harmony 鸿蒙DataAbility Permission Control

  • 2023-02-03
  • 浏览 (708)

DataAbility Permission Control

The DataAbility uses permission control to determine whether an ability can access the data service it provides. There are static and dynamic permission controls.

Static Permission Control

The DataAbility functions as the server. When being started, the DataAbility verifies the client permissions against the settings of the optional fields readPermission, writePermission, and Permission fields in the config.json file. The following is an example:

"abilities": [{
  "srcPath": "DataAbility",
  "name": ".DataAbility",
  "icon": "$media:icon",
  "srcLanguage": "ets",
  "description": "$string:description_dataability",
  "type": "data",
  "visible": true,
  "uri": "dataability://ohos.samples.etsdataability.DataAbility",

The client permission is configured in reqPermissions under module in the config.json file. The following is an example:

  "module": {

Dynamic Permission Control

Static permission control determines whether a DataAbility can be started by another ability or application. It does not verify the permission of each read/write interface.

Dynamic permission control verifies whether the client has the corresponding permission for every read/write interface. The table below lists the permissions required for calling these interfaces.

Table 1 Permission configuration for data read/write interfaces

Interface with the Read Permission Interface with the Write Permission Interface with the Read/Write Permission Based on Actual Requirements
query, normalizeUri, denormalizeUri, openfile (with mode set to ‘r’) insert, batchInsert, delete, update, openfile (with mode set to ‘w’) executeBatch

For interfaces that require the read permission, the server must have readPermission specified, and the client must obtain the read permission before calling them.

For interfaces that require the write permission, the server must have writePermission specified, and the client must obtain the write permission before calling them.


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