spark ResourceProfileManager 源码

  • 2022-10-20
  • 浏览 (468)

spark ResourceProfileManager 代码


 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.apache.spark.resource

import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock

import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap

import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkException}
import org.apache.spark.annotation.Evolving
import org.apache.spark.internal.{config, Logging}
import org.apache.spark.internal.config.Tests._
import org.apache.spark.scheduler.{LiveListenerBus, SparkListenerResourceProfileAdded}
import org.apache.spark.util.Utils
import org.apache.spark.util.Utils.isTesting

 * Manager of resource profiles. The manager allows one place to keep the actual ResourceProfiles
 * and everywhere else we can use the ResourceProfile Id to save on space.
 * Note we never remove a resource profile at this point. Its expected this number is small
 * so this shouldn't be much overhead.
private[spark] class ResourceProfileManager(sparkConf: SparkConf,
    listenerBus: LiveListenerBus) extends Logging {
  private val resourceProfileIdToResourceProfile = new HashMap[Int, ResourceProfile]()

  private val (readLock, writeLock) = {
    val lock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock()
    (lock.readLock(), lock.writeLock())

  private val defaultProfile = ResourceProfile.getOrCreateDefaultProfile(sparkConf)

  def defaultResourceProfile: ResourceProfile = defaultProfile

  private val dynamicEnabled = Utils.isDynamicAllocationEnabled(sparkConf)
  private val master = sparkConf.getOption("spark.master")
  private val isYarn = master.isDefined && master.get.equals("yarn")
  private val isK8s = master.isDefined && master.get.startsWith("k8s://")
  private val isStandalone = master.isDefined && master.get.startsWith("spark://")
  private val notRunningUnitTests = !isTesting
  private val testExceptionThrown = sparkConf.get(RESOURCE_PROFILE_MANAGER_TESTING)

   * If we use anything except the default profile, it's supported on YARN, Kubernetes and
   * Standalone with dynamic allocation enabled, and task resource profile with dynamic allocation
   * disabled on Standalone. Throw an exception if not supported.
  private[spark] def isSupported(rp: ResourceProfile): Boolean = {
    if (rp.isInstanceOf[TaskResourceProfile] && !dynamicEnabled) {
      if ((notRunningUnitTests || testExceptionThrown) && !isStandalone) {
        throw new SparkException("TaskResourceProfiles are only supported for Standalone " +
          "cluster for now when dynamic allocation is disabled.")
    } else {
      val isNotDefaultProfile = != ResourceProfile.DEFAULT_RESOURCE_PROFILE_ID
      val notYarnOrK8sOrStandaloneAndNotDefaultProfile =
        isNotDefaultProfile && !(isYarn || isK8s || isStandalone)
      val YarnOrK8sOrStandaloneNotDynAllocAndNotDefaultProfile =
        isNotDefaultProfile && (isYarn || isK8s || isStandalone) && !dynamicEnabled

      // We want the exception to be thrown only when we are specifically testing for the
      // exception or in a real application. Otherwise in all other testing scenarios we want
      // to skip throwing the exception so that we can test in other modes to make testing easier.
      if ((notRunningUnitTests || testExceptionThrown) &&
        (notYarnOrK8sOrStandaloneAndNotDefaultProfile ||
          YarnOrK8sOrStandaloneNotDynAllocAndNotDefaultProfile)) {
        throw new SparkException("ResourceProfiles are only supported on YARN and Kubernetes " +
          "and Standalone with dynamic allocation enabled.")

      if (isStandalone && dynamicEnabled && rp.getExecutorCores.isEmpty &&
        sparkConf.getOption(config.EXECUTOR_CORES.key).isEmpty) {
        logWarning("Neither executor cores is set for resource profile, nor spark.executor.cores " +
          "is explicitly set, you may get more executors allocated than expected. " +
          "It's recommended to set executor cores explicitly. " +
          "Please check SPARK-30299 for more details.")


   * Check whether a task with specific taskRpId can be scheduled to executors
   * with executorRpId.
   * Here are the rules:
   * 1. When dynamic allocation is disabled, only [[TaskResourceProfile]] is supported,
   *    and tasks with [[TaskResourceProfile]] can be scheduled to executors with default
   *    resource profile.
   * 2. For other scenarios(when dynamic allocation is enabled), tasks can be scheduled to
   *    executors where resource profile exactly matches.
  private[spark] def canBeScheduled(taskRpId: Int, executorRpId: Int): Boolean = {
    assert(resourceProfileIdToResourceProfile.contains(taskRpId) &&
      "Tasks and executors must have valid resource profile id")
    val taskRp = resourceProfileFromId(taskRpId)

    // When dynamic allocation disabled, tasks with TaskResourceProfile can always reuse
    // all the executors with default resource profile.
    taskRpId == executorRpId || (!dynamicEnabled && taskRp.isInstanceOf[TaskResourceProfile])

  def addResourceProfile(rp: ResourceProfile): Unit = {
    var putNewProfile = false
    try {
      if (!resourceProfileIdToResourceProfile.contains( {
        val prev = resourceProfileIdToResourceProfile.put(, rp)
        if (prev.isEmpty) putNewProfile = true
    } finally {
    // do this outside the write lock only when we add a new profile
    if (putNewProfile) {
      // force the computation of maxTasks and limitingResource now so we don't have cost later
      logInfo(s"Added ResourceProfile id: ${}")

   * Gets the ResourceProfile associated with the id, if a profile doesn't exist
   * it returns the default ResourceProfile created from the application level configs.
  def resourceProfileFromId(rpId: Int): ResourceProfile = {
    try {
        throw new SparkException(s"ResourceProfileId $rpId not found!")
    } finally {

   * If the ResourceProfile passed in is equivalent to an existing one, return the
   * existing one, other return None
  def getEquivalentProfile(rp: ResourceProfile): Option[ResourceProfile] = {
    try {
      resourceProfileIdToResourceProfile.find { case (_, rpEntry) =>
    } finally {


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