tidb expression_rewriter 源码
tidb expression_rewriter 代码
// Copyright 2016 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package core
import (
driver "github.com/pingcap/tidb/types/parser_driver"
// EvalSubqueryFirstRow evaluates incorrelated subqueries once, and get first row.
var EvalSubqueryFirstRow func(ctx context.Context, p PhysicalPlan, is infoschema.InfoSchema, sctx sessionctx.Context) (row []types.Datum, err error)
// evalAstExpr evaluates ast expression directly.
func evalAstExpr(sctx sessionctx.Context, expr ast.ExprNode) (types.Datum, error) {
if val, ok := expr.(*driver.ValueExpr); ok {
return val.Datum, nil
newExpr, err := rewriteAstExpr(sctx, expr, nil, nil)
if err != nil {
return types.Datum{}, err
return newExpr.Eval(chunk.Row{})
// rewriteAstExpr rewrites ast expression directly.
func rewriteAstExpr(sctx sessionctx.Context, expr ast.ExprNode, schema *expression.Schema, names types.NameSlice) (expression.Expression, error) {
var is infoschema.InfoSchema
// in tests, it may be null
if s, ok := sctx.GetInfoSchema().(infoschema.InfoSchema); ok {
is = s
b, savedBlockNames := NewPlanBuilder().Init(sctx, is, &hint.BlockHintProcessor{})
fakePlan := LogicalTableDual{}.Init(sctx, 0)
if schema != nil {
fakePlan.schema = schema
fakePlan.names = names
b.curClause = expressionClause
newExpr, _, err := b.rewrite(context.TODO(), expr, fakePlan, nil, true)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
sctx.GetSessionVars().PlannerSelectBlockAsName = savedBlockNames
return newExpr, nil
func (b *PlanBuilder) rewriteInsertOnDuplicateUpdate(ctx context.Context, exprNode ast.ExprNode, mockPlan LogicalPlan, insertPlan *Insert) (expression.Expression, error) {
defer func() { b.rewriterCounter-- }()
b.curClause = fieldList
rewriter := b.getExpressionRewriter(ctx, mockPlan)
// The rewriter maybe is obtained from "b.rewriterPool", "rewriter.err" is
// not nil means certain previous procedure has not handled this error.
// Here we give us one more chance to make a correct behavior by handling
// this missed error.
if rewriter.err != nil {
return nil, rewriter.err
rewriter.insertPlan = insertPlan
rewriter.asScalar = true
expr, _, err := b.rewriteExprNode(rewriter, exprNode, true)
return expr, err
// rewrite function rewrites ast expr to expression.Expression.
// aggMapper maps ast.AggregateFuncExpr to the columns offset in p's output schema.
// asScalar means whether this expression must be treated as a scalar expression.
// And this function returns a result expression, a new plan that may have apply or semi-join.
func (b *PlanBuilder) rewrite(ctx context.Context, exprNode ast.ExprNode, p LogicalPlan, aggMapper map[*ast.AggregateFuncExpr]int, asScalar bool) (expression.Expression, LogicalPlan, error) {
expr, resultPlan, err := b.rewriteWithPreprocess(ctx, exprNode, p, aggMapper, nil, asScalar, nil)
return expr, resultPlan, err
// rewriteWithPreprocess is for handling the situation that we need to adjust the input ast tree
// before really using its node in `expressionRewriter.Leave`. In that case, we first call
// er.preprocess(expr), which returns a new expr. Then we use the new expr in `Leave`.
func (b *PlanBuilder) rewriteWithPreprocess(
ctx context.Context,
exprNode ast.ExprNode,
p LogicalPlan, aggMapper map[*ast.AggregateFuncExpr]int,
windowMapper map[*ast.WindowFuncExpr]int,
asScalar bool,
preprocess func(ast.Node) ast.Node,
) (expression.Expression, LogicalPlan, error) {
defer func() { b.rewriterCounter-- }()
rewriter := b.getExpressionRewriter(ctx, p)
// The rewriter maybe is obtained from "b.rewriterPool", "rewriter.err" is
// not nil means certain previous procedure has not handled this error.
// Here we give us one more chance to make a correct behavior by handling
// this missed error.
if rewriter.err != nil {
return nil, nil, rewriter.err
rewriter.aggrMap = aggMapper
rewriter.windowMap = windowMapper
rewriter.asScalar = asScalar
rewriter.preprocess = preprocess
expr, resultPlan, err := b.rewriteExprNode(rewriter, exprNode, asScalar)
return expr, resultPlan, err
func (b *PlanBuilder) getExpressionRewriter(ctx context.Context, p LogicalPlan) (rewriter *expressionRewriter) {
defer func() {
if p != nil {
rewriter.schema = p.Schema()
rewriter.names = p.OutputNames()
if len(b.rewriterPool) < b.rewriterCounter {
rewriter = &expressionRewriter{p: p, b: b, sctx: b.ctx, ctx: ctx}
rewriter.sctx.SetValue(expression.TiDBDecodeKeyFunctionKey, decodeKeyFromString)
b.rewriterPool = append(b.rewriterPool, rewriter)
rewriter = b.rewriterPool[b.rewriterCounter-1]
rewriter.p = p
rewriter.asScalar = false
rewriter.aggrMap = nil
rewriter.preprocess = nil
rewriter.insertPlan = nil
rewriter.disableFoldCounter = 0
rewriter.tryFoldCounter = 0
rewriter.ctxStack = rewriter.ctxStack[:0]
rewriter.ctxNameStk = rewriter.ctxNameStk[:0]
rewriter.ctx = ctx
rewriter.err = nil
func (b *PlanBuilder) rewriteExprNode(rewriter *expressionRewriter, exprNode ast.ExprNode, asScalar bool) (expression.Expression, LogicalPlan, error) {
if rewriter.p != nil {
curColLen := rewriter.p.Schema().Len()
defer func() {
names := rewriter.p.OutputNames().Shallow()[:curColLen]
for i := curColLen; i < rewriter.p.Schema().Len(); i++ {
names = append(names, types.EmptyName)
// After rewriting finished, only old columns are visible.
// e.g. select * from t where t.a in (select t1.a from t1);
// The output columns before we enter the subquery are the columns from t.
// But when we leave the subquery `t.a in (select t1.a from t1)`, we got a Apply operator
// and the output columns become [t.*, t1.*]. But t1.* is used only inside the subquery. If there's another filter
// which is also a subquery where t1 is involved. The name resolving will fail if we still expose the column from
// the previous subquery.
// So here we just reset the names to empty to avoid this situation.
// TODO: implement ScalarSubQuery and resolve it during optimizing. In building phase, we will not change the plan's structure.
if rewriter.err != nil {
return nil, nil, errors.Trace(rewriter.err)
if !asScalar && len(rewriter.ctxStack) == 0 {
return nil, rewriter.p, nil
if len(rewriter.ctxStack) != 1 {
return nil, nil, errors.Errorf("context len %v is invalid", len(rewriter.ctxStack))
rewriter.err = expression.CheckArgsNotMultiColumnRow(rewriter.ctxStack[0])
if rewriter.err != nil {
return nil, nil, errors.Trace(rewriter.err)
return rewriter.ctxStack[0], rewriter.p, nil
type expressionRewriter struct {
ctxStack []expression.Expression
ctxNameStk []*types.FieldName
p LogicalPlan
schema *expression.Schema
names []*types.FieldName
err error
aggrMap map[*ast.AggregateFuncExpr]int
windowMap map[*ast.WindowFuncExpr]int
b *PlanBuilder
sctx sessionctx.Context
ctx context.Context
// asScalar indicates the return value must be a scalar value.
// NOTE: This value can be changed during expression rewritten.
asScalar bool
// preprocess is called for every ast.Node in Leave.
preprocess func(ast.Node) ast.Node
// insertPlan is only used to rewrite the expressions inside the assignment
// of the "INSERT" statement.
insertPlan *Insert
// disableFoldCounter controls fold-disabled scope. If > 0, rewriter will NOT do constant folding.
// Typically, during visiting AST, while entering the scope(disable), the counter will +1; while
// leaving the scope(enable again), the counter will -1.
// NOTE: This value can be changed during expression rewritten.
disableFoldCounter int
tryFoldCounter int
func (er *expressionRewriter) ctxStackLen() int {
return len(er.ctxStack)
func (er *expressionRewriter) ctxStackPop(num int) {
l := er.ctxStackLen()
er.ctxStack = er.ctxStack[:l-num]
er.ctxNameStk = er.ctxNameStk[:l-num]
func (er *expressionRewriter) ctxStackAppend(col expression.Expression, name *types.FieldName) {
er.ctxStack = append(er.ctxStack, col)
er.ctxNameStk = append(er.ctxNameStk, name)
// constructBinaryOpFunction converts binary operator functions
// 1. If op are EQ or NE or NullEQ, constructBinaryOpFunctions converts (a0,a1,a2) op (b0,b1,b2) to (a0 op b0) and (a1 op b1) and (a2 op b2)
// 2. Else constructBinaryOpFunctions converts (a0,a1,a2) op (b0,b1,b2) to
// `IF( a0 NE b0, a0 op b0,
// IF ( isNull(a0 NE b0), Null,
// IF ( a1 NE b1, a1 op b1,
// IF ( isNull(a1 NE b1), Null, a2 op b2))))`
func (er *expressionRewriter) constructBinaryOpFunction(l expression.Expression, r expression.Expression, op string) (expression.Expression, error) {
lLen, rLen := expression.GetRowLen(l), expression.GetRowLen(r)
if lLen == 1 && rLen == 1 {
return er.newFunction(op, types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeTiny), l, r)
} else if rLen != lLen {
return nil, expression.ErrOperandColumns.GenWithStackByArgs(lLen)
switch op {
case ast.EQ, ast.NE, ast.NullEQ:
funcs := make([]expression.Expression, lLen)
for i := 0; i < lLen; i++ {
var err error
funcs[i], err = er.constructBinaryOpFunction(expression.GetFuncArg(l, i), expression.GetFuncArg(r, i), op)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if op == ast.NE {
return expression.ComposeDNFCondition(er.sctx, funcs...), nil
return expression.ComposeCNFCondition(er.sctx, funcs...), nil
larg0, rarg0 := expression.GetFuncArg(l, 0), expression.GetFuncArg(r, 0)
var expr1, expr2, expr3, expr4, expr5 expression.Expression
expr1 = expression.NewFunctionInternal(er.sctx, ast.NE, types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeTiny), larg0, rarg0)
expr2 = expression.NewFunctionInternal(er.sctx, op, types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeTiny), larg0, rarg0)
expr3 = expression.NewFunctionInternal(er.sctx, ast.IsNull, types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeTiny), expr1)
var err error
l, err = expression.PopRowFirstArg(er.sctx, l)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
r, err = expression.PopRowFirstArg(er.sctx, r)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
expr4, err = er.constructBinaryOpFunction(l, r, op)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
expr5, err = er.newFunction(ast.If, types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeTiny), expr3, expression.NewNull(), expr4)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return er.newFunction(ast.If, types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeTiny), expr1, expr2, expr5)
// buildSubquery translates the subquery ast to plan.
