tidb analyze_col_v2 源码
tidb analyze_col_v2 代码
// Copyright 2022 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package executor
import (
// AnalyzeColumnsExecV2 is used to maintain v2 analyze process
type AnalyzeColumnsExecV2 struct {
func (e *AnalyzeColumnsExecV2) analyzeColumnsPushDownWithRetryV2() *statistics.AnalyzeResults {
analyzeResult := e.analyzeColumnsPushDownV2()
// do not retry if succeed / not oom error / not auto-analyze / samplerate not set
if analyzeResult.Err == nil || analyzeResult.Err != errAnalyzeOOM ||
!e.ctx.GetSessionVars().InRestrictedSQL ||
e.analyzePB.ColReq == nil || *e.analyzePB.ColReq.SampleRate <= 0 {
return analyzeResult
finishJobWithLog(e.ctx, analyzeResult.Job, analyzeResult.Err)
statsHandle := domain.GetDomain(e.ctx).StatsHandle()
if statsHandle == nil {
return analyzeResult
var statsTbl *statistics.Table
tid := e.tableID.GetStatisticsID()
if tid == e.tableInfo.ID {
statsTbl = statsHandle.GetTableStats(e.tableInfo)
} else {
statsTbl = statsHandle.GetPartitionStats(e.tableInfo, tid)
if statsTbl == nil || statsTbl.Count <= 0 {
return analyzeResult
newSampleRate := math.Min(1, float64(config.DefRowsForSampleRate)/float64(statsTbl.Count))
if newSampleRate >= *e.analyzePB.ColReq.SampleRate {
return analyzeResult
*e.analyzePB.ColReq.SampleRate = newSampleRate
prepareV2AnalyzeJobInfo(e.AnalyzeColumnsExec, true)
AddNewAnalyzeJob(e.ctx, e.job)
StartAnalyzeJob(e.ctx, e.job)
return e.analyzeColumnsPushDownV2()
func (e *AnalyzeColumnsExecV2) analyzeColumnsPushDownV2() *statistics.AnalyzeResults {
var ranges []*ranger.Range
if hc := e.handleCols; hc != nil {
if hc.IsInt() {
ranges = ranger.FullIntRange(mysql.HasUnsignedFlag(hc.GetCol(0).RetType.GetFlag()))
} else {
ranges = ranger.FullNotNullRange()
} else {
ranges = ranger.FullIntRange(false)
collExtStats := e.ctx.GetSessionVars().EnableExtendedStats
specialIndexes := make([]*model.IndexInfo, 0, len(e.indexes))
specialIndexesOffsets := make([]int, 0, len(e.indexes))
for i, idx := range e.indexes {
isSpecial := false
for _, col := range idx.Columns {
colInfo := e.colsInfo[col.Offset]
isVirtualCol := colInfo.IsGenerated() && !colInfo.GeneratedStored
isPrefixCol := col.Length != types.UnspecifiedLength
if isVirtualCol || isPrefixCol {
isSpecial = true
if isSpecial {
specialIndexesOffsets = append(specialIndexesOffsets, i)
specialIndexes = append(specialIndexes, idx)
idxNDVPushDownCh := make(chan analyzeIndexNDVTotalResult, 1)
// subIndexWorkerWg is better to be initialized in handleNDVForSpecialIndexes, however if we do so, golang would
// report unexpected/unreasonable data race error on subIndexWorkerWg when running TestAnalyzeVirtualCol test
// case with `-race` flag now.
var wg util.WaitGroupWrapper
wg.Run(func() {
e.handleNDVForSpecialIndexes(specialIndexes, idxNDVPushDownCh)
defer wg.Wait()
count, hists, topns, fmSketches, extStats, err := e.buildSamplingStats(ranges, collExtStats, specialIndexesOffsets, idxNDVPushDownCh)
if err != nil {
return &statistics.AnalyzeResults{Err: err, Job: e.job}
cLen := len(e.analyzePB.ColReq.ColumnsInfo)
colGroupResult := &statistics.AnalyzeResult{
Hist: hists[cLen:],
TopNs: topns[cLen:],
Fms: fmSketches[cLen:],
IsIndex: 1,
// Discard stats of _tidb_rowid.
