tidb preprocess 源码
tidb preprocess 代码
// Copyright 2015 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package core
import (
driver "github.com/pingcap/tidb/types/parser_driver"
utilparser "github.com/pingcap/tidb/util/parser"
// PreprocessOpt presents optional parameters to `Preprocess` method.
type PreprocessOpt func(*preprocessor)
// InPrepare is a PreprocessOpt that indicates preprocess is executing under prepare statement.
func InPrepare(p *preprocessor) {
p.flag |= inPrepare
// InTxnRetry is a PreprocessOpt that indicates preprocess is executing under transaction retry.
func InTxnRetry(p *preprocessor) {
p.flag |= inTxnRetry
// InitTxnContextProvider is a PreprocessOpt that indicates preprocess should init transaction's context
func InitTxnContextProvider(p *preprocessor) {
p.flag |= initTxnContextProvider
// WithPreprocessorReturn returns a PreprocessOpt to initialize the PreprocessorReturn.
func WithPreprocessorReturn(ret *PreprocessorReturn) PreprocessOpt {
return func(p *preprocessor) {
p.PreprocessorReturn = ret
// TryAddExtraLimit trys to add an extra limit for SELECT or UNION statement when sql_select_limit is set.
func TryAddExtraLimit(ctx sessionctx.Context, node ast.StmtNode) ast.StmtNode {
if ctx.GetSessionVars().SelectLimit == math.MaxUint64 || ctx.GetSessionVars().InRestrictedSQL {
return node
if explain, ok := node.(*ast.ExplainStmt); ok {
explain.Stmt = TryAddExtraLimit(ctx, explain.Stmt)
return explain
} else if sel, ok := node.(*ast.SelectStmt); ok {
if sel.Limit != nil || sel.SelectIntoOpt != nil {
return node
newSel := *sel
newSel.Limit = &ast.Limit{
Count: ast.NewValueExpr(ctx.GetSessionVars().SelectLimit, "", ""),
return &newSel
} else if setOprStmt, ok := node.(*ast.SetOprStmt); ok {
if setOprStmt.Limit != nil {
return node
newSetOpr := *setOprStmt
newSetOpr.Limit = &ast.Limit{
Count: ast.NewValueExpr(ctx.GetSessionVars().SelectLimit, "", ""),
return &newSetOpr
return node
// Preprocess resolves table names of the node, and checks some statements' validation.
// preprocessReturn used to extract the infoschema for the tableName and the timestamp from the asof clause.
func Preprocess(ctx sessionctx.Context, node ast.Node, preprocessOpt ...PreprocessOpt) error {
v := preprocessor{
ctx: ctx,
tableAliasInJoin: make([]map[string]interface{}, 0),
preprocessWith: &preprocessWith{cteCanUsed: make([]string, 0), cteBeforeOffset: make([]int, 0)},
staleReadProcessor: staleread.NewStaleReadProcessor(ctx),
for _, optFn := range preprocessOpt {
// PreprocessorReturn must be non-nil before preprocessing
if v.PreprocessorReturn == nil {
v.PreprocessorReturn = &PreprocessorReturn{}
// InfoSchema must be non-nil after preprocessing
return errors.Trace(v.err)
type preprocessorFlag uint8
const (
// inPrepare is set when visiting in prepare statement.
inPrepare preprocessorFlag = 1 << iota
// inTxnRetry is set when visiting in transaction retry.
// inCreateOrDropTable is set when visiting create/drop table statement.
// parentIsJoin is set when visiting node's parent is join.
// inRepairTable is set when visiting a repair table statement.
// inSequenceFunction is set when visiting a sequence function.
// This flag indicates the tableName in these function should be checked as sequence object.
// initTxnContextProvider is set when we should init txn context in preprocess
// Make linter happy.
var _ = PreprocessorReturn{}.initedLastSnapshotTS
// PreprocessorReturn is used to retain information obtained in the preprocessor.
type PreprocessorReturn struct {
initedLastSnapshotTS bool
IsStaleness bool
SnapshotTSEvaluator func(sessionctx.Context) (uint64, error)
// LastSnapshotTS is the last evaluated snapshotTS if any
// otherwise it defaults to zero
LastSnapshotTS uint64
InfoSchema infoschema.InfoSchema
// preprocessWith is used to record info from WITH statements like CTE name.
type preprocessWith struct {
cteCanUsed []string
cteBeforeOffset []int
// preprocessor is an ast.Visitor that preprocess
// ast Nodes parsed from parser.
type preprocessor struct {
ctx sessionctx.Context
flag preprocessorFlag
stmtTp byte
showTp ast.ShowStmtType
// tableAliasInJoin is a stack that keeps the table alias names for joins.
// len(tableAliasInJoin) may bigger than 1 because the left/right child of join may be subquery that contains `JOIN`
tableAliasInJoin []map[string]interface{}
preprocessWith *preprocessWith
staleReadProcessor staleread.Processor
// values that may be returned
err error
func (p *preprocessor) Enter(in ast.Node) (out ast.Node, skipChildren bool) {
switch node := in.(type) {
case *ast.AdminStmt:
case *ast.DeleteStmt:
p.stmtTp = TypeDelete
case *ast.SelectStmt:
p.stmtTp = TypeSelect
case *ast.UpdateStmt:
p.stmtTp = TypeUpdate
case *ast.InsertStmt:
p.stmtTp = TypeInsert
// handle the insert table name imminently
// insert into t with t ..., the insert can not see t here. We should hand it before the CTE statement
case *ast.ExecuteStmt:
p.stmtTp = TypeExecute
case *ast.CreateTableStmt:
p.stmtTp = TypeCreate
p.flag |= inCreateOrDropTable
case *ast.CreateViewStmt:
p.stmtTp = TypeCreate
p.flag |= inCreateOrDropTable
case *ast.DropTableStmt:
p.flag |= inCreateOrDropTable
p.stmtTp = TypeDrop
case *ast.RenameTableStmt:
p.stmtTp = TypeRename
p.flag |= inCreateOrDropTable
case *ast.CreateIndexStmt:
p.stmtTp = TypeCreate
case *ast.AlterTableStmt:
p.stmtTp = TypeAlter
case *ast.CreateDatabaseStmt:
p.stmtTp = TypeCreate
case *ast.AlterDatabaseStmt:
p.stmtTp = TypeAlter
case *ast.DropDatabaseStmt:
p.stmtTp = TypeDrop
case *ast.ShowStmt:
p.stmtTp = TypeShow
p.showTp = node.Tp
case *ast.SetOprSelectList:
case *ast.DeleteTableList:
p.stmtTp = TypeDelete
return in, true
case *ast.Join:
case *ast.CreateBindingStmt:
p.stmtTp = TypeCreate
p.checkBindGrammar(node.OriginNode, node.HintedNode, p.ctx.GetSessionVars().CurrentDB)
return in, true
case *ast.DropBindingStmt:
p.stmtTp = TypeDrop
if node.HintedNode != nil {
p.checkBindGrammar(node.OriginNode, node.HintedNode, p.ctx.GetSessionVars().CurrentDB)
return in, true
case *ast.RecoverTableStmt, *ast.FlashBackTableStmt:
// The specified table in recover table statement maybe already been dropped.
