kafka AbstractCoordinator 源码

  • 2022-10-20
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kafka AbstractCoordinator 代码


 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals;

import org.apache.kafka.clients.ClientResponse;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.GroupRebalanceConfig;
import org.apache.kafka.common.KafkaException;
import org.apache.kafka.common.Node;
import org.apache.kafka.common.errors.AuthenticationException;
import org.apache.kafka.common.errors.DisconnectException;
import org.apache.kafka.common.errors.FencedInstanceIdException;
import org.apache.kafka.common.errors.GroupAuthorizationException;
import org.apache.kafka.common.errors.GroupMaxSizeReachedException;
import org.apache.kafka.common.errors.IllegalGenerationException;
import org.apache.kafka.common.errors.InterruptException;
import org.apache.kafka.common.errors.MemberIdRequiredException;
import org.apache.kafka.common.errors.RebalanceInProgressException;
import org.apache.kafka.common.errors.RetriableException;
import org.apache.kafka.common.errors.UnknownMemberIdException;
import org.apache.kafka.common.message.FindCoordinatorRequestData;
import org.apache.kafka.common.message.FindCoordinatorResponseData.Coordinator;
import org.apache.kafka.common.message.HeartbeatRequestData;
import org.apache.kafka.common.message.JoinGroupRequestData;
import org.apache.kafka.common.message.JoinGroupResponseData;
import org.apache.kafka.common.message.LeaveGroupRequestData.MemberIdentity;
import org.apache.kafka.common.message.LeaveGroupResponseData.MemberResponse;
import org.apache.kafka.common.message.SyncGroupRequestData;
import org.apache.kafka.common.metrics.Measurable;
import org.apache.kafka.common.metrics.Metrics;
import org.apache.kafka.common.metrics.Sensor;
import org.apache.kafka.common.metrics.stats.Avg;
import org.apache.kafka.common.metrics.stats.CumulativeCount;
import org.apache.kafka.common.metrics.stats.CumulativeSum;
import org.apache.kafka.common.metrics.stats.Max;
import org.apache.kafka.common.metrics.stats.Meter;
import org.apache.kafka.common.metrics.stats.Rate;
import org.apache.kafka.common.metrics.stats.WindowedCount;
import org.apache.kafka.common.protocol.ApiKeys;
import org.apache.kafka.common.protocol.Errors;
import org.apache.kafka.common.requests.FindCoordinatorRequest;
import org.apache.kafka.common.requests.FindCoordinatorRequest.CoordinatorType;
import org.apache.kafka.common.requests.FindCoordinatorResponse;
import org.apache.kafka.common.requests.HeartbeatRequest;
import org.apache.kafka.common.requests.HeartbeatResponse;
import org.apache.kafka.common.requests.JoinGroupRequest;
import org.apache.kafka.common.requests.JoinGroupResponse;
import org.apache.kafka.common.requests.LeaveGroupRequest;
import org.apache.kafka.common.requests.LeaveGroupResponse;
import org.apache.kafka.common.requests.OffsetCommitRequest;
import org.apache.kafka.common.requests.SyncGroupRequest;
import org.apache.kafka.common.requests.SyncGroupResponse;
import org.apache.kafka.common.utils.KafkaThread;
import org.apache.kafka.common.utils.LogContext;
import org.apache.kafka.common.utils.Time;
import org.apache.kafka.common.utils.Timer;
import org.apache.kafka.common.utils.Utils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;

import java.io.Closeable;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;

 * AbstractCoordinator implements group management for a single group member by interacting with
 * a designated Kafka broker (the coordinator). Group semantics are provided by extending this class.
 * See {@link ConsumerCoordinator} for example usage.
 * From a high level, Kafka's group management protocol consists of the following sequence of actions:
 * <ol>
 *     <li>Group Registration: Group members register with the coordinator providing their own metadata
 *         (such as the set of topics they are interested in).</li>
 *     <li>Group/Leader Selection: The coordinator select the members of the group and chooses one member
 *         as the leader.</li>
 *     <li>State Assignment: The leader collects the metadata from all the members of the group and
 *         assigns state.</li>
 *     <li>Group Stabilization: Each member receives the state assigned by the leader and begins
 *         processing.</li>
 * </ol>
 * To leverage this protocol, an implementation must define the format of metadata provided by each
 * member for group registration in {@link #metadata()} and the format of the state assignment provided
 * by the leader in {@link #onLeaderElected(String, String, List, boolean)} and becomes available to members in
 * {@link #onJoinComplete(int, String, String, ByteBuffer)}.
 * Note on locking: this class shares state between the caller and a background thread which is
 * used for sending heartbeats after the client has joined the group. All mutable state as well as
 * state transitions are protected with the class's monitor. Generally this means acquiring the lock
 * before reading or writing the state of the group (e.g. generation, memberId) and holding the lock
 * when sending a request that affects the state of the group (e.g. JoinGroup, LeaveGroup).
public abstract class AbstractCoordinator implements Closeable {
    public static final String HEARTBEAT_THREAD_PREFIX = "kafka-coordinator-heartbeat-thread";
    public static final int JOIN_GROUP_TIMEOUT_LAPSE = 5000;

    protected enum MemberState {
        UNJOINED,             // the client is not part of a group
        PREPARING_REBALANCE,  // the client has sent the join group request, but have not received response
        COMPLETING_REBALANCE, // the client has received join group response, but have not received assignment
        STABLE;               // the client has joined and is sending heartbeats

        public boolean hasNotJoinedGroup() {
            return equals(UNJOINED) || equals(PREPARING_REBALANCE);

    private final Logger log;
    private final Heartbeat heartbeat;
    private final GroupCoordinatorMetrics sensors;
    private final GroupRebalanceConfig rebalanceConfig;

    protected final Time time;
    protected final ConsumerNetworkClient client;

    private Node coordinator = null;
    private String rejoinReason = "";
    private boolean rejoinNeeded = true;
    private boolean needsJoinPrepare = true;
    private HeartbeatThread heartbeatThread = null;
    private RequestFuture<ByteBuffer> joinFuture = null;
    private RequestFuture<Void> findCoordinatorFuture = null;
    private volatile RuntimeException fatalFindCoordinatorException = null;
    private Generation generation = Generation.NO_GENERATION;
    private long lastRebalanceStartMs = -1L;
    private long lastRebalanceEndMs = -1L;
    private long lastTimeOfConnectionMs = -1L; // starting logging a warning only after unable to connect for a while

    protected MemberState state = MemberState.UNJOINED;

     * Initialize the coordination manager.
    public AbstractCoordinator(GroupRebalanceConfig rebalanceConfig,
                               LogContext logContext,
                               ConsumerNetworkClient client,
                               Metrics metrics,
                               String metricGrpPrefix,
                               Time time) {
                               "Expected a non-null group id for coordinator construction");
        this.rebalanceConfig = rebalanceConfig;
        this.log = logContext.logger(this.getClass());
        this.client = client;
        this.time = time;
        this.heartbeat = new Heartbeat(rebalanceConfig, time);
        this.sensors = new GroupCoordinatorMetrics(metrics, metricGrpPrefix);

