tidb fragment 源码
tidb fragment 代码
// Copyright 2020 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package core
import (
// Fragment is cut from the whole pushed-down plan by network communication.
// Communication by pfs are always through shuffling / broadcasting / passing through.
type Fragment struct {
// following field are filled during getPlanFragment.
TableScan *PhysicalTableScan // result physical table scan
ExchangeReceivers []*PhysicalExchangeReceiver // data receivers
// following fields are filled after scheduling.
ExchangeSender *PhysicalExchangeSender // data exporter
IsRoot bool
singleton bool // indicates if this is a task running on a single node.
type tasksAndFrags struct {
tasks []*kv.MPPTask
frags []*Fragment
type mppTaskGenerator struct {
ctx sessionctx.Context
startTS uint64
is infoschema.InfoSchema
frags []*Fragment
cache map[int]tasksAndFrags
// GenerateRootMPPTasks generate all mpp tasks and return root ones.
func GenerateRootMPPTasks(ctx sessionctx.Context, startTs uint64, sender *PhysicalExchangeSender, is infoschema.InfoSchema) ([]*Fragment, error) {
g := &mppTaskGenerator{
ctx: ctx,
startTS: startTs,
is: is,
cache: make(map[int]tasksAndFrags),
return g.generateMPPTasks(sender)
func (e *mppTaskGenerator) generateMPPTasks(s *PhysicalExchangeSender) ([]*Fragment, error) {
logutil.BgLogger().Info("Mpp will generate tasks", zap.String("plan", ToString(s)))
tidbTask := &kv.MPPTask{
StartTs: e.startTS,
ID: -1,
_, frags, err := e.generateMPPTasksForExchangeSender(s)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
for _, frag := range frags {
frag.ExchangeSender.TargetTasks = []*kv.MPPTask{tidbTask}
frag.IsRoot = true
return e.frags, nil
type mppAddr struct {
addr string
func (m *mppAddr) GetAddress() string {
return m.addr
// for the task without table scan, we construct tasks according to the children's tasks.
// That's for avoiding assigning to the failed node repeatly. We assumes that the chilren node must be workable.
func (e *mppTaskGenerator) constructMPPTasksByChildrenTasks(tasks []*kv.MPPTask) []*kv.MPPTask {
addressMap := make(map[string]struct{})
newTasks := make([]*kv.MPPTask, 0, len(tasks))
for _, task := range tasks {
addr := task.Meta.GetAddress()
_, ok := addressMap[addr]
if !ok {
mppTask := &kv.MPPTask{
Meta: &mppAddr{addr: addr},
ID: e.ctx.GetSessionVars().AllocMPPTaskID(e.startTS),
StartTs: e.startTS,
TableID: -1,
newTasks = append(newTasks, mppTask)
addressMap[addr] = struct{}{}
return newTasks
func (f *Fragment) init(p PhysicalPlan) error {
switch x := p.(type) {
case *PhysicalTableScan:
if f.TableScan != nil {
return errors.New("one task contains at most one table scan")
f.TableScan = x
case *PhysicalExchangeReceiver:
// TODO: after we support partial merge, we should check whether all the target exchangeReceiver is same.
f.singleton = f.singleton || x.children[0].(*PhysicalExchangeSender).ExchangeType == tipb.ExchangeType_PassThrough
f.ExchangeReceivers = append(f.ExchangeReceivers, x)
case *PhysicalUnionAll:
return errors.New("unexpected union all detected")
for _, ch := range p.Children() {
if err := f.init(ch); err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
return nil
// We would remove all the union-all operators by 'untwist'ing and copying the plans above union-all.
// This will make every route from root (ExchangeSender) to leaf nodes (ExchangeReceiver and TableScan)
// a new ioslated tree (and also a fragment) without union all. These trees (fragments then tasks) will
// finally be gathered to TiDB or be exchanged to upper tasks again.
