tidb ddl_worker 源码
tidb ddl_worker 代码
// Copyright 2015 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package ddl
import (
pumpcli "github.com/pingcap/tidb/tidb-binlog/pump_client"
tidbutil "github.com/pingcap/tidb/util"
topsqlstate "github.com/pingcap/tidb/util/topsql/state"
clientv3 "go.etcd.io/etcd/client/v3"
atomicutil "go.uber.org/atomic"
var (
// ddlWorkerID is used for generating the next DDL worker ID.
ddlWorkerID = atomicutil.NewInt32(0)
// WaitTimeWhenErrorOccurred is waiting interval when processing DDL jobs encounter errors.
WaitTimeWhenErrorOccurred = int64(1 * time.Second)
mockDDLErrOnce = int64(0)
// GetWaitTimeWhenErrorOccurred return waiting interval when processing DDL jobs encounter errors.
func GetWaitTimeWhenErrorOccurred() time.Duration {
return time.Duration(atomic.LoadInt64(&WaitTimeWhenErrorOccurred))
// SetWaitTimeWhenErrorOccurred update waiting interval when processing DDL jobs encounter errors.
func SetWaitTimeWhenErrorOccurred(dur time.Duration) {
atomic.StoreInt64(&WaitTimeWhenErrorOccurred, int64(dur))
type workerType byte
const (
// generalWorker is the worker who handles all DDL statements except “add index”.
generalWorker workerType = 0
// addIdxWorker is the worker who handles the operation of adding indexes.
addIdxWorker workerType = 1
// waitDependencyJobInterval is the interval when the dependency job doesn't be done.
waitDependencyJobInterval = 200 * time.Millisecond
// noneDependencyJob means a job has no dependency-job.
noneDependencyJob = 0
// worker is used for handling DDL jobs.
// Now we have two kinds of workers.
type worker struct {
id int32
tp workerType
addingDDLJobKey string
ddlJobCh chan struct{}
ctx context.Context
wg sync.WaitGroup
sessPool *sessionPool // sessPool is used to new sessions to execute SQL in ddl package.
sess *session // sess is used and only used in running DDL job.
delRangeManager delRangeManager
logCtx context.Context
lockSeqNum bool
concurrentDDL bool
// JobContext is the ddl job execution context.
type JobContext struct {
// below fields are cache for top sql
ddlJobCtx context.Context
cacheSQL string
cacheNormalizedSQL string
cacheDigest *parser.Digest
tp string
// NewJobContext returns a new ddl job context.
func NewJobContext() *JobContext {
return &JobContext{
ddlJobCtx: context.Background(),
cacheSQL: "",
cacheNormalizedSQL: "",
cacheDigest: nil,
tp: "unknown",
func newWorker(ctx context.Context, tp workerType, sessPool *sessionPool, delRangeMgr delRangeManager, dCtx *ddlCtx, concurrentDDL bool) *worker {
worker := &worker{
id: ddlWorkerID.Add(1),
tp: tp,
ddlJobCh: make(chan struct{}, 1),
ctx: ctx,
ddlCtx: dCtx,
sessPool: sessPool,
delRangeManager: delRangeMgr,
concurrentDDL: concurrentDDL,
worker.addingDDLJobKey = addingDDLJobPrefix + worker.typeStr()
worker.logCtx = logutil.WithKeyValue(context.Background(), "worker", worker.String())
return worker
func (w *worker) typeStr() string {
var str string
switch w.tp {
case generalWorker:
str = "general"
case addIdxWorker:
str = "add index"
str = "unknown"
return str
func (w *worker) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("worker %d, tp %s", w.id, w.typeStr())
func (w *worker) Close() {
startTime := time.Now()
if w.sess != nil {
logutil.Logger(w.logCtx).Info("[ddl] DDL worker closed", zap.Duration("take time", time.Since(startTime)))
// start is used for async online schema changing, it will try to become the owner firstly,
// then wait or pull the job queue to handle a schema change job.
func (w *worker) start(d *ddlCtx) {
logutil.Logger(w.logCtx).Info("[ddl] start DDL worker")
defer w.wg.Done()
defer tidbutil.Recover(
fmt.Sprintf("DDL ID %s, %s start", d.uuid, w),
nil, true,
// We use 4 * lease time to check owner's timeout, so here, we will update owner's status
// every 2 * lease time. If lease is 0, we will use default 1s.
// But we use etcd to speed up, normally it takes less than 1s now, so we use 1s as the max value.
checkTime := chooseLeaseTime(2*d.lease, 1*time.Second)
ticker := time.NewTicker(checkTime)
defer ticker.Stop()
var notifyDDLJobByEtcdCh clientv3.WatchChan
if d.etcdCli != nil {
notifyDDLJobByEtcdCh = d.etcdCli.Watch(context.Background(), w.addingDDLJobKey)
rewatchCnt := 0
for {
ok := true
select {
case <-ticker.C:
logutil.Logger(w.logCtx).Debug("[ddl] wait to check DDL status again", zap.Duration("interval", checkTime))
case <-w.ddlJobCh:
case _, ok = <-notifyDDLJobByEtcdCh:
case <-w.ctx.Done():
if !ok {
logutil.Logger(w.logCtx).Warn("[ddl] start worker watch channel closed", zap.String("watch key", w.addingDDLJobKey))
notifyDDLJobByEtcdCh = d.etcdCli.Watch(context.Background(), w.addingDDLJobKey)
if rewatchCnt > 10 {
time.Sleep(time.Duration(rewatchCnt) * time.Second)
rewatchCnt = 0
err := w.handleDDLJobQueue(d)
if err != nil {
logutil.Logger(w.logCtx).Warn("[ddl] handle DDL job failed", zap.Error(err))
func (d *ddl) asyncNotifyByEtcd(addingDDLJobKey string, job *model.Job) {
if d.etcdCli == nil {
jobID := strconv.FormatInt(job.ID, 10)
timeStart := time.Now()
err := util.PutKVToEtcd(d.ctx, d.etcdCli, 1, addingDDLJobKey, jobID)
if err != nil {
logutil.BgLogger().Info("[ddl] notify handling DDL job failed", zap.String("jobID", jobID), zap.Error(err))
metrics.DDLWorkerHistogram.WithLabelValues(metrics.WorkerNotifyDDLJob, job.Type.String(), metrics.RetLabel(err)).Observe(time.Since(timeStart).Seconds())
func asyncNotify(ch chan struct{}) {
select {
case ch <- struct{}{}:
// buildJobDependence sets the curjob's dependency-ID.
