tidb inspection_profile 源码

  • 2022-09-19
  • 浏览 (504)

tidb inspection_profile 代码


// Copyright 2020 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package executor

import (


const (
	dateTimeFormat = "2006-01-02 15:04:05"

type profileBuilder struct {
	sctx        sessionctx.Context
	idMap       map[string]uint64
	idAllocator uint64
	totalValue  float64
	uniqueMap   map[string]struct{}
	buf         *bytes.Buffer
	start       time.Time
	end         time.Time
	valueTP     metricValueType

type metricNode struct {
	table      string
	name       string
	label      []string
	condition  string
	labelValue map[string]*metricValue
	value      *metricValue
	unit       int64
	children   []*metricNode
	// isPartOfParent indicates the parent of this node not fully contain this node.
	isPartOfParent bool
	initialized    bool

type metricValue struct {
	sum     float64
	count   int
	avgP99  float64
	avgP90  float64
	avgP80  float64
	comment string

type metricValueType int

const (
	metricValueSum metricValueType = iota + 1

func (m metricValueType) String() string {
	switch m {
	case metricValueAvg:
		return "avg"
	case metricValueCnt:
		return "count"
		return "sum"

func (m *metricValue) getValue(tp metricValueType) float64 {
	timeValue := 0.0
	switch tp {
	case metricValueCnt:
		return float64(m.count)
	case metricValueSum:
		timeValue = m.sum
	case metricValueAvg:
		if m.count == 0 {
			return 0.0
		timeValue = m.sum / float64(m.count)
		panic("should never happen")
	if math.IsNaN(timeValue) {
		return 0
	return timeValue

func (m *metricValue) getComment() string {
	if m.count == 0 {
		return ""
	buf := bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0, 64))
	buf.WriteString("total_time: ")
	buf.WriteString(time.Duration(int64(m.sum * float64(time.Second))).String())
	buf.WriteString("total_count: ")
	buf.WriteString("avg_time: ")
	buf.WriteString(time.Duration(int64(m.sum / float64(m.count) * float64(time.Second))).String())
	buf.WriteString("avgP99: ")
	buf.WriteString(time.Duration(int64(m.avgP99 * float64(time.Second))).String())
	buf.WriteString("avgP90: ")
	buf.WriteString(time.Duration(int64(m.avgP90 * float64(time.Second))).String())
	buf.WriteString("avgP80: ")
	buf.WriteString(time.Duration(int64(m.avgP80 * float64(time.Second))).String())
	return buf.String()

func (n *metricNode) getName(label string) string {
	name := n.table
	if n.name != "" {
		name = n.name
	if len(label) != 0 {
		name = name + "." + label
	return name

func (n *metricNode) getValue(pb *profileBuilder) (*metricValue, error) {
	if !n.initialized {
		n.initialized = true
		err := n.initializeMetricValue(pb)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
	return n.value, nil

func (n *metricNode) getLabelValue(label string) *metricValue {
	value, ok := n.labelValue[label]
	if !ok {
		value = &metricValue{}
		n.labelValue[label] = value
	return value

func (n *metricNode) queryRowsByLabel(pb *profileBuilder, query string, handleRowFn func(label string, v float64)) error {
	exec := pb.sctx.(sqlexec.RestrictedSQLExecutor)
	ctx := kv.WithInternalSourceType(context.Background(), kv.InternalTxnOthers)
	rows, _, err := exec.ExecRestrictedSQL(ctx, nil, query)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if len(rows) == 0 || rows[0].Len() == 0 {
		return nil

	for _, row := range rows {
		v := row.GetFloat64(0)
		if n.unit != 0 {
			v = v / float64(n.unit)
		label := ""
		for i := 1; i < row.Len(); i++ {
			if i > 1 {
				label += ","
			label += row.GetString(i)
		if label == "" && len(n.label) > 0 {
		handleRowFn(label, v)
	return nil

func (n *metricNode) initializeMetricValue(pb *profileBuilder) error {
	n.labelValue = make(map[string]*metricValue)
	n.value = &metricValue{}
	queryCondition := fmt.Sprintf("where time >= '%v' and time <= '%v' and value is not null and value>0",
		pb.start.Format(dateTimeFormat), pb.end.Format(dateTimeFormat))
	if n.condition != "" {
		queryCondition += (" and " + n.condition)

