tidb index_lookup_join 源码
tidb index_lookup_join 代码
// Copyright 2017 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package executor
import (
plannercore "github.com/pingcap/tidb/planner/core"
var _ Executor = &IndexLookUpJoin{}
// IndexLookUpJoin employs one outer worker and N innerWorkers to execute concurrently.
// It preserves the order of the outer table and support batch lookup.
// The execution flow is very similar to IndexLookUpReader:
// 1. outerWorker read N outer rows, build a task and send it to result channel and inner worker channel.
// 2. The innerWorker receives the task, builds key ranges from outer rows and fetch inner rows, builds inner row hash map.
// 3. main thread receives the task, waits for inner worker finish handling the task.
// 4. main thread join each outer row by look up the inner rows hash map in the task.
type IndexLookUpJoin struct {
resultCh <-chan *lookUpJoinTask
cancelFunc context.CancelFunc
workerWg *sync.WaitGroup
outerCtx outerCtx
innerCtx innerCtx
task *lookUpJoinTask
joinResult *chunk.Chunk
innerIter chunk.Iterator
joiner joiner
isOuterJoin bool
requiredRows int64
indexRanges ranger.MutableRanges
keyOff2IdxOff []int
innerPtrBytes [][]byte
// lastColHelper store the information for last col if there's complicated filter like col > x_col and col < x_col + 100.
lastColHelper *plannercore.ColWithCmpFuncManager
memTracker *memory.Tracker // track memory usage.
stats *indexLookUpJoinRuntimeStats
finished *atomic.Value
prepared bool
type outerCtx struct {
rowTypes []*types.FieldType
keyCols []int
hashTypes []*types.FieldType
hashCols []int
filter expression.CNFExprs
type innerCtx struct {
readerBuilder *dataReaderBuilder
rowTypes []*types.FieldType
keyCols []int
keyColIDs []int64 // the original ID in its table, used by dynamic partition pruning
keyCollators []collate.Collator
hashTypes []*types.FieldType
hashCols []int
hashCollators []collate.Collator
colLens []int
hasPrefixCol bool
type lookUpJoinTask struct {
outerResult *chunk.List
outerMatch [][]bool
innerResult *chunk.List
encodedLookUpKeys []*chunk.Chunk
lookupMap *mvmap.MVMap
matchedInners []chunk.Row
doneCh chan error
cursor chunk.RowPtr
hasMatch bool
hasNull bool
memTracker *memory.Tracker // track memory usage.
type outerWorker struct {
lookup *IndexLookUpJoin
ctx sessionctx.Context
executor Executor
maxBatchSize int
batchSize int
resultCh chan<- *lookUpJoinTask
innerCh chan<- *lookUpJoinTask
parentMemTracker *memory.Tracker
type innerWorker struct {
taskCh <-chan *lookUpJoinTask
outerCtx outerCtx
ctx sessionctx.Context
executorChk *chunk.Chunk
lookup *IndexLookUpJoin
indexRanges []*ranger.Range
nextColCompareFilters *plannercore.ColWithCmpFuncManager
keyOff2IdxOff []int
stats *innerWorkerRuntimeStats
memTracker *memory.Tracker
// Open implements the Executor interface.
func (e *IndexLookUpJoin) Open(ctx context.Context) error {
err := e.children[0].Open(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
e.memTracker = memory.NewTracker(e.id, -1)
e.innerPtrBytes = make([][]byte, 0, 8)
if e.runtimeStats != nil {
e.stats = &indexLookUpJoinRuntimeStats{}
e.ctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx.RuntimeStatsColl.RegisterStats(e.id, e.stats)
e.cancelFunc = nil
return nil
func (e *IndexLookUpJoin) startWorkers(ctx context.Context) {
concurrency := e.ctx.GetSessionVars().IndexLookupJoinConcurrency()
if e.stats != nil {
e.stats.concurrency = concurrency
resultCh := make(chan *lookUpJoinTask, concurrency)
e.resultCh = resultCh
workerCtx, cancelFunc := context.WithCancel(ctx)
e.cancelFunc = cancelFunc
innerCh := make(chan *lookUpJoinTask, concurrency)
go e.newOuterWorker(resultCh, innerCh).run(workerCtx, e.workerWg)
for i := 0; i < concurrency; i++ {
go e.newInnerWorker(innerCh).run(workerCtx, e.workerWg)
func (e *IndexLookUpJoin) newOuterWorker(resultCh, innerCh chan *lookUpJoinTask) *outerWorker {
ow := &outerWorker{
outerCtx: e.outerCtx,
ctx: e.ctx,
executor: e.children[0],
resultCh: resultCh,
innerCh: innerCh,
batchSize: 32,
maxBatchSize: e.ctx.GetSessionVars().IndexJoinBatchSize,
parentMemTracker: e.memTracker,
lookup: e,
return ow
func (e *IndexLookUpJoin) newInnerWorker(taskCh chan *lookUpJoinTask) *innerWorker {
// Since multiple inner workers run concurrently, we should copy join's indexRanges for every worker to avoid data race.