// Because the process of analyzing will keep the order of results be the same as the colsInfo in the analyze task,
// and in `buildAnalyzeFullSamplingTask` we always place the _tidb_rowid at the last of colsInfo, so if there are
// stats for _tidb_rowid, it must be at the end of the column stats.
// Virtual column has no histogram yet. So we check nil here.
if hists[cLen-1] != nil && hists[cLen-1].ID == -1 {
cLen -= 1
colResult := &statistics.AnalyzeResult{
Hist: hists[:cLen],
TopNs: topns[:cLen],
Fms: fmSketches[:cLen],
return &statistics.AnalyzeResults{
TableID: e.tableID,
Ars: []*statistics.AnalyzeResult{colResult, colGroupResult},
Job: e.job,
StatsVer: e.StatsVersion,
Count: count,
Snapshot: e.snapshot,
ExtStats: extStats,
BaseCount: e.baseCount,
BaseModifyCnt: e.baseModifyCnt,
// decodeSampleDataWithVirtualColumn constructs the virtual column by evaluating from the deocded normal columns.
// If it failed, it would return false to trigger normal decoding way without the virtual column.
func (e *AnalyzeColumnsExecV2) decodeSampleDataWithVirtualColumn(
collector statistics.RowSampleCollector,
fieldTps []*types.FieldType,
virtualColIdx []int,
schema *expression.Schema,
) error {
totFts := make([]*types.FieldType, 0, e.schemaForVirtualColEval.Len())
for _, col := range e.schemaForVirtualColEval.Columns {
totFts = append(totFts, col.RetType)
chk := chunk.NewChunkWithCapacity(totFts, len(collector.Base().Samples))
decoder := codec.NewDecoder(chk, e.ctx.GetSessionVars().Location())
for _, sample := range collector.Base().Samples {
for i := range sample.Columns {
if schema.Columns[i].VirtualExpr != nil {
_, err := decoder.DecodeOne(sample.Columns[i].GetBytes(), i, e.schemaForVirtualColEval.Columns[i].RetType)
if err != nil {
return err
err := FillVirtualColumnValue(fieldTps, virtualColIdx, schema, e.colsInfo, e.ctx, chk)
if err != nil {
return err
iter := chunk.NewIterator4Chunk(chk)
for row, i := iter.Begin(), 0; row != iter.End(); row, i = iter.Next(), i+1 {
datums := row.GetDatumRow(totFts)
collector.Base().Samples[i].Columns = datums
return nil
func (e *AnalyzeColumnsExecV2) buildSamplingStats(
ranges []*ranger.Range,
needExtStats bool,
indexesWithVirtualColOffsets []int,
idxNDVPushDownCh chan analyzeIndexNDVTotalResult,
) (
count int64,
hists []*statistics.Histogram,
topns []*statistics.TopN,
fmSketches []*statistics.FMSketch,
extStats *statistics.ExtendedStatsColl,
err error,
) {
if err = e.open(ranges); err != nil {
return 0, nil, nil, nil, nil, err
defer func() {
if err1 := e.resultHandler.Close(); err1 != nil {
err = err1
l := len(e.analyzePB.ColReq.ColumnsInfo) + len(e.analyzePB.ColReq.ColumnGroups)
rootRowCollector := statistics.NewRowSampleCollector(int(e.analyzePB.ColReq.SampleSize), e.analyzePB.ColReq.GetSampleRate(), l)
for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
rootRowCollector.Base().FMSketches = append(rootRowCollector.Base().FMSketches, statistics.NewFMSketch(maxSketchSize))
sc := e.ctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx
statsConcurrency, err := getBuildStatsConcurrency(e.ctx)
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, nil, nil, nil, err
mergeResultCh := make(chan *samplingMergeResult, statsConcurrency)
mergeTaskCh := make(chan []byte, statsConcurrency)
e.samplingMergeWg = &util.WaitGroupWrapper{}
for i := 0; i < statsConcurrency; i++ {
go e.subMergeWorker(mergeResultCh, mergeTaskCh, l, i == 0)
if err = readDataAndSendTask(e.ctx, e.resultHandler, mergeTaskCh, e.memTracker); err != nil {
