harmony 鸿蒙Switching of app and deviceConfig

  • 2023-02-03
  • 浏览 (820)

Switching of app and deviceConfig

To help you better maintain the configuration of application-level attributes, OpenHarmony has extracted the app and deviceConfig tags from the config.json file to the app.json5 file and changed certain tag names in the stage model.

Table 1 Comparison of the app tag in the configuration files

Configuration Item app in config.json app in app.json5
Internal version number of an application “version”: {
“code”: 1,
“versionCode”: 1 ,
Text description of the version number, which is displayed to users “version”: {
“name”: “1.0.0”,
“versionName” : “1.0.0” ,
Earliest compatible version of the application “version”: {
“minCompatibleVersionCode”: 1,
“minCompatibleVersionCode” : 1 ,
Minimum API version required for application running “apiVersion”: {
“compatible”: 7,
“minAPIVersion” : 7 ,
Target API version required for application running “apiVersion”: {
“target”: 8,
“targetApiVersion” : 8 ,
Type of the target API version required for application running “apiVersion”: {
“releaseType”: Release,
“apiReleaseType”: “Release” ,

OpenHarmony has reconstructed the deviceConfig tag of the config.json file in the app.json5 file. It has integrated the fields related to device information under deviceConfig into the app tag of the app.json5 file.

Table 2 Comparison of the deviceConfig tag in the configuration files

deviceConfig in the FA Model Description Stage Model Difference
deviceConfig Device information. / This tag is no longer available in the stage model. In the stage model, device information is configured under the app tag.
process Name of the process running the application or UIAbility. If the process attribute is configured in the deviceConfig tag, all UIAbilities of the application run in this process. You can set the process attribute for a specific UIAbility in the abilities attribute, so that the UIAbility can run in the particular process. / The stage model does not support the configuration of process names.
keepAlive Whether the application is always running. This attribute applies only to system applications and does not take effect for third-party applications. / The stage model does not support changing of the model control mode for system applications.
supportBackup Whether the application supports data backup and restore. / This configuration is not supported in the stage model.
compressNativeLibs Whether the libs libraries are packaged in the HAP file after being compressed. / This configuration is not supported in the stage model.
network Network security configuration. / This configuration is not supported in the stage model.


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