tidb adapter 源码
tidb adapter 代码
// Copyright 2015 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package executor
import (
plannercore "github.com/pingcap/tidb/planner/core"
topsqlstate "github.com/pingcap/tidb/util/topsql/state"
tikverr "github.com/tikv/client-go/v2/error"
// metrics option
var (
totalQueryProcHistogramGeneral = metrics.TotalQueryProcHistogram.WithLabelValues(metrics.LblGeneral)
totalCopProcHistogramGeneral = metrics.TotalCopProcHistogram.WithLabelValues(metrics.LblGeneral)
totalCopWaitHistogramGeneral = metrics.TotalCopWaitHistogram.WithLabelValues(metrics.LblGeneral)
totalQueryProcHistogramInternal = metrics.TotalQueryProcHistogram.WithLabelValues(metrics.LblInternal)
totalCopProcHistogramInternal = metrics.TotalCopProcHistogram.WithLabelValues(metrics.LblInternal)
totalCopWaitHistogramInternal = metrics.TotalCopWaitHistogram.WithLabelValues(metrics.LblInternal)
// processinfoSetter is the interface use to set current running process info.
type processinfoSetter interface {
SetProcessInfo(string, time.Time, byte, uint64)
// recordSet wraps an executor, implements sqlexec.RecordSet interface
type recordSet struct {
fields []*ast.ResultField
executor Executor
stmt *ExecStmt
lastErr error
txnStartTS uint64
func (a *recordSet) Fields() []*ast.ResultField {
if len(a.fields) == 0 {
a.fields = colNames2ResultFields(a.executor.Schema(), a.stmt.OutputNames, a.stmt.Ctx.GetSessionVars().CurrentDB)
return a.fields
func colNames2ResultFields(schema *expression.Schema, names []*types.FieldName, defaultDB string) []*ast.ResultField {
rfs := make([]*ast.ResultField, 0, schema.Len())
defaultDBCIStr := model.NewCIStr(defaultDB)
for i := 0; i < schema.Len(); i++ {
dbName := names[i].DBName
if dbName.L == "" && names[i].TblName.L != "" {
dbName = defaultDBCIStr
origColName := names[i].OrigColName
if origColName.L == "" {
origColName = names[i].ColName
rf := &ast.ResultField{
Column: &model.ColumnInfo{Name: origColName, FieldType: *schema.Columns[i].RetType},
ColumnAsName: names[i].ColName,
Table: &model.TableInfo{Name: names[i].OrigTblName},
TableAsName: names[i].TblName,
DBName: dbName,
// This is for compatibility.
// See issue https://github.com/pingcap/tidb/issues/10513 .
if len(rf.ColumnAsName.O) > mysql.MaxAliasIdentifierLen {
rf.ColumnAsName.O = rf.ColumnAsName.O[:mysql.MaxAliasIdentifierLen]
// Usually the length of O equals the length of L.
// Add this len judgement to avoid panic.
if len(rf.ColumnAsName.L) > mysql.MaxAliasIdentifierLen {
rf.ColumnAsName.L = rf.ColumnAsName.L[:mysql.MaxAliasIdentifierLen]
rfs = append(rfs, rf)
return rfs
// Next use uses recordSet's executor to get next available chunk for later usage.
// If chunk does not contain any rows, then we update last query found rows in session variable as current found rows.
// The reason we need update is that chunk with 0 rows indicating we already finished current query, we need prepare for
// next query.
// If stmt is not nil and chunk with some rows inside, we simply update last query found rows by the number of row in chunk.
func (a *recordSet) Next(ctx context.Context, req *chunk.Chunk) (err error) {
defer func() {
r := recover()
if r == nil {
err = errors.Errorf("%v", r)
logutil.Logger(ctx).Error("execute sql panic", zap.String("sql", a.stmt.GetTextToLog()), zap.Stack("stack"))
err = a.stmt.next(ctx, a.executor, req)
if err != nil {
a.lastErr = err
return err
numRows := req.NumRows()
if numRows == 0 {
if a.stmt != nil {
a.stmt.Ctx.GetSessionVars().LastFoundRows = a.stmt.Ctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx.FoundRows()
return nil
if a.stmt != nil {
return nil
// NewChunk create a chunk base on top-level executor's newFirstChunk().
func (a *recordSet) NewChunk(alloc chunk.Allocator) *chunk.Chunk {
if alloc == nil {
return newFirstChunk(a.executor)
base := a.executor.base()
return alloc.Alloc(base.retFieldTypes, base.initCap, base.maxChunkSize)
func (a *recordSet) Close() error {
err := a.executor.Close()
a.stmt.CloseRecordSet(a.txnStartTS, a.lastErr)
return err
// OnFetchReturned implements commandLifeCycle#OnFetchReturned
func (a *recordSet) OnFetchReturned() {
a.stmt.LogSlowQuery(a.txnStartTS, a.lastErr == nil, true)
// TelemetryInfo records some telemetry information during execution.
type TelemetryInfo struct {
UseNonRecursive bool
UseRecursive bool
UseMultiSchemaChange bool
PartitionTelemetry *PartitionTelemetryInfo
AccountLockTelemetry *AccountLockTelemetryInfo
// PartitionTelemetryInfo records table partition telemetry information during execution.
type PartitionTelemetryInfo struct {
UseTablePartition bool
UseTablePartitionList bool
UseTablePartitionRange bool
UseTablePartitionHash bool
UseTablePartitionRangeColumns bool
UseTablePartitionRangeColumnsGt1 bool
UseTablePartitionRangeColumnsGt2 bool
UseTablePartitionRangeColumnsGt3 bool
UseTablePartitionListColumns bool
TablePartitionMaxPartitionsNum uint64
UseCreateIntervalPartition bool
UseAddIntervalPartition bool
UseDropIntervalPartition bool
// AccountLockTelemetryInfo records account lock/unlock information during execution
type AccountLockTelemetryInfo struct {
// The number of CREATE/ALTER USER statements that lock the user
LockUser int64
// The number of CREATE/ALTER USER statements that unlock the user
UnlockUser int64
// The number of CREATE/ALTER USER statements
CreateOrAlterUser int64
// ExecStmt implements the sqlexec.Statement interface, it builds a planner.Plan to an sqlexec.Statement.
type ExecStmt struct {
// GoCtx stores parent go context.Context for a stmt.
GoCtx context.Context
// InfoSchema stores a reference to the schema information.
InfoSchema infoschema.InfoSchema
// Plan stores a reference to the final physical plan.
Plan plannercore.Plan
// Text represents the origin query text.
Text string
StmtNode ast.StmtNode
Ctx sessionctx.Context
// LowerPriority represents whether to lower the execution priority of a query.
LowerPriority bool
isPreparedStmt bool
isSelectForUpdate bool
retryCount uint
retryStartTime time.Time
// Phase durations are splited into two parts: 1. trying to lock keys (but
// failed); 2. the final iteration of the retry loop. Here we use
// [2]time.Duration to record such info for each phase. The first duration
// is increased only within the current iteration. When we meet a
// pessimistic lock error and decide to retry, we add the first duration to
// the second and reset the first to 0 by calling `resetPhaseDurations`.