// Currently, only the EXIST can apply the rewrite hint(rewrite the semi join to inner join with aggregation).
func (er *expressionRewriter) buildSubquery(ctx context.Context, subq *ast.SubqueryExpr, rewriteHintCanTakeEffect bool) (np LogicalPlan, hasSemiJoinRewriteHint bool, err error) {
if er.schema != nil {
outerSchema := er.schema.Clone()
er.b.outerSchemas = append(er.b.outerSchemas, outerSchema)
er.b.outerNames = append(er.b.outerNames, er.names)
defer func() {
er.b.outerSchemas = er.b.outerSchemas[0 : len(er.b.outerSchemas)-1]
er.b.outerNames = er.b.outerNames[0 : len(er.b.outerNames)-1]
// Store the old value before we enter the subquery and reset they to default value.
oldRewriteHintCanTakeEffect := er.b.checkSemiJoinHint
er.b.checkSemiJoinHint = rewriteHintCanTakeEffect
oldHasHint := er.b.hasValidSemiJoinHint
er.b.hasValidSemiJoinHint = false
outerWindowSpecs := er.b.windowSpecs
defer func() {
er.b.windowSpecs = outerWindowSpecs
er.b.checkSemiJoinHint = oldRewriteHintCanTakeEffect
er.b.hasValidSemiJoinHint = oldHasHint
np, err = er.b.buildResultSetNode(ctx, subq.Query, false)
if err != nil {
return nil, false, err
// Pop the handle map generated by the subquery.
return np, er.b.hasValidSemiJoinHint, nil
// Enter implements Visitor interface.
func (er *expressionRewriter) Enter(inNode ast.Node) (ast.Node, bool) {
switch v := inNode.(type) {
case *ast.AggregateFuncExpr:
index, ok := -1, false
if er.aggrMap != nil {
index, ok = er.aggrMap[v]
if ok {
// index < 0 indicates this is a correlated aggregate belonging to outer query,
// for which a correlated column will be created later, so we append a null constant
// as a temporary result expression.
if index < 0 {
er.ctxStackAppend(expression.NewNull(), types.EmptyName)
} else {
// index >= 0 indicates this is a regular aggregate column
er.ctxStackAppend(er.schema.Columns[index], er.names[index])
return inNode, true
// replace correlated aggregate in sub-query with its corresponding correlated column
if col, ok := er.b.correlatedAggMapper[v]; ok {
er.ctxStackAppend(col, types.EmptyName)
return inNode, true
er.err = ErrInvalidGroupFuncUse
return inNode, true
case *ast.ColumnNameExpr:
if index, ok := er.b.colMapper[v]; ok {
er.ctxStackAppend(er.schema.Columns[index], er.names[index])
return inNode, true
case *ast.CompareSubqueryExpr:
return er.handleCompareSubquery(er.ctx, v)
case *ast.ExistsSubqueryExpr:
return er.handleExistSubquery(er.ctx, v)
case *ast.PatternInExpr:
if v.Sel != nil {
return er.handleInSubquery(er.ctx, v)
if len(v.List) != 1 {
// For 10 in ((select * from t)), the parser won't set v.Sel.
// So we must process this case here.
x := v.List[0]
for {
switch y := x.(type) {
case *ast.SubqueryExpr:
v.Sel = y
return er.handleInSubquery(er.ctx, v)
case *ast.ParenthesesExpr:
x = y.Expr
return inNode, false
case *ast.SubqueryExpr:
return er.handleScalarSubquery(er.ctx, v)
case *ast.ParenthesesExpr:
case *ast.ValuesExpr:
schema, names := er.schema, er.names
// NOTE: "er.insertPlan != nil" means that we are rewriting the
// expressions inside the assignment of "INSERT" statement. we have to
// use the "tableSchema" of that "insertPlan".
if er.insertPlan != nil {
schema = er.insertPlan.tableSchema
names = er.insertPlan.tableColNames
idx, err := expression.FindFieldName(names, v.Column.Name)
if err != nil {
er.err = err
return inNode, false
if idx < 0 {
er.err = ErrUnknownColumn.GenWithStackByArgs(v.Column.Name.OrigColName(), "field list")
return inNode, false
col := schema.Columns[idx]
er.ctxStackAppend(expression.NewValuesFunc(er.sctx, col.Index, col.RetType), types.EmptyName)
return inNode, true
case *ast.WindowFuncExpr:
index, ok := -1, false
if er.windowMap != nil {
index, ok = er.windowMap[v]
if !ok {
er.err = ErrWindowInvalidWindowFuncUse.GenWithStackByArgs(strings.ToLower(v.F))
return inNode, true
er.ctxStackAppend(er.schema.Columns[index], er.names[index])
return inNode, true
case *ast.FuncCallExpr:
er.asScalar = true
if _, ok := expression.DisableFoldFunctions[v.FnName.L]; ok {
if _, ok := expression.TryFoldFunctions[v.FnName.L]; ok {
case *ast.CaseExpr:
er.asScalar = true
if _, ok := expression.DisableFoldFunctions["case"]; ok {
if _, ok := expression.TryFoldFunctions["case"]; ok {
case *ast.BinaryOperationExpr:
er.asScalar = true
if v.Op == opcode.LogicAnd || v.Op == opcode.LogicOr {
case *ast.SetCollationExpr:
// Do nothing
er.asScalar = true
return inNode, false
func (er *expressionRewriter) buildSemiApplyFromEqualSubq(np LogicalPlan, l, r expression.Expression, not bool) {
if er.asScalar || not {
if expression.GetRowLen(r) == 1 {
rCol := r.(*expression.Column)
// If both input columns of `!= all / = any` expression are not null, we can treat the expression
// as normal column equal condition.
if !expression.ExprNotNull(l) || !expression.ExprNotNull(rCol) {
rColCopy := *rCol
rColCopy.InOperand = true
r = &rColCopy
l = expression.SetExprColumnInOperand(l)
} else {
rowFunc := r.(*expression.ScalarFunction)
rargs := rowFunc.GetArgs()
args := make([]expression.Expression, 0, len(rargs))
modified := false
for i, rarg := range rargs {
larg := expression.GetFuncArg(l, i)
if !expression.ExprNotNull(larg) || !expression.ExprNotNull(rarg) {
rCol := rarg.(*expression.Column)
rColCopy := *rCol
rColCopy.InOperand = true
rarg = &rColCopy
modified = true
args = append(args, rarg)
if modified {
r, er.err = er.newFunction(ast.RowFunc, args[0].GetType(), args...)
if er.err != nil {
l = expression.SetExprColumnInOperand(l)
var condition expression.Expression
condition, er.err = er.constructBinaryOpFunction(l, r, ast.EQ)
if er.err != nil {
er.p, er.err = er.b.buildSemiApply(er.p, np, []expression.Expression{condition}, er.asScalar, not, false)
func (er *expressionRewriter) handleCompareSubquery(ctx context.Context, v *ast.CompareSubqueryExpr) (ast.Node, bool) {
ci := er.b.prepareCTECheckForSubQuery()
defer resetCTECheckForSubQuery(ci)
if er.err != nil {
return v, true
lexpr := er.ctxStack[len(er.ctxStack)-1]
subq, ok := v.R.(*ast.SubqueryExpr)
if !ok {
er.err = errors.Errorf("Unknown compare type %T", v.R)
return v, true
np, _, err := er.buildSubquery(ctx, subq, false)
if err != nil {
er.err = err
return v, true
// Only (a,b,c) = any (...) and (a,b,c) != all (...) can use row expression.
canMultiCol := (!v.All && v.Op == opcode.EQ) || (v.All && v.Op == opcode.NE)
if !canMultiCol && (expression.GetRowLen(lexpr) != 1 || np.Schema().Len() != 1) {
er.err = expression.ErrOperandColumns.GenWithStackByArgs(1)
return v, true
lLen := expression.GetRowLen(lexpr)
if lLen != np.Schema().Len() {
er.err = expression.ErrOperandColumns.GenWithStackByArgs(lLen)
return v, true
var rexpr expression.Expression
if np.Schema().Len() == 1 {
rexpr = np.Schema().Columns[0]
} else {
args := make([]expression.Expression, 0, np.Schema().Len())
for _, col := range np.Schema().Columns {
args = append(args, col)
rexpr, er.err = er.newFunction(ast.RowFunc, args[0].GetType(), args...)
if er.err != nil {
return v, true
// Lexpr cannot compare with rexpr by different collate
opString := new(strings.Builder)
_, er.err = expression.CheckAndDeriveCollationFromExprs(er.sctx, opString.String(), types.ETInt, lexpr, rexpr)
if er.err != nil {
return v, true
switch v.Op {
// Only EQ, NE and NullEQ can be composed with and.
case opcode.EQ, opcode.NE, opcode.NullEQ:
if v.Op == opcode.EQ {
if v.All {
er.handleEQAll(lexpr, rexpr, np)
} else {
// `a = any(subq)` will be rewriten as `a in (subq)`.
er.asScalar = true
er.buildSemiApplyFromEqualSubq(np, lexpr, rexpr, false)
if er.err != nil {
return v, true
} else if v.Op == opcode.NE {
if v.All {
// `a != all(subq)` will be rewriten as `a not in (subq)`.
er.asScalar = true
er.buildSemiApplyFromEqualSubq(np, lexpr, rexpr, true)
if er.err != nil {
return v, true
} else {
er.handleNEAny(lexpr, rexpr, np)
} else {
// TODO: Support this in future.
er.err = errors.New("We don't support <=> all or <=> any now")
return v, true
// When < all or > any , the agg function should use min.
useMin := ((v.Op == opcode.LT || v.Op == opcode.LE) && v.All) || ((v.Op == opcode.GT || v.Op == opcode.GE) && !v.All)
er.handleOtherComparableSubq(lexpr, rexpr, np, useMin, v.Op.String(), v.All)
if er.asScalar {
// The parent expression only use the last column in schema, which represents whether the condition is matched.
