spark ResourceUtils 源码

  • 2022-10-20
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spark ResourceUtils 代码


 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.apache.spark.resource

import java.nio.file.{Files, Paths}
import java.util.Optional

import scala.util.control.NonFatal

import org.json4s.DefaultFormats
import org.json4s.jackson.JsonMethods._

import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkException}
import org.apache.spark.annotation.DeveloperApi
import org.apache.spark.api.resource.ResourceDiscoveryPlugin
import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
import org.apache.spark.internal.config.Tests.RESOURCES_WARNING_TESTING
import org.apache.spark.util.Utils

 * Resource identifier.
 * @param componentName spark.driver / spark.executor / spark.task
 * @param resourceName  gpu, fpga, etc
 * @since 3.0.0
class ResourceID(val componentName: String, val resourceName: String) {
  private[spark] def confPrefix: String = {
  private[spark] def amountConf: String = s"$confPrefix${ResourceUtils.AMOUNT}"
  private[spark] def discoveryScriptConf: String = s"$confPrefix${ResourceUtils.DISCOVERY_SCRIPT}"
  private[spark] def vendorConf: String = s"$confPrefix${ResourceUtils.VENDOR}"

  override def equals(obj: Any): Boolean = {
    obj match {
      case that: ResourceID =>
        that.getClass == this.getClass &&
          that.componentName == componentName && that.resourceName == resourceName
      case _ =>

  override def hashCode(): Int = Seq(componentName, resourceName).hashCode()

 * Class that represents a resource request.
 * The class used when discovering resources (using the discovery script),
 * or via the context as it is parsing configuration for the ResourceID.
 * @param id object identifying the resource
 * @param amount integer amount for the resource. Note that for a request (executor level),
 *               fractional resources does not make sense, so amount is an integer.
 * @param discoveryScript optional discovery script file name
 * @param vendor optional vendor name
 * @since 3.0.0
class ResourceRequest(
    val id: ResourceID,
    val amount: Long,
    val discoveryScript: Optional[String],
    val vendor: Optional[String]) {

  override def equals(obj: Any): Boolean = {
    obj match {
      case that: ResourceRequest =>
        that.getClass == this.getClass &&
 == id && that.amount == amount && discoveryScript == discoveryScript &&
          vendor == vendor
      case _ =>

  override def hashCode(): Int = Seq(id, amount, discoveryScript, vendor).hashCode()

 * Case class that represents resource requirements for a component in a
 * an application (components are driver, executor or task).
 * A configuration of spark.task.resource.[resourceName].amount = 4, equates to:
 * amount = 4, and numParts = 1.
 * A configuration of spark.task.resource.[resourceName].amount = 0.25, equates to:
 * amount = 1, and numParts = 4.
 * @param resourceName gpu, fpga, etc.
 * @param amount whole units of the resource we expect (e.g. 1 gpus, 2 fpgas)
 * @param numParts if not 1, the number of ways a whole resource is subdivided.
 *                 This is always an integer greater than or equal to 1,
 *                 where 1 is whole resource, 2 is divide a resource in two, and so on.
private[spark] case class ResourceRequirement(
    resourceName: String,
    amount: Int,
    numParts: Int = 1)

 * Case class representing allocated resource addresses for a specific resource.
 * Cluster manager uses the JSON serialization of this case class to pass allocated resource info to
 * driver and executors. See the ``--resourcesFile`` option there.
private[spark] case class ResourceAllocation(id: ResourceID, addresses: Seq[String]) {
  def toResourceInformation: ResourceInformation = {
    new ResourceInformation(id.resourceName, addresses.toArray)

private[spark] object ResourceUtils extends Logging {
  // config suffixes
  val DISCOVERY_SCRIPT = "discoveryScript"
  val VENDOR = "vendor"
  // user facing configs use .amount to allow to extend in the future,
  // internally we currently only support addresses, so its just an integer count
  val AMOUNT = "amount"

  def parseResourceRequest(sparkConf: SparkConf, resourceId: ResourceID): ResourceRequest = {
    val settings = sparkConf.getAllWithPrefix(resourceId.confPrefix).toMap
    val amount = settings.getOrElse(AMOUNT,
      throw new SparkException(s"You must specify an amount for ${resourceId.resourceName}")
    val discoveryScript = Optional.ofNullable(settings.get(DISCOVERY_SCRIPT).orNull)
    val vendor = Optional.ofNullable(settings.get(VENDOR).orNull)
    new ResourceRequest(resourceId, amount, discoveryScript, vendor)

  def listResourceIds(sparkConf: SparkConf, componentName: String): Seq[ResourceID] = {
    sparkConf.getAllWithPrefix(s"$componentName.$RESOURCE_PREFIX.").map { case (key, _) =>
      val index = key.indexOf('.')
      if (index < 0) {
        throw new SparkException(s"You must specify an amount config for resource: $key " +
          s"config: $componentName.$RESOURCE_PREFIX.$key")
      key.substring(0, index)
    } => new ResourceID(componentName, name))

  def parseAllResourceRequests(
      sparkConf: SparkConf,
      componentName: String): Seq[ResourceRequest] = {
    listResourceIds(sparkConf, componentName)
      .map(id => parseResourceRequest(sparkConf, id))
      .filter(_.amount > 0)

