harmony 鸿蒙restool

  • 2023-06-24
  • 浏览 (904)



restool is a resource compilation tool that creates resource indexes and parses resources by compiling resource files. You can call the resource management APIs to obtain resources. The tool is stored in the toolchains subdirectory of the SDK installation directory.


The tool supports the following command options.

Option Default Value Allowed Argument Carried Description
-i No Yes Resource directory or resource intermediate file directory to create. The same command can run multiple times.
-j No Yes Path of the config.json or module.json file.
-o No Yes Output path of the compiled resource.
-p No Yes Bundle name of the compiled resource.
-r No Yes Header file path of the resource. The header file can be in .txt, .js, or .h format.
-e Yes Yes Start ID of the generated resource, for example, 0x01000000. The value range is [0x01000000, 0x06FFFFFF) and [0x08000000, 0x41FFFFFF).
-f Yes No An existing output path will be forcibly deleted and a new one will be generated.
-h Yes No Help information.
-m Yes Yes Module name. During joint module compilation, multiple module names can be specified, separated by commas (,).
-x Yes Yes Resource directory for generating intermediate files or a single resource path. The same command can run multiple times.
-z Yes No Compilation result generated based on the resource directory.
-v Yes No Tool version.
–ids Yes Yes Output directory of the generated id_defined.json file.
–defined-ids Yes Yes Path of the id_defined.json file. Generally, the file is generated by using –ids.
id_defined.json contains a list of resource types, names, and IDs.
You can customize resource IDs in id_defined.json.
–icon-check Yes No Whether to enable PNG image verification for icons and startWindowIcons.


An example entry directory structure is as follows:

| |----resource
| | |----base
| | | |----element
| | | |----media
| | | |----profile
| | |----rawfile
| |----config.json/module.json

Compiling Resources

There are two resource compilation modes: full resource compilation and incremental resource compilation.

  1. To compile all resources, run the following command:
   restool -i entry/src/main -j entry/src/main/module.json -p com.ohos.demo -o out -r out/ResourceTable.txt -f
  1. To compile incremental resources, perform the following steps:

Step 1: Generate the resource middleware.

   restool -x entry/src/main/resource -o out

Step 2: Compile the resource middleware.

   restool -i out1 -i out2 -o out -p com.ohos.demo -r out/ResourceTable.txt -j entry/src/main/module.json -f -z

Fixing the Resource ID

To fix the resource ID, perform the following steps:

Step 1: Create the id_defined.json file. There are two ways to create the file.

  • Run the following command to generate the file:
  restool -i entry/src/main -j entry/src/main/module.json -p com.ohos.demo -o out -r out/ResourceTable.txt --ids out/id_defined.json -f
  • Customize the id_defined.json file with the following content:
      "record" :
              "id": "0x01000000", // A fixed ID for the resource.
              "name": "app_name", // Resource name.
              "type": "string" // Resource type.

Step 2: Fix the resource ID. There are two ways to fix the resource ID.

  • Run the following command to fix the resource ID:
  restool -i entry/src/main -j entry/src/main/module.json -p com.ohos.demo -o out1 -r out1/ResourceTable.txt --defined-ids out/id_defined.json -f
  • Place the customized id_defined.json file in the resource/base/element/ directory and then run the following command to fix the resource ID:
  restool -i entry/src/main -j entry/src/main/module.json -p com.ohos.demo -o out1 -r out1/ResourceTable.txt  -f


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