er.ctxStack[len(er.ctxStack)-1] = er.p.Schema().Columns[er.p.Schema().Len()-1]
er.ctxNameStk[len(er.ctxNameStk)-1] = er.p.OutputNames()[er.p.Schema().Len()-1]
return v, true
// handleOtherComparableSubq handles the queries like < any, < max, etc. For example, if the query is t.id < any (select s.id from s),
// it will be rewrote to t.id < (select max(s.id) from s).
func (er *expressionRewriter) handleOtherComparableSubq(lexpr, rexpr expression.Expression, np LogicalPlan, useMin bool, cmpFunc string, all bool) {
plan4Agg := LogicalAggregation{}.Init(er.sctx, er.b.getSelectOffset())
if hint := er.b.TableHints(); hint != nil {
plan4Agg.aggHints = hint.aggHints
// Create a "max" or "min" aggregation.
funcName := ast.AggFuncMax
if useMin {
funcName = ast.AggFuncMin
funcMaxOrMin, err := aggregation.NewAggFuncDesc(er.sctx, funcName, []expression.Expression{rexpr}, false)
if err != nil {
er.err = err
// Create a column and append it to the schema of that aggregation.
colMaxOrMin := &expression.Column{
UniqueID: er.sctx.GetSessionVars().AllocPlanColumnID(),
RetType: funcMaxOrMin.RetTp,
schema := expression.NewSchema(colMaxOrMin)
plan4Agg.names = append(plan4Agg.names, types.EmptyName)
plan4Agg.AggFuncs = []*aggregation.AggFuncDesc{funcMaxOrMin}
cond := expression.NewFunctionInternal(er.sctx, cmpFunc, types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeTiny), lexpr, colMaxOrMin)
er.buildQuantifierPlan(plan4Agg, cond, lexpr, rexpr, all)
// buildQuantifierPlan adds extra condition for any / all subquery.
func (er *expressionRewriter) buildQuantifierPlan(plan4Agg *LogicalAggregation, cond, lexpr, rexpr expression.Expression, all bool) {
innerIsNull := expression.NewFunctionInternal(er.sctx, ast.IsNull, types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeTiny), rexpr)
outerIsNull := expression.NewFunctionInternal(er.sctx, ast.IsNull, types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeTiny), lexpr)
funcSum, err := aggregation.NewAggFuncDesc(er.sctx, ast.AggFuncSum, []expression.Expression{innerIsNull}, false)
if err != nil {
er.err = err
colSum := &expression.Column{
UniqueID: er.sctx.GetSessionVars().AllocPlanColumnID(),
RetType: funcSum.RetTp,
plan4Agg.AggFuncs = append(plan4Agg.AggFuncs, funcSum)
innerHasNull := expression.NewFunctionInternal(er.sctx, ast.NE, types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeTiny), colSum, expression.NewZero())
// Build `count(1)` aggregation to check if subquery is empty.
funcCount, err := aggregation.NewAggFuncDesc(er.sctx, ast.AggFuncCount, []expression.Expression{expression.NewOne()}, false)
if err != nil {
er.err = err
colCount := &expression.Column{
UniqueID: er.sctx.GetSessionVars().AllocPlanColumnID(),
RetType: funcCount.RetTp,
plan4Agg.AggFuncs = append(plan4Agg.AggFuncs, funcCount)
if all {
// All of the inner record set should not contain null value. So for t.id < all(select s.id from s), it
// should be rewrote to t.id < min(s.id) and if(sum(s.id is null) != 0, null, true).
innerNullChecker := expression.NewFunctionInternal(er.sctx, ast.If, types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeTiny), innerHasNull, expression.NewNull(), expression.NewOne())
cond = expression.ComposeCNFCondition(er.sctx, cond, innerNullChecker)
// If the subquery is empty, it should always return true.
emptyChecker := expression.NewFunctionInternal(er.sctx, ast.EQ, types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeTiny), colCount, expression.NewZero())
// If outer key is null, and subquery is not empty, it should always return null, even when it is `null = all (1, 2)`.
outerNullChecker := expression.NewFunctionInternal(er.sctx, ast.If, types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeTiny), outerIsNull, expression.NewNull(), expression.NewZero())
cond = expression.ComposeDNFCondition(er.sctx, cond, emptyChecker, outerNullChecker)
} else {
// For "any" expression, if the subquery has null and the cond returns false, the result should be NULL.
// Specifically, `t.id < any (select s.id from s)` would be rewrote to `t.id < max(s.id) or if(sum(s.id is null) != 0, null, false)`
innerNullChecker := expression.NewFunctionInternal(er.sctx, ast.If, types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeTiny), innerHasNull, expression.NewNull(), expression.NewZero())
cond = expression.ComposeDNFCondition(er.sctx, cond, innerNullChecker)
// If the subquery is empty, it should always return false.
emptyChecker := expression.NewFunctionInternal(er.sctx, ast.NE, types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeTiny), colCount, expression.NewZero())
// If outer key is null, and subquery is not empty, it should return null.
outerNullChecker := expression.NewFunctionInternal(er.sctx, ast.If, types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeTiny), outerIsNull, expression.NewNull(), expression.NewOne())
cond = expression.ComposeCNFCondition(er.sctx, cond, emptyChecker, outerNullChecker)
// TODO: Add a Projection if any argument of aggregate funcs or group by items are scalar functions.
// plan4Agg.buildProjectionIfNecessary()
if !er.asScalar {
// For Semi LogicalApply without aux column, the result is no matter false or null. So we can add it to join predicate.
er.p, er.err = er.b.buildSemiApply(er.p, plan4Agg, []expression.Expression{cond}, false, false, false)
// If we treat the result as a scalar value, we will add a projection with a extra column to output true, false or null.
outerSchemaLen := er.p.Schema().Len()
er.p = er.b.buildApplyWithJoinType(er.p, plan4Agg, InnerJoin)
joinSchema := er.p.Schema()
proj := LogicalProjection{
Exprs: expression.Column2Exprs(joinSchema.Clone().Columns[:outerSchemaLen]),
}.Init(er.sctx, er.b.getSelectOffset())
proj.names = make([]*types.FieldName, outerSchemaLen, outerSchemaLen+1)
copy(proj.names, er.p.OutputNames())
proj.Exprs = append(proj.Exprs, cond)
UniqueID: er.sctx.GetSessionVars().AllocPlanColumnID(),
RetType: cond.GetType(),
proj.names = append(proj.names, types.EmptyName)
er.p = proj
// handleNEAny handles the case of != any. For example, if the query is t.id != any (select s.id from s), it will be rewrote to
// t.id != s.id or count(distinct s.id) > 1 or [any checker]. If there are two different values in s.id ,
// there must exist a s.id that doesn't equal to t.id.
func (er *expressionRewriter) handleNEAny(lexpr, rexpr expression.Expression, np LogicalPlan) {
// If there is NULL in s.id column, s.id should be the value that isn't null in condition t.id != s.id.
// So use function max to filter NULL.
maxFunc, err := aggregation.NewAggFuncDesc(er.sctx, ast.AggFuncMax, []expression.Expression{rexpr}, false)
if err != nil {
er.err = err
countFunc, err := aggregation.NewAggFuncDesc(er.sctx, ast.AggFuncCount, []expression.Expression{rexpr}, true)
if err != nil {
er.err = err
plan4Agg := LogicalAggregation{
AggFuncs: []*aggregation.AggFuncDesc{maxFunc, countFunc},
}.Init(er.sctx, er.b.getSelectOffset())
if hint := er.b.TableHints(); hint != nil {
plan4Agg.aggHints = hint.aggHints
maxResultCol := &expression.Column{
UniqueID: er.sctx.GetSessionVars().AllocPlanColumnID(),
RetType: maxFunc.RetTp,
count := &expression.Column{
UniqueID: er.sctx.GetSessionVars().AllocPlanColumnID(),
RetType: countFunc.RetTp,
plan4Agg.names = append(plan4Agg.names, types.EmptyName, types.EmptyName)
plan4Agg.SetSchema(expression.NewSchema(maxResultCol, count))
gtFunc := expression.NewFunctionInternal(er.sctx, ast.GT, types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeTiny), count, expression.NewOne())
neCond := expression.NewFunctionInternal(er.sctx, ast.NE, types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeTiny), lexpr, maxResultCol)
cond := expression.ComposeDNFCondition(er.sctx, gtFunc, neCond)
er.buildQuantifierPlan(plan4Agg, cond, lexpr, rexpr, false)
// handleEQAll handles the case of = all. For example, if the query is t.id = all (select s.id from s), it will be rewrote to
// t.id = (select s.id from s having count(distinct s.id) <= 1 and [all checker]).
func (er *expressionRewriter) handleEQAll(lexpr, rexpr expression.Expression, np LogicalPlan) {
firstRowFunc, err := aggregation.NewAggFuncDesc(er.sctx, ast.AggFuncFirstRow, []expression.Expression{rexpr}, false)
if err != nil {
er.err = err
countFunc, err := aggregation.NewAggFuncDesc(er.sctx, ast.AggFuncCount, []expression.Expression{rexpr}, true)
if err != nil {
er.err = err
plan4Agg := LogicalAggregation{
AggFuncs: []*aggregation.AggFuncDesc{firstRowFunc, countFunc},
}.Init(er.sctx, er.b.getSelectOffset())
if hint := er.b.TableHints(); hint != nil {
plan4Agg.aggHints = hint.aggHints
plan4Agg.names = append(plan4Agg.names, types.EmptyName)
// Currently, firstrow agg function is treated like the exact representation of aggregate group key,
// so the data type is the same with group key, even if the group key is not null.
// However, the return type of firstrow should be nullable, we clear the null flag here instead of
// during invoking NewAggFuncDesc, in order to keep compatibility with the existing presumption
// that the return type firstrow does not change nullability, whatsoever.