// So skip check table name here, otherwise, recover table [table_name] syntax will return
// table not exists error. But recover table statement is use to recover the dropped table. So skip children here.
return in, true
case *ast.RepairTableStmt:
p.stmtTp = TypeRepair
// The RepairTable should consist of the logic for creating tables and renaming tables.
p.flag |= inRepairTable
case *ast.CreateSequenceStmt:
p.stmtTp = TypeCreate
p.flag |= inCreateOrDropTable
case *ast.DropSequenceStmt:
p.stmtTp = TypeDrop
p.flag |= inCreateOrDropTable
case *ast.FuncCastExpr:
case *ast.FuncCallExpr:
if node.FnName.L == ast.NextVal || node.FnName.L == ast.LastVal || node.FnName.L == ast.SetVal {
p.flag |= inSequenceFunction
case *ast.BRIEStmt:
if node.Kind == ast.BRIEKindRestore {
p.flag |= inCreateOrDropTable
case *ast.TableSource:
isModeOracle := p.ctx.GetSessionVars().SQLMode&mysql.ModeOracle != 0
if _, ok := node.Source.(*ast.SelectStmt); ok && !isModeOracle && len(node.AsName.L) == 0 {
p.err = dbterror.ErrDerivedMustHaveAlias.GenWithStackByArgs()
if v, ok := node.Source.(*ast.TableName); ok && v.TableSample != nil {
switch v.TableSample.SampleMethod {
case ast.SampleMethodTypeTiDBRegion:
p.err = expression.ErrInvalidTableSample.GenWithStackByArgs("Only supports REGIONS sampling method")
case *ast.GroupByClause:
case *ast.CommonTableExpression, *ast.SubqueryExpr:
with := p.preprocessWith
beforeOffset := len(with.cteCanUsed)
with.cteBeforeOffset = append(with.cteBeforeOffset, beforeOffset)
if cteNode, exist := node.(*ast.CommonTableExpression); exist && cteNode.IsRecursive {
with.cteCanUsed = append(with.cteCanUsed, cteNode.Name.L)
case *ast.BeginStmt:
// If the begin statement was like following:
// start transaction read only as of timestamp ....
// then we need set StmtCtx.IsStaleness as true in order to avoid take tso in PrepareTSFuture.
if node.AsOf != nil {
p.ctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx.IsStaleness = true
p.IsStaleness = true
} else if p.ctx.GetSessionVars().TxnReadTS.PeakTxnReadTS() > 0 {
// If the begin statement was like following:
// set transaction read only as of timestamp ...
// begin
// then we need set StmtCtx.IsStaleness as true in order to avoid take tso in PrepareTSFuture.
p.ctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx.IsStaleness = true
p.IsStaleness = true
p.flag &= ^parentIsJoin
return in, p.err != nil
// EraseLastSemicolon removes last semicolon of sql.
func EraseLastSemicolon(stmt ast.StmtNode) {
sql := stmt.Text()
if len(sql) > 0 && sql[len(sql)-1] == ';' {
stmt.SetText(nil, sql[:len(sql)-1])
// EraseLastSemicolonInSQL removes last semicolon of the SQL.
func EraseLastSemicolonInSQL(sql string) string {
if len(sql) > 0 && sql[len(sql)-1] == ';' {
return sql[:len(sql)-1]
return sql
const (
// TypeInvalid for unexpected types.
TypeInvalid byte = iota
// TypeSelect for SelectStmt.
// TypeSetOpr for SetOprStmt.
// TypeDelete for DeleteStmt.
// TypeUpdate for UpdateStmt.
// TypeInsert for InsertStmt.
// TypeDrop for DropStmt
// TypeCreate for CreateStmt
// TypeAlter for AlterStmt
// TypeRename for RenameStmt
// TypeRepair for RepairStmt
// TypeShow for ShowStmt
// TypeExecute for ExecuteStmt
func bindableStmtType(node ast.StmtNode) byte {
switch node.(type) {
case *ast.SelectStmt:
return TypeSelect
case *ast.SetOprStmt:
return TypeSetOpr
case *ast.DeleteStmt:
return TypeDelete
case *ast.UpdateStmt:
return TypeUpdate
case *ast.InsertStmt:
return TypeInsert
return TypeInvalid
func (p *preprocessor) tableByName(tn *ast.TableName) (table.Table, error) {
currentDB := p.ctx.GetSessionVars().CurrentDB
if tn.Schema.String() != "" {
currentDB = tn.Schema.L
if currentDB == "" {
return nil, errors.Trace(ErrNoDB)
sName := model.NewCIStr(currentDB)
is := p.ensureInfoSchema()
// for 'SHOW CREATE VIEW/SEQUENCE ...' statement, ignore local temporary tables.
if p.stmtTp == TypeShow && (p.showTp == ast.ShowCreateView || p.showTp == ast.ShowCreateSequence) {
is = temptable.DetachLocalTemporaryTableInfoSchema(is)
tbl, err := is.TableByName(sName, tn.Name)
if err != nil {
// We should never leak that the table doesn't exist (i.e. attach ErrTableNotExists)
// unless we know that the user has permissions to it, should it exist.
// By checking here, this makes all SELECT/SHOW/INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE statements safe.
currentUser, activeRoles := p.ctx.GetSessionVars().User, p.ctx.GetSessionVars().ActiveRoles
if pm := privilege.GetPrivilegeManager(p.ctx); pm != nil {
if !pm.RequestVerification(activeRoles, sName.L, tn.Name.O, "", mysql.AllPrivMask) {
u := currentUser.Username
h := currentUser.Hostname
if currentUser.AuthHostname != "" {
u = currentUser.AuthUsername
h = currentUser.AuthHostname
return nil, ErrTableaccessDenied.GenWithStackByArgs(p.stmtType(), u, h, tn.Name.O)
return nil, err
return tbl, err
func (p *preprocessor) checkBindGrammar(originNode, hintedNode ast.StmtNode, defaultDB string) {
origTp := bindableStmtType(originNode)
hintedTp := bindableStmtType(hintedNode)
if origTp == TypeInvalid || hintedTp == TypeInvalid {
p.err = errors.Errorf("create binding doesn't support this type of query")
if origTp != hintedTp {
p.err = errors.Errorf("hinted sql and original sql have different query types")
if origTp == TypeInsert {
origInsert, hintedInsert := originNode.(*ast.InsertStmt), hintedNode.(*ast.InsertStmt)
if origInsert.Select == nil || hintedInsert.Select == nil {
p.err = errors.Errorf("create binding only supports INSERT / REPLACE INTO SELECT")
// Check the bind operation is not on any temporary table.
tblNames := extractTableList(originNode, nil, false)
for _, tn := range tblNames {
tbl, err := p.tableByName(tn)
if err != nil {
// If the operation is order is: drop table -> drop binding
// The table doesn't exist, it is not an error.
if terror.ErrorEqual(err, infoschema.ErrTableNotExists) {
p.err = err
if tbl.Meta().TempTableType != model.TempTableNone {
p.err = dbterror.ErrOptOnTemporaryTable.GenWithStackByArgs("create binding")
tableInfo := tbl.Meta()
dbInfo, _ := p.ensureInfoSchema().SchemaByTable(tableInfo)
tn.TableInfo = tableInfo
tn.DBInfo = dbInfo
originSQL := parser.Normalize(utilparser.RestoreWithDefaultDB(originNode, defaultDB, originNode.Text()))
hintedSQL := parser.Normalize(utilparser.RestoreWithDefaultDB(hintedNode, defaultDB, hintedNode.Text()))
if originSQL != hintedSQL {
p.err = errors.Errorf("hinted sql and origin sql don't match when hinted sql erase the hint info, after erase hint info, originSQL:%s, hintedSQL:%s", originSQL, hintedSQL)
func (p *preprocessor) Leave(in ast.Node) (out ast.Node, ok bool) {
switch x := in.(type) {
case *ast.CreateTableStmt:
p.flag &= ^inCreateOrDropTable
case *ast.CreateViewStmt:
p.flag &= ^inCreateOrDropTable
case *ast.DropTableStmt, *ast.AlterTableStmt, *ast.RenameTableStmt:
p.flag &= ^inCreateOrDropTable
case *driver.ParamMarkerExpr:
if p.flag&inPrepare == 0 {
p.err = parser.ErrSyntax.GenWithStack("syntax error, unexpected '?'")