phaseBuildDurations [2]time.Duration
phaseOpenDurations [2]time.Duration
phaseNextDurations [2]time.Duration
phaseLockDurations [2]time.Duration
// OutputNames will be set if using cached plan
OutputNames []*types.FieldName
PsStmt *plannercore.PlanCacheStmt
Ti *TelemetryInfo
// GetStmtNode returns the stmtNode inside Statement
func (a *ExecStmt) GetStmtNode() ast.StmtNode {
return a.StmtNode
// PointGet short path for point exec directly from plan, keep only necessary steps
func (a *ExecStmt) PointGet(ctx context.Context) (*recordSet, error) {
if span := opentracing.SpanFromContext(ctx); span != nil && span.Tracer() != nil {
span1 := span.Tracer().StartSpan("ExecStmt.PointGet", opentracing.ChildOf(span.Context()))
span1.LogKV("sql", a.OriginText())
defer span1.Finish()
ctx = opentracing.ContextWithSpan(ctx, span1)
failpoint.Inject("assertTxnManagerInShortPointGetPlan", func() {
sessiontxn.RecordAssert(a.Ctx, "assertTxnManagerInShortPointGetPlan", true)
// stale read should not reach here
staleread.AssertStmtStaleness(a.Ctx, false)
sessiontxn.AssertTxnManagerInfoSchema(a.Ctx, a.InfoSchema)
ctx = a.observeStmtBeginForTopSQL(ctx)
startTs, err := sessiontxn.GetTxnManager(a.Ctx).GetStmtReadTS()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
a.Ctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx.Priority = kv.PriorityHigh
// try to reuse point get executor
if a.PsStmt.Executor != nil {
exec, ok := a.PsStmt.Executor.(*PointGetExecutor)
if !ok {
logutil.Logger(ctx).Error("invalid executor type, not PointGetExecutor for point get path")
a.PsStmt.Executor = nil
} else {
// CachedPlan type is already checked in last step
pointGetPlan := a.PsStmt.PreparedAst.CachedPlan.(*plannercore.PointGetPlan)
a.PsStmt.Executor = exec
if a.PsStmt.Executor == nil {
b := newExecutorBuilder(a.Ctx, a.InfoSchema, a.Ti)
newExecutor := b.build(a.Plan)
if b.err != nil {
return nil, b.err
a.PsStmt.Executor = newExecutor
pointExecutor := a.PsStmt.Executor.(*PointGetExecutor)
if err = pointExecutor.Open(ctx); err != nil {
return nil, err
sctx := a.Ctx
cmd32 := atomic.LoadUint32(&sctx.GetSessionVars().CommandValue)
cmd := byte(cmd32)
var pi processinfoSetter
if raw, ok := sctx.(processinfoSetter); ok {
pi = raw
sql := a.OriginText()
maxExecutionTime := getMaxExecutionTime(sctx)
// Update processinfo, ShowProcess() will use it.
pi.SetProcessInfo(sql, time.Now(), cmd, maxExecutionTime)
if sctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx.StmtType == "" {
sctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx.StmtType = ast.GetStmtLabel(a.StmtNode)
return &recordSet{
executor: pointExecutor,
stmt: a,
txnStartTS: startTs,
}, nil
// OriginText returns original statement as a string.
func (a *ExecStmt) OriginText() string {
return a.Text
// IsPrepared returns true if stmt is a prepare statement.
func (a *ExecStmt) IsPrepared() bool {
return a.isPreparedStmt
// IsReadOnly returns true if a statement is read only.
// If current StmtNode is an ExecuteStmt, we can get its prepared stmt,
// then using ast.IsReadOnly function to determine a statement is read only or not.
func (a *ExecStmt) IsReadOnly(vars *variable.SessionVars) bool {
return planner.IsReadOnly(a.StmtNode, vars)
// RebuildPlan rebuilds current execute statement plan.
// It returns the current information schema version that 'a' is using.
func (a *ExecStmt) RebuildPlan(ctx context.Context) (int64, error) {
ret := &plannercore.PreprocessorReturn{}
if err := plannercore.Preprocess(a.Ctx, a.StmtNode, plannercore.InTxnRetry, plannercore.InitTxnContextProvider, plannercore.WithPreprocessorReturn(ret)); err != nil {
return 0, err
failpoint.Inject("assertTxnManagerInRebuildPlan", func() {
if is, ok := a.Ctx.Value(sessiontxn.AssertTxnInfoSchemaAfterRetryKey).(infoschema.InfoSchema); ok {
a.Ctx.SetValue(sessiontxn.AssertTxnInfoSchemaKey, is)
a.Ctx.SetValue(sessiontxn.AssertTxnInfoSchemaAfterRetryKey, nil)
sessiontxn.RecordAssert(a.Ctx, "assertTxnManagerInRebuildPlan", true)
sessiontxn.AssertTxnManagerInfoSchema(a.Ctx, ret.InfoSchema)
staleread.AssertStmtStaleness(a.Ctx, ret.IsStaleness)
if ret.IsStaleness {
sessiontxn.AssertTxnManagerReadTS(a.Ctx, ret.LastSnapshotTS)
a.InfoSchema = sessiontxn.GetTxnManager(a.Ctx).GetTxnInfoSchema()
replicaReadScope := sessiontxn.GetTxnManager(a.Ctx).GetReadReplicaScope()
if a.Ctx.GetSessionVars().GetReplicaRead().IsClosestRead() && replicaReadScope == kv.GlobalReplicaScope {
logutil.BgLogger().Warn(fmt.Sprintf("tidb can't read closest replicas due to it haven't %s label", placement.DCLabelKey))
p, names, err := planner.Optimize(ctx, a.Ctx, a.StmtNode, a.InfoSchema)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
a.OutputNames = names
a.Plan = p
return a.InfoSchema.SchemaMetaVersion(), nil
// IsFastPlan exports for testing.
func IsFastPlan(p plannercore.Plan) bool {
if proj, ok := p.(*plannercore.PhysicalProjection); ok {
p = proj.Children()[0]
switch p.(type) {
case *plannercore.PointGetPlan:
return true
case *plannercore.PhysicalTableDual:
// Plan of following SQL is PhysicalTableDual:
// select 1;
// select @@autocommit;
return true
case *plannercore.Set:
// Plan of following SQL is Set:
// set @a=1;
// set @@autocommit=1;
return true
return false
// Exec builds an Executor from a plan. If the Executor doesn't return result,
// like the INSERT, UPDATE statements, it executes in this function. If the Executor returns
// result, execution is done after this function returns, in the returned sqlexec.RecordSet Next method.
func (a *ExecStmt) Exec(ctx context.Context) (_ sqlexec.RecordSet, err error) {
defer func() {
r := recover()
if r == nil {
if a.retryCount > 0 {
lockKeysCnt := a.Ctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx.LockKeysCount
if lockKeysCnt > 0 {
if str, ok := r.(string); !ok || !strings.Contains(str, memory.PanicMemoryExceed) {
err = errors.Errorf("%v", r)
logutil.Logger(ctx).Error("execute sql panic", zap.String("sql", a.GetTextToLog()), zap.Stack("stack"))
failpoint.Inject("assertStaleTSO", func(val failpoint.Value) {
if n, ok := val.(int); ok && staleread.IsStmtStaleness(a.Ctx) {
txnManager := sessiontxn.GetTxnManager(a.Ctx)
ts, err := txnManager.GetStmtReadTS()
if err != nil {
startTS := oracle.ExtractPhysical(ts) / 1000
if n != int(startTS) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("different tso %d != %d", n, startTS))
sctx := a.Ctx
ctx = util.SetSessionID(ctx, sctx.GetSessionVars().ConnectionID)
if _, ok := a.Plan.(*plannercore.Analyze); ok && sctx.GetSessionVars().InRestrictedSQL {
oriStats, ok := sctx.GetSessionVars().GetSystemVar(variable.TiDBBuildStatsConcurrency)
if !ok {
oriStats = strconv.Itoa(variable.DefBuildStatsConcurrency)
oriScan := sctx.GetSessionVars().DistSQLScanConcurrency()
oriIndex := sctx.GetSessionVars().IndexSerialScanConcurrency()
oriIso, ok := sctx.GetSessionVars().GetSystemVar(variable.TxnIsolation)
if !ok {
terror.Log(sctx.GetSessionVars().SetSystemVar(variable.TiDBBuildStatsConcurrency, "1"))
terror.Log(sctx.GetSessionVars().SetSystemVar(variable.TxnIsolation, ast.ReadCommitted))
defer func() {
terror.Log(sctx.GetSessionVars().SetSystemVar(variable.TiDBBuildStatsConcurrency, oriStats))
terror.Log(sctx.GetSessionVars().SetSystemVar(variable.TxnIsolation, oriIso))
if sctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx.HasMemQuotaHint {
e, err := a.buildExecutor()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// ExecuteExec will rewrite `a.Plan`, so set plan label should be executed after `a.buildExecutor`.