	var query string
	// 1. Get total count value.
	if len(n.label) == 0 {
		query = fmt.Sprintf("select sum(value), '' from `metrics_schema`.`%v_total_count` %v", n.table, queryCondition)
	} else {
		query = fmt.Sprintf("select sum(value), `%[3]s` from `metrics_schema`.`%[1]s_total_count` %[2]s group by `%[3]s` having sum(value) > 0",
			n.table, queryCondition, strings.Join(n.label, "`,`"))

	totalCount := 0.0
	err := n.queryRowsByLabel(pb, query, func(label string, v float64) {
		totalCount += v
		n.getLabelValue(label).count = int(v)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	// Return early if the metric doesn't has value
	if int(totalCount) == 0 {
		return nil
	n.value.count = int(totalCount)

	// 2. Get total sum time.
	if len(n.label) == 0 {
		query = fmt.Sprintf("select sum(value), '' from `metrics_schema`.`%v_total_time` %v", n.table, queryCondition)
	} else {
		query = fmt.Sprintf("select sum(value), `%[3]s` from `metrics_schema`.`%[1]s_total_time` %[2]s group by `%[3]s` having sum(value) > 0",
			n.table, queryCondition, strings.Join(n.label, "`,`"))
	totalSum := 0.0
	err = n.queryRowsByLabel(pb, query, func(label string, v float64) {
		if n.unit != 0 {
			v = v / float64(n.unit)
		totalSum += v
		n.getLabelValue(label).sum = v
	if err != nil {
		return err
	n.value.sum = totalSum

	// 3. Get quantile value.
	setQuantileValue := func(metricValue *metricValue, quantile, value float64) {
		switch quantile {
		case 0.99:
			metricValue.avgP99 = value
		case 0.90:
			metricValue.avgP90 = value
		case 0.80:
			metricValue.avgP80 = value
	quantiles := []float64{0.99, 0.90, 0.80}
	for _, quantile := range quantiles {
		condition := queryCondition + " and " + "quantile=" + strconv.FormatFloat(quantile, 'f', -1, 64)
		if len(n.label) == 0 {
			query = fmt.Sprintf("select avg(value), '' from `metrics_schema`.`%v_duration` %v", n.table, condition)
		} else {
			query = fmt.Sprintf("select avg(value), `%[3]s` from `metrics_schema`.`%[1]s_duration` %[2]s group by `%[3]s` having sum(value) > 0",
				n.table, condition, strings.Join(n.label, "`,`"))

		totalValue := 0.0
		cnt := 0
		err = n.queryRowsByLabel(pb, query, func(label string, v float64) {
			if n.unit != 0 {
				v = v / float64(n.unit)
			totalValue += v
			setQuantileValue(n.getLabelValue(label), quantile, v)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		setQuantileValue(n.value, quantile, totalValue/float64(cnt))

	// 4. Add metric comment.
	def, ok := infoschema.MetricTableMap[n.table+"_total_time"]
	if ok {
		n.value.comment = def.Comment
		for label, value := range n.labelValue {
			value.comment = fmt.Sprintf("%s, the label of [%v] is [%v]", def.Comment, strings.Join(n.label, ","), label)
	return nil

// NewProfileBuilder returns a new profileBuilder.
func NewProfileBuilder(sctx sessionctx.Context, start, end time.Time, tp string) (*profileBuilder, error) {
	var valueTp metricValueType
	switch strings.ToLower(tp) {
	case metricValueSum.String():
		valueTp = metricValueSum
	case metricValueAvg.String():
		valueTp = metricValueAvg
	case metricValueCnt.String():
		valueTp = metricValueCnt
	case "":
		// Use type sum when doesn't specified the type, this is used to compatible with old behaviour.
		valueTp = metricValueSum
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown metric profile type: %v, expect value should be one of 'sum', 'avg' or 'count'", tp)
	return &profileBuilder{
		sctx:        sctx,
		idMap:       make(map[string]uint64),
		idAllocator: uint64(1),
		buf:         bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0, 1024)),
		uniqueMap:   make(map[string]struct{}),
		start:       start,
		end:         end,
		valueTP:     valueTp,
	}, nil

// Collect uses to collect the related metric information.
func (pb *profileBuilder) Collect() error {
	tidbQuery := pb.genTiDBQueryTree()
	err := pb.init(tidbQuery, "tidb_query")
	if err != nil {
		return err
	err = pb.traversal(tidbQuery)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	err = pb.traversal(pb.genTiDBGCTree())
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return nil

