kafka SubscriptionState 源码

  • 2022-10-20
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kafka SubscriptionState 代码


 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals;

import org.apache.kafka.clients.ApiVersions;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.Metadata;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.NodeApiVersions;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerRebalanceListener;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.NoOffsetForPartitionException;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.OffsetAndMetadata;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.OffsetResetStrategy;
import org.apache.kafka.common.IsolationLevel;
import org.apache.kafka.common.TopicPartition;
import org.apache.kafka.common.internals.PartitionStates;
import org.apache.kafka.common.message.OffsetForLeaderEpochResponseData.EpochEndOffset;
import org.apache.kafka.common.utils.LogContext;
import org.slf4j.Logger;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.function.LongSupplier;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import static org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.Fetcher.hasUsableOffsetForLeaderEpochVersion;
import static org.apache.kafka.common.requests.OffsetsForLeaderEpochResponse.UNDEFINED_EPOCH;
import static org.apache.kafka.common.requests.OffsetsForLeaderEpochResponse.UNDEFINED_EPOCH_OFFSET;

 * A class for tracking the topics, partitions, and offsets for the consumer. A partition
 * is "assigned" either directly with {@link #assignFromUser(Set)} (manual assignment)
 * or with {@link #assignFromSubscribed(Collection)} (automatic assignment from subscription).
 * Once assigned, the partition is not considered "fetchable" until its initial position has
 * been set with {@link #seekValidated(TopicPartition, FetchPosition)}. Fetchable partitions track a fetch
 * position which is used to set the offset of the next fetch, and a consumed position
 * which is the last offset that has been returned to the user. You can suspend fetching
 * from a partition through {@link #pause(TopicPartition)} without affecting the fetched/consumed
 * offsets. The partition will remain unfetchable until the {@link #resume(TopicPartition)} is
 * used. You can also query the pause state independently with {@link #isPaused(TopicPartition)}.
 * Note that pause state as well as fetch/consumed positions are not preserved when partition
 * assignment is changed whether directly by the user or through a group rebalance.
 * Thread Safety: this class is thread-safe.
public class SubscriptionState {
    private static final String SUBSCRIPTION_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE =
            "Subscription to topics, partitions and pattern are mutually exclusive";

    private final Logger log;

    private enum SubscriptionType {

    /* the type of subscription */
    private SubscriptionType subscriptionType;

    /* the pattern user has requested */
    private Pattern subscribedPattern;

    /* the list of topics the user has requested */
    private Set<String> subscription;

    /* The list of topics the group has subscribed to. This may include some topics which are not part
     * of `subscription` for the leader of a group since it is responsible for detecting metadata changes
     * which require a group rebalance. */
    private Set<String> groupSubscription;

    /* the partitions that are currently assigned, note that the order of partition matters (see FetchBuilder for more details) */
    private final PartitionStates<TopicPartitionState> assignment;

    /* Default offset reset strategy */
    private final OffsetResetStrategy defaultResetStrategy;

    /* User-provided listener to be invoked when assignment changes */
    private ConsumerRebalanceListener rebalanceListener;

    private int assignmentId = 0;

    public synchronized String toString() {
        return "SubscriptionState{" +
            "type=" + subscriptionType +
            ", subscribedPattern=" + subscribedPattern +
            ", subscription=" + String.join(",", subscription) +
            ", groupSubscription=" + String.join(",", groupSubscription) +
            ", defaultResetStrategy=" + defaultResetStrategy +
            ", assignment=" + assignment.partitionStateValues() + " (id=" + assignmentId + ")}";

    public synchronized String prettyString() {
        switch (subscriptionType) {
            case NONE:
                return "None";
            case AUTO_TOPICS:
                return "Subscribe(" + String.join(",", subscription) + ")";
            case AUTO_PATTERN:
                return "Subscribe(" + subscribedPattern + ")";
            case USER_ASSIGNED:
                return "Assign(" + assignedPartitions() + " , id=" + assignmentId + ")";
                throw new IllegalStateException("Unrecognized subscription type: " + subscriptionType);

    public SubscriptionState(LogContext logContext, OffsetResetStrategy defaultResetStrategy) {
        this.log = logContext.logger(this.getClass());
        this.defaultResetStrategy = defaultResetStrategy;
        this.subscription = new TreeSet<>(); // use a sorted set for better logging
        this.assignment = new PartitionStates<>();
        this.groupSubscription = new HashSet<>();
        this.subscribedPattern = null;
        this.subscriptionType = SubscriptionType.NONE;

