tidb index_merge_tmp 源码
tidb index_merge_tmp 代码
// Copyright 2022 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package ddl
import (
// IsEnableFastReorg check whether Fast Reorg is allowed.
func IsEnableFastReorg() bool {
return variable.EnableFastReorg.Load()
func (w *mergeIndexWorker) batchCheckTemporaryUniqueKey(txn kv.Transaction, idxRecords []*temporaryIndexRecord) error {
idxInfo := w.index.Meta()
if !idxInfo.Unique {
// non-unique key need no check, just overwrite it,
// because in most case, backfilling indices is not exists.
return nil
batchVals, err := txn.BatchGet(context.Background(), w.originIdxKeys)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
// 1. unique-key/primary-key is duplicate and the handle is equal, skip it.
// 2. unique-key/primary-key is duplicate and the handle is not equal, return duplicate error.
// 3. non-unique-key is duplicate, skip it.
for i, key := range w.originIdxKeys {
if val, found := batchVals[string(key)]; found {
if idxRecords[i].distinct && !bytes.Equal(val, idxRecords[i].vals) {
return kv.ErrKeyExists
if !idxRecords[i].delete {
idxRecords[i].skip = true
} else if idxRecords[i].distinct {
// The keys in w.batchCheckKeys also maybe duplicate,
// so we need to backfill the not found key into `batchVals` map.
batchVals[string(key)] = idxRecords[i].vals
return nil
// temporaryIndexRecord is the record information of an index.
type temporaryIndexRecord struct {
vals []byte
skip bool // skip indicates that the index key is already exists, we should not add it.
delete bool
unique bool
distinct bool
type mergeIndexWorker struct {
index table.Index
tmpIdxRecords []*temporaryIndexRecord
originIdxKeys []kv.Key
tmpIdxKeys []kv.Key
jobContext *JobContext
func newMergeTempIndexWorker(sessCtx sessionctx.Context, id int, t table.PhysicalTable, reorgInfo *reorgInfo, jc *JobContext) *mergeIndexWorker {
indexInfo := model.FindIndexInfoByID(t.Meta().Indices, reorgInfo.currElement.ID)
index := tables.NewIndex(t.GetPhysicalID(), t.Meta(), indexInfo)
return &mergeIndexWorker{
backfillWorker: newBackfillWorker(sessCtx, id, t, reorgInfo, typeAddIndexMergeTmpWorker),
index: index,
jobContext: jc,
// BackfillDataInTxn merge temp index data in txn.
func (w *mergeIndexWorker) BackfillDataInTxn(taskRange reorgBackfillTask) (taskCtx backfillTaskContext, errInTxn error) {
oprStartTime := time.Now()
ctx := kv.WithInternalSourceType(context.Background(), w.jobContext.ddlJobSourceType())
errInTxn = kv.RunInNewTxn(ctx, w.sessCtx.GetStore(), true, func(ctx context.Context, txn kv.Transaction) error {
taskCtx.addedCount = 0
taskCtx.scanCount = 0
txn.SetOption(kv.Priority, w.priority)
if tagger := w.reorgInfo.d.getResourceGroupTaggerForTopSQL(w.reorgInfo.Job); tagger != nil {
txn.SetOption(kv.ResourceGroupTagger, tagger)
tmpIdxRecords, nextKey, taskDone, err := w.fetchTempIndexVals(txn, taskRange)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
taskCtx.nextKey = nextKey
taskCtx.done = taskDone
err = w.batchCheckTemporaryUniqueKey(txn, tmpIdxRecords)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
for i, idxRecord := range tmpIdxRecords {
// The index is already exists, we skip it, no needs to backfill it.
// The following update, delete, insert on these rows, TiDB can handle it correctly.
// If all batch are skipped, update first index key to make txn commit to release lock.
if idxRecord.skip {
if idxRecord.delete {
if idxRecord.unique {
err = txn.GetMemBuffer().DeleteWithFlags(w.originIdxKeys[i], kv.SetNeedLocked)
} else {
err = txn.GetMemBuffer().Delete(w.originIdxKeys[i])
} else {
err = txn.GetMemBuffer().Set(w.originIdxKeys[i], idxRecord.vals)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
logSlowOperations(time.Since(oprStartTime), "AddIndexMergeDataInTxn", 3000)
func (w *mergeIndexWorker) AddMetricInfo(cnt float64) {
func (w *mergeIndexWorker) fetchTempIndexVals(txn kv.Transaction, taskRange reorgBackfillTask) ([]*temporaryIndexRecord, kv.Key, bool, error) {
startTime := time.Now()
w.tmpIdxRecords = w.tmpIdxRecords[:0]
w.tmpIdxKeys = w.tmpIdxKeys[:0]
w.originIdxKeys = w.originIdxKeys[:0]
// taskDone means that the merged handle is out of taskRange.endHandle.
taskDone := false
oprStartTime := startTime
idxPrefix := w.table.IndexPrefix()
var lastKey kv.Key
err := iterateSnapshotKeys(w.reorgInfo.d.jobContext(w.reorgInfo.Job), w.sessCtx.GetStore(), w.priority, idxPrefix, txn.StartTS(),
taskRange.startKey, taskRange.endKey, func(_ kv.Handle, indexKey kv.Key, rawValue []byte) (more bool, err error) {
oprEndTime := time.Now()
logSlowOperations(oprEndTime.Sub(oprStartTime), "iterate temporary index in merge process", 0)
oprStartTime = oprEndTime
if taskRange.endInclude {
taskDone = indexKey.Cmp(taskRange.endKey) > 0
} else {
taskDone = indexKey.Cmp(taskRange.endKey) >= 0
if taskDone || len(w.tmpIdxRecords) >= w.batchCnt {
return false, nil
isDelete := false
unique := false
length := len(rawValue)
keyVer := rawValue[length-1]
if keyVer == tables.TempIndexKeyTypeMerge {
// The kv is written in the merging state. It has been written to the origin index, we can skip it.
return true, nil
rawValue = rawValue[:length-1]
if bytes.Equal(rawValue, tables.DeleteMarker) {
isDelete = true
} else if bytes.Equal(rawValue, tables.DeleteMarkerUnique) {
isDelete = true
unique = true
originIdxKey := make([]byte, len(indexKey))
copy(originIdxKey, indexKey)
tablecodec.TempIndexKey2IndexKey(w.index.Meta().ID, originIdxKey)
idxRecord := &temporaryIndexRecord{
delete: isDelete,
unique: unique,
skip: false,
if !isDelete {
idxRecord.vals = rawValue
idxRecord.distinct = tablecodec.IndexKVIsUnique(rawValue)
w.tmpIdxRecords = append(w.tmpIdxRecords, idxRecord)
w.originIdxKeys = append(w.originIdxKeys, originIdxKey)
w.tmpIdxKeys = append(w.tmpIdxKeys, indexKey)
lastKey = indexKey
return true, nil
if len(w.tmpIdxRecords) == 0 {
taskDone = true
var nextKey kv.Key
if taskDone {
nextKey = taskRange.endKey
} else {
nextKey = lastKey
logutil.BgLogger().Debug("[ddl] merge temp index txn fetches handle info", zap.Uint64("txnStartTS", txn.StartTS()),
zap.String("taskRange", taskRange.String()), zap.Duration("takeTime", time.Since(startTime)))
return w.tmpIdxRecords, nextKey.Next(), taskDone, errors.Trace(err)
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