tidb histogram 源码
tidb histogram 代码
// Copyright 2017 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package statistics
import (
// Histogram represents statistics for a column or index.
type Histogram struct {
ID int64 // Column ID.
NDV int64 // Number of distinct values.
NullCount int64 // Number of null values.
// LastUpdateVersion is the version that this histogram updated last time.
LastUpdateVersion uint64
Tp *types.FieldType
// Histogram elements.
// A bucket bound is the smallest and greatest values stored in the bucket. The lower and upper bound
// are stored in one column.
// A bucket count is the number of items stored in all previous buckets and the current bucket.
// Bucket counts are always in increasing order.
// A bucket repeat is the number of repeats of the bucket value, it can be used to find popular values.
Bounds *chunk.Chunk
Buckets []Bucket
// Used for estimating fraction of the interval [lower, upper] that lies within the [lower, value].
// For some types like `Int`, we do not build it because we can get them directly from `Bounds`.
scalars []scalar
// TotColSize is the total column size for the histogram.
// For unfixed-len types, it includes LEN and BYTE.
TotColSize int64
// Correlation is the statistical correlation between physical row ordering and logical ordering of
// the column values. This ranges from -1 to +1, and it is only valid for Column histogram, not for
// Index histogram.
Correlation float64
// EmptyHistogramSize is the size of empty histogram, about 112 = 8*6 for int64 & float64, 24*2 for arrays, 8*2 for references.
const EmptyHistogramSize = int64(unsafe.Sizeof(Histogram{}))
// Bucket store the bucket count and repeat.
type Bucket struct {
Count int64
Repeat int64
NDV int64
// EmptyBucketSize is the size of empty bucket, 3*8=24 now.
const EmptyBucketSize = int64(unsafe.Sizeof(Bucket{}))
type scalar struct {
lower float64
upper float64
commonPfxLen int // commonPfxLen is the common prefix length of the lower bound and upper bound when the value type is KindString or KindBytes.
// EmptyScalarSize is the size of empty scalar.
const EmptyScalarSize = int64(unsafe.Sizeof(scalar{}))
// NewHistogram creates a new histogram.
func NewHistogram(id, ndv, nullCount int64, version uint64, tp *types.FieldType, bucketSize int, totColSize int64) *Histogram {
if tp.EvalType() == types.ETString {
// The histogram will store the string value's 'sort key' representation of its collation.
// If we directly set the field type's collation to its original one. We would decode the Key representation using its collation.
// This would cause panic. So we apply a little trick here to avoid decoding it by explicitly changing the collation to 'CollationBin'.
tp = tp.Clone()
return &Histogram{
ID: id,
NDV: ndv,
NullCount: nullCount,
LastUpdateVersion: version,
Tp: tp,
Bounds: chunk.NewChunkWithCapacity([]*types.FieldType{tp}, 2*bucketSize),
Buckets: make([]Bucket, 0, bucketSize),
TotColSize: totColSize,
// GetLower gets the lower bound of bucket `idx`.
func (hg *Histogram) GetLower(idx int) *types.Datum {
d := hg.Bounds.GetRow(2*idx).GetDatum(0, hg.Tp)
return &d
// GetUpper gets the upper bound of bucket `idx`.
func (hg *Histogram) GetUpper(idx int) *types.Datum {
d := hg.Bounds.GetRow(2*idx+1).GetDatum(0, hg.Tp)
return &d
// MemoryUsage returns the total memory usage of this Histogram.
func (hg *Histogram) MemoryUsage() (sum int64) {
if hg == nil {
if len(hg.Buckets) == 0 && len(hg.scalars) == 0 && hg.Bounds.Capacity() == 0 {
sum = EmptyHistogramSize + hg.Bounds.MemoryUsage() + int64(cap(hg.Buckets))*EmptyBucketSize + int64(cap(hg.scalars))*EmptyScalarSize
return sum
// AppendBucket appends a bucket into `hg`.
func (hg *Histogram) AppendBucket(lower *types.Datum, upper *types.Datum, count, repeat int64) {
hg.AppendBucketWithNDV(lower, upper, count, repeat, 0)
// AppendBucketWithNDV appends a bucket into `hg` and set value for field `NDV`.
func (hg *Histogram) AppendBucketWithNDV(lower *types.Datum, upper *types.Datum, count, repeat, ndv int64) {
hg.Buckets = append(hg.Buckets, Bucket{Count: count, Repeat: repeat, NDV: ndv})
hg.Bounds.AppendDatum(0, lower)
hg.Bounds.AppendDatum(0, upper)
func (hg *Histogram) updateLastBucket(upper *types.Datum, count, repeat int64, needBucketNDV bool) {
l := hg.Len()
hg.Bounds.TruncateTo(2*l - 1)
hg.Bounds.AppendDatum(0, upper)
// The sampling case doesn't hold NDV since the low sampling rate. So check the NDV here.
if needBucketNDV && hg.Buckets[l-1].NDV > 0 {
hg.Buckets[l-1].Count = count
hg.Buckets[l-1].Repeat = repeat
// DecodeTo decodes the histogram bucket values into `tp`.
func (hg *Histogram) DecodeTo(tp *types.FieldType, timeZone *time.Location) error {
oldIter := chunk.NewIterator4Chunk(hg.Bounds)
hg.Bounds = chunk.NewChunkWithCapacity([]*types.FieldType{tp}, oldIter.Len())
hg.Tp = tp
for row := oldIter.Begin(); row != oldIter.End(); row = oldIter.Next() {
datum, err := tablecodec.DecodeColumnValue(row.GetBytes(0), tp, timeZone)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
hg.Bounds.AppendDatum(0, &datum)
return nil
// ConvertTo converts the histogram bucket values into `tp`.
func (hg *Histogram) ConvertTo(sc *stmtctx.StatementContext, tp *types.FieldType) (*Histogram, error) {
hist := NewHistogram(hg.ID, hg.NDV, hg.NullCount, hg.LastUpdateVersion, tp, hg.Len(), hg.TotColSize)
hist.Correlation = hg.Correlation
iter := chunk.NewIterator4Chunk(hg.Bounds)
for row := iter.Begin(); row != iter.End(); row = iter.Next() {
d := row.GetDatum(0, hg.Tp)
d, err := d.ConvertTo(sc, tp)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
hist.Bounds.AppendDatum(0, &d)
hist.Buckets = hg.Buckets
return hist, nil
// Len is the number of buckets in the histogram.
func (hg *Histogram) Len() int {
return len(hg.Buckets)
// HistogramEqual tests if two histograms are equal.
func HistogramEqual(a, b *Histogram, ignoreID bool) bool {
if ignoreID {
old := b.ID
b.ID = a.ID
defer func() { b.ID = old }()
return bytes.Equal([]byte(a.ToString(0)), []byte(b.ToString(0)))
// constants for stats version. These const can be used for solving compatibility issue.
const (
// Version0 is the state that no statistics is actually collected, only the meta info.(the total count and the average col size)
Version0 = 0
// Version1 maintains the statistics in the following way.
// Column stats: CM Sketch is built in TiKV using full data. Histogram is built from samples. TopN is extracted from CM Sketch.
// TopN + CM Sketch represent all data. Histogram also represents all data.