// Cloning it because the return type is the same object with argument's data type.
newRetTp := firstRowFunc.RetTp.Clone()
firstRowFunc.RetTp = newRetTp
firstRowResultCol := &expression.Column{
UniqueID: er.sctx.GetSessionVars().AllocPlanColumnID(),
RetType: firstRowFunc.RetTp,
plan4Agg.names = append(plan4Agg.names, types.EmptyName)
count := &expression.Column{
UniqueID: er.sctx.GetSessionVars().AllocPlanColumnID(),
RetType: countFunc.RetTp,
plan4Agg.SetSchema(expression.NewSchema(firstRowResultCol, count))
leFunc := expression.NewFunctionInternal(er.sctx, ast.LE, types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeTiny), count, expression.NewOne())
eqCond := expression.NewFunctionInternal(er.sctx, ast.EQ, types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeTiny), lexpr, firstRowResultCol)
cond := expression.ComposeCNFCondition(er.sctx, leFunc, eqCond)
er.buildQuantifierPlan(plan4Agg, cond, lexpr, rexpr, true)
func (er *expressionRewriter) handleExistSubquery(ctx context.Context, v *ast.ExistsSubqueryExpr) (ast.Node, bool) {
ci := er.b.prepareCTECheckForSubQuery()
defer resetCTECheckForSubQuery(ci)
subq, ok := v.Sel.(*ast.SubqueryExpr)
if !ok {
er.err = errors.Errorf("Unknown exists type %T", v.Sel)
return v, true
np, hasRewriteHint, err := er.buildSubquery(ctx, subq, true)
if err != nil {
er.err = err
return v, true
np = er.popExistsSubPlan(np)
if er.b.disableSubQueryPreprocessing || len(ExtractCorrelatedCols4LogicalPlan(np)) > 0 {
er.p, er.err = er.b.buildSemiApply(er.p, np, nil, er.asScalar, v.Not, hasRewriteHint)
if er.err != nil || !er.asScalar {
return v, true
er.ctxStackAppend(er.p.Schema().Columns[er.p.Schema().Len()-1], er.p.OutputNames()[er.p.Schema().Len()-1])
} else {
// We don't want nth_plan hint to affect separately executed subqueries here, so disable nth_plan temporarily.
NthPlanBackup := er.sctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx.StmtHints.ForceNthPlan
er.sctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx.StmtHints.ForceNthPlan = -1
physicalPlan, _, err := DoOptimize(ctx, er.sctx, er.b.optFlag, np)
er.sctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx.StmtHints.ForceNthPlan = NthPlanBackup
if err != nil {
er.err = err
return v, true
row, err := EvalSubqueryFirstRow(ctx, physicalPlan, er.b.is, er.b.ctx)
if err != nil {
er.err = err
return v, true
if (row != nil && !v.Not) || (row == nil && v.Not) {
er.ctxStackAppend(expression.NewOne(), types.EmptyName)
} else {
er.ctxStackAppend(expression.NewZero(), types.EmptyName)
return v, true
// popExistsSubPlan will remove the useless plan in exist's child.
// See comments inside the method for more details.
func (er *expressionRewriter) popExistsSubPlan(p LogicalPlan) LogicalPlan {
for {
switch plan := p.(type) {
// This can be removed when in exists clause,
// e.g. exists(select count(*) from t order by a) is equal to exists t.
case *LogicalProjection, *LogicalSort:
p = p.Children()[0]
case *LogicalAggregation:
if len(plan.GroupByItems) == 0 {
p = LogicalTableDual{RowCount: 1}.Init(er.sctx, er.b.getSelectOffset())
break out
p = p.Children()[0]
break out
return p
func (er *expressionRewriter) handleInSubquery(ctx context.Context, v *ast.PatternInExpr) (ast.Node, bool) {
ci := er.b.prepareCTECheckForSubQuery()
defer resetCTECheckForSubQuery(ci)
asScalar := er.asScalar
er.asScalar = true
if er.err != nil {
return v, true
lexpr := er.ctxStack[len(er.ctxStack)-1]
subq, ok := v.Sel.(*ast.SubqueryExpr)
if !ok {
er.err = errors.Errorf("Unknown compare type %T", v.Sel)
return v, true
np, _, err := er.buildSubquery(ctx, subq, false)
if err != nil {
er.err = err
return v, true
lLen := expression.GetRowLen(lexpr)
if lLen != np.Schema().Len() {
er.err = expression.ErrOperandColumns.GenWithStackByArgs(lLen)
return v, true
var rexpr expression.Expression
if np.Schema().Len() == 1 {
rexpr = np.Schema().Columns[0]
rCol := rexpr.(*expression.Column)
// For AntiSemiJoin/LeftOuterSemiJoin/AntiLeftOuterSemiJoin, we cannot treat `in` expression as
// normal column equal condition, so we specially mark the inner operand here.
if v.Not || asScalar {
// If both input columns of `in` expression are not null, we can treat the expression
// as normal column equal condition instead. Otherwise, mark the left and right side.
// eg: for some optimization, the column substitute in right side in projection elimination
// will cause case like <lcol EQ rcol(inOperand)> as <lcol EQ constant> which is not
// a valid null-aware EQ. (null in lcol still need to be null-aware)
if !expression.ExprNotNull(lexpr) || !expression.ExprNotNull(rCol) {
rColCopy := *rCol
rColCopy.InOperand = true
rexpr = &rColCopy
lexpr = expression.SetExprColumnInOperand(lexpr)
} else {
args := make([]expression.Expression, 0, np.Schema().Len())
for i, col := range np.Schema().Columns {
if v.Not || asScalar {
larg := expression.GetFuncArg(lexpr, i)
// If both input columns of `in` expression are not null, we can treat the expression
// as normal column equal condition instead. Otherwise, mark the left and right side.
if !expression.ExprNotNull(larg) || !expression.ExprNotNull(col) {
rarg := *col
rarg.InOperand = true
col = &rarg
if larg != nil {
lexpr.(*expression.ScalarFunction).GetArgs()[i] = expression.SetExprColumnInOperand(larg)
args = append(args, col)
rexpr, er.err = er.newFunction(ast.RowFunc, args[0].GetType(), args...)
if er.err != nil {
return v, true
checkCondition, err := er.constructBinaryOpFunction(lexpr, rexpr, ast.EQ)
if err != nil {
er.err = err
return v, true
// If the leftKey and the rightKey have different collations, don't convert the sub-query to an inner-join
// since when converting we will add a distinct-agg upon the right child and this distinct-agg doesn't have the right collation.
// To keep it simple, we forbid this converting if they have different collations.
lt, rt := lexpr.GetType(), rexpr.GetType()
collFlag := collate.CompatibleCollate(lt.GetCollate(), rt.GetCollate())
// If it's not the form of `not in (SUBQUERY)`,
// and has no correlated column from the current level plan(if the correlated column is from upper level,
// we can treat it as constant, because the upper LogicalApply cannot be eliminated since current node is a join node),
// and don't need to append a scalar value, we can rewrite it to inner join.
if er.sctx.GetSessionVars().GetAllowInSubqToJoinAndAgg() && !v.Not && !asScalar && len(extractCorColumnsBySchema4LogicalPlan(np, er.p.Schema())) == 0 && collFlag {
// We need to try to eliminate the agg and the projection produced by this operation.
er.b.optFlag |= flagEliminateAgg
er.b.optFlag |= flagEliminateProjection
er.b.optFlag |= flagJoinReOrder
// Build distinct for the inner query.
agg, err := er.b.buildDistinct(np, np.Schema().Len())
if err != nil {
er.err = err
return v, true
// Build inner join above the aggregation.
join := LogicalJoin{JoinType: InnerJoin}.Init(er.sctx, er.b.getSelectOffset())
join.SetChildren(er.p, agg)
join.SetSchema(expression.MergeSchema(er.p.Schema(), agg.schema))
join.names = make([]*types.FieldName, er.p.Schema().Len()+agg.Schema().Len())
copy(join.names, er.p.OutputNames())
copy(join.names[er.p.Schema().Len():], agg.OutputNames())
// Set join hint for this join.
if er.b.TableHints() != nil {
er.p = join
} else {
er.p, er.err = er.b.buildSemiApply(er.p, np, expression.SplitCNFItems(checkCondition), asScalar, v.Not, false)
if er.err != nil {
return v, true
if asScalar {
col := er.p.Schema().Columns[er.p.Schema().Len()-1]
er.ctxStackAppend(col, er.p.OutputNames()[er.p.Schema().Len()-1])
return v, true
func (er *expressionRewriter) handleScalarSubquery(ctx context.Context, v *ast.SubqueryExpr) (ast.Node, bool) {
ci := er.b.prepareCTECheckForSubQuery()
defer resetCTECheckForSubQuery(ci)
np, _, err := er.buildSubquery(ctx, v, false)
if err != nil {
er.err = err
return v, true
np = er.b.buildMaxOneRow(np)
if er.b.disableSubQueryPreprocessing || len(ExtractCorrelatedCols4LogicalPlan(np)) > 0 {
er.p = er.b.buildApplyWithJoinType(er.p, np, LeftOuterJoin)
if np.Schema().Len() > 1 {
newCols := make([]expression.Expression, 0, np.Schema().Len())
for _, col := range np.Schema().Columns {
newCols = append(newCols, col)
expr, err1 := er.newFunction(ast.RowFunc, newCols[0].GetType(), newCols...)
if err1 != nil {
er.err = err1
return v, true
er.ctxStackAppend(expr, types.EmptyName)
} else {
er.ctxStackAppend(er.p.Schema().Columns[er.p.Schema().Len()-1], er.p.OutputNames()[er.p.Schema().Len()-1])
return v, true
// We don't want nth_plan hint to affect separately executed subqueries here, so disable nth_plan temporarily.
