spark ResourceProfile 源码

  • 2022-10-20
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spark ResourceProfile 代码


 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.apache.spark.resource

import java.util.{Map => JMap}
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
import javax.annotation.concurrent.GuardedBy

import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.collection.mutable

import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext, SparkEnv, SparkException}
import org.apache.spark.annotation.{Evolving, Since}
import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
import org.apache.spark.internal.config._
import org.apache.spark.internal.config.Python.PYSPARK_EXECUTOR_MEMORY
import org.apache.spark.util.Utils

 * Resource profile to associate with an RDD. A ResourceProfile allows the user to
 * specify executor and task requirements for an RDD that will get applied during a
 * stage. This allows the user to change the resource requirements between stages.
 * This is meant to be immutable so user can't change it after building. Users
 * should use [[ResourceProfileBuilder]] to build it.
 * @param executorResources Resource requests for executors. Mapped from the resource
 *                          name (e.g., cores, memory, CPU) to its specific request.
 * @param taskResources Resource requests for tasks. Mapped from the resource
 *                      name (e.g., cores, memory, CPU) to its specific request.
class ResourceProfile(
    val executorResources: Map[String, ExecutorResourceRequest],
    val taskResources: Map[String, TaskResourceRequest]) extends Serializable with Logging {

  // _id is only a var for testing purposes
  private var _id = ResourceProfile.getNextProfileId
  // This is used for any resources that use fractional amounts, the key is the resource name
  // and the value is the number of tasks that can share a resource address. For example,
  // if the user says task gpu amount is 0.5, that results in 2 tasks per resource address.
  private var _executorResourceSlotsPerAddr: Option[Map[String, Int]] = None
  private var _limitingResource: Option[String] = None
  private var _maxTasksPerExecutor: Option[Int] = None
  private var _coresLimitKnown: Boolean = false

   * A unique id of this ResourceProfile
  def id: Int = _id

   * (Java-specific) gets a Java Map of resources to TaskResourceRequest
  def taskResourcesJMap: JMap[String, TaskResourceRequest] = taskResources.asJava

   * (Java-specific) gets a Java Map of resources to ExecutorResourceRequest
  def executorResourcesJMap: JMap[String, ExecutorResourceRequest] = {

  // Note that some cluster managers don't set the executor cores explicitly so
  // be sure to check the Option as required
  private[spark] def getExecutorCores: Option[Int] = {

  private[spark] def getTaskCpus: Option[Int] = {

  private[spark] def getPySparkMemory: Option[Long] = {

  private[spark] def getExecutorMemory: Option[Long] = {

  private[spark] def getCustomTaskResources(): Map[String, TaskResourceRequest] = {
    taskResources.filterKeys(k => !k.equals(ResourceProfile.CPUS)).toMap

  protected[spark] def getCustomExecutorResources(): Map[String, ExecutorResourceRequest] = {
      filterKeys(k => !ResourceProfile.allSupportedExecutorResources.contains(k)).toMap

   * This function takes into account fractional amounts for the task resource requirement.
   * Spark only supports fractional amounts < 1 to basically allow for multiple tasks
   * to use the same resource address.
   * The way the scheduler handles this is it adds the same address the number of slots per
   * address times and then the amount becomes 1. This way it re-uses the same address
   * the correct number of times. ie task requirement amount=0.25 -> addrs["0", "0", "0", "0"]
   * and scheduler task amount=1. See ResourceAllocator.slotsPerAddress.
  private[spark] def getSchedulerTaskResourceAmount(resource: String): Int = {
    val taskAmount = taskResources.getOrElse(resource,
      throw new SparkException(s"Resource $resource doesn't exist in profile id: $id"))
   if (taskAmount.amount < 1) 1 else taskAmount.amount.toInt

  private[spark] def getNumSlotsPerAddress(resource: String, sparkConf: SparkConf): Int = {
    _executorResourceSlotsPerAddr.getOrElse {
      throw new SparkException(s"Resource $resource doesn't exist in profile id: $id"))