// The dependency-job's ID must less than the current job's ID, and we need the largest one in the list.
func buildJobDependence(t *meta.Meta, curJob *model.Job) error {
// Jobs in the same queue are ordered. If we want to find a job's dependency-job, we need to look for
// it from the other queue. So if the job is "ActionAddIndex" job, we need find its dependency-job from DefaultJobList.
jobListKey := meta.DefaultJobListKey
if !curJob.MayNeedReorg() {
jobListKey = meta.AddIndexJobListKey
jobs, err := t.GetAllDDLJobsInQueue(jobListKey)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
for _, job := range jobs {
if curJob.ID < job.ID {
isDependent, err := curJob.IsDependentOn(job)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
if isDependent {
logutil.BgLogger().Info("[ddl] current DDL job depends on other job", zap.String("currentJob", curJob.String()), zap.String("dependentJob", job.String()))
curJob.DependencyID = job.ID
return nil
func (d *ddl) limitDDLJobs() {
defer tidbutil.Recover(metrics.LabelDDL, "limitDDLJobs", nil, true)
tasks := make([]*limitJobTask, 0, batchAddingJobs)
for {
select {
case task := <-d.limitJobCh:
tasks = tasks[:0]
jobLen := len(d.limitJobCh)
tasks = append(tasks, task)
for i := 0; i < jobLen; i++ {
tasks = append(tasks, <-d.limitJobCh)
case <-d.ctx.Done():
// addBatchDDLJobs gets global job IDs and puts the DDL jobs in the DDL queue.
func (d *ddl) addBatchDDLJobs(tasks []*limitJobTask) {
startTime := time.Now()
var err error
// DDLForce2Queue is a flag to tell DDL worker to always push the job to the DDL queue.
toTable := variable.EnableConcurrentDDL.Load() && !variable.DDLForce2Queue.Load()
if toTable {
err = d.addBatchDDLJobs2Table(tasks)
} else {
err = d.addBatchDDLJobs2Queue(tasks)
var jobs string
for _, task := range tasks {
task.err <- err
jobs += task.job.String() + "; "
metrics.DDLWorkerHistogram.WithLabelValues(metrics.WorkerAddDDLJob, task.job.Type.String(),
if err != nil {
logutil.BgLogger().Warn("[ddl] add DDL jobs failed", zap.String("jobs", jobs), zap.Error(err))
} else {
logutil.BgLogger().Info("[ddl] add DDL jobs", zap.Int("batch count", len(tasks)), zap.String("jobs", jobs), zap.Bool("table", toTable))
func (d *ddl) addBatchDDLJobs2Queue(tasks []*limitJobTask) error {
ctx := kv.WithInternalSourceType(context.Background(), kv.InternalTxnDDL)
return kv.RunInNewTxn(ctx, d.store, true, func(ctx context.Context, txn kv.Transaction) error {
t := meta.NewMeta(txn)
jobID, err := t.GetFlashbackClusterJobID()
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
if jobID != 0 {
return errors.Errorf("Can't add to ddl table, cluster is flashing back now")
ids, err := t.GenGlobalIDs(len(tasks))
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
for i, task := range tasks {
job := task.job
job.Version = currentVersion
job.StartTS = txn.StartTS()
job.ID = ids[i]
if err = buildJobDependence(t, job); err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
jobListKey := meta.DefaultJobListKey
if job.MayNeedReorg() {
jobListKey = meta.AddIndexJobListKey
if err = t.EnQueueDDLJob(job, jobListKey); err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
failpoint.Inject("mockAddBatchDDLJobsErr", func(val failpoint.Value) {
if val.(bool) {
return nil
func injectModifyJobArgFailPoint(job *model.Job) {
failpoint.Inject("MockModifyJobArg", func(val failpoint.Value) {
if val.(bool) {
// Corrupt the DDL job argument.
if job.Type == model.ActionMultiSchemaChange {
if len(job.MultiSchemaInfo.SubJobs) > 0 && len(job.MultiSchemaInfo.SubJobs[0].Args) > 0 {
job.MultiSchemaInfo.SubJobs[0].Args[0] = 1
} else if len(job.Args) > 0 {
job.Args[0] = 1
func setJobStateToQueueing(job *model.Job) {
if job.Type == model.ActionMultiSchemaChange && job.MultiSchemaInfo != nil {
for _, sub := range job.MultiSchemaInfo.SubJobs {
sub.State = model.JobStateQueueing
job.State = model.JobStateQueueing
// addBatchDDLJobs2Table gets global job IDs and puts the DDL jobs in the DDL job table.
func (d *ddl) addBatchDDLJobs2Table(tasks []*limitJobTask) error {
var ids []int64
var err error
startTS := uint64(0)
ctx := kv.WithInternalSourceType(context.Background(), kv.InternalTxnDDL)
err = kv.RunInNewTxn(ctx, d.store, true, func(ctx context.Context, txn kv.Transaction) error {
t := meta.NewMeta(txn)
jobID, err := t.GetFlashbackClusterJobID()
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
if jobID != 0 {
return errors.Errorf("Can't add to ddl table, cluster is flashing back now")
ids, err = t.GenGlobalIDs(len(tasks))
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
startTS = txn.StartTS()
return nil
if err == nil {
jobTasks := make([]*model.Job, len(tasks))
for i, task := range tasks {
job := task.job
job.Version = currentVersion
job.StartTS = startTS
job.ID = ids[i]
jobTasks[i] = job
sess, err1 := d.sessPool.get()
if err1 == nil {
err1 = insertDDLJobs2Table(newSession(sess), true, jobTasks...)
err = err1
return errors.Trace(err)
func injectFailPointForGetJob(job *model.Job) {
if job == nil {
failpoint.Inject("mockModifyJobSchemaId", func(val failpoint.Value) {
job.SchemaID = int64(val.(int))
failpoint.Inject("MockModifyJobTableId", func(val failpoint.Value) {
job.TableID = int64(val.(int))
// getFirstDDLJob gets the first DDL job form DDL queue.
func (w *worker) getFirstDDLJob(t *meta.Meta) (*model.Job, error) {
job, err := t.GetDDLJobByIdx(0)
return job, errors.Trace(err)
// handleUpdateJobError handles the too large DDL job.
func (w *worker) handleUpdateJobError(t *meta.Meta, job *model.Job, err error) error {
if err == nil {
return nil
if kv.ErrEntryTooLarge.Equal(err) {
logutil.Logger(w.logCtx).Warn("[ddl] update DDL job failed", zap.String("job", job.String()), zap.Error(err))
// Reduce this txn entry size.
job.Error = toTError(err)
job.SchemaState = model.StateNone
job.State = model.JobStateCancelled
err = w.finishDDLJob(t, job)
return errors.Trace(err)
// updateDDLJob updates the DDL job information.
