tidb cmsketch 源码
tidb cmsketch 代码
// Copyright 2017 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package statistics
import (
// topNThreshold is the minimum ratio of the number of topn elements in CMSketch, 10 means 1 / 10 = 10%.
const topNThreshold = uint64(10)
// CMSketch is used to estimate point queries.
// Refer: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Count-min_sketch
type CMSketch struct {
depth int32
width int32
count uint64 // TopN is not counted in count
defaultValue uint64 // In sampled data, if cmsketch returns a small value (less than avg value / 2), then this will returned.
table [][]uint32
// NewCMSketch returns a new CM sketch.
func NewCMSketch(d, w int32) *CMSketch {
tbl := make([][]uint32, d)
// Background: The Go's memory allocator will ask caller to sweep spans in some scenarios.
// This can cause memory allocation request latency unpredictable, if the list of spans which need sweep is too long.
// For memory allocation large than 32K, the allocator will never allocate memory from spans list.
// The memory referenced by the CMSketch will never be freed.
// If the number of table or index is extremely large, there will be a large amount of spans in global list.
// The default value of `d` is 5 and `w` is 2048, if we use a single slice for them the size will be 40K.
// This allocation will be handled by mheap and will never have impact on normal allocations.
arena := make([]uint32, d*w)
for i := range tbl {
tbl[i] = arena[i*int(w) : (i+1)*int(w)]
return &CMSketch{depth: d, width: w, table: tbl}
// topNHelper wraps some variables used when building cmsketch with top n.
type topNHelper struct {
sampleSize uint64
sorted []dataCnt
onlyOnceItems uint64
sumTopN uint64
actualNumTop uint32
func newTopNHelper(sample [][]byte, numTop uint32) *topNHelper {
counter := make(map[hack.MutableString]uint64, len(sample))
for i := range sample {
sorted, onlyOnceItems := make([]dataCnt, 0, len(counter)), uint64(0)
for key, cnt := range counter {
sorted = append(sorted, dataCnt{hack.Slice(string(key)), cnt})
if cnt == 1 {
sort.SliceStable(sorted, func(i, j int) bool { return sorted[i].cnt > sorted[j].cnt })
var (
sumTopN uint64
sampleNDV = uint32(len(sorted))
numTop = mathutil.Min(sampleNDV, numTop) // Ensure numTop no larger than sampNDV.
// Only element whose frequency is not smaller than 2/3 multiples the
// frequency of the n-th element are added to the TopN statistics. We chose
// 2/3 as an empirical value because the average cardinality estimation
// error is relatively small compared with 1/2.
var actualNumTop uint32
for ; actualNumTop < sampleNDV && actualNumTop < numTop*2; actualNumTop++ {
if actualNumTop >= numTop && sorted[actualNumTop].cnt*3 < sorted[numTop-1].cnt*2 {
if sorted[actualNumTop].cnt == 1 {
sumTopN += sorted[actualNumTop].cnt
return &topNHelper{uint64(len(sample)), sorted, onlyOnceItems, sumTopN, actualNumTop}
// NewCMSketchAndTopN returns a new CM sketch with TopN elements, the estimate NDV and the scale ratio.
func NewCMSketchAndTopN(d, w int32, sample [][]byte, numTop uint32, rowCount uint64) (*CMSketch, *TopN, uint64, uint64) {
if rowCount == 0 || len(sample) == 0 {
return nil, nil, 0, 0
helper := newTopNHelper(sample, numTop)
// rowCount is not a accurate value when fast analyzing
// In some cases, if user triggers fast analyze when rowCount is close to sampleSize, unexpected bahavior might happen.