// Build returns the metric profile dot.
func (pb *profileBuilder) Build() []byte {
	return pb.buf.Bytes()

func (pb *profileBuilder) getNameID(name string) uint64 {
	if id, ok := pb.idMap[name]; ok {
		return id
	id := pb.idAllocator
	pb.idMap[name] = id
	return id

func (pb *profileBuilder) init(total *metricNode, name string) error {
	if total == nil {
		return nil
	tp := "total_time"
	switch pb.valueTP {
	case metricValueAvg:
		tp = "avg_time"
	case metricValueCnt:
		tp = "total_count"
	pb.buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(`digraph "%s" {`, "tidb_profile"))
	pb.buf.WriteString(`node [style=filled fillcolor="#f8f8f8"]`)
	pb.buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(`subgraph %[1]s { "%[1]s" [shape=box fontsize=16 label="Type: %[1]s\lTime: %s\lDuration: %s\l"] }`, name+"_"+tp, pb.start.String(), pb.end.Sub(pb.start).String()))
	v, err := pb.GetTotalValue(total)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if v != 0 {
		pb.totalValue = v
	} else {
		pb.totalValue = 1
	return nil

func (pb *profileBuilder) GetTotalValue(root *metricNode) (float64, error) {
	switch pb.valueTP {
	case metricValueSum, metricValueCnt:
		value, err := root.getValue(pb)
		if err != nil {
			return 0.0, err
		return value.getValue(pb.valueTP), nil
		return pb.GetMaxNodeValue(root)

func (pb *profileBuilder) GetMaxNodeValue(root *metricNode) (float64, error) {
	if root == nil {
		return 0.0, nil
	n := root
	value, err := n.getValue(pb)
	if err != nil {
		return 0.0, err
	max := value.getValue(pb.valueTP)
	for _, v := range n.labelValue {
		if v.getValue(pb.valueTP) > max {
			max = v.getValue(pb.valueTP)
	for _, child := range n.children {
		childMax, err := pb.GetMaxNodeValue(child)
		if err != nil {
			return max, err
		if childMax > max {
			max = childMax
		for _, v := range n.labelValue {
			if v.getValue(pb.valueTP) > max {
				max = v.getValue(pb.valueTP)
	return max, nil

func (pb *profileBuilder) traversal(n *metricNode) error {
	if n == nil {
		return nil
	nodeName := n.getName("")
	if _, ok := pb.uniqueMap[nodeName]; ok {
		return nil
	pb.uniqueMap[nodeName] = struct{}{}
	nodeValue, err := n.getValue(pb)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if pb.ignoreFraction(nodeValue, pb.totalValue) {
		return nil
	totalChildrenValue := float64(0)
	for _, child := range n.children {
		childValue, err := child.getValue(pb)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		pb.addNodeEdge(n, child, childValue)
		if !child.isPartOfParent {
			totalChildrenValue += childValue.getValue(pb.valueTP)

	selfValue := nodeValue.getValue(pb.valueTP)
	selfCost := selfValue - totalChildrenValue
	err = pb.addNode(n, selfCost, selfValue)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	for _, child := range n.children {
		err := pb.traversal(child)
		if err != nil {
			return err
	return nil

func (pb *profileBuilder) addNodeEdge(parent, child *metricNode, childValue *metricValue) {
	if pb.ignoreFraction(childValue, pb.totalValue) {
	style := ""
	if child.isPartOfParent {
		style = "dotted"
	if len(parent.label) == 0 {
		label := ""
		if !child.isPartOfParent {
			label = pb.formatValueByTp(childValue.getValue(pb.valueTP))
		pb.addEdge(parent.getName(""), child.getName(""), label, style, childValue.getValue(pb.valueTP))
	} else {
		for label, value := range parent.labelValue {
			if pb.ignoreFraction(value, pb.totalValue) {
			pb.addEdge(parent.getName(label), child.getName(""), "", style, childValue.getValue(pb.valueTP))