     * Monotonically increasing id which is incremented after every assignment change. This can
     * be used to check when an assignment has changed.
     * @return The current assignment Id
    synchronized int assignmentId() {
        return assignmentId;

     * This method sets the subscription type if it is not already set (i.e. when it is NONE),
     * or verifies that the subscription type is equal to the give type when it is set (i.e.
     * when it is not NONE)
     * @param type The given subscription type
    private void setSubscriptionType(SubscriptionType type) {
        if (this.subscriptionType == SubscriptionType.NONE)
            this.subscriptionType = type;
        else if (this.subscriptionType != type)
            throw new IllegalStateException(SUBSCRIPTION_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);

    public synchronized boolean subscribe(Set<String> topics, ConsumerRebalanceListener listener) {
        return changeSubscription(topics);

    public synchronized void subscribe(Pattern pattern, ConsumerRebalanceListener listener) {
        this.subscribedPattern = pattern;

    public synchronized boolean subscribeFromPattern(Set<String> topics) {
        if (subscriptionType != SubscriptionType.AUTO_PATTERN)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attempt to subscribe from pattern while subscription type set to " +

        return changeSubscription(topics);

    private boolean changeSubscription(Set<String> topicsToSubscribe) {
        if (subscription.equals(topicsToSubscribe))
            return false;

        subscription = topicsToSubscribe;
        return true;

     * Set the current group subscription. This is used by the group leader to ensure
     * that it receives metadata updates for all topics that the group is interested in.
     * @param topics All topics from the group subscription
     * @return true if the group subscription contains topics which are not part of the local subscription
    synchronized boolean groupSubscribe(Collection<String> topics) {
        if (!hasAutoAssignedPartitions())
            throw new IllegalStateException(SUBSCRIPTION_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
        groupSubscription = new HashSet<>(topics);
        return !subscription.containsAll(groupSubscription);

     * Reset the group's subscription to only contain topics subscribed by this consumer.
    synchronized void resetGroupSubscription() {
        groupSubscription = Collections.emptySet();

     * Change the assignment to the specified partitions provided by the user,
     * note this is different from {@link #assignFromSubscribed(Collection)}
     * whose input partitions are provided from the subscribed topics.
    public synchronized boolean assignFromUser(Set<TopicPartition> partitions) {

        if (this.assignment.partitionSet().equals(partitions))
            return false;


        // update the subscribed topics
        Set<String> manualSubscribedTopics = new HashSet<>();
        Map<TopicPartition, TopicPartitionState> partitionToState = new HashMap<>();
        for (TopicPartition partition : partitions) {
            TopicPartitionState state = assignment.stateValue(partition);
            if (state == null)
                state = new TopicPartitionState();
            partitionToState.put(partition, state);


        return changeSubscription(manualSubscribedTopics);

     * @return true if assignments matches subscription, otherwise false
    public synchronized boolean checkAssignmentMatchedSubscription(Collection<TopicPartition> assignments) {
        for (TopicPartition topicPartition : assignments) {
            if (this.subscribedPattern != null) {
                if (!this.subscribedPattern.matcher(topicPartition.topic()).matches()) {
                    log.info("Assigned partition {} for non-subscribed topic regex pattern; subscription pattern is {}",

                    return false;
            } else {
                if (!this.subscription.contains(topicPartition.topic())) {
                    log.info("Assigned partition {} for non-subscribed topic; subscription is {}", topicPartition, this.subscription);

                    return false;

        return true;

     * Change the assignment to the specified partitions returned from the coordinator, note this is
     * different from {@link #assignFromUser(Set)} which directly set the assignment from user inputs.
    public synchronized void assignFromSubscribed(Collection<TopicPartition> assignments) {
        if (!this.hasAutoAssignedPartitions())
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attempt to dynamically assign partitions while manual assignment in use");

        Map<TopicPartition, TopicPartitionState> assignedPartitionStates = new HashMap<>(assignments.size());
        for (TopicPartition tp : assignments) {
            TopicPartitionState state = this.assignment.stateValue(tp);
            if (state == null)
                state = new TopicPartitionState();
            assignedPartitionStates.put(tp, state);


    private void registerRebalanceListener(ConsumerRebalanceListener listener) {
        if (listener == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("RebalanceListener cannot be null");
        this.rebalanceListener = listener;

     * Check whether pattern subscription is in use.
    synchronized boolean hasPatternSubscription() {
        return this.subscriptionType == SubscriptionType.AUTO_PATTERN;

    public synchronized boolean hasNoSubscriptionOrUserAssignment() {
        return this.subscriptionType == SubscriptionType.NONE;

    public synchronized void unsubscribe() {
        this.subscription = Collections.emptySet();
        this.groupSubscription = Collections.emptySet();
        this.subscribedPattern = null;
        this.subscriptionType = SubscriptionType.NONE;