rowCount = mathutil.Max(rowCount, uint64(len(sample)))
estimateNDV, scaleRatio := calculateEstimateNDV(helper, rowCount)
defaultVal := calculateDefaultVal(helper, estimateNDV, scaleRatio, rowCount)
c, t := buildCMSAndTopN(helper, d, w, scaleRatio, defaultVal)
return c, t, estimateNDV, scaleRatio
func buildCMSAndTopN(helper *topNHelper, d, w int32, scaleRatio uint64, defaultVal uint64) (c *CMSketch, t *TopN) {
c = NewCMSketch(d, w)
enableTopN := helper.sampleSize/topNThreshold <= helper.sumTopN
if enableTopN {
t = NewTopN(int(helper.actualNumTop))
for i := uint32(0); i < helper.actualNumTop; i++ {
data, cnt := helper.sorted[i].data, helper.sorted[i].cnt
t.AppendTopN(data, cnt*scaleRatio)
helper.sorted = helper.sorted[helper.actualNumTop:]
c.defaultValue = defaultVal
for i := range helper.sorted {
data, cnt := helper.sorted[i].data, helper.sorted[i].cnt
// If the value only occurred once in the sample, we assumes that there is no difference with
// value that does not occurred in the sample.
rowCount := defaultVal
if cnt > 1 {
rowCount = cnt * scaleRatio
c.InsertBytesByCount(data, rowCount)
func calculateDefaultVal(helper *topNHelper, estimateNDV, scaleRatio, rowCount uint64) uint64 {
sampleNDV := uint64(len(helper.sorted))
if rowCount <= (helper.sampleSize-helper.onlyOnceItems)*scaleRatio {
return 1
estimateRemainingCount := rowCount - (helper.sampleSize-helper.onlyOnceItems)*scaleRatio
return estimateRemainingCount / mathutil.Max(1, estimateNDV-sampleNDV+helper.onlyOnceItems)
// MemoryUsage returns the total memory usage of a CMSketch.
// only calc the hashtable size(CMSketch.table) and the CMSketch.topN
// data are not tracked because size of CMSketch.topN take little influence
// We ignore the size of other metadata in CMSketch.
func (c *CMSketch) MemoryUsage() (sum int64) {
if c == nil {
sum = int64(c.depth * c.width * 4)
// InsertBytes inserts the bytes value into the CM Sketch.
func (c *CMSketch) InsertBytes(bytes []byte) {
c.InsertBytesByCount(bytes, 1)
// InsertBytesByCount adds the bytes value into the TopN (if value already in TopN) or CM Sketch by delta, this does not updates c.defaultValue.
func (c *CMSketch) InsertBytesByCount(bytes []byte, count uint64) {
h1, h2 := murmur3.Sum128(bytes)
c.count += count
for i := range c.table {
j := (h1 + h2*uint64(i)) % uint64(c.width)
c.table[i][j] += uint32(count)
func (c *CMSketch) considerDefVal(cnt uint64) bool {
return (cnt == 0 || (cnt > c.defaultValue && cnt < 2*(c.count/uint64(c.width)))) && c.defaultValue > 0
func updateValueBytes(c *CMSketch, t *TopN, d []byte, count uint64) {
h1, h2 := murmur3.Sum128(d)
if oriCount, ok := t.QueryTopN(d); ok {
if count > oriCount {
t.updateTopNWithDelta(d, count-oriCount, true)
} else {
t.updateTopNWithDelta(d, oriCount-count, false)
c.setValue(h1, h2, count)
// setValue sets the count for value that hashed into (h1, h2), and update defaultValue if necessary.
func (c *CMSketch) setValue(h1, h2 uint64, count uint64) {
oriCount := c.queryHashValue(h1, h2)
if c.considerDefVal(oriCount) {
// We should update c.defaultValue if we used c.defaultValue when getting the estimate count.
// This should make estimation better, remove this line if it does not work as expected.
c.defaultValue = uint64(float64(c.defaultValue)*0.95 + float64(c.defaultValue)*0.05)
if c.defaultValue == 0 {
// c.defaultValue never guess 0 since we are using a sampled data.
c.defaultValue = 1
c.count += count - oriCount
// let it overflow naturally
deltaCount := uint32(count) - uint32(oriCount)
for i := range c.table {
j := (h1 + h2*uint64(i)) % uint64(c.width)
c.table[i][j] = c.table[i][j] + deltaCount
// SubValue remove a value from the CMSketch.