// Every time we enter another state except final state, we must call this function.
func (w *worker) updateDDLJob(t *meta.Meta, job *model.Job, meetErr bool) error {
failpoint.Inject("mockErrEntrySizeTooLarge", func(val failpoint.Value) {
if val.(bool) {
updateRawArgs := needUpdateRawArgs(job, meetErr)
if !updateRawArgs {
logutil.Logger(w.logCtx).Info("[ddl] meet something wrong before update DDL job, shouldn't update raw args",
zap.String("job", job.String()))
var err error
if w.concurrentDDL {
err = updateDDLJob2Table(w.sess, job, updateRawArgs)
} else {
err = t.UpdateDDLJob(0, job, updateRawArgs)
return errors.Trace(err)
// registerMDLInfo registers metadata lock info.
func (w *worker) registerMDLInfo(job *model.Job, ver int64) error {
if !variable.EnableMDL.Load() {
return nil
if ver == 0 {
return nil
rows, err := w.sess.execute(context.Background(), fmt.Sprintf("select table_ids from mysql.tidb_ddl_job where job_id = %d", job.ID), "register-mdl-info")
if err != nil {
return err
if len(rows) == 0 {
return errors.Errorf("can't find ddl job %d", job.ID)
ids := rows[0].GetString(0)
sql := fmt.Sprintf("replace into mysql.tidb_mdl_info (job_id, version, table_ids) values (%d, %d, '%s')", job.ID, ver, ids)
_, err = w.sess.execute(context.Background(), sql, "register-mdl-info")
return err
// cleanMDLInfo cleans metadata lock info.
func cleanMDLInfo(pool *sessionPool, jobID int64) {
if !variable.EnableMDL.Load() {
sql := fmt.Sprintf("delete from mysql.tidb_mdl_info where job_id = %d", jobID)
sctx, _ := pool.get()
defer pool.put(sctx)
sess := newSession(sctx)
_, err := sess.execute(context.Background(), sql, "delete-mdl-info")
if err != nil {
logutil.BgLogger().Warn("unexpected error when clean mdl info", zap.Error(err))
// checkMDLInfo checks if metadata lock info exists. It means the schema is locked by some TiDBs if exists.
func checkMDLInfo(jobID int64, pool *sessionPool) (bool, error) {
sql := fmt.Sprintf("select * from mysql.tidb_mdl_info where job_id = %d", jobID)
sctx, _ := pool.get()
defer pool.put(sctx)
sess := newSession(sctx)
rows, err := sess.execute(context.Background(), sql, "check-mdl-info")
if err != nil {
return false, err
return len(rows) > 0, nil
func needUpdateRawArgs(job *model.Job, meetErr bool) bool {
// If there is an error when running job and the RawArgs hasn't been decoded by DecodeArgs,
// we shouldn't replace RawArgs with the marshaling Args.
if meetErr && job.RawArgs != nil && job.Args == nil {
// However, for multi-schema change, the args of the parent job is always nil.
// Since Job.Encode() can handle the sub-jobs properly, we can safely update the raw args.
return job.MultiSchemaInfo != nil
return true
func (w *worker) deleteRange(ctx context.Context, job *model.Job) error {
var err error
if job.Version <= currentVersion {
err = w.delRangeManager.addDelRangeJob(ctx, job)
} else {
err = dbterror.ErrInvalidDDLJobVersion.GenWithStackByArgs(job.Version, currentVersion)
return errors.Trace(err)
func jobNeedGC(job *model.Job) bool {
if !job.IsCancelled() {
if job.Warning != nil && dbterror.ErrCantDropFieldOrKey.Equal(job.Warning) {
// For the field/key not exists warnings, there is no need to
// delete the ranges.
return false
switch job.Type {
case model.ActionDropSchema, model.ActionDropTable, model.ActionTruncateTable, model.ActionDropIndex, model.ActionDropPrimaryKey,
model.ActionDropTablePartition, model.ActionTruncateTablePartition, model.ActionDropColumn, model.ActionModifyColumn,
model.ActionAddIndex, model.ActionAddPrimaryKey:
return true
case model.ActionMultiSchemaChange:
for _, sub := range job.MultiSchemaInfo.SubJobs {
proxyJob := sub.ToProxyJob(job)
needGC := jobNeedGC(&proxyJob)
if needGC {
return true
return false
return false
// finishDDLJob deletes the finished DDL job in the ddl queue and puts it to history queue.
// If the DDL job need to handle in background, it will prepare a background job.
func (w *worker) finishDDLJob(t *meta.Meta, job *model.Job) (err error) {
startTime := time.Now()
defer func() {
metrics.DDLWorkerHistogram.WithLabelValues(metrics.WorkerFinishDDLJob, job.Type.String(), metrics.RetLabel(err)).Observe(time.Since(startTime).Seconds())
if jobNeedGC(job) {
err = w.deleteRange(w.ctx, job)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
switch job.Type {
case model.ActionRecoverTable:
err = finishRecoverTable(w, job)
case model.ActionFlashbackCluster:
err = finishFlashbackCluster(w, job)
case model.ActionCreateTables:
if job.IsCancelled() {
// it may be too large that it can not be added to the history queue, too
// delete its arguments
job.Args = nil
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
if w.concurrentDDL {
err = w.deleteDDLJob(job)
} else {
_, err = t.DeQueueDDLJob()
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
job.BinlogInfo.FinishedTS = t.StartTS
logutil.Logger(w.logCtx).Info("[ddl] finish DDL job", zap.String("job", job.String()))
updateRawArgs := true
if job.Type == model.ActionAddPrimaryKey && !job.IsCancelled() {
// ActionAddPrimaryKey needs to check the warnings information in job.Args.