copiedRanges := make([]*ranger.Range, 0, len(e.indexRanges.Range()))
for _, ran := range e.indexRanges.Range() {
copiedRanges = append(copiedRanges, ran.Clone())
var innerStats *innerWorkerRuntimeStats
if e.stats != nil {
innerStats = &e.stats.innerWorker
iw := &innerWorker{
innerCtx: e.innerCtx,
outerCtx: e.outerCtx,
taskCh: taskCh,
ctx: e.ctx,
executorChk: chunk.NewChunkWithCapacity(e.innerCtx.rowTypes, e.maxChunkSize),
indexRanges: copiedRanges,
keyOff2IdxOff: e.keyOff2IdxOff,
stats: innerStats,
lookup: e,
memTracker: memory.NewTracker(memory.LabelForIndexJoinInnerWorker, -1),
if len(copiedRanges) != 0 {
// We should not consume this memory usage in `iw.memTracker`. The
// memory usage of inner worker will be reset the end of iw.handleTask.
// While the life cycle of this memory consumption exists throughout the
// whole active period of inner worker.
e.ctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx.MemTracker.Consume(2 * types.EstimatedMemUsage(copiedRanges[0].LowVal, len(copiedRanges)))
if e.lastColHelper != nil {
// nextCwf.TmpConstant needs to be reset for every individual
// inner worker to avoid data race when the inner workers is running
// concurrently.
nextCwf := *e.lastColHelper
nextCwf.TmpConstant = make([]*expression.Constant, len(e.lastColHelper.TmpConstant))
for i := range e.lastColHelper.TmpConstant {
nextCwf.TmpConstant[i] = &expression.Constant{RetType: nextCwf.TargetCol.RetType}
iw.nextColCompareFilters = &nextCwf
return iw
// Next implements the Executor interface.
func (e *IndexLookUpJoin) Next(ctx context.Context, req *chunk.Chunk) error {
if !e.prepared {
e.prepared = true
if e.isOuterJoin {
atomic.StoreInt64(&e.requiredRows, int64(req.RequiredRows()))
for {
task, err := e.getFinishedTask(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
if task == nil {
return nil
startTime := time.Now()
if e.innerIter == nil || e.innerIter.Current() == e.innerIter.End() {
e.lookUpMatchedInners(task, task.cursor)
e.innerIter = chunk.NewIterator4Slice(task.matchedInners)
outerRow := task.outerResult.GetRow(task.cursor)
if e.innerIter.Current() != e.innerIter.End() {
matched, isNull, err := e.joiner.tryToMatchInners(outerRow, e.innerIter, req)
if err != nil {
return err
task.hasMatch = task.hasMatch || matched
task.hasNull = task.hasNull || isNull
if e.innerIter.Current() == e.innerIter.End() {
if !task.hasMatch {
e.joiner.onMissMatch(task.hasNull, outerRow, req)
if int(task.cursor.RowIdx) == task.outerResult.GetChunk(int(task.cursor.ChkIdx)).NumRows() {
task.cursor.RowIdx = 0
task.hasMatch = false
task.hasNull = false
if e.stats != nil {
atomic.AddInt64(&e.stats.probe, int64(time.Since(startTime)))
if req.IsFull() {
return nil
func (e *IndexLookUpJoin) getFinishedTask(ctx context.Context) (*lookUpJoinTask, error) {
task := e.task
if task != nil && int(task.cursor.ChkIdx) < task.outerResult.NumChunks() {
return task, nil
// The previous task has been processed, so release the occupied memory
if task != nil {
select {
case task = <-e.resultCh:
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil, ctx.Err()
if task == nil {
return nil, nil
select {
case err := <-task.doneCh:
if err != nil {
return nil, err
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil, ctx.Err()
e.task = task
return task, nil
func (e *IndexLookUpJoin) lookUpMatchedInners(task *lookUpJoinTask, rowPtr chunk.RowPtr) {
outerKey := task.encodedLookUpKeys[rowPtr.ChkIdx].GetRow(int(rowPtr.RowIdx)).GetBytes(0)
e.innerPtrBytes = task.lookupMap.Get(outerKey, e.innerPtrBytes[:0])
task.matchedInners = task.matchedInners[:0]
for _, b := range e.innerPtrBytes {