return 0, nil, nil, nil, nil, getAnalyzePanicErr(err)
mergeWorkerPanicCnt := 0
for mergeWorkerPanicCnt < statsConcurrency {
mergeResult, ok := <-mergeResultCh
if !ok {
if mergeResult.err != nil {
err = mergeResult.err
if isAnalyzeWorkerPanic(mergeResult.err) {
oldRootCollectorSize := rootRowCollector.Base().MemSize
e.memTracker.Consume(rootRowCollector.Base().MemSize - oldRootCollectorSize - mergeResult.collector.Base().MemSize)
defer e.memTracker.Release(rootRowCollector.Base().MemSize)
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, nil, nil, nil, err
// handling virtual columns
virtualColIdx := buildVirtualColumnIndex(e.schemaForVirtualColEval, e.colsInfo)
if len(virtualColIdx) > 0 {
fieldTps := make([]*types.FieldType, 0, len(virtualColIdx))
for _, colOffset := range virtualColIdx {
fieldTps = append(fieldTps, e.schemaForVirtualColEval.Columns[colOffset].RetType)
err = e.decodeSampleDataWithVirtualColumn(rootRowCollector, fieldTps, virtualColIdx, e.schemaForVirtualColEval)
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, nil, nil, nil, err
} else {
// If there's no virtual column or we meet error during eval virtual column, we fallback to normal decode otherwise.
for _, sample := range rootRowCollector.Base().Samples {
for i := range sample.Columns {
sample.Columns[i], err = tablecodec.DecodeColumnValue(sample.Columns[i].GetBytes(), &e.colsInfo[i].FieldType, sc.TimeZone)
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, nil, nil, nil, err
for _, sample := range rootRowCollector.Base().Samples {
// Calculate handle from the row data for each row. It will be used to sort the samples.
sample.Handle, err = e.handleCols.BuildHandleByDatums(sample.Columns)
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, nil, nil, nil, err
colLen := len(e.colsInfo)
// The order of the samples are broken when merging samples from sub-collectors.
// So now we need to sort the samples according to the handle in order to calculate correlation.
sort.Slice(rootRowCollector.Base().Samples, func(i, j int) bool {
return rootRowCollector.Base().Samples[i].Handle.Compare(rootRowCollector.Base().Samples[j].Handle) < 0
totalLen := len(e.colsInfo) + len(e.indexes)
hists = make([]*statistics.Histogram, totalLen)
topns = make([]*statistics.TopN, totalLen)
fmSketches = make([]*statistics.FMSketch, 0, totalLen)
buildResultChan := make(chan error, totalLen)
buildTaskChan := make(chan *samplingBuildTask, totalLen)
if totalLen < statsConcurrency {
statsConcurrency = totalLen
e.samplingBuilderWg = newNotifyErrorWaitGroupWrapper(buildResultChan)
sampleCollectors := make([]*statistics.SampleCollector, len(e.colsInfo))
exitCh := make(chan struct{})
for i := 0; i < statsConcurrency; i++ {
e.samplingBuilderWg.Run(func() {
e.subBuildWorker(buildResultChan, buildTaskChan, hists, topns, sampleCollectors, exitCh)
for i, col := range e.colsInfo {
buildTaskChan <- &samplingBuildTask{
id: col.ID,
rootRowCollector: rootRowCollector,
tp: &col.FieldType,
isColumn: true,
slicePos: i,
fmSketches = append(fmSketches, rootRowCollector.Base().FMSketches[i])
indexPushedDownResult := <-idxNDVPushDownCh
if indexPushedDownResult.err != nil {
return 0, nil, nil, nil, nil, indexPushedDownResult.err
for _, offset := range indexesWithVirtualColOffsets {
ret := indexPushedDownResult.results[e.indexes[offset].ID]
rootRowCollector.Base().NullCount[colLen+offset] = ret.Count
rootRowCollector.Base().FMSketches[colLen+offset] = ret.Ars[0].Fms[0]