NthPlanBackup := er.sctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx.StmtHints.ForceNthPlan
er.sctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx.StmtHints.ForceNthPlan = -1
physicalPlan, _, err := DoOptimize(ctx, er.sctx, er.b.optFlag, np)
er.sctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx.StmtHints.ForceNthPlan = NthPlanBackup
if err != nil {
er.err = err
return v, true
row, err := EvalSubqueryFirstRow(ctx, physicalPlan, er.b.is, er.b.ctx)
if err != nil {
er.err = err
return v, true
if np.Schema().Len() > 1 {
newCols := make([]expression.Expression, 0, np.Schema().Len())
for i, data := range row {
constant := &expression.Constant{
Value: data,
RetType: np.Schema().Columns[i].GetType()}
newCols = append(newCols, constant)
expr, err1 := er.newFunction(ast.RowFunc, newCols[0].GetType(), newCols...)
if err1 != nil {
er.err = err1
return v, true
er.ctxStackAppend(expr, types.EmptyName)
} else {
constant := &expression.Constant{
Value: row[0],
RetType: np.Schema().Columns[0].GetType(),
er.ctxStackAppend(constant, types.EmptyName)
return v, true
// Leave implements Visitor interface.
func (er *expressionRewriter) Leave(originInNode ast.Node) (retNode ast.Node, ok bool) {
if er.err != nil {
return retNode, false
var inNode = originInNode
if er.preprocess != nil {
inNode = er.preprocess(inNode)
switch v := inNode.(type) {
case *ast.AggregateFuncExpr, *ast.ColumnNameExpr, *ast.ParenthesesExpr, *ast.WhenClause,
*ast.SubqueryExpr, *ast.ExistsSubqueryExpr, *ast.CompareSubqueryExpr, *ast.ValuesExpr, *ast.WindowFuncExpr, *ast.TableNameExpr:
case *driver.ValueExpr:
// set right not null flag for constant value
retType := v.Type.Clone()
switch v.Datum.Kind() {
case types.KindNull:
v.Datum.SetValue(v.Datum.GetValue(), retType)
value := &expression.Constant{Value: v.Datum, RetType: retType}
if retType.EvalType() == types.ETString {
for _, b := range v.Datum.GetBytes() {
// if any character in constant is not ascii, set the repertoire to UNICODE.
if b >= 0x80 {
er.ctxStackAppend(value, types.EmptyName)
case *driver.ParamMarkerExpr:
var value expression.Expression
value, er.err = expression.ParamMarkerExpression(er.sctx, v, false)
if er.err != nil {
return retNode, false
er.ctxStackAppend(value, types.EmptyName)
case *ast.VariableExpr:
case *ast.FuncCallExpr:
if _, ok := expression.TryFoldFunctions[v.FnName.L]; ok {
if _, ok := expression.DisableFoldFunctions[v.FnName.L]; ok {
case *ast.TableName:
case *ast.ColumnName:
case *ast.UnaryOperationExpr:
case *ast.BinaryOperationExpr:
if v.Op == opcode.LogicAnd || v.Op == opcode.LogicOr {
case *ast.BetweenExpr:
case *ast.CaseExpr:
if _, ok := expression.TryFoldFunctions["case"]; ok {
if _, ok := expression.DisableFoldFunctions["case"]; ok {
case *ast.FuncCastExpr:
arg := er.ctxStack[len(er.ctxStack)-1]
er.err = expression.CheckArgsNotMultiColumnRow(arg)
if er.err != nil {
return retNode, false
// check the decimal precision of "CAST(AS TIME)".
er.err = er.checkTimePrecision(v.Tp)
if er.err != nil {
return retNode, false
castFunction := expression.BuildCastFunction(er.sctx, arg, v.Tp)
if v.Tp.EvalType() == types.ETString {
if v.Tp.GetCharset() == charset.CharsetASCII {
} else {
} else {
er.ctxStack[len(er.ctxStack)-1] = castFunction
er.ctxNameStk[len(er.ctxNameStk)-1] = types.EmptyName
case *ast.PatternLikeExpr:
case *ast.PatternRegexpExpr:
case *ast.RowExpr:
case *ast.PatternInExpr:
if v.Sel == nil {
er.inToExpression(len(v.List), v.Not, &v.Type)
case *ast.PositionExpr:
case *ast.IsNullExpr:
case *ast.IsTruthExpr:
case *ast.DefaultExpr:
// TODO: Perhaps we don't need to transcode these back to generic integers/strings
case *ast.TrimDirectionExpr:
Value: types.NewIntDatum(int64(v.Direction)),
RetType: types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeTiny),
}, types.EmptyName)
case *ast.TimeUnitExpr:
Value: types.NewStringDatum(v.Unit.String()),
RetType: types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeVarchar),
}, types.EmptyName)
case *ast.GetFormatSelectorExpr:
Value: types.NewStringDatum(v.Selector.String()),
RetType: types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeVarchar),
}, types.EmptyName)
case *ast.SetCollationExpr:
arg := er.ctxStack[len(er.ctxStack)-1]
if collate.NewCollationEnabled() {
var collInfo *charset.Collation
// TODO(bb7133): use charset.ValidCharsetAndCollation when its bug is fixed.
if collInfo, er.err = collate.GetCollationByName(v.Collate); er.err != nil {
chs := arg.GetType().GetCharset()
// if the field is json, the charset is always utf8mb4.
if arg.GetType().GetType() == mysql.TypeJSON {
chs = mysql.UTF8MB4Charset
if chs != "" && collInfo.CharsetName != chs {
er.err = charset.ErrCollationCharsetMismatch.GenWithStackByArgs(collInfo.Name, chs)
// SetCollationExpr sets the collation explicitly, even when the evaluation type of the expression is non-string.
if _, ok := arg.(*expression.Column); ok || arg.GetType().GetType() == mysql.TypeJSON {
if arg.GetType().GetType() == mysql.TypeEnum || arg.GetType().GetType() == mysql.TypeSet {
er.err = ErrNotSupportedYet.GenWithStackByArgs("use collate clause for enum or set")
// Wrap a cast here to avoid changing the original FieldType of the column expression.
exprType := arg.GetType().Clone()
// if arg type is json, we should cast it to longtext if there is collate clause.
if arg.GetType().GetType() == mysql.TypeJSON {
exprType = types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeLongBlob)
casted := expression.BuildCastFunction(er.sctx, arg, exprType)
arg = casted
er.ctxStackAppend(casted, types.EmptyName)
} else {
// For constant and scalar function, we can set its collate directly.
er.ctxStack[len(er.ctxStack)-1].SetCharsetAndCollation(arg.GetType().GetCharset(), arg.GetType().GetCollate())
er.err = errors.Errorf("UnknownType: %T", v)
return retNode, false
if er.err != nil {
return retNode, false
return originInNode, true
// newFunction chooses which expression.NewFunctionImpl() will be used.
func (er *expressionRewriter) newFunction(funcName string, retType *types.FieldType, args ...expression.Expression) (ret expression.Expression, err error) {
if er.disableFoldCounter > 0 {
ret, err = expression.NewFunctionBase(er.sctx, funcName, retType, args...)
} else if er.tryFoldCounter > 0 {
ret, err = expression.NewFunctionTryFold(er.sctx, funcName, retType, args...)
} else {
ret, err = expression.NewFunction(er.sctx, funcName, retType, args...)
if err != nil {
if scalarFunc, ok := ret.(*expression.ScalarFunction); ok {
func (er *expressionRewriter) checkTimePrecision(ft *types.FieldType) error {
if ft.EvalType() == types.ETDuration && ft.GetDecimal() > types.MaxFsp {
return errTooBigPrecision.GenWithStackByArgs(ft.GetDecimal(), "CAST", types.MaxFsp)
return nil
func (er *expressionRewriter) useCache() bool {
return er.sctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx.UseCache
func (er *expressionRewriter) rewriteVariable(v *ast.VariableExpr) {
stkLen := len(er.ctxStack)
name := strings.ToLower(v.Name)
sessionVars := er.b.ctx.GetSessionVars()
if !v.IsSystem {
if v.Value != nil {
tp := er.ctxStack[stkLen-1].GetType()
er.ctxStack[stkLen-1], er.err = er.newFunction(ast.SetVar, tp,
expression.DatumToConstant(types.NewDatum(name), mysql.TypeString, 0),
er.ctxNameStk[stkLen-1] = types.EmptyName
// Store the field type of the variable into SessionVars.UserVarTypes.
// Normally we can infer the type from SessionVars.User, but we need SessionVars.UserVarTypes when
// GetVar has not been executed to fill the SessionVars.Users.
sessionVars.SetUserVarType(name, tp)
tp, ok := sessionVars.GetUserVarType(name)
if !ok {
tp = types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeVarString)
f, err := er.newFunction(ast.GetVar, tp, expression.DatumToConstant(types.NewStringDatum(name), mysql.TypeString, 0))
if err != nil {
er.err = err
er.ctxStackAppend(f, types.EmptyName)
sysVar := variable.GetSysVar(name)
if sysVar == nil {
er.err = variable.ErrUnknownSystemVar.FastGenByArgs(name)
if err := variable.CheckSysVarIsRemoved(name); err != nil {
// Removed vars still return an error, but we customize it from
// "unknown" to an explanation of why it is not supported.
// This is important so users at least know they had the name correct.
er.err = err
if sysVar.IsNoop && !variable.EnableNoopVariables.Load() {
// The variable does nothing, append a warning to the statement output.
if sem.IsEnabled() && sem.IsInvisibleSysVar(sysVar.Name) {
err := ErrSpecificAccessDenied.GenWithStackByArgs("RESTRICTED_VARIABLES_ADMIN")
er.b.visitInfo = appendDynamicVisitInfo(er.b.visitInfo, "RESTRICTED_VARIABLES_ADMIN", false, err)
if v.ExplicitScope && !sysVar.HasNoneScope() {
if v.IsGlobal && !(sysVar.HasGlobalScope() || sysVar.HasInstanceScope()) {
er.err = variable.ErrIncorrectScope.GenWithStackByArgs(name, "SESSION")
if !v.IsGlobal && !sysVar.HasSessionScope() {
er.err = variable.ErrIncorrectScope.GenWithStackByArgs(name, "GLOBAL")
var val string
var err error
if sysVar.HasNoneScope() {
val = sysVar.Value
} else if v.IsGlobal {
val, err = sessionVars.GetGlobalSystemVar(name)
} else {
val, err = sessionVars.GetSessionOrGlobalSystemVar(name)
if err != nil {
er.err = err
nativeVal, nativeType, nativeFlag := sysVar.GetNativeValType(val)
e := expression.DatumToConstant(nativeVal, nativeType, nativeFlag)
charset, _ := sessionVars.GetSystemVar(variable.CharacterSetConnection)
collate, _ := sessionVars.GetSystemVar(variable.CollationConnection)
er.ctxStackAppend(e, types.EmptyName)
func (er *expressionRewriter) unaryOpToExpression(v *ast.UnaryOperationExpr) {
stkLen := len(er.ctxStack)
var op string
switch v.Op {
case opcode.Plus:
// expression (+ a) is equal to a
case opcode.Minus:
op = ast.UnaryMinus
case opcode.BitNeg:
op = ast.BitNeg
case opcode.Not, opcode.Not2:
op = ast.UnaryNot
er.err = errors.Errorf("Unknown Unary Op %T", v.Op)
if expression.GetRowLen(er.ctxStack[stkLen-1]) != 1 {
er.err = expression.ErrOperandColumns.GenWithStackByArgs(1)
er.ctxStack[stkLen-1], er.err = er.newFunction(op, &v.Type, er.ctxStack[stkLen-1])
er.ctxNameStk[stkLen-1] = types.EmptyName
func (er *expressionRewriter) binaryOpToExpression(v *ast.BinaryOperationExpr) {
stkLen := len(er.ctxStack)
var function expression.Expression
switch v.Op {
case opcode.EQ, opcode.NE, opcode.NullEQ, opcode.GT, opcode.GE, opcode.LT, opcode.LE:
function, er.err = er.constructBinaryOpFunction(er.ctxStack[stkLen-2], er.ctxStack[stkLen-1],
lLen := expression.GetRowLen(er.ctxStack[stkLen-2])
rLen := expression.GetRowLen(er.ctxStack[stkLen-1])
if lLen != 1 || rLen != 1 {
er.err = expression.ErrOperandColumns.GenWithStackByArgs(1)
function, er.err = er.newFunction(v.Op.String(), types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeUnspecified), er.ctxStack[stkLen-2:]...)
