harmony 鸿蒙AlphabetIndexer

  • 2022-08-09
  • 浏览 (683)


The <Indexer> component can create a logically indexed array of items in a container for instant location.


This component is supported since API version 7. Updates will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.

Child Components

Not supported


AlphabetIndexer(value: {arrayValue: Array&lt;string&gt;, selected: number})


Name Type Mandatory Description
arrayValue Array&lt;string&gt; Yes Array of strings to be displayed in the alphabetic index bar. The value cannot be null.
selected number Yes Index of the initially selected item. If the value exceeds the value range, the default value 0 is used.
Since API version 10, this parameter supports $$ for two-way binding of variables.


In addition to the universal attributes, the following attributes are supported.

Name Type Description
color ResourceColor Font color.
Default value: 0x99000000
selectedColor ResourceColor Font color of the selected text.
Default value: 0xFF254FF7
popupColor ResourceColor Font color of the pop-up text.
Default value: 0xFF254FF7
selectedBackgroundColor ResourceColor Background color of the selected item.
Default value: 0x1F0A59F7
popupBackground ResourceColor Background color of the pop-up text.
Default value: 0xFFFFFFFF
usingPopup boolean Whether to use pop-up text.
Default value: false
selectedFont Font Font style of the selected text.
Default value:
family:‘HarmonyOS Sans’
popupFont Font Font style of the pop-up text.
Default value:
family:‘HarmonyOS Sans’
font Font Default font style of the alphabetic index bar.
Default value:
family:‘HarmonyOS Sans’
itemSize string |number Size of an item in the alphabetic index bar. The item is a square, and the side length needs to be set. This attribute cannot be set to a percentage.
Default value: 16.0
Unit: vp
alignStyle value: IndexerAlign,
offset10+?: Length
Alignment style of the alphabetic index bar.
value: alignment of the alphabetic index bar with the pop-up window, which can be left-aligned or right-aligned.
Default value: IndexerAlign.Right
offset: spacing between the pop-up window and the alphabetic index bar. A value greater than or equal to 0 is valid. If this parameter is set to a value less than 0 or is not set, the spacing is the same as popupPosition.x. If this parameter and popupPosition are set at the same time, offset takes effect in the horizontal direction and popupPosition.y takes effect in the vertical direction.
selected number Index of the selected item.
Default value: 0
Since API version 10, this parameter supports $$ for two-way binding of variables.
popupPosition Position Position of the pop-up window relative to the center of the indexer bar’s top border.
Default value: {x:60.0, y:48.0}
popupSelectedColor10+ ResourceColor Color of the selected text excluding the initial letter in the pop-up window.
Default value: #FF182431
popupUnselectedColor10+ ResourceColor Color of the unselected text in the pop-up window.
Default value: #FF182431
popupItemFont10+ Font Font of the text excluding the initial letter in the pop-up window.
Default value:
popupItemBackgroundColor10+ ResourceColor Background color of the portion excluding the initial letter in the pop-up window.
Default value: #FFFFFF


Name Description
Left The pop-up window is displayed on the right of the alphabetic indexer bar.
Right The pop-up window is displayed on the left of the alphabetic indexer bar.


In addition to the universal events, the following events are supported.

Name Description
onSelected(callback: (index: number) =&gt; void)(deprecated) Invoked when an item in the alphabetic indexer bar is selected. The return value is the index of the selected item. This API is deprecated since API version 8. You are advised to use onSelect.
onSelect(callback: (index: number) =&gt; void)8+ Invoked when an item in the alphabetic indexer bar is selected. The return value is the index of the selected item.
onRequestPopupData(callback: (index: number) =&gt; Array&lt;string&gt;)8+ Invoked when a request for displaying content in the index prompt window is sent after an item in the alphabetic indexer bar is selected.
The return value is a string array corresponding to the selected index. The string array is displayed vertically in the pop-up window. It can display up to five strings at once and allows scrolling.
onPopupSelect(callback: (index: number) =&gt; void)8+ Invoked when an item in the index pop-up window is selected.


// xxx.ets
struct AlphabetIndexerSample {
  private arrayA:string[] = ['Ann']
  private arrayB: string[] = ['Ben', 'Bob']
  private arrayC: string[] = ['Calvin', 'Cameron', 'Charlie', 'Charlotte']
  private arrayL: string[] = ['Daisy', 'Daniel', 'Darla', 'David', 'Derek', 'Dorothy', 'Duke']
  private value: string[] = ['#', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G',
  'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N',
  'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U',
  'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z']

  build() {
    Stack({ alignContent: Alignment.Start }) {
      Row() {
        List({ space: 20, initialIndex: 0 }) {
          ForEach(this.arrayA, (item: string) => {
            ListItem() {
          }, (item: string) => item)

          ForEach(this.arrayB, (item: string) => {
            ListItem() {
          }, (item: string) => item)

          ForEach(this.arrayC, (item: string) => {
            ListItem() {
          }, (item: string) => item)

          ForEach(this.arrayL, (item: string) => {
            ListItem() {
          }, (item: string) => item)

        AlphabetIndexer({ arrayValue: this.value, selected: 0 })
          .selectedColor(0xFFFFFF) // Font color of the selected text.
          .popupColor(0xFFFAF0) // Font color of the pop-up text.
          .selectedBackgroundColor(0xCCCCCC) // Background color of the selected item.
          .popupBackground(0xD2B48C) // Background color of the pop-up text.
          .usingPopup(true) // Whether to use pop-up text.
          .selectedFont({size: 16, weight: FontWeight.Bolder}) // Font style of the selected text.
          .popupFont({ size: 30, weight: FontWeight.Bolder}) // Font style of the pop-up text.
          .itemSize(28) // Size of an item in the alphabetic index bar.
          .alignStyle(IndexerAlign.Left) // The pop-up window is displayed on the right of the alphabetic index bar.
          .popupItemFont({ size: 30, style: FontStyle.Normal })
          .onSelect((index: number) => {
            console.info(this.value[index] + ' Selected!')
          .onRequestPopupData((index: number) => {
            if (this.value[index] == 'A') {
              return this.arrayA // When index A is selected, the pop-up window displays arrayA corresponding to index A. The same applies when other indexes are selected.
            } else if (this.value[index] == 'B') {
              return this.arrayB
            } else if (this.value[index] == 'C') {
              return this.arrayC
            } else if (this.value[index] == 'L') {
              return this.arrayL
            } else {
              return [] // When no array is available for the selected index, the pop-up window is empty.
          .onPopupSelect((index: number) => {
            console.info('onPopupSelected:' + index)



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