tidb rule_join_elimination 源码
tidb rule_join_elimination 代码
// Copyright 2018 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package core
import (
type outerJoinEliminator struct {
// tryToEliminateOuterJoin will eliminate outer join plan base on the following rules
// 1. outer join elimination: For example left outer join, if the parent only use the
// columns from left table and the join key of right table(the inner table) is a unique
// key of the right table. the left outer join can be eliminated.
// 2. outer join elimination with duplicate agnostic aggregate functions: For example left outer join.
// If the parent only use the columns from left table with 'distinct' label. The left outer join can
// be eliminated.
func (o *outerJoinEliminator) tryToEliminateOuterJoin(p *LogicalJoin, aggCols []*expression.Column, parentCols []*expression.Column, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) (LogicalPlan, bool, error) {
var innerChildIdx int
switch p.JoinType {
case LeftOuterJoin:
innerChildIdx = 1
case RightOuterJoin:
innerChildIdx = 0
return p, false, nil
outerPlan := p.children[1^innerChildIdx]
innerPlan := p.children[innerChildIdx]
outerUniqueIDs := set.NewInt64Set()
for _, outerCol := range outerPlan.Schema().Columns {
matched := IsColsAllFromOuterTable(parentCols, outerUniqueIDs)
if !matched {
return p, false, nil
// outer join elimination with duplicate agnostic aggregate functions
matched = IsColsAllFromOuterTable(aggCols, outerUniqueIDs)
if matched {
appendOuterJoinEliminateAggregationTraceStep(p, outerPlan, aggCols, opt)
return outerPlan, true, nil
// outer join elimination without duplicate agnostic aggregate functions
innerJoinKeys := o.extractInnerJoinKeys(p, innerChildIdx)
contain, err := o.isInnerJoinKeysContainUniqueKey(innerPlan, innerJoinKeys)
if err != nil {
return p, false, err
if contain {
appendOuterJoinEliminateTraceStep(p, outerPlan, parentCols, innerJoinKeys, opt)
return outerPlan, true, nil
contain, err = o.isInnerJoinKeysContainIndex(innerPlan, innerJoinKeys)
if err != nil {
return p, false, err
if contain {
appendOuterJoinEliminateTraceStep(p, outerPlan, parentCols, innerJoinKeys, opt)
return outerPlan, true, nil
return p, false, nil
// extract join keys as a schema for inner child of a outer join
func (o *outerJoinEliminator) extractInnerJoinKeys(join *LogicalJoin, innerChildIdx int) *expression.Schema {
joinKeys := make([]*expression.Column, 0, len(join.EqualConditions))
for _, eqCond := range join.EqualConditions {
joinKeys = append(joinKeys, eqCond.GetArgs()[innerChildIdx].(*expression.Column))
return expression.NewSchema(joinKeys...)
// IsColsAllFromOuterTable check whether the cols all from outer plan
func IsColsAllFromOuterTable(cols []*expression.Column, outerUniqueIDs set.Int64Set) bool {
// There are two cases "return false" here:
// 1. If cols represents aggCols, then "len(cols) == 0" means not all aggregate functions are duplicate agnostic before.
// 2. If cols represents parentCols, then "len(cols) == 0" means no parent logical plan of this join plan.
if len(cols) == 0 {
return false
for _, col := range cols {
if !outerUniqueIDs.Exist(col.UniqueID) {
return false
return true
// check whether one of unique keys sets is contained by inner join keys
func (o *outerJoinEliminator) isInnerJoinKeysContainUniqueKey(innerPlan LogicalPlan, joinKeys *expression.Schema) (bool, error) {
for _, keyInfo := range innerPlan.Schema().Keys {
joinKeysContainKeyInfo := true
for _, col := range keyInfo {
if !joinKeys.Contains(col) {
joinKeysContainKeyInfo = false
if joinKeysContainKeyInfo {
return true, nil
return false, nil
// check whether one of index sets is contained by inner join index
func (o *outerJoinEliminator) isInnerJoinKeysContainIndex(innerPlan LogicalPlan, joinKeys *expression.Schema) (bool, error) {
ds, ok := innerPlan.(*DataSource)
if !ok {
return false, nil
for _, path := range ds.possibleAccessPaths {
if path.IsIntHandlePath || !path.Index.Unique || len(path.IdxCols) == 0 {
joinKeysContainIndex := true
for _, idxCol := range path.IdxCols {
if !joinKeys.Contains(idxCol) {
joinKeysContainIndex = false
if joinKeysContainIndex {
return true, nil
return false, nil
// GetDupAgnosticAggCols checks whether a LogicalPlan is LogicalAggregation.
