tidb index 源码
tidb index 代码
// Copyright 2022 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package statistics
import (
// Index represents an index histogram.
type Index struct {
CMSketch *CMSketch
TopN *TopN
FMSketch *FMSketch
StatsVer int64 // StatsVer is the version of the current stats, used to maintain compatibility
Info *model.IndexInfo
Flag int64
LastAnalyzePos types.Datum
PhysicalID int64
// ItemID implements TableCacheItem
func (idx *Index) ItemID() int64 {
return idx.Info.ID
// IsAllEvicted indicates whether all stats evicted
func (idx *Index) IsAllEvicted() bool {
return idx.statsInitialized && idx.evictedStatus >= allEvicted
func (idx *Index) dropCMS() {
idx.CMSketch = nil
idx.evictedStatus = onlyCmsEvicted
func (idx *Index) dropHist() {
idx.Histogram.Bounds = chunk.NewChunkWithCapacity([]*types.FieldType{types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeBlob)}, 0)
idx.Histogram.Buckets = make([]Bucket, 0)
idx.Histogram.scalars = make([]scalar, 0)
idx.evictedStatus = allEvicted
func (idx *Index) dropTopN() {
originTopNNum := int64(idx.TopN.Num())
idx.TopN = nil
if len(idx.Histogram.Buckets) == 0 && originTopNNum >= idx.Histogram.NDV {
// This indicates index has topn instead of histogram
idx.evictedStatus = allEvicted
} else {
idx.evictedStatus = onlyHistRemained
func (idx *Index) getEvictedStatus() int {
return idx.evictedStatus
func (idx *Index) isStatsInitialized() bool {
return idx.statsInitialized
func (idx *Index) statsVer() int64 {
return idx.StatsVer
func (idx *Index) isCMSExist() bool {
return idx.CMSketch != nil
// IsEvicted returns whether index statistics got evicted
func (idx *Index) IsEvicted() bool {
return idx.evictedStatus != allLoaded
func (idx *Index) String() string {
return idx.Histogram.ToString(len(idx.Info.Columns))
// TotalRowCount returns the total count of this index.
func (idx *Index) TotalRowCount() float64 {
if idx.StatsVer >= Version2 {
return idx.Histogram.TotalRowCount() + float64(idx.TopN.TotalCount())
return idx.Histogram.TotalRowCount()
// IsInvalid checks if this index is invalid.
func (idx *Index) IsInvalid(collPseudo bool) bool {
if !collPseudo {
return (collPseudo && idx.ErrorRate.NotAccurate()) || idx.TotalRowCount() == 0
// EvictAllStats evicts all stats
// Note that this function is only used for test
func (idx *Index) EvictAllStats() {
idx.Histogram.Buckets = nil
idx.CMSketch = nil
idx.TopN = nil
idx.StatsLoadedStatus.evictedStatus = allEvicted
// MemoryUsage returns the total memory usage of a Histogram and CMSketch in Index.
// We ignore the size of other metadata in Index.
func (idx *Index) MemoryUsage() CacheItemMemoryUsage {
var sum int64
indexMemUsage := &IndexMemUsage{
IndexID: idx.Info.ID,
histMemUsage := idx.Histogram.MemoryUsage()
indexMemUsage.HistogramMemUsage = histMemUsage
sum = histMemUsage
if idx.CMSketch != nil {
cmSketchMemUsage := idx.CMSketch.MemoryUsage()
indexMemUsage.CMSketchMemUsage = cmSketchMemUsage
sum += cmSketchMemUsage
if idx.TopN != nil {
topnMemUsage := idx.TopN.MemoryUsage()
indexMemUsage.TopNMemUsage = topnMemUsage
sum += topnMemUsage
indexMemUsage.TotalMemUsage = sum
return indexMemUsage
var nullKeyBytes, _ = codec.EncodeKey(nil, nil, types.NewDatum(nil))
func (idx *Index) equalRowCount(b []byte, realtimeRowCount int64) float64 {
if len(idx.Info.Columns) == 1 {
if bytes.Equal(b, nullKeyBytes) {
return float64(idx.Histogram.NullCount)
val := types.NewBytesDatum(b)
if idx.StatsVer < Version2 {
if idx.Histogram.NDV > 0 && idx.outOfRange(val) {
return outOfRangeEQSelectivity(idx.Histogram.NDV, realtimeRowCount, int64(idx.TotalRowCount())) * idx.TotalRowCount()
if idx.CMSketch != nil {
return float64(idx.QueryBytes(b))
histRowCount, _ := idx.Histogram.equalRowCount(val, false)
return histRowCount
// stats version == 2
// 1. try to find this value in TopN
if idx.TopN != nil {
count, found := idx.TopN.QueryTopN(b)
if found {
return float64(count)
// 2. try to find this value in bucket.Repeat(the last value in every bucket)
histCnt, matched := idx.Histogram.equalRowCount(val, true)
if matched {
return histCnt
// 3. use uniform distribution assumption for the rest (even when this value is not covered by the range of stats)
histNDV := float64(idx.Histogram.NDV - int64(idx.TopN.Num()))
if histNDV <= 0 {
return 0
return idx.Histogram.notNullCount() / histNDV
// QueryBytes is used to query the count of specified bytes.