// Notice: warnings is used to support non-strict mode.
updateRawArgs = false
err = AddHistoryDDLJob(w.sess, t, job, updateRawArgs, w.concurrentDDL)
return errors.Trace(err)
func (w *worker) writeDDLSeqNum(job *model.Job) {
w.lockSeqNum = true
job.SeqNum = w.ddlSeqNumMu.seqNum
func finishRecoverTable(w *worker, job *model.Job) error {
tbInfo := &model.TableInfo{}
var autoIncID, autoRandID, dropJobID, recoverTableCheckFlag int64
var snapshotTS uint64
err := job.DecodeArgs(tbInfo, &autoIncID, &dropJobID, &snapshotTS, &recoverTableCheckFlag, &autoRandID)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
if recoverTableCheckFlag == recoverTableCheckFlagEnableGC {
err = enableGC(w)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
return nil
func isDependencyJobDone(t *meta.Meta, job *model.Job) (bool, error) {
if job.DependencyID == noneDependencyJob {
return true, nil
historyJob, err := t.GetHistoryDDLJob(job.DependencyID)
if err != nil {
return false, errors.Trace(err)
if historyJob == nil {
return false, nil
logutil.BgLogger().Info("[ddl] current DDL job dependent job is finished", zap.String("currentJob", job.String()), zap.Int64("dependentJobID", job.DependencyID))
job.DependencyID = noneDependencyJob
return true, nil
func newMetaWithQueueTp(txn kv.Transaction, tp workerType) *meta.Meta {
if tp == addIdxWorker {
return meta.NewMeta(txn, meta.AddIndexJobListKey)
return meta.NewMeta(txn)
func (w *JobContext) setDDLLabelForTopSQL(job *model.Job) {
if !topsqlstate.TopSQLEnabled() || job == nil {
if job.Query != w.cacheSQL || w.cacheDigest == nil {
w.cacheNormalizedSQL, w.cacheDigest = parser.NormalizeDigest(job.Query)
w.cacheSQL = job.Query
w.ddlJobCtx = topsql.AttachAndRegisterSQLInfo(context.Background(), w.cacheNormalizedSQL, w.cacheDigest, false)
} else {
topsql.AttachAndRegisterSQLInfo(w.ddlJobCtx, w.cacheNormalizedSQL, w.cacheDigest, false)
func (w *worker) unlockSeqNum(err error) {
if w.lockSeqNum {
if err != nil {
// if meet error, we should reset seqNum.
w.lockSeqNum = false
// DDLBackfillers contains the DDL need backfill step.
var DDLBackfillers = map[model.ActionType]string{
model.ActionAddIndex: "add_index",
model.ActionModifyColumn: "modify_column",
model.ActionDropIndex: "drop_index",
func getDDLRequestSource(job *model.Job) string {
if tp, ok := DDLBackfillers[job.Type]; ok {
return kv.InternalTxnBackfillDDLPrefix + tp
return kv.InternalTxnDDL
func (w *JobContext) setDDLLabelForDiagnosis(job *model.Job) {
w.tp = getDDLRequestSource(job)
w.ddlJobCtx = kv.WithInternalSourceType(w.ddlJobCtx, w.ddlJobSourceType())
func (w *worker) HandleJobDone(d *ddlCtx, job *model.Job, t *meta.Meta) error {
err := w.finishDDLJob(t, job)
if err != nil {
return err
err = w.sess.commit()
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (w *worker) HandleDDLJobTable(d *ddlCtx, job *model.Job) (int64, error) {
var (
err error
schemaVer int64
runJobErr error
defer func() {
err = w.sess.begin()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if !variable.EnableConcurrentDDL.Load() || d.waiting.Load() {
return 0, nil
failpoint.Inject("mockRunJobTime", func(val failpoint.Value) {
if val.(bool) {
time.Sleep(time.Duration(rand.Intn(500)) * time.Millisecond) // #nosec G404
txn, err := w.sess.txn()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
// Only general DDLs are allowed to be executed when TiKV is disk full.
if w.tp == addIdxWorker && job.IsRunning() {
jobContext := w.jobContext(job)
if tagger := w.getResourceGroupTaggerForTopSQL(job); tagger != nil {
txn.SetOption(kv.ResourceGroupTagger, tagger)
t := meta.NewMeta(txn)
if job.IsDone() || job.IsRollbackDone() {
if job.IsDone() {
job.State = model.JobStateSynced
err = w.HandleJobDone(d, job, t)
return 0, err
// set request source type to DDL type
txn.SetOption(kv.RequestSourceType, jobContext.ddlJobSourceType())
// If running job meets error, we will save this error in job Error
// and retry later if the job is not cancelled.
schemaVer, runJobErr = w.runDDLJob(d, t, job)
if job.IsCancelled() {
defer d.unlockSchemaVersion(job.ID)
err = w.HandleJobDone(d, job, t)
return 0, err
if runJobErr != nil && !job.IsRollingback() && !job.IsRollbackDone() {
// If the running job meets an error
// and the job state is rolling back, it means that we have already handled this error.
// Some DDL jobs (such as adding indexes) may need to update the table info and the schema version,
// then shouldn't discard the KV modification.
// And the job state is rollback done, it means the job was already finished, also shouldn't discard too.
// Otherwise, we should discard the KV modification when running job.
// If error happens after updateSchemaVersion(), then the schemaVer is updated.
