harmony 鸿蒙Drawing Geometric Shapes (Shape)

  • 2023-06-24
  • 浏览 (569)

Drawing Geometric Shapes (Shape)

The drawing components are used to draw graphs on the page. The <Shape> component is the parent component of the drawing components. The attributes of <Shape> are universal attributes supported by all the drawing components. For details, see Shape.

Creating a Drawing Component

A drawing component can be created in either of the following ways:

  • Create a drawing component with <Shape> as their parent to implement the effect similar to SVG. The API used is as follows:
  Shape(value?: PixelMap)

In the API, the value parameter sets the drawing target. You can draw a graph in the specified PixelMap object. If the value parameter is not set, the graph is drawn in the current drawing target.

  Shape() {
  • Create an independent drawing component to draw a specific shape. Seven shapes are supported: Circle, Ellipse, Line, Polyline, Polygon, Path, and Rect. The following uses the Circle API as an example:
  Circle(options?: {width?: string|number, height?: string|number}
This API draws a circle on a page. The **width** parameter indicates the width of the circle, and the **height** parameter indicates the height of the circle. The diameter of the circle is determined by the minimum width and height.
  Circle({ width: 150, height: 150 })



viewPort{ x?: number|string, y?: number|string, width?: number|string, height?: number|string }

Creates a viewport, which is a rectangle in the user space that maps to the view boundary established for the associated SVG element. Among the four optional parameters, x and y represent the coordinates of the upper left corner of the viewport, and width and height represent the size of the viewport.

The following examples describe how to use the viewport:

  • Zoom in or zoom out a graph through the shape viewport.
  class tmp{
    x:number = 0
    y:number = 0
    width:number = 75
    height:number = 75
  let viep:tmp = new tmp()
  class tmp1{
    x:number = 0
    y:number = 0
    width:number = 300
    height:number = 300
  let viep1:tmp1 = new tmp1()
  // Draw a circle whose width and height are both 75.
  Text ('Original Size Circle')
  Circle({width: 75, height: 75}).fill('#E87361')

  Row({space:10}) {
    Column() {
      // Create a shape component whose width and height are both 150, the background color is yellow, and a viewport whose width and height are both 75. Fill the viewport with a blue rectangle and draw a circle with a diameter of 75 in the viewport.
      // The drawing is complete. The viewport is zoomed in twice based on the width and height of the component.
      Text ('Enlarged Circle')
      Shape() {
        Circle({width: 75, height: 75}).fill('#E87361')
    Column() {
      // Create a shape component whose width and height are both 150, the background color is yellow, and a viewport whose width and height are both 300. Fill the viewport with a green rectangle and draw a circle with a diameter of 75 in the viewport.
      // After the drawing is complete, the viewport is zoomed out by twice based on the width and height of the component.
      Text ('Shrunk Circle')
      Shape() {
        Circle({width: 75, height: 75}).fill('#E87361')


  • Create a shape component whose width and height are both 300, with a yellow background and a viewport whose width and height are both 300. Fill the viewport with a blue rectangle and draw a circle with a radius of 75 in the viewport.
  class tmp{
    x:number = 0
    y:number = 0
    width:number = 300
    height:number = 300
  let viep:tmp = new tmp()
  class tmp1{
    x:number = -150
    y:number = -150
    width:number = 300
    height:number = 300
  let viep1:tmp1 = new tmp1()
  Shape() {
    Circle({ width: 150, height: 150 }).fill("#E87361")

viewport (2) .jpg)

  • Create a shape component whose width and height are both 300, with a yellow background and a viewport whose width and height are both 300. Fill the viewport with a blue rectangle, draw a circle with a radius of 75 in the viewport, and move the viewport 150 to the right and below respectively.
  Shape() {
    Circle({ width: 150, height: 150 }).fill("#E87361")

viewport (3) .jpg)

Setting Styles

The drawing component allows you to change the component style through various attributes.

  • You can use fill to set the color of the filling area of the component.
    .commands('M150 0 L300 300 L0 300 Z')


  • You can use stroke to set the stroke color of a component.
    .commands('M150 0 L300 300 L0 300 Z')


  • You can use strokeOpacity to set the stroke opacity.
    .commands('M150 0 L300 300 L0 300 Z')


  • You can use strokeLineJoin to set the join style of the stroke. Options include Bevel, Miter, and Round.
    .points([[20, 0], [0, 100], [100, 90]])
     // Set the join style of the stroke to Round.


  • strokeMiterLimit places a limit on the ratio of the miter length to the value of strokeWidth used to draw a miter join. The miter length indicates the distance from the outer tip to the inner corner of the miter. This attribute must be set to a value greater than or equal to 1 and takes effect when strokeLineJoin is set to LineJoinStyle.Miter.
    .points([[20, 0], [20, 100], [100, 100]])
    // Set the join style of the stroke to Miter.
    // Set the limit on the ratio of the miter length to the value of strokeWidth used to draw a miter join.
    .points([[20, 0], [20, 100], [100, 100]])


  • Use the antiAlias attribute to set whether to enable anti-aliasing. The default value is true, indicating that anti-aliasing is enabled.
  // Enable anti-aliasing.


  // Disable anti-aliasing.


Example Scenario

  • Draw a closed path at (-80, -5). The fill color is 0x317AF7, the stroke width is 10, the stroke color is red, and the stroke join style is miter (default value).
  struct ShapeExample {
    build() {
      Column({ space: 10 }) {
        Shape() {
          Path().width(200).height(60).commands('M0 0 L400 0 L400 150 Z')
        .viewPort({ x: -80, y: -5, width: 500, height: 300 })
      }.width('100%').margin({ top: 15 })


  • Draw a circle with a diameter of 150 mm and a ring with a diameter of 150 mm and a red dotted line (use the shorter side as the diameter if the width and height are different).
  struct CircleExample {
    build() {
      Column({ space: 10 }) {
        // Draw a circle whose diameter is 150.
        Circle({ width: 150, height: 150 })
        // Draw a ring with a diameter of 150 mm and a red dotted line.
          .strokeDashArray([1, 2])



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