// Index stats: CM Sketch and Histogram is built in TiKV using full data. TopN is extracted from histogram. Then values covered by TopN is removed from CM Sketch.
// TopN + CM Sketch represent all data. Histogram also represents all data.
// Int PK column stats is always Version1 because it only has histogram built from full data.
// Fast analyze is always Version1 currently.
Version1 = 1
// Version2 maintains the statistics in the following way.
// Column stats: CM Sketch is not used. TopN and Histogram are built from samples. TopN + Histogram represent all data.
// Index stats: CM SKetch is not used. TopN and Histograms are built from samples.
// Then values covered by TopN is removed from Histogram. TopN + Histogram represent all data.
// Both Column and Index's NDVs are collected by full scan.
Version2 = 2
// AnalyzeFlag is set when the statistics comes from analyze and has not been modified by feedback.
const AnalyzeFlag = 1
// IsAnalyzed checks whether this flag contains AnalyzeFlag.
func IsAnalyzed(flag int64) bool {
return (flag & AnalyzeFlag) > 0
// ResetAnalyzeFlag resets the AnalyzeFlag because it has been modified by feedback.
func ResetAnalyzeFlag(flag int64) int64 {
return flag &^ AnalyzeFlag
// ValueToString converts a possible encoded value to a formatted string. If the value is encoded, then
// idxCols equals to number of origin values, else idxCols is 0.
func ValueToString(vars *variable.SessionVars, value *types.Datum, idxCols int, idxColumnTypes []byte) (string, error) {
if idxCols == 0 {
return value.ToString()
var loc *time.Location
if vars != nil {
loc = vars.Location()
// Ignore the error and treat remaining part that cannot decode successfully as bytes.
decodedVals, remained, err := codec.DecodeRange(value.GetBytes(), idxCols, idxColumnTypes, loc)
// Ignore err explicit to pass errcheck.
_ = err
if len(remained) > 0 {
decodedVals = append(decodedVals, types.NewBytesDatum(remained))
str, err := types.DatumsToString(decodedVals, true)
return str, err
// BucketToString change the given bucket to string format.
func (hg *Histogram) BucketToString(bktID, idxCols int) string {
upperVal, err := ValueToString(nil, hg.GetUpper(bktID), idxCols, nil)
lowerVal, err := ValueToString(nil, hg.GetLower(bktID), idxCols, nil)
return fmt.Sprintf("num: %d lower_bound: %s upper_bound: %s repeats: %d ndv: %d", hg.bucketCount(bktID), lowerVal, upperVal, hg.Buckets[bktID].Repeat, hg.Buckets[bktID].NDV)
// RemoveVals remove the given values from the histogram.
// This function contains an **ASSUMPTION**: valCntPairs is sorted in ascending order.
func (hg *Histogram) RemoveVals(valCntPairs []TopNMeta) {
totalSubCnt := int64(0)
var cmpResult int
for bktIdx, pairIdx := 0, 0; bktIdx < hg.Len(); bktIdx++ {
for pairIdx < len(valCntPairs) {
// If the current val smaller than current bucket's lower bound, skip it.
cmpResult = bytes.Compare(hg.Bounds.Column(0).GetRaw(bktIdx*2), valCntPairs[pairIdx].Encoded)
if cmpResult > 0 {
// If the current val bigger than current bucket's upper bound, break.
cmpResult = bytes.Compare(hg.Bounds.Column(0).GetRaw(bktIdx*2+1), valCntPairs[pairIdx].Encoded)
if cmpResult < 0 {
totalSubCnt += int64(valCntPairs[pairIdx].Count)
if hg.Buckets[bktIdx].NDV > 0 {
if cmpResult == 0 {
hg.Buckets[bktIdx].Repeat = 0
hg.Buckets[bktIdx].Count -= totalSubCnt
if hg.Buckets[bktIdx].Count < 0 {
hg.Buckets[bktIdx].Count = 0
// AddIdxVals adds the given values to the histogram.
func (hg *Histogram) AddIdxVals(idxValCntPairs []TopNMeta) {
totalAddCnt := int64(0)
slices.SortFunc(idxValCntPairs, func(i, j TopNMeta) bool {
return bytes.Compare(i.Encoded, j.Encoded) < 0
for bktIdx, pairIdx := 0, 0; bktIdx < hg.Len(); bktIdx++ {
for pairIdx < len(idxValCntPairs) {
// If the current val smaller than current bucket's lower bound, skip it.
cmpResult := bytes.Compare(hg.Bounds.Column(0).GetBytes(bktIdx*2), idxValCntPairs[pairIdx].Encoded)
if cmpResult > 0 {
// If the current val bigger than current bucket's upper bound, break.
cmpResult = bytes.Compare(hg.Bounds.Column(0).GetBytes(bktIdx*2+1), idxValCntPairs[pairIdx].Encoded)
if cmpResult < 0 {
totalAddCnt += int64(idxValCntPairs[pairIdx].Count)
if cmpResult == 0 {
hg.Buckets[bktIdx].Repeat = int64(idxValCntPairs[pairIdx].Count)
hg.Buckets[bktIdx].Count += totalAddCnt
// ToString gets the string representation for the histogram.
func (hg *Histogram) ToString(idxCols int) string {
strs := make([]string, 0, hg.Len()+1)
if idxCols > 0 {
strs = append(strs, fmt.Sprintf("index:%d ndv:%d", hg.ID, hg.NDV))
} else {
strs = append(strs, fmt.Sprintf("column:%d ndv:%d totColSize:%d", hg.ID, hg.NDV, hg.TotColSize))
for i := 0; i < hg.Len(); i++ {
strs = append(strs, hg.BucketToString(i, idxCols))
return strings.Join(strs, "\n")
// equalRowCount estimates the row count where the column equals to value.
// matched: return true if this returned row count is from Bucket.Repeat or bucket NDV, which is more accurate than if not.
func (hg *Histogram) equalRowCount(value types.Datum, hasBucketNDV bool) (count float64, matched bool) {
_, bucketIdx, inBucket, match := hg.locateBucket(value)
if !inBucket {
return 0, false
if match {
return float64(hg.Buckets[bucketIdx].Repeat), true
if hasBucketNDV && hg.Buckets[bucketIdx].NDV > 1 {
return float64(hg.bucketCount(bucketIdx)-hg.Buckets[bucketIdx].Repeat) / float64(hg.Buckets[bucketIdx].NDV-1), true
return hg.notNullCount() / float64(hg.NDV), false
// greaterRowCount estimates the row count where the column greater than value.
// It's deprecated. Only used for test.
func (hg *Histogram) greaterRowCount(value types.Datum) float64 {
histRowCount, _ := hg.equalRowCount(value, false)
gtCount := hg.notNullCount() - hg.lessRowCount(value) - histRowCount
return math.Max(0, gtCount)
// locateBucket locates where a value falls in the range of the Histogram.
// Return value:
// exceed: if the value is larger than the upper bound of the last Bucket of the Histogram
// bucketIdx: assuming exceed if false, which Bucket does this value fall in (note: the range before a Bucket is also
// considered belong to this Bucket)
// inBucket: assuming exceed if false, whether this value falls in this Bucket, instead of falls between
// this Bucket and the previous Bucket.
