spark ResourceUtils 源码
spark ResourceUtils 代码
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.spark.resource
import java.nio.file.{Files, Paths}
import java.util.Optional
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
import org.json4s.DefaultFormats
import org.json4s.jackson.JsonMethods._
import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkException}
import org.apache.spark.annotation.DeveloperApi
import org.apache.spark.api.resource.ResourceDiscoveryPlugin
import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
import org.apache.spark.internal.config.Tests.RESOURCES_WARNING_TESTING
import org.apache.spark.util.Utils
* Resource identifier.
* @param componentName spark.driver / spark.executor / spark.task
* @param resourceName gpu, fpga, etc
* @since 3.0.0
class ResourceID(val componentName: String, val resourceName: String) {
private[spark] def confPrefix: String = {
private[spark] def amountConf: String = s"$confPrefix${ResourceUtils.AMOUNT}"
private[spark] def discoveryScriptConf: String = s"$confPrefix${ResourceUtils.DISCOVERY_SCRIPT}"
private[spark] def vendorConf: String = s"$confPrefix${ResourceUtils.VENDOR}"
override def equals(obj: Any): Boolean = {
obj match {
case that: ResourceID =>
that.getClass == this.getClass &&
that.componentName == componentName && that.resourceName == resourceName
case _ =>
override def hashCode(): Int = Seq(componentName, resourceName).hashCode()
* Class that represents a resource request.
* The class used when discovering resources (using the discovery script),
* or via the context as it is parsing configuration for the ResourceID.
* @param id object identifying the resource
* @param amount integer amount for the resource. Note that for a request (executor level),
* fractional resources does not make sense, so amount is an integer.
* @param discoveryScript optional discovery script file name
* @param vendor optional vendor name
* @since 3.0.0
class ResourceRequest(
val id: ResourceID,
val amount: Long,
val discoveryScript: Optional[String],
val vendor: Optional[String]) {
override def equals(obj: Any): Boolean = {
obj match {
case that: ResourceRequest =>
that.getClass == this.getClass && == id && that.amount == amount && discoveryScript == discoveryScript &&
vendor == vendor
case _ =>
override def hashCode(): Int = Seq(id, amount, discoveryScript, vendor).hashCode()
* Case class that represents resource requirements for a component in a
* an application (components are driver, executor or task).
* A configuration of spark.task.resource.[resourceName].amount = 4, equates to:
* amount = 4, and numParts = 1.
* A configuration of spark.task.resource.[resourceName].amount = 0.25, equates to:
* amount = 1, and numParts = 4.
* @param resourceName gpu, fpga, etc.
* @param amount whole units of the resource we expect (e.g. 1 gpus, 2 fpgas)
* @param numParts if not 1, the number of ways a whole resource is subdivided.
* This is always an integer greater than or equal to 1,
* where 1 is whole resource, 2 is divide a resource in two, and so on.
private[spark] case class ResourceRequirement(
resourceName: String,
amount: Int,
numParts: Int = 1)
* Case class representing allocated resource addresses for a specific resource.
* Cluster manager uses the JSON serialization of this case class to pass allocated resource info to
* driver and executors. See the ``--resourcesFile`` option there.
private[spark] case class ResourceAllocation(id: ResourceID, addresses: Seq[String]) {
def toResourceInformation: ResourceInformation = {
new ResourceInformation(id.resourceName, addresses.toArray)
private[spark] object ResourceUtils extends Logging {
// config suffixes
val DISCOVERY_SCRIPT = "discoveryScript"
val VENDOR = "vendor"
// user facing configs use .amount to allow to extend in the future,
// internally we currently only support addresses, so its just an integer count
val AMOUNT = "amount"
def parseResourceRequest(sparkConf: SparkConf, resourceId: ResourceID): ResourceRequest = {
val settings = sparkConf.getAllWithPrefix(resourceId.confPrefix).toMap
val amount = settings.getOrElse(AMOUNT,
throw new SparkException(s"You must specify an amount for ${resourceId.resourceName}")
val discoveryScript = Optional.ofNullable(settings.get(DISCOVERY_SCRIPT).orNull)
val vendor = Optional.ofNullable(settings.get(VENDOR).orNull)
new ResourceRequest(resourceId, amount, discoveryScript, vendor)
def listResourceIds(sparkConf: SparkConf, componentName: String): Seq[ResourceID] = {
sparkConf.getAllWithPrefix(s"$componentName.$RESOURCE_PREFIX.").map { case (key, _) =>
val index = key.indexOf('.')