func (c *CMSketch) SubValue(h1, h2 uint64, count uint64) {
c.count -= count
for i := range c.table {
j := (h1 + h2*uint64(i)) % uint64(c.width)
c.table[i][j] = c.table[i][j] - uint32(count)
func queryValue(sc *stmtctx.StatementContext, c *CMSketch, t *TopN, val types.Datum) (uint64, error) {
bytes, err := tablecodec.EncodeValue(sc, nil, val)
if err != nil {
return 0, errors.Trace(err)
h1, h2 := murmur3.Sum128(bytes)
if ret, ok := t.QueryTopN(bytes); ok {
return ret, nil
return c.queryHashValue(h1, h2), nil
// QueryBytes is used to query the count of specified bytes.
func (c *CMSketch) QueryBytes(d []byte) uint64 {
failpoint.Inject("mockQueryBytesMaxUint64", func(val failpoint.Value) {
h1, h2 := murmur3.Sum128(d)
return c.queryHashValue(h1, h2)
func (c *CMSketch) queryHashValue(h1, h2 uint64) uint64 {
vals := make([]uint32, c.depth)
min := uint32(math.MaxUint32)
// We want that when res is 0 before the noise is eliminated, the default value is not used.
// So we need a temp value to distinguish before and after eliminating noise.
temp := uint32(1)
for i := range c.table {
j := (h1 + h2*uint64(i)) % uint64(c.width)
if min > c.table[i][j] {
min = c.table[i][j]
noise := (c.count - uint64(c.table[i][j])) / (uint64(c.width) - 1)
if uint64(c.table[i][j]) == 0 {
vals[i] = 0
} else if uint64(c.table[i][j]) < noise {
vals[i] = temp
} else {
vals[i] = c.table[i][j] - uint32(noise) + temp
res := vals[(c.depth-1)/2] + (vals[c.depth/2]-vals[(c.depth-1)/2])/2
if res > min+temp {
res = min + temp
if res == 0 {
return uint64(0)
res = res - temp
if c.considerDefVal(uint64(res)) {
return c.defaultValue
return uint64(res)
// MergeTopNAndUpdateCMSketch merges the src TopN into the dst, and spilled values will be inserted into the CMSketch.
func MergeTopNAndUpdateCMSketch(dst, src *TopN, c *CMSketch, numTop uint32) []TopNMeta {
topNs := []*TopN{src, dst}
mergedTopN, popedTopNPair := MergeTopN(topNs, numTop)
if mergedTopN == nil {
// mergedTopN == nil means the total count of the input TopN are equal to zero
return popedTopNPair
dst.TopN = mergedTopN.TopN
for _, topNMeta := range popedTopNPair {
c.InsertBytesByCount(topNMeta.Encoded, topNMeta.Count)
return popedTopNPair
// MergeCMSketch merges two CM Sketch.
func (c *CMSketch) MergeCMSketch(rc *CMSketch) error {
if c == nil || rc == nil {
return nil
if c.depth != rc.depth || c.width != rc.width {
return errors.New("Dimensions of Count-Min Sketch should be the same")
c.count += rc.count
for i := range c.table {
for j := range c.table[i] {
c.table[i][j] += rc.table[i][j]
return nil
// MergeCMSketch4IncrementalAnalyze merges two CM Sketch for incremental analyze. Since there is no value
// that appears partially in `c` and `rc` for incremental analyze, it uses `max` to merge them.
// Here is a simple proof: when we query from the CM sketch, we use the `min` to get the answer:
// (1): For values that only appears in `c, using `max` to merge them affects the `min` query result less than using `sum`;
// (2): For values that only appears in `rc`, it is the same as condition (1);
// (3): For values that appears both in `c` and `rc`, if they do not appear partially in `c` and `rc`, for example,
// if `v` appears 5 times in the table, it can appears 5 times in `c` and 3 times in `rc`, then `max` also gives the correct answer.