  // Maximum tasks you could put on an executor with this profile based on the limiting resource.
  // If the executor cores config is not present this value is based on the other resources
  // available or 1 if no other resources. You need to check the isCoresLimitKnown to
  // calculate proper value.
  private[spark] def maxTasksPerExecutor(sparkConf: SparkConf): Int = {
    _maxTasksPerExecutor.getOrElse {

  // Returns whether the executor cores was available to use to calculate the max tasks
  // per executor and limiting resource. Some cluster managers (like standalone and coarse
  // grained mesos) don't use the cores config by default so we can't use it to calculate slots.
  private[spark] def isCoresLimitKnown: Boolean = _coresLimitKnown

  // The resource that has the least amount of slots per executor. Its possible multiple or all
  // resources result in same number of slots and this could be any of those.
  // If the executor cores config is not present this value is based on the other resources
  // available or empty string if no other resources. You need to check the isCoresLimitKnown to
  // calculate proper value.
  private[spark] def limitingResource(sparkConf: SparkConf): String = {
    _limitingResource.getOrElse {

  // executor cores config is not set for some masters by default and the default value
  // only applies to yarn/k8s
  private def shouldCheckExecutorCores(sparkConf: SparkConf): Boolean = {
    val master = sparkConf.getOption("spark.master")
    sparkConf.contains(EXECUTOR_CORES) ||
      (master.isDefined && (master.get.equalsIgnoreCase("yarn") || master.get.startsWith("k8s")))

   * Utility function to calculate the number of tasks you can run on a single Executor based
   * on the task and executor resource requests in the ResourceProfile. This will be based
   * off the resource that is most restrictive. For instance, if the executor
   * request is for 4 cpus and 2 gpus and your task request is for 1 cpu and 1 gpu each, the
   * limiting resource is gpu and the number of tasks you can run on a single executor is 2.
   * This function also sets the limiting resource, isCoresLimitKnown and number of slots per
   * resource address.
  private def calculateTasksAndLimitingResource(sparkConf: SparkConf): Unit = synchronized {
    val shouldCheckExecCores = shouldCheckExecutorCores(sparkConf)
    var (taskLimit, limitingResource) = if (shouldCheckExecCores) {
      val cpusPerTask = taskResources.get(ResourceProfile.CPUS)
      assert(cpusPerTask > 0, "CPUs per task configuration has to be > 0")
      val coresPerExecutor = getExecutorCores.getOrElse(sparkConf.get(EXECUTOR_CORES))
      _coresLimitKnown = true
      ResourceUtils.validateTaskCpusLargeEnough(sparkConf, coresPerExecutor, cpusPerTask)
      val tasksBasedOnCores = coresPerExecutor / cpusPerTask
      // Note that if the cores per executor aren't set properly this calculation could be off,
      // we default it to just be 1 in order to allow checking of the rest of the custom
      // resources. We set the limit based on the other resources available.
      (tasksBasedOnCores, ResourceProfile.CPUS)
    } else {
      (-1, "")
    val numPartsPerResourceMap = new mutable.HashMap[String, Int]
    numPartsPerResourceMap(ResourceProfile.CORES) = 1
    val taskResourcesToCheck = new mutable.HashMap[String, TaskResourceRequest]
    taskResourcesToCheck ++= this.getCustomTaskResources()
    val execResourceToCheck = this.getCustomExecutorResources()
    execResourceToCheck.foreach { case (rName, execReq) =>
      val taskReq = taskResources.get(rName).map(_.amount).getOrElse(0.0)
      numPartsPerResourceMap(rName) = 1
      if (taskReq > 0.0) {
        if (taskReq > execReq.amount) {
          throw new SparkException(s"The executor resource: $rName, amount: ${execReq.amount} " +
            s"needs to be >= the task resource request amount of $taskReq")
        val (numPerTask, parts) = ResourceUtils.calculateAmountAndPartsForFraction(taskReq)
        numPartsPerResourceMap(rName) = parts
        val numTasks = ((execReq.amount * parts) / numPerTask).toInt
        if (taskLimit == -1 || numTasks < taskLimit) {
          limitingResource = rName
          taskLimit = numTasks
        taskResourcesToCheck -= rName
      } else {
        logWarning(s"The executor resource config for resource: $rName was specified but " +
          "no corresponding task resource request was specified.")
    if (taskResourcesToCheck.nonEmpty) {
      throw new SparkException("No executor resource configs were not specified for the " +
        s"following task configs: ${taskResourcesToCheck.keys.mkString(",")}")
    val limiting =
      if (taskLimit == -1) "cpu" else s"$limitingResource at $taskLimit tasks per executor"
    logInfo(s"Limiting resource is $limiting")
    _executorResourceSlotsPerAddr = Some(numPartsPerResourceMap.toMap)
    _maxTasksPerExecutor = if (taskLimit == -1) Some(1) else Some(taskLimit)
    _limitingResource = Some(limitingResource)
    if (shouldCheckExecCores) {
      ResourceUtils.warnOnWastedResources(this, sparkConf)

