kafka AbstractStickyAssignor 源码

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kafka AbstractStickyAssignor 代码


 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals;

import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.Utils.PartitionComparator;
import org.apache.kafka.common.TopicPartition;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

public abstract class AbstractStickyAssignor extends AbstractPartitionAssignor {
    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AbstractStickyAssignor.class);

    public static final int DEFAULT_GENERATION = -1;
    public int maxGeneration = DEFAULT_GENERATION;

    private PartitionMovements partitionMovements;

    // Keep track of the partitions being migrated from one consumer to another during assignment
    // so the cooperative assignor can adjust the assignment
    protected Map<TopicPartition, String> partitionsTransferringOwnership = new HashMap<>();

    static final class ConsumerGenerationPair {
        final String consumer;
        final int generation;
        ConsumerGenerationPair(String consumer, int generation) {
            this.consumer = consumer;
            this.generation = generation;

    public static final class MemberData {
        public final List<TopicPartition> partitions;
        public final Optional<Integer> generation;
        public MemberData(List<TopicPartition> partitions, Optional<Integer> generation) {
            this.partitions = partitions;
            this.generation = generation;

    abstract protected MemberData memberData(Subscription subscription);

    public Map<String, List<TopicPartition>> assign(Map<String, Integer> partitionsPerTopic,
                                                    Map<String, Subscription> subscriptions) {
        Map<String, List<TopicPartition>> consumerToOwnedPartitions = new HashMap<>();
        Set<TopicPartition> partitionsWithMultiplePreviousOwners = new HashSet<>();
        if (allSubscriptionsEqual(partitionsPerTopic.keySet(), subscriptions, consumerToOwnedPartitions, partitionsWithMultiplePreviousOwners)) {
            log.debug("Detected that all consumers were subscribed to same set of topics, invoking the "
                          + "optimized assignment algorithm");
            partitionsTransferringOwnership = new HashMap<>();
            return constrainedAssign(partitionsPerTopic, consumerToOwnedPartitions, partitionsWithMultiplePreviousOwners);
        } else {
            log.debug("Detected that not all consumers were subscribed to same set of topics, falling back to the "
                          + "general case assignment algorithm");
            // we must set this to null for the general case so the cooperative assignor knows to compute it from scratch
            partitionsTransferringOwnership = null;
            return generalAssign(partitionsPerTopic, subscriptions, consumerToOwnedPartitions);

     * Returns true iff all consumers have an identical subscription. Also fills out the passed in
     * {@code consumerToOwnedPartitions} with each consumer's previously owned and still-subscribed partitions,
     * and the {@code partitionsWithMultiplePreviousOwners} with any partitions claimed by multiple previous owners
    private boolean allSubscriptionsEqual(Set<String> allTopics,
                                          Map<String, Subscription> subscriptions,
                                          Map<String, List<TopicPartition>> consumerToOwnedPartitions,
                                          Set<TopicPartition> partitionsWithMultiplePreviousOwners) {
        Set<String> membersOfCurrentHighestGeneration = new HashSet<>();
        boolean isAllSubscriptionsEqual = true;

        Set<String> subscribedTopics = new HashSet<>();

        // keep track of all previously owned partitions so we can invalidate them if invalid input is
        // detected, eg two consumers somehow claiming the same partition in the same/current generation
        Map<TopicPartition, String> allPreviousPartitionsToOwner = new HashMap<>();

        for (Map.Entry<String, Subscription> subscriptionEntry : subscriptions.entrySet()) {
            String consumer = subscriptionEntry.getKey();
            Subscription subscription = subscriptionEntry.getValue();

            // initialize the subscribed topics set if this is the first subscription
            if (subscribedTopics.isEmpty()) {
            } else if (isAllSubscriptionsEqual && !(subscription.topics().size() == subscribedTopics.size()
                && subscribedTopics.containsAll(subscription.topics()))) {
                isAllSubscriptionsEqual = false;

            MemberData memberData = memberData(subscription);

            List<TopicPartition> ownedPartitions = new ArrayList<>();
            consumerToOwnedPartitions.put(consumer, ownedPartitions);

            // Only consider this consumer's owned partitions as valid if it is a member of the current highest
            // generation, or it's generation is not present but we have not seen any known generation so far
            if (memberData.generation.isPresent() && memberData.generation.get() >= maxGeneration
                || !memberData.generation.isPresent() && maxGeneration == DEFAULT_GENERATION) {

                // If the current member's generation is higher, all the previously owned partitions are invalid
                if (memberData.generation.isPresent() && memberData.generation.get() > maxGeneration) {
                    for (String droppedOutConsumer : membersOfCurrentHighestGeneration) {

                    maxGeneration = memberData.generation.get();

                for (final TopicPartition tp : memberData.partitions) {
                    // filter out any topics that no longer exist or aren't part of the current subscription
                    if (allTopics.contains(tp.topic())) {
                        String otherConsumer = allPreviousPartitionsToOwner.put(tp, consumer);
                        if (otherConsumer == null) {
                            // this partition is not owned by other consumer in the same generation
                        } else {
                            log.error("Found multiple consumers {} and {} claiming the same TopicPartition {} in the "
                                + "same generation {}, this will be invalidated and removed from their previous assignment.",
                                     consumer, otherConsumer, tp, maxGeneration);

        return isAllSubscriptionsEqual;

     * This constrainedAssign optimizes the assignment algorithm when all consumers were subscribed to same set of topics.
     * The method includes the following steps:
     * 1. Reassign previously owned partitions:
     *   a. if owned less than minQuota partitions, just assign all owned partitions, and put the member into unfilled member list
     *   b. if owned maxQuota or more, and we're still under the number of expected max capacity members, assign maxQuota partitions
     *   c. if owned at least "minQuota" of partitions, assign minQuota partitions, and put the member into unfilled member list if
     *     we're still under the number of expected max capacity members
     * 2. Fill remaining members up to the expected numbers of maxQuota partitions, otherwise, to minQuota partitions
     * @param partitionsPerTopic                   The number of partitions for each subscribed topic
     * @param consumerToOwnedPartitions            Each consumer's previously owned and still-subscribed partitions
     * @param partitionsWithMultiplePreviousOwners The partitions being claimed in the previous assignment of multiple consumers
     * @return                                     Map from each member to the list of partitions assigned to them.
    private Map<String, List<TopicPartition>> constrainedAssign(Map<String, Integer> partitionsPerTopic,
                                                                Map<String, List<TopicPartition>> consumerToOwnedPartitions,
                                                                Set<TopicPartition> partitionsWithMultiplePreviousOwners) {
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("Performing constrained assign with partitionsPerTopic: {}, consumerToOwnedPartitions: {}.",
                partitionsPerTopic, consumerToOwnedPartitions);

