echarts sourceManager 源码
echarts sourceManager 代码
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import { DatasetModel } from '../../component/dataset/install';
import SeriesModel from '../../model/Series';
import {
setAsPrimitive, map, isTypedArray, assert, each, retrieve2
} from 'zrender/src/core/util';
import { SourceMetaRawOption, Source, createSource, cloneSourceShallow } from '../Source';
import {
SeriesEncodableModel, OptionSourceData,
SourceFormat, SeriesLayoutBy, OptionSourceHeader,
DimensionDefinitionLoose, Dictionary
} from '../../util/types';
import {
querySeriesUpstreamDatasetModel, queryDatasetUpstreamDatasetModels
} from './sourceHelper';
import { applyDataTransform } from './transform';
import DataStore, { DataStoreDimensionDefine } from '../DataStore';
import { DefaultDataProvider } from './dataProvider';
import { SeriesDataSchema } from './SeriesDataSchema';
type DataStoreMap = Dictionary<DataStore>;
* (0) `metaRawOption` means `dimensions`/`sourceHeader`/`seriesLayoutBy` in raw option.
* (1) Keep support the feature: `metaRawOption` can be specified both on `series` and
* `root-dataset`. Them on `series` has higher priority.
* (2) Do not support to set `metaRawOption` on a `non-root-dataset`, because it might
* confuse users: whether those props indicate how to visit the upstream source or visit
* the transform result source, and some transforms has nothing to do with these props,
* and some transforms might have multiple upstream.
* (3) Transforms should specify `metaRawOption` in each output, just like they can be
* declared in `root-dataset`.
* (4) At present only support visit source in `SERIES_LAYOUT_BY_COLUMN` in transforms.
* That is for reducing complexity in transfroms.
* PENDING: Whether to provide transposition transform?
* "sourceVisitConfig" are calculated from `metaRawOption` and `data`.
* They will not be calculated until `source` is about to be visited (to prevent from
* duplicate calcuation). `source` is visited only in series and input to transforms.
* By default the dimensions are inherited from ancestors, unless a transform return
* a new dimensions definition.
* Consider the case:
* ```js
* dataset: [{
* source: [ ['Product', 'Sales', 'Prise'], ['Cookies', 321, 44.21], ...]
* }, {
* transform: { type: 'filter', ... }
* }]
* dataset: [{
* dimension: ['Product', 'Sales', 'Prise'],
* source: [ ['Cookies', 321, 44.21], ...]
* }, {
* transform: { type: 'filter', ... }
* }]
* ```
* The two types of option should have the same behavior after transform.
* (1) Provide source data directly:
* ```js
* series: {
* encode: {...},
* dimensions: [...]
* seriesLayoutBy: 'row',
* data: [[...]]
* }
* ```
* (2) Series refer to dataset.
* ```js
* series: [{
* encode: {...}
* // Ignore datasetIndex means `datasetIndex: 0`
* // and the dimensions defination in dataset is used
* }, {
* encode: {...},
* seriesLayoutBy: 'column',
* datasetIndex: 1
* }]
* ```
* (3) dataset transform
* ```js
* dataset: [{
* source: [...]
* }, {
* source: [...]
* }, {
* // By default from 0.
* transform: { type: 'filter', config: {...} }
* }, {
* // Piped.
* transform: [
* { type: 'filter', config: {...} },
* { type: 'sort', config: {...} }
* ]
* }, {
* id: 'regressionData',
* fromDatasetIndex: 1,
* // Third-party transform
* transform: { type: 'ecStat:regression', config: {...} }
* }, {
* // retrieve the extra result.
* id: 'regressionFormula',
* fromDatasetId: 'regressionData',
* fromTransformResult: 1
* }]
* ```
export class SourceManager {
// Currently only datasetModel can host `transform`
private _sourceHost: DatasetModel | SeriesModel;
// Cached source. Do not repeat calculating if not dirty.
private _sourceList: Source[] = [];
private _storeList: DataStoreMap[] = [];
// version sign of each upstream source manager.
private _upstreamSignList: string[] = [];
private _versionSignBase = 0;
private _dirty = true;
constructor(sourceHost: DatasetModel | SeriesModel) {
this._sourceHost = sourceHost;
* Mark dirty.
dirty() {
this._setLocalSource([], []);
this._storeList = [];
this._dirty = true;
private _setLocalSource(
sourceList: Source[],
upstreamSignList: string[]
): void {
this._sourceList = sourceList;
this._upstreamSignList = upstreamSignList;
if (this._versionSignBase > 9e10) {
this._versionSignBase = 0;
* For detecting whether the upstream source is dirty, so that
* the local cached source (in `_sourceList`) should be discarded.