  // to be used only by history server for reconstruction from events
  private[spark] def setResourceProfileId(id: Int): Unit = {
    _id = id

  // testing only
  private[spark] def setToDefaultProfile(): Unit = {
    _id = ResourceProfile.DEFAULT_RESOURCE_PROFILE_ID

  override def equals(obj: Any): Boolean = {
    obj match {
      case that: ResourceProfile =>
        that.getClass == this.getClass && == _id &&
          that.taskResources == taskResources && that.executorResources == executorResources
      case _ =>

  // check that the task resources and executor resources are equal, but id's could be different
  private[spark] def resourcesEqual(rp: ResourceProfile): Boolean = {
    rp.taskResources == taskResources && rp.executorResources == executorResources &&
      rp.getClass == this.getClass

  override def hashCode(): Int = Seq(taskResources, executorResources).hashCode()

  override def toString(): String = {
    s"Profile: id = ${_id}, executor resources: ${executorResources.mkString(",")}, " +
      s"task resources: ${taskResources.mkString(",")}"

 * Resource profile which only contains task resources, can be used for stage level task schedule
 * when dynamic allocation is disabled, tasks will be scheduled to executors with default resource
 * profile based on task resources described by this task resource profile.
 * And when dynamic allocation is enabled, will require new executors for this profile based on
 * the default executor resources requested at startup and assign tasks only on executors created
 * with this resource profile.
 * @param taskResources Resource requests for tasks. Mapped from the resource
 *                      name (e.g., cores, memory, CPU) to its specific request.
private[spark] class TaskResourceProfile(
    override val taskResources: Map[String, TaskResourceRequest])
  extends ResourceProfile(Map.empty, taskResources) {

  override protected[spark] def getCustomExecutorResources()
      : Map[String, ExecutorResourceRequest] = {
    if (SparkEnv.get == null) {
      // This will be called in standalone master when dynamic allocation enabled.
      return super.getCustomExecutorResources()

    val sparkConf = SparkEnv.get.conf
    if (!Utils.isDynamicAllocationEnabled(sparkConf)) {
    } else {

object ResourceProfile extends Logging {
  // task resources
   * built-in task resource: cpus
  val CPUS = "cpus"
  // Executor resources
  // Make sure add new executor resource in below allSupportedExecutorResources
   * built-in executor resource: cores
  val CORES = "cores"
   * built-in executor resource: cores
  val MEMORY = "memory"
   * built-in executor resource: offHeap
  val OFFHEAP_MEM = "offHeap"
   * built-in executor resource: memoryOverhead
  val OVERHEAD_MEM = "memoryOverhead"
   * built-in executor resource: pyspark.memory
  val PYSPARK_MEM = "pyspark.memory"

   * Return all supported Spark built-in executor resources, custom resources like GPUs/FPGAs
   * are excluded.
  def allSupportedExecutorResources: Array[String] =


  private[spark] val MEMORY_OVERHEAD_MIN_MIB = 384L

  private lazy val nextProfileId = new AtomicInteger(0)
  private val DEFAULT_PROFILE_LOCK = new Object()