ctx = a.observeStmtBeginForTopSQL(ctx)
breakpoint.Inject(a.Ctx, sessiontxn.BreakPointBeforeExecutorFirstRun)
if err = a.openExecutor(ctx, e); err != nil {
return nil, err
cmd32 := atomic.LoadUint32(&sctx.GetSessionVars().CommandValue)
cmd := byte(cmd32)
var pi processinfoSetter
if raw, ok := sctx.(processinfoSetter); ok {
pi = raw
sql := a.OriginText()
if simple, ok := a.Plan.(*plannercore.Simple); ok && simple.Statement != nil {
if ss, ok := simple.Statement.(ast.SensitiveStmtNode); ok {
// Use SecureText to avoid leak password information.
sql = ss.SecureText()
maxExecutionTime := getMaxExecutionTime(sctx)
// Update processinfo, ShowProcess() will use it.
pi.SetProcessInfo(sql, time.Now(), cmd, maxExecutionTime)
if a.Ctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx.StmtType == "" {
a.Ctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx.StmtType = ast.GetStmtLabel(a.StmtNode)
failpoint.Inject("mockDelayInnerSessionExecute", func() {
var curTxnStartTS uint64
if cmd != mysql.ComSleep || sctx.GetSessionVars().InTxn() {
curTxnStartTS = sctx.GetSessionVars().TxnCtx.StartTS
if sctx.GetSessionVars().SnapshotTS != 0 {
curTxnStartTS = sctx.GetSessionVars().SnapshotTS
logutil.BgLogger().Info("Enable mockDelayInnerSessionExecute when execute statement",
zap.Uint64("startTS", curTxnStartTS))
time.Sleep(200 * time.Millisecond)
isPessimistic := sctx.GetSessionVars().TxnCtx.IsPessimistic
// Special handle for "select for update statement" in pessimistic transaction.
if isPessimistic && a.isSelectForUpdate {
return a.handlePessimisticSelectForUpdate(ctx, e)
if handled, result, err := a.handleNoDelay(ctx, e, isPessimistic); handled || err != nil {
return result, err
var txnStartTS uint64
txn, err := sctx.Txn(false)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if txn.Valid() {
txnStartTS = txn.StartTS()
return &recordSet{
executor: e,
stmt: a,
txnStartTS: txnStartTS,
}, nil
func (a *ExecStmt) handleNoDelay(ctx context.Context, e Executor, isPessimistic bool) (handled bool, rs sqlexec.RecordSet, err error) {
sc := a.Ctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx
defer func() {
// If the stmt have no rs like `insert`, The session tracker detachment will be directly
// done in the `defer` function. If the rs is not nil, the detachment will be done in
// `rs.Close` in `handleStmt`
if sc != nil && rs == nil {
if sc.MemTracker != nil {
if sc.DiskTracker != nil {
toCheck := e
isExplainAnalyze := false
if explain, ok := e.(*ExplainExec); ok {
if analyze := explain.getAnalyzeExecToExecutedNoDelay(); analyze != nil {
toCheck = analyze
isExplainAnalyze = true
// If the executor doesn't return any result to the client, we execute it without delay.
if toCheck.Schema().Len() == 0 {
handled = !isExplainAnalyze
if isPessimistic {
return handled, nil, a.handlePessimisticDML(ctx, toCheck)
r, err := a.handleNoDelayExecutor(ctx, toCheck)
return handled, r, err
} else if proj, ok := toCheck.(*ProjectionExec); ok && proj.calculateNoDelay {
// Currently this is only for the "DO" statement. Take "DO 1, @a=2;" as an example:
// the Projection has two expressions and two columns in the schema, but we should
// not return the result of the two expressions.
r, err := a.handleNoDelayExecutor(ctx, e)
return true, r, err
return false, nil, nil
func isNoResultPlan(p plannercore.Plan) bool {
if p.Schema().Len() == 0 {
return true
// Currently this is only for the "DO" statement. Take "DO 1, @a=2;" as an example:
// the Projection has two expressions and two columns in the schema, but we should
// not return the result of the two expressions.
switch raw := p.(type) {
case *plannercore.LogicalProjection:
if raw.CalculateNoDelay {
return true
case *plannercore.PhysicalProjection:
if raw.CalculateNoDelay {
return true
return false
// getMaxExecutionTime get the max execution timeout value.
func getMaxExecutionTime(sctx sessionctx.Context) uint64 {
if sctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx.HasMaxExecutionTime {
return sctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx.MaxExecutionTime
return sctx.GetSessionVars().MaxExecutionTime
type chunkRowRecordSet struct {
rows []chunk.Row
idx int
fields []*ast.ResultField
e Executor
execStmt *ExecStmt
func (c *chunkRowRecordSet) Fields() []*ast.ResultField {
if c.fields == nil {
c.fields = colNames2ResultFields(c.e.Schema(), c.execStmt.OutputNames, c.execStmt.Ctx.GetSessionVars().CurrentDB)
return c.fields
func (c *chunkRowRecordSet) Next(ctx context.Context, chk *chunk.Chunk) error {
if !chk.IsFull() && c.idx < len(c.rows) {
numToAppend := mathutil.Min(len(c.rows)-c.idx, chk.RequiredRows()-chk.NumRows())
chk.AppendRows(c.rows[c.idx : c.idx+numToAppend])
c.idx += numToAppend
return nil
func (c *chunkRowRecordSet) NewChunk(alloc chunk.Allocator) *chunk.Chunk {
if alloc == nil {
return newFirstChunk(c.e)
base := c.e.base()
return alloc.Alloc(base.retFieldTypes, base.initCap, base.maxChunkSize)
func (c *chunkRowRecordSet) Close() error {
c.execStmt.CloseRecordSet(c.execStmt.Ctx.GetSessionVars().TxnCtx.StartTS, nil)
return nil
func (a *ExecStmt) handlePessimisticSelectForUpdate(ctx context.Context, e Executor) (sqlexec.RecordSet, error) {
if snapshotTS := a.Ctx.GetSessionVars().SnapshotTS; snapshotTS != 0 {
return nil, errors.New("can not execute write statement when 'tidb_snapshot' is set")
for {
rs, err := a.runPessimisticSelectForUpdate(ctx, e)
e, err = a.handlePessimisticLockError(ctx, err)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if e == nil {
return rs, nil
func (a *ExecStmt) runPessimisticSelectForUpdate(ctx context.Context, e Executor) (sqlexec.RecordSet, error) {
defer func() {
var rows []chunk.Row
var err error
req := newFirstChunk(e)
for {
err = a.next(ctx, e, req)
if err != nil {
// Handle 'write conflict' error.
if req.NumRows() == 0 {
return &chunkRowRecordSet{rows: rows, e: e, execStmt: a}, nil
iter := chunk.NewIterator4Chunk(req)
for r := iter.Begin(); r != iter.End(); r = iter.Next() {
rows = append(rows, r)
req = chunk.Renew(req, a.Ctx.GetSessionVars().MaxChunkSize)
return nil, err
func (a *ExecStmt) handleNoDelayExecutor(ctx context.Context, e Executor) (sqlexec.RecordSet, error) {
sctx := a.Ctx
if span := opentracing.SpanFromContext(ctx); span != nil && span.Tracer() != nil {
span1 := span.Tracer().StartSpan("executor.handleNoDelayExecutor", opentracing.ChildOf(span.Context()))
defer span1.Finish()
ctx = opentracing.ContextWithSpan(ctx, span1)
var err error
defer func() {
// Check if "tidb_snapshot" is set for the write executors.
// In history read mode, we can not do write operations.
switch e.(type) {
case *DeleteExec, *InsertExec, *UpdateExec, *ReplaceExec, *LoadDataExec, *DDLExec:
snapshotTS := sctx.GetSessionVars().SnapshotTS
if snapshotTS != 0 {
return nil, errors.New("can not execute write statement when 'tidb_snapshot' is set")
lowResolutionTSO := sctx.GetSessionVars().LowResolutionTSO
if lowResolutionTSO {
return nil, errors.New("can not execute write statement when 'tidb_low_resolution_tso' is set")
err = a.next(ctx, e, newFirstChunk(e))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return nil, err
func (a *ExecStmt) handlePessimisticDML(ctx context.Context, e Executor) (err error) {
sctx := a.Ctx
// Do not activate the transaction here.
