harmony 鸿蒙Common Event Manager

  • 2023-02-03
  • 浏览 (729)

Common Event Manager

The Common Event Manager enables you to print common event information and publish common events. It provides the common event debugging and testing capabilities, for example, printing all public event subscribers, sent public events, and recipients, and simulating public event release.


Before using this tool, you must obtain the hdc tool and run the hdc shell command.



  • Function

Prints help information.

  • Method
  cem help


  • Function

Publishes a common event.

  • Method
  cem publish [<options>]

The table below describes the available options.

Name Description
-e/–event Name of the common event to publish. Mandatory.
-s/–sticky Indicates that the common event to publish is sticky. Optional. By default, non-sticky events are published.
-o/–ordered Indicates that the common event to publish is ordered. Optional. By default, non-ordered events are published.
-c/–code Result code of the common event. Optional.
-d/–data Data carried in the common event. Optional.
-h/–help Help information.
  • Example
  # Publish a common event named testevent.
  cem publish --event "testevent"


  # Publish a sticky, ordered common event named testevent. The result code of the event is 100 and the data carried is this is data.
  cem publish -e "testevent" -s -o -c 100 -d "this is data"



  • Function

Displays information about common events.

  • Method
  cem dump [<options>]

The table below describes the available options.

Name Description
-a/–all Information about all common events that have been sent since system startup.
-e/–event Information about a specific event.
-h/–help Help information.
  • Example
  # Display details of a common event named testevent.
  cem dump -e "testevent"



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