        Set<TopicPartition> allRevokedPartitions = new HashSet<>();

        // the consumers which may still be assigned one or more partitions to reach expected capacity
        List<String> unfilledMembersWithUnderMinQuotaPartitions = new LinkedList<>();
        LinkedList<String> unfilledMembersWithExactlyMinQuotaPartitions = new LinkedList<>();

        int numberOfConsumers = consumerToOwnedPartitions.size();
        int totalPartitionsCount = partitionsPerTopic.values().stream().reduce(0, Integer::sum);

        int minQuota = (int) Math.floor(((double) totalPartitionsCount) / numberOfConsumers);
        int maxQuota = (int) Math.ceil(((double) totalPartitionsCount) / numberOfConsumers);
        // the expected number of members receiving more than minQuota partitions (zero when minQuota == maxQuota)
        int expectedNumMembersWithOverMinQuotaPartitions = totalPartitionsCount % numberOfConsumers;
        // the current number of members receiving more than minQuota partitions (zero when minQuota == maxQuota)
        int currentNumMembersWithOverMinQuotaPartitions = 0;

        // initialize the assignment map with an empty array of size maxQuota for all members
        Map<String, List<TopicPartition>> assignment = new HashMap<>(
            consumerToOwnedPartitions.keySet().stream().collect(Collectors.toMap(c -> c, c -> new ArrayList<>(maxQuota))));

        List<TopicPartition> assignedPartitions = new ArrayList<>();
        // Reassign previously owned partitions, up to the expected number of partitions per consumer
        for (Map.Entry<String, List<TopicPartition>> consumerEntry : consumerToOwnedPartitions.entrySet()) {
            String consumer = consumerEntry.getKey();
            List<TopicPartition> ownedPartitions = consumerEntry.getValue();

            List<TopicPartition> consumerAssignment = assignment.get(consumer);

            for (TopicPartition doublyClaimedPartition : partitionsWithMultiplePreviousOwners) {
                if (ownedPartitions.contains(doublyClaimedPartition)) {
                    log.error("Found partition {} still claimed as owned by consumer {}, despite being claimed by multiple "
                                 + "consumers already in the same generation. Removing it from the ownedPartitions",
                             doublyClaimedPartition, consumer);

            if (ownedPartitions.size() < minQuota) {
                // the expected assignment size is more than this consumer has now, so keep all the owned partitions
                // and put this member into the unfilled member list
                if (ownedPartitions.size() > 0) {
            } else if (ownedPartitions.size() >= maxQuota && currentNumMembersWithOverMinQuotaPartitions < expectedNumMembersWithOverMinQuotaPartitions) {
                // consumer owned the "maxQuota" of partitions or more, and we're still under the number of expected members
                // with more than the minQuota partitions, so keep "maxQuota" of the owned partitions, and revoke the rest of the partitions
                if (currentNumMembersWithOverMinQuotaPartitions == expectedNumMembersWithOverMinQuotaPartitions) {
                List<TopicPartition> maxQuotaPartitions = ownedPartitions.subList(0, maxQuota);
                allRevokedPartitions.addAll(ownedPartitions.subList(maxQuota, ownedPartitions.size()));
            } else {
                // consumer owned at least "minQuota" of partitions
                // so keep "minQuota" of the owned partitions, and revoke the rest of the partitions
                List<TopicPartition> minQuotaPartitions = ownedPartitions.subList(0, minQuota);
                allRevokedPartitions.addAll(ownedPartitions.subList(minQuota, ownedPartitions.size()));
                // this consumer is potential maxQuota candidate since we're still under the number of expected members
                // with more than the minQuota partitions. Note, if the number of expected members with more than
                // the minQuota partitions is 0, it means minQuota == maxQuota, and there are no potentially unfilled
                if (currentNumMembersWithOverMinQuotaPartitions < expectedNumMembersWithOverMinQuotaPartitions) {

        List<TopicPartition> unassignedPartitions = getUnassignedPartitions(totalPartitionsCount, partitionsPerTopic, assignedPartitions);

        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("After reassigning previously owned partitions, unfilled members: {}, unassigned partitions: {}, " +
                "current assignment: {}", unfilledMembersWithUnderMinQuotaPartitions, unassignedPartitions, assignment);


        Iterator<String> unfilledConsumerIter = unfilledMembersWithUnderMinQuotaPartitions.iterator();
        // Round-Robin filling remaining members up to the expected numbers of maxQuota, otherwise, to minQuota
        for (TopicPartition unassignedPartition : unassignedPartitions) {
            String consumer;
            if (unfilledConsumerIter.hasNext()) {
                consumer = unfilledConsumerIter.next();
            } else {
                if (unfilledMembersWithUnderMinQuotaPartitions.isEmpty() && unfilledMembersWithExactlyMinQuotaPartitions.isEmpty()) {
                    // Should not enter here since we have calculated the exact number to assign to each consumer.
                    // This indicates issues in the assignment algorithm
                    int currentPartitionIndex = unassignedPartitions.indexOf(unassignedPartition);
                    log.error("No more unfilled consumers to be assigned. The remaining unassigned partitions are: {}",
                              unassignedPartitions.subList(currentPartitionIndex, unassignedPartitions.size()));
                    throw new IllegalStateException("No more unfilled consumers to be assigned.");
                } else if (unfilledMembersWithUnderMinQuotaPartitions.isEmpty()) {
                    consumer = unfilledMembersWithExactlyMinQuotaPartitions.poll();
                } else {
                    unfilledConsumerIter = unfilledMembersWithUnderMinQuotaPartitions.iterator();
                    consumer = unfilledConsumerIter.next();

            List<TopicPartition> consumerAssignment = assignment.get(consumer);