     * Unique identifier for the class of supported protocols (e.g. "consumer" or "connect").
     * @return Non-null protocol type name
    protected abstract String protocolType();

     * Get the current list of protocols and their associated metadata supported
     * by the local member. The order of the protocols in the list indicates the preference
     * of the protocol (the first entry is the most preferred). The coordinator takes this
     * preference into account when selecting the generation protocol (generally more preferred
     * protocols will be selected as long as all members support them and there is no disagreement
     * on the preference).
     * @return Non-empty map of supported protocols and metadata
    protected abstract JoinGroupRequestData.JoinGroupRequestProtocolCollection metadata();

     * Invoked prior to each group join or rejoin. This is typically used to perform any
     * cleanup from the previous generation (such as committing offsets for the consumer)
     * @param timer Timer bounding how long this method can block
     * @param generation The previous generation or -1 if there was none
     * @param memberId The identifier of this member in the previous group or "" if there was none
     * @return true If onJoinPrepare async commit succeeded, false otherwise
    protected abstract boolean onJoinPrepare(Timer timer, int generation, String memberId);

     * Invoked when the leader is elected. This is used by the leader to perform the assignment
     * if necessary and to push state to all the members of the group (e.g. to push partition
     * assignments in the case of the new consumer)
     * @param leaderId The id of the leader (which is this member)
     * @param protocol The protocol selected by the coordinator
     * @param allMemberMetadata Metadata from all members of the group
     * @param skipAssignment True if leader must skip running the assignor
     * @return A map from each member to their state assignment
    protected abstract Map<String, ByteBuffer> onLeaderElected(String leaderId,
                                                               String protocol,
                                                               List<JoinGroupResponseData.JoinGroupResponseMember> allMemberMetadata,
                                                               boolean skipAssignment);

     * Invoked when a group member has successfully joined a group. If this call fails with an exception,
     * then it will be retried using the same assignment state on the next call to {@link #ensureActiveGroup()}.
     * @param generation The generation that was joined
     * @param memberId The identifier for the local member in the group
     * @param protocol The protocol selected by the coordinator
     * @param memberAssignment The assignment propagated from the group leader
    protected abstract void onJoinComplete(int generation,
                                           String memberId,
                                           String protocol,
                                           ByteBuffer memberAssignment);

     * Invoked prior to each leave group event. This is typically used to cleanup assigned partitions;
     * note it is triggered by the consumer's API caller thread (i.e. background heartbeat thread would
     * not trigger it even if it tries to force leaving group upon heartbeat session expiration)
    protected void onLeavePrepare() {}

     * Ensure that the coordinator is ready to receive requests.
     * @param timer Timer bounding how long this method can block
     * @return true If coordinator discovery and initial connection succeeded, false otherwise
    protected synchronized boolean ensureCoordinatorReady(final Timer timer) {
        return ensureCoordinatorReady(timer, false);

     * Ensure that the coordinator is ready to receive requests. This will return
     * immediately without blocking. It is intended to be called in an asynchronous
     * context when wakeups are not expected.
     * @return true If coordinator discovery and initial connection succeeded, false otherwise
    protected synchronized boolean ensureCoordinatorReadyAsync() {
        return ensureCoordinatorReady(time.timer(0), true);

    private synchronized boolean ensureCoordinatorReady(final Timer timer, boolean disableWakeup) {
        if (!coordinatorUnknown())
            return true;

        do {
            if (fatalFindCoordinatorException != null) {
                final RuntimeException fatalException = fatalFindCoordinatorException;
                fatalFindCoordinatorException = null;
                throw fatalException;
            final RequestFuture<Void> future = lookupCoordinator();
            client.poll(future, timer, disableWakeup);

            if (!future.isDone()) {
                // ran out of time

            RuntimeException fatalException = null;

            if (future.failed()) {
                if (future.isRetriable()) {
                    log.debug("Coordinator discovery failed, refreshing metadata", future.exception());
                } else {
                    fatalException = future.exception();
                    log.info("FindCoordinator request hit fatal exception", fatalException);
            } else if (coordinator != null && client.isUnavailable(coordinator)) {
                // we found the coordinator, but the connection has failed, so mark
                // it dead and backoff before retrying discovery
                markCoordinatorUnknown("coordinator unavailable");

            if (fatalException != null)
                throw fatalException;
        } while (coordinatorUnknown() && timer.notExpired());

        return !coordinatorUnknown();

    protected synchronized RequestFuture<Void> lookupCoordinator() {
        if (findCoordinatorFuture == null) {
            // find a node to ask about the coordinator
            Node node = this.client.leastLoadedNode();
            if (node == null) {
                log.debug("No broker available to send FindCoordinator request");
                return RequestFuture.noBrokersAvailable();
            } else {
                findCoordinatorFuture = sendFindCoordinatorRequest(node);
        return findCoordinatorFuture;

    private synchronized void clearFindCoordinatorFuture() {
        findCoordinatorFuture = null;

     * Check whether the group should be rejoined (e.g. if metadata changes) or whether a
     * rejoin request is already in flight and needs to be completed.
     * @return true if it should, false otherwise
    protected synchronized boolean rejoinNeededOrPending() {
        // if there's a pending joinFuture, we should try to complete handling it.
        return rejoinNeeded || joinFuture != null;

     * Check the status of the heartbeat thread (if it is active) and indicate the liveness
     * of the client. This must be called periodically after joining with {@link #ensureActiveGroup()}
     * to ensure that the member stays in the group. If an interval of time longer than the
     * provided rebalance timeout expires without calling this method, then the client will proactively
     * leave the group.
     * @param now current time in milliseconds
     * @throws RuntimeException for unexpected errors raised from the heartbeat thread
    protected synchronized void pollHeartbeat(long now) {
        if (heartbeatThread != null) {
            if (heartbeatThread.hasFailed()) {
                // set the heartbeat thread to null and raise an exception. If the user catches it,
                // the next call to ensureActiveGroup() will spawn a new heartbeat thread.
                RuntimeException cause = heartbeatThread.failureCause();
                heartbeatThread = null;
                throw cause;
            // Awake the heartbeat thread if needed
            if (heartbeat.shouldHeartbeat(now)) {

    protected synchronized long timeToNextHeartbeat(long now) {
        // if we have not joined the group or we are preparing rebalance,
        // we don't need to send heartbeats
        if (state.hasNotJoinedGroup())
            return Long.MAX_VALUE;
        return heartbeat.timeToNextHeartbeat(now);

     * Ensure that the group is active (i.e. joined and synced)
    public void ensureActiveGroup() {
        while (!ensureActiveGroup(time.timer(Long.MAX_VALUE))) {
            log.warn("still waiting to ensure active group");