// For instance, given a plan "select c1 from t union all select c1 from s"
// after untwist, there will be two plans in `forest` slice:
// - ExchangeSender -> Projection (c1) -> TableScan(t)
// - ExchangeSender -> Projection (c2) -> TableScan(s)
func untwistPlanAndRemoveUnionAll(stack []PhysicalPlan, forest *[]*PhysicalExchangeSender) error {
cur := stack[len(stack)-1]
switch x := cur.(type) {
case *PhysicalTableScan, *PhysicalExchangeReceiver: // This should be the leave node.
p, err := stack[0].Clone()
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
*forest = append(*forest, p.(*PhysicalExchangeSender))
for i := 1; i < len(stack); i++ {
if _, ok := stack[i].(*PhysicalUnionAll); ok {
ch, err := stack[i].Clone()
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
if join, ok := p.(*PhysicalHashJoin); ok {
join.SetChild(1-join.InnerChildIdx, ch)
} else {
p = ch
case *PhysicalHashJoin:
stack = append(stack, x.children[1-x.InnerChildIdx])
err := untwistPlanAndRemoveUnionAll(stack, forest)
stack = stack[:len(stack)-1]
return errors.Trace(err)
case *PhysicalUnionAll:
for _, ch := range x.children {
stack = append(stack, ch)
err := untwistPlanAndRemoveUnionAll(stack, forest)
stack = stack[:len(stack)-1]
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
if len(cur.Children()) != 1 {
return errors.Trace(errors.New("unexpected plan " + cur.ExplainID().String()))
ch := cur.Children()[0]
stack = append(stack, ch)
err := untwistPlanAndRemoveUnionAll(stack, forest)
stack = stack[:len(stack)-1]
return errors.Trace(err)
return nil
func buildFragments(s *PhysicalExchangeSender) ([]*Fragment, error) {
forest := make([]*PhysicalExchangeSender, 0, 1)
err := untwistPlanAndRemoveUnionAll([]PhysicalPlan{s}, &forest)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
fragments := make([]*Fragment, 0, len(forest))
for _, s := range forest {
f := &Fragment{ExchangeSender: s}
err = f.init(s)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
fragments = append(fragments, f)
return fragments, nil
func (e *mppTaskGenerator) generateMPPTasksForExchangeSender(s *PhysicalExchangeSender) ([]*kv.MPPTask, []*Fragment, error) {
if cached, ok := e.cache[s.ID()]; ok {
return cached.tasks, cached.frags, nil
frags, err := buildFragments(s)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, errors.Trace(err)
results := make([]*kv.MPPTask, 0, len(frags))
for _, f := range frags {
tasks, err := e.generateMPPTasksForFragment(f)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, errors.Trace(err)
results = append(results, tasks...)
e.frags = append(e.frags, frags...)
e.cache[s.ID()] = tasksAndFrags{results, frags}
return results, frags, nil
func (e *mppTaskGenerator) generateMPPTasksForFragment(f *Fragment) (tasks []*kv.MPPTask, err error) {
for _, r := range f.ExchangeReceivers {
r.Tasks, r.frags, err = e.generateMPPTasksForExchangeSender(r.GetExchangeSender())
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
if f.TableScan != nil {
tasks, err = e.constructMPPTasksImpl(context.Background(), f.TableScan)
if err == nil && len(tasks) == 0 {
err = errors.New(
"In mpp mode, the number of tasks for table scan should not be zero. " +
"Please set tidb_allow_mpp = 0, and then rerun sql.")
} else {
childrenTasks := make([]*kv.MPPTask, 0)
for _, r := range f.ExchangeReceivers {
childrenTasks = append(childrenTasks, r.Tasks...)
if f.singleton && len(childrenTasks) > 0 {
childrenTasks = childrenTasks[0:1]
tasks = e.constructMPPTasksByChildrenTasks(childrenTasks)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
for _, r := range f.ExchangeReceivers {
for _, frag := range r.frags {
frag.ExchangeSender.TargetTasks = append(frag.ExchangeSender.TargetTasks, tasks...)
f.ExchangeSender.Tasks = tasks
return tasks, nil
func partitionPruning(ctx sessionctx.Context, tbl table.PartitionedTable, conds []expression.Expression, partitionNames []model.CIStr,
columns []*expression.Column, columnNames types.NameSlice) ([]table.PhysicalTable, error) {
idxArr, err := PartitionPruning(ctx, tbl, conds, partitionNames, columns, columnNames)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pi := tbl.Meta().GetPartitionInfo()
var ret []table.PhysicalTable
if len(idxArr) == 1 && idxArr[0] == FullRange {
ret = make([]table.PhysicalTable, 0, len(pi.Definitions))
for _, def := range pi.Definitions {
p := tbl.GetPartition(def.ID)
ret = append(ret, p)
} else {
ret = make([]table.PhysicalTable, 0, len(idxArr))
for _, idx := range idxArr {
pid := pi.Definitions[idx].ID
p := tbl.GetPartition(pid)
ret = append(ret, p)
if len(ret) == 0 {
// TiFlash cannot process an empty task correctly, so choose to leave it with some data to read.