if (index < 0) {
throw new SparkException(s"You must specify an amount config for resource: $key " +
s"config: $componentName.$RESOURCE_PREFIX.$key")
key.substring(0, index)
} => new ResourceID(componentName, name))
def parseAllResourceRequests(
sparkConf: SparkConf,
componentName: String): Seq[ResourceRequest] = {
listResourceIds(sparkConf, componentName)
.map(id => parseResourceRequest(sparkConf, id))
.filter(_.amount > 0)
// Used to take a fraction amount from a task resource requirement and split into a real
// integer amount and the number of slots per address. For instance, if the amount is 0.5,
// the we get (1, 2) back out. This indicates that for each 1 address, it has 2 slots per
// address, which allows you to put 2 tasks on that address. Note if amount is greater
// than 1, then the number of slots per address has to be 1. This would indicate that a
// would have multiple addresses assigned per task. This can be used for calculating
// the number of tasks per executor -> (executorAmount * numParts) / (integer amount).
// Returns tuple of (integer amount, numParts)
def calculateAmountAndPartsForFraction(doubleAmount: Double): (Int, Int) = {
val parts = if (doubleAmount <= 0.5) {
Math.floor(1.0 / doubleAmount).toInt
} else if (doubleAmount % 1 != 0) {
throw new SparkException(
s"The resource amount ${doubleAmount} must be either <= 0.5, or a whole number.")
} else {
(Math.ceil(doubleAmount).toInt, parts)
// Add any task resource requests from the spark conf to the TaskResourceRequests passed in
def addTaskResourceRequests(
sparkConf: SparkConf,
treqs: TaskResourceRequests): Unit = {
listResourceIds(sparkConf, SPARK_TASK_PREFIX).map { resourceId =>
val settings = sparkConf.getAllWithPrefix(resourceId.confPrefix).toMap
val amountDouble = settings.getOrElse(AMOUNT,
throw new SparkException(s"You must specify an amount for ${resourceId.resourceName}")
treqs.resource(resourceId.resourceName, amountDouble)
def parseResourceRequirements(sparkConf: SparkConf, componentName: String)
: Seq[ResourceRequirement] = {
val resourceIds = listResourceIds(sparkConf, componentName)
val rnamesAndAmounts = { resourceId =>
val settings = sparkConf.getAllWithPrefix(resourceId.confPrefix).toMap
val amountDouble = settings.getOrElse(AMOUNT,
throw new SparkException(s"You must specify an amount for ${resourceId.resourceName}")
(resourceId.resourceName, amountDouble)
rnamesAndAmounts.filter { case (_, amount) => amount > 0 }.map { case (rName, amountDouble) =>
val (amount, parts) = if (componentName.equalsIgnoreCase(SPARK_TASK_PREFIX)) {
} else if (amountDouble % 1 != 0) {
throw new SparkException(
s"Only tasks support fractional resources, please check your $componentName settings")
} else {
(amountDouble.toInt, 1)
ResourceRequirement(rName, amount, parts)
def executorResourceRequestToRequirement(resourceRequest: Seq[ExecutorResourceRequest])
: Seq[ResourceRequirement] = { =>
ResourceRequirement(request.resourceName, request.amount.toInt, 1))
def resourcesMeetRequirements(
resourcesFree: Map[String, Int],
resourceRequirements: Seq[ResourceRequirement])
: Boolean = {
resourceRequirements.forall { req =>
resourcesFree.getOrElse(req.resourceName, 0) >= req.amount
def withResourcesJson[T](resourcesFile: String)(extract: String => Seq[T]): Seq[T] = {
val json = new String(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(resourcesFile)))
try {
} catch {
case NonFatal(e) =>
throw new SparkException(s"Error parsing resources file $resourcesFile", e)
def parseAllocatedFromJsonFile(resourcesFile: String): Seq[ResourceAllocation] = {
withResourcesJson[ResourceAllocation](resourcesFile) { json =>
implicit val formats = DefaultFormats
def parseAllocated(
resourcesFileOpt: Option[String],
componentName: String): Seq[ResourceAllocation] = {
.filter( == componentName)
private def parseAllocatedOrDiscoverResources(
sparkConf: SparkConf,
componentName: String,
resourcesFileOpt: Option[String]): Seq[ResourceAllocation] = {
val allocated = parseAllocated(resourcesFileOpt, componentName)
val otherResourceIds = listResourceIds(sparkConf, componentName).diff(
val otherResources = otherResourceIds.flatMap { id =>
val request = parseResourceRequest(sparkConf, id)
if (request.amount > 0) {
Some(ResourceAllocation(id, discoverResource(sparkConf, request).addresses))