private _getVersionSign(): string {
return this._sourceHost.uid + '_' + this._versionSignBase;
* Always return a source instance. Otherwise throw error.
prepareSource(): void {
// For the case that call `setOption` multiple time but no data changed,
// cache the result source to prevent from repeating transform.
if (this._isDirty()) {
this._dirty = false;
private _createSource(): void {
this._setLocalSource([], []);
const sourceHost = this._sourceHost;
const upSourceMgrList = this._getUpstreamSourceManagers();
const hasUpstream = !!upSourceMgrList.length;
let resultSourceList: Source[];
let upstreamSignList: string[];
if (isSeries(sourceHost)) {
const seriesModel = sourceHost as SeriesEncodableModel;
let data;
let sourceFormat: SourceFormat;
let upSource: Source;
// Has upstream dataset
if (hasUpstream) {
const upSourceMgr = upSourceMgrList[0];
upSource = upSourceMgr.getSource();
data =;
sourceFormat = upSource.sourceFormat;
upstreamSignList = [upSourceMgr._getVersionSign()];
// Series data is from own.
else {
data = seriesModel.get('data', true) as OptionSourceData;
sourceFormat = isTypedArray(data)
upstreamSignList = [];
// See [REQUIREMENT_MEMO], merge settings on series and parent dataset if it is root.
const newMetaRawOption = this._getSourceMetaRawOption() || {} as SourceMetaRawOption;
const upMetaRawOption = upSource && upSource.metaRawOption || {} as SourceMetaRawOption;
const seriesLayoutBy = retrieve2(newMetaRawOption.seriesLayoutBy, upMetaRawOption.seriesLayoutBy) || null;
const sourceHeader = retrieve2(newMetaRawOption.sourceHeader, upMetaRawOption.sourceHeader);
// Note here we should not use `upSource.dimensionsDefine`. Consider the case:
// `upSource.dimensionsDefine` is detected by `seriesLayoutBy: 'column'`,
// but series need `seriesLayoutBy: 'row'`.
const dimensions = retrieve2(newMetaRawOption.dimensions, upMetaRawOption.dimensions);
// We share source with dataset as much as possible
// to avoid extra memroy cost of high dimensional data.
const needsCreateSource = seriesLayoutBy !== upMetaRawOption.seriesLayoutBy
|| !!sourceHeader !== !!upMetaRawOption.sourceHeader
|| dimensions;
resultSourceList = needsCreateSource ? [createSource(
{ seriesLayoutBy, sourceHeader, dimensions },
)] : [];
else {
const datasetModel = sourceHost as DatasetModel;
// Has upstream dataset.
if (hasUpstream) {
const result = this._applyTransform(upSourceMgrList);
resultSourceList = result.sourceList;
upstreamSignList = result.upstreamSignList;
// Is root dataset.
else {
const sourceData = datasetModel.get('source', true);
resultSourceList = [createSource(
upstreamSignList = [];
if (__DEV__) {
assert(resultSourceList && upstreamSignList);
this._setLocalSource(resultSourceList, upstreamSignList);
private _applyTransform(
upMgrList: SourceManager[]
): {
sourceList: Source[],
upstreamSignList: string[]
} {
const datasetModel = this._sourceHost as DatasetModel;
const transformOption = datasetModel.get('transform', true);
const fromTransformResult = datasetModel.get('fromTransformResult', true);
if (__DEV__) {
assert(fromTransformResult != null || transformOption != null);
if (fromTransformResult != null) {
let errMsg = '';
if (upMgrList.length !== 1) {
if (__DEV__) {
errMsg = 'When using `fromTransformResult`, there should be only one upstream dataset';
let sourceList: Source[];
const upSourceList: Source[] = [];
const upstreamSignList: string[] = [];
each(upMgrList, upMgr => {
const upSource = upMgr.getSource(fromTransformResult || 0);
let errMsg = '';
if (fromTransformResult != null && !upSource) {
if (__DEV__) {
errMsg = 'Can not retrieve result by `fromTransformResult`: ' + fromTransformResult;
if (transformOption) {
sourceList = applyDataTransform(
{ datasetIndex: datasetModel.componentIndex }
else if (fromTransformResult != null) {
sourceList = [cloneSourceShallow(upSourceList[0])];
return { sourceList, upstreamSignList };
private _isDirty(): boolean {
if (this._dirty) {
return true;
// All sourceList is from the some upsteam.
const upSourceMgrList = this._getUpstreamSourceManagers();
for (let i = 0; i < upSourceMgrList.length; i++) {
const upSrcMgr = upSourceMgrList[i];
if (
// Consider the case that there is ancestor diry, call it recursively.