     * Check whether a topic matches a subscribed pattern.
     * @return true if pattern subscription is in use and the topic matches the subscribed pattern, false otherwise
    synchronized boolean matchesSubscribedPattern(String topic) {
        Pattern pattern = this.subscribedPattern;
        if (hasPatternSubscription() && pattern != null)
            return pattern.matcher(topic).matches();
        return false;

    public synchronized Set<String> subscription() {
        if (hasAutoAssignedPartitions())
            return this.subscription;
        return Collections.emptySet();

    public synchronized Set<TopicPartition> pausedPartitions() {
        return collectPartitions(TopicPartitionState::isPaused);

     * Get the subscription topics for which metadata is required. For the leader, this will include
     * the union of the subscriptions of all group members. For followers, it is just that member's
     * subscription. This is used when querying topic metadata to detect the metadata changes which would
     * require rebalancing. The leader fetches metadata for all topics in the group so that it
     * can do the partition assignment (which requires at least partition counts for all topics
     * to be assigned).
     * @return The union of all subscribed topics in the group if this member is the leader
     *   of the current generation; otherwise it returns the same set as {@link #subscription()}
    synchronized Set<String> metadataTopics() {
        if (groupSubscription.isEmpty())
            return subscription;
        else if (groupSubscription.containsAll(subscription))
            return groupSubscription;
        else {
            // When subscription changes `groupSubscription` may be outdated, ensure that
            // new subscription topics are returned.
            Set<String> topics = new HashSet<>(groupSubscription);
            return topics;

    synchronized boolean needsMetadata(String topic) {
        return subscription.contains(topic) || groupSubscription.contains(topic);

    private TopicPartitionState assignedState(TopicPartition tp) {
        TopicPartitionState state = this.assignment.stateValue(tp);
        if (state == null)
            throw new IllegalStateException("No current assignment for partition " + tp);
        return state;

    private TopicPartitionState assignedStateOrNull(TopicPartition tp) {
        return this.assignment.stateValue(tp);

    public synchronized void seekValidated(TopicPartition tp, FetchPosition position) {

    public void seek(TopicPartition tp, long offset) {
        seekValidated(tp, new FetchPosition(offset));

    public void seekUnvalidated(TopicPartition tp, FetchPosition position) {

    synchronized void maybeSeekUnvalidated(TopicPartition tp, FetchPosition position, OffsetResetStrategy requestedResetStrategy) {
        TopicPartitionState state = assignedStateOrNull(tp);
        if (state == null) {
            log.debug("Skipping reset of partition {} since it is no longer assigned", tp);
        } else if (!state.awaitingReset()) {
            log.debug("Skipping reset of partition {} since reset is no longer needed", tp);
        } else if (requestedResetStrategy != state.resetStrategy) {
            log.debug("Skipping reset of partition {} since an alternative reset has been requested", tp);
        } else {
            log.info("Resetting offset for partition {} to position {}.", tp, position);

     * @return a modifiable copy of the currently assigned partitions
    public synchronized Set<TopicPartition> assignedPartitions() {
        return new HashSet<>(this.assignment.partitionSet());

     * @return a modifiable copy of the currently assigned partitions as a list
    public synchronized List<TopicPartition> assignedPartitionsList() {
        return new ArrayList<>(this.assignment.partitionSet());

     * Provides the number of assigned partitions in a thread safe manner.
     * @return the number of assigned partitions.
    synchronized int numAssignedPartitions() {
        return this.assignment.size();

    // Visible for testing
    public synchronized List<TopicPartition> fetchablePartitions(Predicate<TopicPartition> isAvailable) {
        // Since this is in the hot-path for fetching, we do this instead of using java.util.stream API
        List<TopicPartition> result = new ArrayList<>();
        assignment.forEach((topicPartition, topicPartitionState) -> {
            // Cheap check is first to avoid evaluating the predicate if possible
            if (topicPartitionState.isFetchable() && isAvailable.test(topicPartition)) {
        return result;

    public synchronized boolean hasAutoAssignedPartitions() {
        return this.subscriptionType == SubscriptionType.AUTO_TOPICS || this.subscriptionType == SubscriptionType.AUTO_PATTERN;