// When autocommit = 0 and transaction in pessimistic mode,
// statements like set xxx = xxx; should not active the transaction.
txn, err := sctx.Txn(false)
if err != nil {
return err
txnCtx := sctx.GetSessionVars().TxnCtx
defer func() {
if err != nil && !sctx.GetSessionVars().ConstraintCheckInPlacePessimistic && sctx.GetSessionVars().InTxn() {
// If it's not a retryable error, rollback current transaction instead of rolling back current statement like
// in normal transactions, because we cannot locate and rollback the statement that leads to the lock error.
// This is too strict, but since the feature is not for everyone, it's the easiest way to guarantee safety.
stmtText := a.OriginText()
if sctx.GetSessionVars().EnableRedactLog {
stmtText = parser.Normalize(stmtText)
logutil.Logger(ctx).Info("Transaction abort for the safety of lazy uniqueness check. "+
"Note this may not be a uniqueness violation.",
zap.String("statement", stmtText),
zap.Uint64("conn", sctx.GetSessionVars().ConnectionID),
zap.Uint64("txnStartTS", txnCtx.StartTS),
zap.Uint64("forUpdateTS", txnCtx.GetForUpdateTS()),
err = ErrLazyUniquenessCheckFailure.GenWithStackByArgs(err.Error())
for {
startPointGetLocking := time.Now()
_, err = a.handleNoDelayExecutor(ctx, e)
if !txn.Valid() {
return err
if err != nil {
// It is possible the DML has point get plan that locks the key.
e, err = a.handlePessimisticLockError(ctx, err)
if err != nil {
if ErrDeadlock.Equal(err) {
return err
keys, err1 := txn.(pessimisticTxn).KeysNeedToLock()
if err1 != nil {
return err1
keys = txnCtx.CollectUnchangedRowKeys(keys)
if len(keys) == 0 {
return nil
keys = filterTemporaryTableKeys(sctx.GetSessionVars(), keys)
seVars := sctx.GetSessionVars()
keys = filterLockTableKeys(seVars.StmtCtx, keys)
lockCtx, err := newLockCtx(sctx, seVars.LockWaitTimeout, len(keys))
if err != nil {
return err
var lockKeyStats *util.LockKeysDetails
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, util.LockKeysDetailCtxKey, &lockKeyStats)
startLocking := time.Now()
err = txn.LockKeys(ctx, lockCtx, keys...)
a.phaseLockDurations[0] += time.Since(startLocking)
if lockKeyStats != nil {
if err == nil {
return nil
e, err = a.handlePessimisticLockError(ctx, err)
if err != nil {
// todo: Report deadlock
if ErrDeadlock.Equal(err) {
return err
// handlePessimisticLockError updates TS and rebuild executor if the err is write conflict.
func (a *ExecStmt) handlePessimisticLockError(ctx context.Context, lockErr error) (_ Executor, err error) {
if lockErr == nil {
return nil, nil
failpoint.Inject("assertPessimisticLockErr", func() {
if terror.ErrorEqual(kv.ErrWriteConflict, lockErr) {
sessiontxn.AddAssertEntranceForLockError(a.Ctx, "errWriteConflict")
} else if terror.ErrorEqual(kv.ErrKeyExists, lockErr) {
sessiontxn.AddAssertEntranceForLockError(a.Ctx, "errDuplicateKey")
defer func() {
if _, ok := errors.Cause(err).(*tikverr.ErrDeadlock); ok {
err = ErrDeadlock
txnManager := sessiontxn.GetTxnManager(a.Ctx)
action, err := txnManager.OnStmtErrorForNextAction(sessiontxn.StmtErrAfterPessimisticLock, lockErr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if action != sessiontxn.StmtActionRetryReady {
return nil, lockErr
if a.retryCount >= config.GetGlobalConfig().PessimisticTxn.MaxRetryCount {
return nil, errors.New("pessimistic lock retry limit reached")
a.retryStartTime = time.Now()
err = txnManager.OnStmtRetry(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Without this line of code, the result will still be correct. But it can ensure that the update time of for update read
// is determined which is beneficial for testing.
if _, err = txnManager.GetStmtForUpdateTS(); err != nil {
return nil, err
breakpoint.Inject(a.Ctx, sessiontxn.BreakPointOnStmtRetryAfterLockError)
e, err := a.buildExecutor()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Rollback the statement change before retry it.
failpoint.Inject("assertTxnManagerAfterPessimisticLockErrorRetry", func() {
sessiontxn.RecordAssert(a.Ctx, "assertTxnManagerAfterPessimisticLockErrorRetry", true)
if err = a.openExecutor(ctx, e); err != nil {
return nil, err
return e, nil
type pessimisticTxn interface {
// KeysNeedToLock returns the keys need to be locked.
KeysNeedToLock() ([]kv.Key, error)
// buildExecutor build an executor from plan, prepared statement may need additional procedure.
func (a *ExecStmt) buildExecutor() (Executor, error) {
defer func(start time.Time) { a.phaseBuildDurations[0] += time.Since(start) }(time.Now())
ctx := a.Ctx
stmtCtx := ctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx
if _, ok := a.Plan.(*plannercore.Execute); !ok {
if stmtCtx.Priority == mysql.NoPriority && a.LowerPriority {
stmtCtx.Priority = kv.PriorityLow
if _, ok := a.Plan.(*plannercore.Analyze); ok && ctx.GetSessionVars().InRestrictedSQL {
ctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx.Priority = kv.PriorityLow
b := newExecutorBuilder(ctx, a.InfoSchema, a.Ti)
e := b.build(a.Plan)
if b.err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(b.err)
failpoint.Inject("assertTxnManagerAfterBuildExecutor", func() {
sessiontxn.RecordAssert(a.Ctx, "assertTxnManagerAfterBuildExecutor", true)
sessiontxn.AssertTxnManagerInfoSchema(b.ctx, b.is)
// ExecuteExec is not a real Executor, we only use it to build another Executor from a prepared statement.
if executorExec, ok := e.(*ExecuteExec); ok {
err := executorExec.Build(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
a.Ctx.SetValue(sessionctx.QueryString, executorExec.stmt.Text())
a.OutputNames = executorExec.outputNames
a.isPreparedStmt = true
a.Plan = executorExec.plan
if executorExec.lowerPriority {
ctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx.Priority = kv.PriorityLow
e = executorExec.stmtExec
a.isSelectForUpdate = b.hasLock && (!stmtCtx.InDeleteStmt && !stmtCtx.InUpdateStmt && !stmtCtx.InInsertStmt)
return e, nil
func (a *ExecStmt) openExecutor(ctx context.Context, e Executor) (err error) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
err = errors.New(fmt.Sprint(r))
start := time.Now()
err = e.Open(ctx)
a.phaseOpenDurations[0] += time.Since(start)
return err
func (a *ExecStmt) next(ctx context.Context, e Executor, req *chunk.Chunk) error {
start := time.Now()
err := Next(ctx, e, req)
a.phaseNextDurations[0] += time.Since(start)
return err
func (a *ExecStmt) resetPhaseDurations() {
a.phaseBuildDurations[1] += a.phaseBuildDurations[0]
a.phaseBuildDurations[0] = 0
a.phaseOpenDurations[1] += a.phaseOpenDurations[0]
a.phaseOpenDurations[0] = 0
a.phaseNextDurations[1] += a.phaseNextDurations[0]
a.phaseNextDurations[0] = 0
a.phaseLockDurations[1] += a.phaseLockDurations[0]
a.phaseLockDurations[0] = 0
// QueryReplacer replaces new line and tab for grep result including query string.