// build index stats
for i, idx := range e.indexes {
buildTaskChan <- &samplingBuildTask{
id: idx.ID,
rootRowCollector: rootRowCollector,
tp: types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeBlob),
isColumn: false,
slicePos: colLen + i,
fmSketches = append(fmSketches, rootRowCollector.Base().FMSketches[colLen+i])
panicCnt := 0
for panicCnt < statsConcurrency {
err1, ok := <-buildResultChan
if !ok {
if err1 != nil {
err = err1
if isAnalyzeWorkerPanic(err1) {
defer func() {
totalSampleCollectorSize := int64(0)
for _, sampleCollector := range sampleCollectors {
if sampleCollector != nil {
totalSampleCollectorSize += sampleCollector.MemSize
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, nil, nil, nil, err
count = rootRowCollector.Base().Count
if needExtStats {
statsHandle := domain.GetDomain(e.ctx).StatsHandle()
extStats, err = statsHandle.BuildExtendedStats(e.TableID.GetStatisticsID(), e.colsInfo, sampleCollectors)
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, nil, nil, nil, err
// handleNDVForSpecialIndexes deals with the logic to analyze the index containing the virtual column when the mode is full sampling.
func (e *AnalyzeColumnsExecV2) handleNDVForSpecialIndexes(indexInfos []*model.IndexInfo, totalResultCh chan analyzeIndexNDVTotalResult) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
logutil.BgLogger().Error("analyze ndv for special index panicked", zap.Any("recover", r), zap.Stack("stack"))
totalResultCh <- analyzeIndexNDVTotalResult{
err: getAnalyzePanicErr(r),
tasks := e.buildSubIndexJobForSpecialIndex(indexInfos)
statsConcurrncy, err := getBuildStatsConcurrency(e.ctx)
taskCh := make(chan *analyzeTask, len(tasks))
for _, task := range tasks {
AddNewAnalyzeJob(e.ctx, task.job)
resultsCh := make(chan *statistics.AnalyzeResults, len(tasks))
if len(tasks) < statsConcurrncy {
statsConcurrncy = len(tasks)
var subIndexWorkerWg = NewAnalyzeResultsNotifyWaitGroupWrapper(resultsCh)
for i := 0; i < statsConcurrncy; i++ {
subIndexWorkerWg.Run(func() { e.subIndexWorkerForNDV(taskCh, resultsCh) })
for _, task := range tasks {
taskCh <- task
panicCnt := 0
totalResult := analyzeIndexNDVTotalResult{
results: make(map[int64]*statistics.AnalyzeResults, len(indexInfos)),
for panicCnt < statsConcurrncy {
results, ok := <-resultsCh
if !ok {
if results.Err != nil {
err = results.Err
FinishAnalyzeJob(e.ctx, results.Job, err)
if isAnalyzeWorkerPanic(err) {
FinishAnalyzeJob(e.ctx, results.Job, nil)
totalResult.results[results.Ars[0].Hist[0].ID] = results
if err != nil {
totalResult.err = err
totalResultCh <- totalResult
// subIndexWorker receive the task for each index and return the result for them.
func (e *AnalyzeColumnsExecV2) subIndexWorkerForNDV(taskCh chan *analyzeTask, resultsCh chan *statistics.AnalyzeResults) {
var task *analyzeTask
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
logutil.BgLogger().Error("analyze worker panicked", zap.Any("recover", r), zap.Stack("stack"))
resultsCh <- &statistics.AnalyzeResults{
Err: getAnalyzePanicErr(r),
Job: task.job,
for {
var ok bool
task, ok = <-taskCh
if !ok {
StartAnalyzeJob(e.ctx, task.job)
if task.taskType != idxTask {
resultsCh <- &statistics.AnalyzeResults{
Err: errors.Errorf("incorrect analyze type"),
Job: task.job,
task.idxExec.job = task.job
resultsCh <- analyzeIndexNDVPushDown(task.idxExec)
// buildSubIndexJobForSpecialIndex builds sub index pushed down task to calculate the NDV information for indexes containing virtual column.