    public synchronized void position(TopicPartition tp, FetchPosition position) {

     * Enter the offset validation state if the leader for this partition is known to support a usable version of the
     * OffsetsForLeaderEpoch API. If the leader node does not support the API, simply complete the offset validation.
     * @param apiVersions supported API versions
     * @param tp topic partition to validate
     * @param leaderAndEpoch leader epoch of the topic partition
     * @return true if we enter the offset validation state
    public synchronized boolean maybeValidatePositionForCurrentLeader(ApiVersions apiVersions,
                                                                      TopicPartition tp,
                                                                      Metadata.LeaderAndEpoch leaderAndEpoch) {
        if (leaderAndEpoch.leader.isPresent()) {
            NodeApiVersions nodeApiVersions = apiVersions.get(leaderAndEpoch.leader.get().idString());
            if (nodeApiVersions == null || hasUsableOffsetForLeaderEpochVersion(nodeApiVersions)) {
                return assignedState(tp).maybeValidatePosition(leaderAndEpoch);
            } else {
                // If the broker does not support a newer version of OffsetsForLeaderEpoch, we skip validation
                return false;
        } else {
            return assignedState(tp).maybeValidatePosition(leaderAndEpoch);

     * Attempt to complete validation with the end offset returned from the OffsetForLeaderEpoch request.
     * @return Log truncation details if detected and no reset policy is defined.
    public synchronized Optional<LogTruncation> maybeCompleteValidation(TopicPartition tp,
                                                                        FetchPosition requestPosition,
                                                                        EpochEndOffset epochEndOffset) {
        TopicPartitionState state = assignedStateOrNull(tp);
        if (state == null) {
            log.debug("Skipping completed validation for partition {} which is not currently assigned.", tp);
        } else if (!state.awaitingValidation()) {
            log.debug("Skipping completed validation for partition {} which is no longer expecting validation.", tp);
        } else {
            SubscriptionState.FetchPosition currentPosition = state.position;
            if (!currentPosition.equals(requestPosition)) {
                log.debug("Skipping completed validation for partition {} since the current position {} " +
                          "no longer matches the position {} when the request was sent",
                          tp, currentPosition, requestPosition);
            } else if (epochEndOffset.endOffset() == UNDEFINED_EPOCH_OFFSET ||
                        epochEndOffset.leaderEpoch() == UNDEFINED_EPOCH) {
                if (hasDefaultOffsetResetPolicy()) {
                    log.info("Truncation detected for partition {} at offset {}, resetting offset",
                             tp, currentPosition);
                } else {
                    log.warn("Truncation detected for partition {} at offset {}, but no reset policy is set",
                             tp, currentPosition);
                    return Optional.of(new LogTruncation(tp, requestPosition, Optional.empty()));
            } else if (epochEndOffset.endOffset() < currentPosition.offset) {
                if (hasDefaultOffsetResetPolicy()) {
                    SubscriptionState.FetchPosition newPosition = new SubscriptionState.FetchPosition(
                            epochEndOffset.endOffset(), Optional.of(epochEndOffset.leaderEpoch()),
                    log.info("Truncation detected for partition {} at offset {}, resetting offset to " +
                             "the first offset known to diverge {}", tp, currentPosition, newPosition);
                } else {
                    OffsetAndMetadata divergentOffset = new OffsetAndMetadata(epochEndOffset.endOffset(),
                        Optional.of(epochEndOffset.leaderEpoch()), null);
                    log.warn("Truncation detected for partition {} at offset {} (the end offset from the " +
                             "broker is {}), but no reset policy is set", tp, currentPosition, divergentOffset);
                    return Optional.of(new LogTruncation(tp, requestPosition, Optional.of(divergentOffset)));
            } else {

        return Optional.empty();

    public synchronized boolean awaitingValidation(TopicPartition tp) {
        return assignedState(tp).awaitingValidation();

    public synchronized void completeValidation(TopicPartition tp) {

    public synchronized FetchPosition validPosition(TopicPartition tp) {
        return assignedState(tp).validPosition();

    public synchronized FetchPosition position(TopicPartition tp) {
        return assignedState(tp).position;

    public synchronized Long partitionLag(TopicPartition tp, IsolationLevel isolationLevel) {
        TopicPartitionState topicPartitionState = assignedState(tp);
        if (topicPartitionState.position == null) {
            return null;
        } else if (isolationLevel == IsolationLevel.READ_COMMITTED) {
            return topicPartitionState.lastStableOffset == null ? null : topicPartitionState.lastStableOffset - topicPartitionState.position.offset;
        } else {
            return topicPartitionState.highWatermark == null ? null : topicPartitionState.highWatermark - topicPartitionState.position.offset;

    public synchronized Long partitionEndOffset(TopicPartition tp, IsolationLevel isolationLevel) {
        TopicPartitionState topicPartitionState = assignedState(tp);
        if (isolationLevel == IsolationLevel.READ_COMMITTED) {
            return topicPartitionState.lastStableOffset;
        } else {
            return topicPartitionState.highWatermark;

