echarts transform 源码

  • 2022-10-20
  • 浏览 (777)

echarts transform 代码


* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.

import {
    Dictionary, DimensionDefinitionLoose,
    SourceFormat, DimensionDefinition, DimensionIndex,
    OptionDataValue, DimensionLoose, DimensionName, ParsedValue,
    OptionSourceDataObjectRows, OptionSourceDataArrayRows
} from '../../util/types';
import { normalizeToArray } from '../../util/model';
import {
    createHashMap, bind, each, hasOwn, map, clone, isObject, extend, isNumber
} from 'zrender/src/core/util';
import {
    getRawSourceItemGetter, getRawSourceDataCounter, getRawSourceValueGetter
} from './dataProvider';
import { parseDataValue } from './dataValueHelper';
import { log, makePrintable, throwError } from '../../util/log';
import { createSource, Source, SourceMetaRawOption, detectSourceFormat } from '../Source';

export type PipedDataTransformOption = DataTransformOption[];
export type DataTransformType = string;
export type DataTransformConfig = unknown;

export interface DataTransformOption {
    type: DataTransformType;
    config?: DataTransformConfig;
    // Print the result via `console.log` when transform performed. Only work in dev mode for debug.
    print?: boolean;

export interface ExternalDataTransform<TO extends DataTransformOption = DataTransformOption> {
    // Must include namespace like: 'ecStat:regression'
    type: string;
    __isBuiltIn?: boolean;
    transform: (
        param: ExternalDataTransformParam<TO>
    ) => ExternalDataTransformResultItem | ExternalDataTransformResultItem[];

interface ExternalDataTransformParam<TO extends DataTransformOption = DataTransformOption> {
    // This is the first source in upstreamList. In most cases,
    // there is only one upstream source.
    upstream: ExternalSource;
    upstreamList: ExternalSource[];
    config: TO['config'];
export interface ExternalDataTransformResultItem {
     * If `data` is null/undefined, inherit upstream data.
    data: OptionSourceDataArrayRows | OptionSourceDataObjectRows;
     * A `transform` can optionally return a dimensions definition.
     * The rule:
     * If this `transform result` have different dimensions from the upstream, it should return
     * a new dimension definition. For example, this transform inherit the upstream data totally
     * but add a extra dimension.
     * Otherwise, do not need to return that dimension definition. echarts will inherit dimension
     * definition from the upstream.
    dimensions?: DimensionDefinitionLoose[];
export type DataTransformDataItem = ExternalDataTransformResultItem['data'][number];
export interface ExternalDimensionDefinition extends Partial<DimensionDefinition> {
    // Mandatory
    index: DimensionIndex;

 * TODO: disable writable.
 * This structure will be exposed to users.
export class ExternalSource {
     * [Caveat]
     * This instance is to be exposed to users.
     * (1) DO NOT mount private members on this instance directly.
     * If we have to use private members, we can make them in closure or use `makeInner`.
     * (2) "soruce header count" is not provided to transform, because it's complicated to manage
     * header and dimensions definition in each transfrom. Source header are all normalized to
     * dimensions definitions in transforms and their downstreams.

    sourceFormat: SourceFormat;

    getRawData(): Source['data'] {
        // Only built-in transform available.
        throw new Error('not supported');

    getRawDataItem(dataIndex: number): DataTransformDataItem {
        // Only built-in transform available.
        throw new Error('not supported');

    cloneRawData(): Source['data'] {

     * @return If dimension not found, return null/undefined.
    getDimensionInfo(dim: DimensionLoose): ExternalDimensionDefinition {

     * dimensions defined if and only if either:
     * (a) dataset.dimensions are declared.
     * (b) dataset data include dimensions definitions in data (detected or via specified `sourceHeader`).
     * If dimensions are defined, `dimensionInfoAll` is corresponding to
     * the defined dimensions.
     * Otherwise, `dimensionInfoAll` is determined by data columns.
     * @return Always return an array (even empty array).
    cloneAllDimensionInfo(): ExternalDimensionDefinition[] {

    count(): number {

     * Only support by dimension index.
     * No need to support by dimension name in transform function,
     * because transform function is not case-specific, no need to use name literally.
    retrieveValue(dataIndex: number, dimIndex: DimensionIndex): OptionDataValue {