// It extracts all the columns from the duplicate agnostic aggregate functions.
// The returned column set is nil if not all the aggregate functions are duplicate agnostic.
// Only the following functions are considered to be duplicate agnostic:
// 1. MAX(arg)
// 2. MIN(arg)
// 3. FIRST_ROW(arg)
// 4. Other agg functions with DISTINCT flag, like SUM(DISTINCT arg)
func GetDupAgnosticAggCols(
p LogicalPlan,
oldAggCols []*expression.Column, // Reuse the original buffer.
) (isAgg bool, newAggCols []*expression.Column) {
agg, ok := p.(*LogicalAggregation)
if !ok {
return false, nil
newAggCols = oldAggCols[:0]
for _, aggDesc := range agg.AggFuncs {
if !aggDesc.HasDistinct &&
aggDesc.Name != ast.AggFuncFirstRow &&
aggDesc.Name != ast.AggFuncMax &&
aggDesc.Name != ast.AggFuncMin &&
aggDesc.Name != ast.AggFuncApproxCountDistinct {
// If not all aggregate functions are duplicate agnostic,
// we should clean the aggCols, so `return true, newAggCols[:0]`.
return true, newAggCols[:0]
for _, expr := range aggDesc.Args {
newAggCols = append(newAggCols, expression.ExtractColumns(expr)...)
return true, newAggCols
func (o *outerJoinEliminator) doOptimize(p LogicalPlan, aggCols []*expression.Column, parentCols []*expression.Column, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) (LogicalPlan, error) {
var err error
var isEliminated bool
for join, isJoin := p.(*LogicalJoin); isJoin; join, isJoin = p.(*LogicalJoin) {
p, isEliminated, err = o.tryToEliminateOuterJoin(join, aggCols, parentCols, opt)
if err != nil {
return p, err
if !isEliminated {
switch x := p.(type) {
case *LogicalProjection:
parentCols = parentCols[:0]
for _, expr := range x.Exprs {
parentCols = append(parentCols, expression.ExtractColumns(expr)...)
case *LogicalAggregation:
parentCols = parentCols[:0]
for _, groupByItem := range x.GroupByItems {
parentCols = append(parentCols, expression.ExtractColumns(groupByItem)...)
for _, aggDesc := range x.AggFuncs {
for _, expr := range aggDesc.Args {
parentCols = append(parentCols, expression.ExtractColumns(expr)...)
parentCols = append(parentCols[:0], p.Schema().Columns...)
if ok, newCols := GetDupAgnosticAggCols(p, aggCols); ok {
aggCols = newCols
for i, child := range p.Children() {
newChild, err := o.doOptimize(child, aggCols, parentCols, opt)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
p.SetChild(i, newChild)
return p, nil
func (o *outerJoinEliminator) optimize(_ context.Context, p LogicalPlan, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) (LogicalPlan, error) {
p, err := o.doOptimize(p, nil, nil, opt)
return p, err
func (*outerJoinEliminator) name() string {
return "outer_join_eliminate"
func appendOuterJoinEliminateTraceStep(join *LogicalJoin, outerPlan LogicalPlan, parentCols []*expression.Column,
innerJoinKeys *expression.Schema, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) {
reason := func() string {
buffer := bytes.NewBufferString("The columns[")
for i, col := range parentCols {
if i > 0 {
buffer.WriteString("] are from outer table, and the inner join keys[")
for i, key := range innerJoinKeys.Columns {
if i > 0 {
buffer.WriteString("] are unique")
return buffer.String()
action := func() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Outer %v_%v is eliminated and become %v_%v", join.TP(), join.ID(), outerPlan.TP(), outerPlan.ID())
opt.appendStepToCurrent(join.ID(), join.TP(), reason, action)
func appendOuterJoinEliminateAggregationTraceStep(join *LogicalJoin, outerPlan LogicalPlan, aggCols []*expression.Column, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) {
reason := func() string {
buffer := bytes.NewBufferString("The columns[")
for i, col := range aggCols {
if i > 0 {
buffer.WriteString("] in agg are from outer table, and the agg functions are duplicate agnostic")
return buffer.String()
action := func() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Outer %v_%v is eliminated and become %v_%v", join.TP(), join.ID(), outerPlan.TP(), outerPlan.ID())
opt.appendStepToCurrent(join.ID(), join.TP(), reason, action)
tidb collect_column_stats_usage 源码
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