    public synchronized void requestPartitionEndOffset(TopicPartition tp) {
        TopicPartitionState topicPartitionState = assignedState(tp);

    public synchronized boolean partitionEndOffsetRequested(TopicPartition tp) {
        TopicPartitionState topicPartitionState = assignedState(tp);
        return topicPartitionState.endOffsetRequested();

    synchronized Long partitionLead(TopicPartition tp) {
        TopicPartitionState topicPartitionState = assignedState(tp);
        return topicPartitionState.logStartOffset == null ? null : topicPartitionState.position.offset - topicPartitionState.logStartOffset;

    synchronized void updateHighWatermark(TopicPartition tp, long highWatermark) {

    synchronized void updateLogStartOffset(TopicPartition tp, long logStartOffset) {

    synchronized void updateLastStableOffset(TopicPartition tp, long lastStableOffset) {

     * Set the preferred read replica with a lease timeout. After this time, the replica will no longer be valid and
     * {@link #preferredReadReplica(TopicPartition, long)} will return an empty result.
     * @param tp The topic partition
     * @param preferredReadReplicaId The preferred read replica
     * @param timeMs The time at which this preferred replica is no longer valid
    public synchronized void updatePreferredReadReplica(TopicPartition tp, int preferredReadReplicaId, LongSupplier timeMs) {
        assignedState(tp).updatePreferredReadReplica(preferredReadReplicaId, timeMs);

     * Get the preferred read replica
     * @param tp The topic partition
     * @param timeMs The current time
     * @return Returns the current preferred read replica, if it has been set and if it has not expired.
    public synchronized Optional<Integer> preferredReadReplica(TopicPartition tp, long timeMs) {
        final TopicPartitionState topicPartitionState = assignedStateOrNull(tp);
        if (topicPartitionState == null) {
            return Optional.empty();
        } else {
            return topicPartitionState.preferredReadReplica(timeMs);

     * Unset the preferred read replica. This causes the fetcher to go back to the leader for fetches.
     * @param tp The topic partition
     * @return the removed preferred read replica if set, None otherwise.
    public synchronized Optional<Integer> clearPreferredReadReplica(TopicPartition tp) {
        return assignedState(tp).clearPreferredReadReplica();

    public synchronized Map<TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata> allConsumed() {
        Map<TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata> allConsumed = new HashMap<>();
        assignment.forEach((topicPartition, partitionState) -> {
            if (partitionState.hasValidPosition())
                allConsumed.put(topicPartition, new OffsetAndMetadata(partitionState.position.offset,
                        partitionState.position.offsetEpoch, ""));
        return allConsumed;

    public synchronized void requestOffsetReset(TopicPartition partition, OffsetResetStrategy offsetResetStrategy) {

    public synchronized void requestOffsetReset(Collection<TopicPartition> partitions, OffsetResetStrategy offsetResetStrategy) {
        partitions.forEach(tp -> {
            log.info("Seeking to {} offset of partition {}", offsetResetStrategy, tp);

    public void requestOffsetReset(TopicPartition partition) {
        requestOffsetReset(partition, defaultResetStrategy);

    synchronized void setNextAllowedRetry(Set<TopicPartition> partitions, long nextAllowResetTimeMs) {
        for (TopicPartition partition : partitions) {

    boolean hasDefaultOffsetResetPolicy() {
        return defaultResetStrategy != OffsetResetStrategy.NONE;

    public synchronized boolean isOffsetResetNeeded(TopicPartition partition) {
        return assignedState(partition).awaitingReset();

    public synchronized OffsetResetStrategy resetStrategy(TopicPartition partition) {
        return assignedState(partition).resetStrategy();

    public synchronized boolean hasAllFetchPositions() {
        // Since this is in the hot-path for fetching, we do this instead of using java.util.stream API
        Iterator<TopicPartitionState> it = assignment.stateIterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            if (!it.next().hasValidPosition()) {
                return false;
        return true;

    public synchronized Set<TopicPartition> initializingPartitions() {
        return collectPartitions(state -> state.fetchState.equals(FetchStates.INITIALIZING));

    private Set<TopicPartition> collectPartitions(Predicate<TopicPartitionState> filter) {
        Set<TopicPartition> result = new HashSet<>();
        assignment.forEach((topicPartition, topicPartitionState) -> {
            if (filter.test(topicPartitionState)) {
        return result;

