tidb select_into 源码

  • 2022-09-19
  • 浏览 (533)

tidb select_into 代码


// Copyright 2020 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package executor

import (


// SelectIntoExec represents a SelectInto executor.
type SelectIntoExec struct {
	intoOpt *ast.SelectIntoOption

	lineBuf   []byte
	realBuf   []byte
	fieldBuf  []byte
	escapeBuf []byte
	enclosed  bool
	writer    *bufio.Writer
	dstFile   *os.File
	chk       *chunk.Chunk
	started   bool

// Open implements the Executor Open interface.
func (s *SelectIntoExec) Open(ctx context.Context) error {
	// only 'select ... into outfile' is supported now
	if s.intoOpt.Tp != ast.SelectIntoOutfile {
		return errors.New("unsupported SelectInto type")

	// MySQL-compatible behavior: allow files to be group-readable
	f, err := os.OpenFile(s.intoOpt.FileName, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_EXCL, 0640) // #nosec G302
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Trace(err)
	s.started = true
	s.dstFile = f
	s.writer = bufio.NewWriter(s.dstFile)
	s.chk = newFirstChunk(s.children[0])
	s.lineBuf = make([]byte, 0, 1024)
	s.fieldBuf = make([]byte, 0, 64)
	s.escapeBuf = make([]byte, 0, 64)
	return s.baseExecutor.Open(ctx)

// Next implements the Executor Next interface.
func (s *SelectIntoExec) Next(ctx context.Context, req *chunk.Chunk) error {
	for {
		if err := Next(ctx, s.children[0], s.chk); err != nil {
			return err
		if s.chk.NumRows() == 0 {
		if err := s.dumpToOutfile(); err != nil {
			return err
	return nil

func (s *SelectIntoExec) considerEncloseOpt(et types.EvalType) bool {
	return et == types.ETString || et == types.ETDuration ||
		et == types.ETTimestamp || et == types.ETDatetime ||
		et == types.ETJson

func (s *SelectIntoExec) escapeField(f []byte) []byte {
	if s.intoOpt.FieldsInfo.Escaped == 0 {
		return f
	s.escapeBuf = s.escapeBuf[:0]
	for _, b := range f {
		escape := false
		switch {
		case b == 0:
			// we always escape 0
			escape = true
			b = '0'
		case b == s.intoOpt.FieldsInfo.Escaped || b == s.intoOpt.FieldsInfo.Enclosed:
			escape = true
		case !s.enclosed && len(s.intoOpt.FieldsInfo.Terminated) > 0 && b == s.intoOpt.FieldsInfo.Terminated[0]:
			// if field is enclosed, we only escape line terminator, otherwise both field and line terminator will be escaped
			escape = true
		case len(s.intoOpt.LinesInfo.Terminated) > 0 && b == s.intoOpt.LinesInfo.Terminated[0]:
			// we always escape line terminator
			escape = true
		if escape {
			s.escapeBuf = append(s.escapeBuf, s.intoOpt.FieldsInfo.Escaped)
		s.escapeBuf = append(s.escapeBuf, b)
	return s.escapeBuf

func (s *SelectIntoExec) dumpToOutfile() error {
	lineTerm := "\n"
	if s.intoOpt.LinesInfo.Terminated != "" {
		lineTerm = s.intoOpt.LinesInfo.Terminated
	fieldTerm := "\t"
	if s.intoOpt.FieldsInfo.Terminated != "" {
		fieldTerm = s.intoOpt.FieldsInfo.Terminated
	encloseFlag := false
	var encloseByte byte
	encloseOpt := false
	if s.intoOpt.FieldsInfo.Enclosed != byte(0) {
		encloseByte = s.intoOpt.FieldsInfo.Enclosed
		encloseFlag = true
		encloseOpt = s.intoOpt.FieldsInfo.OptEnclosed
	nullTerm := []byte("\\N")
	if s.intoOpt.FieldsInfo.Escaped != byte(0) {
		nullTerm[0] = s.intoOpt.FieldsInfo.Escaped
	} else {
		nullTerm = []byte("NULL")