} else {
allocated ++ otherResources
private def assertResourceAllocationMeetsRequest(
allocation: ResourceAllocation,
request: ResourceRequest): Unit = {
require( == && allocation.addresses.size >= request.amount,
s"Resource: ${}, with addresses: " +
s"${allocation.addresses.mkString(",")} " +
s"is less than what the user requested: ${request.amount})")
private def assertAllResourceAllocationsMeetRequests(
allocations: Seq[ResourceAllocation],
requests: Seq[ResourceRequest]): Unit = {
val allocated = => -> x).toMap
requests.foreach(r => assertResourceAllocationMeetsRequest(allocated(, r))
private def assertAllResourceAllocationsMatchResourceProfile(
allocations: Map[String, ResourceInformation],
execReqs: Map[String, ExecutorResourceRequest]): Unit = {
execReqs.foreach { case (rName, req) =>
require(allocations.contains(rName) && allocations(rName).addresses.size >= req.amount,
s"Resource: ${rName}, with addresses: " +
s"${allocations(rName).addresses.mkString(",")} " +
s"is less than what the user requested: ${req.amount})")
* Gets all allocated resource information for the input component from input resources file and
* the application level Spark configs. It first looks to see if resource were explicitly
* specified in the resources file (this would include specified address assignments and it only
* specified in certain cluster managers) and then it looks at the Spark configs to get any
* others not specified in the file. The resources not explicitly set in the file require a
* discovery script for it to run to get the addresses of the resource.
* It also verifies the resource allocation meets required amount for each resource.
* @return a map from resource name to resource info
def getOrDiscoverAllResources(
sparkConf: SparkConf,
componentName: String,
resourcesFileOpt: Option[String]): Map[String, ResourceInformation] = {
val requests = parseAllResourceRequests(sparkConf, componentName)
val allocations = parseAllocatedOrDiscoverResources(sparkConf, componentName, resourcesFileOpt)
assertAllResourceAllocationsMeetRequests(allocations, requests)
val resourceInfoMap = => (, a.toResourceInformation)).toMap
// create an empty Optional if the string is empty
private def emptyStringToOptional(optStr: String): Optional[String] = {
if (optStr.isEmpty) {
} else {
* This function is similar to getOrDiscoverallResources, except for it uses the ResourceProfile
* information instead of the application level configs.
* It first looks to see if resource were explicitly specified in the resources file
* (this would include specified address assignments and it only specified in certain
* cluster managers) and then it looks at the ResourceProfile to get
* any others not specified in the file. The resources not explicitly set in the file require a
* discovery script for it to run to get the addresses of the resource.
* It also verifies the resource allocation meets required amount for each resource.
* @return a map from resource name to resource info
def getOrDiscoverAllResourcesForResourceProfile(
resourcesFileOpt: Option[String],
componentName: String,
resourceProfile: ResourceProfile,
sparkConf: SparkConf): Map[String, ResourceInformation] = {
val fileAllocated = parseAllocated(resourcesFileOpt, componentName)
val fileAllocResMap = => (, a.toResourceInformation)).toMap
// only want to look at the ResourceProfile for resources not in the resources file
val execReq = resourceProfile.getCustomExecutorResources()
val filteredExecreq = execReq.filterNot { case (rname, _) => fileAllocResMap.contains(rname) }
val rpAllocations = { case (rName, execRequest) =>
val resourceId = new ResourceID(componentName, rName)
val scriptOpt = emptyStringToOptional(execRequest.discoveryScript)
val vendorOpt = emptyStringToOptional(execRequest.vendor)
val resourceReq = new ResourceRequest(resourceId, execRequest.amount, scriptOpt, vendorOpt)
val addrs = discoverResource(sparkConf, resourceReq).addresses
(rName, new ResourceInformation(rName, addrs))
val allAllocations = fileAllocResMap ++ rpAllocations
assertAllResourceAllocationsMatchResourceProfile(allAllocations, execReq)
def logResourceInfo(componentName: String, resources: Map[String, ResourceInformation])
: Unit = {
val resourceInfo = if (resources.isEmpty) {
s"No custom resources configured for $componentName."
