tidb rule_max_min_eliminate 源码

  • 2022-09-19
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tidb rule_max_min_eliminate 代码


// Copyright 2017 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package core

import (


// maxMinEliminator tries to eliminate max/min aggregate function.
// For SQL like `select max(id) from t;`, we could optimize it to `select max(id) from (select id from t order by id desc limit 1 where id is not null) t;`.
// For SQL like `select min(id) from t;`, we could optimize it to `select max(id) from (select id from t order by id limit 1 where id is not null) t;`.
// For SQL like `select max(id), min(id) from t;`, we could optimize it to the cartesianJoin result of the two queries above if `id` has an index.
type maxMinEliminator struct {

func (a *maxMinEliminator) optimize(_ context.Context, p LogicalPlan, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) (LogicalPlan, error) {
	return a.eliminateMaxMin(p, opt), nil

// composeAggsByInnerJoin composes the scalar aggregations by cartesianJoin.
func (a *maxMinEliminator) composeAggsByInnerJoin(originAgg *LogicalAggregation, aggs []*LogicalAggregation, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) (plan LogicalPlan) {
	plan = aggs[0]
	sctx := plan.SCtx()
	joins := make([]*LogicalJoin, 0)
	for i := 1; i < len(aggs); i++ {
		join := LogicalJoin{JoinType: InnerJoin}.Init(sctx, plan.SelectBlockOffset())
		join.SetChildren(plan, aggs[i])
		join.schema = buildLogicalJoinSchema(InnerJoin, join)
		join.cartesianJoin = true
		plan = join
		joins = append(joins, join)
	appendEliminateMultiMinMaxTraceStep(originAgg, aggs, joins, opt)

// checkColCanUseIndex checks whether there is an AccessPath satisfy the conditions:
// 1. all of the selection's condition can be pushed down as AccessConds of the path.
// 2. the path can keep order for `col` after pushing down the conditions.
func (a *maxMinEliminator) checkColCanUseIndex(plan LogicalPlan, col *expression.Column, conditions []expression.Expression) bool {
	switch p := plan.(type) {
	case *LogicalSelection:
		conditions = append(conditions, p.Conditions...)
		return a.checkColCanUseIndex(p.children[0], col, conditions)
	case *DataSource:
		// Check whether there is an AccessPath can use index for col.
		for _, path := range p.possibleAccessPaths {
			if path.IsIntHandlePath {
				// Since table path can contain accessConds of at most one column,
				// we only need to check if all of the conditions can be pushed down as accessConds
				// and `col` is the handle column.
				if p.handleCols != nil && col.Equal(nil, p.handleCols.GetCol(0)) {
					if _, filterConds := ranger.DetachCondsForColumn(p.ctx, conditions, col); len(filterConds) != 0 {
						return false
					return true
			} else {
				indexCols, indexColLen := path.FullIdxCols, path.FullIdxColLens
				if path.IsCommonHandlePath {
					indexCols, indexColLen = p.commonHandleCols, p.commonHandleLens
				// 1. whether all of the conditions can be pushed down as accessConds.
				// 2. whether the AccessPath can satisfy the order property of `col` with these accessConds.
				result, err := ranger.DetachCondAndBuildRangeForIndex(p.ctx, conditions, indexCols, indexColLen)
				if err != nil || len(result.RemainedConds) != 0 {
				for i := 0; i <= result.EqCondCount; i++ {
					if i < len(indexCols) && col.Equal(nil, indexCols[i]) {
						return true
		return false
		return false