     * Ensure the group is active (i.e., joined and synced)
     * @param timer Timer bounding how long this method can block
     * @throws KafkaException if the callback throws exception
     * @return true iff the group is active
    boolean ensureActiveGroup(final Timer timer) {
        // always ensure that the coordinator is ready because we may have been disconnected
        // when sending heartbeats and does not necessarily require us to rejoin the group.
        if (!ensureCoordinatorReady(timer)) {
            return false;

        return joinGroupIfNeeded(timer);

    private synchronized void startHeartbeatThreadIfNeeded() {
        if (heartbeatThread == null) {
            heartbeatThread = new HeartbeatThread();

    private void closeHeartbeatThread() {
        HeartbeatThread thread;
        synchronized (this) {
            if (heartbeatThread == null)
            thread = heartbeatThread;
            heartbeatThread = null;
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            log.warn("Interrupted while waiting for consumer heartbeat thread to close");
            throw new InterruptException(e);

     * Joins the group without starting the heartbeat thread.
     * If this function returns true, the state must always be in STABLE and heartbeat enabled.
     * If this function returns false, the state can be in one of the following:
     *  * UNJOINED: got error response but times out before being able to re-join, heartbeat disabled
     *  * PREPARING_REBALANCE: not yet received join-group response before timeout, heartbeat disabled
     *  * COMPLETING_REBALANCE: not yet received sync-group response before timeout, heartbeat enabled
     * Visible for testing.
     * @param timer Timer bounding how long this method can block
     * @throws KafkaException if the callback throws exception
     * @return true iff the operation succeeded
    boolean joinGroupIfNeeded(final Timer timer) {
        while (rejoinNeededOrPending()) {
            if (!ensureCoordinatorReady(timer)) {
                return false;

            // call onJoinPrepare if needed. We set a flag to make sure that we do not call it a second
            // time if the client is woken up before a pending rebalance completes. This must be called
            // on each iteration of the loop because an event requiring a rebalance (such as a metadata
            // refresh which changes the matched subscription set) can occur while another rebalance is
            // still in progress.
            if (needsJoinPrepare) {
                // need to set the flag before calling onJoinPrepare since the user callback may throw
                // exception, in which case upon retry we should not retry onJoinPrepare either.
                needsJoinPrepare = false;
                // return false when onJoinPrepare is waiting for committing offset
                if (!onJoinPrepare(timer, generation.generationId, generation.memberId)) {
                    needsJoinPrepare = true;
                    //should not initiateJoinGroup if needsJoinPrepare still is true
                    return false;

            final RequestFuture<ByteBuffer> future = initiateJoinGroup();
            client.poll(future, timer);
            if (!future.isDone()) {
                // we ran out of time
                return false;

            if (future.succeeded()) {
                Generation generationSnapshot;
                MemberState stateSnapshot;

                // Generation data maybe concurrently cleared by Heartbeat thread.
                // Can't use synchronized for {@code onJoinComplete}, because it can be long enough
                // and shouldn't block heartbeat thread.
                // See {@link PlaintextConsumerTest#testMaxPollIntervalMsDelayInAssignment}
                synchronized (AbstractCoordinator.this) {
                    generationSnapshot = this.generation;
                    stateSnapshot = this.state;

                if (!hasGenerationReset(generationSnapshot) && stateSnapshot == MemberState.STABLE) {
                    // Duplicate the buffer in case `onJoinComplete` does not complete and needs to be retried.
                    ByteBuffer memberAssignment = future.value().duplicate();

                    onJoinComplete(generationSnapshot.generationId, generationSnapshot.memberId, generationSnapshot.protocolName, memberAssignment);

                    // Generally speaking we should always resetJoinGroupFuture once the future is done, but here
                    // we can only reset the join group future after the completion callback returns. This ensures
                    // that if the callback is woken up, we will retry it on the next joinGroupIfNeeded.
                    // And because of that we should explicitly trigger resetJoinGroupFuture in other conditions below.
                    needsJoinPrepare = true;
                } else {
                    final String reason = String.format("rebalance failed since the generation/state was " +
                            "modified by heartbeat thread to %s/%s before the rebalance callback triggered",
                            generationSnapshot, stateSnapshot);

                    resetStateAndRejoin(reason, true);
            } else {
                final RuntimeException exception = future.exception();

                synchronized (AbstractCoordinator.this) {
                    final String simpleName = exception.getClass().getSimpleName();
                    final String shortReason = String.format("rebalance failed due to %s", simpleName);
                    final String fullReason = String.format("rebalance failed due to '%s' (%s)",
                    requestRejoin(shortReason, fullReason);

                if (exception instanceof UnknownMemberIdException ||
                    exception instanceof IllegalGenerationException ||
                    exception instanceof RebalanceInProgressException ||
                    exception instanceof MemberIdRequiredException)
                else if (!future.isRetriable())
                    throw exception;

        return true;

    private synchronized void resetJoinGroupFuture() {
        this.joinFuture = null;

    private synchronized RequestFuture<ByteBuffer> initiateJoinGroup() {
        // we store the join future in case we are woken up by the user after beginning the
        // rebalance in the call to poll below. This ensures that we do not mistakenly attempt
        // to rejoin before the pending rebalance has completed.
        if (joinFuture == null) {
            state = MemberState.PREPARING_REBALANCE;
            // a rebalance can be triggered consecutively if the previous one failed,
            // in this case we would not update the start time.
            if (lastRebalanceStartMs == -1L)
                lastRebalanceStartMs = time.milliseconds();
            joinFuture = sendJoinGroupRequest();
            joinFuture.addListener(new RequestFutureListener<ByteBuffer>() {
                public void onSuccess(ByteBuffer value) {
                    // do nothing since all the handler logic are in SyncGroupResponseHandler already

                public void onFailure(RuntimeException e) {
                    // we handle failures below after the request finishes. if the join completes
                    // after having been woken up, the exception is ignored and we will rejoin;
                    // this can be triggered when either join or sync request failed
                    synchronized (AbstractCoordinator.this) {
        return joinFuture;

     * Join the group and return the assignment for the next generation. This function handles both
     * JoinGroup and SyncGroup, delegating to {@link #onLeaderElected(String, String, List, boolean)} if
     * elected leader by the coordinator.
     * NOTE: This is visible only for testing
     * @return A request future which wraps the assignment returned from the group leader
    RequestFuture<ByteBuffer> sendJoinGroupRequest() {
        if (coordinatorUnknown())
            return RequestFuture.coordinatorNotAvailable();

        // send a join group request to the coordinator
        log.info("(Re-)joining group");
        JoinGroupRequest.Builder requestBuilder = new JoinGroupRequest.Builder(
                new JoinGroupRequestData()

        log.debug("Sending JoinGroup ({}) to coordinator {}", requestBuilder, this.coordinator);