case *ast.ExplainStmt:
if _, ok := x.Stmt.(*ast.ShowStmt); ok {
valid := false
for i, length := 0, len(types.ExplainFormats); i < length; i++ {
if strings.ToLower(x.Format) == types.ExplainFormats[i] {
valid = true
if !valid {
p.err = ErrUnknownExplainFormat.GenWithStackByArgs(x.Format)
case *ast.TableName:
case *ast.Join:
if len(p.tableAliasInJoin) > 0 {
p.tableAliasInJoin = p.tableAliasInJoin[:len(p.tableAliasInJoin)-1]
case *ast.FuncCallExpr:
// The arguments for builtin NAME_CONST should be constants
// See https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/miscellaneous-functions.html#function_name-const for details
if x.FnName.L == ast.NameConst {
if len(x.Args) != 2 {
p.err = expression.ErrIncorrectParameterCount.GenWithStackByArgs(x.FnName.L)
} else {
_, isValueExpr1 := x.Args[0].(*driver.ValueExpr)
isValueExpr2 := false
switch x.Args[1].(type) {
case *driver.ValueExpr, *ast.UnaryOperationExpr:
isValueExpr2 = true
if !isValueExpr1 || !isValueExpr2 {
p.err = ErrWrongArguments.GenWithStackByArgs("NAME_CONST")
// no need sleep when retry transaction and avoid unexpect sleep caused by retry.
if p.flag&inTxnRetry > 0 && x.FnName.L == ast.Sleep {
if len(x.Args) == 1 {
x.Args[0] = ast.NewValueExpr(0, "", "")
if x.FnName.L == ast.NextVal || x.FnName.L == ast.LastVal || x.FnName.L == ast.SetVal {
p.flag &= ^inSequenceFunction
case *ast.RepairTableStmt:
p.flag &= ^inRepairTable
case *ast.CreateSequenceStmt:
p.flag &= ^inCreateOrDropTable
case *ast.BRIEStmt:
if x.Kind == ast.BRIEKindRestore {
p.flag &= ^inCreateOrDropTable
case *ast.CommonTableExpression, *ast.SubqueryExpr:
with := p.preprocessWith
lenWithCteBeforeOffset := len(with.cteBeforeOffset)
if lenWithCteBeforeOffset < 1 {
p.err = ErrInternal.GenWithStack("len(cteBeforeOffset) is less than one.Maybe it was deleted in somewhere.Should match in Enter and Leave")
beforeOffset := with.cteBeforeOffset[lenWithCteBeforeOffset-1]
with.cteBeforeOffset = with.cteBeforeOffset[:lenWithCteBeforeOffset-1]
with.cteCanUsed = with.cteCanUsed[:beforeOffset]
if cteNode, exist := x.(*ast.CommonTableExpression); exist {
with.cteCanUsed = append(with.cteCanUsed, cteNode.Name.L)
return in, p.err == nil
func checkAutoIncrementOp(colDef *ast.ColumnDef, index int) (bool, error) {
var hasAutoIncrement bool
if colDef.Options[index].Tp == ast.ColumnOptionAutoIncrement {
hasAutoIncrement = true
if len(colDef.Options) == index+1 {
return hasAutoIncrement, nil
for _, op := range colDef.Options[index+1:] {
if op.Tp == ast.ColumnOptionDefaultValue {
if tmp, ok := op.Expr.(*driver.ValueExpr); ok {
if !tmp.Datum.IsNull() {
return hasAutoIncrement, errors.Errorf("Invalid default value for '%s'", colDef.Name.Name.O)
if colDef.Options[index].Tp == ast.ColumnOptionDefaultValue && len(colDef.Options) != index+1 {
if tmp, ok := colDef.Options[index].Expr.(*driver.ValueExpr); ok {
if tmp.Datum.IsNull() {
return hasAutoIncrement, nil
for _, op := range colDef.Options[index+1:] {
if op.Tp == ast.ColumnOptionAutoIncrement {
return hasAutoIncrement, errors.Errorf("Invalid default value for '%s'", colDef.Name.Name.O)
return hasAutoIncrement, nil
func isConstraintKeyTp(constraints []*ast.Constraint, colDef *ast.ColumnDef) bool {
for _, c := range constraints {
if c.Keys[0].Expr != nil {
// If the constraint as follows: primary key(c1, c2)
// we only support c1 column can be auto_increment.
if colDef.Name.Name.L != c.Keys[0].Column.Name.L {
switch c.Tp {
case ast.ConstraintPrimaryKey, ast.ConstraintKey, ast.ConstraintIndex,
ast.ConstraintUniq, ast.ConstraintUniqIndex, ast.ConstraintUniqKey:
return true
return false
func (p *preprocessor) checkAutoIncrement(stmt *ast.CreateTableStmt) {
autoIncrementCols := make(map[*ast.ColumnDef]bool)
for _, colDef := range stmt.Cols {
var hasAutoIncrement bool
var isKey bool
for i, op := range colDef.Options {
ok, err := checkAutoIncrementOp(colDef, i)
if err != nil {
p.err = err
if ok {
hasAutoIncrement = true
switch op.Tp {
case ast.ColumnOptionPrimaryKey, ast.ColumnOptionUniqKey:
isKey = true
if hasAutoIncrement {
autoIncrementCols[colDef] = isKey
if len(autoIncrementCols) < 1 {
if len(autoIncrementCols) > 1 {
p.err = autoid.ErrWrongAutoKey.GenWithStackByArgs()
// Only have one auto_increment col.
for col, isKey := range autoIncrementCols {
if !isKey {
isKey = isConstraintKeyTp(stmt.Constraints, col)
autoIncrementMustBeKey := true
for _, opt := range stmt.Options {
if opt.Tp == ast.TableOptionEngine && strings.EqualFold(opt.StrValue, "MyISAM") {
autoIncrementMustBeKey = false
if autoIncrementMustBeKey && !isKey {
p.err = autoid.ErrWrongAutoKey.GenWithStackByArgs()
switch col.Tp.GetType() {
case mysql.TypeTiny, mysql.TypeShort, mysql.TypeLong,
mysql.TypeFloat, mysql.TypeDouble, mysql.TypeLonglong, mysql.TypeInt24:
p.err = errors.Errorf("Incorrect column specifier for column '%s'", col.Name.Name.O)
// checkSetOprSelectList checks union's selectList.