func (idx *Index) QueryBytes(d []byte) uint64 {
h1, h2 := murmur3.Sum128(d)
if idx.TopN != nil {
if count, ok := idx.TopN.QueryTopN(d); ok {
return count
if idx.CMSketch != nil {
return idx.CMSketch.queryHashValue(h1, h2)
v, _ := idx.Histogram.equalRowCount(types.NewBytesDatum(d), idx.StatsVer >= Version2)
return uint64(v)
// GetRowCount returns the row count of the given ranges.
// It uses the modifyCount to adjust the influence of modifications on the table.
func (idx *Index) GetRowCount(sctx sessionctx.Context, coll *HistColl, indexRanges []*ranger.Range, realtimeRowCount int64) (float64, error) {
sc := sctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx
totalCount := float64(0)
isSingleCol := len(idx.Info.Columns) == 1
for _, indexRange := range indexRanges {
lb, err := codec.EncodeKey(sc, nil, indexRange.LowVal...)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
rb, err := codec.EncodeKey(sc, nil, indexRange.HighVal...)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
fullLen := len(indexRange.LowVal) == len(indexRange.HighVal) && len(indexRange.LowVal) == len(idx.Info.Columns)
if bytes.Equal(lb, rb) {
// case 1: it's a point
if indexRange.LowExclude || indexRange.HighExclude {
if fullLen {
// At most 1 in this case.
if idx.Info.Unique {
count := idx.equalRowCount(lb, realtimeRowCount)
// If the current table row count has changed, we should scale the row count accordingly.
count *= idx.GetIncreaseFactor(realtimeRowCount)
totalCount += count
// case 2: it's an interval
// The final interval is [low, high)
if indexRange.LowExclude {
lb = kv.Key(lb).PrefixNext()
if !indexRange.HighExclude {
rb = kv.Key(rb).PrefixNext()
l := types.NewBytesDatum(lb)
r := types.NewBytesDatum(rb)
lowIsNull := bytes.Equal(lb, nullKeyBytes)
if isSingleCol && lowIsNull {
totalCount += float64(idx.Histogram.NullCount)
expBackoffSuccess := false
// Due to the limitation of calcFraction and convertDatumToScalar, the histogram actually won't estimate anything.
// If the first column's range is point.
if rangePosition := GetOrdinalOfRangeCond(sc, indexRange); rangePosition > 0 && idx.StatsVer >= Version2 && coll != nil {
var expBackoffSel float64
expBackoffSel, expBackoffSuccess, err = idx.expBackoffEstimation(sctx, coll, indexRange)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if expBackoffSuccess {
expBackoffCnt := expBackoffSel * idx.TotalRowCount()
upperLimit := expBackoffCnt
// Use the multi-column stats to calculate the max possible row count of [l, r)
if idx.Histogram.Len() > 0 {
_, lowerBkt, _, _ := idx.Histogram.locateBucket(l)
_, upperBkt, _, _ := idx.Histogram.locateBucket(r)
// Use Count of the Bucket before l as the lower bound.
preCount := float64(0)
if lowerBkt > 0 {
preCount = float64(idx.Histogram.Buckets[lowerBkt-1].Count)
// Use Count of the Bucket where r exists as the upper bound.