        // Note that we override the request timeout using the rebalance timeout since that is the
        // maximum time that it may block on the coordinator. We add an extra 5 seconds for small delays.
        int joinGroupTimeoutMs = Math.max(
                rebalanceConfig.rebalanceTimeoutMs + JOIN_GROUP_TIMEOUT_LAPSE,
                rebalanceConfig.rebalanceTimeoutMs) // guard against overflow since rebalance timeout can be MAX_VALUE
        return client.send(coordinator, requestBuilder, joinGroupTimeoutMs)
                .compose(new JoinGroupResponseHandler(generation));

    private class JoinGroupResponseHandler extends CoordinatorResponseHandler<JoinGroupResponse, ByteBuffer> {
        private JoinGroupResponseHandler(final Generation generation) {

        public void handle(JoinGroupResponse joinResponse, RequestFuture<ByteBuffer> future) {
            Errors error = joinResponse.error();
            if (error == Errors.NONE) {
                if (isProtocolTypeInconsistent(joinResponse.data().protocolType())) {
                    log.error("JoinGroup failed: Inconsistent Protocol Type, received {} but expected {}",
                        joinResponse.data().protocolType(), protocolType());
                } else {
                    log.debug("Received successful JoinGroup response: {}", joinResponse);

                    synchronized (AbstractCoordinator.this) {
                        if (state != MemberState.PREPARING_REBALANCE) {
                            // if the consumer was woken up before a rebalance completes, we may have already left
                            // the group. In this case, we do not want to continue with the sync group.
                            future.raise(new UnjoinedGroupException());
                        } else {
                            state = MemberState.COMPLETING_REBALANCE;

                            // we only need to enable heartbeat thread whenever we transit to
                            // COMPLETING_REBALANCE state since we always transit from this state to STABLE
                            if (heartbeatThread != null)

                            AbstractCoordinator.this.generation = new Generation(
                                joinResponse.data().memberId(), joinResponse.data().protocolName());

                            log.info("Successfully joined group with generation {}", AbstractCoordinator.this.generation);

                            if (joinResponse.isLeader()) {
                            } else {
            } else if (error == Errors.COORDINATOR_LOAD_IN_PROGRESS) {
                log.info("JoinGroup failed: Coordinator {} is loading the group.", coordinator());
                // backoff and retry
            } else if (error == Errors.UNKNOWN_MEMBER_ID) {
                log.info("JoinGroup failed: {} Need to re-join the group. Sent generation was {}",
                         error.message(), sentGeneration);
                // only need to reset the member id if generation has not been changed,
                // then retry immediately
                if (generationUnchanged())
                    resetStateOnResponseError(ApiKeys.JOIN_GROUP, error, true);

            } else if (error == Errors.COORDINATOR_NOT_AVAILABLE
                    || error == Errors.NOT_COORDINATOR) {
                // re-discover the coordinator and retry with backoff
                log.info("JoinGroup failed: {} Marking coordinator unknown. Sent generation was {}",
                          error.message(), sentGeneration);
            } else if (error == Errors.FENCED_INSTANCE_ID) {
                // for join-group request, even if the generation has changed we would not expect the instance id
                // gets fenced, and hence we always treat this as a fatal error
                log.error("JoinGroup failed: The group instance id {} has been fenced by another instance. " +
                              "Sent generation was {}", rebalanceConfig.groupInstanceId, sentGeneration);
            } else if (error == Errors.INCONSISTENT_GROUP_PROTOCOL
                    || error == Errors.INVALID_SESSION_TIMEOUT
                    || error == Errors.INVALID_GROUP_ID
                    || error == Errors.GROUP_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED
                    || error == Errors.GROUP_MAX_SIZE_REACHED) {
                // log the error and re-throw the exception
                log.error("JoinGroup failed due to fatal error: {}", error.message());
                if (error == Errors.GROUP_MAX_SIZE_REACHED) {
                    future.raise(new GroupMaxSizeReachedException("Consumer group " + rebalanceConfig.groupId +
                            " already has the configured maximum number of members."));
                } else if (error == Errors.GROUP_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED) {
                } else {
            } else if (error == Errors.UNSUPPORTED_VERSION) {
                log.error("JoinGroup failed due to unsupported version error. Please unset field group.instance.id " +
                          "and retry to see if the problem resolves");
            } else if (error == Errors.MEMBER_ID_REQUIRED) {
                // Broker requires a concrete member id to be allowed to join the group. Update member id
                // and send another join group request in next cycle.
                String memberId = joinResponse.data().memberId();
                log.debug("JoinGroup failed due to non-fatal error: {}. Will set the member id as {} and then rejoin. " +
                              "Sent generation was {}", error, memberId, sentGeneration);
                synchronized (AbstractCoordinator.this) {
                    AbstractCoordinator.this.generation = new Generation(OffsetCommitRequest.DEFAULT_GENERATION_ID, memberId, null);
                requestRejoin("need to re-join with the given member-id: " + memberId);

            } else if (error == Errors.REBALANCE_IN_PROGRESS) {
                log.info("JoinGroup failed due to non-fatal error: REBALANCE_IN_PROGRESS, " +
                    "which could indicate a replication timeout on the broker. Will retry.");
            } else {
                // unexpected error, throw the exception
                log.error("JoinGroup failed due to unexpected error: {}", error.message());
                future.raise(new KafkaException("Unexpected error in join group response: " + error.message()));

    private RequestFuture<ByteBuffer> onJoinFollower() {
        // send follower's sync group with an empty assignment
        SyncGroupRequest.Builder requestBuilder =
                new SyncGroupRequest.Builder(
                        new SyncGroupRequestData()
        log.debug("Sending follower SyncGroup to coordinator {}: {}", this.coordinator, requestBuilder);
        return sendSyncGroupRequest(requestBuilder);

    private RequestFuture<ByteBuffer> onLeaderElected(JoinGroupResponse joinResponse) {
        try {
            // perform the leader synchronization and send back the assignment for the group
            Map<String, ByteBuffer> groupAssignment = onLeaderElected(

            List<SyncGroupRequestData.SyncGroupRequestAssignment> groupAssignmentList = new ArrayList<>();
            for (Map.Entry<String, ByteBuffer> assignment : groupAssignment.entrySet()) {
                groupAssignmentList.add(new SyncGroupRequestData.SyncGroupRequestAssignment()

