tidb trace 源码
tidb trace 代码
// Copyright 2018 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package executor
import (
traceImpl "sourcegraph.com/sourcegraph/appdash/opentracing"
// TraceExec represents a root executor of trace query.
type TraceExec struct {
// CollectedSpans collects all span during execution. Span is appended via
// callback method which passes into tracer implementation.
CollectedSpans []basictracer.RawSpan
// exhausted being true means there is no more result.
exhausted bool
// stmtNode is the real query ast tree and it is used for building real query's plan.
stmtNode ast.StmtNode
builder *executorBuilder
format string
// optimizerTrace indicates 'trace plan statement'
optimizerTrace bool
optimizerTraceTarget string
// Next executes real query and collects span later.
func (e *TraceExec) Next(ctx context.Context, req *chunk.Chunk) error {
if e.exhausted {
return nil
se, ok := e.ctx.(sqlexec.SQLExecutor)
if !ok {
e.exhausted = true
return nil
// For audit log plugin to set the correct statement.
stmtCtx := e.ctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx
defer func() {
e.ctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx = stmtCtx
if e.optimizerTrace {
if e.optimizerTraceTarget == core.TracePlanTargetEstimation {
return e.nextOptimizerCEPlanTrace(ctx, e.ctx, req)
return e.nextOptimizerPlanTrace(ctx, e.ctx, req)
ctx = util.ContextWithTraceExecDetails(ctx)
switch e.format {
case core.TraceFormatLog:
return e.nextTraceLog(ctx, se, req)
return e.nextRowJSON(ctx, se, req)
func (e *TraceExec) nextOptimizerCEPlanTrace(ctx context.Context, se sessionctx.Context, req *chunk.Chunk) error {
stmtCtx := se.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx
origin := stmtCtx.EnableOptimizerCETrace
stmtCtx.EnableOptimizerCETrace = true
defer func() {
stmtCtx.EnableOptimizerCETrace = origin
_, _, err := core.OptimizeAstNode(ctx, se, e.stmtNode, se.GetInfoSchema().(infoschema.InfoSchema))
if err != nil {
return err
writer := strings.Builder{}
jsonEncoder := json.NewEncoder(&writer)
// If we do not set this to false, ">", "<", "&"... will be escaped to "\u003c","\u003e", "\u0026"...
err = jsonEncoder.Encode(stmtCtx.OptimizerCETrace)
if err != nil {
return errors.AddStack(err)
res := []byte(writer.String())
req.AppendBytes(0, res)
e.exhausted = true
return nil
func (e *TraceExec) nextOptimizerPlanTrace(ctx context.Context, se sessionctx.Context, req *chunk.Chunk) error {
zf, fileName, err := generateOptimizerTraceFile()
if err != nil {
return err
zw := zip.NewWriter(zf)
defer func() {
err := zw.Close()
if err != nil {
logutil.BgLogger().Warn("Closing zip writer failed", zap.Error(err))
err = zf.Close()
if err != nil {
logutil.BgLogger().Warn("Closing zip file failed", zap.Error(err))
traceZW, err := zw.Create("trace.json")
if err != nil {
return errors.AddStack(err)
stmtCtx := se.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx
origin := stmtCtx.EnableOptimizeTrace
stmtCtx.EnableOptimizeTrace = true
defer func() {
stmtCtx.EnableOptimizeTrace = origin
_, _, err = core.OptimizeAstNode(ctx, se, e.stmtNode, se.GetInfoSchema().(infoschema.InfoSchema))
if err != nil {
return err
writer := strings.Builder{}
jsonEncoder := json.NewEncoder(&writer)
// If we do not set this to false, ">", "<", "&"... will be escaped to "\u003c","\u003e", "\u0026"...
err = jsonEncoder.Encode(se.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx.OptimizeTracer)
if err != nil {
return errors.AddStack(err)
res := []byte(writer.String())
_, err = traceZW.Write(res)
if err != nil {
return errors.AddStack(err)
req.AppendString(0, fileName)
e.exhausted = true
return nil
func (e *TraceExec) nextTraceLog(ctx context.Context, se sqlexec.SQLExecutor, req *chunk.Chunk) error {
recorder := basictracer.NewInMemoryRecorder()
tracer := basictracer.New(recorder)
span := tracer.StartSpan("trace")
ctx = opentracing.ContextWithSpan(ctx, span)
e.executeChild(ctx, se)
generateLogResult(recorder.GetSpans(), req)
e.exhausted = true
return nil
func (e *TraceExec) nextRowJSON(ctx context.Context, se sqlexec.SQLExecutor, req *chunk.Chunk) error {
store := appdash.NewMemoryStore()
tracer := traceImpl.NewTracer(store)
span := tracer.StartSpan("trace")
ctx = opentracing.ContextWithSpan(ctx, span)
e.executeChild(ctx, se)
traces, err := store.Traces(appdash.TracesOpts{})
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
// Row format.
if e.format != core.TraceFormatJSON {
if len(traces) < 1 {
e.exhausted = true
return nil
trace := traces[0]
dfsTree(trace, "", false, req)
e.exhausted = true
return nil
// Json format.
data, err := json.Marshal(traces)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
// Split json data into rows to avoid the max packet size limitation.
const maxRowLen = 4096
for len(data) > maxRowLen {
req.AppendString(0, string(data[:maxRowLen]))
data = data[maxRowLen:]
req.AppendString(0, string(data))
e.exhausted = true
return nil
func (e *TraceExec) executeChild(ctx context.Context, se sqlexec.SQLExecutor) {
// For audit log plugin to log the statement correctly.