var QueryReplacer = strings.NewReplacer("\r", " ", "\n", " ", "\t", " ")
func (a *ExecStmt) logAudit() {
sessVars := a.Ctx.GetSessionVars()
if sessVars.InRestrictedSQL {
err := plugin.ForeachPlugin(plugin.Audit, func(p *plugin.Plugin) error {
audit := plugin.DeclareAuditManifest(p.Manifest)
if audit.OnGeneralEvent != nil {
cmd := mysql.Command2Str[byte(atomic.LoadUint32(&a.Ctx.GetSessionVars().CommandValue))]
ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), plugin.ExecStartTimeCtxKey, a.Ctx.GetSessionVars().StartTime)
audit.OnGeneralEvent(ctx, sessVars, plugin.Completed, cmd)
return nil
if err != nil {
log.Error("log audit log failure", zap.Error(err))
// FormatSQL is used to format the original SQL, e.g. truncating long SQL, appending prepared arguments.
func FormatSQL(sql string) stringutil.StringerFunc {
return func() string {
length := len(sql)
maxQueryLen := variable.QueryLogMaxLen.Load()
if maxQueryLen <= 0 {
return QueryReplacer.Replace(sql) // no limit
if int32(length) > maxQueryLen {
sql = fmt.Sprintf("%.*q(len:%d)", maxQueryLen, sql, length)
return QueryReplacer.Replace(sql)
const (
phaseBuildLocking = "build:locking"
phaseOpenLocking = "open:locking"
phaseNextLocking = "next:locking"
phaseLockLocking = "lock:locking"
phaseBuildFinal = "build:final"
phaseOpenFinal = "open:final"
phaseNextFinal = "next:final"
phaseLockFinal = "lock:final"
phaseCommitPrewrite = "commit:prewrite"
phaseCommitCommit = "commit:commit"
phaseCommitWaitCommitTS = "commit:wait:commit-ts"
phaseCommitWaitLatestTS = "commit:wait:latest-ts"
phaseCommitWaitLatch = "commit:wait:local-latch"
phaseCommitWaitBinlog = "commit:wait:prewrite-binlog"
phaseWriteResponse = "write-response"
var (
sessionExecuteRunDurationInternal = metrics.SessionExecuteRunDuration.WithLabelValues(metrics.LblInternal)
sessionExecuteRunDurationGeneral = metrics.SessionExecuteRunDuration.WithLabelValues(metrics.LblGeneral)
totalTiFlashQuerySuccCounter = metrics.TiFlashQueryTotalCounter.WithLabelValues("", metrics.LblOK)
// pre-define observers for non-internal queries
execBuildLocking = metrics.ExecPhaseDuration.WithLabelValues(phaseBuildLocking, "0")
execOpenLocking = metrics.ExecPhaseDuration.WithLabelValues(phaseOpenLocking, "0")
execNextLocking = metrics.ExecPhaseDuration.WithLabelValues(phaseNextLocking, "0")
execLockLocking = metrics.ExecPhaseDuration.WithLabelValues(phaseLockLocking, "0")
execBuildFinal = metrics.ExecPhaseDuration.WithLabelValues(phaseBuildFinal, "0")
execOpenFinal = metrics.ExecPhaseDuration.WithLabelValues(phaseOpenFinal, "0")
execNextFinal = metrics.ExecPhaseDuration.WithLabelValues(phaseNextFinal, "0")
execLockFinal = metrics.ExecPhaseDuration.WithLabelValues(phaseLockFinal, "0")
execCommitPrewrite = metrics.ExecPhaseDuration.WithLabelValues(phaseCommitPrewrite, "0")
execCommitCommit = metrics.ExecPhaseDuration.WithLabelValues(phaseCommitCommit, "0")
execCommitWaitCommitTS = metrics.ExecPhaseDuration.WithLabelValues(phaseCommitWaitCommitTS, "0")
execCommitWaitLatestTS = metrics.ExecPhaseDuration.WithLabelValues(phaseCommitWaitLatestTS, "0")
execCommitWaitLatch = metrics.ExecPhaseDuration.WithLabelValues(phaseCommitWaitLatch, "0")
execCommitWaitBinlog = metrics.ExecPhaseDuration.WithLabelValues(phaseCommitWaitBinlog, "0")
execWriteResponse = metrics.ExecPhaseDuration.WithLabelValues(phaseWriteResponse, "0")
execUnknown = metrics.ExecPhaseDuration.WithLabelValues("unknown", "0")
// pre-define observers for internal queries
execBuildLockingInternal = metrics.ExecPhaseDuration.WithLabelValues(phaseBuildLocking, "1")
execOpenLockingInternal = metrics.ExecPhaseDuration.WithLabelValues(phaseOpenLocking, "1")
execNextLockingInternal = metrics.ExecPhaseDuration.WithLabelValues(phaseNextLocking, "1")
execLockLockingInternal = metrics.ExecPhaseDuration.WithLabelValues(phaseLockLocking, "1")
execBuildFinalInternal = metrics.ExecPhaseDuration.WithLabelValues(phaseBuildFinal, "1")
execOpenFinalInternal = metrics.ExecPhaseDuration.WithLabelValues(phaseOpenFinal, "1")
execNextFinalInternal = metrics.ExecPhaseDuration.WithLabelValues(phaseNextFinal, "1")
execLockFinalInternal = metrics.ExecPhaseDuration.WithLabelValues(phaseLockFinal, "1")
execCommitPrewriteInternal = metrics.ExecPhaseDuration.WithLabelValues(phaseCommitPrewrite, "1")
execCommitCommitInternal = metrics.ExecPhaseDuration.WithLabelValues(phaseCommitCommit, "1")
execCommitWaitCommitTSInternal = metrics.ExecPhaseDuration.WithLabelValues(phaseCommitWaitCommitTS, "1")
execCommitWaitLatestTSInternal = metrics.ExecPhaseDuration.WithLabelValues(phaseCommitWaitLatestTS, "1")
execCommitWaitLatchInternal = metrics.ExecPhaseDuration.WithLabelValues(phaseCommitWaitLatch, "1")
execCommitWaitBinlogInternal = metrics.ExecPhaseDuration.WithLabelValues(phaseCommitWaitBinlog, "1")
execWriteResponseInternal = metrics.ExecPhaseDuration.WithLabelValues(phaseWriteResponse, "1")
execUnknownInternal = metrics.ExecPhaseDuration.WithLabelValues("unknown", "1")
var phaseDurationObserverMap map[string]prometheus.Observer
var phaseDurationObserverMapInternal map[string]prometheus.Observer
func init() {
phaseDurationObserverMap = map[string]prometheus.Observer{
phaseBuildLocking: execBuildLocking,
phaseOpenLocking: execOpenLocking,
phaseNextLocking: execNextLocking,
phaseLockLocking: execLockLocking,
phaseBuildFinal: execBuildFinal,
phaseOpenFinal: execOpenFinal,
phaseNextFinal: execNextFinal,
phaseLockFinal: execLockFinal,
phaseCommitPrewrite: execCommitPrewrite,
phaseCommitCommit: execCommitCommit,
phaseCommitWaitCommitTS: execCommitWaitCommitTS,
phaseCommitWaitLatestTS: execCommitWaitLatestTS,
phaseCommitWaitLatch: execCommitWaitLatch,
phaseCommitWaitBinlog: execCommitWaitBinlog,
phaseWriteResponse: execWriteResponse,
phaseDurationObserverMapInternal = map[string]prometheus.Observer{
phaseBuildLocking: execBuildLockingInternal,
phaseOpenLocking: execOpenLockingInternal,
phaseNextLocking: execNextLockingInternal,
phaseLockLocking: execLockLockingInternal,
phaseBuildFinal: execBuildFinalInternal,
phaseOpenFinal: execOpenFinalInternal,
phaseNextFinal: execNextFinalInternal,
phaseLockFinal: execLockFinalInternal,
phaseCommitPrewrite: execCommitPrewriteInternal,
phaseCommitCommit: execCommitCommitInternal,
phaseCommitWaitCommitTS: execCommitWaitCommitTSInternal,
phaseCommitWaitLatestTS: execCommitWaitLatestTSInternal,
phaseCommitWaitLatch: execCommitWaitLatchInternal,
phaseCommitWaitBinlog: execCommitWaitBinlogInternal,
phaseWriteResponse: execWriteResponseInternal,
func getPhaseDurationObserver(phase string, internal bool) prometheus.Observer {
if internal {
if ob, found := phaseDurationObserverMapInternal[phase]; found {
return ob
return execUnknownInternal
if ob, found := phaseDurationObserverMap[phase]; found {
return ob
return execUnknown
func (a *ExecStmt) observePhaseDurations(internal bool, commitDetails *util.CommitDetails) {
for _, it := range []struct {
duration time.Duration
phase string
{a.phaseBuildDurations[0], phaseBuildFinal},
{a.phaseBuildDurations[1], phaseBuildLocking},
{a.phaseOpenDurations[0], phaseOpenFinal},
{a.phaseOpenDurations[1], phaseOpenLocking},
{a.phaseNextDurations[0], phaseNextFinal},
{a.phaseNextDurations[1], phaseNextLocking},
{a.phaseLockDurations[0], phaseLockFinal},
{a.phaseLockDurations[1], phaseLockLocking},
} {
if it.duration > 0 {
getPhaseDurationObserver(it.phase, internal).Observe(it.duration.Seconds())
if commitDetails != nil {
for _, it := range []struct {
duration time.Duration
phase string
{commitDetails.PrewriteTime, phaseCommitPrewrite},
{commitDetails.CommitTime, phaseCommitCommit},
{commitDetails.GetCommitTsTime, phaseCommitWaitCommitTS},
{commitDetails.GetLatestTsTime, phaseCommitWaitLatestTS},
{commitDetails.LocalLatchTime, phaseCommitWaitLatch},
{commitDetails.WaitPrewriteBinlogTime, phaseCommitWaitBinlog},
} {
if it.duration > 0 {
getPhaseDurationObserver(it.phase, internal).Observe(it.duration.Seconds())
if stmtDetailsRaw := a.GoCtx.Value(execdetails.StmtExecDetailKey); stmtDetailsRaw != nil {
d := stmtDetailsRaw.(*execdetails.StmtExecDetails).WriteSQLRespDuration
if d > 0 {
getPhaseDurationObserver(phaseWriteResponse, internal).Observe(d.Seconds())
// FinishExecuteStmt is used to record some information after `ExecStmt` execution finished:
// 1. record slow log if needed.