// matchLastValue: assuming inBucket is true, if this value is the last value in this Bucket, which has a counter (Bucket.Repeat)
// Examples:
// val0 |<-[bkt0]->| |<-[bkt1]->val1(last value)| val2 |<--val3--[bkt2]->| |<-[bkt3]->| val4
// locateBucket(val0): false, 0, false, false
// locateBucket(val1): false, 1, true, true
// locateBucket(val2): false, 2, false, false
// locateBucket(val3): false, 2, true, false
// locateBucket(val4): true, 3, false, false
func (hg *Histogram) locateBucket(value types.Datum) (exceed bool, bucketIdx int, inBucket, matchLastValue bool) {
// Empty histogram
if hg == nil || hg.Bounds.NumRows() == 0 {
return true, 0, false, false
index, match := hg.Bounds.LowerBound(0, &value)
// The value is larger than the max value in the histogram (exceed is true)
if index >= hg.Bounds.NumRows() {
return true, hg.Len() - 1, false, false
bucketIdx = index / 2
// The value is before this bucket
if index%2 == 0 && !match {
return false, bucketIdx, false, false
// The value matches the last value in this bucket
// case 1: The LowerBound()'s return value tells us the value matches an upper bound of a bucket
// case 2: We compare and find that the value is equal to the upper bound of this bucket. This might happen when
// the bucket's lower bound is equal to its upper bound.
if (index%2 == 1 && match) || chunk.Compare(hg.Bounds.GetRow(bucketIdx*2+1), 0, &value) == 0 {
return false, bucketIdx, true, true
// The value is in the bucket and isn't the last value in this bucket
return false, bucketIdx, true, false
// LessRowCountWithBktIdx estimates the row count where the column less than value.
func (hg *Histogram) LessRowCountWithBktIdx(value types.Datum) (float64, int) {
// All the values are null.
if hg.Bounds.NumRows() == 0 {
return 0, 0
exceed, bucketIdx, inBucket, match := hg.locateBucket(value)
if exceed {
return hg.notNullCount(), hg.Len() - 1
preCount := float64(0)
if bucketIdx > 0 {
preCount = float64(hg.Buckets[bucketIdx-1].Count)
if !inBucket {
return preCount, bucketIdx
curCount, curRepeat := float64(hg.Buckets[bucketIdx].Count), float64(hg.Buckets[bucketIdx].Repeat)
if match {
return curCount - curRepeat, bucketIdx
return preCount + hg.calcFraction(bucketIdx, &value)*(curCount-curRepeat-preCount), bucketIdx
func (hg *Histogram) lessRowCount(value types.Datum) float64 {
result, _ := hg.LessRowCountWithBktIdx(value)
return result
// BetweenRowCount estimates the row count where column greater or equal to a and less than b.
func (hg *Histogram) BetweenRowCount(a, b types.Datum) float64 {
lessCountA := hg.lessRowCount(a)
lessCountB := hg.lessRowCount(b)
// If lessCountA is not less than lessCountB, it may be that they fall to the same bucket and we cannot estimate
// the fraction, so we use `totalCount / NDV` to estimate the row count, but the result should not greater than
// lessCountB or notNullCount-lessCountA.
if lessCountA >= lessCountB && hg.NDV > 0 {
result := math.Min(lessCountB, hg.notNullCount()-lessCountA)
return math.Min(result, hg.notNullCount()/float64(hg.NDV))
return lessCountB - lessCountA
// TotalRowCount returns the total count of this histogram.
func (hg *Histogram) TotalRowCount() float64 {
return hg.notNullCount() + float64(hg.NullCount)
// notNullCount indicates the count of non-null values in column histogram and single-column index histogram,
// for multi-column index histogram, since we cannot define null for the row, we treat all rows as non-null, that means,
// notNullCount would return same value as TotalRowCount for multi-column index histograms.
func (hg *Histogram) notNullCount() float64 {
if hg.Len() == 0 {
return 0
return float64(hg.Buckets[hg.Len()-1].Count)
// mergeBuckets is used to Merge every two neighbor buckets.
func (hg *Histogram) mergeBuckets(bucketIdx int) {
curBuck := 0
c := chunk.NewChunkWithCapacity([]*types.FieldType{hg.Tp}, bucketIdx)
for i := 0; i+1 <= bucketIdx; i += 2 {
hg.Buckets[curBuck].NDV = hg.Buckets[i+1].NDV + hg.Buckets[i].NDV
hg.Buckets[curBuck].Count = hg.Buckets[i+1].Count
hg.Buckets[curBuck].Repeat = hg.Buckets[i+1].Repeat
c.AppendDatum(0, hg.GetLower(i))
c.AppendDatum(0, hg.GetUpper(i+1))
if bucketIdx%2 == 0 {
hg.Buckets[curBuck] = hg.Buckets[bucketIdx]
c.AppendDatum(0, hg.GetLower(bucketIdx))
c.AppendDatum(0, hg.GetUpper(bucketIdx))
hg.Bounds = c
hg.Buckets = hg.Buckets[:curBuck]
// GetIncreaseFactor will return a factor of data increasing after the last analysis.
func (hg *Histogram) GetIncreaseFactor(totalCount int64) float64 {
columnCount := hg.TotalRowCount()
if columnCount == 0 {
// avoid dividing by 0
return 1.0
return float64(totalCount) / columnCount
// validRange checks if the range is Valid, it is used by `SplitRange` to remove the invalid range,
// the possible types of range are index key range and handle key range.
func validRange(sc *stmtctx.StatementContext, ran *ranger.Range, encoded bool) bool {
var low, high []byte
if encoded {
low, high = ran.LowVal[0].GetBytes(), ran.HighVal[0].GetBytes()
} else {
var err error
low, err = codec.EncodeKey(sc, nil, ran.LowVal[0])
if err != nil {
return false
high, err = codec.EncodeKey(sc, nil, ran.HighVal[0])
if err != nil {
return false
if ran.LowExclude {
low = kv.Key(low).PrefixNext()
if !ran.HighExclude {
high = kv.Key(high).PrefixNext()
return bytes.Compare(low, high) < 0
func checkKind(vals []types.Datum, kind byte) bool {
if kind == types.KindString {
kind = types.KindBytes
for _, val := range vals {
valKind := val.Kind()
if valKind == types.KindNull || valKind == types.KindMinNotNull || valKind == types.KindMaxValue {
if valKind == types.KindString {
valKind = types.KindBytes
if valKind != kind {
return false
// Only check the first non-null value.
return true
func (hg *Histogram) typeMatch(ranges []*ranger.Range) bool {
kind := hg.GetLower(0).Kind()
for _, ran := range ranges {
if !checkKind(ran.LowVal, kind) || !checkKind(ran.HighVal, kind) {
return false
return true
// SplitRange splits the range according to the histogram lower bound. Note that we treat first bucket's lower bound
// as -inf and last bucket's upper bound as +inf, so all the split ranges will totally fall in one of the (-inf, l(1)),
// [l(1), l(2)),...[l(n-2), l(n-1)), [l(n-1), +inf), where n is the number of buckets, l(i) is the i-th bucket's lower bound.
func (hg *Histogram) SplitRange(sc *stmtctx.StatementContext, oldRanges []*ranger.Range, encoded bool) ([]*ranger.Range, bool) {
if !hg.typeMatch(oldRanges) {
return oldRanges, false
// Treat the only buckets as (-inf, +inf), so we do not need split it.
if hg.Len() == 1 {
return oldRanges, true
ranges := make([]*ranger.Range, 0, len(oldRanges))
for _, ran := range oldRanges {
ranges = append(ranges, ran.Clone())
split := make([]*ranger.Range, 0, len(ranges))
for len(ranges) > 0 {
// Find the first bound that greater than the LowVal.
idx := hg.Bounds.UpperBound(0, &ranges[0].LowVal[0])
// Treat last bucket's upper bound as +inf, so we do not need split any more.
if idx >= hg.Bounds.NumRows()-1 {
split = append(split, ranges...)
