tidb common_plans 源码
tidb common_plans 代码
// Copyright 2015 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package core
import (
var planCacheCounter = metrics.PlanCacheCounter.WithLabelValues("prepare")
var planCacheMissCounter = metrics.PlanCacheMissCounter.WithLabelValues("cache_miss")
// ShowDDL is for showing DDL information.
type ShowDDL struct {
// ShowSlow is for showing slow queries.
type ShowSlow struct {
// ShowDDLJobQueries is for showing DDL job queries sql.
type ShowDDLJobQueries struct {
JobIDs []int64
// ShowDDLJobQueriesWithRange is for showing DDL job queries sql with specified limit and offset.
type ShowDDLJobQueriesWithRange struct {
Limit uint64
Offset uint64
// ShowNextRowID is for showing the next global row ID.
type ShowNextRowID struct {
TableName *ast.TableName
// CheckTable is used for checking table data, built from the 'admin check table' statement.
type CheckTable struct {
DBName string
Table table.Table
IndexInfos []*model.IndexInfo
IndexLookUpReaders []*PhysicalIndexLookUpReader
CheckIndex bool
// RecoverIndex is used for backfilling corrupted index data.
type RecoverIndex struct {
Table *ast.TableName
IndexName string
// CleanupIndex is used to delete dangling index data.
type CleanupIndex struct {
Table *ast.TableName
IndexName string
// CheckIndexRange is used for checking index data, output the index values that handle within begin and end.
type CheckIndexRange struct {
Table *ast.TableName
IndexName string
HandleRanges []ast.HandleRange
// ChecksumTable is used for calculating table checksum, built from the `admin checksum table` statement.
type ChecksumTable struct {
Tables []*ast.TableName
// CancelDDLJobs represents a cancel DDL jobs plan.
type CancelDDLJobs struct {
JobIDs []int64
// ReloadExprPushdownBlacklist reloads the data from expr_pushdown_blacklist table.
type ReloadExprPushdownBlacklist struct {
// ReloadOptRuleBlacklist reloads the data from opt_rule_blacklist table.
type ReloadOptRuleBlacklist struct {
// AdminPluginsAction indicate action will be taken on plugins.
type AdminPluginsAction int
const (
// Enable indicates enable plugins.
Enable AdminPluginsAction = iota + 1
// Disable indicates disable plugins.
// AdminPlugins administrates tidb plugins.
type AdminPlugins struct {
Action AdminPluginsAction
Plugins []string
// AdminShowTelemetry displays telemetry status including tracking ID, status and so on.
type AdminShowTelemetry struct {
// AdminResetTelemetryID regenerates a new telemetry tracking ID.
type AdminResetTelemetryID struct {
// Change represents a change plan.
type Change struct {
// Prepare represents prepare plan.
type Prepare struct {
Name string
SQLText string
// Execute represents prepare plan.
type Execute struct {
Name string
Params []expression.Expression
PrepStmt *PlanCacheStmt
Stmt ast.StmtNode
Plan Plan
// Check if result of GetVar expr is BinaryLiteral
// Because GetVar use String to represent BinaryLiteral, here we need to convert string back to BinaryLiteral.
func isGetVarBinaryLiteral(sctx sessionctx.Context, expr expression.Expression) (res bool) {
scalarFunc, ok := expr.(*expression.ScalarFunction)
if ok && scalarFunc.FuncName.L == ast.GetVar {
name, isNull, err := scalarFunc.GetArgs()[0].EvalString(sctx, chunk.Row{})
if err != nil || isNull {
res = false
} else if dt, ok2 := sctx.GetSessionVars().GetUserVarVal(name); ok2 {
res = dt.Kind() == types.KindBinaryLiteral
return res
// Deallocate represents deallocate plan.
type Deallocate struct {
Name string
// Set represents a plan for set stmt.
type Set struct {
VarAssigns []*expression.VarAssignment
// SetConfig represents a plan for set config stmt.
type SetConfig struct {
Type string
Instance string
Name string
Value expression.Expression
// SQLBindOpType repreents the SQL bind type
type SQLBindOpType int
const (
// OpSQLBindCreate represents the operation to create a SQL bind.
OpSQLBindCreate SQLBindOpType = iota
// OpSQLBindDrop represents the operation to drop a SQL bind.
// OpFlushBindings is used to flush plan bindings.
// OpCaptureBindings is used to capture plan bindings.