// This is because we cannot push the calculation of the virtual column down to the tikv side.
func (e *AnalyzeColumnsExecV2) buildSubIndexJobForSpecialIndex(indexInfos []*model.IndexInfo) []*analyzeTask {
_, offset := timeutil.Zone(e.ctx.GetSessionVars().Location())
tasks := make([]*analyzeTask, 0, len(indexInfos))
sc := e.ctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx
for _, indexInfo := range indexInfos {
base := baseAnalyzeExec{
ctx: e.ctx,
tableID: e.TableID,
concurrency: e.ctx.GetSessionVars().IndexSerialScanConcurrency(),
analyzePB: &tipb.AnalyzeReq{
Tp: tipb.AnalyzeType_TypeIndex,
Flags: sc.PushDownFlags(),
TimeZoneOffset: offset,
snapshot: e.snapshot,
idxExec := &AnalyzeIndexExec{
baseAnalyzeExec: base,
isCommonHandle: e.tableInfo.IsCommonHandle,
idxInfo: indexInfo,
idxExec.opts = make(map[ast.AnalyzeOptionType]uint64, len(ast.AnalyzeOptionString))
idxExec.opts[ast.AnalyzeOptNumTopN] = 0
idxExec.opts[ast.AnalyzeOptCMSketchDepth] = 0
idxExec.opts[ast.AnalyzeOptCMSketchWidth] = 0
idxExec.opts[ast.AnalyzeOptNumSamples] = 0
idxExec.opts[ast.AnalyzeOptNumBuckets] = 1
statsVersion := new(int32)
*statsVersion = statistics.Version1
// No Top-N
topnSize := int32(0)
idxExec.analyzePB.IdxReq = &tipb.AnalyzeIndexReq{
// One bucket to store the null for null histogram.
BucketSize: 1,
NumColumns: int32(len(indexInfo.Columns)),
TopNSize: &topnSize,
Version: statsVersion,
SketchSize: maxSketchSize,
if idxExec.isCommonHandle && indexInfo.Primary {
idxExec.analyzePB.Tp = tipb.AnalyzeType_TypeCommonHandle
// No CM-Sketch.
depth := int32(0)
width := int32(0)
idxExec.analyzePB.IdxReq.CmsketchDepth = &depth
idxExec.analyzePB.IdxReq.CmsketchWidth = &width
autoAnalyze := ""
if e.ctx.GetSessionVars().InRestrictedSQL {
autoAnalyze = "auto "
job := &statistics.AnalyzeJob{DBName: e.job.DBName, TableName: e.job.TableName, PartitionName: e.job.PartitionName, JobInfo: autoAnalyze + "analyze ndv for index " + indexInfo.Name.O}
idxExec.job = job
tasks = append(tasks, &analyzeTask{
taskType: idxTask,
idxExec: idxExec,
job: job,
return tasks
func (e *AnalyzeColumnsExecV2) subMergeWorker(resultCh chan<- *samplingMergeResult, taskCh <-chan []byte, l int, isClosedChanThread bool) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
logutil.BgLogger().Error("analyze worker panicked", zap.Any("recover", r), zap.Stack("stack"))
resultCh <- &samplingMergeResult{err: getAnalyzePanicErr(r)}
// Consume the remaining things.