            SyncGroupRequest.Builder requestBuilder =
                    new SyncGroupRequest.Builder(
                            new SyncGroupRequestData()
            log.debug("Sending leader SyncGroup to coordinator {}: {}", this.coordinator, requestBuilder);
            return sendSyncGroupRequest(requestBuilder);
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
            return RequestFuture.failure(e);

    private RequestFuture<ByteBuffer> sendSyncGroupRequest(SyncGroupRequest.Builder requestBuilder) {
        if (coordinatorUnknown())
            return RequestFuture.coordinatorNotAvailable();
        return client.send(coordinator, requestBuilder)
                .compose(new SyncGroupResponseHandler(generation));

    private boolean hasGenerationReset(Generation gen) {
        // the member ID might not be reset for ILLEGAL_GENERATION error, so only check generationID and protocol name here
        return gen.generationId == Generation.NO_GENERATION.generationId && gen.protocolName == null;

    private class SyncGroupResponseHandler extends CoordinatorResponseHandler<SyncGroupResponse, ByteBuffer> {
        private SyncGroupResponseHandler(final Generation generation) {

        public void handle(SyncGroupResponse syncResponse,
                           RequestFuture<ByteBuffer> future) {
            Errors error = syncResponse.error();
            if (error == Errors.NONE) {
                if (isProtocolTypeInconsistent(syncResponse.data().protocolType())) {
                    log.error("SyncGroup failed due to inconsistent Protocol Type, received {} but expected {}",
                        syncResponse.data().protocolType(), protocolType());
                } else {
                    log.debug("Received successful SyncGroup response: {}", syncResponse);

                    synchronized (AbstractCoordinator.this) {
                        if (!hasGenerationReset(generation) && state == MemberState.COMPLETING_REBALANCE) {
                            // check protocol name only if the generation is not reset
                            final String protocolName = syncResponse.data().protocolName();
                            final boolean protocolNameInconsistent = protocolName != null &&

                            if (protocolNameInconsistent) {
                                log.error("SyncGroup failed due to inconsistent Protocol Name, received {} but expected {}",
                                    protocolName, generation.protocolName);

                            } else {
                                log.info("Successfully synced group in generation {}", generation);
                                state = MemberState.STABLE;
                                rejoinReason = "";
                                rejoinNeeded = false;
                                // record rebalance latency
                                lastRebalanceEndMs = time.milliseconds();
                                sensors.successfulRebalanceSensor.record(lastRebalanceEndMs - lastRebalanceStartMs);
                                lastRebalanceStartMs = -1L;

                        } else {
                            log.info("Generation data was cleared by heartbeat thread to {} and state is now {} before " +
                                "receiving SyncGroup response, marking this rebalance as failed and retry",
                                generation, state);
                            // use ILLEGAL_GENERATION error code to let it retry immediately
            } else {
                if (error == Errors.GROUP_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED) {
                } else if (error == Errors.REBALANCE_IN_PROGRESS) {
                    log.info("SyncGroup failed: The group began another rebalance. Need to re-join the group. " +
                                 "Sent generation was {}", sentGeneration);
                    // consumer didn't get assignment in this generation, so we need to reset generation
                    // to avoid joinGroup with out-of-data ownedPartitions in cooperative rebalance
                    resetStateOnResponseError(ApiKeys.SYNC_GROUP, error, false);
                } else if (error == Errors.FENCED_INSTANCE_ID) {
                    // for sync-group request, even if the generation has changed we would not expect the instance id
                    // gets fenced, and hence we always treat this as a fatal error
                    log.error("SyncGroup failed: The group instance id {} has been fenced by another instance. " +
                        "Sent generation was {}", rebalanceConfig.groupInstanceId, sentGeneration);
                } else if (error == Errors.UNKNOWN_MEMBER_ID
                        || error == Errors.ILLEGAL_GENERATION) {
                    log.info("SyncGroup failed: {} Need to re-join the group. Sent generation was {}",
                            error.message(), sentGeneration);
                    if (generationUnchanged()) {
                        // don't reset generation member ID when ILLEGAL_GENERATION, since the member ID might still be valid
                        resetStateOnResponseError(ApiKeys.SYNC_GROUP, error, error != Errors.ILLEGAL_GENERATION);

                } else if (error == Errors.COORDINATOR_NOT_AVAILABLE
                        || error == Errors.NOT_COORDINATOR) {
                    log.info("SyncGroup failed: {} Marking coordinator unknown. Sent generation was {}",
                             error.message(), sentGeneration);
                } else {
                    future.raise(new KafkaException("Unexpected error from SyncGroup: " + error.message()));

     * Discover the current coordinator for the group. Sends a GroupMetadata request to
     * one of the brokers. The returned future should be polled to get the result of the request.
     * @return A request future which indicates the completion of the metadata request
    private RequestFuture<Void> sendFindCoordinatorRequest(Node node) {
        // initiate the group metadata request
        log.debug("Sending FindCoordinator request to broker {}", node);
        FindCoordinatorRequestData data = new FindCoordinatorRequestData()
        FindCoordinatorRequest.Builder requestBuilder = new FindCoordinatorRequest.Builder(data);
        return client.send(node, requestBuilder)
                .compose(new FindCoordinatorResponseHandler());

    private class FindCoordinatorResponseHandler extends RequestFutureAdapter<ClientResponse, Void> {

        public void onSuccess(ClientResponse resp, RequestFuture<Void> future) {
            log.debug("Received FindCoordinator response {}", resp);

            List<Coordinator> coordinators = ((FindCoordinatorResponse) resp.responseBody()).coordinators();
            if (coordinators.size() != 1) {
                log.error("Group coordinator lookup failed: Invalid response containing more than a single coordinator");
                future.raise(new IllegalStateException("Group coordinator lookup failed: Invalid response containing more than a single coordinator"));
            Coordinator coordinatorData = coordinators.get(0);
            Errors error = Errors.forCode(coordinatorData.errorCode());
            if (error == Errors.NONE) {
                synchronized (AbstractCoordinator.this) {
                    // use MAX_VALUE - node.id as the coordinator id to allow separate connections
                    // for the coordinator in the underlying network client layer
                    int coordinatorConnectionId = Integer.MAX_VALUE - coordinatorData.nodeId();

                    AbstractCoordinator.this.coordinator = new Node(
                    log.info("Discovered group coordinator {}", coordinator);
            } else if (error == Errors.GROUP_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED) {
            } else {
                log.debug("Group coordinator lookup failed: {}", coordinatorData.errorMessage());

        public void onFailure(RuntimeException e, RequestFuture<Void> future) {
            log.debug("FindCoordinator request failed due to {}", e.toString());

            if (!(e instanceof RetriableException)) {
                // Remember the exception if fatal so we can ensure it gets thrown by the main thread
                fatalFindCoordinatorException = e;

            super.onFailure(e, future);

     * Check if we know who the coordinator is and we have an active connection
     * @return true if the coordinator is unknown
    public boolean coordinatorUnknown() {
        return checkAndGetCoordinator() == null;

     * Get the coordinator if its connection is still active. Otherwise mark it unknown and
     * return null.
     * @return the current coordinator or null if it is unknown
    protected synchronized Node checkAndGetCoordinator() {
        if (coordinator != null && client.isUnavailable(coordinator)) {
            markCoordinatorUnknown(true, "coordinator unavailable");
            return null;
        return this.coordinator;

    private synchronized Node coordinator() {
        return this.coordinator;

    protected synchronized void markCoordinatorUnknown(Errors error) {
        markCoordinatorUnknown(false, "error response " + error.name());

    protected synchronized void markCoordinatorUnknown(String cause) {
        markCoordinatorUnknown(false, cause);

    protected synchronized void markCoordinatorUnknown(boolean isDisconnected, String cause) {
        if (this.coordinator != null) {
            log.info("Group coordinator {} is unavailable or invalid due to cause: {}. "
                    + "isDisconnected: {}. Rediscovery will be attempted.", this.coordinator,
                    cause, isDisconnected);
            Node oldCoordinator = this.coordinator;