// refer: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/union.html
// https://mariadb.com/kb/en/intersect/
// https://mariadb.com/kb/en/except/
// "To apply ORDER BY or LIMIT to an individual SELECT, place the clause inside the parentheses that enclose the SELECT."
func (p *preprocessor) checkSetOprSelectList(stmt *ast.SetOprSelectList) {
for _, sel := range stmt.Selects[:len(stmt.Selects)-1] {
switch s := sel.(type) {
case *ast.SelectStmt:
if s.SelectIntoOpt != nil {
p.err = ErrWrongUsage.GenWithStackByArgs("UNION", "INTO")
if s.IsInBraces {
if s.Limit != nil {
p.err = ErrWrongUsage.GenWithStackByArgs("UNION", "LIMIT")
if s.OrderBy != nil {
p.err = ErrWrongUsage.GenWithStackByArgs("UNION", "ORDER BY")
case *ast.SetOprSelectList:
func (p *preprocessor) checkCreateDatabaseGrammar(stmt *ast.CreateDatabaseStmt) {
if isIncorrectName(stmt.Name.L) {
p.err = dbterror.ErrWrongDBName.GenWithStackByArgs(stmt.Name)
func (p *preprocessor) checkAlterDatabaseGrammar(stmt *ast.AlterDatabaseStmt) {
// for 'ALTER DATABASE' statement, database name can be empty to alter default database.
if isIncorrectName(stmt.Name.L) && !stmt.AlterDefaultDatabase {
p.err = dbterror.ErrWrongDBName.GenWithStackByArgs(stmt.Name)
func (p *preprocessor) checkDropDatabaseGrammar(stmt *ast.DropDatabaseStmt) {
if isIncorrectName(stmt.Name.L) {
p.err = dbterror.ErrWrongDBName.GenWithStackByArgs(stmt.Name)
func (p *preprocessor) checkAdminCheckTableGrammar(stmt *ast.AdminStmt) {
for _, table := range stmt.Tables {
tableInfo, err := p.tableByName(table)
if err != nil {
p.err = err
tempTableType := tableInfo.Meta().TempTableType
if (stmt.Tp == ast.AdminCheckTable || stmt.Tp == ast.AdminChecksumTable || stmt.Tp == ast.AdminCheckIndex) && tempTableType != model.TempTableNone {
if stmt.Tp == ast.AdminChecksumTable {
p.err = ErrOptOnTemporaryTable.GenWithStackByArgs("admin checksum table")
} else if stmt.Tp == ast.AdminCheckTable {
p.err = ErrOptOnTemporaryTable.GenWithStackByArgs("admin check table")
} else {
p.err = ErrOptOnTemporaryTable.GenWithStackByArgs("admin check index")
func (p *preprocessor) checkCreateTableGrammar(stmt *ast.CreateTableStmt) {
if stmt.ReferTable != nil {
schema := model.NewCIStr(p.ctx.GetSessionVars().CurrentDB)
if stmt.ReferTable.Schema.String() != "" {
schema = stmt.ReferTable.Schema
// get the infoschema from the context.
tableInfo, err := p.ensureInfoSchema().TableByName(schema, stmt.ReferTable.Name)
if err != nil {
p.err = err
tableMetaInfo := tableInfo.Meta()
if tableMetaInfo.TempTableType != model.TempTableNone {
p.err = ErrOptOnTemporaryTable.GenWithStackByArgs("create table like")
if stmt.TemporaryKeyword != ast.TemporaryNone {
err := checkReferInfoForTemporaryTable(tableMetaInfo)
if err != nil {
p.err = err
if stmt.TemporaryKeyword != ast.TemporaryNone {
for _, opt := range stmt.Options {
switch opt.Tp {
case ast.TableOptionShardRowID:
p.err = ErrOptOnTemporaryTable.GenWithStackByArgs("shard_row_id_bits")
case ast.TableOptionPlacementPolicy:
p.err = ErrOptOnTemporaryTable.GenWithStackByArgs("PLACEMENT")
tName := stmt.Table.Name.String()
if isIncorrectName(tName) {
p.err = dbterror.ErrWrongTableName.GenWithStackByArgs(tName)
countPrimaryKey := 0
for _, colDef := range stmt.Cols {
if err := checkColumn(colDef); err != nil {
// Try to convert to BLOB or TEXT, see issue #30328
if !terror.ErrorEqual(err, types.ErrTooBigFieldLength) || !p.hasAutoConvertWarning(colDef) {
p.err = err
isPrimary, err := checkColumnOptions(stmt.TemporaryKeyword != ast.TemporaryNone, colDef.Options)
if err != nil {
p.err = err
countPrimaryKey += isPrimary
if countPrimaryKey > 1 {
p.err = infoschema.ErrMultiplePriKey
for _, constraint := range stmt.Constraints {
switch tp := constraint.Tp; tp {
case ast.ConstraintKey, ast.ConstraintIndex, ast.ConstraintUniq, ast.ConstraintUniqKey, ast.ConstraintUniqIndex, ast.ConstraintForeignKey:
err := checkIndexInfo(constraint.Name, constraint.Keys)
if err != nil {
p.err = err
if constraint.IsEmptyIndex {
p.err = dbterror.ErrWrongNameForIndex.GenWithStackByArgs(constraint.Name)
case ast.ConstraintPrimaryKey:
if countPrimaryKey > 0 {
p.err = infoschema.ErrMultiplePriKey
err := checkIndexInfo(constraint.Name, constraint.Keys)
if err != nil {
p.err = err
if p.err = checkUnsupportedTableOptions(stmt.Options); p.err != nil {
if stmt.Select != nil {
// FIXME: a temp error noticing 'not implemented' (issue 4754)
p.err = errors.New("'CREATE TABLE ... SELECT' is not implemented yet")
} else if len(stmt.Cols) == 0 && stmt.ReferTable == nil {
p.err = dbterror.ErrTableMustHaveColumns
if stmt.Partition != nil {
for _, def := range stmt.Partition.Definitions {
pName := def.Name.String()
if isIncorrectName(pName) {
p.err = dbterror.ErrWrongPartitionName.GenWithStackByArgs(pName)
func (p *preprocessor) checkCreateViewGrammar(stmt *ast.CreateViewStmt) {
vName := stmt.ViewName.Name.String()
if isIncorrectName(vName) {
p.err = dbterror.ErrWrongTableName.GenWithStackByArgs(vName)
for _, col := range stmt.Cols {
if isIncorrectName(col.String()) {
p.err = dbterror.ErrWrongColumnName.GenWithStackByArgs(col)
if len(stmt.Definer.Username) > auth.UserNameMaxLength {
p.err = dbterror.ErrWrongStringLength.GenWithStackByArgs(stmt.Definer.Username, "user name", auth.UserNameMaxLength)
if len(stmt.Definer.Hostname) > auth.HostNameMaxLength {
p.err = dbterror.ErrWrongStringLength.GenWithStackByArgs(stmt.Definer.Hostname, "host name", auth.HostNameMaxLength)
func (p *preprocessor) checkCreateViewWithSelect(stmt ast.Node) {
switch s := stmt.(type) {
case *ast.SelectStmt:
if s.SelectIntoOpt != nil {
p.err = dbterror.ErrViewSelectClause.GenWithStackByArgs("INFO")
if s.LockInfo != nil && s.LockInfo.LockType != ast.SelectLockNone {
s.LockInfo.LockType = ast.SelectLockNone
case *ast.SetOprSelectList:
for _, sel := range s.Selects {
func (p *preprocessor) checkCreateViewWithSelectGrammar(stmt *ast.CreateViewStmt) {
switch stmt := stmt.Select.(type) {
case *ast.SelectStmt:
case *ast.SetOprStmt:
for _, selectStmt := range stmt.SelectList.Selects {