// 2. record summary statement.
// 3. record execute duration metric.
// 4. update the `PrevStmt` in session variable.
// 5. reset `DurationParse` in session variable.
func (a *ExecStmt) FinishExecuteStmt(txnTS uint64, err error, hasMoreResults bool) {
sessVars := a.Ctx.GetSessionVars()
execDetail := sessVars.StmtCtx.GetExecDetails()
// Attach commit/lockKeys runtime stats to executor runtime stats.
if (execDetail.CommitDetail != nil || execDetail.LockKeysDetail != nil) && sessVars.StmtCtx.RuntimeStatsColl != nil {
statsWithCommit := &execdetails.RuntimeStatsWithCommit{
Commit: execDetail.CommitDetail,
LockKeys: execDetail.LockKeysDetail,
sessVars.StmtCtx.RuntimeStatsColl.RegisterStats(a.Plan.ID(), statsWithCommit)
// Record related SLI metrics.
if execDetail.CommitDetail != nil && execDetail.CommitDetail.WriteSize > 0 {
a.Ctx.GetTxnWriteThroughputSLI().AddTxnWriteSize(execDetail.CommitDetail.WriteSize, execDetail.CommitDetail.WriteKeys)
if execDetail.ScanDetail != nil && execDetail.ScanDetail.ProcessedKeys > 0 && sessVars.StmtCtx.AffectedRows() > 0 {
// Only record the read keys in write statement which affect row more than 0.
succ := err == nil
if a.Plan != nil {
// If this statement has a Plan, the StmtCtx.plan should have been set when it comes here,
// but we set it again in case we missed some code paths.
// `LowSlowQuery` and `SummaryStmt` must be called before recording `PrevStmt`.
a.LogSlowQuery(txnTS, succ, hasMoreResults)
if sessVars.StmtCtx.IsTiFlash.Load() {
if succ {
} else {
metrics.TiFlashQueryTotalCounter.WithLabelValues(metrics.ExecuteErrorToLabel(err), metrics.LblError).Inc()
sessVars.PrevStmt = FormatSQL(a.GetTextToLog())
a.observePhaseDurations(sessVars.InRestrictedSQL, execDetail.CommitDetail)
executeDuration := time.Since(sessVars.StartTime) - sessVars.DurationCompile
if sessVars.InRestrictedSQL {
} else {
// Reset DurationParse due to the next statement may not need to be parsed (not a text protocol query).
sessVars.DurationParse = 0
// Clean the stale read flag when statement execution finish
sessVars.StmtCtx.IsStaleness = false
if sessVars.StmtCtx.ReadFromTableCache {
// CloseRecordSet will finish the execution of current statement and do some record work
func (a *ExecStmt) CloseRecordSet(txnStartTS uint64, lastErr error) {
a.FinishExecuteStmt(txnStartTS, lastErr, false)
// Detach the Memory and disk tracker for the previous stmtCtx from GlobalMemoryUsageTracker and GlobalDiskUsageTracker
if stmtCtx := a.Ctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx; stmtCtx != nil {
if stmtCtx.DiskTracker != nil {
if stmtCtx.MemTracker != nil {
// LogSlowQuery is used to print the slow query in the log files.
func (a *ExecStmt) LogSlowQuery(txnTS uint64, succ bool, hasMoreResults bool) {
sessVars := a.Ctx.GetSessionVars()
stmtCtx := sessVars.StmtCtx
level := log.GetLevel()
cfg := config.GetGlobalConfig()
costTime := time.Since(sessVars.StartTime) + sessVars.DurationParse
threshold := time.Duration(atomic.LoadUint64(&cfg.Instance.SlowThreshold)) * time.Millisecond
enable := cfg.Instance.EnableSlowLog.Load()
// if the level is Debug, or trace is enabled, print slow logs anyway
force := level <= zapcore.DebugLevel || trace.IsEnabled()
if (!enable || costTime < threshold) && !force {
sql := FormatSQL(a.GetTextToLog())
_, digest := stmtCtx.SQLDigest()
var indexNames string
if len(stmtCtx.IndexNames) > 0 {
// remove duplicate index.
