spark ResourceProfile 源码
spark ResourceProfile 代码
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.spark.resource
import java.util.{Map => JMap}
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
import javax.annotation.concurrent.GuardedBy
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.collection.mutable
import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext, SparkEnv, SparkException}
import org.apache.spark.annotation.{Evolving, Since}
import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
import org.apache.spark.internal.config._
import org.apache.spark.internal.config.Python.PYSPARK_EXECUTOR_MEMORY
import org.apache.spark.util.Utils
* Resource profile to associate with an RDD. A ResourceProfile allows the user to
* specify executor and task requirements for an RDD that will get applied during a
* stage. This allows the user to change the resource requirements between stages.
* This is meant to be immutable so user can't change it after building. Users
* should use [[ResourceProfileBuilder]] to build it.
* @param executorResources Resource requests for executors. Mapped from the resource
* name (e.g., cores, memory, CPU) to its specific request.
* @param taskResources Resource requests for tasks. Mapped from the resource
* name (e.g., cores, memory, CPU) to its specific request.
class ResourceProfile(
val executorResources: Map[String, ExecutorResourceRequest],
val taskResources: Map[String, TaskResourceRequest]) extends Serializable with Logging {
// _id is only a var for testing purposes
private var _id = ResourceProfile.getNextProfileId
// This is used for any resources that use fractional amounts, the key is the resource name
// and the value is the number of tasks that can share a resource address. For example,
// if the user says task gpu amount is 0.5, that results in 2 tasks per resource address.
private var _executorResourceSlotsPerAddr: Option[Map[String, Int]] = None
private var _limitingResource: Option[String] = None
private var _maxTasksPerExecutor: Option[Int] = None
private var _coresLimitKnown: Boolean = false
* A unique id of this ResourceProfile
def id: Int = _id
* (Java-specific) gets a Java Map of resources to TaskResourceRequest
def taskResourcesJMap: JMap[String, TaskResourceRequest] = taskResources.asJava
* (Java-specific) gets a Java Map of resources to ExecutorResourceRequest
def executorResourcesJMap: JMap[String, ExecutorResourceRequest] = {
// Note that some cluster managers don't set the executor cores explicitly so
// be sure to check the Option as required
private[spark] def getExecutorCores: Option[Int] = {
private[spark] def getTaskCpus: Option[Int] = {
private[spark] def getPySparkMemory: Option[Long] = {
private[spark] def getExecutorMemory: Option[Long] = {
private[spark] def getCustomTaskResources(): Map[String, TaskResourceRequest] = {
taskResources.filterKeys(k => !k.equals(ResourceProfile.CPUS)).toMap
protected[spark] def getCustomExecutorResources(): Map[String, ExecutorResourceRequest] = {
filterKeys(k => !ResourceProfile.allSupportedExecutorResources.contains(k)).toMap
* This function takes into account fractional amounts for the task resource requirement.
* Spark only supports fractional amounts < 1 to basically allow for multiple tasks
* to use the same resource address.
* The way the scheduler handles this is it adds the same address the number of slots per
* address times and then the amount becomes 1. This way it re-uses the same address
* the correct number of times. ie task requirement amount=0.25 -> addrs["0", "0", "0", "0"]
* and scheduler task amount=1. See ResourceAllocator.slotsPerAddress.
private[spark] def getSchedulerTaskResourceAmount(resource: String): Int = {
val taskAmount = taskResources.getOrElse(resource,
throw new SparkException(s"Resource $resource doesn't exist in profile id: $id"))
if (taskAmount.amount < 1) 1 else taskAmount.amount.toInt
private[spark] def getNumSlotsPerAddress(resource: String, sparkConf: SparkConf): Int = {
_executorResourceSlotsPerAddr.getOrElse {
throw new SparkException(s"Resource $resource doesn't exist in profile id: $id"))
// Maximum tasks you could put on an executor with this profile based on the limiting resource.
// If the executor cores config is not present this value is based on the other resources
// available or 1 if no other resources. You need to check the isCoresLimitKnown to
// calculate proper value.
private[spark] def maxTasksPerExecutor(sparkConf: SparkConf): Int = {
_maxTasksPerExecutor.getOrElse {
// Returns whether the executor cores was available to use to calculate the max tasks
// per executor and limiting resource. Some cluster managers (like standalone and coarse
// grained mesos) don't use the cores config by default so we can't use it to calculate slots.
private[spark] def isCoresLimitKnown: Boolean = _coresLimitKnown
// The resource that has the least amount of slots per executor. Its possible multiple or all
// resources result in same number of slots and this could be any of those.