ptr := *(*chunk.RowPtr)(unsafe.Pointer(&b[0]))
matchedInner := task.innerResult.GetRow(ptr)
task.matchedInners = append(task.matchedInners, matchedInner)
func (ow *outerWorker) run(ctx context.Context, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer trace.StartRegion(ctx, "IndexLookupJoinOuterWorker").End()
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
logutil.Logger(ctx).Error("outerWorker panicked", zap.Any("recover", r), zap.Stack("stack"))
task := &lookUpJoinTask{doneCh: make(chan error, 1)}
err := errors.Errorf("%v", r)
task.doneCh <- err
ow.pushToChan(ctx, task, ow.resultCh)
for {
failpoint.Inject("TestIssue30211", nil)
failpoint.Inject("ConsumeRandomPanic", nil)
task, err := ow.buildTask(ctx)
if err != nil {
task.doneCh <- err
ow.pushToChan(ctx, task, ow.resultCh)
if task == nil {
if finished := ow.pushToChan(ctx, task, ow.innerCh); finished {
if finished := ow.pushToChan(ctx, task, ow.resultCh); finished {
func (ow *outerWorker) pushToChan(ctx context.Context, task *lookUpJoinTask, dst chan<- *lookUpJoinTask) bool {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return true
case dst <- task:
return false
// buildTask builds a lookUpJoinTask and read outer rows.
// When err is not nil, task must not be nil to send the error to the main thread via task.
func (ow *outerWorker) buildTask(ctx context.Context) (*lookUpJoinTask, error) {
task := &lookUpJoinTask{
doneCh: make(chan error, 1),
outerResult: newList(ow.executor),
lookupMap: mvmap.NewMVMap(),
task.memTracker = memory.NewTracker(-1, -1)
failpoint.Inject("ConsumeRandomPanic", nil)
requiredRows := ow.batchSize
if ow.lookup.isOuterJoin {
// If it is outerJoin, push the requiredRows down.
// Note: buildTask is triggered when `Open` is called, but
// ow.lookup.requiredRows is set when `Next` is called. Thus we check
// whether it's 0 here.
if parentRequired := int(atomic.LoadInt64(&ow.lookup.requiredRows)); parentRequired != 0 {
requiredRows = parentRequired
maxChunkSize := ow.ctx.GetSessionVars().MaxChunkSize
for requiredRows > task.outerResult.Len() {
chk := chunk.NewChunkWithCapacity(ow.outerCtx.rowTypes, maxChunkSize)
chk = chk.SetRequiredRows(requiredRows, maxChunkSize)
err := Next(ctx, ow.executor, chk)
if err != nil {
return task, err
if chk.NumRows() == 0 {
if task.outerResult.Len() == 0 {
return nil, nil
numChks := task.outerResult.NumChunks()
if ow.filter != nil {
task.outerMatch = make([][]bool, task.outerResult.NumChunks())
var err error
for i := 0; i < numChks; i++ {
chk := task.outerResult.GetChunk(i)
outerMatch := make([]bool, 0, chk.NumRows())
task.outerMatch[i], err = expression.VectorizedFilter(ow.ctx, ow.filter, chunk.NewIterator4Chunk(chk), outerMatch)
if err != nil {
return task, err
task.encodedLookUpKeys = make([]*chunk.Chunk, task.outerResult.NumChunks())
for i := range task.encodedLookUpKeys {
task.encodedLookUpKeys[i] = chunk.NewChunkWithCapacity([]*types.FieldType{types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeBlob)}, task.outerResult.GetChunk(i).NumRows())
return task, nil
func (ow *outerWorker) increaseBatchSize() {
if ow.batchSize < ow.maxBatchSize {
ow.batchSize *= 2
if ow.batchSize > ow.maxBatchSize {
ow.batchSize = ow.maxBatchSize
func (iw *innerWorker) run(ctx context.Context, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer trace.StartRegion(ctx, "IndexLookupJoinInnerWorker").End()
var task *lookUpJoinTask
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
logutil.Logger(ctx).Error("innerWorker panicked", zap.Any("recover", r), zap.Stack("stack"))
err := errors.Errorf("%v", r)
// "task != nil" is guaranteed when panic happened.