if p.err != nil {
func (p *preprocessor) checkDropSequenceGrammar(stmt *ast.DropSequenceStmt) {
func (p *preprocessor) checkDropTableGrammar(stmt *ast.DropTableStmt) {
if stmt.TemporaryKeyword != ast.TemporaryNone {
func (p *preprocessor) checkDropTemporaryTableGrammar(stmt *ast.DropTableStmt) {
currentDB := model.NewCIStr(p.ctx.GetSessionVars().CurrentDB)
for _, t := range stmt.Tables {
if isIncorrectName(t.Name.String()) {
p.err = dbterror.ErrWrongTableName.GenWithStackByArgs(t.Name.String())
schema := t.Schema
if schema.L == "" {
schema = currentDB
tbl, err := p.ensureInfoSchema().TableByName(schema, t.Name)
if infoschema.ErrTableNotExists.Equal(err) {
// Non-exist table will be checked in ddl executor
if err != nil {
p.err = err
tblInfo := tbl.Meta()
if stmt.TemporaryKeyword == ast.TemporaryGlobal && tblInfo.TempTableType != model.TempTableGlobal {
p.err = ErrDropTableOnTemporaryTable
func (p *preprocessor) checkDropTableNames(tables []*ast.TableName) {
for _, t := range tables {
if isIncorrectName(t.Name.String()) {
p.err = dbterror.ErrWrongTableName.GenWithStackByArgs(t.Name.String())
func (p *preprocessor) checkNonUniqTableAlias(stmt *ast.Join) {
if p.flag&parentIsJoin == 0 {
p.tableAliasInJoin = append(p.tableAliasInJoin, make(map[string]interface{}))
tableAliases := p.tableAliasInJoin[len(p.tableAliasInJoin)-1]
isOracleMode := p.ctx.GetSessionVars().SQLMode&mysql.ModeOracle != 0
if !isOracleMode {
if err := isTableAliasDuplicate(stmt.Left, tableAliases); err != nil {
p.err = err
if err := isTableAliasDuplicate(stmt.Right, tableAliases); err != nil {
p.err = err
p.flag |= parentIsJoin
func isTableAliasDuplicate(node ast.ResultSetNode, tableAliases map[string]interface{}) error {
if ts, ok := node.(*ast.TableSource); ok {
tabName := ts.AsName
if tabName.L == "" {
if tableNode, ok := ts.Source.(*ast.TableName); ok {
if tableNode.Schema.L != "" {
tabName = model.NewCIStr(fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", tableNode.Schema.L, tableNode.Name.L))
} else {
tabName = tableNode.Name
_, exists := tableAliases[tabName.L]
if len(tabName.L) != 0 && exists {
return ErrNonUniqTable.GenWithStackByArgs(tabName)
tableAliases[tabName.L] = nil
return nil
func checkColumnOptions(isTempTable bool, ops []*ast.ColumnOption) (int, error) {
isPrimary, isGenerated, isStored := 0, 0, false
for _, op := range ops {
switch op.Tp {
case ast.ColumnOptionPrimaryKey:
isPrimary = 1
case ast.ColumnOptionGenerated:
isGenerated = 1
isStored = op.Stored
case ast.ColumnOptionAutoRandom:
if isTempTable {
return isPrimary, ErrOptOnTemporaryTable.GenWithStackByArgs("auto_random")
if isPrimary > 0 && isGenerated > 0 && !isStored {
return isPrimary, ErrUnsupportedOnGeneratedColumn.GenWithStackByArgs("Defining a virtual generated column as primary key")
return isPrimary, nil
func (p *preprocessor) checkCreateIndexGrammar(stmt *ast.CreateIndexStmt) {
tName := stmt.Table.Name.String()
if isIncorrectName(tName) {
p.err = dbterror.ErrWrongTableName.GenWithStackByArgs(tName)
if stmt.IndexName == "" {
p.err = dbterror.ErrWrongNameForIndex.GenWithStackByArgs(stmt.IndexName)
p.err = checkIndexInfo(stmt.IndexName, stmt.IndexPartSpecifications)
func (p *preprocessor) checkGroupBy(stmt *ast.GroupByClause) {
noopFuncsMode := p.ctx.GetSessionVars().NoopFuncsMode
for _, item := range stmt.Items {
if !item.NullOrder && noopFuncsMode != variable.OnInt {
err := expression.ErrFunctionsNoopImpl.GenWithStackByArgs("GROUP BY expr ASC|DESC")
if noopFuncsMode == variable.OffInt {
p.err = err
// NoopFuncsMode is Warn, append an error
func (p *preprocessor) checkRenameTableGrammar(stmt *ast.RenameTableStmt) {
oldTable := stmt.TableToTables[0].OldTable.Name.String()
newTable := stmt.TableToTables[0].NewTable.Name.String()
p.checkRenameTable(oldTable, newTable)
func (p *preprocessor) checkRenameTable(oldTable, newTable string) {
if isIncorrectName(oldTable) {
p.err = dbterror.ErrWrongTableName.GenWithStackByArgs(oldTable)
if isIncorrectName(newTable) {
p.err = dbterror.ErrWrongTableName.GenWithStackByArgs(newTable)
func (p *preprocessor) checkRepairTableGrammar(stmt *ast.RepairTableStmt) {
// Check create table stmt whether it's is in REPAIR MODE.
if !domainutil.RepairInfo.InRepairMode() {
p.err = dbterror.ErrRepairTableFail.GenWithStackByArgs("TiDB is not in REPAIR MODE")
if len(domainutil.RepairInfo.GetRepairTableList()) == 0 {
p.err = dbterror.ErrRepairTableFail.GenWithStackByArgs("repair list is empty")
// Check rename action as the rename statement does.
oldTable := stmt.Table.Name.String()
newTable := stmt.CreateStmt.Table.Name.String()
p.checkRenameTable(oldTable, newTable)
func (p *preprocessor) checkAlterTableGrammar(stmt *ast.AlterTableStmt) {
tName := stmt.Table.Name.String()
if isIncorrectName(tName) {
p.err = dbterror.ErrWrongTableName.GenWithStackByArgs(tName)
specs := stmt.Specs
for _, spec := range specs {
if spec.NewTable != nil {
ntName := spec.NewTable.Name.String()
if isIncorrectName(ntName) {
p.err = dbterror.ErrWrongTableName.GenWithStackByArgs(ntName)
for _, colDef := range spec.NewColumns {
if p.err = checkColumn(colDef); p.err != nil {
if p.err = checkUnsupportedTableOptions(spec.Options); p.err != nil {
switch spec.Tp {
case ast.AlterTableAddConstraint:
switch spec.Constraint.Tp {
case ast.ConstraintKey, ast.ConstraintIndex, ast.ConstraintUniq, ast.ConstraintUniqIndex,
ast.ConstraintUniqKey, ast.ConstraintPrimaryKey:
p.err = checkIndexInfo(spec.Constraint.Name, spec.Constraint.Keys)
if p.err != nil {
// Nothing to do now.
case ast.AlterTableAddStatistics, ast.AlterTableDropStatistics:
statsName := spec.Statistics.StatsName
if isIncorrectName(statsName) {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("Incorrect statistics name: %s", statsName)
p.err = ErrInternal.GenWithStack(msg)
case ast.AlterTableAddPartitions:
for _, def := range spec.PartDefinitions {
pName := def.Name.String()
if isIncorrectName(pName) {
p.err = dbterror.ErrWrongPartitionName.GenWithStackByArgs(pName)
// Nothing to do now.