// If the executor cores config is not present this value is based on the other resources
// available or empty string if no other resources. You need to check the isCoresLimitKnown to
// calculate proper value.
private[spark] def limitingResource(sparkConf: SparkConf): String = {
_limitingResource.getOrElse {
// executor cores config is not set for some masters by default and the default value
// only applies to yarn/k8s
private def shouldCheckExecutorCores(sparkConf: SparkConf): Boolean = {
val master = sparkConf.getOption("spark.master")
sparkConf.contains(EXECUTOR_CORES) ||
(master.isDefined && (master.get.equalsIgnoreCase("yarn") || master.get.startsWith("k8s")))
* Utility function to calculate the number of tasks you can run on a single Executor based
* on the task and executor resource requests in the ResourceProfile. This will be based
* off the resource that is most restrictive. For instance, if the executor
* request is for 4 cpus and 2 gpus and your task request is for 1 cpu and 1 gpu each, the
* limiting resource is gpu and the number of tasks you can run on a single executor is 2.
* This function also sets the limiting resource, isCoresLimitKnown and number of slots per
* resource address.
private def calculateTasksAndLimitingResource(sparkConf: SparkConf): Unit = synchronized {
val shouldCheckExecCores = shouldCheckExecutorCores(sparkConf)
var (taskLimit, limitingResource) = if (shouldCheckExecCores) {
val cpusPerTask = taskResources.get(ResourceProfile.CPUS)
assert(cpusPerTask > 0, "CPUs per task configuration has to be > 0")
val coresPerExecutor = getExecutorCores.getOrElse(sparkConf.get(EXECUTOR_CORES))
_coresLimitKnown = true
ResourceUtils.validateTaskCpusLargeEnough(sparkConf, coresPerExecutor, cpusPerTask)
val tasksBasedOnCores = coresPerExecutor / cpusPerTask
// Note that if the cores per executor aren't set properly this calculation could be off,
// we default it to just be 1 in order to allow checking of the rest of the custom
// resources. We set the limit based on the other resources available.
(tasksBasedOnCores, ResourceProfile.CPUS)
} else {
(-1, "")
val numPartsPerResourceMap = new mutable.HashMap[String, Int]
numPartsPerResourceMap(ResourceProfile.CORES) = 1
val taskResourcesToCheck = new mutable.HashMap[String, TaskResourceRequest]
taskResourcesToCheck ++= this.getCustomTaskResources()
val execResourceToCheck = this.getCustomExecutorResources()
execResourceToCheck.foreach { case (rName, execReq) =>
val taskReq = taskResources.get(rName).map(_.amount).getOrElse(0.0)
numPartsPerResourceMap(rName) = 1
if (taskReq > 0.0) {
if (taskReq > execReq.amount) {
throw new SparkException(s"The executor resource: $rName, amount: ${execReq.amount} " +
s"needs to be >= the task resource request amount of $taskReq")
val (numPerTask, parts) = ResourceUtils.calculateAmountAndPartsForFraction(taskReq)
numPartsPerResourceMap(rName) = parts
val numTasks = ((execReq.amount * parts) / numPerTask).toInt
if (taskLimit == -1 || numTasks < taskLimit) {
limitingResource = rName
taskLimit = numTasks
taskResourcesToCheck -= rName
} else {
logWarning(s"The executor resource config for resource: $rName was specified but " +
"no corresponding task resource request was specified.")
if (taskResourcesToCheck.nonEmpty) {
throw new SparkException("No executor resource configs were not specified for the " +
s"following task configs: ${taskResourcesToCheck.keys.mkString(",")}")
val limiting =
if (taskLimit == -1) "cpu" else s"$limitingResource at $taskLimit tasks per executor"
logInfo(s"Limiting resource is $limiting")
_executorResourceSlotsPerAddr = Some(numPartsPerResourceMap.toMap)
_maxTasksPerExecutor = if (taskLimit == -1) Some(1) else Some(taskLimit)
_limitingResource = Some(limitingResource)
if (shouldCheckExecCores) {
ResourceUtils.warnOnWastedResources(this, sparkConf)
// to be used only by history server for reconstruction from events
private[spark] def setResourceProfileId(id: Int): Unit = {
_id = id
// testing only
private[spark] def setToDefaultProfile(): Unit = {
override def equals(obj: Any): Boolean = {
obj match {
case that: ResourceProfile =>
that.getClass == this.getClass && == _id &&
that.taskResources == taskResources && that.executorResources == executorResources
case _ =>
// check that the task resources and executor resources are equal, but id's could be different
private[spark] def resourcesEqual(rp: ResourceProfile): Boolean = {
rp.taskResources == taskResources && rp.executorResources == executorResources &&
rp.getClass == this.getClass
override def hashCode(): Int = Seq(taskResources, executorResources).hashCode()
override def toString(): String = {
s"Profile: id = ${_id}, executor resources: ${executorResources.mkString(",")}, " +
s"task resources: ${taskResources.mkString(",")}"
* Resource profile which only contains task resources, can be used for stage level task schedule
* when dynamic allocation is disabled, tasks will be scheduled to executors with default resource
* profile based on task resources described by this task resource profile.