            // Mark the coordinator dead before disconnecting requests since the callbacks for any pending
            // requests may attempt to do likewise. This also prevents new requests from being sent to the
            // coordinator while the disconnect is in progress.
            this.coordinator = null;

            // Disconnect from the coordinator to ensure that there are no in-flight requests remaining.
            // Pending callbacks will be invoked with a DisconnectException on the next call to poll.
            if (!isDisconnected) {
                log.info("Requesting disconnect from last known coordinator {}", oldCoordinator);

            lastTimeOfConnectionMs = time.milliseconds();
        } else {
            long durationOfOngoingDisconnect = time.milliseconds() - lastTimeOfConnectionMs;
            if (durationOfOngoingDisconnect > rebalanceConfig.rebalanceTimeoutMs)
                log.warn("Consumer has been disconnected from the group coordinator for {}ms", durationOfOngoingDisconnect);

     * Get the current generation state, regardless of whether it is currently stable.
     * Note that the generation information can be updated while we are still in the middle
     * of a rebalance, after the join-group response is received.
     * @return the current generation
    protected synchronized Generation generation() {
        return generation;

     * Get the current generation state if the group is stable, otherwise return null
     * @return the current generation or null
    protected synchronized Generation generationIfStable() {
        if (this.state != MemberState.STABLE)
            return null;
        return generation;

    protected synchronized boolean rebalanceInProgress() {
        return this.state == MemberState.PREPARING_REBALANCE || this.state == MemberState.COMPLETING_REBALANCE;

    protected synchronized String memberId() {
        return generation.memberId;

    private synchronized void resetStateAndGeneration(final String reason, final boolean shouldResetMemberId) {
        log.info("Resetting generation {}due to: {}", shouldResetMemberId ? "and member id " : "", reason);

        state = MemberState.UNJOINED;
        if (shouldResetMemberId) {
            generation = Generation.NO_GENERATION;
        } else {
            // keep member id since it might be still valid, to avoid to wait for the old member id leaving group
            // until rebalance timeout in next rebalance
            generation = new Generation(Generation.NO_GENERATION.generationId, generation.memberId, null);

    private synchronized void resetStateAndRejoin(final String reason, final boolean shouldResetMemberId) {
        resetStateAndGeneration(reason, shouldResetMemberId);
        needsJoinPrepare = true;

    synchronized void resetStateOnResponseError(ApiKeys api, Errors error, boolean shouldResetMemberId) {
        final String reason = String.format("encountered %s from %s response", error, api);
        resetStateAndRejoin(reason, shouldResetMemberId);

    synchronized void resetGenerationOnLeaveGroup() {
        resetStateAndRejoin("consumer pro-actively leaving the group", true);

    public synchronized void requestRejoinIfNecessary(final String shortReason,
                                                      final String fullReason) {
        if (!this.rejoinNeeded) {
            requestRejoin(shortReason, fullReason);

    public synchronized void requestRejoin(final String shortReason) {
        requestRejoin(shortReason, shortReason);

     * Request to rejoin the group.
     * @param shortReason This is the reason passed up to the group coordinator. It must be
     *                    reasonably small.
     * @param fullReason This is the reason logged locally.
    public synchronized void requestRejoin(final String shortReason,
                                           final String fullReason) {
        log.info("Request joining group due to: {}", fullReason);
        this.rejoinReason = shortReason;
        this.rejoinNeeded = true;

    private boolean isProtocolTypeInconsistent(String protocolType) {
        return protocolType != null && !protocolType.equals(protocolType());

     * Close the coordinator, waiting if needed to send LeaveGroup.
    public final void close() {

     * @throws KafkaException if the rebalance callback throws exception
    protected void close(Timer timer) {
        try {
        } finally {
            // Synchronize after closing the heartbeat thread since heartbeat thread
            // needs this lock to complete and terminate after close flag is set.
            synchronized (this) {
                if (rebalanceConfig.leaveGroupOnClose) {
                    maybeLeaveGroup("the consumer is being closed");

                // At this point, there may be pending commits (async commits or sync commits that were
                // interrupted using wakeup) and the leave group request which have been queued, but not
                // yet sent to the broker. Wait up to close timeout for these pending requests to be processed.
                // If coordinator is not known, requests are aborted.
                Node coordinator = checkAndGetCoordinator();
                if (coordinator != null && !client.awaitPendingRequests(coordinator, timer))
                    log.warn("Close timed out with {} pending requests to coordinator, terminating client connections",

     * Sends LeaveGroupRequest and logs the {@code leaveReason}, unless this member is using static membership or is already
     * not part of the group (ie does not have a valid member id, is in the UNJOINED state, or the coordinator is unknown).
     * @param leaveReason the reason to leave the group for logging
     * @throws KafkaException if the rebalance callback throws exception
    public synchronized RequestFuture<Void> maybeLeaveGroup(String leaveReason) {
        RequestFuture<Void> future = null;

        // Starting from 2.3, only dynamic members will send LeaveGroupRequest to the broker,
        // consumer with valid group.instance.id is viewed as static member that never sends LeaveGroup,
        // and the membership expiration is only controlled by session timeout.
        if (isDynamicMember() && !coordinatorUnknown() &&
            state != MemberState.UNJOINED && generation.hasMemberId()) {
            // this is a minimal effort attempt to leave the group. we do not
            // attempt any resending if the request fails or times out.
            log.info("Member {} sending LeaveGroup request to coordinator {} due to {}",
                generation.memberId, coordinator, leaveReason);
            LeaveGroupRequest.Builder request = new LeaveGroupRequest.Builder(
                Collections.singletonList(new MemberIdentity().setMemberId(generation.memberId).setReason(JoinGroupRequest.maybeTruncateReason(leaveReason)))

            future = client.send(coordinator, request).compose(new LeaveGroupResponseHandler(generation));


        return future;

    protected boolean isDynamicMember() {
        return !rebalanceConfig.groupInstanceId.isPresent();

    private class LeaveGroupResponseHandler extends CoordinatorResponseHandler<LeaveGroupResponse, Void> {
        private LeaveGroupResponseHandler(final Generation generation) {

        public void handle(LeaveGroupResponse leaveResponse, RequestFuture<Void> future) {
            final List<MemberResponse> members = leaveResponse.memberResponses();
            if (members.size() > 1) {
                future.raise(new IllegalStateException("The expected leave group response " +
                                                           "should only contain no more than one member info, however get " + members));

            final Errors error = leaveResponse.error();
            if (error == Errors.NONE) {
                log.debug("LeaveGroup response with {} returned successfully: {}", sentGeneration, response);
            } else {
                log.error("LeaveGroup request with {} failed with error: {}", sentGeneration, error.message());