	cols := s.children[0].Schema().Columns
	for i := 0; i < s.chk.NumRows(); i++ {
		row := s.chk.GetRow(i)
		s.lineBuf = s.lineBuf[:0]
		for j, col := range cols {
			if j != 0 {
				s.lineBuf = append(s.lineBuf, fieldTerm...)
			if row.IsNull(j) {
				s.lineBuf = append(s.lineBuf, nullTerm...)
			et := col.GetType().EvalType()
			if (encloseFlag && !encloseOpt) ||
				(encloseFlag && encloseOpt && s.considerEncloseOpt(et)) {
				s.lineBuf = append(s.lineBuf, encloseByte)
				s.enclosed = true
			} else {
				s.enclosed = false
			s.fieldBuf = s.fieldBuf[:0]
			switch col.GetType().GetType() {
			case mysql.TypeTiny, mysql.TypeShort, mysql.TypeInt24, mysql.TypeLong, mysql.TypeYear:
				s.fieldBuf = strconv.AppendInt(s.fieldBuf, row.GetInt64(j), 10)
			case mysql.TypeLonglong:
				if mysql.HasUnsignedFlag(col.GetType().GetFlag()) {
					s.fieldBuf = strconv.AppendUint(s.fieldBuf, row.GetUint64(j), 10)
				} else {
					s.fieldBuf = strconv.AppendInt(s.fieldBuf, row.GetInt64(j), 10)
			case mysql.TypeFloat:
				s.realBuf, s.fieldBuf = DumpRealOutfile(s.realBuf, s.fieldBuf, float64(row.GetFloat32(j)), col.RetType)
			case mysql.TypeDouble:
				s.realBuf, s.fieldBuf = DumpRealOutfile(s.realBuf, s.fieldBuf, row.GetFloat64(j), col.RetType)
			case mysql.TypeNewDecimal:
				s.fieldBuf = append(s.fieldBuf, row.GetMyDecimal(j).String()...)
			case mysql.TypeString, mysql.TypeVarString, mysql.TypeVarchar,
				mysql.TypeTinyBlob, mysql.TypeMediumBlob, mysql.TypeLongBlob, mysql.TypeBlob:
				s.fieldBuf = append(s.fieldBuf, row.GetBytes(j)...)
			case mysql.TypeBit:
				// bit value won't be escaped anyway (verified on MySQL, test case added)
				s.lineBuf = append(s.lineBuf, row.GetBytes(j)...)
			case mysql.TypeDate, mysql.TypeDatetime, mysql.TypeTimestamp:
				s.fieldBuf = append(s.fieldBuf, row.GetTime(j).String()...)
			case mysql.TypeDuration:
				s.fieldBuf = append(s.fieldBuf, row.GetDuration(j, col.GetType().GetDecimal()).String()...)
			case mysql.TypeEnum:
				s.fieldBuf = append(s.fieldBuf, row.GetEnum(j).String()...)
			case mysql.TypeSet:
				s.fieldBuf = append(s.fieldBuf, row.GetSet(j).String()...)
			case mysql.TypeJSON:
				s.fieldBuf = append(s.fieldBuf, row.GetJSON(j).String()...)

			switch col.GetType().EvalType() {
			case types.ETString, types.ETJson:
				s.lineBuf = append(s.lineBuf, s.escapeField(s.fieldBuf)...)
				s.lineBuf = append(s.lineBuf, s.fieldBuf...)
			if (encloseFlag && !encloseOpt) ||
				(encloseFlag && encloseOpt && s.considerEncloseOpt(et)) {
				s.lineBuf = append(s.lineBuf, encloseByte)
		s.lineBuf = append(s.lineBuf, lineTerm...)
		if _, err := s.writer.Write(s.lineBuf); err != nil {
			return errors.Trace(err)
	return nil

// Close implements the Executor Close interface.
func (s *SelectIntoExec) Close() error {
	if !s.started {
		return nil
	err1 := s.writer.Flush()
	err2 := s.dstFile.Close()
	err3 := s.baseExecutor.Close()
	if err1 != nil {
		return errors.Trace(err1)
	} else if err2 != nil {
		return errors.Trace(err2)
	return err3

const (
	expFormatBig   = 1e15
	expFormatSmall = 1e-15

// DumpRealOutfile dumps a real number to lineBuf.
func DumpRealOutfile(realBuf, lineBuf []byte, v float64, tp *types.FieldType) ([]byte, []byte) {
	prec := types.UnspecifiedLength
	if tp.GetDecimal() > 0 && tp.GetDecimal() != mysql.NotFixedDec {
		prec = tp.GetDecimal()
	absV := math.Abs(v)
	if prec == types.UnspecifiedLength && (absV >= expFormatBig || (absV != 0 && absV < expFormatSmall)) {
		realBuf = strconv.AppendFloat(realBuf[:0], v, 'e', prec, 64)
		if idx := bytes.IndexByte(realBuf, '+'); idx != -1 {
			lineBuf = append(lineBuf, realBuf[:idx]...)
			lineBuf = append(lineBuf, realBuf[idx+1:]...)
		} else {
			lineBuf = append(lineBuf, realBuf...)
	} else {
		lineBuf = strconv.AppendFloat(lineBuf, v, 'f', prec, 64)
	return realBuf, lineBuf


tidb 源码目录


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