// Treat first buckets's lower bound as -inf, just increase it to the next lower bound.
if idx == 0 {
idx = 2
// Get the next lower bound.
if idx%2 == 1 {
lowerBound := hg.Bounds.GetRow(idx)
var i int
// Find the first range that need to be split by the lower bound.
for ; i < len(ranges); i++ {
if chunk.Compare(lowerBound, 0, &ranges[i].HighVal[0]) <= 0 {
split = append(split, ranges[:i]...)
ranges = ranges[i:]
if len(ranges) == 0 {
// Split according to the lower bound.
cmp := chunk.Compare(lowerBound, 0, &ranges[0].LowVal[0])
if cmp > 0 {
lower := lowerBound.GetDatum(0, hg.Tp)
newRange := &ranger.Range{
LowExclude: ranges[0].LowExclude,
LowVal: []types.Datum{ranges[0].LowVal[0]},
HighVal: []types.Datum{lower},
HighExclude: true,
Collators: ranges[0].Collators,
if validRange(sc, newRange, encoded) {
split = append(split, newRange)
ranges[0].LowVal[0] = lower
ranges[0].LowExclude = false
if !validRange(sc, ranges[0], encoded) {
ranges = ranges[1:]
return split, true
func (hg *Histogram) bucketCount(idx int) int64 {
if idx == 0 {
return hg.Buckets[0].Count
return hg.Buckets[idx].Count - hg.Buckets[idx-1].Count
// HistogramToProto converts Histogram to its protobuf representation.
// Note that when this is used, the lower/upper bound in the bucket must be BytesDatum.
func HistogramToProto(hg *Histogram) *tipb.Histogram {
protoHg := &tipb.Histogram{
Ndv: hg.NDV,
for i := 0; i < hg.Len(); i++ {
bkt := &tipb.Bucket{
Count: hg.Buckets[i].Count,
LowerBound: hg.GetLower(i).GetBytes(),
UpperBound: hg.GetUpper(i).GetBytes(),
Repeats: hg.Buckets[i].Repeat,
Ndv: &hg.Buckets[i].NDV,
protoHg.Buckets = append(protoHg.Buckets, bkt)
return protoHg
// HistogramFromProto converts Histogram from its protobuf representation.
// Note that we will set BytesDatum for the lower/upper bound in the bucket, the decode will
// be after all histograms merged.
func HistogramFromProto(protoHg *tipb.Histogram) *Histogram {
tp := types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeBlob)
hg := NewHistogram(0, protoHg.Ndv, 0, 0, tp, len(protoHg.Buckets), 0)
for _, bucket := range protoHg.Buckets {
lower, upper := types.NewBytesDatum(bucket.LowerBound), types.NewBytesDatum(bucket.UpperBound)
if bucket.Ndv != nil {
hg.AppendBucketWithNDV(&lower, &upper, bucket.Count, bucket.Repeats, *bucket.Ndv)
} else {
hg.AppendBucket(&lower, &upper, bucket.Count, bucket.Repeats)
return hg
func (hg *Histogram) popFirstBucket() {
hg.Buckets = hg.Buckets[1:]
c := chunk.NewChunkWithCapacity([]*types.FieldType{hg.Tp, hg.Tp}, hg.Bounds.NumRows()-2)
c.Append(hg.Bounds, 2, hg.Bounds.NumRows())
hg.Bounds = c
// IsIndexHist checks whether current histogram is one for index.
func (hg *Histogram) IsIndexHist() bool {
return hg.Tp.GetType() == mysql.TypeBlob
// MergeHistograms merges two histograms.
func MergeHistograms(sc *stmtctx.StatementContext, lh *Histogram, rh *Histogram, bucketSize int, statsVer int) (*Histogram, error) {
if lh.Len() == 0 {
return rh, nil
if rh.Len() == 0 {
return lh, nil
lh.NDV += rh.NDV
lLen := lh.Len()
cmp, err := lh.GetUpper(lLen-1).Compare(sc, rh.GetLower(0), collate.GetBinaryCollator())
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
offset := int64(0)
if cmp == 0 {
lh.Buckets[lLen-1].NDV += rh.Buckets[0].NDV
// There's an overlapped one. So we need to subtract it if needed.
if rh.Buckets[0].NDV > 0 && lh.Buckets[lLen-1].Repeat > 0 {
lh.updateLastBucket(rh.GetUpper(0), lh.Buckets[lLen-1].Count+rh.Buckets[0].Count, rh.Buckets[0].Repeat, false)
offset = rh.Buckets[0].Count
for lh.Len() > bucketSize {
lh.mergeBuckets(lh.Len() - 1)
if rh.Len() == 0 {
return lh, nil
for rh.Len() > bucketSize {
rh.mergeBuckets(rh.Len() - 1)
lCount := lh.Buckets[lh.Len()-1].Count
rCount := rh.Buckets[rh.Len()-1].Count - offset
lAvg := float64(lCount) / float64(lh.Len())
rAvg := float64(rCount) / float64(rh.Len())
for lh.Len() > 1 && lAvg*2 <= rAvg {
lh.mergeBuckets(lh.Len() - 1)
lAvg *= 2
for rh.Len() > 1 && rAvg*2 <= lAvg {
rh.mergeBuckets(rh.Len() - 1)
rAvg *= 2
for i := 0; i < rh.Len(); i++ {
if statsVer >= Version2 {
lh.AppendBucketWithNDV(rh.GetLower(i), rh.GetUpper(i), rh.Buckets[i].Count+lCount-offset, rh.Buckets[i].Repeat, rh.Buckets[i].NDV)
lh.AppendBucket(rh.GetLower(i), rh.GetUpper(i), rh.Buckets[i].Count+lCount-offset, rh.Buckets[i].Repeat)
for lh.Len() > bucketSize {
lh.mergeBuckets(lh.Len() - 1)
return lh, nil
// AvgCountPerNotNullValue gets the average row count per value by the data of histogram.
func (hg *Histogram) AvgCountPerNotNullValue(totalCount int64) float64 {
factor := hg.GetIncreaseFactor(totalCount)
totalNotNull := hg.notNullCount() * factor
curNDV := float64(hg.NDV) * factor
curNDV = math.Max(curNDV, 1)
return totalNotNull / curNDV
func (hg *Histogram) outOfRange(val types.Datum) bool {
if hg.Len() == 0 {
return false
return chunk.Compare(hg.Bounds.GetRow(0), 0, &val) > 0 ||
chunk.Compare(hg.Bounds.GetRow(hg.Bounds.NumRows()-1), 0, &val) < 0
// outOfRangeRowCount estimate the row count of part of [lDatum, rDatum] which is out of range of the histogram.