// cloneSubPlans shallow clones the subPlan. We only consider `Selection` and `DataSource` here,
// because we have restricted the subPlan in `checkColCanUseIndex`.
func (a *maxMinEliminator) cloneSubPlans(plan LogicalPlan) LogicalPlan {
	switch p := plan.(type) {
	case *LogicalSelection:
		newConditions := make([]expression.Expression, len(p.Conditions))
		copy(newConditions, p.Conditions)
		sel := LogicalSelection{Conditions: newConditions}.Init(p.ctx, p.blockOffset)
		return sel
	case *DataSource:
		// Quick clone a DataSource.
		// ReadOnly fields uses a shallow copy, while the fields which will be overwritten must use a deep copy.
		newDs := *p
		newDs.baseLogicalPlan = newBaseLogicalPlan(p.ctx, p.tp, &newDs, p.blockOffset)
		newDs.schema = p.schema.Clone()
		newDs.Columns = make([]*model.ColumnInfo, len(p.Columns))
		copy(newDs.Columns, p.Columns)
		newAccessPaths := make([]*util.AccessPath, 0, len(p.possibleAccessPaths))
		for _, path := range p.possibleAccessPaths {
			newPath := *path
			newAccessPaths = append(newAccessPaths, &newPath)
		newDs.possibleAccessPaths = newAccessPaths
		return &newDs
	// This won't happen, because we have checked the subtree.
	return nil

// splitAggFuncAndCheckIndices splits the agg to multiple aggs and check whether each agg needs a sort
// after the transformation. For example, we firstly split the sql: `select max(a), min(a), max(b) from t` ->
// `select max(a) from t` + `select min(a) from t` + `select max(b) from t`.
// Then we check whether `a` and `b` have indices. If any of the used column has no index, we cannot eliminate
// this aggregation.
func (a *maxMinEliminator) splitAggFuncAndCheckIndices(agg *LogicalAggregation, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) (aggs []*LogicalAggregation, canEliminate bool) {
	for _, f := range agg.AggFuncs {
		// We must make sure the args of max/min is a simple single column.
		col, ok := f.Args[0].(*expression.Column)
		if !ok {
			return nil, false
		if !a.checkColCanUseIndex(agg.children[0], col, make([]expression.Expression, 0)) {
			return nil, false
	aggs = make([]*LogicalAggregation, 0, len(agg.AggFuncs))
	// we can split the aggregation only if all of the aggFuncs pass the check.
	for i, f := range agg.AggFuncs {
		newAgg := LogicalAggregation{AggFuncs: []*aggregation.AggFuncDesc{f}}.Init(agg.ctx, agg.blockOffset)
		newAgg.schema = expression.NewSchema(agg.schema.Columns[i])
		if err := newAgg.PruneColumns([]*expression.Column{newAgg.schema.Columns[0]}, opt); err != nil {
			return nil, false
		aggs = append(aggs, newAgg)
	return aggs, true

// eliminateSingleMaxMin tries to convert a single max/min to Limit+Sort operators.
func (a *maxMinEliminator) eliminateSingleMaxMin(agg *LogicalAggregation, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) *LogicalAggregation {
	f := agg.AggFuncs[0]
	child := agg.Children()[0]
	ctx := agg.SCtx()

	var sel *LogicalSelection
	var sort *LogicalSort
	// If there's no column in f.GetArgs()[0], we still need limit and read data from real table because the result should be NULL if the input is empty.
	if len(expression.ExtractColumns(f.Args[0])) > 0 {
		// If it can be NULL, we need to filter NULL out first.
		if !mysql.HasNotNullFlag(f.Args[0].GetType().GetFlag()) {
			sel = LogicalSelection{}.Init(ctx, agg.blockOffset)
			isNullFunc := expression.NewFunctionInternal(ctx, ast.IsNull, types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeTiny), f.Args[0])
			notNullFunc := expression.NewFunctionInternal(ctx, ast.UnaryNot, types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeTiny), isNullFunc)
			sel.Conditions = []expression.Expression{notNullFunc}
			child = sel

		// Add Sort and Limit operators.
		// For max function, the sort order should be desc.
		desc := f.Name == ast.AggFuncMax
		// Compose Sort operator.
		sort = LogicalSort{}.Init(ctx, agg.blockOffset)
		sort.ByItems = append(sort.ByItems, &util.ByItems{Expr: f.Args[0], Desc: desc})
		child = sort

	// Compose Limit operator.
	li := LogicalLimit{Count: 1}.Init(ctx, agg.blockOffset)

	// If no data in the child, we need to return NULL instead of empty. This cannot be done by sort and limit themselves.
	// Since now there would be at most one row returned, the remained agg operator is not expensive anymore.
	appendEliminateSingleMaxMinTrace(agg, sel, sort, li, opt)
	return agg