if er.err != nil {
er.ctxStackAppend(function, types.EmptyName)
func (er *expressionRewriter) notToExpression(hasNot bool, op string, tp *types.FieldType,
args ...expression.Expression) expression.Expression {
opFunc, err := er.newFunction(op, tp, args...)
if err != nil {
er.err = err
return nil
if !hasNot {
return opFunc
opFunc, err = er.newFunction(ast.UnaryNot, tp, opFunc)
if err != nil {
er.err = err
return nil
return opFunc
func (er *expressionRewriter) isNullToExpression(v *ast.IsNullExpr) {
stkLen := len(er.ctxStack)
if expression.GetRowLen(er.ctxStack[stkLen-1]) != 1 {
er.err = expression.ErrOperandColumns.GenWithStackByArgs(1)
function := er.notToExpression(v.Not, ast.IsNull, &v.Type, er.ctxStack[stkLen-1])
er.ctxStackAppend(function, types.EmptyName)
func (er *expressionRewriter) positionToScalarFunc(v *ast.PositionExpr) {
pos := v.N
str := strconv.Itoa(pos)
if v.P != nil {
stkLen := len(er.ctxStack)
val := er.ctxStack[stkLen-1]
intNum, isNull, err := expression.GetIntFromConstant(er.sctx, val)
str = "?"
if err == nil {
if isNull {
pos = intNum
er.err = err
if er.err == nil && pos > 0 && pos <= er.schema.Len() && !er.schema.Columns[pos-1].IsHidden {
er.ctxStackAppend(er.schema.Columns[pos-1], er.names[pos-1])
} else {
er.err = ErrUnknownColumn.GenWithStackByArgs(str, clauseMsg[er.b.curClause])
func (er *expressionRewriter) isTrueToScalarFunc(v *ast.IsTruthExpr) {
stkLen := len(er.ctxStack)
op := ast.IsTruthWithoutNull
if v.True == 0 {
op = ast.IsFalsity
if expression.GetRowLen(er.ctxStack[stkLen-1]) != 1 {
er.err = expression.ErrOperandColumns.GenWithStackByArgs(1)
function := er.notToExpression(v.Not, op, &v.Type, er.ctxStack[stkLen-1])
er.ctxStackAppend(function, types.EmptyName)
// inToExpression converts in expression to a scalar function. The argument lLen means the length of in list.
// The argument not means if the expression is not in. The tp stands for the expression type, which is always bool.
// a in (b, c, d) will be rewritten as `(a = b) or (a = c) or (a = d)`.
func (er *expressionRewriter) inToExpression(lLen int, not bool, tp *types.FieldType) {
stkLen := len(er.ctxStack)
l := expression.GetRowLen(er.ctxStack[stkLen-lLen-1])
for i := 0; i < lLen; i++ {
if l != expression.GetRowLen(er.ctxStack[stkLen-lLen+i]) {
er.err = expression.ErrOperandColumns.GenWithStackByArgs(l)
args := er.ctxStack[stkLen-lLen-1:]
leftFt := args[0].GetType()
leftEt, leftIsNull := leftFt.EvalType(), leftFt.GetType() == mysql.TypeNull
if leftIsNull {
er.ctxStackPop(lLen + 1)
er.ctxStackAppend(expression.NewNull(), types.EmptyName)
if leftEt == types.ETInt {
for i := 1; i < len(args); i++ {
if c, ok := args[i].(*expression.Constant); ok {
var isExceptional bool
if expression.MaybeOverOptimized4PlanCache(er.sctx, []expression.Expression{c}) {
if c.GetType().EvalType() == types.ETString {
// To keep the result be compatible with MySQL, refine `int non-constant <cmp> str constant`
// here and skip this refine operation in all other cases for safety.
er.sctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx.SkipPlanCache = true
expression.RemoveMutableConst(er.sctx, []expression.Expression{c})
} else {
} else if er.sctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx.SkipPlanCache {
// We should remove the mutable constant for correctness, because its value may be changed.
expression.RemoveMutableConst(er.sctx, []expression.Expression{c})
args[i], isExceptional = expression.RefineComparedConstant(er.sctx, *leftFt, c, opcode.EQ)
if isExceptional {
args[i] = c
allSameType := true
for _, arg := range args[1:] {
if arg.GetType().GetType() != mysql.TypeNull && expression.GetAccurateCmpType(args[0], arg) != leftEt {
allSameType = false
var function expression.Expression
if allSameType && l == 1 && lLen > 1 {
function = er.notToExpression(not, ast.In, tp, er.ctxStack[stkLen-lLen-1:]...)
} else {
// If we rewrite IN to EQ, we need to decide what's the collation EQ uses.
coll := er.deriveCollationForIn(l, lLen, args)
if er.err != nil {
er.castCollationForIn(l, lLen, stkLen, coll)
eqFunctions := make([]expression.Expression, 0, lLen)
for i := stkLen - lLen; i < stkLen; i++ {
expr, err := er.constructBinaryOpFunction(args[0], er.ctxStack[i], ast.EQ)
if err != nil {
er.err = err
eqFunctions = append(eqFunctions, expr)
function = expression.ComposeDNFCondition(er.sctx, eqFunctions...)
if not {
var err error
function, err = er.newFunction(ast.UnaryNot, tp, function)
if err != nil {
er.err = err
er.ctxStackPop(lLen + 1)
er.ctxStackAppend(function, types.EmptyName)
// deriveCollationForIn derives collation for in expression.
// We don't handle the cases if the element is a tuple, such as (a, b, c) in ((x1, y1, z1), (x2, y2, z2)).
func (er *expressionRewriter) deriveCollationForIn(colLen int, _ int, args []expression.Expression) *expression.ExprCollation {
if colLen == 1 {
// a in (x, y, z) => coll[0]
coll2, err := expression.CheckAndDeriveCollationFromExprs(er.sctx, "IN", types.ETInt, args...)
er.err = err
if er.err != nil {
return nil
return coll2
return nil
// castCollationForIn casts collation info for arguments in the `in clause` to make sure the used collation is correct after we
// rewrite it to equal expression.
func (er *expressionRewriter) castCollationForIn(colLen int, elemCnt int, stkLen int, coll *expression.ExprCollation) {
// We don't handle the cases if the element is a tuple, such as (a, b, c) in ((x1, y1, z1), (x2, y2, z2)).
if colLen != 1 {
for i := stkLen - elemCnt; i < stkLen; i++ {
// todo: consider refining the code and reusing expression.BuildCollationFunction here
if er.ctxStack[i].GetType().EvalType() == types.ETString {
rowFunc, ok := er.ctxStack[i].(*expression.ScalarFunction)
if ok && rowFunc.FuncName.String() == ast.RowFunc {
// Don't convert it if it's charset is binary. So that we don't convert 0x12 to a string.
if er.ctxStack[i].GetType().GetCollate() == coll.Collation {
tp := er.ctxStack[i].GetType().Clone()
if er.ctxStack[i].GetType().Hybrid() {
if expression.GetAccurateCmpType(er.ctxStack[stkLen-elemCnt-1], er.ctxStack[i]) == types.ETString {
tp = types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeVarString)
} else {
} else if coll.Charset == charset.CharsetBin {
// When cast character string to binary string, if we still use fixed length representation,
// then 0 padding will be used, which can affect later execution.
// e.g. https://github.com/pingcap/tidb/pull/35053#pullrequestreview-1008757770 gives an unexpected case.
// On the other hand, we can not directly return origin expr back,
// since we need binary collation to do string comparison later.
// Here we use VarString type of cast, i.e `cast(a as binary)`, to avoid this problem.
er.ctxStack[i] = expression.BuildCastFunction(er.sctx, er.ctxStack[i], tp)
func (er *expressionRewriter) caseToExpression(v *ast.CaseExpr) {
stkLen := len(er.ctxStack)
argsLen := 2 * len(v.WhenClauses)
if v.ElseClause != nil {
er.err = expression.CheckArgsNotMultiColumnRow(er.ctxStack[stkLen-argsLen:]...)
if er.err != nil {
// value -> ctxStack[stkLen-argsLen-1]
// when clause(condition, result) -> ctxStack[stkLen-argsLen:stkLen-1];
// else clause -> ctxStack[stkLen-1]
var args []expression.Expression
if v.Value != nil {
// args: eq scalar func(args: value, condition1), result1,
// eq scalar func(args: value, condition2), result2,
// ...
// else clause
value := er.ctxStack[stkLen-argsLen-1]
args = make([]expression.Expression, 0, argsLen)
for i := stkLen - argsLen; i < stkLen-1; i += 2 {
arg, err := er.newFunction(ast.EQ, types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeTiny), value, er.ctxStack[i])
if err != nil {
er.err = err
args = append(args, arg)
args = append(args, er.ctxStack[i+1])
if v.ElseClause != nil {
args = append(args, er.ctxStack[stkLen-1])
argsLen++ // for trimming the value element later
} else {
// args: condition1, result1,
// condition2, result2,
// ...