for {
_, ok := <-taskCh
if !ok {
if isClosedChanThread {
failpoint.Inject("mockAnalyzeSamplingMergeWorkerPanic", func() {
panic("failpoint triggered")
retCollector := statistics.NewRowSampleCollector(int(e.analyzePB.ColReq.SampleSize), e.analyzePB.ColReq.GetSampleRate(), l)
for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
retCollector.Base().FMSketches = append(retCollector.Base().FMSketches, statistics.NewFMSketch(maxSketchSize))
for {
data, ok := <-taskCh
if !ok {
dataSize := int64(cap(data))
colResp := &tipb.AnalyzeColumnsResp{}
err := colResp.Unmarshal(data)
if err != nil {
resultCh <- &samplingMergeResult{err: err}
colRespSize := int64(colResp.Size())
subCollector := statistics.NewRowSampleCollector(int(e.analyzePB.ColReq.SampleSize), e.analyzePB.ColReq.GetSampleRate(), l)
subCollector.Base().FromProto(colResp.RowCollector, e.memTracker)
UpdateAnalyzeJob(e.ctx, e.job, subCollector.Base().Count)
oldRetCollectorSize := retCollector.Base().MemSize
newRetCollectorSize := retCollector.Base().MemSize
subCollectorSize := subCollector.Base().MemSize
e.memTracker.Consume(newRetCollectorSize - oldRetCollectorSize - subCollectorSize)
e.memTracker.Release(dataSize + colRespSize)
resultCh <- &samplingMergeResult{collector: retCollector}
func (e *AnalyzeColumnsExecV2) subBuildWorker(resultCh chan error, taskCh chan *samplingBuildTask, hists []*statistics.Histogram, topns []*statistics.TopN, collectors []*statistics.SampleCollector, exitCh chan struct{}) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
logutil.BgLogger().Error("analyze worker panicked", zap.Any("recover", r), zap.Stack("stack"))
resultCh <- getAnalyzePanicErr(r)
failpoint.Inject("mockAnalyzeSamplingBuildWorkerPanic", func() {
panic("failpoint triggered")
colLen := len(e.colsInfo)
bufferedMemSize := int64(0)
bufferedReleaseSize := int64(0)
defer e.memTracker.Consume(bufferedMemSize)
defer e.memTracker.Release(bufferedReleaseSize)
for {
select {
case task, ok := <-taskCh:
if !ok {
break workLoop
var collector *statistics.SampleCollector
if task.isColumn {
if e.colsInfo[task.slicePos].IsGenerated() && !e.colsInfo[task.slicePos].GeneratedStored {
hists[task.slicePos] = nil
topns[task.slicePos] = nil
sampleNum := task.rootRowCollector.Base().Samples.Len()
sampleItems := make([]*statistics.SampleItem, 0, sampleNum)
// consume mandatory memory at the beginning, including empty SampleItems of all sample rows, if exceeds, fast fail
collectorMemSize := int64(sampleNum) * (8 + statistics.EmptySampleItemSize)
var collator collate.Collator
ft := e.colsInfo[task.slicePos].FieldType
// When it's new collation data, we need to use its collate key instead of original value because only
// the collate key can ensure the correct ordering.
// This is also corresponding to similar operation in (*statistics.Column).GetColumnRowCount().
if ft.EvalType() == types.ETString && ft.GetType() != mysql.TypeEnum && ft.GetType() != mysql.TypeSet {
collator = collate.GetCollator(ft.GetCollate())
for j, row := range task.rootRowCollector.Base().Samples {
if row.Columns[task.slicePos].IsNull() {
val := row.Columns[task.slicePos]
// If this value is very big, we think that it is not a value that can occur many times. So we don't record it.
if len(val.GetBytes()) > statistics.MaxSampleValueLength {
if collator != nil {
deltaSize := int64(cap(val.GetBytes()))
collectorMemSize += deltaSize
e.memTracker.BufferedConsume(&bufferedMemSize, deltaSize)
sampleItems = append(sampleItems, &statistics.SampleItem{
Value: val,
Ordinal: j,
// tmp memory usage
deltaSize := val.MemUsage() + 4 // content of SampleItem is copied
e.memTracker.BufferedConsume(&bufferedMemSize, deltaSize)
e.memTracker.BufferedRelease(&bufferedReleaseSize, deltaSize)
collector = &statistics.SampleCollector{
Samples: sampleItems,
NullCount: task.rootRowCollector.Base().NullCount[task.slicePos],
Count: task.rootRowCollector.Base().Count - task.rootRowCollector.Base().NullCount[task.slicePos],
FMSketch: task.rootRowCollector.Base().FMSketches[task.slicePos],
TotalSize: task.rootRowCollector.Base().TotalSizes[task.slicePos],
MemSize: collectorMemSize,
} else {
var tmpDatum types.Datum
var err error
idx := e.indexes[task.slicePos-colLen]
sampleNum := task.rootRowCollector.Base().Samples.Len()
sampleItems := make([]*statistics.SampleItem, 0, sampleNum)
// consume mandatory memory at the beginning, including all SampleItems, if exceeds, fast fail
// 8 is size of reference, 8 is the size of "b := make([]byte, 0, 8)"
collectorMemSize := int64(sampleNum) * (8 + statistics.EmptySampleItemSize + 8)
for _, row := range task.rootRowCollector.Base().Samples {
if len(idx.Columns) == 1 && row.Columns[idx.Columns[0].Offset].IsNull() {
b := make([]byte, 0, 8)
for _, col := range idx.Columns {
// If the index value contains one value which is too long, we think that it's a value that doesn't occur many times.