// OpEvolveBindings is used to evolve plan binding.
// OpReloadBindings is used to reload plan binding.
// OpSetBindingStatus is used to set binding status.
// SQLBindPlan represents a plan for SQL bind.
type SQLBindPlan struct {
SQLBindOp SQLBindOpType
NormdOrigSQL string
BindSQL string
IsGlobal bool
BindStmt ast.StmtNode
Db string
Charset string
Collation string
NewStatus string
// Simple represents a simple statement plan which doesn't need any optimization.
type Simple struct {
Statement ast.StmtNode
// IsFromRemote indicates whether the statement IS FROM REMOTE TiDB instance in cluster,
// and executing in co-processor.
// Used for `global kill`. See https://github.com/pingcap/tidb/blob/master/docs/design/2020-06-01-global-kill.md.
IsFromRemote bool
// StaleTxnStartTS is the StartTS that is used to build a staleness transaction by 'START TRANSACTION READ ONLY' statement.
StaleTxnStartTS uint64
// PhysicalSimpleWrapper is a wrapper of `Simple` to implement physical plan interface.
// Used for simple statements executing in coprocessor.
type PhysicalSimpleWrapper struct {
Inner Simple
// InsertGeneratedColumns is for completing generated columns in Insert.
// We resolve generation expressions in plan, and eval those in executor.
type InsertGeneratedColumns struct {
Columns []*ast.ColumnName
Exprs []expression.Expression
OnDuplicates []*expression.Assignment
// Insert represents an insert plan.
type Insert struct {
Table table.Table
tableSchema *expression.Schema
tableColNames types.NameSlice
Columns []*ast.ColumnName
Lists [][]expression.Expression
SetList []*expression.Assignment
OnDuplicate []*expression.Assignment
Schema4OnDuplicate *expression.Schema
names4OnDuplicate types.NameSlice
GenCols InsertGeneratedColumns
SelectPlan PhysicalPlan
IsReplace bool
// NeedFillDefaultValue is true when expr in value list reference other column.
NeedFillDefaultValue bool
AllAssignmentsAreConstant bool
RowLen int
// Update represents Update plan.
type Update struct {
OrderedList []*expression.Assignment
AllAssignmentsAreConstant bool
VirtualAssignmentsOffset int
SelectPlan PhysicalPlan
TblColPosInfos TblColPosInfoSlice
// Used when partition sets are given.
// e.g. update t partition(p0) set a = 1;
PartitionedTable []table.PartitionedTable
tblID2Table map[int64]table.Table
// Delete represents a delete plan.
type Delete struct {
IsMultiTable bool
SelectPlan PhysicalPlan
TblColPosInfos TblColPosInfoSlice
// AnalyzeInfo is used to store the database name, table name and partition name of analyze task.
type AnalyzeInfo struct {
DBName string
TableName string
PartitionName string
TableID statistics.AnalyzeTableID
Incremental bool
StatsVersion int
V2Options *V2AnalyzeOptions
// V2AnalyzeOptions is used to hold analyze options information.
type V2AnalyzeOptions struct {
PhyTableID int64
RawOpts map[ast.AnalyzeOptionType]uint64
FilledOpts map[ast.AnalyzeOptionType]uint64
ColChoice model.ColumnChoice
ColumnList []*model.ColumnInfo
IsPartition bool
// AnalyzeColumnsTask is used for analyze columns.
type AnalyzeColumnsTask struct {
HandleCols HandleCols
CommonHandleInfo *model.IndexInfo
ColsInfo []*model.ColumnInfo
TblInfo *model.TableInfo
Indexes []*model.IndexInfo
// AnalyzeIndexTask is used for analyze index.
type AnalyzeIndexTask struct {
IndexInfo *model.IndexInfo
TblInfo *model.TableInfo
// Analyze represents an analyze plan
type Analyze struct {
ColTasks []AnalyzeColumnsTask
IdxTasks []AnalyzeIndexTask
Opts map[ast.AnalyzeOptionType]uint64
OptionsMap map[int64]V2AnalyzeOptions
// LoadData represents a loaddata plan.
type LoadData struct {
IsLocal bool
OnDuplicate ast.OnDuplicateKeyHandlingType
Path string
Table *ast.TableName
Columns []*ast.ColumnName
FieldsInfo *ast.FieldsClause
LinesInfo *ast.LinesClause
IgnoreLines uint64
ColumnAssignments []*ast.Assignment
ColumnsAndUserVars []*ast.ColumnNameOrUserVar
GenCols InsertGeneratedColumns
// LoadStats represents a load stats plan.