// checkDuplicateColumnName checks if index exists duplicated columns.
func checkDuplicateColumnName(IndexPartSpecifications []*ast.IndexPartSpecification) error {
colNames := make(map[string]struct{}, len(IndexPartSpecifications))
for _, IndexColNameWithExpr := range IndexPartSpecifications {
if IndexColNameWithExpr.Column != nil {
name := IndexColNameWithExpr.Column.Name
if _, ok := colNames[name.L]; ok {
return infoschema.ErrColumnExists.GenWithStackByArgs(name)
colNames[name.L] = struct{}{}
return nil
// checkIndexInfo checks index name, index column names and prefix lengths.
func checkIndexInfo(indexName string, IndexPartSpecifications []*ast.IndexPartSpecification) error {
if strings.EqualFold(indexName, mysql.PrimaryKeyName) {
return dbterror.ErrWrongNameForIndex.GenWithStackByArgs(indexName)
if len(IndexPartSpecifications) > mysql.MaxKeyParts {
return infoschema.ErrTooManyKeyParts.GenWithStackByArgs(mysql.MaxKeyParts)
for _, idxSpec := range IndexPartSpecifications {
// -1 => unspecified/full, > 0 OK, 0 => error
if idxSpec.Expr == nil && idxSpec.Length == 0 {
return ErrKeyPart0.GenWithStackByArgs(idxSpec.Column.Name.O)
return checkDuplicateColumnName(IndexPartSpecifications)
// checkUnsupportedTableOptions checks if there exists unsupported table options
func checkUnsupportedTableOptions(options []*ast.TableOption) error {
var err error = nil
for _, option := range options {
switch option.Tp {
case ast.TableOptionUnion:
err = dbterror.ErrTableOptionUnionUnsupported
case ast.TableOptionInsertMethod:
err = dbterror.ErrTableOptionInsertMethodUnsupported
case ast.TableOptionEngine:
err = checkTableEngine(option.StrValue)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
var mysqlValidTableEngineNames = map[string]struct{}{
"archive": {},
"blackhole": {},
"csv": {},
"example": {},
"federated": {},
"innodb": {},
"memory": {},
"merge": {},
"mgr_myisam": {},
"myisam": {},
"ndb": {},
"heap": {},
func checkTableEngine(engineName string) error {
if _, have := mysqlValidTableEngineNames[strings.ToLower(engineName)]; !have {
return dbterror.ErrUnknownEngine.GenWithStackByArgs(engineName)
return nil
func checkReferInfoForTemporaryTable(tableMetaInfo *model.TableInfo) error {
if tableMetaInfo.AutoRandomBits != 0 {
return ErrOptOnTemporaryTable.GenWithStackByArgs("auto_random")
if tableMetaInfo.PreSplitRegions != 0 {
return ErrOptOnTemporaryTable.GenWithStackByArgs("pre split regions")
if tableMetaInfo.Partition != nil {
return ErrPartitionNoTemporary
if tableMetaInfo.ShardRowIDBits != 0 {
return ErrOptOnTemporaryTable.GenWithStackByArgs("shard_row_id_bits")
if tableMetaInfo.PlacementPolicyRef != nil {
return ErrOptOnTemporaryTable.GenWithStackByArgs("placement")
return nil
// checkColumn checks if the column definition is valid.
// See https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/storage-requirements.html
func checkColumn(colDef *ast.ColumnDef) error {
// Check column name.
cName := colDef.Name.Name.String()
if isIncorrectName(cName) {
return dbterror.ErrWrongColumnName.GenWithStackByArgs(cName)
if isInvalidDefaultValue(colDef) {
return types.ErrInvalidDefault.GenWithStackByArgs(colDef.Name.Name.O)
// Check column type.
tp := colDef.Tp
if tp == nil {
return nil
if tp.GetFlen() > math.MaxUint32 {
return types.ErrTooBigDisplayWidth.GenWithStack("Display width out of range for column '%s' (max = %d)", colDef.Name.Name.O, math.MaxUint32)
switch tp.GetType() {
case mysql.TypeString:
if tp.GetFlen() != types.UnspecifiedLength && tp.GetFlen() > mysql.MaxFieldCharLength {
return types.ErrTooBigFieldLength.GenWithStack("Column length too big for column '%s' (max = %d); use BLOB or TEXT instead", colDef.Name.Name.O, mysql.MaxFieldCharLength)
case mysql.TypeVarchar:
if len(tp.GetCharset()) == 0 {
// It's not easy to get the schema charset and table charset here.
// The charset is determined by the order ColumnDefaultCharset --> TableDefaultCharset-->DatabaseDefaultCharset-->SystemDefaultCharset.
// return nil, to make the check in the ddl.CreateTable.
return nil
err := types.IsVarcharTooBigFieldLength(colDef.Tp.GetFlen(), colDef.Name.Name.O, tp.GetCharset())
if err != nil {
return err
case mysql.TypeFloat, mysql.TypeDouble:
// For FLOAT, the SQL standard permits an optional specification of the precision.
// https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/floating-point-types.html
if tp.GetDecimal() == -1 {
switch tp.GetType() {
case mysql.TypeDouble:
// For Double type flen and decimal check is moved to parser component
if tp.GetFlen() > mysql.MaxDoublePrecisionLength {
return types.ErrWrongFieldSpec.GenWithStackByArgs(colDef.Name.Name.O)
} else {
if tp.GetDecimal() > mysql.MaxFloatingTypeScale {
return types.ErrTooBigScale.GenWithStackByArgs(tp.GetDecimal(), colDef.Name.Name.O, mysql.MaxFloatingTypeScale)
if tp.GetFlen() > mysql.MaxFloatingTypeWidth || tp.GetFlen() == 0 {
return types.ErrTooBigDisplayWidth.GenWithStackByArgs(colDef.Name.Name.O, mysql.MaxFloatingTypeWidth)
if tp.GetFlen() < tp.GetDecimal() {
return types.ErrMBiggerThanD.GenWithStackByArgs(colDef.Name.Name.O)
case mysql.TypeSet:
if len(tp.GetElems()) > mysql.MaxTypeSetMembers {
return types.ErrTooBigSet.GenWithStack("Too many strings for column %s and SET", colDef.Name.Name.O)
// Check set elements. See https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/set.html.
for _, str := range colDef.Tp.GetElems() {
if strings.Contains(str, ",") {
return types.ErrIllegalValueForType.GenWithStackByArgs(types.TypeStr(tp.GetType()), str)
case mysql.TypeNewDecimal:
if tp.GetDecimal() > mysql.MaxDecimalScale {
return types.ErrTooBigScale.GenWithStackByArgs(tp.GetDecimal(), colDef.Name.Name.O, mysql.MaxDecimalScale)
if tp.GetFlen() > mysql.MaxDecimalWidth {
return types.ErrTooBigPrecision.GenWithStackByArgs(tp.GetFlen(), colDef.Name.Name.O, mysql.MaxDecimalWidth)
if tp.GetFlen() < tp.GetDecimal() {
return types.ErrMBiggerThanD.GenWithStackByArgs(colDef.Name.Name.O)
// If decimal and flen all equals 0, just set flen to default value.
if tp.GetDecimal() == 0 && tp.GetFlen() == 0 {
defaultFlen, _ := mysql.GetDefaultFieldLengthAndDecimal(mysql.TypeNewDecimal)
case mysql.TypeBit:
if tp.GetFlen() <= 0 {
return types.ErrInvalidFieldSize.GenWithStackByArgs(colDef.Name.Name.O)
if tp.GetFlen() > mysql.MaxBitDisplayWidth {
return types.ErrTooBigDisplayWidth.GenWithStackByArgs(colDef.Name.Name.O, mysql.MaxBitDisplayWidth)
// TODO: Add more types.
return nil
// isDefaultValNowSymFunc checks whether default value is a NOW() builtin function.
func isDefaultValNowSymFunc(expr ast.ExprNode) bool {
if funcCall, ok := expr.(*ast.FuncCallExpr); ok {
// Default value NOW() is transformed to CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() in parser.
if funcCall.FnName.L == ast.CurrentTimestamp {
return true
return false
func isInvalidDefaultValue(colDef *ast.ColumnDef) bool {
tp := colDef.Tp
// Check the last default value.
for i := len(colDef.Options) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
columnOpt := colDef.Options[i]
if columnOpt.Tp == ast.ColumnOptionDefaultValue {
if !(tp.GetType() == mysql.TypeTimestamp || tp.GetType() == mysql.TypeDatetime) && isDefaultValNowSymFunc(columnOpt.Expr) {
return true
return false
// isIncorrectName checks if the identifier is incorrect.