  // Used to take a fraction amount from a task resource requirement and split into a real
  // integer amount and the number of slots per address. For instance, if the amount is 0.5,
  // the we get (1, 2) back out. This indicates that for each 1 address, it has 2 slots per
  // address, which allows you to put 2 tasks on that address. Note if amount is greater
  // than 1, then the number of slots per address has to be 1. This would indicate that a
  // would have multiple addresses assigned per task. This can be used for calculating
  // the number of tasks per executor -> (executorAmount * numParts) / (integer amount).
  // Returns tuple of (integer amount, numParts)
  def calculateAmountAndPartsForFraction(doubleAmount: Double): (Int, Int) = {
    val parts = if (doubleAmount <= 0.5) {
      Math.floor(1.0 / doubleAmount).toInt
    } else if (doubleAmount % 1 != 0) {
      throw new SparkException(
        s"The resource amount ${doubleAmount} must be either <= 0.5, or a whole number.")
    } else {
    (Math.ceil(doubleAmount).toInt, parts)

  // Add any task resource requests from the spark conf to the TaskResourceRequests passed in
  def addTaskResourceRequests(
      sparkConf: SparkConf,
      treqs: TaskResourceRequests): Unit = {
    listResourceIds(sparkConf, SPARK_TASK_PREFIX).map { resourceId =>
      val settings = sparkConf.getAllWithPrefix(resourceId.confPrefix).toMap
      val amountDouble = settings.getOrElse(AMOUNT,
        throw new SparkException(s"You must specify an amount for ${resourceId.resourceName}")
      treqs.resource(resourceId.resourceName, amountDouble)

  def parseResourceRequirements(sparkConf: SparkConf, componentName: String)
    : Seq[ResourceRequirement] = {
    val resourceIds = listResourceIds(sparkConf, componentName)
    val rnamesAndAmounts = { resourceId =>
      val settings = sparkConf.getAllWithPrefix(resourceId.confPrefix).toMap
      val amountDouble = settings.getOrElse(AMOUNT,
        throw new SparkException(s"You must specify an amount for ${resourceId.resourceName}")
      (resourceId.resourceName, amountDouble)
    rnamesAndAmounts.filter { case (_, amount) => amount > 0 }.map { case (rName, amountDouble) =>
      val (amount, parts) = if (componentName.equalsIgnoreCase(SPARK_TASK_PREFIX)) {
      } else if (amountDouble % 1 != 0) {
        throw new SparkException(
          s"Only tasks support fractional resources, please check your $componentName settings")
      } else {
        (amountDouble.toInt, 1)
      ResourceRequirement(rName, amount, parts)

  def executorResourceRequestToRequirement(resourceRequest: Seq[ExecutorResourceRequest])
    : Seq[ResourceRequirement] = { =>
      ResourceRequirement(request.resourceName, request.amount.toInt, 1))

  def resourcesMeetRequirements(
      resourcesFree: Map[String, Int],
      resourceRequirements: Seq[ResourceRequirement])
    : Boolean = {
    resourceRequirements.forall { req =>
      resourcesFree.getOrElse(req.resourceName, 0) >= req.amount

  def withResourcesJson[T](resourcesFile: String)(extract: String => Seq[T]): Seq[T] = {
    val json = new String(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(resourcesFile)))
    try {
    } catch {
      case NonFatal(e) =>
        throw new SparkException(s"Error parsing resources file $resourcesFile", e)

  def parseAllocatedFromJsonFile(resourcesFile: String): Seq[ResourceAllocation] = {
    withResourcesJson[ResourceAllocation](resourcesFile) { json =>
      implicit val formats = DefaultFormats

  def parseAllocated(
      resourcesFileOpt: Option[String],
      componentName: String): Seq[ResourceAllocation] = {
      .filter( == componentName)

  private def parseAllocatedOrDiscoverResources(
      sparkConf: SparkConf,
      componentName: String,
      resourcesFileOpt: Option[String]): Seq[ResourceAllocation] = {
    val allocated = parseAllocated(resourcesFileOpt, componentName)
    val otherResourceIds = listResourceIds(sparkConf, componentName).diff(
    val otherResources = otherResourceIds.flatMap { id =>
      val request = parseResourceRequest(sparkConf, id)
      if (request.amount > 0) {
        Some(ResourceAllocation(id, discoverResource(sparkConf, request).addresses))
      } else {
    allocated ++ otherResources