            // We already assigned all possible ownedPartitions, so we know this must be newly assigned to this consumer
            // or else the partition was actually claimed by multiple previous owners and had to be invalidated from all
            // members claimed ownedPartitions
            if (allRevokedPartitions.contains(unassignedPartition) || partitionsWithMultiplePreviousOwners.contains(unassignedPartition))
                partitionsTransferringOwnership.put(unassignedPartition, consumer);

            int currentAssignedCount = consumerAssignment.size();
            if (currentAssignedCount == minQuota) {
            } else if (currentAssignedCount == maxQuota) {
                if (currentNumMembersWithOverMinQuotaPartitions == expectedNumMembersWithOverMinQuotaPartitions) {
                    // We only start to iterate over the "potentially unfilled" members at minQuota after we've filled
                    // all members up to at least minQuota, so once the last minQuota member reaches maxQuota, we
                    // should be done. But in case of some algorithmic error, just log a warning and continue to
                    // assign any remaining partitions within the assignment constraints
                    if (unassignedPartitions.indexOf(unassignedPartition) != unassignedPartitions.size() - 1) {
                        log.error("Filled the last member up to maxQuota but still had partitions remaining to assign, "
                                     + "will continue but this indicates a bug in the assignment.");

        if (!unfilledMembersWithUnderMinQuotaPartitions.isEmpty()) {
            // we expected all the remaining unfilled members have minQuota partitions and we're already at the expected number
            // of members with more than the minQuota partitions. Otherwise, there must be error here.
            if (currentNumMembersWithOverMinQuotaPartitions != expectedNumMembersWithOverMinQuotaPartitions) {
                log.error("Current number of members with more than the minQuota partitions: {}, is less than the expected number " +
                    "of members with more than the minQuota partitions: {}, and no more partitions to be assigned to the remaining unfilled consumers: {}",
                    currentNumMembersWithOverMinQuotaPartitions, expectedNumMembersWithOverMinQuotaPartitions, unfilledMembersWithUnderMinQuotaPartitions);
                throw new IllegalStateException("We haven't reached the expected number of members with " +
                    "more than the minQuota partitions, but no more partitions to be assigned");
            } else {
                for (String unfilledMember : unfilledMembersWithUnderMinQuotaPartitions) {
                    int assignedPartitionsCount = assignment.get(unfilledMember).size();
                    if (assignedPartitionsCount != minQuota) {
                        log.error("Consumer: [{}] should have {} partitions, but got {} partitions, and no more partitions " +
                            "to be assigned. The remaining unfilled consumers are: {}", unfilledMember, minQuota, assignedPartitionsCount, unfilledMembersWithUnderMinQuotaPartitions);
                        throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Consumer: [%s] doesn't reach minQuota partitions, " +
                            "and no more partitions to be assigned", unfilledMember));
                    } else {
                        log.trace("skip over this unfilled member: [{}] because we've reached the expected number of " +
                            "members with more than the minQuota partitions, and this member already have minQuota partitions", unfilledMember);

        log.info("Final assignment of partitions to consumers: \n{}", assignment);

        return assignment;

    private List<TopicPartition> getAllTopicPartitions(Map<String, Integer> partitionsPerTopic,
                                                       List<String> sortedAllTopics,
                                                       int totalPartitionsCount) {
        List<TopicPartition> allPartitions = new ArrayList<>(totalPartitionsCount);

        for (String topic : sortedAllTopics) {
            int partitionCount = partitionsPerTopic.get(topic);
            for (int i = 0; i < partitionCount; ++i) {
                allPartitions.add(new TopicPartition(topic, i));
        return allPartitions;

     * This generalAssign algorithm guarantees the assignment that is as balanced as possible.
     * This method includes the following steps:
     * 1. Preserving all the existing partition assignments
     * 2. Removing all the partition assignments that have become invalid due to the change that triggers the reassignment
     * 3. Assigning the unassigned partitions in a way that balances out the overall assignments of partitions to consumers
     * 4. Further balancing out the resulting assignment by finding the partitions that can be reassigned
     *    to another consumer towards an overall more balanced assignment.
     * @param partitionsPerTopic         The number of partitions for each subscribed topic.
     * @param subscriptions              Map from the member id to their respective topic subscription
     * @param currentAssignment          Each consumer's previously owned and still-subscribed partitions
     * @return                           Map from each member to the list of partitions assigned to them.
    private Map<String, List<TopicPartition>> generalAssign(Map<String, Integer> partitionsPerTopic,
                                                            Map<String, Subscription> subscriptions,
                                                            Map<String, List<TopicPartition>> currentAssignment) {
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("performing general assign. partitionsPerTopic: {}, subscriptions: {}, currentAssignment: {}",
                partitionsPerTopic, subscriptions, currentAssignment);

        Map<TopicPartition, ConsumerGenerationPair> prevAssignment = new HashMap<>();
        partitionMovements = new PartitionMovements();

        prepopulateCurrentAssignments(subscriptions, prevAssignment);

        // a mapping of all topics to all consumers that can be assigned to them
        final Map<String, List<String>> topic2AllPotentialConsumers = new HashMap<>(partitionsPerTopic.keySet().size());
        // a mapping of all consumers to all potential topics that can be assigned to them
        final Map<String, List<String>> consumer2AllPotentialTopics = new HashMap<>(subscriptions.keySet().size());

        // initialize topic2AllPotentialConsumers and consumer2AllPotentialTopics
            topicName -> topic2AllPotentialConsumers.put(topicName, new ArrayList<>()));

        for (Entry<String, Subscription> entry: subscriptions.entrySet()) {
            String consumerId = entry.getKey();
            List<String> subscribedTopics = new ArrayList<>(entry.getValue().topics().size());
            consumer2AllPotentialTopics.put(consumerId, subscribedTopics);
            entry.getValue().topics().stream().filter(topic -> partitionsPerTopic.get(topic) != null).forEach(topic -> {

            // add this consumer to currentAssignment (with an empty topic partition assignment) if it does not already exist
            if (!currentAssignment.containsKey(consumerId))
                currentAssignment.put(consumerId, new ArrayList<>());

        // a mapping of partition to current consumer
        Map<TopicPartition, String> currentPartitionConsumer = new HashMap<>();
        for (Map.Entry<String, List<TopicPartition>> entry: currentAssignment.entrySet())
            for (TopicPartition topicPartition: entry.getValue())
                currentPartitionConsumer.put(topicPartition, entry.getKey());

        int totalPartitionsCount = partitionsPerTopic.values().stream().reduce(0, Integer::sum);
        List<String> sortedAllTopics = new ArrayList<>(topic2AllPotentialConsumers.keySet());
        Collections.sort(sortedAllTopics, new TopicComparator(topic2AllPotentialConsumers));
        List<TopicPartition> sortedAllPartitions = getAllTopicPartitions(partitionsPerTopic, sortedAllTopics, totalPartitionsCount);

