harmony 鸿蒙Scroll

  • 2022-08-09
  • 浏览 (983)


The <Scroll> component scrolls the content when the layout size of a component exceeds the size of its parent component.

NOTE - This component is supported since API version 7. Updates will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version. - When nesting a <List> within this component, specify the width and height for the <List> under scenarios where consistently high performance is required. If the width and height are not specified, this component will load all content of the <List>. - This component can scroll only when the size on the main axis is less than the content size. - This component can produce a bounce effect only when there is more than one screen of content.

Child Components

This component supports only one child component.


Scroll(scroller?: Scroller)


Name Type Mandatory Description
scroller Scroller No Scroller, which can be bound to scrollable components.


In addition to the universal attributes, the following attributes are supported.

Name Type Description
scrollable ScrollDirection Scroll direction.
Default value: ScrollDirection.Vertical
scrollBar BarState Scrollbar status.
Default value: BarState.Auto
If the container component cannot be scrolled, the scrollbar is not displayed. If the size of a child component of a container component is infinite, the scrollbar cannot be dragged or scrolled with the child component.
scrollBarColor string |number |Color Color of the scrollbar.
scrollBarWidth string |number Width of the scrollbar. This attribute cannot be set in percentage.
Default value: 4
Unit: vp
If the width of the scrollbar exceeds its height, it will change to the default value.
edgeEffect EdgeEffect Scroll effect. For details, see EdgeEffect.
Default value: EdgeEffect.None
enableScrollInteraction10+ boolean Whether to support scroll gestures. When this attribute is set to false, scrolling by finger or mouse is not supported, but the scrolling controller API is not affected.
Default value: true
nestedScroll10+ NestedScrollOptions Nested scrolling options. You can set the nested scrolling mode in the forward and backward directions to implement scrolling linkage with the parent component.
friction10+ number |Resource Friction coefficient. It applies only to gestures in the scrolling area, and it affects only indirectly the scroll chaining during the inertial scrolling process.
Default value: 0.9 for wearable devices and 0.6 for non-wearable devices
A value less than or equal to 0 evaluates to the default value.


Name Description
Horizontal Only horizontal scrolling is supported.
Vertical Only vertical scrolling is supported.
None Scrolling is disabled.
Free(deprecated) Vertical or horizontal scrolling is supported.
This API is deprecated since API version 9.


Name Description
onScrollFrameBegin9+(event: (offset: number, state: ScrollState) => { offsetRemain }) Triggered when each frame scrolling starts. The input parameters indicate the amount by which the <Scroll> component will scroll. The event handler then works out the amount by which the component needs to scroll based on the real-world situation and returns the result.
- offset: amount to scroll by.
- state: current scrolling status.
- offsetRemain: actual amount by which the component scrolls.
1. This event is triggered when scrolling is started by the <Scroll> component or other input settings, such as keyboard and mouse operations.
2. This event is not triggered when the controller API is called.
3. This event does not support the out-of-bounds bounce effect.
The value of offsetRemain can be a negative value.
If the onScrollFrameBegine event and scrollBy method are used to implement nested scrolling, set the edgeEffect attribute of the scrollable child component to None. For example, if a <List> is nested in the <Scroll> component, edgeEffect of the <List> must be set to EdgeEffect.None.
onScroll(event: (xOffset: number, yOffset: number) => void) Triggered to return the horizontal and vertical offsets during scrolling when the specified scroll event occurs.
1. This event is triggered when scrolling is started by the <Scroll> component or other input settings, such as keyboard and mouse operations.
2. This event is triggered when the controller API is called.
3. This event supports the out-of-bounds bounce effect.
onScrollEdge(event: (side: Edge) => void) Triggered when scrolling reaches the edge.
1. This event is triggered when scrolling reaches the edge after being started by the <Scroll> component or other input settings, such as keyboard and mouse operations.
2. This event is triggered when the controller API is called.
3. This event supports the out-of-bounds bounce effect.
onScrollEnd(deprecated) (event: () => void) Triggered when scrolling stops.
This event is deprecated since API version 9. Use the onScrollStop event instead.
1. This event is triggered when scrolling is stopped by the <Scroll> component or other input settings, such as keyboard and mouse operations.
2. This event is triggered when the controller API is called, accompanied by a transition animation.
onScrollStart9+(event: () => void) Triggered when scrolling starts and is initiated by the user’s finger dragging the <Scroll> component or its scrollbar. This event is also triggered when the animation contained in the scrolling triggered by Scroller starts.
1. This event is triggered when scrolling is started by the <Scroll> component or other input settings, such as keyboard and mouse operations.
2. This event is triggered when the controller API is called, accompanied by a transition animation.
onScrollStop9+(event: () => void) Triggered when scrolling stops after the user’s finger leaves the screen. This event is also triggered when the animation contained in the scrolling triggered by Scroller stops.
1. This event is triggered when scrolling is stopped by the <Scroll> component or other input settings, such as keyboard and mouse operations.
2. This event is triggered when the controller API is called, accompanied by a transition animation.