// eliminateMaxMin tries to convert max/min to Limit+Sort operators.
func (a *maxMinEliminator) eliminateMaxMin(p LogicalPlan, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) LogicalPlan {
	newChildren := make([]LogicalPlan, 0, len(p.Children()))
	for _, child := range p.Children() {
		newChildren = append(newChildren, a.eliminateMaxMin(child, opt))
	if agg, ok := p.(*LogicalAggregation); ok {
		if len(agg.GroupByItems) != 0 {
			return agg
		// Make sure that all of the aggFuncs are Max or Min.
		for _, aggFunc := range agg.AggFuncs {
			if aggFunc.Name != ast.AggFuncMax && aggFunc.Name != ast.AggFuncMin {
				return agg
		// Limit+Sort operators are sorted by value, but ENUM/SET field types are sorted by name.
		cols := agg.GetUsedCols()
		for _, col := range cols {
			if col.RetType.GetType() == mysql.TypeEnum || col.RetType.GetType() == mysql.TypeSet {
				return agg
		if len(agg.AggFuncs) == 1 {
			// If there is only one aggFunc, we don't need to guarantee that the child of it is a data
			// source, or whether the sort can be eliminated. This transformation won't be worse than previous.
			return a.eliminateSingleMaxMin(agg, opt)
		// If we have more than one aggFunc, we can eliminate this agg only if all of the aggFuncs can benefit from
		// their column's index.
		aggs, canEliminate := a.splitAggFuncAndCheckIndices(agg, opt)
		if !canEliminate {
			return agg
		for i := range aggs {
			aggs[i] = a.eliminateSingleMaxMin(aggs[i], opt)
		return a.composeAggsByInnerJoin(agg, aggs, opt)
	return p

func (*maxMinEliminator) name() string {
	return "max_min_eliminate"

func appendEliminateSingleMaxMinTrace(agg *LogicalAggregation, sel *LogicalSelection, sort *LogicalSort, limit *LogicalLimit, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) {
	action := func() string {
		buffer := bytes.NewBufferString("")
		if sel != nil {
			buffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("add %v_%v,", sel.TP(), sel.ID()))
		if sort != nil {
			buffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("add %v_%v,", sort.TP(), sort.ID()))
		buffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("add %v_%v during eliminating %v_%v %s function", limit.TP(), limit.ID(), agg.TP(), agg.ID(), agg.AggFuncs[0].Name))
		return buffer.String()
	reason := func() string {
		buffer := bytes.NewBufferString(fmt.Sprintf("%v_%v has only one function[%s] without group by", agg.TP(), agg.ID(), agg.AggFuncs[0].Name))
		if sel != nil {
			buffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(", the columns in %v_%v shouldn't be NULL and needs NULL to be filtered out", agg.TP(), agg.ID()))
		if sort != nil {
			buffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(", the columns in %v_%v should be sorted", agg.TP(), agg.ID()))
		return buffer.String()
	opt.appendStepToCurrent(agg.ID(), agg.TP(), reason, action)

func appendEliminateMultiMinMaxTraceStep(originAgg *LogicalAggregation, aggs []*LogicalAggregation, joins []*LogicalJoin, opt *logicalOptimizeOp) {
	action := func() string {
		buffer := bytes.NewBufferString(fmt.Sprintf("%v_%v splited into [", originAgg.TP(), originAgg.ID()))
		for i, agg := range aggs {
			if i > 0 {
			buffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%v_%v", agg.TP(), agg.ID()))
		buffer.WriteString("], and add [")
		for i, join := range joins {
			if i > 0 {
			buffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%v_%v", join.TP(), join.ID()))
		buffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("] to connect them during eliminating %v_%v multi min/max functions", originAgg.TP(), originAgg.ID()))
		return buffer.String()
	reason := func() string {
		buffer := bytes.NewBufferString("each column is sorted and can benefit from index/primary key in [")
		for i, agg := range aggs {
			if i > 0 {
			buffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%v_%v", agg.TP(), agg.ID()))
		buffer.WriteString("] and none of them has group by clause")
		return buffer.String()
	opt.appendStepToCurrent(originAgg.ID(), originAgg.TP(), reason, action)


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