// else clause
args = er.ctxStack[stkLen-argsLen:]
function, err := er.newFunction(ast.Case, &v.Type, args...)
if err != nil {
er.err = err
er.ctxStackAppend(function, types.EmptyName)
func (er *expressionRewriter) patternLikeToExpression(v *ast.PatternLikeExpr) {
l := len(er.ctxStack)
er.err = expression.CheckArgsNotMultiColumnRow(er.ctxStack[l-2:]...)
if er.err != nil {
char, col := er.sctx.GetSessionVars().GetCharsetInfo()
var function expression.Expression
fieldType := &types.FieldType{}
isPatternExactMatch := false
// Treat predicate 'like' the same way as predicate '=' when it is an exact match and new collation is not enabled.
if patExpression, ok := er.ctxStack[l-1].(*expression.Constant); ok && !collate.NewCollationEnabled() {
patString, isNull, err := patExpression.EvalString(nil, chunk.Row{})
if err != nil {
er.err = err
if !isNull {
patValue, patTypes := stringutil.CompilePattern(patString, v.Escape)
if stringutil.IsExactMatch(patTypes) && er.ctxStack[l-2].GetType().EvalType() == types.ETString {
op := ast.EQ
if v.Not {
op = ast.NE
types.DefaultTypeForValue(string(patValue), fieldType, char, col)
function, er.err = er.constructBinaryOpFunction(er.ctxStack[l-2],
&expression.Constant{Value: types.NewStringDatum(string(patValue)), RetType: fieldType},
isPatternExactMatch = true
if !isPatternExactMatch {
types.DefaultTypeForValue(int(v.Escape), fieldType, char, col)
function = er.notToExpression(v.Not, ast.Like, &v.Type,
er.ctxStack[l-2], er.ctxStack[l-1], &expression.Constant{Value: types.NewIntDatum(int64(v.Escape)), RetType: fieldType})
er.ctxStackAppend(function, types.EmptyName)
func (er *expressionRewriter) regexpToScalarFunc(v *ast.PatternRegexpExpr) {
l := len(er.ctxStack)
er.err = expression.CheckArgsNotMultiColumnRow(er.ctxStack[l-2:]...)
if er.err != nil {
function := er.notToExpression(v.Not, ast.Regexp, &v.Type, er.ctxStack[l-2], er.ctxStack[l-1])
er.ctxStackAppend(function, types.EmptyName)
func (er *expressionRewriter) rowToScalarFunc(v *ast.RowExpr) {
stkLen := len(er.ctxStack)
length := len(v.Values)
rows := make([]expression.Expression, 0, length)
for i := stkLen - length; i < stkLen; i++ {
rows = append(rows, er.ctxStack[i])
function, err := er.newFunction(ast.RowFunc, rows[0].GetType(), rows...)
if err != nil {
er.err = err
er.ctxStackAppend(function, types.EmptyName)
func (er *expressionRewriter) wrapExpWithCast() (expr, lexp, rexp expression.Expression) {
stkLen := len(er.ctxStack)
expr, lexp, rexp = er.ctxStack[stkLen-3], er.ctxStack[stkLen-2], er.ctxStack[stkLen-1]
var castFunc func(sessionctx.Context, expression.Expression) expression.Expression
switch expression.ResolveType4Between([3]expression.Expression{expr, lexp, rexp}) {
case types.ETInt:
castFunc = expression.WrapWithCastAsInt
case types.ETReal:
castFunc = expression.WrapWithCastAsReal
case types.ETDecimal:
castFunc = expression.WrapWithCastAsDecimal
case types.ETString:
castFunc = func(ctx sessionctx.Context, e expression.Expression) expression.Expression {
// string kind expression do not need cast
if e.GetType().EvalType().IsStringKind() {
return e
return expression.WrapWithCastAsString(ctx, e)
case types.ETDuration:
expr = expression.WrapWithCastAsTime(er.sctx, expr, types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeDuration))
lexp = expression.WrapWithCastAsTime(er.sctx, lexp, types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeDuration))
rexp = expression.WrapWithCastAsTime(er.sctx, rexp, types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeDuration))
case types.ETDatetime:
expr = expression.WrapWithCastAsTime(er.sctx, expr, types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeDatetime))
lexp = expression.WrapWithCastAsTime(er.sctx, lexp, types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeDatetime))
rexp = expression.WrapWithCastAsTime(er.sctx, rexp, types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeDatetime))
expr = castFunc(er.sctx, expr)
lexp = castFunc(er.sctx, lexp)
rexp = castFunc(er.sctx, rexp)
func (er *expressionRewriter) betweenToExpression(v *ast.BetweenExpr) {
stkLen := len(er.ctxStack)
er.err = expression.CheckArgsNotMultiColumnRow(er.ctxStack[stkLen-3:]...)
if er.err != nil {
expr, lexp, rexp := er.wrapExpWithCast()
coll, err := expression.CheckAndDeriveCollationFromExprs(er.sctx, "BETWEEN", types.ETInt, expr, lexp, rexp)
er.err = err
if er.err != nil {
// Handle enum or set. We need to know their real type to decide whether to cast them.
lt := expression.GetAccurateCmpType(expr, lexp)
rt := expression.GetAccurateCmpType(expr, rexp)
enumOrSetRealTypeIsStr := lt != types.ETInt && rt != types.ETInt
expr = expression.BuildCastCollationFunction(er.sctx, expr, coll, enumOrSetRealTypeIsStr)
lexp = expression.BuildCastCollationFunction(er.sctx, lexp, coll, enumOrSetRealTypeIsStr)
rexp = expression.BuildCastCollationFunction(er.sctx, rexp, coll, enumOrSetRealTypeIsStr)
var l, r expression.Expression
l, er.err = expression.NewFunction(er.sctx, ast.GE, &v.Type, expr, lexp)
if er.err != nil {
r, er.err = expression.NewFunction(er.sctx, ast.LE, &v.Type, expr, rexp)
if er.err != nil {
function, err := er.newFunction(ast.LogicAnd, &v.Type, l, r)
if err != nil {
er.err = err
if v.Not {
function, err = er.newFunction(ast.UnaryNot, &v.Type, function)
if err != nil {
er.err = err
er.ctxStackAppend(function, types.EmptyName)
// rewriteFuncCall handles a FuncCallExpr and generates a customized function.
// It should return true if for the given FuncCallExpr a rewrite is performed so that original behavior is skipped.
// Otherwise it should return false to indicate (the caller) that original behavior needs to be performed.
func (er *expressionRewriter) rewriteFuncCall(v *ast.FuncCallExpr) bool {
switch v.FnName.L {
// when column is not null, ifnull on such column is not necessary.
case ast.Ifnull:
if len(v.Args) != 2 {
er.err = expression.ErrIncorrectParameterCount.GenWithStackByArgs(v.FnName.O)
return true
stackLen := len(er.ctxStack)
arg1 := er.ctxStack[stackLen-2]
col, isColumn := arg1.(*expression.Column)
var isEnumSet bool
if arg1.GetType().GetType() == mysql.TypeEnum || arg1.GetType().GetType() == mysql.TypeSet {
isEnumSet = true
// if expr1 is a column and column has not null flag, then we can eliminate ifnull on
// this column.
if isColumn && !isEnumSet && mysql.HasNotNullFlag(col.RetType.GetFlag()) {
name := er.ctxNameStk[stackLen-2]
newCol := col.Clone().(*expression.Column)
er.ctxStackAppend(newCol, name)
return true
return false
case ast.Nullif:
if len(v.Args) != 2 {
er.err = expression.ErrIncorrectParameterCount.GenWithStackByArgs(v.FnName.O)
return true
stackLen := len(er.ctxStack)
param1 := er.ctxStack[stackLen-2]
param2 := er.ctxStack[stackLen-1]
// param1 = param2
funcCompare, err := er.constructBinaryOpFunction(param1, param2, ast.EQ)
if err != nil {
er.err = err
return true
nullTp := types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeNull)
flen, decimal := mysql.GetDefaultFieldLengthAndDecimal(mysql.TypeNull)
paramNull := &expression.Constant{
Value: types.NewDatum(nil),
RetType: nullTp,
// if(param1 = param2, NULL, param1)
funcIf, err := er.newFunction(ast.If, &v.Type, funcCompare, paramNull, param1)
if err != nil {
er.err = err
return true
er.ctxStackAppend(funcIf, types.EmptyName)
return true
return false
func (er *expressionRewriter) funcCallToExpression(v *ast.FuncCallExpr) {
stackLen := len(er.ctxStack)
args := er.ctxStack[stackLen-len(v.Args):]
er.err = expression.CheckArgsNotMultiColumnRow(args...)
if er.err != nil {
if er.rewriteFuncCall(v) {
var function expression.Expression
if _, ok := expression.DeferredFunctions[v.FnName.L]; er.useCache() && ok {
// When the expression is unix_timestamp and the number of argument is not zero,
// we deal with it as normal expression.
if v.FnName.L == ast.UnixTimestamp && len(v.Args) != 0 {
function, er.err = er.newFunction(v.FnName.L, &v.Type, args...)
er.ctxStackAppend(function, types.EmptyName)
} else {
function, er.err = expression.NewFunctionBase(er.sctx, v.FnName.L, &v.Type, args...)
c := &expression.Constant{Value: types.NewDatum(nil), RetType: function.GetType().Clone(), DeferredExpr: function}
er.ctxStackAppend(c, types.EmptyName)
} else {
function, er.err = er.newFunction(v.FnName.L, &v.Type, args...)
er.ctxStackAppend(function, types.EmptyName)
// Now TableName in expression only used by sequence function like nextval(seq).
// The function arg should be evaluated as a table name rather than normal column name like mysql does.
func (er *expressionRewriter) toTable(v *ast.TableName) {
fullName := v.Name.L
if len(v.Schema.L) != 0 {
fullName = v.Schema.L + "." + fullName
val := &expression.Constant{
Value: types.NewDatum(fullName),
RetType: types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeString),
er.ctxStackAppend(val, types.EmptyName)
func (er *expressionRewriter) toColumn(v *ast.ColumnName) {
idx, err := expression.FindFieldName(er.names, v)
if err != nil {
er.err = ErrAmbiguous.GenWithStackByArgs(v.Name, clauseMsg[fieldList])
if idx >= 0 {
column := er.schema.Columns[idx]
if column.IsHidden {
er.err = ErrUnknownColumn.GenWithStackByArgs(v.Name, clauseMsg[er.b.curClause])
er.ctxStackAppend(column, er.names[idx])
for i := len(er.b.outerSchemas) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
outerSchema, outerName := er.b.outerSchemas[i], er.b.outerNames[i]
idx, err = expression.FindFieldName(outerName, v)
if idx >= 0 {
column := outerSchema.Columns[idx]
er.ctxStackAppend(&expression.CorrelatedColumn{Column: *column, Data: new(types.Datum)}, outerName[idx])
if err != nil {
er.err = ErrAmbiguous.GenWithStackByArgs(v.Name, clauseMsg[fieldList])
if _, ok := er.p.(*LogicalUnionAll); ok && v.Table.O != "" {
er.err = ErrTablenameNotAllowedHere.GenWithStackByArgs(v.Table.O, "SELECT", clauseMsg[er.b.curClause])
col, name, err := findFieldNameFromNaturalUsingJoin(er.p, v)
if err != nil {
er.err = err
} else if col != nil {
er.ctxStackAppend(col, name)
if er.b.curClause == globalOrderByClause {
er.b.curClause = orderByClause
er.err = ErrUnknownColumn.GenWithStackByArgs(v.String(), clauseMsg[er.b.curClause])
func findFieldNameFromNaturalUsingJoin(p LogicalPlan, v *ast.ColumnName) (col *expression.Column, name *types.FieldName, err error) {
switch x := p.(type) {
case *LogicalLimit, *LogicalSelection, *LogicalTopN, *LogicalSort, *LogicalMaxOneRow:
return findFieldNameFromNaturalUsingJoin(p.Children()[0], v)
case *LogicalJoin:
if x.fullSchema != nil {
idx, err := expression.FindFieldName(x.fullNames, v)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
if idx >= 0 {
return x.fullSchema.Columns[idx], x.fullNames[idx], nil
return nil, nil, nil
func (er *expressionRewriter) evalDefaultExpr(v *ast.DefaultExpr) {
var name *types.FieldName
// Here we will find the corresponding column for default function. At the same time, we need to consider the issue
// of subquery and name space.