If the onScrollFrameBegin event and scrollBy method are used to implement nested scrolling, set the edgeEffect attribute of the scrollable child component to None. For example, if a <List> is nested in the <Scroll> component, edgeEffect of the <List> must be set to EdgeEffect.None.


Implements a controller for a scrollable container component. You can bind this component to a container component and use it to control the scrolling of that component. One controller can control only one container component. The supported container components are <List>, <Scroll>, <ScrollBar>, <Grid>, and <WaterFlow>.

Objects to Import

scroller: Scroller = new Scroller()


scrollTo(value: { xOffset: number|string, yOffset: number|string, animation?: { duration?: number, curve?: Curve|ICurve }|boolean }): void

Scrolls to the specified position.


Name Type Mandatory Description
xOffset number |string Yes Horizontal scrolling offset.
This parameter cannot be set in percentage.
If the value is less than 0, no operation is performed. That is, this parameter does not take effect.
This parameter is valid only when the scroll axis is the x-axis.
yOffset number |string Yes Vertical scrolling offset.
This parameter cannot be set in percentage.
If the value is less than 0, no operation is performed. That is, this parameter does not take effect.
This parameter is valid only when the scroll axis is the y-axis.
animation {duration?: number, curve?: Curve |ICurve10+ } |boolean10+ No Animation configuration, which includes the following:
- duration: scrolling duration.
- curve: scrolling curve.
- boolean: whether to enable the default spring animation.
Default value:
duration: 1000,
curve: Curve.Ease
boolean: false
A value less than 0 evaluates to the default value.
Currently, the <List>, <Scroll>, <Grid>, and <WaterFlow> support the Boolean type and ICurve.


scrollEdge(value: Edge): void

Scrolls to the edge of the container, regardless of the scroll axis direction. Edge.Top and Edge.Start produce the same effect, and Edge.Bottom and Edge.End produce the same effect.


Name Type Mandatory Description
value Edge Yes Edge position to scroll to.


scrollPage(value: { next: boolean, direction?: Axis }): void

Scrolls to the next or previous page.


Name Type Mandatory Description
next boolean Yes Whether to turn to the next page. The value true means to scroll to the next page, and false means to scroll to the previous page.
direction(deprecated) Axis No Scrolling direction: horizontal or vertical.
This API is deprecated since API version 9.


currentOffset(): { xOffset: number, yOffset: number }

Obtains the scrolling offset.

Return value

Type Description
xOffset: number,
yOffset: number
xOffset: horizontal scrolling offset.
yOffset: vertical scrolling offset.
The unit of the return value is vp.


scrollToIndex(value: number, smooth?: boolean, align?: ScrollAlign): void

Scrolls to the item with the specified index.

When smooth is set to true, all passed items are loaded and counted in layout calculation. This may result in performance issues if a large number of items are involved.


This API only works for the <Grid>, <List>, and <WaterFlow> components.


Name Type Mandatory Description
value number Yes Index of the item to be scrolled to in the container.
If the value set is a negative value or greater than the maximum index of the items in the container, the value is deemed abnormal, and no scrolling will be performed.
smooth10+ boolean No Whether to enable the smooth animation for scrolling to the item with the specified index. The value true means to enable that the smooth animation, and false means the opposite.
Default value: false
Currently, only the <List> component supports this parameter.
align10+ ScrollAlign No How the list item to scroll to is aligned with the container.
Default value when the container is <List>: ScrollAlign.START
Default value when the container is <Grid>: ScrollAlign.AUTO
Currently, only the <List> and <Grid> components support this parameter.


scrollBy(dx: Length, dy: Length): void

Scrolls by the specified amount.