task.doneCh <- err
for ok := true; ok; {
select {
case task, ok = <-iw.taskCh:
if !ok {
case <-ctx.Done():
err := iw.handleTask(ctx, task)
task.doneCh <- err
type indexJoinLookUpContent struct {
keys []types.Datum
row chunk.Row
keyCols []int
keyColIDs []int64 // the original ID in its table, used by dynamic partition pruning
func (iw *innerWorker) handleTask(ctx context.Context, task *lookUpJoinTask) error {
if iw.stats != nil {
start := time.Now()
defer func() {
atomic.AddInt64(&iw.stats.totalTime, int64(time.Since(start)))
defer func() {
lookUpContents, err := iw.constructLookupContent(task)
if err != nil {
return err
err = iw.fetchInnerResults(ctx, task, lookUpContents)
if err != nil {
return err
err = iw.buildLookUpMap(task)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (iw *innerWorker) constructLookupContent(task *lookUpJoinTask) ([]*indexJoinLookUpContent, error) {
if iw.stats != nil {
start := time.Now()
defer func() {
atomic.AddInt64(&iw.stats.task, 1)
atomic.AddInt64(&iw.stats.construct, int64(time.Since(start)))
lookUpContents := make([]*indexJoinLookUpContent, 0, task.outerResult.Len())
keyBuf := make([]byte, 0, 64)
for chkIdx := 0; chkIdx < task.outerResult.NumChunks(); chkIdx++ {
chk := task.outerResult.GetChunk(chkIdx)
numRows := chk.NumRows()
for rowIdx := 0; rowIdx < numRows; rowIdx++ {
dLookUpKey, dHashKey, err := iw.constructDatumLookupKey(task, chkIdx, rowIdx)
if err != nil {
if terror.ErrorEqual(err, types.ErrWrongValue) {
// We ignore rows with invalid datetime.
return nil, err
failpoint.Inject("ConsumeRandomPanic", nil)
if rowIdx == 0 {
iw.memTracker.Consume(types.EstimatedMemUsage(dLookUpKey, numRows))
if dHashKey == nil {
// Append null to make lookUpKeys the same length as outer Result.
keyBuf = keyBuf[:0]
keyBuf, err = codec.EncodeKey(iw.ctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx, keyBuf, dHashKey...)
if err != nil {
if terror.ErrorEqual(err, types.ErrWrongValue) {
// we ignore rows with invalid datetime
return nil, err
// Store the encoded lookup key in chunk, so we can use it to lookup the matched inners directly.
task.encodedLookUpKeys[chkIdx].AppendBytes(0, keyBuf)
if iw.hasPrefixCol {
for i, outerOffset := range iw.keyOff2IdxOff {
// If it's a prefix column. Try to fix it.
joinKeyColPrefixLen := iw.colLens[outerOffset]
if joinKeyColPrefixLen != types.UnspecifiedLength {
ranger.CutDatumByPrefixLen(&dLookUpKey[i], joinKeyColPrefixLen, iw.rowTypes[iw.keyCols[i]])
// dLookUpKey is sorted and deduplicated at sortAndDedupLookUpContents.