    // visible for testing
    synchronized RequestFuture<Void> sendHeartbeatRequest() {
        log.debug("Sending Heartbeat request with generation {} and member id {} to coordinator {}",
            generation.generationId, generation.memberId, coordinator);
        HeartbeatRequest.Builder requestBuilder =
                new HeartbeatRequest.Builder(new HeartbeatRequestData()
        return client.send(coordinator, requestBuilder)
                .compose(new HeartbeatResponseHandler(generation));

    private class HeartbeatResponseHandler extends CoordinatorResponseHandler<HeartbeatResponse, Void> {
        private HeartbeatResponseHandler(final Generation generation) {

        public void handle(HeartbeatResponse heartbeatResponse, RequestFuture<Void> future) {
            Errors error = heartbeatResponse.error();

            if (error == Errors.NONE) {
                log.debug("Received successful Heartbeat response");
            } else if (error == Errors.COORDINATOR_NOT_AVAILABLE
                    || error == Errors.NOT_COORDINATOR) {
                log.info("Attempt to heartbeat failed since coordinator {} is either not started or not valid",
            } else if (error == Errors.REBALANCE_IN_PROGRESS) {
                // since we may be sending the request during rebalance, we should check
                // this case and ignore the REBALANCE_IN_PROGRESS error
                synchronized (AbstractCoordinator.this) {
                    if (state == MemberState.STABLE) {
                        requestRejoin("group is already rebalancing");
                    } else {
                        log.debug("Ignoring heartbeat response with error {} during {} state", error, state);
            } else if (error == Errors.ILLEGAL_GENERATION ||
                       error == Errors.UNKNOWN_MEMBER_ID ||
                       error == Errors.FENCED_INSTANCE_ID) {
                if (generationUnchanged()) {
                    log.info("Attempt to heartbeat with {} and group instance id {} failed due to {}, resetting generation",
                        sentGeneration, rebalanceConfig.groupInstanceId, error);
                    // don't reset generation member ID when ILLEGAL_GENERATION, since the member ID is still valid
                    resetStateOnResponseError(ApiKeys.HEARTBEAT, error, error != Errors.ILLEGAL_GENERATION);
                } else {
                    // if the generation has changed, then ignore this error
                    log.info("Attempt to heartbeat with stale {} and group instance id {} failed due to {}, ignoring the error",
                        sentGeneration, rebalanceConfig.groupInstanceId, error);
            } else if (error == Errors.GROUP_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED) {
            } else {
                future.raise(new KafkaException("Unexpected error in heartbeat response: " + error.message()));

    protected abstract class CoordinatorResponseHandler<R, T> extends RequestFutureAdapter<ClientResponse, T> {
        CoordinatorResponseHandler(final Generation generation) {
            this.sentGeneration = generation;

        final Generation sentGeneration;
        ClientResponse response;

        public abstract void handle(R response, RequestFuture<T> future);

        public void onFailure(RuntimeException e, RequestFuture<T> future) {
            // mark the coordinator as dead
            if (e instanceof DisconnectException) {
                markCoordinatorUnknown(true, e.getMessage());

        public void onSuccess(ClientResponse clientResponse, RequestFuture<T> future) {
            try {
                this.response = clientResponse;
                R responseObj = (R) clientResponse.responseBody();
                handle(responseObj, future);
            } catch (RuntimeException e) {
                if (!future.isDone())

        boolean generationUnchanged() {
            synchronized (AbstractCoordinator.this) {
                return generation.equals(sentGeneration);

    protected Meter createMeter(Metrics metrics, String groupName, String baseName, String descriptiveName) {
        return new Meter(new WindowedCount(),
                metrics.metricName(baseName + "-rate", groupName,
                        String.format("The number of %s per second", descriptiveName)),
                metrics.metricName(baseName + "-total", groupName,
                        String.format("The total number of %s", descriptiveName)));

    private class GroupCoordinatorMetrics {
        public final String metricGrpName;

        public final Sensor heartbeatSensor;
        public final Sensor joinSensor;
        public final Sensor syncSensor;
        public final Sensor successfulRebalanceSensor;
        public final Sensor failedRebalanceSensor;

        public GroupCoordinatorMetrics(Metrics metrics, String metricGrpPrefix) {
            this.metricGrpName = metricGrpPrefix + "-coordinator-metrics";

            this.heartbeatSensor = metrics.sensor("heartbeat-latency");
                "The max time taken to receive a response to a heartbeat request"), new Max());
            this.heartbeatSensor.add(createMeter(metrics, metricGrpName, "heartbeat", "heartbeats"));

            this.joinSensor = metrics.sensor("join-latency");
                "The average time taken for a group rejoin"), new Avg());
                "The max time taken for a group rejoin"), new Max());
            this.joinSensor.add(createMeter(metrics, metricGrpName, "join", "group joins"));

            this.syncSensor = metrics.sensor("sync-latency");
                "The average time taken for a group sync"), new Avg());
                "The max time taken for a group sync"), new Max());
            this.syncSensor.add(createMeter(metrics, metricGrpName, "sync", "group syncs"));

            this.successfulRebalanceSensor = metrics.sensor("rebalance-latency");
                "The average time taken for a group to complete a successful rebalance, which may be composed of " +
                    "several failed re-trials until it succeeded"), new Avg());
                "The max time taken for a group to complete a successful rebalance, which may be composed of " +
                    "several failed re-trials until it succeeded"), new Max());
                "The total number of milliseconds this consumer has spent in successful rebalances since creation"),
                new CumulativeSum());
                    "The total number of successful rebalance events, each event is composed of " +
                        "several failed re-trials until it succeeded"),
                new CumulativeCount()
                    "The number of successful rebalance events per hour, each event is composed of " +
                        "several failed re-trials until it succeeded"),
                new Rate(TimeUnit.HOURS, new WindowedCount())

            this.failedRebalanceSensor = metrics.sensor("failed-rebalance");
                    "The total number of failed rebalance events"),
                new CumulativeCount()
                    "The number of failed rebalance events per hour"),
                new Rate(TimeUnit.HOURS, new WindowedCount())

            Measurable lastRebalance = (config, now) -> {
                if (lastRebalanceEndMs == -1L)
                    // if no rebalance is ever triggered, we just return -1.
                    return -1d;
                    return TimeUnit.SECONDS.convert(now - lastRebalanceEndMs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
                "The number of seconds since the last successful rebalance event"),

