) Triggered when the video playback is finished.
onError(event:() =&gt; void) Triggered when the video playback fails.
onPrepared(callback:(event?: { duration: number }) =&gt; void) Triggered when video preparation is complete. The video duration (in seconds) is obtained from duration.
onSeeking(callback:(event?: { time: number }) =&gt; void) Triggered to report the time (in seconds) when the progress bar is being dragged.
onSeeked(callback:(event?: { time: number }) =&gt; void) Triggered to report the playback time (in seconds) when the user finishes dragging the progress bar.
onUpdate(callback:(event?: { time: number }) =&gt; void) Triggered when the playback progress changes. The unit of the playback time is second.
onFullscreenChange(callback:(event?: { fullscreen: boolean }) =&gt; void) Triggered when the playback mode is switched between full-screen mode and non-full-screen mode. The value true means that the playback is in full-screen mode, and false means that the playback is non-full-screen mode.


Defines a VideoController object to control one or more videos. For details about available video playback examples, see @ohos.multimedia.media.

Objects to Import

let controller: VideoController = new VideoController()


start(): void

Starts playback.


pause(): void

Pauses playback. The current frame is then displayed, and playback will be resumed from this paused position.


stop(): void

Stops playback. The current frame is then displayed, and playback will restart from the very beginning.


setCurrentTime(value: number)

Sets the video playback position.


Name Type Mandatory Description
value number Yes Video playback position, in seconds.


requestFullscreen(value: boolean)

Requests full-screen mode.


Name Type Mandatory Description
value boolean Yes Whether to play the video in full screen mode within the application window.



Exits full-screen mode.


setCurrentTime(value: number, seekMode: SeekMode)

Sets the video playback position with the specified seek mode.


Name Type Mandatory Description
value number Yes Video playback position, in seconds.
seekMode SeekMode Yes Seek mode.


Name Description
PreviousKeyframe Seeks to the nearest previous keyframe.
NextKeyframe Seeks to the nearest next keyframe.
ClosestKeyframe Seeks to the nearest keyframe.
Accurate Seeks to a specific frame, regardless of whether the frame is a keyframe.


// xxx.ets
struct VideoCreateComponent {
  @State videoSrc: Resource = $rawfile('video1.mp4')
  @State previewUri: Resource = $r('app.media.poster1')
  @State curRate: PlaybackSpeed = PlaybackSpeed.Speed_Forward_1_00_X
  @State isAutoPlay: boolean = false
  @State showControls: boolean = true
  controller: VideoController = new VideoController()

  build() {
    Column() {
        src: this.videoSrc,
        previewUri: this.previewUri,
        currentProgressRate: this.curRate,
        controller: this.controller
        .onStart(() => {
        .onPause(() => {
        .onFinish(() => {
        .onError(() => {
        .onPrepared((e?: DurationObject) => {
          if (e != undefined) {
            console.info('onPrepared is ' + e.duration)
        .onSeeking((e?: TimeObject) => {
          if (e != undefined) {
            console.info('onSeeking is ' + e.time)
        .onSeeked((e?: TimeObject) => {
          if (e != undefined) {
            console.info('onSeeked is ' + e.time)
        .onUpdate((e?: TimeObject) => {
          if (e != undefined) {
            console.info('onUpdate is ' + e.time)

      Row() {
        Button('src').onClick(() => {
          this.videoSrc = $rawfile('video2.mp4') // Switch the video source.
        Button('previewUri').onClick(() => {
          this.previewUri = $r('app.media.poster2') // Switch the preview image.
        Button('controls').onClick(() => {
          this.showControls = !this.showControls // Specify whether to show the control bar.

      Row() {
        Button('start').onClick(() => {
          this.controller.start() // Start playback.
        Button('pause').onClick(() => {
          this.controller.pause() // Pause playback.
        Button('stop').onClick(() => {
          this.controller.stop() // Stop playback.
        Button('setTime').onClick(() => {
          this.controller.setCurrentTime(10, SeekMode.Accurate) // Seek to the 10s position of the video.

      Row() {
        Button('rate 0.75').onClick(() => {
          this.curRate = PlaybackSpeed.Speed_Forward_0_75_X // Play the video at the 0.75x speed.
        Button('rate 1').onClick(() => {
          this.curRate = PlaybackSpeed.Speed_Forward_1_00_X // Play the video at the 1x speed.
        Button('rate 2').onClick(() => {
          this.curRate = PlaybackSpeed.Speed_Forward_2_00_X // Play the video at the 2x speed.

interface DurationObject {
  duration: number;

interface TimeObject {
  time: number;


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