// Result in the retry duration is up to 2 * lease.
schemaVer = 0
err = w.registerMDLInfo(job, schemaVer)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
err = w.updateDDLJob(t, job, runJobErr != nil)
if err = w.handleUpdateJobError(t, job, err); err != nil {
return 0, err
writeBinlog(d.binlogCli, txn, job)
// reset the SQL digest to make topsql work right.
err = w.sess.commit()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if runJobErr != nil {
// wait a while to retry again. If we don't wait here, DDL will retry this job immediately,
// which may act like a deadlock.
logutil.Logger(w.logCtx).Info("[ddl] run DDL job failed, sleeps a while then retries it.",
zap.Duration("waitTime", GetWaitTimeWhenErrorOccurred()), zap.Error(runJobErr))
return schemaVer, nil
func (w *JobContext) getResourceGroupTaggerForTopSQL() tikvrpc.ResourceGroupTagger {
if !topsqlstate.TopSQLEnabled() || w.cacheDigest == nil {
return nil
digest := w.cacheDigest
tagger := func(req *tikvrpc.Request) {
req.ResourceGroupTag = resourcegrouptag.EncodeResourceGroupTag(digest, nil,
return tagger
func (w *JobContext) ddlJobSourceType() string {
return w.tp
// handleDDLJobQueue handles DDL jobs in DDL Job queue.
func (w *worker) handleDDLJobQueue(d *ddlCtx) error {
once := true
waitDependencyJobCnt := 0
for {
if isChanClosed(w.ctx.Done()) {
return nil
var (
job *model.Job
schemaVer int64
runJobErr error
waitTime := 2 * d.lease
ctx := kv.WithInternalSourceType(context.Background(), kv.InternalTxnDDL)
err := kv.RunInNewTxn(ctx, d.store, false, func(ctx context.Context, txn kv.Transaction) error {
// We are not owner, return and retry checking later.
if !d.isOwner() || variable.EnableConcurrentDDL.Load() || d.waiting.Load() {
return nil
var err error
t := newMetaWithQueueTp(txn, w.tp)
// We become the owner. Get the first job and run it.
job, err = w.getFirstDDLJob(t)
if job == nil || err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
d.runningJobs.ids[job.ID] = struct{}{}
defer d.deleteRunningDDLJobMap(job.ID)
// only general ddls allowed to be executed when TiKV is disk full.
if w.tp == addIdxWorker && job.IsRunning() {
jobContext := w.jobContext(job)
if tagger := w.getResourceGroupTaggerForTopSQL(job); tagger != nil {
txn.SetOption(kv.ResourceGroupTagger, tagger)
if isDone, err1 := isDependencyJobDone(t, job); err1 != nil || !isDone {
return errors.Trace(err1)
if once {
err = waitSchemaSynced(d, job, waitTime)
if err == nil {
once = false
return err
if job.IsDone() || job.IsRollbackDone() {
if !job.IsRollbackDone() {
job.State = model.JobStateSynced
err = w.finishDDLJob(t, job)
return errors.Trace(err)
// set request source type to DDL type
txn.SetOption(kv.RequestSourceType, jobContext.ddlJobSourceType())
// If running job meets error, we will save this error in job Error
// and retry later if the job is not cancelled.
schemaVer, runJobErr = w.runDDLJob(d, t, job)
if job.IsCancelled() {
err = w.finishDDLJob(t, job)
return errors.Trace(err)
if runJobErr != nil && !job.IsRollingback() && !job.IsRollbackDone() {
// If the running job meets an error
// and the job state is rolling back, it means that we have already handled this error.
// Some DDL jobs (such as adding indexes) may need to update the table info and the schema version,
// then shouldn't discard the KV modification.
// And the job state is rollback done, it means the job was already finished, also shouldn't discard too.
// Otherwise, we should discard the KV modification when running job.
// If error happens after updateSchemaVersion(), then the schemaVer is updated.
// Result in the retry duration is up to 2 * lease.
schemaVer = 0
err = w.updateDDLJob(t, job, runJobErr != nil)
if err = w.handleUpdateJobError(t, job, err); err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
writeBinlog(d.binlogCli, txn, job)
return nil
if runJobErr != nil {
// wait a while to retry again. If we don't wait here, DDL will retry this job immediately,
// which may act like a deadlock.
logutil.Logger(w.logCtx).Info("[ddl] run DDL job failed, sleeps a while then retries it.",
zap.Duration("waitTime", GetWaitTimeWhenErrorOccurred()), zap.Error(runJobErr))
if job != nil {
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
} else if job == nil {
// No job now, return and retry getting later.
return nil
w.waitDependencyJobFinished(job, &waitDependencyJobCnt)
// Here means the job enters another state (delete only, write only, public, etc...) or is cancelled.
// If the job is done or still running or rolling back, we will wait 2 * lease time to guarantee other servers to update
// the newest schema.
waitSchemaChanged(context.Background(), d, waitTime, schemaVer, job)
if RunInGoTest {
// d.mu.hook is initialed from domain / test callback, which will force the owner host update schema diff synchronously.
if job.IsSynced() || job.IsCancelled() || job.IsRollbackDone() {
func skipWriteBinlog(job *model.Job) bool {
switch job.Type {
// ActionUpdateTiFlashReplicaStatus is a TiDB internal DDL,
// it's used to update table's TiFlash replica available status.
case model.ActionUpdateTiFlashReplicaStatus:
return true
// Don't sync 'alter table cache|nocache' to other tools.
// It's internal to the current cluster.
case model.ActionAlterCacheTable, model.ActionAlterNoCacheTable:
return true
return false
func writeBinlog(binlogCli *pumpcli.PumpsClient, txn kv.Transaction, job *model.Job) {
if job.IsDone() || job.IsRollbackDone() ||
// When this column is in the "delete only" and "delete reorg" states, the binlog of "drop column" has not been written yet,
// but the column has been removed from the binlog of the write operation.
// So we add this binlog to enable downstream components to handle DML correctly in this schema state.
(job.Type == model.ActionDropColumn && job.SchemaState == model.StateDeleteOnly) {
if skipWriteBinlog(job) {
binloginfo.SetDDLBinlog(binlogCli, txn, job.ID, int32(job.SchemaState), job.Query)
// waitDependencyJobFinished waits for the dependency-job to be finished.