// So in fact, if we can know the number of appearances of each value in the first place, it is better to use `max` to construct the CM sketch rather than `sum`.
func (c *CMSketch) MergeCMSketch4IncrementalAnalyze(rc *CMSketch, numTopN uint32) error {
if c.depth != rc.depth || c.width != rc.width {
return errors.New("Dimensions of Count-Min Sketch should be the same")
for i := range c.table {
c.count = 0
for j := range c.table[i] {
c.table[i][j] = mathutil.Max(c.table[i][j], rc.table[i][j])
c.count += uint64(c.table[i][j])
return nil
// CMSketchToProto converts CMSketch to its protobuf representation.
func CMSketchToProto(c *CMSketch, topn *TopN) *tipb.CMSketch {
protoSketch := &tipb.CMSketch{}
if c != nil {
protoSketch.Rows = make([]*tipb.CMSketchRow, c.depth)
for i := range c.table {
protoSketch.Rows[i] = &tipb.CMSketchRow{Counters: make([]uint32, c.width)}
copy(protoSketch.Rows[i].Counters, c.table[i])
protoSketch.DefaultValue = c.defaultValue
if topn != nil {
for _, dataMeta := range topn.TopN {
protoSketch.TopN = append(protoSketch.TopN, &tipb.CMSketchTopN{Data: dataMeta.Encoded, Count: dataMeta.Count})
return protoSketch
// CMSketchAndTopNFromProto converts CMSketch and TopN from its protobuf representation.
func CMSketchAndTopNFromProto(protoSketch *tipb.CMSketch) (*CMSketch, *TopN) {
if protoSketch == nil {
return nil, nil
retTopN := TopNFromProto(protoSketch.TopN)
if len(protoSketch.Rows) == 0 {
return nil, retTopN
c := NewCMSketch(int32(len(protoSketch.Rows)), int32(len(protoSketch.Rows[0].Counters)))
for i, row := range protoSketch.Rows {
c.count = 0
for j, counter := range row.Counters {
c.table[i][j] = counter
c.count = c.count + uint64(counter)
c.defaultValue = protoSketch.DefaultValue
return c, retTopN
// TopNFromProto converts TopN from its protobuf representation.
func TopNFromProto(protoTopN []*tipb.CMSketchTopN) *TopN {
if len(protoTopN) == 0 {
return nil
topN := NewTopN(32)
for _, e := range protoTopN {
d := make([]byte, len(e.Data))
copy(d, e.Data)
topN.AppendTopN(d, e.Count)
return topN
// EncodeCMSketchWithoutTopN encodes the given CMSketch to byte slice.
// Note that it does not include the topN.
func EncodeCMSketchWithoutTopN(c *CMSketch) ([]byte, error) {
if c == nil {
return nil, nil
p := CMSketchToProto(c, nil)
p.TopN = nil
protoData, err := p.Marshal()
return protoData, err
// DecodeCMSketchAndTopN decode a CMSketch from the given byte slice.
func DecodeCMSketchAndTopN(data []byte, topNRows []chunk.Row) (*CMSketch, *TopN, error) {
if data == nil && len(topNRows) == 0 {
return nil, nil, nil
pbTopN := make([]*tipb.CMSketchTopN, 0, len(topNRows))
for _, row := range topNRows {
data := make([]byte, len(row.GetBytes(0)))
copy(data, row.GetBytes(0))
pbTopN = append(pbTopN, &tipb.CMSketchTopN{
Data: data,
Count: row.GetUint64(1),
if len(data) == 0 {
return nil, TopNFromProto(pbTopN), nil
p := &tipb.CMSketch{}
err := p.Unmarshal(data)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, errors.Trace(err)
p.TopN = pbTopN
cm, topN := CMSketchAndTopNFromProto(p)
return cm, topN, nil
// TotalCount returns the total count in the sketch, it is only used for test.
func (c *CMSketch) TotalCount() uint64 {
if c == nil {
return 0
return c.count
// Equal tests if two CM Sketch equal, it is only used for test.
func (c *CMSketch) Equal(rc *CMSketch) bool {
return reflect.DeepEqual(c, rc)
// Copy makes a copy for current CMSketch.
func (c *CMSketch) Copy() *CMSketch {
if c == nil {
return nil
tbl := make([][]uint32, c.depth)
for i := range tbl {
tbl[i] = make([]uint32, c.width)
copy(tbl[i], c.table[i])
return &CMSketch{count: c.count, width: c.width, depth: c.depth, table: tbl, defaultValue: c.defaultValue}
// GetWidthAndDepth returns the width and depth of CM Sketch.
func (c *CMSketch) GetWidthAndDepth() (int32, int32) {
return c.width, c.depth
// CalcDefaultValForAnalyze calculate the default value for Analyze.