    public synchronized void resetInitializingPositions() {
        final Set<TopicPartition> partitionsWithNoOffsets = new HashSet<>();
        assignment.forEach((tp, partitionState) -> {
            if (partitionState.fetchState.equals(FetchStates.INITIALIZING)) {
                if (defaultResetStrategy == OffsetResetStrategy.NONE)

        if (!partitionsWithNoOffsets.isEmpty())
            throw new NoOffsetForPartitionException(partitionsWithNoOffsets);

    public synchronized Set<TopicPartition> partitionsNeedingReset(long nowMs) {
        return collectPartitions(state -> state.awaitingReset() && !state.awaitingRetryBackoff(nowMs));

    public synchronized Set<TopicPartition> partitionsNeedingValidation(long nowMs) {
        return collectPartitions(state -> state.awaitingValidation() && !state.awaitingRetryBackoff(nowMs));

    public synchronized boolean isAssigned(TopicPartition tp) {
        return assignment.contains(tp);

    public synchronized boolean isPaused(TopicPartition tp) {
        TopicPartitionState assignedOrNull = assignedStateOrNull(tp);
        return assignedOrNull != null && assignedOrNull.isPaused();

    synchronized boolean isFetchable(TopicPartition tp) {
        TopicPartitionState assignedOrNull = assignedStateOrNull(tp);
        return assignedOrNull != null && assignedOrNull.isFetchable();

    public synchronized boolean hasValidPosition(TopicPartition tp) {
        TopicPartitionState assignedOrNull = assignedStateOrNull(tp);
        return assignedOrNull != null && assignedOrNull.hasValidPosition();

    public synchronized void pause(TopicPartition tp) {

    public synchronized void markPendingRevocation(Set<TopicPartition> tps) {
        tps.forEach(tp -> assignedState(tp).markPendingRevocation());

    public synchronized void resume(TopicPartition tp) {

    synchronized void requestFailed(Set<TopicPartition> partitions, long nextRetryTimeMs) {
        for (TopicPartition partition : partitions) {
            // by the time the request failed, the assignment may no longer
            // contain this partition any more, in which case we would just ignore.
            final TopicPartitionState state = assignedStateOrNull(partition);
            if (state != null)

    synchronized void movePartitionToEnd(TopicPartition tp) {

    public synchronized ConsumerRebalanceListener rebalanceListener() {
        return rebalanceListener;

    private static class TopicPartitionState {

        private FetchState fetchState;
        private FetchPosition position; // last consumed position

        private Long highWatermark; // the high watermark from last fetch
        private Long logStartOffset; // the log start offset
        private Long lastStableOffset;
        private boolean paused;  // whether this partition has been paused by the user
        private boolean pendingRevocation;
        private OffsetResetStrategy resetStrategy;  // the strategy to use if the offset needs resetting
        private Long nextRetryTimeMs;
        private Integer preferredReadReplica;
        private Long preferredReadReplicaExpireTimeMs;
        private boolean endOffsetRequested;
        TopicPartitionState() {
            this.paused = false;
            this.pendingRevocation = false;
            this.endOffsetRequested = false;
            this.fetchState = FetchStates.INITIALIZING;
            this.position = null;
            this.highWatermark = null;
            this.logStartOffset = null;
            this.lastStableOffset = null;
            this.resetStrategy = null;
            this.nextRetryTimeMs = null;
            this.preferredReadReplica = null;

        public boolean endOffsetRequested() {
            return endOffsetRequested;

        public void requestEndOffset() {
            endOffsetRequested = true;

        private void transitionState(FetchState newState, Runnable runIfTransitioned) {
            FetchState nextState = this.fetchState.transitionTo(newState);
            if (nextState.equals(newState)) {
                this.fetchState = nextState;
                if (this.position == null && nextState.requiresPosition()) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException("Transitioned subscription state to " + nextState + ", but position is null");
                } else if (!nextState.requiresPosition()) {
                    this.position = null;

        private Optional<Integer> preferredReadReplica(long timeMs) {
            if (preferredReadReplicaExpireTimeMs != null && timeMs > preferredReadReplicaExpireTimeMs) {
                preferredReadReplica = null;
                return Optional.empty();
            } else {
                return Optional.ofNullable(preferredReadReplica);

        private void updatePreferredReadReplica(int preferredReadReplica, LongSupplier timeMs) {
            if (this.preferredReadReplica == null || preferredReadReplica != this.preferredReadReplica) {
                this.preferredReadReplica = preferredReadReplica;
                this.preferredReadReplicaExpireTimeMs = timeMs.getAsLong();

        private Optional<Integer> clearPreferredReadReplica() {
            if (preferredReadReplica != null) {
                int removedReplicaId = this.preferredReadReplica;
                this.preferredReadReplica = null;
                this.preferredReadReplicaExpireTimeMs = null;
                return Optional.of(removedReplicaId);
            } else {
                return Optional.empty();

        private void reset(OffsetResetStrategy strategy) {
            transitionState(FetchStates.AWAIT_RESET, () -> {
                this.resetStrategy = strategy;
                this.nextRetryTimeMs = null;