            Measurable lastHeartbeat = (config, now) -> {
                if (heartbeat.lastHeartbeatSend() == 0L)
                    // if no heartbeat is ever triggered, just return -1.
                    return -1d;
                    return TimeUnit.SECONDS.convert(now - heartbeat.lastHeartbeatSend(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
                "The number of seconds since the last coordinator heartbeat was sent"),

    private class HeartbeatThread extends KafkaThread implements AutoCloseable {
        private boolean enabled = false;
        private boolean closed = false;
        private final AtomicReference<RuntimeException> failed = new AtomicReference<>(null);

        private HeartbeatThread() {
            super(HEARTBEAT_THREAD_PREFIX + (rebalanceConfig.groupId.isEmpty() ? "" : " | " + rebalanceConfig.groupId), true);

        public void enable() {
            synchronized (AbstractCoordinator.this) {
                log.debug("Enabling heartbeat thread");
                this.enabled = true;

        public void disable() {
            synchronized (AbstractCoordinator.this) {
                log.debug("Disabling heartbeat thread");
                this.enabled = false;

        public void close() {
            synchronized (AbstractCoordinator.this) {
                this.closed = true;

        private boolean hasFailed() {
            return failed.get() != null;

        private RuntimeException failureCause() {
            return failed.get();

        public void run() {
            try {
                log.debug("Heartbeat thread started");
                while (true) {
                    synchronized (AbstractCoordinator.this) {
                        if (closed)

                        if (!enabled) {

                        // we do not need to heartbeat we are not part of a group yet;
                        // also if we already have fatal error, the client will be
                        // crashed soon, hence we do not need to continue heartbeating either
                        if (state.hasNotJoinedGroup() || hasFailed()) {

                        long now = time.milliseconds();

                        if (coordinatorUnknown()) {
                            if (findCoordinatorFuture != null) {
                                // clear the future so that after the backoff, if the hb still sees coordinator unknown in
                                // the next iteration it will try to re-discover the coordinator in case the main thread cannot
                            } else {
                            // backoff properly
                        } else if (heartbeat.sessionTimeoutExpired(now)) {
                            // the session timeout has expired without seeing a successful heartbeat, so we should
                            // probably make sure the coordinator is still healthy.
                            markCoordinatorUnknown("session timed out without receiving a "
                                    + "heartbeat response");
                        } else if (heartbeat.pollTimeoutExpired(now)) {
                            // the poll timeout has expired, which means that the foreground thread has stalled
                            // in between calls to poll().
                            log.warn("consumer poll timeout has expired. This means the time between subsequent calls to poll() " +
                                "was longer than the configured max.poll.interval.ms, which typically implies that " +
                                "the poll loop is spending too much time processing messages. You can address this " +
                                "either by increasing max.poll.interval.ms or by reducing the maximum size of batches " +
                                "returned in poll() with max.poll.records.");

                            maybeLeaveGroup("consumer poll timeout has expired.");
                        } else if (!heartbeat.shouldHeartbeat(now)) {
                            // poll again after waiting for the retry backoff in case the heartbeat failed or the
                            // coordinator disconnected
                        } else {
                            final RequestFuture<Void> heartbeatFuture = sendHeartbeatRequest();
                            heartbeatFuture.addListener(new RequestFutureListener<Void>() {
                                public void onSuccess(Void value) {
                                    synchronized (AbstractCoordinator.this) {

                                public void onFailure(RuntimeException e) {
                                    synchronized (AbstractCoordinator.this) {
                                        if (e instanceof RebalanceInProgressException) {
                                            // it is valid to continue heartbeating while the group is rebalancing. This
                                            // ensures that the coordinator keeps the member in the group for as long
                                            // as the duration of the rebalance timeout. If we stop sending heartbeats,
                                            // however, then the session timeout may expire before we can rejoin.
                                        } else if (e instanceof FencedInstanceIdException) {
                                            log.error("Caught fenced group.instance.id {} error in heartbeat thread", rebalanceConfig.groupInstanceId);
                                        } else {
                                            // wake up the thread if it's sleeping to reschedule the heartbeat
            } catch (AuthenticationException e) {
                log.error("An authentication error occurred in the heartbeat thread", e);
            } catch (GroupAuthorizationException e) {
                log.error("A group authorization error occurred in the heartbeat thread", e);
            } catch (InterruptedException | InterruptException e) {
                log.error("Unexpected interrupt received in heartbeat thread", e);
                this.failed.set(new RuntimeException(e));
            } catch (Throwable e) {
                log.error("Heartbeat thread failed due to unexpected error", e);
                if (e instanceof RuntimeException)
                    this.failed.set((RuntimeException) e);
                    this.failed.set(new RuntimeException(e));
            } finally {
                log.debug("Heartbeat thread has closed");


    protected static class Generation {
        public static final Generation NO_GENERATION = new Generation(

        public final int generationId;
        public final String memberId;
        public final String protocolName;

        public Generation(int generationId, String memberId, String protocolName) {
            this.generationId = generationId;
            this.memberId = memberId;
            this.protocolName = protocolName;

         * @return true if this generation has a valid member id, false otherwise. A member might have an id before
         * it becomes part of a group generation.
        public boolean hasMemberId() {
            return !memberId.isEmpty();

        public boolean equals(final Object o) {
            if (this == o) return true;
            if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
            final Generation that = (Generation) o;
            return generationId == that.generationId &&
                    Objects.equals(memberId, that.memberId) &&
                    Objects.equals(protocolName, that.protocolName);

        public int hashCode() {
            return Objects.hash(generationId, memberId, protocolName);

        public String toString() {
            return "Generation{" +
                    "generationId=" + generationId +
                    ", memberId='" + memberId + '\'' +
                    ", protocol='" + protocolName + '\'' +

    private static class UnjoinedGroupException extends RetriableException {


    // For testing only below
    final Heartbeat heartbeat() {
        return heartbeat;

    final String rejoinReason() {
        return rejoinReason;

    final synchronized void setLastRebalanceTime(final long timestamp) {
        lastRebalanceEndMs = timestamp;

     * Check whether given generation id is matching the record within current generation.
     * @param generationId generation id
     * @return true if the two ids are matching.
    final boolean hasMatchingGenerationId(int generationId) {
        return !generation.equals(Generation.NO_GENERATION) && generation.generationId == generationId;

    final boolean hasUnknownGeneration() {
        return generation.equals(Generation.NO_GENERATION);

     * @return true if the current generation's member ID is valid, false otherwise
    final boolean hasValidMemberId() {
        return !hasUnknownGeneration() && generation.hasMemberId();

    final synchronized void setNewGeneration(final Generation generation) {
        this.generation = generation;

    final synchronized void setNewState(final MemberState state) {
        this.state = state;


kafka 源码目录


kafka AbstractPartitionAssignor 源码

kafka AbstractStickyAssignor 源码

kafka AsyncClient 源码

kafka ConsumerCoordinator 源码

kafka ConsumerInterceptors 源码

kafka ConsumerMetadata 源码

kafka ConsumerMetrics 源码

kafka ConsumerNetworkClient 源码

kafka ConsumerProtocol 源码

kafka DefaultBackgroundThread 源码

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