  private def assertResourceAllocationMeetsRequest(
      allocation: ResourceAllocation,
      request: ResourceRequest): Unit = {
    require( == && allocation.addresses.size >= request.amount,
      s"Resource: ${}, with addresses: " +
      s"${allocation.addresses.mkString(",")} " +
      s"is less than what the user requested: ${request.amount})")

  private def assertAllResourceAllocationsMeetRequests(
      allocations: Seq[ResourceAllocation],
      requests: Seq[ResourceRequest]): Unit = {
    val allocated = => -> x).toMap
    requests.foreach(r => assertResourceAllocationMeetsRequest(allocated(, r))

  private def assertAllResourceAllocationsMatchResourceProfile(
      allocations: Map[String, ResourceInformation],
      execReqs: Map[String, ExecutorResourceRequest]): Unit = {
    execReqs.foreach { case (rName, req) =>
      require(allocations.contains(rName) && allocations(rName).addresses.size >= req.amount,
        s"Resource: ${rName}, with addresses: " +
          s"${allocations(rName).addresses.mkString(",")} " +
          s"is less than what the user requested: ${req.amount})")

   * Gets all allocated resource information for the input component from input resources file and
   * the application level Spark configs. It first looks to see if resource were explicitly
   * specified in the resources file (this would include specified address assignments and it only
   * specified in certain cluster managers) and then it looks at the Spark configs to get any
   * others not specified in the file. The resources not explicitly set in the file require a
   * discovery script for it to run to get the addresses of the resource.
   * It also verifies the resource allocation meets required amount for each resource.
   * @return a map from resource name to resource info
  def getOrDiscoverAllResources(
      sparkConf: SparkConf,
      componentName: String,
      resourcesFileOpt: Option[String]): Map[String, ResourceInformation] = {
    val requests = parseAllResourceRequests(sparkConf, componentName)
    val allocations = parseAllocatedOrDiscoverResources(sparkConf, componentName, resourcesFileOpt)
    assertAllResourceAllocationsMeetRequests(allocations, requests)
    val resourceInfoMap = => (, a.toResourceInformation)).toMap

  // create an empty Optional if the string is empty
  private def emptyStringToOptional(optStr: String): Optional[String] = {
    if (optStr.isEmpty) {
    } else {

   * This function is similar to getOrDiscoverallResources, except for it uses the ResourceProfile
   * information instead of the application level configs.
   * It first looks to see if resource were explicitly specified in the resources file
   * (this would include specified address assignments and it only specified in certain
   * cluster managers) and then it looks at the ResourceProfile to get
   * any others not specified in the file. The resources not explicitly set in the file require a
   * discovery script for it to run to get the addresses of the resource.
   * It also verifies the resource allocation meets required amount for each resource.
   * @return a map from resource name to resource info
  def getOrDiscoverAllResourcesForResourceProfile(
      resourcesFileOpt: Option[String],
      componentName: String,
      resourceProfile: ResourceProfile,
      sparkConf: SparkConf): Map[String, ResourceInformation] = {
    val fileAllocated = parseAllocated(resourcesFileOpt, componentName)
    val fileAllocResMap = => (, a.toResourceInformation)).toMap
    // only want to look at the ResourceProfile for resources not in the resources file
    val execReq = resourceProfile.getCustomExecutorResources()
    val filteredExecreq = execReq.filterNot { case (rname, _) => fileAllocResMap.contains(rname) }
    val rpAllocations = { case (rName, execRequest) =>
      val resourceId = new ResourceID(componentName, rName)
      val scriptOpt = emptyStringToOptional(execRequest.discoveryScript)
      val vendorOpt = emptyStringToOptional(execRequest.vendor)
      val resourceReq = new ResourceRequest(resourceId, execRequest.amount, scriptOpt, vendorOpt)
      val addrs = discoverResource(sparkConf, resourceReq).addresses
      (rName, new ResourceInformation(rName, addrs))
    val allAllocations = fileAllocResMap ++ rpAllocations
    assertAllResourceAllocationsMatchResourceProfile(allAllocations, execReq)

  def logResourceInfo(componentName: String, resources: Map[String, ResourceInformation])
    : Unit = {
    val resourceInfo = if (resources.isEmpty) {
      s"No custom resources configured for $componentName."
    } else {
      s"Custom resources for $componentName:\n${resources.mkString("\n")}"