         * Check if the position exists and needs to be validated. If so, enter the AWAIT_VALIDATION state. This method
         * also will update the position with the current leader and epoch.
         * @param currentLeaderAndEpoch leader and epoch to compare the offset with
         * @return true if the position is now awaiting validation
        private boolean maybeValidatePosition(Metadata.LeaderAndEpoch currentLeaderAndEpoch) {
            if (this.fetchState.equals(FetchStates.AWAIT_RESET)) {
                return false;

            if (!currentLeaderAndEpoch.leader.isPresent()) {
                return false;

            if (position != null && !position.currentLeader.equals(currentLeaderAndEpoch)) {
                FetchPosition newPosition = new FetchPosition(position.offset, position.offsetEpoch, currentLeaderAndEpoch);
                preferredReadReplica = null;
            return this.fetchState.equals(FetchStates.AWAIT_VALIDATION);

         * For older versions of the API, we cannot perform offset validation so we simply transition directly to FETCHING
        private void updatePositionLeaderNoValidation(Metadata.LeaderAndEpoch currentLeaderAndEpoch) {
            if (position != null) {
                transitionState(FetchStates.FETCHING, () -> {
                    this.position = new FetchPosition(position.offset, position.offsetEpoch, currentLeaderAndEpoch);
                    this.nextRetryTimeMs = null;

        private void validatePosition(FetchPosition position) {
            if (position.offsetEpoch.isPresent() && position.currentLeader.epoch.isPresent()) {
                transitionState(FetchStates.AWAIT_VALIDATION, () -> {
                    this.position = position;
                    this.nextRetryTimeMs = null;
            } else {
                // If we have no epoch information for the current position, then we can skip validation
                transitionState(FetchStates.FETCHING, () -> {
                    this.position = position;
                    this.nextRetryTimeMs = null;

         * Clear the awaiting validation state and enter fetching.
        private void completeValidation() {
            if (hasPosition()) {
                transitionState(FetchStates.FETCHING, () -> this.nextRetryTimeMs = null);

        private boolean awaitingValidation() {
            return fetchState.equals(FetchStates.AWAIT_VALIDATION);

        private boolean awaitingRetryBackoff(long nowMs) {
            return nextRetryTimeMs != null && nowMs < nextRetryTimeMs;

        private boolean awaitingReset() {
            return fetchState.equals(FetchStates.AWAIT_RESET);

        private void setNextAllowedRetry(long nextAllowedRetryTimeMs) {
            this.nextRetryTimeMs = nextAllowedRetryTimeMs;

        private void requestFailed(long nextAllowedRetryTimeMs) {
            this.nextRetryTimeMs = nextAllowedRetryTimeMs;

        private boolean hasValidPosition() {
            return fetchState.hasValidPosition();

        private boolean hasPosition() {
            return position != null;

        private boolean isPaused() {
            return paused;

        private void seekValidated(FetchPosition position) {
            transitionState(FetchStates.FETCHING, () -> {
                this.position = position;
                this.resetStrategy = null;
                this.nextRetryTimeMs = null;

        private void seekUnvalidated(FetchPosition fetchPosition) {

        private void position(FetchPosition position) {
            if (!hasValidPosition())
                throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot set a new position without a valid current position");
            this.position = position;

        private FetchPosition validPosition() {
            if (hasValidPosition()) {
                return position;
            } else {
                return null;

        private void pause() {
            this.paused = true;

        private void markPendingRevocation() {
            this.pendingRevocation = true;

        private void resume() {
            this.paused = false;

        private boolean isFetchable() {
            return !paused && !pendingRevocation && hasValidPosition();

        private void highWatermark(Long highWatermark) {
            this.highWatermark = highWatermark;
            this.endOffsetRequested = false;

        private void logStartOffset(Long logStartOffset) {
            this.logStartOffset = logStartOffset;

        private void lastStableOffset(Long lastStableOffset) {
            this.lastStableOffset = lastStableOffset;
            this.endOffsetRequested = false;

        private OffsetResetStrategy resetStrategy() {
            return resetStrategy;