        // the partitions already assigned in current assignment
        List<TopicPartition> assignedPartitions = new ArrayList<>();
        boolean revocationRequired = false;
        for (Iterator<Entry<String, List<TopicPartition>>> it = currentAssignment.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
            Map.Entry<String, List<TopicPartition>> entry = it.next();
            Subscription consumerSubscription = subscriptions.get(entry.getKey());
            if (consumerSubscription == null) {
                // if a consumer that existed before (and had some partition assignments) is now removed, remove it from currentAssignment
                for (TopicPartition topicPartition: entry.getValue())
            } else {
                // otherwise (the consumer still exists)
                for (Iterator<TopicPartition> partitionIter = entry.getValue().iterator(); partitionIter.hasNext();) {
                    TopicPartition partition = partitionIter.next();
                    if (!topic2AllPotentialConsumers.containsKey(partition.topic())) {
                        // if this topic partition of this consumer no longer exists, remove it from currentAssignment of the consumer
                    } else if (!consumerSubscription.topics().contains(partition.topic())) {
                        // because the consumer is no longer subscribed to its topic, remove it from currentAssignment of the consumer
                        revocationRequired = true;
                    } else {
                        // otherwise, remove the topic partition from those that need to be assigned only if
                        // its current consumer is still subscribed to its topic (because it is already assigned
                        // and we would want to preserve that assignment as much as possible)

        // all partitions that needed to be assigned
        List<TopicPartition> unassignedPartitions = getUnassignedPartitions(sortedAllPartitions, assignedPartitions, topic2AllPotentialConsumers);

        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("unassigned Partitions: {}", unassignedPartitions);

        // at this point we have preserved all valid topic partition to consumer assignments and removed
        // all invalid topic partitions and invalid consumers. Now we need to assign unassignedPartitions
        // to consumers so that the topic partition assignments are as balanced as possible.

        // an ascending sorted set of consumers based on how many topic partitions are already assigned to them
        TreeSet<String> sortedCurrentSubscriptions = new TreeSet<>(new SubscriptionComparator(currentAssignment));

        balance(currentAssignment, prevAssignment, sortedAllPartitions, unassignedPartitions, sortedCurrentSubscriptions,
            consumer2AllPotentialTopics, topic2AllPotentialConsumers, currentPartitionConsumer, revocationRequired,
            partitionsPerTopic, totalPartitionsCount);

        log.info("Final assignment of partitions to consumers: \n{}", currentAssignment);

        return currentAssignment;

     * get the unassigned partition list by computing the difference set of the sortedPartitions(all partitions)
     * and sortedAssignedPartitions. If no assigned partitions, we'll just return all sorted topic partitions.
     * This is used in generalAssign method
     * We loop the sortedPartition, and compare the ith element in sortedAssignedPartitions(i start from 0):
     *   - if not equal to the ith element, add to unassignedPartitions
     *   - if equal to the ith element, get next element from sortedAssignedPartitions
     * @param sortedAllPartitions:          sorted all partitions
     * @param sortedAssignedPartitions:     sorted partitions, all are included in the sortedPartitions
     * @param topic2AllPotentialConsumers:  topics mapped to all consumers that subscribed to it
     * @return                              partitions that aren't assigned to any current consumer
    private List<TopicPartition> getUnassignedPartitions(List<TopicPartition> sortedAllPartitions,
                                                         List<TopicPartition> sortedAssignedPartitions,
                                                         Map<String, List<String>> topic2AllPotentialConsumers) {
        if (sortedAssignedPartitions.isEmpty()) {
            return sortedAllPartitions;

        List<TopicPartition> unassignedPartitions = new ArrayList<>();

        Collections.sort(sortedAssignedPartitions, new PartitionComparator(topic2AllPotentialConsumers));

        boolean shouldAddDirectly = false;
        Iterator<TopicPartition> sortedAssignedPartitionsIter = sortedAssignedPartitions.iterator();
        TopicPartition nextAssignedPartition = sortedAssignedPartitionsIter.next();

        for (TopicPartition topicPartition : sortedAllPartitions) {
            if (shouldAddDirectly || !nextAssignedPartition.equals(topicPartition)) {
            } else {
                // this partition is in assignedPartitions, don't add to unassignedPartitions, just get next assigned partition
                if (sortedAssignedPartitionsIter.hasNext()) {
                    nextAssignedPartition = sortedAssignedPartitionsIter.next();
                } else {
                    // add the remaining directly since there is no more sortedAssignedPartitions
                    shouldAddDirectly = true;
        return unassignedPartitions;

     * get the unassigned partition list by computing the difference set of all sorted partitions
     * and sortedAssignedPartitions. If no assigned partitions, we'll just return all sorted topic partitions.
     * This is used in constrainedAssign method
     * To compute the difference set, we use two pointers technique here:
     * We loop through the all sorted topics, and then iterate all partitions the topic has,
     * compared with the ith element in sortedAssignedPartitions(i starts from 0):
     *   - if not equal to the ith element, add to unassignedPartitions
     *   - if equal to the ith element, get next element from sortedAssignedPartitions
     * @param totalPartitionsCount      all partitions counts in this assignment
     * @param partitionsPerTopic        the number of partitions for each subscribed topic.
     * @param sortedAssignedPartitions  sorted partitions, all are included in the sortedPartitions
     * @return                          the partitions not yet assigned to any consumers
    private List<TopicPartition> getUnassignedPartitions(int totalPartitionsCount,
                                                         Map<String, Integer> partitionsPerTopic,
                                                         List<TopicPartition> sortedAssignedPartitions) {
        List<String> sortedAllTopics = new ArrayList<>(partitionsPerTopic.keySet());
        // sort all topics first, then we can have sorted all topic partitions by adding partitions starting from 0

        if (sortedAssignedPartitions.isEmpty()) {
            // no assigned partitions means all partitions are unassigned partitions
            return getAllTopicPartitions(partitionsPerTopic, sortedAllTopics, totalPartitionsCount);

        List<TopicPartition> unassignedPartitions = new ArrayList<>(totalPartitionsCount - sortedAssignedPartitions.size());

        Collections.sort(sortedAssignedPartitions, Comparator.comparing(TopicPartition::topic).thenComparing(TopicPartition::partition));

        boolean shouldAddDirectly = false;
        Iterator<TopicPartition> sortedAssignedPartitionsIter = sortedAssignedPartitions.iterator();
        TopicPartition nextAssignedPartition = sortedAssignedPartitionsIter.next();

        for (String topic : sortedAllTopics) {
            int partitionCount = partitionsPerTopic.get(topic);
            for (int i = 0; i < partitionCount; i++) {
                if (shouldAddDirectly || !(nextAssignedPartition.topic().equals(topic) && nextAssignedPartition.partition() == i)) {
                    unassignedPartitions.add(new TopicPartition(topic, i));
                } else {
                    // this partition is in assignedPartitions, don't add to unassignedPartitions, just get next assigned partition
                    if (sortedAssignedPartitionsIter.hasNext()) {
                        nextAssignedPartition = sortedAssignedPartitionsIter.next();
                    } else {
                        // add the remaining directly since there is no more sortedAssignedPartitions
                        shouldAddDirectly = true;

        return unassignedPartitions;