    retrieveValueFromItem(dataItem: DataTransformDataItem, dimIndex: DimensionIndex): OptionDataValue {

    convertValue(rawVal: unknown, dimInfo: ExternalDimensionDefinition): ParsedValue {
        return parseDataValue(rawVal, dimInfo);

function createExternalSource(internalSource: Source, externalTransform: ExternalDataTransform): ExternalSource {
    const extSource = new ExternalSource();

    const data =;
    const sourceFormat = extSource.sourceFormat = internalSource.sourceFormat;
    const sourceHeaderCount = internalSource.startIndex;

    let errMsg = '';
    if (internalSource.seriesLayoutBy !== SERIES_LAYOUT_BY_COLUMN) {
        // For the logic simplicity in transformer, only 'culumn' is
        // supported in data transform. Otherwise, the `dimensionsDefine`
        // might be detected by 'row', which probably confuses users.
        if (__DEV__) {
            errMsg = '`seriesLayoutBy` of upstream dataset can only be "column" in data transform.';

    // [MEMO]
    // Create a new dimensions structure for exposing.
    // Do not expose all dimension info to users directly.
    // Because the dimension is probably auto detected from data and not might reliable.
    // Should not lead the transformers to think that is reliable and return it.
    // See [DIMENSION_INHERIT_RULE] in `sourceManager.ts`.
    const dimensions = [] as ExternalDimensionDefinition[];
    const dimsByName = {} as Dictionary<ExternalDimensionDefinition>;

    const dimsDef = internalSource.dimensionsDefine;
    if (dimsDef) {
        each(dimsDef, function (dimDef, idx) {
            const name =;
            const dimDefExt = {
                index: idx,
                name: name,
                displayName: dimDef.displayName
            // Users probably not sepcify dimension name. For simplicity, data transform
            // do not generate dimension name.
            if (name != null) {
                // Dimension name should not be duplicated.
                // For simplicity, data transform forbid name duplication, do not generate
                // new name like module `completeDimensions.ts` did, but just tell users.
                let errMsg = '';
                if (hasOwn(dimsByName, name)) {
                    if (__DEV__) {
                        errMsg = 'dimension name "' + name + '" duplicated.';
                dimsByName[name] = dimDefExt;
    // If dimension definitions are not defined and can not be detected.
    // e.g., pure data `[[11, 22], ...]`.
    else {
        for (let i = 0; i < internalSource.dimensionsDetectedCount || 0; i++) {
            // Do not generete name or anything others. The consequence process in
            // `transform` or `series` probably have there own name generation strategry.
            dimensions.push({ index: i });

    // Implement public methods:
    const rawItemGetter = getRawSourceItemGetter(sourceFormat, SERIES_LAYOUT_BY_COLUMN);
    if (externalTransform.__isBuiltIn) {
        extSource.getRawDataItem = function (dataIndex) {
            return rawItemGetter(data, sourceHeaderCount, dimensions, dataIndex) as DataTransformDataItem;
        extSource.getRawData = bind(getRawData, null, internalSource);

    extSource.cloneRawData = bind(cloneRawData, null, internalSource);

    const rawCounter = getRawSourceDataCounter(sourceFormat, SERIES_LAYOUT_BY_COLUMN);
    extSource.count = bind(rawCounter, null, data, sourceHeaderCount, dimensions);

    const rawValueGetter = getRawSourceValueGetter(sourceFormat);
    extSource.retrieveValue = function (dataIndex, dimIndex) {
        const rawItem = rawItemGetter(data, sourceHeaderCount, dimensions, dataIndex) as DataTransformDataItem;
        return retrieveValueFromItem(rawItem, dimIndex);
    const retrieveValueFromItem = extSource.retrieveValueFromItem = function (dataItem, dimIndex) {
        if (dataItem == null) {
        const dimDef = dimensions[dimIndex];
        // When `dimIndex` is `null`, `rawValueGetter` return the whole item.
        if (dimDef) {
            return rawValueGetter(dataItem, dimIndex, as OptionDataValue;

    extSource.getDimensionInfo = bind(getDimensionInfo, null, dimensions, dimsByName);
    extSource.cloneAllDimensionInfo = bind(cloneAllDimensionInfo, null, dimensions);

    return extSource;