} else {
s"Custom resources for $componentName:\n${resources.mkString("\n")}"
private[spark] def discoverResource(
sparkConf: SparkConf,
resourceRequest: ResourceRequest): ResourceInformation = {
// always put the discovery script plugin as last plugin
val discoveryScriptPlugin = "org.apache.spark.resource.ResourceDiscoveryScriptPlugin"
val pluginClasses = sparkConf.get(RESOURCES_DISCOVERY_PLUGIN) :+ discoveryScriptPlugin
val resourcePlugins = Utils.loadExtensions(classOf[ResourceDiscoveryPlugin], pluginClasses,
// apply each plugin until one of them returns the information for this resource
resourcePlugins.foreach { plugin =>
val riOption = plugin.discoverResource(resourceRequest, sparkConf)
if (riOption.isPresent()) {
return riOption.get()
throw new SparkException(s"None of the discovery plugins returned ResourceInformation for " +
def validateTaskCpusLargeEnough(sparkConf: SparkConf, execCores: Int, taskCpus: Int): Boolean = {
// Number of cores per executor must meet at least one task requirement.
if (execCores < taskCpus) {
throw new SparkException(s"The number of cores per executor (=$execCores) has to be >= " +
s"the number of cpus per task = $taskCpus.")
// the option executor cores parameter is by the different local modes since it not configured
// via the config
def warnOnWastedResources(
rp: ResourceProfile,
sparkConf: SparkConf,
execCores: Option[Int] = None): Unit = {
// There have been checks on the ResourceProfile to make sure the executor resources were
// specified and are large enough if any task resources were specified.
// Now just do some sanity test and log warnings when it looks like the user will
// waste some resources.
val coresKnown = rp.isCoresLimitKnown
var limitingResource = rp.limitingResource(sparkConf)
var maxTaskPerExec = rp.maxTasksPerExecutor(sparkConf)
val taskCpus = ResourceProfile.getTaskCpusOrDefaultForProfile(rp, sparkConf)
val cores = if (execCores.isDefined) {
} else if (coresKnown) {
} else {
// can't calculate cores limit
// when executor cores config isn't set, we can't calculate the real limiting resource
// and number of tasks per executor ahead of time, so calculate it now.
if (!coresKnown) {
val numTasksPerExecCores = cores / taskCpus
val numTasksPerExecCustomResource = rp.maxTasksPerExecutor(sparkConf)
if (limitingResource.isEmpty ||
(limitingResource.nonEmpty && numTasksPerExecCores < numTasksPerExecCustomResource)) {
limitingResource = ResourceProfile.CPUS
maxTaskPerExec = numTasksPerExecCores
val taskReq = rp.getCustomTaskResources()
val execReq = rp.getCustomExecutorResources()
if (limitingResource.nonEmpty && !limitingResource.equals(ResourceProfile.CPUS)) {
if ((taskCpus * maxTaskPerExec) < cores) {
val resourceNumSlots = Math.floor(cores/taskCpus).toInt
val message = s"The configuration of cores (exec = ${cores} " +
s"task = ${taskCpus}, runnable tasks = ${resourceNumSlots}) will " +
s"result in wasted resources due to resource ${limitingResource} limiting the " +
s"number of runnable tasks per executor to: ${maxTaskPerExec}. Please adjust " +
"your configuration."
throw new SparkException(message)
} else {
taskReq.foreach { case (rName, treq) =>
val execAmount = execReq(rName).amount
// handles fractional
val taskAmount = rp.getSchedulerTaskResourceAmount(rName)
val numParts = rp.getNumSlotsPerAddress(rName, sparkConf)
if (maxTaskPerExec < (execAmount * numParts / taskAmount)) {
val origTaskAmount = treq.amount
val taskReqStr = s"${origTaskAmount}/${numParts}"
val resourceNumSlots = Math.floor(execAmount * numParts / taskAmount).toInt
val message = s"The configuration of resource: ${treq.resourceName} " +
s"(exec = ${execAmount}, task = ${taskReqStr}, " +
s"runnable tasks = ${resourceNumSlots}) will " +
s"result in wasted resources due to resource ${limitingResource} limiting the " +
s"number of runnable tasks per executor to: ${maxTaskPerExec}. Please adjust " +
"your configuration."
throw new SparkException(message)
} else {
// known types of resources
final val GPU: String = "gpu"
final val FPGA: String = "fpga"
final val RESOURCE_PREFIX: String = "resource"
spark ExecutorResourceRequest 源码
spark ExecutorResourceRequests 源码
spark ResourceDiscoveryScriptPlugin 源码
spark ResourceProfileBuilder 源码
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