// If the dependency job isn't finished yet, we'd better wait a moment.
func (w *worker) waitDependencyJobFinished(job *model.Job, cnt *int) {
if job.DependencyID != noneDependencyJob {
intervalCnt := int(3 * time.Second / waitDependencyJobInterval)
if *cnt%intervalCnt == 0 {
logutil.Logger(w.logCtx).Info("[ddl] DDL job need to wait dependent job, sleeps a while, then retries it.",
zap.Int64("jobID", job.ID),
zap.Int64("dependentJobID", job.DependencyID),
zap.Duration("waitTime", waitDependencyJobInterval))
} else {
*cnt = 0
func chooseLeaseTime(t, max time.Duration) time.Duration {
if t == 0 || t > max {
return max
return t
// countForPanic records the error count for DDL job.
func (w *worker) countForPanic(job *model.Job) {
// If run DDL job panic, just cancel the DDL jobs.
if job.State == model.JobStateRollingback {
job.State = model.JobStateCancelled
} else {
job.State = model.JobStateCancelling
// Load global DDL variables.
if err1 := loadDDLVars(w); err1 != nil {
logutil.Logger(w.logCtx).Error("[ddl] load DDL global variable failed", zap.Error(err1))
errorCount := variable.GetDDLErrorCountLimit()
if job.ErrorCount > errorCount {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("panic in handling DDL logic and error count beyond the limitation %d, cancelled", errorCount)
job.Error = toTError(errors.New(msg))
job.State = model.JobStateCancelled
// countForError records the error count for DDL job.
func (w *worker) countForError(err error, job *model.Job) error {
job.Error = toTError(err)
// If job is cancelled, we shouldn't return an error and shouldn't load DDL variables.
if job.State == model.JobStateCancelled {
logutil.Logger(w.logCtx).Info("[ddl] DDL job is cancelled normally", zap.Error(err))
return nil
logutil.Logger(w.logCtx).Error("[ddl] run DDL job error", zap.Error(err))
// Load global DDL variables.
if err1 := loadDDLVars(w); err1 != nil {
logutil.Logger(w.logCtx).Error("[ddl] load DDL global variable failed", zap.Error(err1))
// Check error limit to avoid falling into an infinite loop.
if job.ErrorCount > variable.GetDDLErrorCountLimit() && job.State == model.JobStateRunning && job.IsRollbackable() {
logutil.Logger(w.logCtx).Warn("[ddl] DDL job error count exceed the limit, cancelling it now", zap.Int64("jobID", job.ID), zap.Int64("errorCountLimit", variable.GetDDLErrorCountLimit()))
job.State = model.JobStateCancelling
return err
// runDDLJob runs a DDL job. It returns the current schema version in this transaction and the error.
func (w *worker) runDDLJob(d *ddlCtx, t *meta.Meta, job *model.Job) (ver int64, err error) {
defer tidbutil.Recover(metrics.LabelDDLWorker, fmt.Sprintf("%s runDDLJob", w),
func() {
}, false)
// Mock for run ddl job panic.
failpoint.Inject("mockPanicInRunDDLJob", func(val failpoint.Value) {})
if job.Type != model.ActionMultiSchemaChange {
logutil.Logger(w.logCtx).Info("[ddl] run DDL job", zap.String("job", job.String()))
// Should check flashbackClusterJobID.
// Some ddl jobs maybe added between check and insert into ddl job table.
flashbackJobID, err := t.GetFlashbackClusterJobID()
if err != nil {
job.State = model.JobStateCancelled
return ver, err
if flashbackJobID != 0 && flashbackJobID != job.ID {
job.State = model.JobStateCancelled
return ver, errors.Errorf("Can't do ddl job, cluster is flashing back now")
timeStart := time.Now()
if job.RealStartTS == 0 {
job.RealStartTS = t.StartTS
defer func() {
metrics.DDLWorkerHistogram.WithLabelValues(metrics.WorkerRunDDLJob, job.Type.String(), metrics.RetLabel(err)).Observe(time.Since(timeStart).Seconds())
if job.IsFinished() {
logutil.Logger(w.logCtx).Debug("[ddl] finish DDL job", zap.String("job", job.String()))
// The cause of this job state is that the job is cancelled by client.
if job.IsCancelling() {
logutil.Logger(w.logCtx).Debug("[ddl] cancel DDL job", zap.String("job", job.String()))
return convertJob2RollbackJob(w, d, t, job)
if !job.IsRollingback() && !job.IsCancelling() {
job.State = model.JobStateRunning
// For every type, `schema/table` modification and `job` modification are conducted
// in the one kv transaction. The `schema/table` modification can be always discarded
// by kv reset when meets a unhandled error, but the `job` modification can't.
// So make sure job state and args change is after all other checks or make sure these
// change has no effect when retrying it.
switch job.Type {
case model.ActionCreateSchema:
ver, err = onCreateSchema(d, t, job)
case model.ActionModifySchemaCharsetAndCollate:
ver, err = onModifySchemaCharsetAndCollate(d, t, job)
case model.ActionDropSchema:
ver, err = onDropSchema(d, t, job)
case model.ActionModifySchemaDefaultPlacement:
ver, err = onModifySchemaDefaultPlacement(d, t, job)
case model.ActionCreateTable:
ver, err = onCreateTable(d, t, job)
case model.ActionCreateTables:
ver, err = onCreateTables(d, t, job)
case model.ActionRepairTable:
ver, err = onRepairTable(d, t, job)
case model.ActionCreateView:
ver, err = onCreateView(d, t, job)
case model.ActionDropTable, model.ActionDropView, model.ActionDropSequence:
ver, err = onDropTableOrView(d, t, job)
case model.ActionDropTablePartition:
ver, err = w.onDropTablePartition(d, t, job)
case model.ActionTruncateTablePartition:
ver, err = onTruncateTablePartition(d, t, job)
case model.ActionExchangeTablePartition:
ver, err = w.onExchangeTablePartition(d, t, job)
case model.ActionAddColumn:
ver, err = onAddColumn(d, t, job)
case model.ActionDropColumn:
ver, err = onDropColumn(d, t, job)
case model.ActionModifyColumn:
ver, err = w.onModifyColumn(d, t, job)
case model.ActionSetDefaultValue:
ver, err = onSetDefaultValue(d, t, job)