type LoadStats struct {
Path string
// PlanReplayer represents a plan replayer plan.
type PlanReplayer struct {
ExecStmt ast.StmtNode
Analyze bool
Load bool
File string
// IndexAdvise represents a index advise plan.
type IndexAdvise struct {
IsLocal bool
Path string
MaxMinutes uint64
MaxIndexNum *ast.MaxIndexNumClause
LinesInfo *ast.LinesClause
// SplitRegion represents a split regions plan.
type SplitRegion struct {
TableInfo *model.TableInfo
PartitionNames []model.CIStr
IndexInfo *model.IndexInfo
Lower []types.Datum
Upper []types.Datum
Num int
ValueLists [][]types.Datum
// SplitRegionStatus represents a split regions status plan.
type SplitRegionStatus struct {
Table table.Table
IndexInfo *model.IndexInfo
// CompactTable represents a "ALTER TABLE [NAME] COMPACT ..." plan.
type CompactTable struct {
ReplicaKind ast.CompactReplicaKind
TableInfo *model.TableInfo
// DDL represents a DDL statement plan.
type DDL struct {
Statement ast.DDLNode
// SelectInto represents a select-into plan.
type SelectInto struct {
TargetPlan Plan
IntoOpt *ast.SelectIntoOption
// Explain represents a explain plan.
type Explain struct {
TargetPlan Plan
Format string
Analyze bool
ExecStmt ast.StmtNode
RuntimeStatsColl *execdetails.RuntimeStatsColl
Rows [][]string
ExplainRows [][]string
// GetExplainRowsForPlan get explain rows for plan.
func GetExplainRowsForPlan(plan Plan) (rows [][]string) {
explain := &Explain{
TargetPlan: plan,
Format: types.ExplainFormatROW,
Analyze: false,
if err := explain.RenderResult(); err != nil {
return rows
return explain.Rows
// prepareSchema prepares explain's result schema.
func (e *Explain) prepareSchema() error {
var fieldNames []string
format := strings.ToLower(e.Format)
if format == types.ExplainFormatTraditional {
format = types.ExplainFormatROW
e.Format = types.ExplainFormatROW
switch {
case (format == types.ExplainFormatROW || format == types.ExplainFormatBrief) && (!e.Analyze && e.RuntimeStatsColl == nil):
fieldNames = []string{"id", "estRows", "task", "access object", "operator info"}
case format == types.ExplainFormatVerbose || format == types.ExplainFormatTrueCardCost:
if e.Analyze || e.RuntimeStatsColl != nil {
fieldNames = []string{"id", "estRows", "estCost", "actRows", "task", "access object", "execution info", "operator info", "memory", "disk"}
} else {
fieldNames = []string{"id", "estRows", "estCost", "task", "access object", "operator info"}
case (format == types.ExplainFormatROW || format == types.ExplainFormatBrief) && (e.Analyze || e.RuntimeStatsColl != nil):
fieldNames = []string{"id", "estRows", "actRows", "task", "access object", "execution info", "operator info", "memory", "disk"}
case format == types.ExplainFormatDOT:
fieldNames = []string{"dot contents"}
case format == types.ExplainFormatHint:
fieldNames = []string{"hint"}
case format == types.ExplainFormatBinary:
fieldNames = []string{"binary plan"}
return errors.Errorf("explain format '%s' is not supported now", e.Format)
cwn := &columnsWithNames{
cols: make([]*expression.Column, 0, len(fieldNames)),
names: make([]*types.FieldName, 0, len(fieldNames)),
for _, fieldName := range fieldNames {
cwn.Append(buildColumnWithName("", fieldName, mysql.TypeString, mysql.MaxBlobWidth))
e.names = cwn.names
return nil
// RenderResult renders the explain result as specified format.