* And when dynamic allocation is enabled, will require new executors for this profile based on
* the default executor resources requested at startup and assign tasks only on executors created
* with this resource profile.
* @param taskResources Resource requests for tasks. Mapped from the resource
* name (e.g., cores, memory, CPU) to its specific request.
private[spark] class TaskResourceProfile(
override val taskResources: Map[String, TaskResourceRequest])
extends ResourceProfile(Map.empty, taskResources) {
override protected[spark] def getCustomExecutorResources()
: Map[String, ExecutorResourceRequest] = {
if (SparkEnv.get == null) {
// This will be called in standalone master when dynamic allocation enabled.
return super.getCustomExecutorResources()
val sparkConf = SparkEnv.get.conf
if (!Utils.isDynamicAllocationEnabled(sparkConf)) {
} else {
object ResourceProfile extends Logging {
// task resources
* built-in task resource: cpus
val CPUS = "cpus"
// Executor resources
// Make sure add new executor resource in below allSupportedExecutorResources
* built-in executor resource: cores
val CORES = "cores"
* built-in executor resource: cores
val MEMORY = "memory"
* built-in executor resource: offHeap
val OFFHEAP_MEM = "offHeap"
* built-in executor resource: memoryOverhead
val OVERHEAD_MEM = "memoryOverhead"
* built-in executor resource: pyspark.memory
val PYSPARK_MEM = "pyspark.memory"
* Return all supported Spark built-in executor resources, custom resources like GPUs/FPGAs
* are excluded.
def allSupportedExecutorResources: Array[String] =
private[spark] val MEMORY_OVERHEAD_MIN_MIB = 384L
private lazy val nextProfileId = new AtomicInteger(0)
private val DEFAULT_PROFILE_LOCK = new Object()
// The default resource profile uses the application level configs.
// var so that it can be reset for testing purposes.
private var defaultProfile: Option[ResourceProfile] = None
private var defaultProfileExecutorResources: Option[DefaultProfileExecutorResources] = None
private[spark] def getNextProfileId: Int = nextProfileId.getAndIncrement()
private[spark] def getOrCreateDefaultProfile(conf: SparkConf): ResourceProfile = {
defaultProfile match {
case Some(prof) => prof
case None =>
val taskResources = getDefaultTaskResources(conf)
val executorResources = getDefaultExecutorResources(conf)
val defProf = new ResourceProfile(executorResources, taskResources)
defaultProfile = Some(defProf)
logInfo("Default ResourceProfile created, executor resources: " +
s"${defProf.executorResources}, task resources: " +
private[spark] def getDefaultProfileExecutorResources(
conf: SparkConf): DefaultProfileExecutorResources = {
defaultProfileExecutorResources.getOrElse {
private def getDefaultTaskResources(conf: SparkConf): Map[String, TaskResourceRequest] = {
val cpusPerTask = conf.get(CPUS_PER_TASK)
val treqs = new TaskResourceRequests().cpus(cpusPerTask)
ResourceUtils.addTaskResourceRequests(conf, treqs)
private def getDefaultExecutorResources(conf: SparkConf): Map[String, ExecutorResourceRequest] = {
val ereqs = new ExecutorResourceRequests()
val isStandalone = conf.getOption("spark.master").exists(_.startsWith("spark://"))
// Since local-cluster and standalone share the same StandaloneSchedulerBackend and Master,
// and the Master will schedule based on resource profile, so we also need to create default
// resource profile for local-cluster here as well as standalone.
val isLocalCluster = conf.getOption("spark.master").exists(_.startsWith("local-cluster"))
// By default, standalone executors take all available cores, do not have a specific value.
val cores = if (isStandalone || isLocalCluster) {
} else {
val memory = if (isStandalone || isLocalCluster) {
} else {
val overheadMem = conf.get(EXECUTOR_MEMORY_OVERHEAD) => ereqs.memoryOverhead(mem.toString))
val pysparkMem = conf.get(PYSPARK_EXECUTOR_MEMORY) => ereqs.pysparkMemory(mem.toString))
val offheapMem = Utils.executorOffHeapMemorySizeAsMb(conf)
val execReq = ResourceUtils.parseAllResourceRequests(conf, SPARK_EXECUTOR_PREFIX)
execReq.foreach { req =>
ereqs.resource(, req.amount, req.discoveryScript.orElse(""),
val customResourceNames =
val customResources = ereqs.requests.filter(v => customResourceNames.contains(v._1))
defaultProfileExecutorResources =
Some(DefaultProfileExecutorResources(cores, memory, offheapMem, pysparkMem,
overheadMem, customResources))
// for testing only
private[spark] def reInitDefaultProfile(conf: SparkConf): ResourceProfile = {
// force recreate it after clearing
private[spark] def clearDefaultProfile(): Unit = {
defaultProfile = None
defaultProfileExecutorResources = None
* Get the number of cpus per task if its set in the profile, otherwise return the
* cpus per task for the default profile.