// The value of it is count / NDV in CMSketch. This means count and NDV are not include topN.
func (c *CMSketch) CalcDefaultValForAnalyze(NDV uint64) {
c.defaultValue = c.count / mathutil.Max(1, NDV)
// TopN stores most-common values, which is used to estimate point queries.
type TopN struct {
TopN []TopNMeta
// AppendTopN appends a topn into the TopN struct.
func (c *TopN) AppendTopN(data []byte, count uint64) {
if c == nil {
c.TopN = append(c.TopN, TopNMeta{data, count})
func (c *TopN) String() string {
if c == nil {
return "EmptyTopN"
builder := &strings.Builder{}
fmt.Fprintf(builder, "TopN{length: %v, ", len(c.TopN))
fmt.Fprint(builder, "[")
for i := 0; i < len(c.TopN); i++ {
fmt.Fprintf(builder, "(%v, %v)", c.TopN[i].Encoded, c.TopN[i].Count)
if i+1 != len(c.TopN) {
fmt.Fprint(builder, ", ")
fmt.Fprint(builder, "]")
fmt.Fprint(builder, "}")
return builder.String()
// Num returns the ndv of the TopN.
// TopN is declared directly in Histogram. So the Len is occupied by the Histogram. We use Num instead.
func (c *TopN) Num() int {
if c == nil {
return 0
return len(c.TopN)
// DecodedString returns the value with decoded result.
func (c *TopN) DecodedString(ctx sessionctx.Context, colTypes []byte) (string, error) {
if c == nil {
return "", nil
builder := &strings.Builder{}
fmt.Fprintf(builder, "TopN{length: %v, ", len(c.TopN))
fmt.Fprint(builder, "[")
var tmpDatum types.Datum
for i := 0; i < len(c.TopN); i++ {
valStr, err := ValueToString(ctx.GetSessionVars(), &tmpDatum, len(colTypes), colTypes)
if err != nil {
return "", err
fmt.Fprintf(builder, "(%v, %v)", valStr, c.TopN[i].Count)
if i+1 != len(c.TopN) {
fmt.Fprint(builder, ", ")
fmt.Fprint(builder, "]")
fmt.Fprint(builder, "}")
return builder.String(), nil
// Copy makes a copy for current TopN.
func (c *TopN) Copy() *TopN {
if c == nil {
return nil
topN := make([]TopNMeta, len(c.TopN))
for i, t := range c.TopN {
topN[i].Encoded = make([]byte, len(t.Encoded))
copy(topN[i].Encoded, t.Encoded)
topN[i].Count = t.Count
return &TopN{
TopN: topN,
// TopNMeta stores the unit of the TopN.
type TopNMeta struct {
Encoded []byte
Count uint64
// QueryTopN returns the results for (h1, h2) in murmur3.Sum128(), if not exists, return (0, false).
func (c *TopN) QueryTopN(d []byte) (uint64, bool) {
if c == nil {
return 0, false
idx := c.findTopN(d)
if idx < 0 {
return 0, false
return c.TopN[idx].Count, true
func (c *TopN) findTopN(d []byte) int {
if c == nil {
return -1
match := false
idx := sort.Search(len(c.TopN), func(i int) bool {
cmp := bytes.Compare(c.TopN[i].Encoded, d)
if cmp == 0 {
match = true
return cmp >= 0
if !match {
return -1
return idx
// LowerBound searches on the sorted top-n items,
// returns the smallest index i such that the value at element i is not less than `d`.
func (c *TopN) LowerBound(d []byte) (idx int, match bool) {
if c == nil {
return 0, false
idx = sort.Search(len(c.TopN), func(i int) bool {
cmp := bytes.Compare(c.TopN[i].Encoded, d)
if cmp == 0 {
match = true
return cmp >= 0
return idx, match
// BetweenCount estimates the row count for interval [l, r).
func (c *TopN) BetweenCount(l, r []byte) uint64 {
if c == nil {
return 0
lIdx, _ := c.LowerBound(l)
rIdx, _ := c.LowerBound(r)
ret := uint64(0)
for i := lIdx; i < rIdx; i++ {
ret += c.TopN[i].Count
return ret
// Sort sorts the topn items.