func (e *Explain) RenderResult() error {
if e.TargetPlan == nil {
return nil
if e.Analyze && strings.ToLower(e.Format) == types.ExplainFormatTrueCardCost {
pp, ok := e.TargetPlan.(PhysicalPlan)
if ok {
if _, err := pp.GetPlanCost(property.RootTaskType,
NewDefaultPlanCostOption().WithCostFlag(CostFlagRecalculate|CostFlagUseTrueCardinality)); err != nil {
return err
} else {
e.SCtx().GetSessionVars().StmtCtx.AppendWarning(errors.Errorf("'explain format=true_card_cost' cannot support this plan"))
switch strings.ToLower(e.Format) {
case types.ExplainFormatROW, types.ExplainFormatBrief, types.ExplainFormatVerbose, types.ExplainFormatTrueCardCost:
if e.Rows == nil || e.Analyze {
flat := FlattenPhysicalPlan(e.TargetPlan, true)
if e.Analyze &&
e.SCtx().GetSessionVars().MemoryDebugModeMinHeapInUse != 0 &&
e.SCtx().GetSessionVars().MemoryDebugModeAlarmRatio > 0 {
row := e.Rows[0]
tracker := e.SCtx().GetSessionVars().StmtCtx.MemTracker
row[7] = row[7] + "(Total: " + tracker.FormatBytes(tracker.MaxConsumed()) + ")"
case types.ExplainFormatDOT:
if physicalPlan, ok := e.TargetPlan.(PhysicalPlan); ok {
case types.ExplainFormatHint:
flat := FlattenPhysicalPlan(e.TargetPlan, false)
hints := GenHintsFromFlatPlan(flat)
hints = append(hints, hint.ExtractTableHintsFromStmtNode(e.ExecStmt, nil)...)
e.Rows = append(e.Rows, []string{hint.RestoreOptimizerHints(hints)})
case types.ExplainFormatBinary:
flat := FlattenPhysicalPlan(e.TargetPlan, false)
str := BinaryPlanStrFromFlatPlan(e.ctx, flat)
e.Rows = append(e.Rows, []string{str})
return errors.Errorf("explain format '%s' is not supported now", e.Format)
return nil
func (e *Explain) explainFlatPlanInRowFormat(flat *FlatPhysicalPlan) {
if flat == nil || len(flat.Main) == 0 || flat.InExplain {
for _, flatOp := range flat.Main {
for _, cte := range flat.CTEs {
for _, flatOp := range cte {
func (e *Explain) explainFlatOpInRowFormat(flatOp *FlatOperator) {
taskTp := ""
if flatOp.IsRoot {
taskTp = "root"
} else {
taskTp = flatOp.ReqType.Name() + "[" + flatOp.StoreType.Name() + "]"
textTreeExplainID := texttree.PrettyIdentifier(flatOp.Origin.ExplainID().String()+flatOp.Label.String(),
e.prepareOperatorInfo(flatOp.Origin, taskTp, textTreeExplainID)
if e.ctx != nil && e.ctx.GetSessionVars() != nil && e.ctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx != nil {
if optimInfo, ok := e.ctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx.OptimInfo[flatOp.Origin.ID()]; ok {
func getRuntimeInfoStr(ctx sessionctx.Context, p Plan, runtimeStatsColl *execdetails.RuntimeStatsColl) (actRows, analyzeInfo, memoryInfo, diskInfo string) {
if runtimeStatsColl == nil {
runtimeStatsColl = ctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx.RuntimeStatsColl
if runtimeStatsColl == nil {
rootStats, copStats, memTracker, diskTracker := getRuntimeInfo(ctx, p, runtimeStatsColl)
actRows = "0"
memoryInfo = "N/A"
diskInfo = "N/A"
if rootStats != nil {
actRows = strconv.FormatInt(rootStats.GetActRows(), 10)
analyzeInfo = rootStats.String()
if copStats != nil {
if len(analyzeInfo) > 0 {
analyzeInfo += ", "
analyzeInfo += copStats.String()
actRows = strconv.FormatInt(copStats.GetActRows(), 10)
if memTracker != nil {
memoryInfo = memTracker.FormatBytes(memTracker.MaxConsumed())
if diskTracker != nil {
diskInfo = diskTracker.FormatBytes(diskTracker.MaxConsumed())
func getRuntimeInfo(ctx sessionctx.Context, p Plan, runtimeStatsColl *execdetails.RuntimeStatsColl) (
rootStats *execdetails.RootRuntimeStats,
copStats *execdetails.CopRuntimeStats,
memTracker *memory.Tracker,
diskTracker *memory.Tracker,
) {
if runtimeStatsColl == nil {
runtimeStatsColl = ctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx.RuntimeStatsColl
explainID := p.ID()
// There maybe some mock information for cop task to let runtimeStatsColl.Exists(p.ExplainID()) is true.