// See https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/identifiers.html
func isIncorrectName(name string) bool {
if len(name) == 0 {
return true
if name[len(name)-1] == ' ' {
return true
return false
// checkContainDotColumn checks field contains the table name.
// for example :create table t (c1.c2 int default null).
func (p *preprocessor) checkContainDotColumn(stmt *ast.CreateTableStmt) {
tName := stmt.Table.Name.String()
sName := stmt.Table.Schema.String()
for _, colDef := range stmt.Cols {
// check schema and table names.
if colDef.Name.Schema.O != sName && len(colDef.Name.Schema.O) != 0 {
p.err = dbterror.ErrWrongDBName.GenWithStackByArgs(colDef.Name.Schema.O)
if colDef.Name.Table.O != tName && len(colDef.Name.Table.O) != 0 {
p.err = dbterror.ErrWrongTableName.GenWithStackByArgs(colDef.Name.Table.O)
func (p *preprocessor) stmtType() string {
switch p.stmtTp {
case TypeDelete:
return "DELETE"
case TypeUpdate:
return "UPDATE"
case TypeInsert:
return "INSERT"
case TypeDrop:
return "DROP"
case TypeCreate:
return "CREATE"
case TypeAlter:
return "ALTER"
case TypeRename:
return "DROP, ALTER"
case TypeRepair:
case TypeShow:
return "SHOW"
return "SELECT" // matches Select and uncaught cases.
func (p *preprocessor) handleTableName(tn *ast.TableName) {
if tn.Schema.L == "" {
for _, cte := range p.preprocessWith.cteCanUsed {
if cte == tn.Name.L {
currentDB := p.ctx.GetSessionVars().CurrentDB
if currentDB == "" {
p.err = errors.Trace(ErrNoDB)
tn.Schema = model.NewCIStr(currentDB)
if p.flag&inCreateOrDropTable > 0 {
// The table may not exist in create table or drop table statement.
if p.flag&inRepairTable > 0 {
// Create stmt is in repair stmt, skip resolving the table to avoid error.
// Create stmt is not in repair stmt, check the table not in repair list.
if domainutil.RepairInfo.InRepairMode() {
// repairStmt: admin repair table A create table B ...
// repairStmt's tableName is whether `inCreateOrDropTable` or `inRepairTable` flag.
if p.flag&inRepairTable > 0 {
if p.stmtTp == TypeSelect {
if p.err = p.staleReadProcessor.OnSelectTable(tn); p.err != nil {
if p.err = p.updateStateFromStaleReadProcessor(); p.err != nil {
table, err := p.tableByName(tn)
if err != nil {
p.err = err
currentDB := p.ctx.GetSessionVars().CurrentDB
if tn.Schema.String() != "" {
currentDB = tn.Schema.L
table, err = tryLockMDLAndUpdateSchemaIfNecessary(p.ctx, model.NewCIStr(currentDB), table, p.ensureInfoSchema())
if err != nil {
p.err = err
tableInfo := table.Meta()
dbInfo, _ := p.ensureInfoSchema().SchemaByTable(tableInfo)
// tableName should be checked as sequence object.
if p.flag&inSequenceFunction > 0 {
if !tableInfo.IsSequence() {
p.err = infoschema.ErrWrongObject.GenWithStackByArgs(dbInfo.Name.O, tableInfo.Name.O, "SEQUENCE")
tn.TableInfo = tableInfo
tn.DBInfo = dbInfo
func (p *preprocessor) checkNotInRepair(tn *ast.TableName) {
tableInfo, dbInfo := domainutil.RepairInfo.GetRepairedTableInfoByTableName(tn.Schema.L, tn.Name.L)
if dbInfo == nil {
if tableInfo != nil {
p.err = dbterror.ErrWrongTableName.GenWithStackByArgs(tn.Name.L, "this table is in repair")
func (p *preprocessor) handleRepairName(tn *ast.TableName) {
// Check the whether the repaired table is system table.
if util.IsMemOrSysDB(tn.Schema.L) {
p.err = dbterror.ErrRepairTableFail.GenWithStackByArgs("memory or system database is not for repair")
tableInfo, dbInfo := domainutil.RepairInfo.GetRepairedTableInfoByTableName(tn.Schema.L, tn.Name.L)
// tableName here only has the schema rather than DBInfo.
if dbInfo == nil {
p.err = dbterror.ErrRepairTableFail.GenWithStackByArgs("database " + tn.Schema.L + " is not in repair")
if tableInfo == nil {
p.err = dbterror.ErrRepairTableFail.GenWithStackByArgs("table " + tn.Name.L + " is not in repair")
p.ctx.SetValue(domainutil.RepairedTable, tableInfo)
p.ctx.SetValue(domainutil.RepairedDatabase, dbInfo)
func (p *preprocessor) resolveShowStmt(node *ast.ShowStmt) {
if node.DBName == "" {
if node.Table != nil && node.Table.Schema.L != "" {
node.DBName = node.Table.Schema.O
} else {
node.DBName = p.ctx.GetSessionVars().CurrentDB
} else if node.Table != nil && node.Table.Schema.L == "" {
node.Table.Schema = model.NewCIStr(node.DBName)
if node.User != nil && node.User.CurrentUser {
// Fill the Username and Hostname with the current user.