// Should be logged as 'explain ...', instead of the executed SQL.
vars := e.ctx.GetSessionVars()
origin := vars.InRestrictedSQL
vars.InRestrictedSQL = true
defer func() {
vars.InRestrictedSQL = origin
ctx = kv.WithInternalSourceType(ctx, kv.InternalTxnTrace)
rs, err := se.ExecuteStmt(ctx, e.stmtNode)
if err != nil {
var errCode uint16
if te, ok := err.(*terror.Error); ok {
errCode = terror.ToSQLError(te).Code
logutil.Eventf(ctx, "execute with error(%d): %s", errCode, err.Error())
if rs != nil {
drainRecordSet(ctx, e.ctx, rs)
if err = rs.Close(); err != nil {
logutil.Logger(ctx).Error("run trace close result with error", zap.Error(err))
logutil.Eventf(ctx, "execute done, modify row: %d", e.ctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx.AffectedRows())
func drainRecordSet(ctx context.Context, sctx sessionctx.Context, rs sqlexec.RecordSet) {
req := rs.NewChunk(nil)
var rowCount int
for {
err := rs.Next(ctx, req)
if err != nil || req.NumRows() == 0 {
if err != nil {
var errCode uint16
if te, ok := err.(*terror.Error); ok {
errCode = terror.ToSQLError(te).Code
logutil.Eventf(ctx, "execute with error(%d): %s", errCode, err.Error())
} else {
logutil.Eventf(ctx, "execute done, ReturnRow: %d, ModifyRow: %d", rowCount, sctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx.AffectedRows())
rowCount += req.NumRows()
func dfsTree(t *appdash.Trace, prefix string, isLast bool, chk *chunk.Chunk) {
var newPrefix, suffix string
if prefix == "" {
newPrefix = prefix + " "
} else {
if !isLast {
suffix = "├─"
newPrefix = prefix + "│ "
} else {
suffix = "└─"
newPrefix = prefix + " "
var start time.Time
var duration time.Duration
if e, err := t.TimespanEvent(); err == nil {
start = e.Start()
end := e.End()
duration = end.Sub(start)
chk.AppendString(0, prefix+suffix+t.Span.Name())
chk.AppendString(1, start.Format("15:04:05.000000"))
chk.AppendString(2, duration.String())
// Sort events by their start time
slices.SortFunc(t.Sub, func(i, j *appdash.Trace) bool {
var istart, jstart time.Time
if ievent, err := i.TimespanEvent(); err == nil {
istart = ievent.Start()
if jevent, err := j.TimespanEvent(); err == nil {
jstart = jevent.Start()
return istart.Before(jstart)
for i, sp := range t.Sub {
dfsTree(sp, newPrefix, i == (len(t.Sub))-1 /*last element of array*/, chk)
func generateLogResult(allSpans []basictracer.RawSpan, chk *chunk.Chunk) {
for rIdx := range allSpans {
span := &allSpans[rIdx]
chk.AppendTime(0, types.NewTime(types.FromGoTime(span.Start), mysql.TypeTimestamp, 6))
chk.AppendString(1, "--- start span "+span.Operation+" ----")
chk.AppendString(2, "")
chk.AppendString(3, span.Operation)
var tags string
if len(span.Tags) > 0 {
tags = fmt.Sprintf("%v", span.Tags)
for _, l := range span.Logs {
for _, field := range l.Fields {
if field.Key() == logutil.TraceEventKey {
chk.AppendTime(0, types.NewTime(types.FromGoTime(l.Timestamp), mysql.TypeTimestamp, 6))
chk.AppendString(1, field.Value().(string))
chk.AppendString(2, tags)
chk.AppendString(3, span.Operation)
func generateOptimizerTraceFile() (*os.File, string, error) {
dirPath := domain.GetOptimizerTraceDirName()
// Create path
err := os.MkdirAll(dirPath, os.ModePerm)
if err != nil {
return nil, "", errors.AddStack(err)
// Generate key and create zip file
time := time.Now().UnixNano()
b := make([]byte, 16)
//nolint: gosec
_, err = rand.Read(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, "", errors.AddStack(err)
key := base64.URLEncoding.EncodeToString(b)
fileName := fmt.Sprintf("optimizer_trace_%v_%v.zip", key, time)
zf, err := os.Create(filepath.Join(dirPath, fileName))
if err != nil {
return nil, "", errors.AddStack(err)
return zf, fileName, nil
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