case model.ActionAddIndex:
ver, err = w.onCreateIndex(d, t, job, false)
case model.ActionAddPrimaryKey:
ver, err = w.onCreateIndex(d, t, job, true)
case model.ActionDropIndex, model.ActionDropPrimaryKey:
ver, err = onDropIndex(d, t, job)
case model.ActionRenameIndex:
ver, err = onRenameIndex(d, t, job)
case model.ActionAddForeignKey:
ver, err = onCreateForeignKey(d, t, job)
case model.ActionDropForeignKey:
ver, err = onDropForeignKey(d, t, job)
case model.ActionTruncateTable:
ver, err = onTruncateTable(d, t, job)
case model.ActionRebaseAutoID:
ver, err = onRebaseRowIDType(d, t, job)
case model.ActionRebaseAutoRandomBase:
ver, err = onRebaseAutoRandomType(d, t, job)
case model.ActionRenameTable:
ver, err = onRenameTable(d, t, job)
case model.ActionShardRowID:
ver, err = w.onShardRowID(d, t, job)
case model.ActionModifyTableComment:
ver, err = onModifyTableComment(d, t, job)
case model.ActionModifyTableAutoIdCache:
ver, err = onModifyTableAutoIDCache(d, t, job)
case model.ActionAddTablePartition:
ver, err = w.onAddTablePartition(d, t, job)
case model.ActionModifyTableCharsetAndCollate:
ver, err = onModifyTableCharsetAndCollate(d, t, job)
case model.ActionRecoverTable:
ver, err = w.onRecoverTable(d, t, job)
case model.ActionLockTable:
ver, err = onLockTables(d, t, job)
case model.ActionUnlockTable:
ver, err = onUnlockTables(d, t, job)
case model.ActionSetTiFlashReplica:
ver, err = w.onSetTableFlashReplica(d, t, job)
case model.ActionUpdateTiFlashReplicaStatus:
ver, err = onUpdateFlashReplicaStatus(d, t, job)
case model.ActionCreateSequence:
ver, err = onCreateSequence(d, t, job)
case model.ActionAlterIndexVisibility:
ver, err = onAlterIndexVisibility(d, t, job)
case model.ActionAlterSequence:
ver, err = onAlterSequence(d, t, job)
case model.ActionRenameTables:
ver, err = onRenameTables(d, t, job)
case model.ActionAlterTableAttributes:
ver, err = onAlterTableAttributes(d, t, job)
case model.ActionAlterTablePartitionAttributes:
ver, err = onAlterTablePartitionAttributes(d, t, job)
case model.ActionCreatePlacementPolicy:
ver, err = onCreatePlacementPolicy(d, t, job)
case model.ActionDropPlacementPolicy:
ver, err = onDropPlacementPolicy(d, t, job)
case model.ActionAlterPlacementPolicy:
ver, err = onAlterPlacementPolicy(d, t, job)
case model.ActionAlterTablePartitionPlacement:
ver, err = onAlterTablePartitionPlacement(d, t, job)
case model.ActionAlterTablePlacement:
ver, err = onAlterTablePlacement(d, t, job)
case model.ActionAlterCacheTable:
ver, err = onAlterCacheTable(d, t, job)
case model.ActionAlterNoCacheTable:
ver, err = onAlterNoCacheTable(d, t, job)
case model.ActionFlashbackCluster:
ver, err = w.onFlashbackCluster(d, t, job)
case model.ActionMultiSchemaChange:
ver, err = onMultiSchemaChange(w, d, t, job)
// Invalid job, cancel it.
job.State = model.JobStateCancelled
err = dbterror.ErrInvalidDDLJob.GenWithStack("invalid ddl job type: %v", job.Type)
// Save errors in job if any, so that others can know errors happened.
if err != nil {
err = w.countForError(err, job)
func loadDDLVars(w *worker) error {
// Get sessionctx from context resource pool.
var ctx sessionctx.Context
ctx, err := w.sessPool.get()
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
defer w.sessPool.put(ctx)
return util.LoadDDLVars(ctx)
func toTError(err error) *terror.Error {
originErr := errors.Cause(err)
tErr, ok := originErr.(*terror.Error)
if ok {
return tErr
// TODO: Add the error code.
return dbterror.ClassDDL.Synthesize(terror.CodeUnknown, err.Error())
// waitSchemaChanged waits for the completion of updating all servers' schema. In order to make sure that happens,
// we wait at most 2 * lease time(sessionTTL, 90 seconds).
func waitSchemaChanged(ctx context.Context, d *ddlCtx, waitTime time.Duration, latestSchemaVersion int64, job *model.Job) {
if !job.IsRunning() && !job.IsRollingback() && !job.IsDone() && !job.IsRollbackDone() {
if waitTime == 0 {
timeStart := time.Now()
var err error
defer func() {
metrics.DDLWorkerHistogram.WithLabelValues(metrics.WorkerWaitSchemaChanged, job.Type.String(), metrics.RetLabel(err)).Observe(time.Since(timeStart).Seconds())
if latestSchemaVersion == 0 {
logutil.Logger(d.ctx).Info("[ddl] schema version doesn't change")
err = d.schemaSyncer.OwnerUpdateGlobalVersion(ctx, latestSchemaVersion)
if err != nil {
logutil.Logger(d.ctx).Info("[ddl] update latest schema version failed", zap.Int64("ver", latestSchemaVersion), zap.Error(err))
if terror.ErrorEqual(err, context.DeadlineExceeded) {
// If err is context.DeadlineExceeded, it means waitTime(2 * lease) is elapsed. So all the schemas are synced by ticker.
// There is no need to use etcd to sync. The function returns directly.
// OwnerCheckAllVersions returns only when all TiDB schemas are synced(exclude the isolated TiDB).
err = d.schemaSyncer.OwnerCheckAllVersions(context.Background(), job.ID, latestSchemaVersion)
if err != nil {
logutil.Logger(d.ctx).Info("[ddl] wait latest schema version encounter error", zap.Int64("ver", latestSchemaVersion), zap.Error(err))
logutil.Logger(d.ctx).Info("[ddl] wait latest schema version changed(get the metadata lock if tidb_enable_metadata_lock is true)",
zap.Int64("ver", latestSchemaVersion),
zap.Duration("take time", time.Since(timeStart)),
zap.String("job", job.String()))
// waitSchemaSynced handles the following situation:
// If the job enters a new state, and the worker crashs when it's in the process of waiting for 2 * lease time,
// Then the worker restarts quickly, we may run the job immediately again,
// but in this case we don't wait enough 2 * lease time to let other servers update the schema.