currentUser := p.ctx.GetSessionVars().User
if currentUser != nil {
node.User.Username = currentUser.Username
node.User.Hostname = currentUser.Hostname
node.User.AuthUsername = currentUser.AuthUsername
node.User.AuthHostname = currentUser.AuthHostname
func (p *preprocessor) resolveExecuteStmt(node *ast.ExecuteStmt) {
prepared, err := GetPreparedStmt(node, p.ctx.GetSessionVars())
if err != nil {
p.err = err
if p.err = p.staleReadProcessor.OnExecutePreparedStmt(prepared.SnapshotTSEvaluator); p.err == nil {
if p.err = p.updateStateFromStaleReadProcessor(); p.err != nil {
func (p *preprocessor) resolveCreateTableStmt(node *ast.CreateTableStmt) {
for _, val := range node.Constraints {
if val.Refer != nil && val.Refer.Table.Schema.String() == "" {
val.Refer.Table.Schema = node.Table.Schema
func (p *preprocessor) resolveAlterTableStmt(node *ast.AlterTableStmt) {
for _, spec := range node.Specs {
if spec.Tp == ast.AlterTableRenameTable {
p.flag |= inCreateOrDropTable
if spec.Tp == ast.AlterTableAddConstraint && spec.Constraint.Refer != nil {
table := spec.Constraint.Refer.Table
if table.Schema.L == "" && node.Table.Schema.L != "" {
table.Schema = model.NewCIStr(node.Table.Schema.L)
func (p *preprocessor) resolveCreateSequenceStmt(stmt *ast.CreateSequenceStmt) {
sName := stmt.Name.Name.String()
if isIncorrectName(sName) {
p.err = dbterror.ErrWrongTableName.GenWithStackByArgs(sName)
func (p *preprocessor) checkFuncCastExpr(node *ast.FuncCastExpr) {
if node.Tp.EvalType() == types.ETDecimal {
if node.Tp.GetFlen() >= node.Tp.GetDecimal() && node.Tp.GetFlen() <= mysql.MaxDecimalWidth && node.Tp.GetDecimal() <= mysql.MaxDecimalScale {
// valid
var buf strings.Builder
restoreCtx := format.NewRestoreCtx(format.DefaultRestoreFlags, &buf)
if err := node.Expr.Restore(restoreCtx); err != nil {
p.err = err
if node.Tp.GetFlen() < node.Tp.GetDecimal() {
p.err = types.ErrMBiggerThanD.GenWithStackByArgs(buf.String())
if node.Tp.GetFlen() > mysql.MaxDecimalWidth {
p.err = types.ErrTooBigPrecision.GenWithStackByArgs(node.Tp.GetFlen(), buf.String(), mysql.MaxDecimalWidth)
if node.Tp.GetDecimal() > mysql.MaxDecimalScale {
p.err = types.ErrTooBigScale.GenWithStackByArgs(node.Tp.GetDecimal(), buf.String(), mysql.MaxDecimalScale)
if node.Tp.EvalType() == types.ETDatetime {
if node.Tp.GetDecimal() > types.MaxFsp {
p.err = types.ErrTooBigPrecision.GenWithStackByArgs(node.Tp.GetDecimal(), "CAST", types.MaxFsp)
func (p *preprocessor) updateStateFromStaleReadProcessor() error {
if p.initedLastSnapshotTS {
return nil
if p.IsStaleness = p.staleReadProcessor.IsStaleness(); p.IsStaleness {
p.LastSnapshotTS = p.staleReadProcessor.GetStalenessReadTS()
p.SnapshotTSEvaluator = p.staleReadProcessor.GetStalenessTSEvaluatorForPrepare()
p.InfoSchema = p.staleReadProcessor.GetStalenessInfoSchema()
// If the select statement was like 'select * from t as of timestamp ...' or in a stale read transaction
// or is affected by the tidb_read_staleness session variable, then the statement will be makred as isStaleness
// in stmtCtx
if p.flag&initTxnContextProvider != 0 {
p.ctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx.IsStaleness = true
if !p.ctx.GetSessionVars().InTxn() {
txnManager := sessiontxn.GetTxnManager(p.ctx)
newTxnRequest := &sessiontxn.EnterNewTxnRequest{
Type: sessiontxn.EnterNewTxnWithReplaceProvider,
Provider: staleread.NewStalenessTxnContextProvider(p.ctx, p.LastSnapshotTS, p.InfoSchema),
if err := txnManager.EnterNewTxn(context.TODO(), newTxnRequest); err != nil {
return err
if err := txnManager.OnStmtStart(context.TODO(), txnManager.GetCurrentStmt()); err != nil {
return err
p.initedLastSnapshotTS = true
return nil
// ensureInfoSchema get the infoschema from the preprocessor.
// there some situations:
// - the stmt specifies the schema version.
// - session variable
// - transaction context
func (p *preprocessor) ensureInfoSchema() infoschema.InfoSchema {
if p.InfoSchema != nil {
return p.InfoSchema
p.InfoSchema = sessiontxn.GetTxnManager(p.ctx).GetTxnInfoSchema()
return p.InfoSchema
func (p *preprocessor) hasAutoConvertWarning(colDef *ast.ColumnDef) bool {
sessVars := p.ctx.GetSessionVars()
if !sessVars.SQLMode.HasStrictMode() && colDef.Tp.GetType() == mysql.TypeVarchar {
if colDef.Tp.GetCharset() == charset.CharsetBin {
sessVars.StmtCtx.AppendWarning(dbterror.ErrAutoConvert.GenWithStackByArgs(colDef.Name.Name.O, "VARBINARY", "BLOB"))
} else {
sessVars.StmtCtx.AppendWarning(dbterror.ErrAutoConvert.GenWithStackByArgs(colDef.Name.Name.O, "VARCHAR", "TEXT"))
return true
return false
func tryLockMDLAndUpdateSchemaIfNecessary(sctx sessionctx.Context, dbName model.CIStr, tbl table.Table, is infoschema.InfoSchema) (table.Table, error) {
if !sctx.GetSessionVars().TxnCtx.EnableMDL {
return tbl, nil
if is.SchemaMetaVersion() == 0 {
return tbl, nil
skipLock := false
if sctx.GetSessionVars().SnapshotInfoschema != nil {
return tbl, nil
if sctx.GetSessionVars().TxnCtx.IsStaleness {
return tbl, nil
if tbl.Meta().TempTableType == model.TempTableLocal {
// Don't attach, don't lock.
return tbl, nil
} else if tbl.Meta().TempTableType == model.TempTableGlobal {
skipLock = true
if IsAutoCommitTxn(sctx) && sctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx.IsReadOnly {
return tbl, nil
tableInfo := tbl.Meta()
if _, ok := sctx.GetSessionVars().GetRelatedTableForMDL().Load(tableInfo.ID); !ok {
if se, ok := is.(*infoschema.SessionExtendedInfoSchema); ok && skipLock {
if se.MdlTables == nil {
return tbl, nil
if _, ok := se.MdlTables.TableByID(tableInfo.ID); ok {
// Already attach.
return tbl, nil
// We need to write 0 to the map to block the txn.
// If we don't write 0, consider the following case:
// the background mdl check loop gets the mdl lock from this txn. But the domain infoSchema may be changed before writing the ver to the map.
// In this case, this TiDB wrongly gets the mdl lock.
if !skipLock {
sctx.GetSessionVars().GetRelatedTableForMDL().Store(tableInfo.ID, int64(0))
domainSchema := domain.GetDomain(sctx).InfoSchema()
domainSchemaVer := domainSchema.SchemaMetaVersion()
if !skipLock {
sctx.GetSessionVars().GetRelatedTableForMDL().Store(tableInfo.ID, domainSchemaVer)
var err error
tbl, err = domainSchema.TableByName(dbName, tableInfo.Name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Check the table change, if adding new public index or modify a column, we need to handle them.
if !sctx.GetSessionVars().IsPessimisticReadConsistency() {
var copyTableInfo *model.TableInfo
for i, idx := range tbl.Meta().Indices {
if idx.State != model.StatePublic {
found := false
for _, idxx := range tableInfo.Indices {
if idx.Name.L == idxx.Name.L && idx.ID == idxx.ID {
found = true
if !found {
if copyTableInfo == nil {
copyTableInfo = tbl.Meta().Clone()
copyTableInfo.Indices[i].State = model.StateWriteReorganization
dbInfo, _ := domainSchema.SchemaByName(dbName)
allocs := autoid.NewAllocatorsFromTblInfo(sctx.GetStore(), dbInfo.ID, copyTableInfo)
tbl, err = table.TableFromMeta(allocs, copyTableInfo)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Check the column change.
for _, col := range tbl.Meta().Columns {
if col.State != model.StatePublic {
found := false
for _, coll := range tableInfo.Columns {
if col.Name.L == coll.Name.L && col.ID != coll.ID {
logutil.BgLogger().Info("public column changed", zap.String("column", col.Name.L), zap.String("old_col", coll.Name.L), zap.Int64("new id", col.ID), zap.Int64("old id", coll.ID))
found = true
if found {
return nil, ErrSchemaChanged.GenWithStack("public column %s has changed", col.Name)
se, ok := is.(*infoschema.SessionExtendedInfoSchema)
if !ok {
se = infoschema.AttachMDLTableInfoSchema(is).(*infoschema.SessionExtendedInfoSchema)
sctx.GetSessionVars().TxnCtx.InfoSchema = se
db, _ := domainSchema.SchemaByTable(tbl.Meta())
err = se.UpdateTableInfo(db, tbl)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return tbl, nil
return tbl, nil
tidb collect_column_stats_usage 源码
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3、 gate.io
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