// So we don't need to do it here.
lookUpContents = append(lookUpContents, &indexJoinLookUpContent{keys: dLookUpKey, row: chk.GetRow(rowIdx), keyCols: iw.keyCols, keyColIDs: iw.keyColIDs})
for i := range task.encodedLookUpKeys {
lookUpContents = iw.sortAndDedupLookUpContents(lookUpContents)
return lookUpContents, nil
func (iw *innerWorker) constructDatumLookupKey(task *lookUpJoinTask, chkIdx, rowIdx int) ([]types.Datum, []types.Datum, error) {
if task.outerMatch != nil && !task.outerMatch[chkIdx][rowIdx] {
return nil, nil, nil
outerRow := task.outerResult.GetChunk(chkIdx).GetRow(rowIdx)
sc := iw.ctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx
keyLen := len(iw.keyCols)
dLookupKey := make([]types.Datum, 0, keyLen)
dHashKey := make([]types.Datum, 0, len(iw.hashCols))
for i, hashCol := range iw.outerCtx.hashCols {
outerValue := outerRow.GetDatum(hashCol, iw.outerCtx.rowTypes[hashCol])
// Join-on-condition can be promised to be equal-condition in
// IndexNestedLoopJoin, thus the filter will always be false if
// outerValue is null, and we don't need to lookup it.
if outerValue.IsNull() {
return nil, nil, nil
innerColType := iw.rowTypes[iw.hashCols[i]]
innerValue, err := outerValue.ConvertTo(sc, innerColType)
if err != nil && !(terror.ErrorEqual(err, types.ErrTruncated) && (innerColType.GetType() == mysql.TypeSet || innerColType.GetType() == mysql.TypeEnum)) {
// If the converted outerValue overflows or invalid to innerValue, we don't need to lookup it.
if terror.ErrorEqual(err, types.ErrOverflow) || terror.ErrorEqual(err, types.ErrWarnDataOutOfRange) {
return nil, nil, nil
return nil, nil, err
cmp, err := outerValue.Compare(sc, &innerValue, iw.hashCollators[i])
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
if cmp != 0 {
// If the converted outerValue is not equal to the origin outerValue, we don't need to lookup it.
return nil, nil, nil
if i < keyLen {
dLookupKey = append(dLookupKey, innerValue)
dHashKey = append(dHashKey, innerValue)
return dLookupKey, dHashKey, nil
func (iw *innerWorker) sortAndDedupLookUpContents(lookUpContents []*indexJoinLookUpContent) []*indexJoinLookUpContent {
if len(lookUpContents) < 2 {
return lookUpContents
sc := iw.ctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx
slices.SortFunc(lookUpContents, func(i, j *indexJoinLookUpContent) bool {
cmp := compareRow(sc, i.keys, j.keys, iw.keyCollators)
if cmp != 0 || iw.nextColCompareFilters == nil {
return cmp < 0
return iw.nextColCompareFilters.CompareRow(i.row, j.row) < 0
deDupedLookupKeys := lookUpContents[:1]
for i := 1; i < len(lookUpContents); i++ {
cmp := compareRow(sc, lookUpContents[i].keys, lookUpContents[i-1].keys, iw.keyCollators)
if cmp != 0 || (iw.nextColCompareFilters != nil && iw.nextColCompareFilters.CompareRow(lookUpContents[i].row, lookUpContents[i-1].row) != 0) {
deDupedLookupKeys = append(deDupedLookupKeys, lookUpContents[i])
return deDupedLookupKeys
func compareRow(sc *stmtctx.StatementContext, left, right []types.Datum, ctors []collate.Collator) int {
for idx := 0; idx < len(left); idx++ {
cmp, err := left[idx].Compare(sc, &right[idx], ctors[idx])
// We only compare rows with the same type, no error to return.