// Here we assume the density of data is decreasing from the lower/upper bound of the histogram toward outside.
// The maximum row count it can get is the increaseCount. It reaches the maximum when out-of-range width reaches histogram range width.
// As it shows below. To calculate the out-of-range row count, we need to calculate the percentage of the shaded area.
// Note that we assume histL-boundL == histR-histL == boundR-histR here.
/│ │\
/ │ │ \
/x│ │◄─histogram─►│ \
/ xx│ │ range │ \
/ │xxx│ │ │ \
/ │xxx│ │ │ \
▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲
│ │ │ │ │ │
boundL │ │histL histR boundR
│ │
lDatum rDatum
func (hg *Histogram) outOfRangeRowCount(lDatum, rDatum *types.Datum, increaseCount int64) float64 {
if hg.Len() == 0 {
return 0
// For bytes and string type, we need to cut the common prefix when converting them to scalar value.
// Here we calculate the length of common prefix.
commonPrefix := 0
if hg.GetLower(0).Kind() == types.KindBytes || hg.GetLower(0).Kind() == types.KindString {
// Calculate the common prefix length among the lower and upper bound of histogram and the range we want to estimate.
commonPrefix = commonPrefixLength(hg.GetLower(0).GetBytes(),
// Convert the range we want to estimate to scalar value(float64)
l := convertDatumToScalar(lDatum, commonPrefix)
r := convertDatumToScalar(rDatum, commonPrefix)
// If this is an unsigned column, we need to make sure values are not negative.
// Normal negative value should have become 0. But this still might happen when met MinNotNull here.
// Maybe it's better to do this transformation in the ranger like the normal negative value.
if mysql.HasUnsignedFlag(hg.Tp.GetFlag()) {
if l < 0 {
l = 0
if r < 0 {
r = 0
// make sure l < r
if l >= r {
return 0
// Convert the lower and upper bound of the histogram to scalar value(float64)
histL := convertDatumToScalar(hg.GetLower(0), commonPrefix)
histR := convertDatumToScalar(hg.GetUpper(hg.Len()-1), commonPrefix)
histWidth := histR - histL
if histWidth <= 0 {
return 0
boundL := histL - histWidth
boundR := histR + histWidth
leftPercent := float64(0)
rightPercent := float64(0)
// keep l and r unchanged, use actualL and actualR to calculate.
actualL := l
actualR := r
// If the range overlaps with (boundL,histL), we need to handle the out-of-range part on the left of the histogram range
if actualL < histL && actualR > boundL {
// make sure boundL <= actualL < actualR <= histL
if actualL < boundL {
actualL = boundL
if actualR > histL {
actualR = histL
// Calculate the percentage of "the shaded area" on the left side.
leftPercent = (math.Pow(actualR-boundL, 2) - math.Pow(actualL-boundL, 2)) / math.Pow(histWidth, 2)
actualL = l
actualR = r
// If the range overlaps with (histR,boundR), we need to handle the out-of-range part on the right of the histogram range
if actualL < boundR && actualR > histR {
// make sure histR <= actualL < actualR <= boundR
if actualL < histR {
actualL = histR
if actualR > boundR {
actualR = boundR
// Calculate the percentage of "the shaded area" on the right side.
rightPercent = (math.Pow(boundR-actualL, 2) - math.Pow(boundR-actualR, 2)) / math.Pow(histWidth, 2)
totalPercent := leftPercent*0.5 + rightPercent*0.5
if totalPercent > 1 {
totalPercent = 1
rowCount := totalPercent * hg.notNullCount()
if rowCount > float64(increaseCount) {
return float64(increaseCount)
return rowCount
// Copy deep copies the histogram.
func (hg *Histogram) Copy() *Histogram {
newHist := *hg
newHist.Bounds = hg.Bounds.CopyConstruct()
newHist.Buckets = make([]Bucket, 0, len(hg.Buckets))
newHist.Buckets = append(newHist.Buckets, hg.Buckets...)
return &newHist
// RemoveUpperBound removes the upper bound from histogram.
// It is used when merge stats for incremental analyze.
func (hg *Histogram) RemoveUpperBound() *Histogram {
hg.Buckets[hg.Len()-1].Count -= hg.Buckets[hg.Len()-1].Repeat
hg.Buckets[hg.Len()-1].Repeat = 0
if hg.NDV > 0 {
return hg
// TruncateHistogram truncates the histogram to `numBkt` buckets.
func (hg *Histogram) TruncateHistogram(numBkt int) *Histogram {
hist := hg.Copy()
hist.Buckets = hist.Buckets[:numBkt]
hist.Bounds.TruncateTo(numBkt * 2)
return hist
// ErrorRate is the error rate of estimate row count by bucket and cm sketch.
type ErrorRate struct {
ErrorTotal float64
QueryTotal int64
// MaxErrorRate is the max error rate of estimate row count of a not pseudo column.
// If the table is pseudo, but the average error rate is less than MaxErrorRate,
// then the column is not pseudo.
const MaxErrorRate = 0.25
// NotAccurate is true when the total of query is zero or the average error
// rate is greater than MaxErrorRate.
func (e *ErrorRate) NotAccurate() bool {
if e.QueryTotal == 0 {
return true
return e.ErrorTotal/float64(e.QueryTotal) > MaxErrorRate
// Update updates the ErrorRate.
func (e *ErrorRate) Update(rate float64) {
e.ErrorTotal += rate
// Merge range merges two ErrorRate.
func (e *ErrorRate) Merge(rate *ErrorRate) {
e.QueryTotal += rate.QueryTotal
e.ErrorTotal += rate.ErrorTotal
type countByRangeFunc = func(sessionctx.Context, int64, []*ranger.Range) (float64, error)
// newHistogramBySelectivity fulfills the content of new histogram by the given selectivity result.
// TODO: Datum is not efficient, try to avoid using it here.
// Also, there're redundant calculation with Selectivity(). We need to reduce it too.
func newHistogramBySelectivity(sctx sessionctx.Context, histID int64, oldHist, newHist *Histogram, ranges []*ranger.Range, cntByRangeFunc countByRangeFunc) error {
cntPerVal := int64(oldHist.AvgCountPerNotNullValue(int64(oldHist.TotalRowCount())))
var totCnt int64
for boundIdx, ranIdx, highRangeIdx := 0, 0, 0; boundIdx < oldHist.Bounds.NumRows() && ranIdx < len(ranges); boundIdx, ranIdx = boundIdx+2, highRangeIdx {
for highRangeIdx < len(ranges) && chunk.Compare(oldHist.Bounds.GetRow(boundIdx+1), 0, &ranges[highRangeIdx].HighVal[0]) >= 0 {
if boundIdx+2 >= oldHist.Bounds.NumRows() && highRangeIdx < len(ranges) && ranges[highRangeIdx].HighVal[0].Kind() == types.KindMaxValue {
if ranIdx == highRangeIdx {
cnt, err := cntByRangeFunc(sctx, histID, ranges[ranIdx:highRangeIdx])
// This should not happen.