// The performance is probably not an issue because usually the chain is not long.
|| this._upstreamSignList[i] !== upSrcMgr._getVersionSign()
) {
return true;
* @param sourceIndex By defualt 0, means "main source".
* Most cases there is only one source.
getSource(sourceIndex?: number): Source {
sourceIndex = sourceIndex || 0;
const source = this._sourceList[sourceIndex];
if (!source) {
// Series may share source instance with dataset.
const upSourceMgrList = this._getUpstreamSourceManagers();
return upSourceMgrList[0]
&& upSourceMgrList[0].getSource(sourceIndex);
return source;
* Get a data store which can be shared across series.
* Only available for series.
* @param seriesDimRequest Dimensions that are generated in series.
* Should have been sorted by `storeDimIndex` asc.
getSharedDataStore(seriesDimRequest: SeriesDataSchema): DataStore {
if (__DEV__) {
assert(isSeries(this._sourceHost), 'Can only call getDataStore on series source manager.');
const schema = seriesDimRequest.makeStoreSchema();
return this._innerGetDataStore(
schema.dimensions, seriesDimRequest.source, schema.hash
private _innerGetDataStore(
storeDims: DataStoreDimensionDefine[],
seriesSource: Source,
sourceReadKey: string
): DataStore | undefined {
// TODO Can use other sourceIndex?
const sourceIndex = 0;
const storeList = this._storeList;
let cachedStoreMap = storeList[sourceIndex];
if (!cachedStoreMap) {
cachedStoreMap = storeList[sourceIndex] = {};
let cachedStore = cachedStoreMap[sourceReadKey];
if (!cachedStore) {
const upSourceMgr = this._getUpstreamSourceManagers()[0];
if (isSeries(this._sourceHost) && upSourceMgr) {
cachedStore = upSourceMgr._innerGetDataStore(
storeDims, seriesSource, sourceReadKey
else {
cachedStore = new DataStore();
// Always create store from source of series.
new DefaultDataProvider(seriesSource, storeDims.length),
cachedStoreMap[sourceReadKey] = cachedStore;
return cachedStore;
* PEDING: Is it fast enough?
* If no upstream, return empty array.
private _getUpstreamSourceManagers(): SourceManager[] {
// Always get the relationship from the raw option.
// Do not cache the link of the dependency graph, so that
// no need to update them when change happen.
const sourceHost = this._sourceHost;
if (isSeries(sourceHost)) {
const datasetModel = querySeriesUpstreamDatasetModel(sourceHost);
return !datasetModel ? [] : [datasetModel.getSourceManager()];
else {
return map(
queryDatasetUpstreamDatasetModels(sourceHost as DatasetModel),
datasetModel => datasetModel.getSourceManager()
private _getSourceMetaRawOption(): SourceMetaRawOption {
const sourceHost = this._sourceHost;
let seriesLayoutBy: SeriesLayoutBy;
let sourceHeader: OptionSourceHeader;
let dimensions: DimensionDefinitionLoose[];
if (isSeries(sourceHost)) {
seriesLayoutBy = sourceHost.get('seriesLayoutBy', true);
sourceHeader = sourceHost.get('sourceHeader', true);
dimensions = sourceHost.get('dimensions', true);
// See [REQUIREMENT_MEMO], `non-root-dataset` do not support them.
else if (!this._getUpstreamSourceManagers().length) {
const model = sourceHost as DatasetModel;
seriesLayoutBy = model.get('seriesLayoutBy', true);
sourceHeader = model.get('sourceHeader', true);
dimensions = model.get('dimensions', true);
return { seriesLayoutBy, sourceHeader, dimensions };
// Call this method after `super.init` and `super.mergeOption` to
// disable the transform merge, but do not disable transfrom clone from rawOption.
export function disableTransformOptionMerge(datasetModel: DatasetModel): void {
const transformOption = datasetModel.option.transform;
transformOption && setAsPrimitive(datasetModel.option.transform);
function isSeries(sourceHost: SourceManager['_sourceHost']): sourceHost is SeriesEncodableModel {
// Avoid circular dependency with Series.ts
return (sourceHost as SeriesModel).mainType === 'series';
function doThrow(errMsg: string): void {
throw new Error(errMsg);
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