  // The default resource profile uses the application level configs.
  // var so that it can be reset for testing purposes.
  private var defaultProfile: Option[ResourceProfile] = None
  private var defaultProfileExecutorResources: Option[DefaultProfileExecutorResources] = None

  private[spark] def getNextProfileId: Int = nextProfileId.getAndIncrement()

  private[spark] def getOrCreateDefaultProfile(conf: SparkConf): ResourceProfile = {
    DEFAULT_PROFILE_LOCK.synchronized {
      defaultProfile match {
        case Some(prof) => prof
        case None =>
          val taskResources = getDefaultTaskResources(conf)
          val executorResources = getDefaultExecutorResources(conf)
          val defProf = new ResourceProfile(executorResources, taskResources)
          defaultProfile = Some(defProf)
          logInfo("Default ResourceProfile created, executor resources: " +
            s"${defProf.executorResources}, task resources: " +

  private[spark] def getDefaultProfileExecutorResources(
      conf: SparkConf): DefaultProfileExecutorResources = {
    defaultProfileExecutorResources.getOrElse {

  private def getDefaultTaskResources(conf: SparkConf): Map[String, TaskResourceRequest] = {
    val cpusPerTask = conf.get(CPUS_PER_TASK)
    val treqs = new TaskResourceRequests().cpus(cpusPerTask)
    ResourceUtils.addTaskResourceRequests(conf, treqs)

  private def getDefaultExecutorResources(conf: SparkConf): Map[String, ExecutorResourceRequest] = {
    val ereqs = new ExecutorResourceRequests()

    val isStandalone = conf.getOption("spark.master").exists(_.startsWith("spark://"))
    // Since local-cluster and standalone share the same StandaloneSchedulerBackend and Master,
    // and the Master will schedule based on resource profile, so we also need to create default
    // resource profile for local-cluster here as well as standalone.
    val isLocalCluster = conf.getOption("spark.master").exists(_.startsWith("local-cluster"))
    // By default, standalone executors take all available cores, do not have a specific value.
    val cores = if (isStandalone || isLocalCluster) {
    } else {

    val memory = if (isStandalone || isLocalCluster) {
    } else {
    val overheadMem = conf.get(EXECUTOR_MEMORY_OVERHEAD) => ereqs.memoryOverhead(mem.toString))
    val pysparkMem = conf.get(PYSPARK_EXECUTOR_MEMORY) => ereqs.pysparkMemory(mem.toString))
    val offheapMem = Utils.executorOffHeapMemorySizeAsMb(conf)
    val execReq = ResourceUtils.parseAllResourceRequests(conf, SPARK_EXECUTOR_PREFIX)
    execReq.foreach { req =>
      ereqs.resource(, req.amount, req.discoveryScript.orElse(""),
    val customResourceNames =
    val customResources = ereqs.requests.filter(v => customResourceNames.contains(v._1))
    defaultProfileExecutorResources =
      Some(DefaultProfileExecutorResources(cores, memory, offheapMem, pysparkMem,
        overheadMem, customResources))

  // for testing only
  private[spark] def reInitDefaultProfile(conf: SparkConf): ResourceProfile = {
    // force recreate it after clearing

  private[spark] def clearDefaultProfile(): Unit = {
    DEFAULT_PROFILE_LOCK.synchronized {
      defaultProfile = None
      defaultProfileExecutorResources = None

   * Get the number of cpus per task if its set in the profile, otherwise return the
   * cpus per task for the default profile.
  private[spark] def getTaskCpusOrDefaultForProfile(rp: ResourceProfile, conf: SparkConf): Int = {

   * Get offHeap memory size from [[ExecutorResourceRequest]]
   * return 0 if MEMORY_OFFHEAP_ENABLED is false.
  private[spark] def executorOffHeapMemorySizeAsMb(sparkConf: SparkConf,
      execRequest: ExecutorResourceRequest): Long = {
    Utils.checkOffHeapEnabled(sparkConf, execRequest.amount)

  private[spark] case class ExecutorResourcesOrDefaults(
      cores: Option[Int], // Can only be None for standalone and local-cluster.
      executorMemoryMiB: Long,
      memoryOffHeapMiB: Long,
      pysparkMemoryMiB: Long,
      memoryOverheadMiB: Long,
      totalMemMiB: Long,
      customResources: Map[String, ExecutorResourceRequest])