// So check copTaskExecDetail first and print the real cop task information if it's not empty.
if runtimeStatsColl != nil && runtimeStatsColl.ExistsRootStats(explainID) {
rootStats = runtimeStatsColl.GetRootStats(explainID)
if runtimeStatsColl != nil && runtimeStatsColl.ExistsCopStats(explainID) {
copStats = runtimeStatsColl.GetCopStats(explainID)
memTracker = ctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx.MemTracker.SearchTrackerWithoutLock(p.ID())
diskTracker = ctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx.DiskTracker.SearchTrackerWithoutLock(p.ID())
// prepareOperatorInfo generates the following information for every plan:
// operator id, estimated rows, task type, access object and other operator info.
func (e *Explain) prepareOperatorInfo(p Plan, taskType, id string) {
if p.ExplainID().String() == "_0" {
estRows, estCost, accessObject, operatorInfo := e.getOperatorInfo(p, id)
var row []string
if e.Analyze || e.RuntimeStatsColl != nil {
row = []string{id, estRows}
if strings.ToLower(e.Format) == types.ExplainFormatVerbose || strings.ToLower(e.Format) == types.ExplainFormatTrueCardCost {
row = append(row, estCost)
actRows, analyzeInfo, memoryInfo, diskInfo := getRuntimeInfoStr(e.ctx, p, e.RuntimeStatsColl)
row = append(row, actRows, taskType, accessObject, analyzeInfo, operatorInfo, memoryInfo, diskInfo)
} else {
row = []string{id, estRows}
if strings.ToLower(e.Format) == types.ExplainFormatVerbose || strings.ToLower(e.Format) == types.ExplainFormatTrueCardCost {
row = append(row, estCost)
row = append(row, taskType, accessObject, operatorInfo)
e.Rows = append(e.Rows, row)
func (e *Explain) getOperatorInfo(p Plan, id string) (string, string, string, string) {
// For `explain for connection` statement, `e.ExplainRows` will be set.
for _, row := range e.ExplainRows {
if len(row) < 5 {
panic("should never happen")
if row[0] == id {
return row[1], "N/A", row[3], row[4]
estRows := "N/A"
if si := p.statsInfo(); si != nil {
estRows = strconv.FormatFloat(si.RowCount, 'f', 2, 64)
estCost := "N/A"
if pp, ok := p.(PhysicalPlan); ok {
planCost, _ := pp.GetPlanCost(property.RootTaskType, NewDefaultPlanCostOption())
estCost = strconv.FormatFloat(planCost, 'f', 2, 64)
var accessObject, operatorInfo string
if plan, ok := p.(dataAccesser); ok {
accessObject = plan.AccessObject().String()
operatorInfo = plan.OperatorInfo(false)
} else {
if pa, ok := p.(partitionAccesser); ok && e.ctx != nil {
accessObject = pa.accessObject(e.ctx).String()
operatorInfo = p.ExplainInfo()
return estRows, estCost, accessObject, operatorInfo
// BinaryPlanStrFromFlatPlan generates the compressed and encoded binary plan from a FlatPhysicalPlan.
func BinaryPlanStrFromFlatPlan(explainCtx sessionctx.Context, flat *FlatPhysicalPlan) string {
binary := binaryDataFromFlatPlan(explainCtx, flat)
if binary == nil {
return ""
proto, err := binary.Marshal()
if err != nil {
return ""
str := plancodec.Compress(proto)
return str
func binaryDataFromFlatPlan(explainCtx sessionctx.Context, flat *FlatPhysicalPlan) *tipb.ExplainData {
if len(flat.Main) == 0 {
return nil
// Please see comments in EncodeFlatPlan() for this case.
// We keep consistency with EncodeFlatPlan() here.
if flat.InExecute {
return nil
res := &tipb.ExplainData{}
for _, op := range flat.Main {
// We assume that runtime stats are available to this plan tree if any operator in the "Main" has runtime stats.