     * update the prevAssignment with the partitions, consumer and generation in parameters
     * @param partitions:       The partitions to be updated the prevAssignment
     * @param consumer:         The consumer Id
     * @param prevAssignment:   The assignment contains the assignment with the 2nd largest generation
     * @param generation:       The generation of this assignment (partitions)
    private void updatePrevAssignment(Map<TopicPartition, ConsumerGenerationPair> prevAssignment,
                                      List<TopicPartition> partitions,
                                      String consumer,
                                      int generation) {
        for (TopicPartition partition: partitions) {
            if (prevAssignment.containsKey(partition)) {
                // only keep the latest previous assignment
                if (generation > prevAssignment.get(partition).generation) {
                    prevAssignment.put(partition, new ConsumerGenerationPair(consumer, generation));
            } else {
                prevAssignment.put(partition, new ConsumerGenerationPair(consumer, generation));

     * filling in the prevAssignment from the subscriptions.
     * @param subscriptions:        Map from the member id to their respective topic subscription
     * @param prevAssignment:       The assignment contains the assignment with the 2nd largest generation
    private void prepopulateCurrentAssignments(Map<String, Subscription> subscriptions,
                                               Map<TopicPartition, ConsumerGenerationPair> prevAssignment) {
        // we need to process subscriptions' user data with each consumer's reported generation in mind
        // higher generations overwrite lower generations in case of a conflict
        // note that a conflict could exists only if user data is for different generations

        for (Map.Entry<String, Subscription> subscriptionEntry: subscriptions.entrySet()) {
            String consumer = subscriptionEntry.getKey();
            Subscription subscription = subscriptionEntry.getValue();
            if (subscription.userData() != null) {
                // since this is our 2nd time to deserialize memberData, rewind userData is necessary
            MemberData memberData = memberData(subscriptionEntry.getValue());

            // we already have the maxGeneration info, so just compare the current generation of memberData, and put into prevAssignment
            if (memberData.generation.isPresent() && memberData.generation.get() < maxGeneration) {
                // if the current member's generation is lower than maxGeneration, put into prevAssignment if needed
                updatePrevAssignment(prevAssignment, memberData.partitions, consumer, memberData.generation.get());
            } else if (!memberData.generation.isPresent() && maxGeneration > DEFAULT_GENERATION) {
                // if maxGeneration is larger then DEFAULT_GENERATION
                // put all (no generation) partitions as DEFAULT_GENERATION into prevAssignment if needed
                updatePrevAssignment(prevAssignment, memberData.partitions, consumer, DEFAULT_GENERATION);

     * determine if the current assignment is a balanced one
     * @param currentAssignment:            the assignment whose balance needs to be checked
     * @param sortedCurrentSubscriptions:   an ascending sorted set of consumers based on how many topic partitions are already assigned to them
     * @param allSubscriptions:             a mapping of all consumers to all potential topics that can be assigned to them
     * @param partitionsPerTopic:           The number of partitions for each subscribed topic
     * @param totalPartitionCount           total partition count to be assigned
     * @return                              true if the given assignment is balanced; false otherwise
    private boolean isBalanced(Map<String, List<TopicPartition>> currentAssignment,
                               TreeSet<String> sortedCurrentSubscriptions,
                               Map<String, List<String>> allSubscriptions,
                               Map<String, Integer> partitionsPerTopic,
                               int totalPartitionCount) {
        int min = currentAssignment.get(sortedCurrentSubscriptions.first()).size();
        int max = currentAssignment.get(sortedCurrentSubscriptions.last()).size();
        if (min >= max - 1)
            // if minimum and maximum numbers of partitions assigned to consumers differ by at most one return true
            return true;

        // create a mapping from partitions to the consumer assigned to them
        final Map<TopicPartition, String> allPartitions = new HashMap<>();
        Set<Entry<String, List<TopicPartition>>> assignments = currentAssignment.entrySet();
        for (Map.Entry<String, List<TopicPartition>> entry: assignments) {
            List<TopicPartition> topicPartitions = entry.getValue();
            for (TopicPartition topicPartition: topicPartitions) {
                if (allPartitions.containsKey(topicPartition))
                    log.error("{} is assigned to more than one consumer.", topicPartition);
                allPartitions.put(topicPartition, entry.getKey());

        // for each consumer that does not have all the topic partitions it can get make sure none of the topic partitions it
        // could but did not get cannot be moved to it (because that would break the balance)
        for (String consumer: sortedCurrentSubscriptions) {
            List<TopicPartition> consumerPartitions = currentAssignment.get(consumer);
            int consumerPartitionCount = consumerPartitions.size();

            // skip if this consumer already has all the topic partitions it can get
            List<String> allSubscribedTopics = allSubscriptions.get(consumer);
            int maxAssignmentSize = getMaxAssignmentSize(totalPartitionCount, allSubscribedTopics, partitionsPerTopic);

            if (consumerPartitionCount == maxAssignmentSize)

            // otherwise make sure it cannot get any more
            for (String topic: allSubscribedTopics) {
                int partitionCount = partitionsPerTopic.get(topic);
                for (int i = 0; i < partitionCount; i++) {
                    TopicPartition topicPartition = new TopicPartition(topic, i);
                    if (!currentAssignment.get(consumer).contains(topicPartition)) {
                        String otherConsumer = allPartitions.get(topicPartition);
                        int otherConsumerPartitionCount = currentAssignment.get(otherConsumer).size();
                        if (consumerPartitionCount < otherConsumerPartitionCount) {
                            log.debug("{} can be moved from consumer {} to consumer {} for a more balanced assignment.",
                                topicPartition, otherConsumer, consumer);
                            return false;
        return true;

     * get the maximum assigned partition size of the {@code allSubscribedTopics}
     * @param totalPartitionCount           total partition count to be assigned
     * @param allSubscribedTopics           the subscribed topics of a consumer
     * @param partitionsPerTopic            The number of partitions for each subscribed topic
     * @return                              maximum assigned partition size
    private int getMaxAssignmentSize(int totalPartitionCount,
                                     List<String> allSubscribedTopics,
                                     Map<String, Integer> partitionsPerTopic) {
        int maxAssignmentSize;
        if (allSubscribedTopics.size() == partitionsPerTopic.size()) {
            maxAssignmentSize = totalPartitionCount;
        } else {
            maxAssignmentSize = allSubscribedTopics.stream().map(topic -> partitionsPerTopic.get(topic)).reduce(0, Integer::sum);
        return maxAssignmentSize;

     * @return the balance score of the given assignment, as the sum of assigned partitions size difference of all consumer pairs.
     * A perfectly balanced assignment (with all consumers getting the same number of partitions) has a balance score of 0.
     * Lower balance score indicates a more balanced assignment.
    private int getBalanceScore(Map<String, List<TopicPartition>> assignment) {
        int score = 0;

