echarts linkSeriesData 源码

  • 2022-10-20
  • 浏览 (616)

echarts linkSeriesData 代码


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* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* under the License.

 * Link lists and struct (graph or tree)

import { curry, each, assert, extend, map, keys } from 'zrender/src/core/util';
import SeriesData from '../SeriesData';
import { makeInner } from '../../util/model';
import { SeriesDataType } from '../../util/types';

// That is: { dataType: data },
// like: { node: nodeList, edge: edgeList }.
// Should contain mainData.
type Datas = { [key in SeriesDataType]?: SeriesData };
type StructReferDataAttr = 'data' | 'edgeData';
type StructAttr = 'tree' | 'graph';

const inner = makeInner<{
    datas: Datas;
    mainData: SeriesData;
}, SeriesData>();

// Caution:
// In most case, either seriesData or its shallow clones (see seriesData.cloneShallow)
// is active in echarts process. So considering heap memory consumption,
// we do not clone tree or graph, but share them among seriesData and its shallow clones.
// But in some rare case, we have to keep old seriesData (like do animation in chart). So
// please take care that both the old seriesData and the new seriesData share the same tree/graph.

type LinkSeriesDataOpt = {
    mainData: SeriesData;
    // For example, instance of Graph or Tree.
    struct: {
        update: () => void;
    } & {
        [key in StructReferDataAttr]?: SeriesData
    // Will designate: `mainData[structAttr] = struct;`
    structAttr: StructAttr;
    datas?: Datas;
    // { dataType: attr },
    // Will designate: `struct[datasAttr[dataType]] = list;`
    datasAttr?: { [key in SeriesDataType]?: StructReferDataAttr };

function linkSeriesData(opt: LinkSeriesDataOpt): void {
    const mainData = opt.mainData;
    let datas = opt.datas;

    if (!datas) {
        datas = { main: mainData };
        opt.datasAttr = { main: 'data' };
    opt.datas = opt.mainData = null;

    linkAll(mainData, datas, opt);

    // Porxy data original methods.
    each(datas, function (data: SeriesData) {
        each(mainData.TRANSFERABLE_METHODS, function (methodName) {
            data.wrapMethod(methodName, curry(transferInjection, opt));

    // Beyond transfer, additional features should be added to `cloneShallow`.
    mainData.wrapMethod('cloneShallow', curry(cloneShallowInjection, opt));

    // Only mainData trigger change, because struct.update may trigger
    // another changable methods, which may bring about dead lock.
    each(mainData.CHANGABLE_METHODS, function (methodName) {
        mainData.wrapMethod(methodName, curry(changeInjection, opt));

    // Make sure datas contains mainData.
    assert(datas[mainData.dataType] === mainData);

function transferInjection(this: SeriesData, opt: LinkSeriesDataOpt, res: SeriesData): unknown {
    if (isMainData(this)) {
        // Transfer datas to new main data.
        const datas = extend({}, inner(this).datas);
        datas[this.dataType] = res;
        linkAll(res, datas, opt);
    else {
        // Modify the reference in main data to point newData.
        linkSingle(res, this.dataType, inner(this).mainData, opt);
    return res;

function changeInjection(opt: LinkSeriesDataOpt, res: unknown): unknown {
    opt.struct && opt.struct.update();
    return res;

function cloneShallowInjection(opt: LinkSeriesDataOpt, res: SeriesData): SeriesData {
    // cloneShallow, which brings about some fragilities, may be inappropriate
    // to be exposed as an API. So for implementation simplicity we can make
    // the restriction that cloneShallow of not-mainData should not be invoked
    // outside, but only be invoked here.
    each(inner(res).datas, function (data: SeriesData, dataType) {
        data !== res && linkSingle(data.cloneShallow(), dataType, res, opt);
    return res;

 * Supplement method to List.
 * @public
 * @param [dataType] If not specified, return mainData.
function getLinkedData(this: SeriesData, dataType?: SeriesDataType): SeriesData {
    const mainData = inner(this).mainData;
    return (dataType == null || mainData == null)
        ? mainData
        : inner(mainData).datas[dataType];

 * Get list of all linked data
function getLinkedDataAll(this: SeriesData): {
    data: SeriesData,
    type?: SeriesDataType
}[] {
    const mainData = inner(this).mainData;
    return (mainData == null)
        ? [{ data: mainData }]
        : map(keys(inner(mainData).datas), function (type) {
            return {
                data: inner(mainData).datas[type]

function isMainData(data: SeriesData): boolean {
    return inner(data).mainData === data;

function linkAll(mainData: SeriesData, datas: Datas, opt: LinkSeriesDataOpt): void {
    inner(mainData).datas = {};
    each(datas, function (data: SeriesData, dataType) {
        linkSingle(data, dataType, mainData, opt);

function linkSingle(data: SeriesData, dataType: SeriesDataType, mainData: SeriesData, opt: LinkSeriesDataOpt): void {
    inner(mainData).datas[dataType] = data;
    inner(data).mainData = mainData;

    data.dataType = dataType;

    if (opt.struct) {
        data[opt.structAttr] = opt.struct as any;
        opt.struct[opt.datasAttr[dataType]] = data;

    // Supplement method.
    data.getLinkedData = getLinkedData;
    data.getLinkedDataAll = getLinkedDataAll;

export default linkSeriesData;


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