private[spark] def getTaskCpusOrDefaultForProfile(rp: ResourceProfile, conf: SparkConf): Int = {
* Get offHeap memory size from [[ExecutorResourceRequest]]
* return 0 if MEMORY_OFFHEAP_ENABLED is false.
private[spark] def executorOffHeapMemorySizeAsMb(sparkConf: SparkConf,
execRequest: ExecutorResourceRequest): Long = {
Utils.checkOffHeapEnabled(sparkConf, execRequest.amount)
private[spark] case class ExecutorResourcesOrDefaults(
cores: Option[Int], // Can only be None for standalone and local-cluster.
executorMemoryMiB: Long,
memoryOffHeapMiB: Long,
pysparkMemoryMiB: Long,
memoryOverheadMiB: Long,
totalMemMiB: Long,
customResources: Map[String, ExecutorResourceRequest])
private[spark] case class DefaultProfileExecutorResources(
cores: Option[Int], // Can only be None for standalone cluster.
executorMemoryMiB: Long,
memoryOffHeapMiB: Long,
pysparkMemoryMiB: Option[Long],
memoryOverheadMiB: Option[Long],
customResources: Map[String, ExecutorResourceRequest])
private[spark] def calculateOverHeadMemory(
overHeadMemFromConf: Option[Long],
executorMemoryMiB: Long,
overheadFactor: Double): Long = {
overHeadMemFromConf.getOrElse(math.max((overheadFactor * executorMemoryMiB).toInt,
* Gets the full list of resources to allow a cluster manager to request the appropriate
* container. If the resource profile is not the default one we either get the resources
* specified in the profile or fall back to the default profile resource size for everything
* except for custom resources.
private[spark] def getResourcesForClusterManager(
rpId: Int,
execResources: Map[String, ExecutorResourceRequest],
overheadFactor: Double,
conf: SparkConf,
isPythonApp: Boolean,
resourceMappings: Map[String, String]): ExecutorResourcesOrDefaults = {
val defaultResources = getDefaultProfileExecutorResources(conf)
// set all the default values, which may change for custom ResourceProfiles
var cores = defaultResources.cores
var executorMemoryMiB = defaultResources.executorMemoryMiB
var memoryOffHeapMiB = defaultResources.memoryOffHeapMiB
var pysparkMemoryMiB = defaultResources.pysparkMemoryMiB.getOrElse(0L)
var memoryOverheadMiB = calculateOverHeadMemory(defaultResources.memoryOverheadMiB,
executorMemoryMiB, overheadFactor)
val finalCustomResources = if (rpId != DEFAULT_RESOURCE_PROFILE_ID) {
val customResources = new mutable.HashMap[String, ExecutorResourceRequest]
execResources.foreach { case (r, execReq) =>
r match {
case ResourceProfile.MEMORY =>
executorMemoryMiB = execReq.amount
case ResourceProfile.OVERHEAD_MEM =>
memoryOverheadMiB = execReq.amount
case ResourceProfile.PYSPARK_MEM =>
pysparkMemoryMiB = execReq.amount
case ResourceProfile.OFFHEAP_MEM =>
memoryOffHeapMiB = executorOffHeapMemorySizeAsMb(conf, execReq)
case ResourceProfile.CORES =>
cores = Some(execReq.amount.toInt)
case rName =>
val nameToUse = resourceMappings.getOrElse(rName, rName)
customResources(nameToUse) = execReq
} else { { case (rName, execReq) =>
val nameToUse = resourceMappings.getOrElse(rName, rName)
(nameToUse, execReq)
// only add in pyspark memory if actually a python application
val pysparkMemToUseMiB = if (isPythonApp) {
} else {
val totalMemMiB =
(executorMemoryMiB + memoryOverheadMiB + memoryOffHeapMiB + pysparkMemToUseMiB)
ExecutorResourcesOrDefaults(cores, executorMemoryMiB, memoryOffHeapMiB,
pysparkMemToUseMiB, memoryOverheadMiB, totalMemMiB, finalCustomResources)
private[spark] val PYSPARK_MEMORY_LOCAL_PROPERTY = "resource.pyspark.memory"
private[spark] val EXECUTOR_CORES_LOCAL_PROPERTY = "resource.executor.cores"
spark ExecutorResourceRequest 源码
spark ExecutorResourceRequests 源码
spark ResourceDiscoveryScriptPlugin 源码
spark ResourceProfileBuilder 源码
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