idxMap := make(map[string]struct{})
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0, 4))
for _, idx := range stmtCtx.IndexNames {
_, ok := idxMap[idx]
if ok {
idxMap[idx] = struct{}{}
if buf.Len() > 1 {
indexNames = buf.String()
flat := getFlatPlan(stmtCtx)
var stmtDetail execdetails.StmtExecDetails
stmtDetailRaw := a.GoCtx.Value(execdetails.StmtExecDetailKey)
if stmtDetailRaw != nil {
stmtDetail = *(stmtDetailRaw.(*execdetails.StmtExecDetails))
var tikvExecDetail util.ExecDetails
tikvExecDetailRaw := a.GoCtx.Value(util.ExecDetailsKey)
if tikvExecDetailRaw != nil {
tikvExecDetail = *(tikvExecDetailRaw.(*util.ExecDetails))
execDetail := stmtCtx.GetExecDetails()
copTaskInfo := stmtCtx.CopTasksDetails()
statsInfos := plannercore.GetStatsInfoFromFlatPlan(flat)
memMax := stmtCtx.MemTracker.MaxConsumed()
diskMax := stmtCtx.DiskTracker.MaxConsumed()
_, planDigest := getPlanDigest(stmtCtx)
binaryPlan := ""
if variable.GenerateBinaryPlan.Load() {
binaryPlan = getBinaryPlan(a.Ctx)
if len(binaryPlan) > 0 {
binaryPlan = variable.SlowLogBinaryPlanPrefix + binaryPlan + variable.SlowLogPlanSuffix
resultRows := GetResultRowsCount(stmtCtx, a.Plan)
slowItems := &variable.SlowQueryLogItems{
TxnTS: txnTS,
SQL: sql.String(),
Digest: digest.String(),
TimeTotal: costTime,
TimeParse: sessVars.DurationParse,
TimeCompile: sessVars.DurationCompile,
TimeOptimize: sessVars.DurationOptimization,
TimeWaitTS: sessVars.DurationWaitTS,
IndexNames: indexNames,
StatsInfos: statsInfos,
CopTasks: copTaskInfo,
ExecDetail: execDetail,
MemMax: memMax,
DiskMax: diskMax,
Succ: succ,
Plan: getPlanTree(stmtCtx),
PlanDigest: planDigest.String(),
BinaryPlan: binaryPlan,
Prepared: a.isPreparedStmt,
HasMoreResults: hasMoreResults,
PlanFromCache: sessVars.FoundInPlanCache,
PlanFromBinding: sessVars.FoundInBinding,
RewriteInfo: sessVars.RewritePhaseInfo,
KVTotal: time.Duration(atomic.LoadInt64(&tikvExecDetail.WaitKVRespDuration)),
PDTotal: time.Duration(atomic.LoadInt64(&tikvExecDetail.WaitPDRespDuration)),
BackoffTotal: time.Duration(atomic.LoadInt64(&tikvExecDetail.BackoffDuration)),
WriteSQLRespTotal: stmtDetail.WriteSQLRespDuration,
ResultRows: resultRows,
ExecRetryCount: a.retryCount,
IsExplicitTxn: sessVars.TxnCtx.IsExplicit,
IsWriteCacheTable: stmtCtx.WaitLockLeaseTime > 0,
StatsLoadStatus: convertStatusIntoString(a.Ctx, stmtCtx.StatsLoadStatus),
IsSyncStatsFailed: stmtCtx.IsSyncStatsFailed,
failpoint.Inject("assertSyncStatsFailed", func(val failpoint.Value) {
if val.(bool) {
if !slowItems.IsSyncStatsFailed {
panic("isSyncStatsFailed should be true")
if a.retryCount > 0 {
slowItems.ExecRetryTime = costTime - sessVars.DurationParse - sessVars.DurationCompile - time.Since(a.retryStartTime)
if _, ok := a.StmtNode.(*ast.CommitStmt); ok {
slowItems.PrevStmt = sessVars.PrevStmt.String()
slowLog := sessVars.SlowLogFormat(slowItems)
if trace.IsEnabled() {
trace.Log(a.GoCtx, "details", slowLog)
if costTime >= threshold {
if sessVars.InRestrictedSQL {
} else {
var userString string
if sessVars.User != nil {
userString = sessVars.User.String()
var tableIDs string
if len(stmtCtx.TableIDs) > 0 {
tableIDs = strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v", stmtCtx.TableIDs), " ", ",", -1)
SQL: sql.String(),
Digest: digest.String(),
Start: sessVars.StartTime,
Duration: costTime,
Detail: stmtCtx.GetExecDetails(),
Succ: succ,
ConnID: sessVars.ConnectionID,
TxnTS: txnTS,
User: userString,
DB: sessVars.CurrentDB,
TableIDs: tableIDs,
IndexNames: indexNames,
Internal: sessVars.InRestrictedSQL,
// GetResultRowsCount gets the count of the statement result rows.
func GetResultRowsCount(stmtCtx *stmtctx.StatementContext, p plannercore.Plan) int64 {
runtimeStatsColl := stmtCtx.RuntimeStatsColl
if runtimeStatsColl == nil {
return 0
rootPlanID := p.ID()
if !runtimeStatsColl.ExistsRootStats(rootPlanID) {
return 0
rootStats := runtimeStatsColl.GetRootStats(rootPlanID)
return rootStats.GetActRows()
// getFlatPlan generates a FlatPhysicalPlan from the plan stored in stmtCtx.plan,
// then stores it in stmtCtx.flatPlan.
func getFlatPlan(stmtCtx *stmtctx.StatementContext) *plannercore.FlatPhysicalPlan {
pp := stmtCtx.GetPlan()
if pp == nil {
return nil
if flat := stmtCtx.GetFlatPlan(); flat != nil {
f := flat.(*plannercore.FlatPhysicalPlan)
return f
p := pp.(plannercore.Plan)
flat := plannercore.FlattenPhysicalPlan(p, false)
if flat != nil {
return flat
return nil
func getBinaryPlan(sCtx sessionctx.Context) string {
stmtCtx := sCtx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx
binaryPlan := stmtCtx.GetBinaryPlan()
if len(binaryPlan) > 0 {
return binaryPlan
flat := getFlatPlan(stmtCtx)
binaryPlan = plannercore.BinaryPlanStrFromFlatPlan(sCtx, flat)
return binaryPlan
// getPlanTree will try to get the select plan tree if the plan is select or the select plan of delete/update/insert statement.
func getPlanTree(stmtCtx *stmtctx.StatementContext) string {
cfg := config.GetGlobalConfig()
if atomic.LoadUint32(&cfg.Instance.RecordPlanInSlowLog) == 0 {
return ""
planTree, _ := getEncodedPlan(stmtCtx, false)
if len(planTree) == 0 {
return planTree
return variable.SlowLogPlanPrefix + planTree + variable.SlowLogPlanSuffix
// getPlanDigest will try to get the select plan tree if the plan is select or the select plan of delete/update/insert statement.
func getPlanDigest(stmtCtx *stmtctx.StatementContext) (string, *parser.Digest) {
normalized, planDigest := stmtCtx.GetPlanDigest()
if len(normalized) > 0 && planDigest != nil {
return normalized, planDigest
flat := getFlatPlan(stmtCtx)
normalized, planDigest = plannercore.NormalizeFlatPlan(flat)
stmtCtx.SetPlanDigest(normalized, planDigest)
return normalized, planDigest
// getEncodedPlan gets the encoded plan, and generates the hint string if indicated.
func getEncodedPlan(stmtCtx *stmtctx.StatementContext, genHint bool) (encodedPlan, hintStr string) {
var hintSet bool
encodedPlan = stmtCtx.GetEncodedPlan()
hintStr, hintSet = stmtCtx.GetPlanHint()
if len(encodedPlan) > 0 && (!genHint || hintSet) {
flat := getFlatPlan(stmtCtx)
if len(encodedPlan) == 0 {
encodedPlan = plannercore.EncodeFlatPlan(flat)
if genHint {
hints := plannercore.GenHintsFromFlatPlan(flat)
for _, tableHint := range stmtCtx.OriginalTableHints {
// some hints like 'memory_quota' cannot be extracted from the PhysicalPlan directly,
// so we have to iterate all hints from the customer and keep some other necessary hints.
switch tableHint.HintName.L {
case "memory_quota", "use_toja", "no_index_merge", "max_execution_time",
plannercore.HintAggToCop, plannercore.HintIgnoreIndex,
plannercore.HintReadFromStorage, plannercore.HintLimitToCop:
hints = append(hints, tableHint)
hintStr = hint.RestoreOptimizerHints(hints)
// SummaryStmt collects statements for information_schema.statements_summary
func (a *ExecStmt) SummaryStmt(succ bool) {
sessVars := a.Ctx.GetSessionVars()
var userString string
if sessVars.User != nil {
userString = sessVars.User.Username
// Internal SQLs must also be recorded to keep the consistency of `PrevStmt` and `PrevStmtDigest`.
if !stmtsummary.StmtSummaryByDigestMap.Enabled() || ((sessVars.InRestrictedSQL || len(userString) == 0) && !stmtsummary.StmtSummaryByDigestMap.EnabledInternal()) {
// Ignore `PREPARE` statements, but record `EXECUTE` statements.
if _, ok := a.StmtNode.(*ast.PrepareStmt); ok {
stmtCtx := sessVars.StmtCtx
// Make sure StmtType is filled even if succ is false.
if stmtCtx.StmtType == "" {
stmtCtx.StmtType = ast.GetStmtLabel(a.StmtNode)
normalizedSQL, digest := stmtCtx.SQLDigest()
costTime := time.Since(sessVars.StartTime) + sessVars.DurationParse
charset, collation := sessVars.GetCharsetInfo()
var prevSQL, prevSQLDigest string
if _, ok := a.StmtNode.(*ast.CommitStmt); ok {
// If prevSQLDigest is not recorded, it means this `commit` is the first SQL once stmt summary is enabled,
// so it's OK just to ignore it.
if prevSQLDigest = sessVars.GetPrevStmtDigest(); len(prevSQLDigest) == 0 {
prevSQL = sessVars.PrevStmt.String()
// No need to encode every time, so encode lazily.
planGenerator := func() (string, string) {
return getEncodedPlan(stmtCtx, !sessVars.InRestrictedSQL)
var binPlanGen func() string
if variable.GenerateBinaryPlan.Load() {
binPlanGen = func() string {
binPlan := getBinaryPlan(a.Ctx)
return binPlan
// Generating plan digest is slow, only generate it once if it's 'Point_Get'.