if cmp > 0 {
return 1
} else if cmp < 0 {
return -1
return 0
func (iw *innerWorker) fetchInnerResults(ctx context.Context, task *lookUpJoinTask, lookUpContent []*indexJoinLookUpContent) error {
if iw.stats != nil {
start := time.Now()
defer func() {
atomic.AddInt64(&iw.stats.fetch, int64(time.Since(start)))
innerExec, err := iw.readerBuilder.buildExecutorForIndexJoin(ctx, lookUpContent, iw.indexRanges, iw.keyOff2IdxOff, iw.nextColCompareFilters, true, iw.memTracker, iw.lookup.finished)
if innerExec != nil {
defer terror.Call(innerExec.Close)
if err != nil {
return err
innerResult := chunk.NewList(retTypes(innerExec), iw.ctx.GetSessionVars().MaxChunkSize, iw.ctx.GetSessionVars().MaxChunkSize)
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
err := Next(ctx, innerExec, iw.executorChk)
failpoint.Inject("ConsumeRandomPanic", nil)
if err != nil {
return err
if iw.executorChk.NumRows() == 0 {
iw.executorChk = newFirstChunk(innerExec)
task.innerResult = innerResult
return nil
func (iw *innerWorker) buildLookUpMap(task *lookUpJoinTask) error {
if iw.stats != nil {
start := time.Now()
defer func() {
atomic.AddInt64(&iw.stats.build, int64(time.Since(start)))
keyBuf := make([]byte, 0, 64)
valBuf := make([]byte, 8)
for i := 0; i < task.innerResult.NumChunks(); i++ {
chk := task.innerResult.GetChunk(i)
for j := 0; j < chk.NumRows(); j++ {
innerRow := chk.GetRow(j)
if iw.hasNullInJoinKey(innerRow) {
keyBuf = keyBuf[:0]
for _, keyCol := range iw.hashCols {
d := innerRow.GetDatum(keyCol, iw.rowTypes[keyCol])
var err error
keyBuf, err = codec.EncodeKey(iw.ctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx, keyBuf, d)
if err != nil {
return err
rowPtr := chunk.RowPtr{ChkIdx: uint32(i), RowIdx: uint32(j)}
*(*chunk.RowPtr)(unsafe.Pointer(&valBuf[0])) = rowPtr
task.lookupMap.Put(keyBuf, valBuf)
return nil
func (iw *innerWorker) hasNullInJoinKey(row chunk.Row) bool {
for _, ordinal := range iw.hashCols {
if row.IsNull(ordinal) {
return true
return false
// Close implements the Executor interface.
func (e *IndexLookUpJoin) Close() error {
if e.cancelFunc != nil {
e.memTracker = nil
e.task = nil
e.prepared = false
return e.baseExecutor.Close()
type indexLookUpJoinRuntimeStats struct {
concurrency int
probe int64
innerWorker innerWorkerRuntimeStats
type innerWorkerRuntimeStats struct {
totalTime int64
task int64
construct int64
fetch int64
build int64
join int64
func (e *indexLookUpJoinRuntimeStats) String() string {
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0, 16))
if e.innerWorker.totalTime > 0 {
buf.WriteString(", concurrency:")
if e.concurrency > 0 {
} else {
buf.WriteString(", task:")
buf.WriteString(strconv.FormatInt(e.innerWorker.task, 10))
buf.WriteString(", construct:")
buf.WriteString(", fetch:")
buf.WriteString(", build:")
if e.innerWorker.join > 0 {
buf.WriteString(", join:")
if e.probe > 0 {
buf.WriteString(", probe:")
return buf.String()
func (e *indexLookUpJoinRuntimeStats) Clone() execdetails.RuntimeStats {
return &indexLookUpJoinRuntimeStats{
concurrency: e.concurrency,
probe: e.probe,
innerWorker: e.innerWorker,
func (e *indexLookUpJoinRuntimeStats) Merge(rs execdetails.RuntimeStats) {
tmp, ok := rs.(*indexLookUpJoinRuntimeStats)
if !ok {
e.probe += tmp.probe
e.innerWorker.totalTime += tmp.innerWorker.totalTime
e.innerWorker.task += tmp.innerWorker.task
e.innerWorker.construct += tmp.innerWorker.construct
e.innerWorker.fetch += tmp.innerWorker.fetch
e.innerWorker.build += tmp.innerWorker.build
e.innerWorker.join += tmp.innerWorker.join
// Tp implements the RuntimeStats interface.
func (e *indexLookUpJoinRuntimeStats) Tp() int {
return execdetails.TpIndexLookUpJoinRuntimeStats
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