     * The fetch state of a partition. This class is used to determine valid state transitions and expose the some of
     * the behavior of the current fetch state. Actual state variables are stored in the {@link TopicPartitionState}.
    interface FetchState {
        default FetchState transitionTo(FetchState newState) {
            if (validTransitions().contains(newState)) {
                return newState;
            } else {
                return this;

         * Return the valid states which this state can transition to
        Collection<FetchState> validTransitions();

         * Test if this state requires a position to be set
        boolean requiresPosition();

         * Test if this state is considered to have a valid position which can be used for fetching
        boolean hasValidPosition();

     * An enumeration of all the possible fetch states. The state transitions are encoded in the values returned by
     * {@link FetchState#validTransitions}.
    enum FetchStates implements FetchState {
        INITIALIZING() {
            public Collection<FetchState> validTransitions() {
                return Arrays.asList(FetchStates.FETCHING, FetchStates.AWAIT_RESET, FetchStates.AWAIT_VALIDATION);

            public boolean requiresPosition() {
                return false;

            public boolean hasValidPosition() {
                return false;

        FETCHING() {
            public Collection<FetchState> validTransitions() {
                return Arrays.asList(FetchStates.FETCHING, FetchStates.AWAIT_RESET, FetchStates.AWAIT_VALIDATION);

            public boolean requiresPosition() {
                return true;

            public boolean hasValidPosition() {
                return true;

        AWAIT_RESET() {
            public Collection<FetchState> validTransitions() {
                return Arrays.asList(FetchStates.FETCHING, FetchStates.AWAIT_RESET);

            public boolean requiresPosition() {
                return false;

            public boolean hasValidPosition() {
                return false;

            public Collection<FetchState> validTransitions() {
                return Arrays.asList(FetchStates.FETCHING, FetchStates.AWAIT_RESET, FetchStates.AWAIT_VALIDATION);

            public boolean requiresPosition() {
                return true;

            public boolean hasValidPosition() {
                return false;

     * Represents the position of a partition subscription.
     * This includes the offset and epoch from the last record in
     * the batch from a FetchResponse. It also includes the leader epoch at the time the batch was consumed.
    public static class FetchPosition {
        public final long offset;
        final Optional<Integer> offsetEpoch;
        final Metadata.LeaderAndEpoch currentLeader;

        FetchPosition(long offset) {
            this(offset, Optional.empty(), Metadata.LeaderAndEpoch.noLeaderOrEpoch());

        public FetchPosition(long offset, Optional<Integer> offsetEpoch, Metadata.LeaderAndEpoch currentLeader) {
            this.offset = offset;
            this.offsetEpoch = Objects.requireNonNull(offsetEpoch);
            this.currentLeader = Objects.requireNonNull(currentLeader);

        public boolean equals(Object o) {
            if (this == o) return true;
            if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
            FetchPosition that = (FetchPosition) o;
            return offset == that.offset &&
                    offsetEpoch.equals(that.offsetEpoch) &&

        public int hashCode() {
            return Objects.hash(offset, offsetEpoch, currentLeader);

        public String toString() {
            return "FetchPosition{" +
                    "offset=" + offset +
                    ", offsetEpoch=" + offsetEpoch +
                    ", currentLeader=" + currentLeader +

    public static class LogTruncation {
        public final TopicPartition topicPartition;
        public final FetchPosition fetchPosition;
        public final Optional<OffsetAndMetadata> divergentOffsetOpt;

        public LogTruncation(TopicPartition topicPartition,
                             FetchPosition fetchPosition,
                             Optional<OffsetAndMetadata> divergentOffsetOpt) {
            this.topicPartition = topicPartition;
            this.fetchPosition = fetchPosition;
            this.divergentOffsetOpt = divergentOffsetOpt;

        public String toString() {
            StringBuilder bldr = new StringBuilder()
                .append(", fetchOffset=")
                .append(", fetchEpoch=")

            if (divergentOffsetOpt.isPresent()) {
                OffsetAndMetadata divergentOffset = divergentOffsetOpt.get();
                bldr.append(", divergentOffset=")
                    .append(", divergentEpoch=")
            } else {
                bldr.append(", divergentOffset=unknown")
                    .append(", divergentEpoch=unknown");

            return bldr.append(")").toString();



kafka 源码目录


kafka AbstractCoordinator 源码

kafka AbstractPartitionAssignor 源码

kafka AbstractStickyAssignor 源码

kafka AsyncClient 源码

kafka ConsumerCoordinator 源码

kafka ConsumerInterceptors 源码

kafka ConsumerMetadata 源码

kafka ConsumerMetrics 源码

kafka ConsumerNetworkClient 源码

kafka ConsumerProtocol 源码

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