// If it's a point get, different SQLs leads to different plans, so SQL digest
// is enough to distinguish different plans in this case.
var planDigest string
var planDigestGen func() string
if a.Plan.TP() == plancodec.TypePointGet {
planDigestGen = func() string {
_, planDigest := getPlanDigest(stmtCtx)
return planDigest.String()
} else {
_, tmp := getPlanDigest(stmtCtx)
planDigest = tmp.String()
execDetail := stmtCtx.GetExecDetails()
copTaskInfo := stmtCtx.CopTasksDetails()
memMax := stmtCtx.MemTracker.MaxConsumed()
diskMax := stmtCtx.DiskTracker.MaxConsumed()
sql := a.GetTextToLog()
var stmtDetail execdetails.StmtExecDetails
stmtDetailRaw := a.GoCtx.Value(execdetails.StmtExecDetailKey)
if stmtDetailRaw != nil {
stmtDetail = *(stmtDetailRaw.(*execdetails.StmtExecDetails))
var tikvExecDetail util.ExecDetails
tikvExecDetailRaw := a.GoCtx.Value(util.ExecDetailsKey)
if tikvExecDetailRaw != nil {
tikvExecDetail = *(tikvExecDetailRaw.(*util.ExecDetails))
if stmtCtx.WaitLockLeaseTime > 0 {
if execDetail.BackoffSleep == nil {
execDetail.BackoffSleep = make(map[string]time.Duration)
execDetail.BackoffSleep["waitLockLeaseForCacheTable"] = stmtCtx.WaitLockLeaseTime
execDetail.BackoffTime += stmtCtx.WaitLockLeaseTime
execDetail.TimeDetail.WaitTime += stmtCtx.WaitLockLeaseTime
resultRows := GetResultRowsCount(stmtCtx, a.Plan)
stmtExecInfo := &stmtsummary.StmtExecInfo{
SchemaName: strings.ToLower(sessVars.CurrentDB),
OriginalSQL: sql,
Charset: charset,
Collation: collation,
NormalizedSQL: normalizedSQL,
Digest: digest.String(),
PrevSQL: prevSQL,
PrevSQLDigest: prevSQLDigest,
PlanGenerator: planGenerator,
BinaryPlanGenerator: binPlanGen,
PlanDigest: planDigest,
PlanDigestGen: planDigestGen,
User: userString,
TotalLatency: costTime,
ParseLatency: sessVars.DurationParse,
CompileLatency: sessVars.DurationCompile,
StmtCtx: stmtCtx,
CopTasks: copTaskInfo,
ExecDetail: &execDetail,
MemMax: memMax,
DiskMax: diskMax,
StartTime: sessVars.StartTime,
IsInternal: sessVars.InRestrictedSQL,
Succeed: succ,
PlanInCache: sessVars.FoundInPlanCache,
PlanInBinding: sessVars.FoundInBinding,
ExecRetryCount: a.retryCount,
StmtExecDetails: stmtDetail,
ResultRows: resultRows,
TiKVExecDetails: tikvExecDetail,
Prepared: a.isPreparedStmt,
if a.retryCount > 0 {
stmtExecInfo.ExecRetryTime = costTime - sessVars.DurationParse - sessVars.DurationCompile - time.Since(a.retryStartTime)
// GetTextToLog return the query text to log.
func (a *ExecStmt) GetTextToLog() string {
var sql string
sessVars := a.Ctx.GetSessionVars()
if sessVars.EnableRedactLog {
sql, _ = sessVars.StmtCtx.SQLDigest()
} else if sensitiveStmt, ok := a.StmtNode.(ast.SensitiveStmtNode); ok {
sql = sensitiveStmt.SecureText()
} else {
sql = sessVars.StmtCtx.OriginalSQL + sessVars.PreparedParams.String()
return sql
func (a *ExecStmt) observeStmtBeginForTopSQL(ctx context.Context) context.Context {
vars := a.Ctx.GetSessionVars()
sc := vars.StmtCtx
normalizedSQL, sqlDigest := sc.SQLDigest()
normalizedPlan, planDigest := getPlanDigest(sc)
var sqlDigestByte, planDigestByte []byte
if sqlDigest != nil {
sqlDigestByte = sqlDigest.Bytes()
if planDigest != nil {
planDigestByte = planDigest.Bytes()
stats := a.Ctx.GetStmtStats()
if !topsqlstate.TopSQLEnabled() {
// To reduce the performance impact on fast plan.
// Drop them does not cause notable accuracy issue in TopSQL.
if IsFastPlan(a.Plan) {
return ctx
// Always attach the SQL and plan info uses to catch the running SQL when Top SQL is enabled in execution.
if stats != nil {
stats.OnExecutionBegin(sqlDigestByte, planDigestByte)
// This is a special logic prepared for TiKV's SQLExecCount.
sc.KvExecCounter = stats.CreateKvExecCounter(sqlDigestByte, planDigestByte)
return topsql.AttachSQLAndPlanInfo(ctx, sqlDigest, planDigest)
if stats != nil {
stats.OnExecutionBegin(sqlDigestByte, planDigestByte)
// This is a special logic prepared for TiKV's SQLExecCount.
sc.KvExecCounter = stats.CreateKvExecCounter(sqlDigestByte, planDigestByte)
isSQLRegistered := sc.IsSQLRegistered.Load()
if !isSQLRegistered {
topsql.RegisterSQL(normalizedSQL, sqlDigest, vars.InRestrictedSQL)
if len(normalizedPlan) == 0 {
return ctx
topsql.RegisterPlan(normalizedPlan, planDigest)
return topsql.AttachSQLAndPlanInfo(ctx, sqlDigest, planDigest)
func (a *ExecStmt) observeStmtFinishedForTopSQL() {
vars := a.Ctx.GetSessionVars()
if vars == nil {
if stats := a.Ctx.GetStmtStats(); stats != nil && topsqlstate.TopSQLEnabled() {
sqlDigest, planDigest := a.getSQLPlanDigest()
execDuration := time.Since(vars.StartTime) + vars.DurationParse
stats.OnExecutionFinished(sqlDigest, planDigest, execDuration)
func (a *ExecStmt) getSQLPlanDigest() ([]byte, []byte) {
var sqlDigest, planDigest []byte
vars := a.Ctx.GetSessionVars()
if _, d := vars.StmtCtx.SQLDigest(); d != nil {
sqlDigest = d.Bytes()
if _, d := vars.StmtCtx.GetPlanDigest(); d != nil {
planDigest = d.Bytes()
return sqlDigest, planDigest
func convertStatusIntoString(sctx sessionctx.Context, statsLoadStatus map[model.TableItemID]string) map[string]map[string]string {
if len(statsLoadStatus) < 1 {
return nil
is := domain.GetDomain(sctx).InfoSchema()
// tableName -> name -> status
r := make(map[string]map[string]string)
for item, status := range statsLoadStatus {
t, ok := is.TableByID(item.TableID)
if !ok {
t, _, _ = is.FindTableByPartitionID(item.TableID)
if t == nil {
logutil.BgLogger().Warn("record table item load status failed due to not finding table",
zap.Int64("tableID", item.TableID))
tableName := t.Meta().Name.O
itemName := ""
if item.IsIndex {
itemName = t.Meta().FindIndexNameByID(item.ID)
} else {
itemName = t.Meta().FindColumnNameByID(item.ID)
if itemName == "" {
logutil.BgLogger().Warn("record table item load status failed due to not finding item",
zap.Int64("tableID", item.TableID),
zap.Int64("id", item.ID), zap.Bool("isIndex", item.IsIndex))
if r[tableName] == nil {
r[tableName] = make(map[string]string)
r[tableName][itemName] = status
return r
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