        Map<String, Integer> consumer2AssignmentSize = new HashMap<>();
        for (Entry<String, List<TopicPartition>> entry: assignment.entrySet())
            consumer2AssignmentSize.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().size());

        Iterator<Entry<String, Integer>> it = consumer2AssignmentSize.entrySet().iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            Entry<String, Integer> entry = it.next();
            int consumerAssignmentSize = entry.getValue();
            for (Entry<String, Integer> otherEntry: consumer2AssignmentSize.entrySet())
                score += Math.abs(consumerAssignmentSize - otherEntry.getValue());

        return score;

     * The assignment should improve the overall balance of the partition assignments to consumers.
    private void assignPartition(TopicPartition partition,
                                 TreeSet<String> sortedCurrentSubscriptions,
                                 Map<String, List<TopicPartition>> currentAssignment,
                                 Map<String, List<String>> consumer2AllPotentialTopics,
                                 Map<TopicPartition, String> currentPartitionConsumer) {
        for (String consumer: sortedCurrentSubscriptions) {
            if (consumer2AllPotentialTopics.get(consumer).contains(partition.topic())) {
                currentPartitionConsumer.put(partition, consumer);

    private boolean canParticipateInReassignment(String topic,
                                                 Map<String, List<String>> topic2AllPotentialConsumers) {
        // if a topic has two or more potential consumers it is subject to reassignment.
        return topic2AllPotentialConsumers.get(topic).size() >= 2;

    private boolean canParticipateInReassignment(String consumer,
                                                 Map<String, List<TopicPartition>> currentAssignment,
                                                 Map<String, List<String>> consumer2AllPotentialTopics,
                                                 Map<String, List<String>> topic2AllPotentialConsumers,
                                                 Map<String, Integer> partitionsPerTopic,
                                                 int totalPartitionCount) {
        List<TopicPartition> currentPartitions = currentAssignment.get(consumer);
        int currentAssignmentSize = currentPartitions.size();
        List<String> allSubscribedTopics = consumer2AllPotentialTopics.get(consumer);
        int maxAssignmentSize = getMaxAssignmentSize(totalPartitionCount, allSubscribedTopics, partitionsPerTopic);

        if (currentAssignmentSize > maxAssignmentSize)
            log.error("The consumer {} is assigned more partitions than the maximum possible.", consumer);

        if (currentAssignmentSize < maxAssignmentSize)
            // if a consumer is not assigned all its potential partitions it is subject to reassignment
            return true;

        for (TopicPartition partition: currentPartitions)
            // if any of the partitions assigned to a consumer is subject to reassignment the consumer itself
            // is subject to reassignment
            if (canParticipateInReassignment(partition.topic(), topic2AllPotentialConsumers))
                return true;

        return false;

     * Balance the current assignment using the data structures created in the assign(...) method above.
    private void balance(Map<String, List<TopicPartition>> currentAssignment,
                         Map<TopicPartition, ConsumerGenerationPair> prevAssignment,
                         List<TopicPartition> sortedPartitions,
                         List<TopicPartition> unassignedPartitions,
                         TreeSet<String> sortedCurrentSubscriptions,
                         Map<String, List<String>> consumer2AllPotentialTopics,
                         Map<String, List<String>> topic2AllPotentialConsumers,
                         Map<TopicPartition, String> currentPartitionConsumer,
                         boolean revocationRequired,
                         Map<String, Integer> partitionsPerTopic,
                         int totalPartitionCount) {
        boolean initializing = currentAssignment.get(sortedCurrentSubscriptions.last()).isEmpty();

        // assign all unassigned partitions
        for (TopicPartition partition: unassignedPartitions) {
            // skip if there is no potential consumer for the topic
            if (topic2AllPotentialConsumers.get(partition.topic()).isEmpty())

            assignPartition(partition, sortedCurrentSubscriptions, currentAssignment,
                consumer2AllPotentialTopics, currentPartitionConsumer);

        // narrow down the reassignment scope to only those partitions that can actually be reassigned
        Set<TopicPartition> fixedPartitions = new HashSet<>();
        for (String topic: topic2AllPotentialConsumers.keySet())
            if (!canParticipateInReassignment(topic, topic2AllPotentialConsumers)) {
                for (int i = 0; i < partitionsPerTopic.get(topic); i++) {
                    fixedPartitions.add(new TopicPartition(topic, i));

        // narrow down the reassignment scope to only those consumers that are subject to reassignment
        Map<String, List<TopicPartition>> fixedAssignments = new HashMap<>();
        for (String consumer: consumer2AllPotentialTopics.keySet())
            if (!canParticipateInReassignment(consumer, currentAssignment,
                consumer2AllPotentialTopics, topic2AllPotentialConsumers, partitionsPerTopic, totalPartitionCount)) {
                fixedAssignments.put(consumer, currentAssignment.remove(consumer));

        // create a deep copy of the current assignment so we can revert to it if we do not get a more balanced assignment later
        Map<String, List<TopicPartition>> preBalanceAssignment = deepCopy(currentAssignment);
        Map<TopicPartition, String> preBalancePartitionConsumers = new HashMap<>(currentPartitionConsumer);

        // if we don't already need to revoke something due to subscription changes, first try to balance by only moving newly added partitions
        if (!revocationRequired) {
            performReassignments(unassignedPartitions, currentAssignment, prevAssignment, sortedCurrentSubscriptions,
                consumer2AllPotentialTopics, topic2AllPotentialConsumers, currentPartitionConsumer, partitionsPerTopic, totalPartitionCount);

        boolean reassignmentPerformed = performReassignments(sortedPartitions, currentAssignment, prevAssignment, sortedCurrentSubscriptions,
            consumer2AllPotentialTopics, topic2AllPotentialConsumers, currentPartitionConsumer, partitionsPerTopic, totalPartitionCount);

        // if we are not preserving existing assignments and we have made changes to the current assignment
        // make sure we are getting a more balanced assignment; otherwise, revert to previous assignment
        if (!initializing && reassignmentPerformed && getBalanceScore(currentAssignment) >= getBalanceScore(preBalanceAssignment)) {
            deepCopy(preBalanceAssignment, currentAssignment);

