harmony 鸿蒙Path2D

  • 2022-08-09
  • 浏览 (836)


<Path2D> allows you to describe a path through an existing path. This path can be drawn through the stroke API of Canvas. For details, see Path2D.

Drawing Line Segments

Create a <Path2D> object and use line segments to create different shapes.

<!-- xxx.hml --> 
<div class="container">
  <canvas ref="canvas"></canvas>
/* xxx.css */
.container {
    flex-direction: column;
    background-color: #F1F3F5;
    align-items: center;
    justify-content: center;
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;

canvas {
    width: 600px;
    height: 600px;
    background-color: #fdfdfd;
    border: 5px solid red;
// xxx.js
import promptAction from '@ohos.promptAction';

export default {
    onShow() {
        let ctx = this.$refs.canvas.getContext('2d', {
            antialias: true
        let path = ctx.createPath2D();
        // Roof
        path.moveTo(10, 300);
        path.lineTo(210, 100);
        path.lineTo(410, 300);
        // House
        path.moveTo(10, 300);
        path.lineTo(410, 300);
        path.lineTo(410, 600);
        path.lineTo(10, 600);
        // Window
        path.moveTo(50, 450);
        path.bezierCurveTo(70, 350, 130, 350, 150, 450);
        // Door
        path.moveTo(250, 450);
        path.rect(250, 450, 100, 600);
        // Chimney
        path.moveTo(365, 250);
        path.ellipse(310, 215, 30, 130, 0, Math.PI * 0.04, Math.PI * 1.1, 1);
        // Tree
        path.moveTo(485, 450);
        path.quadraticCurveTo(510, 500, 485, 600);
        path.moveTo(550, 450);
        path.quadraticCurveTo(525, 500, 550, 600);
        path.moveTo(600, 535);
        path.arc(520, 450, 85, 0, 6);


Drawing Graphs

Use createPath2D to create a path object and draw only path1 so that only path1 is displayed on the canvas. Click the <text> component to trigger the addPath method. The path2 object is passed to path1 as a parameter. After the stroke operation is performed on the path1 object, path1 and path2 are displayed on the canvas. Click Change to change the value of setTransform to** setTransform(2, 0.1, 0.1, 2, 0,0)**. The graph is enlarged and tilted to the left.

<!-- xxx.hml -->
<div class="container">
    <canvas ref="canvas"></canvas>
    <div class="content">
        <text onclick="addPath">{{ isAdd }}</text>
        <text onclick="setTransform">{{ textName }}</text>
/* xxx.css */
.container {
    flex-direction: column;
    background-color: #F1F3F5;
    align-items: center;
    justify-content: center;
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;

canvas {
    width: 600px;
    height: 600px;
    background-color: #fdfdfd;
    border: 5px solid red;

.content {
    width: 80%;
    margin-top: 50px;
    margin-bottom: 50px;
    display: flex;
    flex-wrap: wrap;
    justify-content: space-around;

text {
    width: 150px;
    height: 80px;
    color: white;
    border-radius: 20px;
    text-align: center;
    background-color: #6060e7;
    margin-bottom: 30px;
// xxx.js
import promptAction from '@ohos.promptAction';

export default {
    data: {
        ctx: null,
        path1: null,
        path2: null,
        path3: null,
        isAdd: "addPath2",
        isChange: true,
        textName: 'change'
    onShow() {
        this.ctx = this.$refs.canvas.getContext('2d', {
            antialias: true
        this.path1 = this.ctx.createPath2D();
        // Square
        this.path1.moveTo(200, 200);
        this.path1.lineTo(400, 200);
        this.path1.lineTo(400, 400);
        this.path1.lineTo(200, 400);
        this.path2 = this.ctx.createPath2D();
        // Arc
        this.path2.arc(300, 300, 75, 0, 6.28);
    addPath() {
        if (this.isAdd == "addPath2") {
            // Clear the content in the specified area on the canvas.
            this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, 600, 600);
            // Add a path to the current path.
            this.isAdd = "clearPath2";
        } else {
            this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, 600, 600);
            this.isAdd = "addPath2";
    setTransform() {
        if (this.isChange) {
            this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, 600, 600);
            this.path3 = this.ctx.createPath2D();
            this.path3.arc(150, 150, 100, 0, 6.28);
            // Reset and create a new transformation matrix.
            this.path3.setTransform(2, 0.1, 0.1, 2, 0, 0);
            this.isChange = !this.isChange;
            this.textName = "back"
        } else {
            this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, 600, 600);
            this.path3.setTransform(0.5, -0.1, -0.1, 0.5, 0, 0);
            this.isChange = !this.isChange;
            this.textName = "change";



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