if err != nil {
return err
if cnt == 0 {
if int64(cnt) > oldHist.bucketCount(boundIdx/2) {
cnt = float64(oldHist.bucketCount(boundIdx / 2))
newHist.Bounds.AppendRow(oldHist.Bounds.GetRow(boundIdx + 1))
totCnt += int64(cnt)
bkt := Bucket{Count: totCnt}
if chunk.Compare(oldHist.Bounds.GetRow(boundIdx+1), 0, &ranges[highRangeIdx-1].HighVal[0]) == 0 && !ranges[highRangeIdx-1].HighExclude {
bkt.Repeat = cntPerVal
newHist.Buckets = append(newHist.Buckets, bkt)
switch newHist.Tp.EvalType() {
case types.ETString, types.ETDecimal, types.ETDatetime, types.ETTimestamp:
newHist.scalars = append(newHist.scalars, oldHist.scalars[boundIdx/2])
return nil
// NewHistCollBySelectivity creates new HistColl by the given statsNodes.
func (coll *HistColl) NewHistCollBySelectivity(sctx sessionctx.Context, statsNodes []*StatsNode) *HistColl {
newColl := &HistColl{
Columns: make(map[int64]*Column),
Indices: make(map[int64]*Index),
Idx2ColumnIDs: coll.Idx2ColumnIDs,
ColID2IdxID: coll.ColID2IdxID,
Count: coll.Count,
for _, node := range statsNodes {
if node.Tp == IndexType {
idxHist, ok := coll.Indices[node.ID]
if !ok {
newIdxHist, err := idxHist.newIndexBySelectivity(sctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx, node)
if err != nil {
logutil.BgLogger().Warn("[Histogram-in-plan]: something wrong happened when calculating row count, "+
"failed to build histogram for index %v of table %v",
zap.String("index", idxHist.Info.Name.O), zap.String("table", idxHist.Info.Table.O), zap.Error(err))
newColl.Indices[node.ID] = newIdxHist
oldCol, ok := coll.Columns[node.ID]
if !ok {
newCol := &Column{
PhysicalID: oldCol.PhysicalID,
Info: oldCol.Info,
IsHandle: oldCol.IsHandle,
CMSketch: oldCol.CMSketch,
newCol.Histogram = *NewHistogram(oldCol.ID, int64(float64(oldCol.Histogram.NDV)*node.Selectivity), 0, 0, oldCol.Tp, chunk.InitialCapacity, 0)
var err error
splitRanges, ok := oldCol.Histogram.SplitRange(sctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx, node.Ranges, false)
if !ok {
logutil.BgLogger().Warn("[Histogram-in-plan]: the type of histogram and ranges mismatch")
// Deal with some corner case.
if len(splitRanges) > 0 {
// Deal with NULL values.
if splitRanges[0].LowVal[0].IsNull() {
newCol.NullCount = oldCol.NullCount
if splitRanges[0].HighVal[0].IsNull() {
splitRanges = splitRanges[1:]
} else {
if oldCol.IsHandle {
err = newHistogramBySelectivity(sctx, node.ID, &oldCol.Histogram, &newCol.Histogram, splitRanges, coll.GetRowCountByIntColumnRanges)
} else {
err = newHistogramBySelectivity(sctx, node.ID, &oldCol.Histogram, &newCol.Histogram, splitRanges, coll.GetRowCountByColumnRanges)
if err != nil {
logutil.BgLogger().Warn("[Histogram-in-plan]: something wrong happened when calculating row count",
newCol.StatsLoadedStatus = oldCol.StatsLoadedStatus
newColl.Columns[node.ID] = newCol
for id, idx := range coll.Indices {
_, ok := newColl.Indices[id]
if !ok {
newColl.Indices[id] = idx
for id, col := range coll.Columns {
_, ok := newColl.Columns[id]
if !ok {
newColl.Columns[id] = col
return newColl
type dataCnt struct {
data []byte
cnt uint64
// GetIndexPrefixLens returns an array representing
func GetIndexPrefixLens(data []byte, numCols int) (prefixLens []int, err error) {
prefixLens = make([]int, 0, numCols)
var colData []byte
prefixLen := 0
for len(data) > 0 {
colData, data, err = codec.CutOne(data)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
prefixLen += len(colData)
prefixLens = append(prefixLens, prefixLen)
return prefixLens, nil
// ExtractTopN extracts topn from histogram.
func (hg *Histogram) ExtractTopN(cms *CMSketch, topN *TopN, numCols int, numTopN uint32) error {
if hg.Len() == 0 || cms == nil || numTopN == 0 {
return nil
dataSet := make(map[string]struct{}, hg.Bounds.NumRows())
dataCnts := make([]dataCnt, 0, hg.Bounds.NumRows())
// Set a limit on the frequency of boundary values to avoid extract values with low frequency.
limit := hg.notNullCount() / float64(hg.Len())
// Since our histogram are equal depth, they must occurs on the boundaries of buckets.
for i := 0; i < hg.Bounds.NumRows(); i++ {
data := hg.Bounds.GetRow(i).GetBytes(0)
prefixLens, err := GetIndexPrefixLens(data, numCols)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, prefixLen := range prefixLens {
prefixColData := data[:prefixLen]
_, ok := dataSet[string(prefixColData)]
if ok {
dataSet[string(prefixColData)] = struct{}{}
res := hg.BetweenRowCount(types.NewBytesDatum(prefixColData), types.NewBytesDatum(kv.Key(prefixColData).PrefixNext()))
if res >= limit {
dataCnts = append(dataCnts, dataCnt{prefixColData, uint64(res)})
sort.SliceStable(dataCnts, func(i, j int) bool { return dataCnts[i].cnt >= dataCnts[j].cnt })
if len(dataCnts) > int(numTopN) {
dataCnts = dataCnts[:numTopN]
topN.TopN = make([]TopNMeta, 0, len(dataCnts))
for _, dataCnt := range dataCnts {
h1, h2 := murmur3.Sum128(dataCnt.data)
realCnt := cms.queryHashValue(h1, h2)
cms.SubValue(h1, h2, realCnt)
topN.AppendTopN(dataCnt.data, realCnt)
return nil
// bucket4Merging is only used for merging partition hists to global hist.
type bucket4Merging struct {
lower *types.Datum
upper *types.Datum
// disjointNDV is used for merging bucket NDV, see mergeBucketNDV for more details.
disjointNDV int64
func newBucket4Meging() *bucket4Merging {
return &bucket4Merging{
lower: new(types.Datum),
upper: new(types.Datum),
Bucket: Bucket{
Repeat: 0,
NDV: 0,
Count: 0,
disjointNDV: 0,
// buildBucket4Merging builds bucket4Merging from Histogram
// Notice: Count in Histogram.Buckets is prefix sum but in bucket4Merging is not.
func (hg *Histogram) buildBucket4Merging() []*bucket4Merging {
buckets := make([]*bucket4Merging, 0, hg.Len())
for i := 0; i < hg.Len(); i++ {
b := newBucket4Meging()
b.Repeat = hg.Buckets[i].Repeat
b.NDV = hg.Buckets[i].NDV
b.Count = hg.Buckets[i].Count
if i != 0 {
b.Count -= hg.Buckets[i-1].Count
buckets = append(buckets, b)
return buckets
func (b *bucket4Merging) Clone() bucket4Merging {
return bucket4Merging{
lower: b.lower.Clone(),
upper: b.upper.Clone(),
Bucket: Bucket{
Repeat: b.Repeat,
Count: b.Count,
disjointNDV: b.disjointNDV,
// mergeBucketNDV merges bucket NDV from tow bucket `right` & `left`.