// For example, we have two tables t1(a int default 1, b int) and t2(a int default -1, c int). Consider the following SQL:
// select a from t1 where a > (select default(a) from t2)
// Refer to the behavior of MySQL, we need to find column a in table t2. If table t2 does not have column a, then find it
// in table t1. If there are none, return an error message.
// Based on the above description, we need to look in er.b.allNames from back to front.
for i := len(er.b.allNames) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
idx, err := expression.FindFieldName(er.b.allNames[i], v.Name)
if err != nil {
er.err = err
if idx >= 0 {
name = er.b.allNames[i][idx]
if name == nil {
idx, err := expression.FindFieldName(er.names, v.Name)
if err != nil {
er.err = err
if idx < 0 {
er.err = ErrUnknownColumn.GenWithStackByArgs(v.Name.OrigColName(), "field list")
name = er.names[idx]
dbName := name.DBName
if dbName.O == "" {
// if database name is not specified, use current database name
dbName = model.NewCIStr(er.sctx.GetSessionVars().CurrentDB)
if name.OrigTblName.O == "" {
// column is evaluated by some expressions, for example:
// `select default(c) from (select (a+1) as c from t) as t0`
// in such case, a 'no default' error is returned
er.err = table.ErrNoDefaultValue.GenWithStackByArgs(name.ColName)
var tbl table.Table
tbl, er.err = er.b.is.TableByName(dbName, name.OrigTblName)
if er.err != nil {
colName := name.OrigColName.O
if colName == "" {
// in some cases, OrigColName is empty, use ColName instead
colName = name.ColName.O
col := table.FindCol(tbl.Cols(), colName)
if col == nil {
er.err = ErrUnknownColumn.GenWithStackByArgs(v.Name, "field_list")
isCurrentTimestamp := hasCurrentDatetimeDefault(col)
var val *expression.Constant
switch {
case isCurrentTimestamp && (col.GetType() == mysql.TypeDatetime || col.GetType() == mysql.TypeTimestamp):
t, err := expression.GetTimeValue(er.sctx, ast.CurrentTimestamp, col.GetType(), col.GetDecimal())
if err != nil {
val = &expression.Constant{
Value: t,
RetType: types.NewFieldType(col.GetType()),
// for other columns, just use what it is
val, er.err = er.b.getDefaultValue(col)
if er.err != nil {
er.ctxStackAppend(val, types.EmptyName)
// hasCurrentDatetimeDefault checks if column has current_timestamp default value
func hasCurrentDatetimeDefault(col *table.Column) bool {
x, ok := col.DefaultValue.(string)
if !ok {
return false
return strings.ToLower(x) == ast.CurrentTimestamp
func decodeKeyFromString(ctx sessionctx.Context, s string) string {
sc := ctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx
key, err := hex.DecodeString(s)
if err != nil {
sc.AppendWarning(errors.Errorf("invalid key: %X", key))
return s
// Auto decode byte if needed.
_, bs, err := codec.DecodeBytes(key, nil)
if err == nil {
key = bs
tableID := tablecodec.DecodeTableID(key)
if tableID == 0 {
sc.AppendWarning(errors.Errorf("invalid key: %X", key))
return s
dm := domain.GetDomain(ctx)
if dm == nil {
sc.AppendWarning(errors.Errorf("domain not found when decoding key: %X", key))
return s
is := dm.InfoSchema()
if is == nil {
sc.AppendWarning(errors.Errorf("infoschema not found when decoding key: %X", key))
return s
tbl, _ := is.TableByID(tableID)
loc := ctx.GetSessionVars().Location()
if tablecodec.IsRecordKey(key) {
ret, err := decodeRecordKey(key, tableID, tbl, loc)
if err != nil {
return s
return ret
} else if tablecodec.IsIndexKey(key) {
ret, err := decodeIndexKey(key, tableID, tbl, loc)
if err != nil {
return s
return ret
} else if tablecodec.IsTableKey(key) {
ret, err := decodeTableKey(key, tableID)
if err != nil {
return s
return ret
sc.AppendWarning(errors.Errorf("invalid key: %X", key))
return s
func decodeRecordKey(key []byte, tableID int64, tbl table.Table, loc *time.Location) (string, error) {
_, handle, err := tablecodec.DecodeRecordKey(key)
if err != nil {
return "", errors.Trace(err)
if handle.IsInt() {
ret := make(map[string]interface{})
ret["table_id"] = strconv.FormatInt(tableID, 10)
// When the clustered index is enabled, we should show the PK name.
if tbl != nil && tbl.Meta().HasClusteredIndex() {
ret[tbl.Meta().GetPkName().String()] = handle.IntValue()
} else {
ret["_tidb_rowid"] = handle.IntValue()
retStr, err := json.Marshal(ret)
if err != nil {
return "", errors.Trace(err)
return string(retStr), nil
if tbl != nil {
tblInfo := tbl.Meta()
idxInfo := tables.FindPrimaryIndex(tblInfo)
if idxInfo == nil {
return "", errors.Trace(errors.Errorf("primary key not found when decoding record key: %X", key))
cols := make(map[int64]*types.FieldType, len(tblInfo.Columns))
for _, col := range tblInfo.Columns {
cols[col.ID] = &(col.FieldType)
handleColIDs := make([]int64, 0, len(idxInfo.Columns))
for _, col := range idxInfo.Columns {
handleColIDs = append(handleColIDs, tblInfo.Columns[col.Offset].ID)
if len(handleColIDs) != handle.NumCols() {
return "", errors.Trace(errors.Errorf("primary key length not match handle columns number in key"))
datumMap, err := tablecodec.DecodeHandleToDatumMap(handle, handleColIDs, cols, loc, nil)
if err != nil {
return "", errors.Trace(err)
ret := make(map[string]interface{})
ret["table_id"] = tableID
handleRet := make(map[string]interface{})
for colID := range datumMap {
dt := datumMap[colID]
dtStr, err := datumToJSONObject(&dt)
if err != nil {
return "", errors.Trace(err)
found := false
for _, colInfo := range tblInfo.Columns {
if colInfo.ID == colID {
found = true
handleRet[colInfo.Name.L] = dtStr
if !found {
return "", errors.Trace(errors.Errorf("column not found when decoding record key: %X", key))
ret["handle"] = handleRet
retStr, err := json.Marshal(ret)
if err != nil {
return "", errors.Trace(err)
return string(retStr), nil
ret := make(map[string]interface{})
ret["table_id"] = tableID
ret["handle"] = handle.String()
retStr, err := json.Marshal(ret)
if err != nil {
return "", errors.Trace(err)
return string(retStr), nil
func decodeIndexKey(key []byte, tableID int64, tbl table.Table, loc *time.Location) (string, error) {
if tbl != nil {
_, indexID, _, err := tablecodec.DecodeKeyHead(key)
if err != nil {
return "", errors.Trace(errors.Errorf("invalid record/index key: %X", key))
tblInfo := tbl.Meta()
var targetIndex *model.IndexInfo
for _, idx := range tblInfo.Indices {
if idx.ID == indexID {
targetIndex = idx
if targetIndex == nil {
return "", errors.Trace(errors.Errorf("index not found when decoding index key: %X", key))
colInfos := tables.BuildRowcodecColInfoForIndexColumns(targetIndex, tblInfo)
tps := tables.BuildFieldTypesForIndexColumns(targetIndex, tblInfo)
values, err := tablecodec.DecodeIndexKV(key, []byte{0}, len(colInfos), tablecodec.HandleNotNeeded, colInfos)
if err != nil {
return "", errors.Trace(err)
ds := make([]types.Datum, 0, len(colInfos))
for i := 0; i < len(colInfos); i++ {
d, err := tablecodec.DecodeColumnValue(values[i], tps[i], loc)
if err != nil {
return "", errors.Trace(err)
ds = append(ds, d)
ret := make(map[string]interface{})
ret["table_id"] = tableID
ret["index_id"] = indexID
idxValMap := make(map[string]interface{}, len(targetIndex.Columns))
for i := 0; i < len(targetIndex.Columns); i++ {
dtStr, err := datumToJSONObject(&ds[i])
if err != nil {
return "", errors.Trace(err)
idxValMap[targetIndex.Columns[i].Name.L] = dtStr
ret["index_vals"] = idxValMap
retStr, err := json.Marshal(ret)
if err != nil {
return "", errors.Trace(err)
return string(retStr), nil
_, indexID, indexValues, err := tablecodec.DecodeIndexKey(key)
if err != nil {
return "", errors.Trace(errors.Errorf("invalid index key: %X", key))
ret := make(map[string]interface{})
ret["table_id"] = tableID
ret["index_id"] = indexID
ret["index_vals"] = strings.Join(indexValues, ", ")
retStr, err := json.Marshal(ret)
if err != nil {
return "", errors.Trace(err)
return string(retStr), nil
func decodeTableKey(_ []byte, tableID int64) (string, error) {
ret := map[string]int64{"table_id": tableID}
retStr, err := json.Marshal(ret)
if err != nil {
return "", errors.Trace(err)
return string(retStr), nil
func datumToJSONObject(d *types.Datum) (interface{}, error) {
if d.IsNull() {
return nil, nil
return d.ToString()
tidb collect_column_stats_usage 源码
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