func (c *TopN) Sort() {
if c == nil {
slices.SortFunc(c.TopN, func(i, j TopNMeta) bool {
return bytes.Compare(i.Encoded, j.Encoded) < 0
// TotalCount returns how many data is stored in TopN.
func (c *TopN) TotalCount() uint64 {
if c == nil {
return 0
total := uint64(0)
for _, t := range c.TopN {
total += t.Count
return total
// Equal checks whether the two TopN are equal.
func (c *TopN) Equal(cc *TopN) bool {
if c.TotalCount() == 0 && cc.TotalCount() == 0 {
return true
} else if c.TotalCount() != cc.TotalCount() {
return false
if len(c.TopN) != len(cc.TopN) {
return false
for i := range c.TopN {
if !bytes.Equal(c.TopN[i].Encoded, cc.TopN[i].Encoded) {
return false
if c.TopN[i].Count != cc.TopN[i].Count {
return false
return true
// RemoveVal remove the val from TopN if it exists.
func (c *TopN) RemoveVal(val []byte) {
if c == nil {
pos := c.findTopN(val)
if pos == -1 {
c.TopN = append(c.TopN[:pos], c.TopN[pos+1:]...)
// MemoryUsage returns the total memory usage of a topn.
func (c *TopN) MemoryUsage() (sum int64) {
if c == nil {
sum = 32 // size of array (24) + reference (8)
for _, meta := range c.TopN {
sum += 32 + int64(cap(meta.Encoded)) // 32 is size of byte array (24) + size of uint64 (8)
// queryAddTopN TopN adds count to CMSketch.topN if exists, and returns the count of such elements after insert.
// If such elements does not in topn elements, nothing will happen and false will be returned.
func (c *TopN) updateTopNWithDelta(d []byte, delta uint64, increase bool) bool {
if c == nil || c.TopN == nil {
return false
idx := c.findTopN(d)
if idx >= 0 {
if increase {
c.TopN[idx].Count += delta
} else {
c.TopN[idx].Count -= delta
return true
return false
// NewTopN creates the new TopN struct by the given size.
func NewTopN(n int) *TopN {
return &TopN{TopN: make([]TopNMeta, 0, n)}
// MergePartTopN2GlobalTopN is used to merge the partition-level topN to global-level topN.
// The input parameters:
// 1. `topNs` are the partition-level topNs to be merged.
// 2. `n` is the size of the global-level topN. Notice: This value can be 0 and has no default value, we must explicitly specify this value.
// 3. `hists` are the partition-level histograms. Some values not in topN may be placed in the histogram. We need it here to make the value in the global-level TopN more accurate.
// The output parameters:
// 1. `*TopN` is the final global-level topN.
// 2. `[]TopNMeta` is the left topN value from the partition-level TopNs, but is not placed to global-level TopN. We should put them back to histogram latter.
// 3. `[]*Histogram` are the partition-level histograms which just delete some values when we merge the global-level topN.
func MergePartTopN2GlobalTopN(sc *stmtctx.StatementContext, version int, topNs []*TopN, n uint32, hists []*Histogram, isIndex bool) (*TopN, []TopNMeta, []*Histogram, error) {
if checkEmptyTopNs(topNs) {
return nil, nil, hists, nil
partNum := len(topNs)
topNsNum := make([]int, partNum)
removeVals := make([][]TopNMeta, partNum)
for i, topN := range topNs {
if topN == nil {
topNsNum[i] = 0
topNsNum[i] = len(topN.TopN)
// Different TopN structures may hold the same value, we have to merge them.
counter := make(map[hack.MutableString]float64)
// datumMap is used to store the mapping from the string type to datum type.
// The datum is used to find the value in the histogram.
datumMap := make(map[hack.MutableString]types.Datum)
for i, topN := range topNs {
if topN.TotalCount() == 0 {
for _, val := range topN.TopN {
encodedVal := hack.String(val.Encoded)
_, exists := counter[encodedVal]
counter[encodedVal] += float64(val.Count)
if exists {
// We have already calculated the encodedVal from the histogram, so just continue to next topN value.