upperCnt := float64(idx.Histogram.Buckets[upperBkt].Count)
upperLimit = upperCnt - preCount
upperLimit += float64(idx.TopN.BetweenCount(lb, rb))
// If the result of exponential backoff strategy is larger than the result from multi-column stats,
// use the upper limit from multi-column histogram instead.
if expBackoffCnt > upperLimit {
expBackoffCnt = upperLimit
totalCount += expBackoffCnt
if !expBackoffSuccess {
totalCount += idx.BetweenRowCount(l, r)
// If the current table row count has changed, we should scale the row count accordingly.
totalCount *= idx.GetIncreaseFactor(realtimeRowCount)
// handling the out-of-range part
if (idx.outOfRange(l) && !(isSingleCol && lowIsNull)) || idx.outOfRange(r) {
increaseCount := realtimeRowCount - int64(idx.TotalRowCount())
if increaseCount < 0 {
increaseCount = 0
totalCount += idx.Histogram.outOfRangeRowCount(&l, &r, increaseCount)
totalCount = mathutil.Clamp(totalCount, 0, float64(realtimeRowCount))
return totalCount, nil
// expBackoffEstimation estimate the multi-col cases following the Exponential Backoff. See comment below for details.
func (idx *Index) expBackoffEstimation(sctx sessionctx.Context, coll *HistColl, indexRange *ranger.Range) (float64, bool, error) {
tmpRan := []*ranger.Range{
LowVal: make([]types.Datum, 1),
HighVal: make([]types.Datum, 1),
Collators: make([]collate.Collator, 1),
colsIDs := coll.Idx2ColumnIDs[idx.Histogram.ID]
singleColumnEstResults := make([]float64, 0, len(indexRange.LowVal))
// The following codes uses Exponential Backoff to reduce the impact of independent assumption. It works like:
// 1. Calc the selectivity of each column.
// 2. Sort them and choose the first 4 most selective filter and the corresponding selectivity is sel_1, sel_2, sel_3, sel_4 where i < j => sel_i < sel_j.
// 3. The final selectivity would be sel_1 * sel_2^{1/2} * sel_3^{1/4} * sel_4^{1/8}.
// This calculation reduced the independence assumption and can work well better than it.
for i := 0; i < len(indexRange.LowVal); i++ {
tmpRan[0].LowVal[0] = indexRange.LowVal[i]
tmpRan[0].HighVal[0] = indexRange.HighVal[i]
tmpRan[0].Collators[0] = indexRange.Collators[0]
if i == len(indexRange.LowVal)-1 {
tmpRan[0].LowExclude = indexRange.LowExclude
tmpRan[0].HighExclude = indexRange.HighExclude
colID := colsIDs[i]
var (
count float64
err error
if anotherIdxID, ok := coll.ColID2IdxID[colID]; ok && anotherIdxID != idx.Histogram.ID {
count, err = coll.GetRowCountByIndexRanges(sctx, anotherIdxID, tmpRan)
} else if col, ok := coll.Columns[colID]; ok && !col.IsInvalid(sctx, coll.Pseudo) {
count, err = coll.GetRowCountByColumnRanges(sctx, colID, tmpRan)
} else {
if err != nil {
return 0, false, err
singleColumnEstResults = append(singleColumnEstResults, count)
// Sort them.
l := len(singleColumnEstResults)
// Convert the first 4 to selectivity results.