if len(partitionNames) == 0 {
ret = []table.PhysicalTable{tbl.GetPartition(pi.Definitions[0].ID)}
} else {
for _, def := range pi.Definitions {
if def.Name.L == partitionNames[0].L {
ret = []table.PhysicalTable{tbl.GetPartition(def.ID)}
return ret, nil
// single physical table means a table without partitions or a single partition in a partition table.
func (e *mppTaskGenerator) constructMPPTasksImpl(ctx context.Context, ts *PhysicalTableScan) ([]*kv.MPPTask, error) {
// update ranges according to correlated columns in access conditions like in the Open() of TableReaderExecutor
for _, cond := range ts.AccessCondition {
if len(expression.ExtractCorColumns(cond)) > 0 {
_, err := ts.ResolveCorrelatedColumns()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var req *kv.MPPBuildTasksRequest
var allPartitionsIDs []int64
var err error
splitedRanges, _ := distsql.SplitRangesAcrossInt64Boundary(ts.Ranges, false, false, ts.Table.IsCommonHandle)
if ts.Table.GetPartitionInfo() != nil {
tmp, _ := e.is.TableByID(ts.Table.ID)
tbl := tmp.(table.PartitionedTable)
var partitions []table.PhysicalTable
partitions, err = partitionPruning(e.ctx, tbl, ts.PartitionInfo.PruningConds, ts.PartitionInfo.PartitionNames, ts.PartitionInfo.Columns, ts.PartitionInfo.ColumnNames)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
req, allPartitionsIDs, err = e.constructMPPBuildTaskReqForPartitionedTable(ts, splitedRanges, partitions)
} else {
req, err = e.constructMPPBuildTaskForNonPartitionTable(ts, splitedRanges)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
ttl, err := time.ParseDuration(e.ctx.GetSessionVars().MPPStoreFailTTL)
if err != nil {
logutil.BgLogger().Warn("MPP store fail ttl is invalid", zap.Error(err))
ttl = 30 * time.Second
metas, err := e.ctx.GetMPPClient().ConstructMPPTasks(ctx, req, e.ctx.GetSessionVars().MPPStoreLastFailTime, ttl)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
tasks := make([]*kv.MPPTask, 0, len(metas))
for _, meta := range metas {
task := &kv.MPPTask{Meta: meta, ID: e.ctx.GetSessionVars().AllocMPPTaskID(e.startTS), StartTs: e.startTS, TableID: ts.Table.ID, PartitionTableIDs: allPartitionsIDs}
tasks = append(tasks, task)
return tasks, nil
func (e *mppTaskGenerator) constructMPPBuildTaskReqForPartitionedTable(ts *PhysicalTableScan, splitedRanges []*ranger.Range, partitions []table.PhysicalTable) (*kv.MPPBuildTasksRequest, []int64, error) {
slices.SortFunc(partitions, func(i, j table.PhysicalTable) bool {
return i.GetPhysicalID() < j.GetPhysicalID()
partitionIDAndRanges := make([]kv.PartitionIDAndRanges, len(partitions))
allPartitionsIDs := make([]int64, len(partitions))
// Get region info for each partition
for i, p := range partitions {
pid := p.GetPhysicalID()
meta := p.Meta()
kvRanges, err := distsql.TableHandleRangesToKVRanges(e.ctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx, []int64{pid}, meta != nil && ts.Table.IsCommonHandle, splitedRanges, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, errors.Trace(err)
partitionIDAndRanges[i].ID = pid
partitionIDAndRanges[i].KeyRanges = kvRanges
allPartitionsIDs[i] = pid
return &kv.MPPBuildTasksRequest{PartitionIDAndRanges: partitionIDAndRanges}, allPartitionsIDs, nil
func (e *mppTaskGenerator) constructMPPBuildTaskForNonPartitionTable(ts *PhysicalTableScan, splitedRanges []*ranger.Range) (*kv.MPPBuildTasksRequest, error) {
kvRanges, err := distsql.TableHandleRangesToKVRanges(e.ctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx, []int64{ts.Table.ID}, ts.Table.IsCommonHandle, splitedRanges, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
return &kv.MPPBuildTasksRequest{KeyRanges: kvRanges}, nil
tidb collect_column_stats_usage 源码
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