// Before merging, you need to make sure that when using (upper, lower) as the comparison key, `right` is greater than `left`
func mergeBucketNDV(sc *stmtctx.StatementContext, left *bucket4Merging, right *bucket4Merging) (*bucket4Merging, error) {
res := right.Clone()
if left.NDV == 0 {
return &res, nil
if right.NDV == 0 {
res.lower = left.lower.Clone()
res.upper = left.upper.Clone()
res.NDV = left.NDV
return &res, nil
upperCompare, err := right.upper.Compare(sc, left.upper, collate.GetBinaryCollator())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// __right__|
// _______left____|
// illegal order.
if upperCompare < 0 {
return nil, errors.Errorf("illegal bucket order")
// ___right_|
// ___left__|
// They have the same upper.
if upperCompare == 0 {
lowerCompare, err := right.lower.Compare(sc, left.lower, collate.GetBinaryCollator())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// |____right____|
// |__left____|
// illegal order.
if lowerCompare < 0 {
return nil, errors.Errorf("illegal bucket order")
// |___right___|
// |____left___|
// ndv = max(right.ndv, left.ndv)
if lowerCompare == 0 {
if left.NDV > right.NDV {
res.NDV = left.NDV
return &res, nil
// |_right_|
// |_____left______|
// |-ratio-|
// ndv = ratio * left.ndv + max((1-ratio) * left.ndv, right.ndv)
ratio := calcFraction4Datums(left.lower, left.upper, right.lower)
res.NDV = int64(ratio*float64(left.NDV) + math.Max((1-ratio)*float64(left.NDV), float64(right.NDV)))
res.lower = left.lower.Clone()
return &res, nil
// ____right___|
// ____left__|
// right.upper > left.upper
lowerCompareUpper, err := right.lower.Compare(sc, left.upper, collate.GetBinaryCollator())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// |_right_|
// |___left____|
// `left` and `right` do not intersect
// We add right.ndv in `disjointNDV`, and let `right.ndv = left.ndv` be used for subsequent merge.
// This is because, for the merging of many buckets, we merge them from back to front.
if lowerCompareUpper >= 0 {
res.upper = left.upper.Clone()
res.lower = left.lower.Clone()
res.disjointNDV += right.NDV
res.NDV = left.NDV
return &res, nil
upperRatio := calcFraction4Datums(right.lower, right.upper, left.upper)
lowerCompare, err := right.lower.Compare(sc, left.lower, collate.GetBinaryCollator())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// |-upperRatio-|
// |_______right_____|
// |_______left______________|
// |-lowerRatio-|
// ndv = lowerRatio * left.ndv
// + max((1-lowerRatio) * left.ndv, upperRatio * right.ndv)
// + (1-upperRatio) * right.ndv
if lowerCompare >= 0 {
lowerRatio := calcFraction4Datums(left.lower, left.upper, right.lower)
res.NDV = int64(lowerRatio*float64(left.NDV) +
math.Max((1-lowerRatio)*float64(left.NDV), upperRatio*float64(right.NDV)) +
res.lower = left.lower.Clone()
return &res, nil
// |------upperRatio--------|
// |-lowerRatio-|
// |____________right______________|
// |___left____|
// ndv = lowerRatio * right.ndv
// + max(left.ndv + (upperRatio - lowerRatio) * right.ndv)
// + (1-upperRatio) * right.ndv
lowerRatio := calcFraction4Datums(right.lower, right.upper, left.lower)
res.NDV = int64(lowerRatio*float64(right.NDV) +
math.Max(float64(left.NDV), (upperRatio-lowerRatio)*float64(right.NDV)) +
return &res, nil
// mergeParitionBuckets merges buckets[l...r) to one global bucket.
// global bucket:
// upper = buckets[r-1].upper
// count = sum of buckets[l...r).count
// repeat = sum of buckets[i] (buckets[i].upper == global bucket.upper && i in [l...r))
// ndv = merge bucket ndv from r-1 to l by mergeBucketNDV
// Notice: lower is not calculated here.
func mergePartitionBuckets(sc *stmtctx.StatementContext, buckets []*bucket4Merging) (*bucket4Merging, error) {
if len(buckets) == 0 {
return nil, errors.Errorf("not enough buckets to merge")
res := bucket4Merging{}
res.upper = buckets[len(buckets)-1].upper.Clone()
right := buckets[len(buckets)-1].Clone()
totNDV := int64(0)
for i := len(buckets) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
totNDV += buckets[i].NDV
res.Count += buckets[i].Count
compare, err := buckets[i].upper.Compare(sc, res.upper, collate.GetBinaryCollator())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if compare == 0 {
res.Repeat += buckets[i].Repeat
if i != len(buckets)-1 {
tmp, err := mergeBucketNDV(sc, buckets[i], &right)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
right = *tmp
res.NDV = right.NDV + right.disjointNDV
// since `mergeBucketNDV` is based on uniform and inclusion assumptions, it has the trend to under-estimate,
// and as the number of buckets increases, these assumptions become weak,
// so to mitigate this problem, a damping factor based on the number of buckets is introduced.
res.NDV = int64(float64(res.NDV) * math.Pow(1.15, float64(len(buckets)-1)))
if res.NDV > totNDV {
res.NDV = totNDV
return &res, nil
func (t *TopNMeta) buildBucket4Merging(d *types.Datum) *bucket4Merging {
res := newBucket4Meging()
res.lower = d.Clone()
res.upper = d.Clone()
res.Count = int64(t.Count)
res.Repeat = int64(t.Count)
res.NDV = int64(1)
return res
// MergePartitionHist2GlobalHist merges hists (partition-level Histogram) to a global-level Histogram
func MergePartitionHist2GlobalHist(sc *stmtctx.StatementContext, hists []*Histogram, popedTopN []TopNMeta, expBucketNumber int64, isIndex bool) (*Histogram, error) {
var totCount, totNull, bucketNumber, totColSize int64
if expBucketNumber == 0 {
return nil, errors.Errorf("expBucketNumber can not be zero")
// minValue is used to calc the bucket lower.
var minValue *types.Datum
for _, hist := range hists {
totColSize += hist.TotColSize
totNull += hist.NullCount
bucketNumber += int64(hist.Len())
if hist.Len() > 0 {
totCount += hist.Buckets[hist.Len()-1].Count
if minValue == nil {
minValue = hist.GetLower(0).Clone()
res, err := hist.GetLower(0).Compare(sc, minValue, collate.GetBinaryCollator())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if res < 0 {
minValue = hist.GetLower(0).Clone()
bucketNumber += int64(len(popedTopN))
buckets := make([]*bucket4Merging, 0, bucketNumber)
globalBuckets := make([]*bucket4Merging, 0, expBucketNumber)
// init `buckets`.
for _, hist := range hists {
buckets = append(buckets, hist.buildBucket4Merging()...)
for _, meta := range popedTopN {
totCount += int64(meta.Count)
var d types.Datum
if isIndex {
} else {
var err error
if types.IsTypeTime(hists[0].Tp.GetType()) {
// handle datetime values specially since they are encoded to int and we'll get int values if using DecodeOne.