if len(row.Columns[col.Offset].GetBytes()) > statistics.MaxSampleValueLength {
continue indexSampleCollectLoop
if col.Length != types.UnspecifiedLength {
ranger.CutDatumByPrefixLen(&tmpDatum, col.Length, &e.colsInfo[col.Offset].FieldType)
b, err = codec.EncodeKey(e.ctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx, b, tmpDatum)
if err != nil {
resultCh <- err
continue workLoop
b, err = codec.EncodeKey(e.ctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx, b, row.Columns[col.Offset])
if err != nil {
resultCh <- err
continue workLoop
sampleItems = append(sampleItems, &statistics.SampleItem{
Value: types.NewBytesDatum(b),
// tmp memory usage
deltaSize := sampleItems[len(sampleItems)-1].Value.MemUsage()
e.memTracker.BufferedConsume(&bufferedMemSize, deltaSize)
e.memTracker.BufferedRelease(&bufferedReleaseSize, deltaSize)
collector = &statistics.SampleCollector{
Samples: sampleItems,
NullCount: task.rootRowCollector.Base().NullCount[task.slicePos],
Count: task.rootRowCollector.Base().Count - task.rootRowCollector.Base().NullCount[task.slicePos],
FMSketch: task.rootRowCollector.Base().FMSketches[task.slicePos],
TotalSize: task.rootRowCollector.Base().TotalSizes[task.slicePos],
MemSize: collectorMemSize,
if task.isColumn {
collectors[task.slicePos] = collector
releaseCollectorMemory := func() {
if !task.isColumn {
hist, topn, err := statistics.BuildHistAndTopN(e.ctx, int(e.opts[ast.AnalyzeOptNumBuckets]), int(e.opts[ast.AnalyzeOptNumTopN]), task.id, collector, task.tp, task.isColumn, e.memTracker)
if err != nil {
resultCh <- err
finalMemSize := hist.MemoryUsage() + topn.MemoryUsage()
hists[task.slicePos] = hist
topns[task.slicePos] = topn
resultCh <- nil
case <-exitCh:
type analyzeIndexNDVTotalResult struct {
results map[int64]*statistics.AnalyzeResults
err error
type samplingMergeResult struct {
collector statistics.RowSampleCollector
err error
type samplingBuildTask struct {
id int64
rootRowCollector statistics.RowSampleCollector
tp *types.FieldType
isColumn bool
slicePos int
func readDataAndSendTask(ctx sessionctx.Context, handler *tableResultHandler, mergeTaskCh chan []byte, memTracker *memory.Tracker) error {
defer close(mergeTaskCh)
for {
failpoint.Inject("mockKillRunningV2AnalyzeJob", func() {
dom := domain.GetDomain(ctx)
if atomic.LoadUint32(&ctx.GetSessionVars().Killed) == 1 {
return errors.Trace(ErrQueryInterrupted)
failpoint.Inject("mockSlowAnalyzeV2", func() {
time.Sleep(1000 * time.Second)
data, err := handler.nextRaw(context.TODO())
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
if data == nil {
mergeTaskCh <- data
return nil
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8、 golang
9、 openharmony
10、 Vue中input框自动聚焦