        // add the fixed assignments (those that could not change) back
        for (Entry<String, List<TopicPartition>> entry: fixedAssignments.entrySet()) {
            String consumer = entry.getKey();
            currentAssignment.put(consumer, entry.getValue());


    private boolean performReassignments(List<TopicPartition> reassignablePartitions,
                                         Map<String, List<TopicPartition>> currentAssignment,
                                         Map<TopicPartition, ConsumerGenerationPair> prevAssignment,
                                         TreeSet<String> sortedCurrentSubscriptions,
                                         Map<String, List<String>> consumer2AllPotentialTopics,
                                         Map<String, List<String>> topic2AllPotentialConsumers,
                                         Map<TopicPartition, String> currentPartitionConsumer,
                                         Map<String, Integer> partitionsPerTopic,
                                         int totalPartitionCount) {
        boolean reassignmentPerformed = false;
        boolean modified;

        // repeat reassignment until no partition can be moved to improve the balance
        do {
            modified = false;
            // reassign all reassignable partitions (starting from the partition with least potential consumers and if needed)
            // until the full list is processed or a balance is achieved
            Iterator<TopicPartition> partitionIterator = reassignablePartitions.iterator();
            while (partitionIterator.hasNext() && !isBalanced(currentAssignment, sortedCurrentSubscriptions,
                consumer2AllPotentialTopics, partitionsPerTopic, totalPartitionCount)) {
                TopicPartition partition = partitionIterator.next();

                // the partition must have at least two consumers
                if (topic2AllPotentialConsumers.get(partition.topic()).size() <= 1)
                    log.error("Expected more than one potential consumer for partition '{}'", partition);

                // the partition must have a current consumer
                String consumer = currentPartitionConsumer.get(partition);
                if (consumer == null)
                    log.error("Expected partition '{}' to be assigned to a consumer", partition);

                if (prevAssignment.containsKey(partition) &&
                    currentAssignment.get(consumer).size() > currentAssignment.get(prevAssignment.get(partition).consumer).size() + 1) {
                    reassignPartition(partition, currentAssignment, sortedCurrentSubscriptions, currentPartitionConsumer, prevAssignment.get(partition).consumer);
                    reassignmentPerformed = true;
                    modified = true;

                // check if a better-suited consumer exist for the partition; if so, reassign it
                for (String otherConsumer: topic2AllPotentialConsumers.get(partition.topic())) {
                    if (currentAssignment.get(consumer).size() > currentAssignment.get(otherConsumer).size() + 1) {
                        reassignPartition(partition, currentAssignment, sortedCurrentSubscriptions, currentPartitionConsumer, consumer2AllPotentialTopics);
                        reassignmentPerformed = true;
                        modified = true;
        } while (modified);

        return reassignmentPerformed;

    private void reassignPartition(TopicPartition partition,
                                   Map<String, List<TopicPartition>> currentAssignment,
                                   TreeSet<String> sortedCurrentSubscriptions,
                                   Map<TopicPartition, String> currentPartitionConsumer,
                                   Map<String, List<String>> consumer2AllPotentialTopics) {
        // find the new consumer
        String newConsumer = null;
        for (String anotherConsumer: sortedCurrentSubscriptions) {
            if (consumer2AllPotentialTopics.get(anotherConsumer).contains(partition.topic())) {
                newConsumer = anotherConsumer;

        assert newConsumer != null;

        reassignPartition(partition, currentAssignment, sortedCurrentSubscriptions, currentPartitionConsumer, newConsumer);

    private void reassignPartition(TopicPartition partition,
                                   Map<String, List<TopicPartition>> currentAssignment,
                                   TreeSet<String> sortedCurrentSubscriptions,
                                   Map<TopicPartition, String> currentPartitionConsumer,
                                   String newConsumer) {
        String consumer = currentPartitionConsumer.get(partition);
        // find the correct partition movement considering the stickiness requirement
        TopicPartition partitionToBeMoved = partitionMovements.getTheActualPartitionToBeMoved(partition, consumer, newConsumer);
        processPartitionMovement(partitionToBeMoved, newConsumer, currentAssignment, sortedCurrentSubscriptions, currentPartitionConsumer);

    private void processPartitionMovement(TopicPartition partition,
                                          String newConsumer,
                                          Map<String, List<TopicPartition>> currentAssignment,
                                          TreeSet<String> sortedCurrentSubscriptions,
                                          Map<TopicPartition, String> currentPartitionConsumer) {
        String oldConsumer = currentPartitionConsumer.get(partition);


        partitionMovements.movePartition(partition, oldConsumer, newConsumer);

        currentPartitionConsumer.put(partition, newConsumer);

    public boolean isSticky() {
        return partitionMovements.isSticky();

    private void deepCopy(Map<String, List<TopicPartition>> source, Map<String, List<TopicPartition>> dest) {
        for (Entry<String, List<TopicPartition>> entry: source.entrySet())
            dest.put(entry.getKey(), new ArrayList<>(entry.getValue()));

    private Map<String, List<TopicPartition>> deepCopy(Map<String, List<TopicPartition>> assignment) {
        Map<String, List<TopicPartition>> copy = new HashMap<>();
        deepCopy(assignment, copy);
        return copy;

    private static class TopicComparator implements Comparator<String>, Serializable {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
        private Map<String, List<String>> map;

        TopicComparator(Map<String, List<String>> map) {
            this.map = map;

        public int compare(String o1, String o2) {
            int ret = map.get(o1).size() - map.get(o2).size();
            if (ret == 0) {
                ret = o1.compareTo(o2);
            return ret;

    private static class SubscriptionComparator implements Comparator<String>, Serializable {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
        private Map<String, List<TopicPartition>> map;

        SubscriptionComparator(Map<String, List<TopicPartition>> map) {
            this.map = map;

        public int compare(String o1, String o2) {
            int ret = map.get(o1).size() - map.get(o2).size();
            if (ret == 0)
                ret = o1.compareTo(o2);
            return ret;

     * This class maintains some data structures to simplify lookup of partition movements among consumers. At each point of
     * time during a partition rebalance it keeps track of partition movements corresponding to each topic, and also possible
     * movement (in form a <code>ConsumerPair</code> object) for each partition.
    private static class PartitionMovements {
        private Map<String, Map<ConsumerPair, Set<TopicPartition>>> partitionMovementsByTopic = new HashMap<>();
        private Map<TopicPartition, ConsumerPair> partitionMovements = new HashMap<>();

        private ConsumerPair removeMovementRecordOfPartition(TopicPartition partition) {
            ConsumerPair pair = partitionMovements.remove(partition);

            String topic = partition.topic();
            Map<ConsumerPair, Set<TopicPartition>> partitionMovementsForThisTopic = partitionMovementsByTopic.get(topic);
            if (partitionMovementsForThisTopic.get(pair).isEmpty())
            if (partitionMovementsByTopic.get(topic).isEmpty())

            return pair;

        private void addPartitionMovementRecord(TopicPartition partition, ConsumerPair pair) {
            partitionMovements.put(partition, pair);