// We need to check whether the value corresponding to encodedVal is contained in other partition-level stats.
// 1. Check the topN first.
// 2. If the topN doesn't contain the value corresponding to encodedVal. We should check the histogram.
for j := 0; j < partNum; j++ {
if (j == i && version >= 2) || topNs[j].findTopN(val.Encoded) != -1 {
// Get the encodedVal from the hists[j]
datum, exists := datumMap[encodedVal]
if !exists {
// If the datumMap does not have the encodedVal datum,
// we should generate the datum based on the encoded value.
// This part is copied from the function MergePartitionHist2GlobalHist.
var d types.Datum
if isIndex {
} else {
var err error
if types.IsTypeTime(hists[0].Tp.GetType()) {
// handle datetime values specially since they are encoded to int and we'll get int values if using DecodeOne.
_, d, err = codec.DecodeAsDateTime(val.Encoded, hists[0].Tp.GetType(), sc.TimeZone)
} else if types.IsTypeFloat(hists[0].Tp.GetType()) {
_, d, err = codec.DecodeAsFloat32(val.Encoded, hists[0].Tp.GetType())
} else {
_, d, err = codec.DecodeOne(val.Encoded)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
datumMap[encodedVal] = d
datum = d
// Get the row count which the value is equal to the encodedVal from histogram.
count, _ := hists[j].equalRowCount(datum, isIndex)
if count != 0 {
counter[encodedVal] += count
// Remove the value corresponding to encodedVal from the histogram.
removeVals[j] = append(removeVals[j], TopNMeta{Encoded: datum.GetBytes(), Count: uint64(count)})
// Remove the value from the Hists.
for i := 0; i < partNum; i++ {
if len(removeVals[i]) > 0 {
tmp := removeVals[i]
slices.SortFunc(tmp, func(i, j TopNMeta) bool {
cmpResult := bytes.Compare(i.Encoded, j.Encoded)
return cmpResult < 0
numTop := len(counter)
if numTop == 0 {
return nil, nil, hists, nil
sorted := make([]TopNMeta, 0, numTop)
for value, cnt := range counter {
data := hack.Slice(string(value))
sorted = append(sorted, TopNMeta{Encoded: data, Count: uint64(cnt)})
globalTopN, leftTopN := getMergedTopNFromSortedSlice(sorted, n)
return globalTopN, leftTopN, hists, nil
// MergeTopN is used to merge more TopN structures to generate a new TopN struct by the given size.
// The input parameters are multiple TopN structures to be merged and the size of the new TopN that will be generated.
// The output parameters are the newly generated TopN structure and the remaining numbers.
// Notice: The n can be 0. So n has no default value, we must explicitly specify this value.
func MergeTopN(topNs []*TopN, n uint32) (*TopN, []TopNMeta) {
if checkEmptyTopNs(topNs) {
return nil, nil
// Different TopN structures may hold the same value, we have to merge them.
counter := make(map[hack.MutableString]uint64)
for _, topN := range topNs {
if topN.TotalCount() == 0 {
for _, val := range topN.TopN {
counter[hack.String(val.Encoded)] += val.Count
numTop := len(counter)
if numTop == 0 {
return nil, nil
sorted := make([]TopNMeta, 0, numTop)
for value, cnt := range counter {
data := hack.Slice(string(value))
sorted = append(sorted, TopNMeta{Encoded: data, Count: cnt})
return getMergedTopNFromSortedSlice(sorted, n)
func checkEmptyTopNs(topNs []*TopN) bool {
count := uint64(0)
for _, topN := range topNs {
count += topN.TotalCount()
return count == 0
func getMergedTopNFromSortedSlice(sorted []TopNMeta, n uint32) (*TopN, []TopNMeta) {
slices.SortFunc(sorted, func(i, j TopNMeta) bool {
if i.Count != j.Count {
return i.Count > j.Count
return bytes.Compare(i.Encoded, j.Encoded) < 0
n = mathutil.Min(uint32(len(sorted)), n)
var finalTopN TopN
finalTopN.TopN = sorted[:n]
return &finalTopN, sorted[n:]
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