// So here we get the latest schema version to make sure all servers' schema version update to the latest schema version
// in a cluster, or to wait for 2 * lease time.
func waitSchemaSynced(d *ddlCtx, job *model.Job, waitTime time.Duration) error {
if !job.IsRunning() && !job.IsRollingback() && !job.IsDone() && !job.IsRollbackDone() {
return nil
ver, _ := d.store.CurrentVersion(kv.GlobalTxnScope)
snapshot := d.store.GetSnapshot(ver)
m := meta.NewSnapshotMeta(snapshot)
latestSchemaVersion, err := m.GetSchemaVersionWithNonEmptyDiff()
if err != nil {
logutil.Logger(d.ctx).Warn("[ddl] get global version failed", zap.Error(err))
return err
failpoint.Inject("checkDownBeforeUpdateGlobalVersion", func(val failpoint.Value) {
if val.(bool) {
if mockDDLErrOnce > 0 && mockDDLErrOnce != latestSchemaVersion {
panic("check down before update global version failed")
} else {
mockDDLErrOnce = -1
waitSchemaChanged(context.Background(), d, waitTime, latestSchemaVersion, job)
return nil
func buildPlacementAffects(oldIDs []int64, newIDs []int64) []*model.AffectedOption {
if len(oldIDs) == 0 {
return nil
affects := make([]*model.AffectedOption, len(oldIDs))
for i := 0; i < len(oldIDs); i++ {
affects[i] = &model.AffectedOption{
OldTableID: oldIDs[i],
TableID: newIDs[i],
return affects
// updateSchemaVersion increments the schema version by 1 and sets SchemaDiff.
func updateSchemaVersion(d *ddlCtx, t *meta.Meta, job *model.Job) (int64, error) {
schemaVersion, err := d.setSchemaVersion(job, d.store)
if err != nil {
return 0, errors.Trace(err)
diff := &model.SchemaDiff{
Version: schemaVersion,
Type: job.Type,
SchemaID: job.SchemaID,
switch job.Type {
case model.ActionCreateTables:
var tableInfos []*model.TableInfo
err = job.DecodeArgs(&tableInfos)
if err != nil {
return 0, errors.Trace(err)
diff.AffectedOpts = make([]*model.AffectedOption, len(tableInfos))
for i := range tableInfos {
diff.AffectedOpts[i] = &model.AffectedOption{
SchemaID: job.SchemaID,
OldSchemaID: job.SchemaID,
TableID: tableInfos[i].ID,
OldTableID: tableInfos[i].ID,
case model.ActionTruncateTable:
// Truncate table has two table ID, should be handled differently.
err = job.DecodeArgs(&diff.TableID)
if err != nil {
return 0, errors.Trace(err)
diff.OldTableID = job.TableID
// affects are used to update placement rule cache
if len(job.CtxVars) > 0 {
oldIDs := job.CtxVars[0].([]int64)
newIDs := job.CtxVars[1].([]int64)
diff.AffectedOpts = buildPlacementAffects(oldIDs, newIDs)
case model.ActionCreateView:
tbInfo := &model.TableInfo{}
var orReplace bool
var oldTbInfoID int64
if err := job.DecodeArgs(tbInfo, &orReplace, &oldTbInfoID); err != nil {
return 0, errors.Trace(err)
// When the statement is "create or replace view " and we need to drop the old view,
// it has two table IDs and should be handled differently.
if oldTbInfoID > 0 && orReplace {
diff.OldTableID = oldTbInfoID
diff.TableID = tbInfo.ID
case model.ActionRenameTable:
err = job.DecodeArgs(&diff.OldSchemaID)
if err != nil {
return 0, errors.Trace(err)
diff.TableID = job.TableID
case model.ActionRenameTables:
var (
oldSchemaIDs, newSchemaIDs, tableIDs []int64
tableNames, oldSchemaNames []*model.CIStr
err = job.DecodeArgs(&oldSchemaIDs, &newSchemaIDs, &tableNames, &tableIDs, &oldSchemaNames)
if err != nil {
return 0, errors.Trace(err)
affects := make([]*model.AffectedOption, len(newSchemaIDs))
for i, newSchemaID := range newSchemaIDs {
affects[i] = &model.AffectedOption{
SchemaID: newSchemaID,
TableID: tableIDs[i],
OldTableID: tableIDs[i],
OldSchemaID: oldSchemaIDs[i],
diff.TableID = tableIDs[0]
diff.SchemaID = newSchemaIDs[0]
diff.OldSchemaID = oldSchemaIDs[0]
diff.AffectedOpts = affects
case model.ActionExchangeTablePartition:
var (
ptSchemaID int64
ptTableID int64
partName string
withValidation bool
err = job.DecodeArgs(&diff.TableID, &ptSchemaID, &ptTableID, &partName, &withValidation)
if err != nil {
return 0, errors.Trace(err)
diff.OldTableID = job.TableID
affects := make([]*model.AffectedOption, 1)
affects[0] = &model.AffectedOption{
SchemaID: ptSchemaID,
TableID: ptTableID,
OldTableID: ptTableID,
diff.AffectedOpts = affects
case model.ActionTruncateTablePartition:
diff.TableID = job.TableID
if len(job.CtxVars) > 0 {
oldIDs := job.CtxVars[0].([]int64)
newIDs := job.CtxVars[1].([]int64)
diff.AffectedOpts = buildPlacementAffects(oldIDs, newIDs)
case model.ActionDropTablePartition, model.ActionRecoverTable, model.ActionDropTable:
// affects are used to update placement rule cache
diff.TableID = job.TableID
if len(job.CtxVars) > 0 {
if oldIDs, ok := job.CtxVars[0].([]int64); ok {
diff.AffectedOpts = buildPlacementAffects(oldIDs, oldIDs)
case model.ActionCreateTable:
diff.TableID = job.TableID
if len(job.Args) > 0 {
tbInfo, _ := job.Args[0].(*model.TableInfo)
// When create table with foreign key, we actually has two schema status change:
// 1. none -> write-only
// 2. write-only -> public
// In the second status change write-only -> public, infoschema loader should apply drop old table first, then
// apply create new table. So need to set diff.OldTableID here to make sure it.
if tbInfo != nil && tbInfo.State == model.StatePublic && len(tbInfo.ForeignKeys) > 0 {
diff.OldTableID = job.TableID
diff.TableID = job.TableID
err = t.SetSchemaDiff(diff)
return schemaVersion, errors.Trace(err)
func isChanClosed(quitCh <-chan struct{}) bool {
select {
case <-quitCh:
return true
return false
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