for i := 0; i < l && i < 4; i++ {
singleColumnEstResults[i] = singleColumnEstResults[i] / float64(coll.Count)
failpoint.Inject("cleanEstResults", func() {
singleColumnEstResults = singleColumnEstResults[:0]
l = 0
if l == 1 {
return singleColumnEstResults[0], true, nil
} else if l == 2 {
return singleColumnEstResults[0] * math.Sqrt(singleColumnEstResults[1]), true, nil
} else if l == 3 {
return singleColumnEstResults[0] * math.Sqrt(singleColumnEstResults[1]) * math.Sqrt(math.Sqrt(singleColumnEstResults[2])), true, nil
} else if l == 0 {
return 0, false, nil
return singleColumnEstResults[0] * math.Sqrt(singleColumnEstResults[1]) * math.Sqrt(math.Sqrt(singleColumnEstResults[2])) * math.Sqrt(math.Sqrt(math.Sqrt(singleColumnEstResults[3]))), true, nil
func (idx *Index) checkStats() {
if idx.IsFullLoad() {
HistogramNeededItems.insert(model.TableItemID{TableID: idx.PhysicalID, ID: idx.Info.ID, IsIndex: true})
func (idx *Index) newIndexBySelectivity(sc *stmtctx.StatementContext, statsNode *StatsNode) (*Index, error) {
var (
ranLowEncode, ranHighEncode []byte
err error
newIndexHist := &Index{Info: idx.Info, StatsVer: idx.StatsVer, CMSketch: idx.CMSketch, PhysicalID: idx.PhysicalID}
newIndexHist.Histogram = *NewHistogram(idx.Histogram.ID, int64(float64(idx.Histogram.NDV)*statsNode.Selectivity), 0, 0, types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeBlob), chunk.InitialCapacity, 0)
lowBucketIdx, highBucketIdx := 0, 0
var totCnt int64
// Bucket bound of index is encoded one, so we need to decode it if we want to calculate the fraction accurately.
// TODO: enhance its calculation.
// Now just remove the bucket that no range fell in.
for _, ran := range statsNode.Ranges {
lowBucketIdx = highBucketIdx
ranLowEncode, ranHighEncode, err = ran.Encode(sc, ranLowEncode, ranHighEncode)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for ; highBucketIdx < idx.Histogram.Len(); highBucketIdx++ {
// Encoded value can only go to its next quickly. So ranHighEncode is actually range.HighVal's PrefixNext value.
// So the Bound should also go to its PrefixNext.
bucketLowerEncoded := idx.Histogram.Bounds.GetRow(highBucketIdx * 2).GetBytes(0)
if bytes.Compare(ranHighEncode, kv.Key(bucketLowerEncoded).PrefixNext()) < 0 {
for ; lowBucketIdx < highBucketIdx; lowBucketIdx++ {
bucketUpperEncoded := idx.Histogram.Bounds.GetRow(lowBucketIdx*2 + 1).GetBytes(0)
if bytes.Compare(ranLowEncode, bucketUpperEncoded) <= 0 {
if lowBucketIdx >= idx.Histogram.Len() {
for i := lowBucketIdx; i < highBucketIdx; i++ {
newIndexHist.Histogram.Bounds.AppendRow(idx.Histogram.Bounds.GetRow(i * 2))
newIndexHist.Histogram.Bounds.AppendRow(idx.Histogram.Bounds.GetRow(i*2 + 1))
totCnt += idx.Histogram.bucketCount(i)
newIndexHist.Histogram.Buckets = append(newIndexHist.Histogram.Buckets, Bucket{Repeat: idx.Histogram.Buckets[i].Repeat, Count: totCnt})
newIndexHist.Histogram.scalars = append(newIndexHist.Histogram.scalars, idx.Histogram.scalars[i])
return newIndexHist, nil
func (idx *Index) outOfRange(val types.Datum) bool {
if !idx.Histogram.outOfRange(val) {
return false
if idx.Histogram.Len() > 0 && matchPrefix(idx.Histogram.Bounds.GetRow(0), 0, &val) {
return false
return true
// GetIncreaseFactor get the increase factor to adjust the final estimated count when the table is modified.
func (idx *Index) GetIncreaseFactor(realtimeRowCount int64) float64 {
columnCount := idx.TotalRowCount()
if columnCount == 0 {
return 1.0
return float64(realtimeRowCount) / columnCount
// BetweenRowCount estimates the row count for interval [l, r).
func (idx *Index) BetweenRowCount(l, r types.Datum) float64 {
histBetweenCnt := idx.Histogram.BetweenRowCount(l, r)
if idx.StatsVer == Version1 {
return histBetweenCnt
return float64(idx.TopN.BetweenCount(l.GetBytes(), r.GetBytes())) + histBetweenCnt
// matchPrefix checks whether ad is the prefix of value
func matchPrefix(row chunk.Row, colIdx int, ad *types.Datum) bool {
switch ad.Kind() {
case types.KindString, types.KindBytes, types.KindBinaryLiteral, types.KindMysqlBit:
return strings.HasPrefix(row.GetString(colIdx), ad.GetString())
return false
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