  private[spark] def discoverResource(
      sparkConf: SparkConf,
      resourceRequest: ResourceRequest): ResourceInformation = {
    // always put the discovery script plugin as last plugin
    val discoveryScriptPlugin = "org.apache.spark.resource.ResourceDiscoveryScriptPlugin"
    val pluginClasses = sparkConf.get(RESOURCES_DISCOVERY_PLUGIN) :+ discoveryScriptPlugin
    val resourcePlugins = Utils.loadExtensions(classOf[ResourceDiscoveryPlugin], pluginClasses,
    // apply each plugin until one of them returns the information for this resource
    resourcePlugins.foreach { plugin =>
      val riOption = plugin.discoverResource(resourceRequest, sparkConf)
      if (riOption.isPresent()) {
        return riOption.get()
    throw new SparkException(s"None of the discovery plugins returned ResourceInformation for " +

  def validateTaskCpusLargeEnough(sparkConf: SparkConf, execCores: Int, taskCpus: Int): Boolean = {
    // Number of cores per executor must meet at least one task requirement.
    if (execCores < taskCpus) {
      throw new SparkException(s"The number of cores per executor (=$execCores) has to be >= " +
        s"the number of cpus per task = $taskCpus.")

  // the option executor cores parameter is by the different local modes since it not configured
  // via the config
  def warnOnWastedResources(
      rp: ResourceProfile,
      sparkConf: SparkConf,
      execCores: Option[Int] = None): Unit = {
    // There have been checks on the ResourceProfile to make sure the executor resources were
    // specified and are large enough if any task resources were specified.
    // Now just do some sanity test and log warnings when it looks like the user will
    // waste some resources.
    val coresKnown = rp.isCoresLimitKnown
    var limitingResource = rp.limitingResource(sparkConf)
    var maxTaskPerExec = rp.maxTasksPerExecutor(sparkConf)
    val taskCpus = ResourceProfile.getTaskCpusOrDefaultForProfile(rp, sparkConf)
    val cores = if (execCores.isDefined) {
    } else if (coresKnown) {
    } else {
      // can't calculate cores limit
    // when executor cores config isn't set, we can't calculate the real limiting resource
    // and number of tasks per executor ahead of time, so calculate it now.
    if (!coresKnown) {
      val numTasksPerExecCores = cores / taskCpus
      val numTasksPerExecCustomResource = rp.maxTasksPerExecutor(sparkConf)
      if (limitingResource.isEmpty ||
        (limitingResource.nonEmpty && numTasksPerExecCores < numTasksPerExecCustomResource)) {
        limitingResource = ResourceProfile.CPUS
        maxTaskPerExec = numTasksPerExecCores
    val taskReq = rp.getCustomTaskResources()
    val execReq = rp.getCustomExecutorResources()

    if (limitingResource.nonEmpty && !limitingResource.equals(ResourceProfile.CPUS)) {
      if ((taskCpus * maxTaskPerExec) < cores) {
        val resourceNumSlots = Math.floor(cores/taskCpus).toInt
        val message = s"The configuration of cores (exec = ${cores} " +
          s"task = ${taskCpus}, runnable tasks = ${resourceNumSlots}) will " +
          s"result in wasted resources due to resource ${limitingResource} limiting the " +
          s"number of runnable tasks per executor to: ${maxTaskPerExec}. Please adjust " +
          "your configuration."
        if (sparkConf.get(RESOURCES_WARNING_TESTING)) {
          throw new SparkException(message)
        } else {

    taskReq.foreach { case (rName, treq) =>
      val execAmount = execReq(rName).amount
      // handles fractional
      val taskAmount = rp.getSchedulerTaskResourceAmount(rName)
      val numParts = rp.getNumSlotsPerAddress(rName, sparkConf)
      if (maxTaskPerExec < (execAmount * numParts / taskAmount)) {
        val origTaskAmount = treq.amount
        val taskReqStr = s"${origTaskAmount}/${numParts}"
        val resourceNumSlots = Math.floor(execAmount * numParts / taskAmount).toInt
        val message = s"The configuration of resource: ${treq.resourceName} " +
          s"(exec = ${execAmount}, task = ${taskReqStr}, " +
          s"runnable tasks = ${resourceNumSlots}) will " +
          s"result in wasted resources due to resource ${limitingResource} limiting the " +
          s"number of runnable tasks per executor to: ${maxTaskPerExec}. Please adjust " +
          "your configuration."
        if (sparkConf.get(RESOURCES_WARNING_TESTING)) {
          throw new SparkException(message)
        } else {

  // known types of resources
  final val GPU: String = "gpu"
  final val FPGA: String = "fpga"

  final val RESOURCE_PREFIX: String = "resource"


spark 源码目录


spark ExecutorResourceRequest 源码

spark ExecutorResourceRequests 源码

spark ResourceAllocator 源码

spark ResourceDiscoveryScriptPlugin 源码

spark ResourceInformation 源码

spark ResourceProfile 源码

spark ResourceProfileBuilder 源码

spark ResourceProfileManager 源码

spark TaskResourceRequest 源码

spark TaskResourceRequests 源码

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