func (pb *profileBuilder) addNode(n *metricNode, selfCost, nodeTotal float64) error {
	name := n.getName("")
	weight := selfCost
	if len(n.label) > 0 {
		for label, value := range n.labelValue {
			if pb.ignoreFraction(value, pb.totalValue) {
			v := value.getValue(pb.valueTP)
			vStr := pb.formatValueByTp(v)
			labelValue := fmt.Sprintf(" %s", vStr)
			pb.addEdge(n.getName(""), n.getName(label), labelValue, "", v)
			labelValue = fmt.Sprintf("%s\n %s (%.2f%%)", n.getName(label), vStr, v*100/pb.totalValue)
			pb.addNodeDef(n.getName(label), labelValue, value.getComment(), v, v)
		weight = selfCost / 2
		// Since this node has labels, all cost was consume on the children, so the selfCost is 0.
		selfCost = 0

	label := fmt.Sprintf("%s\n %s (%.2f%%)\nof %s (%.2f%%)",
		pb.formatValueByTp(selfCost), selfCost*100/pb.totalValue,
		pb.formatValueByTp(nodeTotal), nodeTotal*100/pb.totalValue)
	pb.addNodeDef(n.getName(""), label, n.value.getComment(), weight, selfCost)
	return nil

func (pb *profileBuilder) addNodeDef(name, labelValue, comment string, fontWeight, colorWeight float64) {
	baseFontSize, maxFontSize, maxFontGrowth := 5, 64, 18.0
	fontSize := baseFontSize
	fontSize += int(math.Ceil(maxFontGrowth * math.Sqrt(math.Abs(fontWeight)/pb.totalValue)))
	if fontSize > maxFontSize {
		fontSize = maxFontSize

	pb.buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(`N%d [label="%s" tooltip="%s" fontsize=%d shape=box color="%s" fillcolor="%s"]`,
		pb.getNameID(name), labelValue, comment, fontSize,
		pb.dotColor(colorWeight/pb.totalValue, false),
		pb.dotColor(colorWeight/pb.totalValue, true)))

func (pb *profileBuilder) addEdge(from, to, label, style string, value float64) {
	weight := 1 + int(math.Min(value*100/pb.totalValue, 100))
	color := pb.dotColor(value/pb.totalValue, false)
	pb.buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(`N%d -> N%d [`, pb.getNameID(from), pb.getNameID(to)))
	if label != "" {
		pb.buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(` label="%s" `, label))
	if style != "" {
		pb.buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(` style="%s" `, style))
	pb.buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(` weight=%d color="%s"]`, weight, color))

func (pb *profileBuilder) ignoreFraction(v *metricValue, total float64) bool {
	value := v.getValue(pb.valueTP)
	return value*100/total < 0.01

func (pb *profileBuilder) formatValueByTp(value float64) string {
	switch pb.valueTP {
	case metricValueCnt:
		return strconv.Itoa(int(value))
	case metricValueSum, metricValueAvg:
		if math.IsNaN(value) {
			return ""
		if math.Abs(value) > 1 {
			// second unit
			return fmt.Sprintf("%.2fs", value)
		} else if math.Abs(value*1000) > 1 {
			// millisecond unit
			return fmt.Sprintf("%.2f ms", value*1000)
		} else if math.Abs(value*1000*1000) > 1 {
			// microsecond unit
			return fmt.Sprintf("%.2f ms", value*1000*1000)
		return time.Duration(int64(value * float64(time.Second))).String()
	panic("should never happen")

// dotColor function is copy from https://github.com/google/pprof.
func (pb *profileBuilder) dotColor(score float64, isBackground bool) string {
	// A float between 0.0 and 1.0, indicating the extent to which
	// colors should be shifted away from grey (to make positive and
	// negative values easier to distinguish, and to make more use of
	// the color range.)
	const shift = 0.7
	// Saturation and value (in hsv colorspace) for background colors.
	const bgSaturation = 0.1
	const bgValue = 0.93
	// Saturation and value (in hsv colorspace) for foreground colors.
	const fgSaturation = 1.0
	const fgValue = 0.7
	// Choose saturation and value based on isBackground.
	var saturation float64
	var value float64
	if isBackground {
		saturation = bgSaturation
		value = bgValue
	} else {
		saturation = fgSaturation
		value = fgValue

	// Limit the score values to the range [-1.0, 1.0].
	score = math.Max(-1.0, math.Min(1.0, score))

	// Reduce saturation near score=0 (so it is colored grey, rather than yellow).
	if math.Abs(score) < 0.2 {
		saturation *= math.Abs(score) / 0.2