            String topic = partition.topic();
            if (!partitionMovementsByTopic.containsKey(topic))
                partitionMovementsByTopic.put(topic, new HashMap<>());

            Map<ConsumerPair, Set<TopicPartition>> partitionMovementsForThisTopic = partitionMovementsByTopic.get(topic);
            if (!partitionMovementsForThisTopic.containsKey(pair))
                partitionMovementsForThisTopic.put(pair, new HashSet<>());


        private void movePartition(TopicPartition partition, String oldConsumer, String newConsumer) {
            ConsumerPair pair = new ConsumerPair(oldConsumer, newConsumer);

            if (partitionMovements.containsKey(partition)) {
                // this partition has previously moved
                ConsumerPair existingPair = removeMovementRecordOfPartition(partition);
                assert existingPair.dstMemberId.equals(oldConsumer);
                if (!existingPair.srcMemberId.equals(newConsumer)) {
                    // the partition is not moving back to its previous consumer
                    // return new ConsumerPair2(existingPair.src, newConsumer);
                    addPartitionMovementRecord(partition, new ConsumerPair(existingPair.srcMemberId, newConsumer));
            } else
                addPartitionMovementRecord(partition, pair);

        private TopicPartition getTheActualPartitionToBeMoved(TopicPartition partition, String oldConsumer, String newConsumer) {
            String topic = partition.topic();

            if (!partitionMovementsByTopic.containsKey(topic))
                return partition;

            if (partitionMovements.containsKey(partition)) {
                // this partition has previously moved
                assert oldConsumer.equals(partitionMovements.get(partition).dstMemberId);
                oldConsumer = partitionMovements.get(partition).srcMemberId;

            Map<ConsumerPair, Set<TopicPartition>> partitionMovementsForThisTopic = partitionMovementsByTopic.get(topic);
            ConsumerPair reversePair = new ConsumerPair(newConsumer, oldConsumer);
            if (!partitionMovementsForThisTopic.containsKey(reversePair))
                return partition;

            return partitionMovementsForThisTopic.get(reversePair).iterator().next();

        private boolean isLinked(String src, String dst, Set<ConsumerPair> pairs, List<String> currentPath) {
            if (src.equals(dst))
                return false;

            if (pairs.isEmpty())
                return false;

            if (new ConsumerPair(src, dst).in(pairs)) {
                return true;

            for (ConsumerPair pair: pairs)
                if (pair.srcMemberId.equals(src)) {
                    Set<ConsumerPair> reducedSet = new HashSet<>(pairs);
                    return isLinked(pair.dstMemberId, dst, reducedSet, currentPath);

            return false;

        private boolean in(List<String> cycle, Set<List<String>> cycles) {
            List<String> superCycle = new ArrayList<>(cycle);
            superCycle.remove(superCycle.size() - 1);
            for (List<String> foundCycle: cycles) {
                if (foundCycle.size() == cycle.size() && Collections.indexOfSubList(superCycle, foundCycle) != -1)
                    return true;
            return false;

        private boolean hasCycles(Set<ConsumerPair> pairs) {
            Set<List<String>> cycles = new HashSet<>();
            for (ConsumerPair pair: pairs) {
                Set<ConsumerPair> reducedPairs = new HashSet<>(pairs);
                List<String> path = new ArrayList<>(Collections.singleton(pair.srcMemberId));
                if (isLinked(pair.dstMemberId, pair.srcMemberId, reducedPairs, path) && !in(path, cycles)) {
                    cycles.add(new ArrayList<>(path));
                    log.error("A cycle of length {} was found: {}", path.size() - 1, path.toString());

            // for now we want to make sure there is no partition movements of the same topic between a pair of consumers.
            // the odds of finding a cycle among more than two consumers seem to be very low (according to various randomized
            // tests with the given sticky algorithm) that it should not worth the added complexity of handling those cases.
            for (List<String> cycle: cycles)
                if (cycle.size() == 3) // indicates a cycle of length 2
                    return true;
            return false;

        private boolean isSticky() {
            for (Map.Entry<String, Map<ConsumerPair, Set<TopicPartition>>> topicMovements: this.partitionMovementsByTopic.entrySet()) {
                Set<ConsumerPair> topicMovementPairs = topicMovements.getValue().keySet();
                if (hasCycles(topicMovementPairs)) {
                    log.error("Stickiness is violated for topic {}"
                        + "\nPartition movements for this topic occurred among the following consumer pairs:"
                        + "\n{}", topicMovements.getKey(), topicMovements.getValue().toString());
                    return false;

            return true;

     * <code>ConsumerPair</code> represents a pair of Kafka consumer ids involved in a partition reassignment. Each
     * <code>ConsumerPair</code> object, which contains a source (<code>src</code>) and a destination (<code>dst</code>)
     * element, normally corresponds to a particular partition or topic, and indicates that the particular partition or some
     * partition of the particular topic was moved from the source consumer to the destination consumer during the rebalance.
     * This class is used, through the <code>PartitionMovements</code> class, by the sticky assignor and helps in determining
     * whether a partition reassignment results in cycles among the generated graph of consumer pairs.
    private static class ConsumerPair {
        private final String srcMemberId;
        private final String dstMemberId;

        ConsumerPair(String srcMemberId, String dstMemberId) {
            this.srcMemberId = srcMemberId;
            this.dstMemberId = dstMemberId;

        public String toString() {
            return this.srcMemberId + "->" + this.dstMemberId;

        public int hashCode() {
            final int prime = 31;
            int result = 1;
            result = prime * result + ((this.srcMemberId == null) ? 0 : this.srcMemberId.hashCode());
            result = prime * result + ((this.dstMemberId == null) ? 0 : this.dstMemberId.hashCode());
            return result;

        public boolean equals(Object obj) {
            if (obj == null)
                return false;

            if (!getClass().isInstance(obj))
                return false;

            ConsumerPair otherPair = (ConsumerPair) obj;
            return this.srcMemberId.equals(otherPair.srcMemberId) && this.dstMemberId.equals(otherPair.dstMemberId);

        private boolean in(Set<ConsumerPair> pairs) {
            for (ConsumerPair pair: pairs)
                if (this.equals(pair))
                    return true;
            return false;


kafka 源码目录


kafka AbstractCoordinator 源码

kafka AbstractPartitionAssignor 源码

kafka AsyncClient 源码

kafka ConsumerCoordinator 源码

kafka ConsumerInterceptors 源码

kafka ConsumerMetadata 源码

kafka ConsumerMetrics 源码

kafka ConsumerNetworkClient 源码

kafka ConsumerProtocol 源码

kafka DefaultBackgroundThread 源码

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