function getRawData(upstream: Source): Source['data'] {
    const sourceFormat = upstream.sourceFormat;

    if (!isSupportedSourceFormat(sourceFormat)) {
        let errMsg = '';
        if (__DEV__) {
            errMsg = '`getRawData` is not supported in source format ' + sourceFormat;


function cloneRawData(upstream: Source): Source['data'] {
    const sourceFormat = upstream.sourceFormat;
    const data =;

    if (!isSupportedSourceFormat(sourceFormat)) {
        let errMsg = '';
        if (__DEV__) {
            errMsg = '`cloneRawData` is not supported in source format ' + sourceFormat;

    if (sourceFormat === SOURCE_FORMAT_ARRAY_ROWS) {
        const result = [];
        for (let i = 0, len = data.length; i < len; i++) {
            // Not strictly clone for performance
            result.push((data as OptionSourceDataArrayRows)[i].slice());
        return result;
    else if (sourceFormat === SOURCE_FORMAT_OBJECT_ROWS) {
        const result = [];
        for (let i = 0, len = data.length; i < len; i++) {
            // Not strictly clone for performance
            result.push(extend({}, (data as OptionSourceDataObjectRows)[i]));
        return result;

function getDimensionInfo(
    dimensions: ExternalDimensionDefinition[],
    dimsByName: Dictionary<ExternalDimensionDefinition>,
    dim: DimensionLoose
): ExternalDimensionDefinition {
    if (dim == null) {
    // Keep the same logic as `List::getDimension` did.
    if (isNumber(dim)
        // If being a number-like string but not being defined a dimension name.
        || (!isNaN(dim as any) && !hasOwn(dimsByName, dim))
    ) {
        return dimensions[dim as DimensionIndex];
    else if (hasOwn(dimsByName, dim)) {
        return dimsByName[dim as DimensionName];

function cloneAllDimensionInfo(dimensions: ExternalDimensionDefinition[]): ExternalDimensionDefinition[] {
    return clone(dimensions);

const externalTransformMap = createHashMap<ExternalDataTransform, string>();

export function registerExternalTransform(
    externalTransform: ExternalDataTransform
): void {
    externalTransform = clone(externalTransform);
    let type = externalTransform.type;
    let errMsg = '';
    if (!type) {
        if (__DEV__) {
            errMsg = 'Must have a `type` when `registerTransform`.';
    const typeParsed = type.split(':');
    if (typeParsed.length !== 2) {
        if (__DEV__) {
            errMsg = 'Name must include namespace like "ns:regression".';
    // Namespace 'echarts:xxx' is official namespace, where the transforms should
    // be called directly via 'xxx' rather than 'echarts:xxx'.
    let isBuiltIn = false;
    if (typeParsed[0] === 'echarts') {
        type = typeParsed[1];
        isBuiltIn = true;
    externalTransform.__isBuiltIn = isBuiltIn;
    externalTransformMap.set(type, externalTransform);

export function applyDataTransform(
    rawTransOption: DataTransformOption | PipedDataTransformOption,
    sourceList: Source[],
    infoForPrint: { datasetIndex: number }
): Source[] {
    const pipedTransOption: PipedDataTransformOption = normalizeToArray(rawTransOption);
    const pipeLen = pipedTransOption.length;

    let errMsg = '';
    if (!pipeLen) {
        if (__DEV__) {
            errMsg = 'If `transform` declared, it should at least contain one transform.';

    for (let i = 0, len = pipeLen; i < len; i++) {
        const transOption = pipedTransOption[i];
        sourceList = applySingleDataTransform(transOption, sourceList, infoForPrint, pipeLen === 1 ? null : i);
        // piped transform only support single input, except the fist one.
        // piped transform only support single output, except the last one.
        if (i !== len - 1) {
            sourceList.length = Math.max(sourceList.length, 1);

    return sourceList;

function applySingleDataTransform(
    transOption: DataTransformOption,
    upSourceList: Source[],
    infoForPrint: { datasetIndex: number },
    // If `pipeIndex` is null/undefined, no piped transform.
    pipeIndex: number
): Source[] {
    let errMsg = '';
    if (!upSourceList.length) {
        if (__DEV__) {
            errMsg = 'Must have at least one upstream dataset.';
    if (!isObject(transOption)) {
        if (__DEV__) {
            errMsg = 'transform declaration must be an object rather than ' + typeof transOption + '.';

    const transType = transOption.type;
    const externalTransform = externalTransformMap.get(transType);

    if (!externalTransform) {
        if (__DEV__) {
            errMsg = 'Can not find transform on type "' + transType + '".';