_, d, err = codec.DecodeAsDateTime(meta.Encoded, hists[0].Tp.GetType(), sc.TimeZone)
} else if types.IsTypeFloat(hists[0].Tp.GetType()) {
_, d, err = codec.DecodeAsFloat32(meta.Encoded, hists[0].Tp.GetType())
} else {
_, d, err = codec.DecodeOne(meta.Encoded)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if minValue == nil {
minValue = d.Clone()
res, err := d.Compare(sc, minValue, collate.GetBinaryCollator())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if res < 0 {
minValue = d.Clone()
buckets = append(buckets, meta.buildBucket4Merging(&d))
// Remove empty buckets
tail := 0
for i := range buckets {
if buckets[i].Count != 0 {
buckets[tail] = buckets[i]
buckets = buckets[:tail]
var sortError error
slices.SortFunc(buckets, func(i, j *bucket4Merging) bool {
res, err := i.upper.Compare(sc, j.upper, collate.GetBinaryCollator())
if err != nil {
sortError = err
if res != 0 {
return res < 0
res, err = i.lower.Compare(sc, j.lower, collate.GetBinaryCollator())
if err != nil {
sortError = err
return res < 0
if sortError != nil {
return nil, sortError
var sum, prevSum int64
r, prevR := len(buckets), 0
bucketCount := int64(1)
gBucketCountThreshold := (totCount / expBucketNumber) * 80 / 100 // expectedBucketSize * 0.8
var bucketNDV int64
for i := len(buckets) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
sum += buckets[i].Count
bucketNDV += buckets[i].NDV
if sum >= totCount*bucketCount/expBucketNumber && sum-prevSum >= gBucketCountThreshold {
for ; i > 0; i-- { // if the buckets have the same upper, we merge them into the same new buckets.
res, err := buckets[i-1].upper.Compare(sc, buckets[i].upper, collate.GetBinaryCollator())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if res != 0 {
sum += buckets[i-1].Count
bucketNDV += buckets[i-1].NDV
merged, err := mergePartitionBuckets(sc, buckets[i:r])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
globalBuckets = append(globalBuckets, merged)
prevR = r
r = i
prevSum = sum
bucketNDV = 0
if r > 0 {
bucketSum := int64(0)
for _, b := range buckets[:r] {
bucketSum += b.Count
if len(globalBuckets) > 0 && bucketSum < gBucketCountThreshold { // merge them into the previous global bucket
r = prevR
globalBuckets = globalBuckets[:len(globalBuckets)-1]
merged, err := mergePartitionBuckets(sc, buckets[:r])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
globalBuckets = append(globalBuckets, merged)
// Because we merge backwards, we need to flip the slices.
for i, j := 0, len(globalBuckets)-1; i < j; i, j = i+1, j-1 {
globalBuckets[i], globalBuckets[j] = globalBuckets[j], globalBuckets[i]
// Calc the bucket lower.
if minValue == nil || len(globalBuckets) == 0 { // both hists and popedTopN are empty, returns an empty hist in this case
return NewHistogram(hists[0].ID, 0, totNull, hists[0].LastUpdateVersion, hists[0].Tp, len(globalBuckets), totColSize), nil
globalBuckets[0].lower = minValue.Clone()
for i := 1; i < len(globalBuckets); i++ {
if globalBuckets[i].NDV == 1 { // there is only 1 value so lower = upper
globalBuckets[i].lower = globalBuckets[i].upper.Clone()
} else {
globalBuckets[i].lower = globalBuckets[i-1].upper.Clone()
globalBuckets[i].Count = globalBuckets[i].Count + globalBuckets[i-1].Count
// Recalculate repeats
// TODO: optimize it later since it's a simple but not the fastest implementation whose complexity is O(nBkt * nHist * log(nBkt))
for _, bucket := range globalBuckets {
var repeat float64
for _, hist := range hists {
histRowCount, _ := hist.equalRowCount(*bucket.upper, isIndex)
repeat += histRowCount // only hists of indexes have bucket.NDV
if int64(repeat) > bucket.Repeat {
bucket.Repeat = int64(repeat)
globalHist := NewHistogram(hists[0].ID, 0, totNull, hists[0].LastUpdateVersion, hists[0].Tp, len(globalBuckets), totColSize)
for _, bucket := range globalBuckets {
if !isIndex {
bucket.NDV = 0 // bucket.NDV is not maintained for column histograms
globalHist.AppendBucketWithNDV(bucket.lower, bucket.upper, bucket.Count, bucket.Repeat, bucket.NDV)
return globalHist, nil
const (
allLoaded = iota
// StatsLoadedStatus indicates the status of statistics
type StatsLoadedStatus struct {
statsInitialized bool
evictedStatus int
// NewStatsFullLoadStatus returns the status that the column/index fully loaded
func NewStatsFullLoadStatus() StatsLoadedStatus {
return StatsLoadedStatus{
statsInitialized: true,
evictedStatus: allLoaded,
// NewStatsAllEvictedStatus returns the status that only loads count/nullCount/NDV and doesn't load CMSketch/TopN/Histogram.
// When we load table stats, column stats is in allEvicted status by default. CMSketch/TopN/Histogram of column is only
// loaded when we really need column stats.
func NewStatsAllEvictedStatus() StatsLoadedStatus {
return StatsLoadedStatus{
statsInitialized: true,
evictedStatus: allEvicted,
// IsStatsInitialized indicates whether the column/index's statistics was loaded from storage before.
// Note that `IsStatsInitialized` only can be set in initializing
func (s StatsLoadedStatus) IsStatsInitialized() bool {
return s.statsInitialized
// IsLoadNeeded indicates whether it needs load statistics during LoadNeededHistograms or sync stats
// If the column/index was loaded and any statistics of it is evicting, it also needs re-load statistics.
func (s StatsLoadedStatus) IsLoadNeeded() bool {
if s.statsInitialized {
return s.evictedStatus > allLoaded
return true
// IsEssentialStatsLoaded indicates whether the essential statistics is loaded.
// If the column/index was loaded, and at least histogram and topN still exists, the necessary statistics is still loaded.
func (s StatsLoadedStatus) IsEssentialStatsLoaded() bool {
return s.statsInitialized && (s.evictedStatus < allEvicted)
// IsCMSEvicted indicates whether the cms got evicted now.
func (s StatsLoadedStatus) IsCMSEvicted() bool {
return s.statsInitialized && s.evictedStatus >= onlyCmsEvicted
// IsTopNEvicted indicates whether the topn got evicted now.
func (s StatsLoadedStatus) IsTopNEvicted() bool {
return s.statsInitialized && s.evictedStatus >= onlyHistRemained
// IsAllEvicted indicates whether all the stats got evicted or not.
func (s StatsLoadedStatus) IsAllEvicted() bool {
return s.statsInitialized && s.evictedStatus >= allEvicted
// IsFullLoad indicates whether the stats are full loaded
func (s StatsLoadedStatus) IsFullLoad() bool {
return s.statsInitialized && s.evictedStatus == allLoaded
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