	// Apply 'shift' to move scores away from 0.0 (grey).
	if score > 0.0 {
		score = math.Pow(score, (1.0 - shift))
	if score < 0.0 {
		score = -math.Pow(-score, (1.0 - shift))

	var r, g, b float64 // red, green, blue
	if score < 0.0 {
		g = value
		r = value * (1 + saturation*score)
	} else {
		r = value
		g = value * (1 - saturation*score)
	b = value * (1 - saturation)
	return fmt.Sprintf("#%02x%02x%02x", uint8(r*255.0), uint8(g*255.0), uint8(b*255.0))

func (pb *profileBuilder) genTiDBGCTree() *metricNode {
	tidbGC := &metricNode{
		table:          "tidb_gc",
		isPartOfParent: true,
		label:          []string{"stage"},
		children: []*metricNode{
				table:          "tidb_kv_request",
				isPartOfParent: true,
	return tidbGC

func (pb *profileBuilder) genTiDBQueryTree() *metricNode {
	tidbKVRequest := &metricNode{
		table:          "tidb_kv_request",
		isPartOfParent: true,
		label:          []string{"type"},
		children: []*metricNode{
				table: "tidb_batch_client_wait",
				unit:  int64(10e8),
				table: "tidb_batch_client_wait_conn",
				table: "tidb_batch_client_unavailable",
				table:     "pd_client_cmd",
				condition: "type not in ('tso','wait','tso_async_wait')",
				table: "tikv_grpc_message",
				children: []*metricNode{
						table: "tikv_cop_request",
						children: []*metricNode{
								table:     "tikv_cop_wait",
								label:     []string{"type"},
								condition: "type != 'all'",
							{table: "tikv_cop_handle"},
						table: "tikv_scheduler_command",
						children: []*metricNode{
							{table: "tikv_scheduler_latch_wait"},
							{table: "tikv_scheduler_processing_read"},
								table: "tikv_storage_async_request",
								children: []*metricNode{
										table:     "tikv_storage_async_request",
										name:      "tikv_storage_async_request.snapshot",
										condition: "type='snapshot'",
										table:     "tikv_storage_async_request",
										name:      "tikv_storage_async_request.write",
										condition: "type='write'",
										children: []*metricNode{
											{table: "tikv_raftstore_propose_wait"},
												table: "tikv_raftstore_process",
												children: []*metricNode{
													{table: "tikv_raftstore_append_log"},
											{table: "tikv_raftstore_commit_log"},
											{table: "tikv_raftstore_apply_wait"},
											{table: "tikv_raftstore_apply_log"},
						table: "tikv_gc_tasks",
						label: []string{"task"},
	ddlTime := &metricNode{
		table: "tidb_ddl",
		label: []string{"type"},
		children: []*metricNode{
				table: "tidb_ddl_worker",
				label: []string{"type"},
				children: []*metricNode{
						table: "tidb_ddl_batch_add_index",
						table: "tidb_load_schema",
						table: "tidb_ddl_update_self_version",
						table: "tidb_owner_handle_syncer",
						table: "tidb_meta_operation",
	tidbExecute := &metricNode{
		table: "tidb_execute",
		children: []*metricNode{
				table: "pd_start_tso_wait",
				table: "tidb_auto_id_request",
				table:          "tidb_cop",
				isPartOfParent: true,
				children: []*metricNode{
						table:          "tidb_kv_backoff",
						label:          []string{"type"},
						isPartOfParent: true,
				table: "tidb_txn_cmd",
				label: []string{"type"},
				children: []*metricNode{
						table:          "tidb_kv_backoff",
						label:          []string{"type"},
						isPartOfParent: true,
	queryTime := &metricNode{
		table: "tidb_query",
		label: []string{"sql_type"},
		children: []*metricNode{
				table: "tidb_get_token",
				unit:  int64(10e5),
				table: "tidb_parse",
				table: "tidb_compile",

	return queryTime


tidb 源码目录


tidb adapter 源码

tidb admin 源码

tidb admin_plugins 源码

tidb admin_telemetry 源码

tidb aggregate 源码

tidb analyze 源码

tidb analyze_col 源码

tidb analyze_col_v2 源码

tidb analyze_fast 源码

tidb analyze_global_stats 源码

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