rootStats, copStats, _, _ := getRuntimeInfo(explainCtx, op.Origin, nil)
if rootStats != nil || copStats != nil {
res.WithRuntimeStats = true
res.Main = binaryOpTreeFromFlatOps(explainCtx, flat.Main)
for _, explainedCTE := range flat.CTEs {
res.Ctes = append(res.Ctes, binaryOpTreeFromFlatOps(explainCtx, explainedCTE))
return res
func binaryOpTreeFromFlatOps(explainCtx sessionctx.Context, ops FlatPlanTree) *tipb.ExplainOperator {
s := make([]tipb.ExplainOperator, len(ops))
for i, op := range ops {
binaryOpFromFlatOp(explainCtx, op, &s[i])
for _, idx := range op.ChildrenIdx {
s[i].Children = append(s[i].Children, &s[idx])
return &s[0]
func binaryOpFromFlatOp(explainCtx sessionctx.Context, op *FlatOperator, out *tipb.ExplainOperator) {
out.Name = op.Origin.ExplainID().String()
switch op.Label {
case BuildSide:
out.Labels = []tipb.OperatorLabel{tipb.OperatorLabel_buildSide}
case ProbeSide:
out.Labels = []tipb.OperatorLabel{tipb.OperatorLabel_probeSide}
case SeedPart:
out.Labels = []tipb.OperatorLabel{tipb.OperatorLabel_seedPart}
case RecursivePart:
out.Labels = []tipb.OperatorLabel{tipb.OperatorLabel_recursivePart}
switch op.StoreType {
case kv.TiDB:
out.StoreType = tipb.StoreType_tidb
case kv.TiKV:
out.StoreType = tipb.StoreType_tikv
case kv.TiFlash:
out.StoreType = tipb.StoreType_tiflash
if op.IsRoot {
out.TaskType = tipb.TaskType_root
} else {
switch op.ReqType {
case Cop:
out.TaskType = tipb.TaskType_cop
case BatchCop:
out.TaskType = tipb.TaskType_batchCop
case MPP:
out.TaskType = tipb.TaskType_mpp
// Runtime info
rootStats, copStats, memTracker, diskTracker := getRuntimeInfo(explainCtx, op.Origin, nil)
if statsInfo := op.Origin.statsInfo(); statsInfo != nil {
out.EstRows = statsInfo.RowCount
if op.IsPhysicalPlan {
p := op.Origin.(PhysicalPlan)
out.Cost, _ = p.GetPlanCost(property.RootTaskType, NewDefaultPlanCostOption())
if rootStats != nil {
basic, groups := rootStats.MergeStats()
out.RootBasicExecInfo = basic.String()
for _, group := range groups {
str := group.String()
if len(str) > 0 {
out.RootGroupExecInfo = append(out.RootGroupExecInfo, str)
out.ActRows = uint64(rootStats.GetActRows())
if copStats != nil {
out.CopExecInfo = copStats.String()
out.ActRows = uint64(copStats.GetActRows())
if memTracker != nil {
out.MemoryBytes = memTracker.MaxConsumed()
} else {
out.MemoryBytes = -1
if diskTracker != nil {
out.DiskBytes = diskTracker.MaxConsumed()
} else {
out.DiskBytes = -1
// Operator info
if plan, ok := op.Origin.(dataAccesser); ok {
out.OperatorInfo = plan.OperatorInfo(false)
} else {
out.OperatorInfo = op.Origin.ExplainInfo()
// Access object
switch p := op.Origin.(type) {
case dataAccesser:
ao := p.AccessObject()
if ao != nil {
case partitionAccesser:
ao := p.accessObject(explainCtx)
if ao != nil {
func (e *Explain) prepareDotInfo(p PhysicalPlan) {
buffer := bytes.NewBufferString("")
fmt.Fprintf(buffer, "\ndigraph %s {\n", p.ExplainID())
e.prepareTaskDot(p, "root", buffer)
e.Rows = append(e.Rows, []string{buffer.String()})
func (e *Explain) prepareTaskDot(p PhysicalPlan, taskTp string, buffer *bytes.Buffer) {
fmt.Fprintf(buffer, "subgraph cluster%v{\n", p.ID())
buffer.WriteString("node [style=filled, color=lightgrey]\n")
fmt.Fprintf(buffer, "label = \"%s\"\n", taskTp)
if len(p.Children()) == 0 {
if taskTp == "cop" {
fmt.Fprintf(buffer, "\"%s\"\n}\n", p.ExplainID())
fmt.Fprintf(buffer, "\"%s\"\n", p.ExplainID())
var copTasks []PhysicalPlan
var pipelines []string
for planQueue := []PhysicalPlan{p}; len(planQueue) > 0; planQueue = planQueue[1:] {
curPlan := planQueue[0]