    // Prepare source
    const extUpSourceList = map(upSourceList, upSource => createExternalSource(upSource, externalTransform));

    const resultList = normalizeToArray(
            upstream: extUpSourceList[0],
            upstreamList: extUpSourceList,
            config: clone(transOption.config)

    if (__DEV__) {
        if (transOption.print) {
            const printStrArr = map(resultList, extSource => {
                const pipeIndexStr = pipeIndex != null ? ' === pipe index: ' + pipeIndex : '';
                return [
                    '=== dataset index: ' + infoForPrint.datasetIndex + pipeIndexStr + ' ===',
                    '- transform result data:',
                    '- transform result dimensions:',

    return map(resultList, function (result, resultIndex) {
        let errMsg = '';

        if (!isObject(result)) {
            if (__DEV__) {
                errMsg = 'A transform should not return some empty results.';

        if (! {
            if (__DEV__) {
                errMsg = 'Transform result data should be not be null or undefined';

        const sourceFormat = detectSourceFormat(;
        if (!isSupportedSourceFormat(sourceFormat)) {
            if (__DEV__) {
                errMsg = 'Transform result data should be array rows or object rows.';

        let resultMetaRawOption: SourceMetaRawOption;
        const firstUpSource = upSourceList[0];

         * Intuitively, the end users known the content of the original `dataset.source`,
         * calucating the transform result in mind.
         * Suppose the original `dataset.source` is:
         * ```js
         * [
         *     ['product', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015'],
         *     ['AAA', 41.1, 30.4, 65.1, 53.3],
         *     ['BBB', 86.5, 92.1, 85.7, 83.1],
         *     ['CCC', 24.1, 67.2, 79.5, 86.4]
         * ]
         * ```
         * The dimension info have to be detected from the source data.
         * Some of the transformers (like filter, sort) will follow the dimension info
         * of upstream, while others use new dimensions (like aggregate).
         * Transformer can output a field `dimensions` to define the its own output dimensions.
         * We also allow transformers to ignore the output `dimensions` field, and
         * inherit the upstream dimensions definition. It can reduce the burden of handling
         * dimensions in transformers.
         * See also [DIMENSION_INHERIT_RULE] in `sourceManager.ts`.
        if (
            && resultIndex === 0
            // If transformer returns `dimensions`, it means that the transformer has different
            // dimensions definitions. We do not inherit anything from upstream.
            && !result.dimensions
        ) {
            const startIndex = firstUpSource.startIndex;
            // We copy the header of upstream to the result, because:
            // (1) The returned data always does not contain header line and can not be used
            // as dimension-detection. In this case we can not use "detected dimensions" of
            // upstream directly, because it might be detected based on different `seriesLayoutBy`.
            // (2) We should support that the series read the upstream source in `seriesLayoutBy: 'row'`.
            // So the original detected header should be add to the result, otherwise they can not be read.
            if (startIndex) {
       = ( as []).slice(0, startIndex)
                    .concat( as []);

            resultMetaRawOption = {
                seriesLayoutBy: SERIES_LAYOUT_BY_COLUMN,
                sourceHeader: startIndex,
                dimensions: firstUpSource.metaRawOption.dimensions
        else {
            resultMetaRawOption = {
                seriesLayoutBy: SERIES_LAYOUT_BY_COLUMN,
                sourceHeader: 0,
                dimensions: result.dimensions

        return createSource(

function isSupportedSourceFormat(sourceFormat: SourceFormat): boolean {
    return sourceFormat === SOURCE_FORMAT_ARRAY_ROWS || sourceFormat === SOURCE_FORMAT_OBJECT_ROWS;


echarts 源码目录


echarts SeriesDataSchema 源码

echarts createDimensions 源码

echarts dataProvider 源码

echarts dataStackHelper 源码

echarts dataValueHelper 源码

echarts dimensionHelper 源码

echarts linkList 源码

echarts linkSeriesData 源码

echarts sourceHelper 源码

echarts sourceManager 源码

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