  private[spark] case class DefaultProfileExecutorResources(
      cores: Option[Int], // Can only be None for standalone cluster.
      executorMemoryMiB: Long,
      memoryOffHeapMiB: Long,
      pysparkMemoryMiB: Option[Long],
      memoryOverheadMiB: Option[Long],
      customResources: Map[String, ExecutorResourceRequest])

  private[spark] def calculateOverHeadMemory(
      overHeadMemFromConf: Option[Long],
      executorMemoryMiB: Long,
      overheadFactor: Double): Long = {
    overHeadMemFromConf.getOrElse(math.max((overheadFactor * executorMemoryMiB).toInt,

   * Gets the full list of resources to allow a cluster manager to request the appropriate
   * container. If the resource profile is not the default one we either get the resources
   * specified in the profile or fall back to the default profile resource size for everything
   * except for custom resources.
  private[spark] def getResourcesForClusterManager(
      rpId: Int,
      execResources: Map[String, ExecutorResourceRequest],
      overheadFactor: Double,
      conf: SparkConf,
      isPythonApp: Boolean,
      resourceMappings: Map[String, String]): ExecutorResourcesOrDefaults = {
    val defaultResources = getDefaultProfileExecutorResources(conf)
    // set all the default values, which may change for custom ResourceProfiles
    var cores = defaultResources.cores
    var executorMemoryMiB = defaultResources.executorMemoryMiB
    var memoryOffHeapMiB = defaultResources.memoryOffHeapMiB
    var pysparkMemoryMiB = defaultResources.pysparkMemoryMiB.getOrElse(0L)
    var memoryOverheadMiB = calculateOverHeadMemory(defaultResources.memoryOverheadMiB,
      executorMemoryMiB, overheadFactor)

    val finalCustomResources = if (rpId != DEFAULT_RESOURCE_PROFILE_ID) {
      val customResources = new mutable.HashMap[String, ExecutorResourceRequest]
      execResources.foreach { case (r, execReq) =>
        r match {
          case ResourceProfile.MEMORY =>
            executorMemoryMiB = execReq.amount
          case ResourceProfile.OVERHEAD_MEM =>
            memoryOverheadMiB = execReq.amount
          case ResourceProfile.PYSPARK_MEM =>
            pysparkMemoryMiB = execReq.amount
          case ResourceProfile.OFFHEAP_MEM =>
            memoryOffHeapMiB = executorOffHeapMemorySizeAsMb(conf, execReq)
          case ResourceProfile.CORES =>
            cores = Some(execReq.amount.toInt)
          case rName =>
            val nameToUse = resourceMappings.getOrElse(rName, rName)
            customResources(nameToUse) = execReq
    } else { { case (rName, execReq) =>
        val nameToUse = resourceMappings.getOrElse(rName, rName)
        (nameToUse, execReq)
    // only add in pyspark memory if actually a python application
    val pysparkMemToUseMiB = if (isPythonApp) {
    } else {
    val totalMemMiB =
      (executorMemoryMiB + memoryOverheadMiB + memoryOffHeapMiB + pysparkMemToUseMiB)
    ExecutorResourcesOrDefaults(cores, executorMemoryMiB, memoryOffHeapMiB,
      pysparkMemToUseMiB, memoryOverheadMiB, totalMemMiB, finalCustomResources)

  private[spark] val PYSPARK_MEMORY_LOCAL_PROPERTY = "resource.pyspark.memory"
  private[spark] val EXECUTOR_CORES_LOCAL_PROPERTY = "resource.executor.cores"


spark 源码目录


spark ExecutorResourceRequest 源码

spark ExecutorResourceRequests 源码

spark ResourceAllocator 源码

spark ResourceDiscoveryScriptPlugin 源码

spark ResourceInformation 源码

spark ResourceProfileBuilder 源码

spark ResourceProfileManager 源码

spark ResourceUtils 源码

spark TaskResourceRequest 源码

spark TaskResourceRequests 源码

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