switch copPlan := curPlan.(type) {
case *PhysicalTableReader:
pipelines = append(pipelines, fmt.Sprintf("\"%s\" -> \"%s\"\n", copPlan.ExplainID(), copPlan.tablePlan.ExplainID()))
copTasks = append(copTasks, copPlan.tablePlan)
case *PhysicalIndexReader:
pipelines = append(pipelines, fmt.Sprintf("\"%s\" -> \"%s\"\n", copPlan.ExplainID(), copPlan.indexPlan.ExplainID()))
copTasks = append(copTasks, copPlan.indexPlan)
case *PhysicalIndexLookUpReader:
pipelines = append(pipelines, fmt.Sprintf("\"%s\" -> \"%s\"\n", copPlan.ExplainID(), copPlan.tablePlan.ExplainID()))
pipelines = append(pipelines, fmt.Sprintf("\"%s\" -> \"%s\"\n", copPlan.ExplainID(), copPlan.indexPlan.ExplainID()))
copTasks = append(copTasks, copPlan.tablePlan)
copTasks = append(copTasks, copPlan.indexPlan)
case *PhysicalIndexMergeReader:
for i := 0; i < len(copPlan.partialPlans); i++ {
pipelines = append(pipelines, fmt.Sprintf("\"%s\" -> \"%s\"\n", copPlan.ExplainID(), copPlan.partialPlans[i].ExplainID()))
copTasks = append(copTasks, copPlan.partialPlans[i])
if copPlan.tablePlan != nil {
pipelines = append(pipelines, fmt.Sprintf("\"%s\" -> \"%s\"\n", copPlan.ExplainID(), copPlan.tablePlan.ExplainID()))
copTasks = append(copTasks, copPlan.tablePlan)
for _, child := range curPlan.Children() {
fmt.Fprintf(buffer, "\"%s\" -> \"%s\"\n", curPlan.ExplainID(), child.ExplainID())
planQueue = append(planQueue, child)
for _, cop := range copTasks {
e.prepareTaskDot(cop, "cop", buffer)
for i := range pipelines {
// IsPointGetWithPKOrUniqueKeyByAutoCommit returns true when meets following conditions:
// 1. ctx is auto commit tagged
// 2. session is not InTxn
// 3. plan is point get by pk, or point get by unique index (no double read)
func IsPointGetWithPKOrUniqueKeyByAutoCommit(ctx sessionctx.Context, p Plan) (bool, error) {
if !IsAutoCommitTxn(ctx) {
return false, nil
// check plan
if proj, ok := p.(*PhysicalProjection); ok {
p = proj.Children()[0]
switch v := p.(type) {
case *PhysicalIndexReader:
indexScan := v.IndexPlans[0].(*PhysicalIndexScan)
return indexScan.IsPointGetByUniqueKey(ctx), nil
case *PhysicalTableReader:
tableScan := v.TablePlans[0].(*PhysicalTableScan)
isPointRange := len(tableScan.Ranges) == 1 && tableScan.Ranges[0].IsPointNonNullable(ctx)
if !isPointRange {
return false, nil
pkLength := 1
if tableScan.Table.IsCommonHandle {
pkIdx := tables.FindPrimaryIndex(tableScan.Table)
pkLength = len(pkIdx.Columns)
return len(tableScan.Ranges[0].LowVal) == pkLength, nil
case *PointGetPlan:
// If the PointGetPlan needs to read data using unique index (double read), we
// can't use max uint64, because using math.MaxUint64 can't guarantee repeatable-read
// and the data and index would be inconsistent!
// If the PointGetPlan needs to read data from Cache Table, we can't use max uint64,
// because math.MaxUint64 always make cacheData invalid.
noSecondRead := v.IndexInfo == nil || (v.IndexInfo.Primary && v.TblInfo.IsCommonHandle)
if !noSecondRead {
return false, nil
if v.TblInfo != nil && (v.TblInfo.TableCacheStatusType != model.TableCacheStatusDisable) {
return false, nil
return true, nil
return false, nil
// IsAutoCommitTxn checks if session is in autocommit mode and not InTxn
// used for fast plan like point get
func IsAutoCommitTxn(ctx sessionctx.Context) bool {
return ctx.GetSessionVars().IsAutocommit() && !ctx.GetSessionVars().InTxn()
tidb collect_column_stats_usage 源码
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3、 gate.io
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9、 openharmony
10、 Vue中input框自动聚焦