This API only works for the <Scroll>, <ScrollBar>, <Grid>, and <List> components.


Name Type Mandatory Description
dx Length Yes Amount to scroll by in the horizontal direction. The percentage format is not supported.
dy Length Yes Amount to scroll by in the vertical direction. The percentage format is not supported.


isAtEnd(): boolean

Checks whether the component has scrolled to the bottom.


This API is available for the <Scroll>, <List>, <Grid>, and <WaterFlow> components.

Return value

Type Description
boolean The value true means that the component has scrolled to the bottom, and false means the opposite.


Name Description
START The start edge of the list item is flush with the start edge of the list.
CENTER The list item is centered along the main axis of the list.
END The end edge of the list item is flush with the end edge of the list.
AUTO The list item is automatically aligned.
If the list item is fully contained within the display area, no adjustment is performed. Otherwise, the list item is aligned so that its start or end edge is flush with the start or end edge of the list, whichever requires a shorter scrolling distance.


Name Type Description
scrollForward NestedScrollMode Nested scrolling option when the component scrolls forward.
scrollBackward NestedScrollMode Nested scrolling option when the component scrolls backward.


Name Description
SELF_ONLY The scrolling is contained within the component, and no scroll chaining occurs, that is, the parent component does not scroll when the component scrolling reaches the boundary.
SELF_FIRST The component scrolls first, and when it hits the boundary, the parent component scrolls. When the parent component hits the boundary, its edge effect is displayed. If no edge effect is specified for the parent component, the edge effect of the child component is displayed instead.
PARENT_FIRST The parent component scrolls first, and when it hits the boundary, the component scrolls. When the component hits the boundary, its edge effect is displayed. If no edge effect is specified for the component, the edge effect of the parent component is displayed instead.
PARALLEL The component and its parent component scroll at the same time. When both the component and its parent component hit the boundary, the edge effect of the component is displayed. If no edge effect is specified for the component, the edge effect of the parent component is displayed instead.


Example 1

// xxx.ets
import Curves from '@ohos.curves'

struct ScrollExample {
  scroller: Scroller = new Scroller()
  private arr: number[] = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

  build() {
    Stack({ alignContent: Alignment.TopStart }) {
      Scroll(this.scroller) {
        Column() {
          ForEach(this.arr, (item: number) => {
              .margin({ top: 10 })
          }, (item: string) => item)
      .scrollable(ScrollDirection.Vertical) // The scrollbar scrolls in the vertical direction.
      .scrollBar(BarState.On) // The scrollbar is always displayed.
      .scrollBarColor(Color.Gray) // The scrollbar color is gray.
      .scrollBarWidth(10) // The scrollbar width is 10.
      .onScroll((xOffset: number, yOffset: number) => {
        console.info(xOffset + ' ' + yOffset)
      .onScrollEdge((side: Edge) => {
        console.info('To the edge')
      .onScrollEnd(() => {
        console.info('Scroll Stop')

      Button('scroll 150')
        .onClick(() => { // Click to scroll down to 150.0 vp.
          this.scroller.scrollBy(0, 150)
        .margin({ top: 10, left: 20 })
      Button('scroll 100')
        .onClick(() => { // Click to scroll down by 100.0 vp.
          const yOffset: number = this.scroller.currentOffset().yOffset;
          this.scroller.scrollTo({ xOffset: 0, yOffset: yOffset + 100 })
        .margin({ top: 60, left: 20 })
      Button('scroll 100')
        .onClick(() => {// Click to scroll down by 100.0 vp. An animation is applied to the scrolling.
          let curve = Curves.interpolatingSpring(100, 1, 228, 30) // Create a step curve.
          const yOffset: number = this.scroller.currentOffset().yOffset;
          this.scroller.scrollTo({ xOffset: 0, yOffset: yOffset + 100, animation: { duration: 1000, curve: curve } })
        .margin({ top: 110, left: 20 })
      Button('back top')
        .onClick(() => { // Click to go back to the top.
        .margin({ top: 160, left: 20 })
      Button('next page')
        .onClick(() => { // Click to go to the next page.
          this.scroller.scrollPage({ next: true })
        .margin({ top: 210, left: 20 })


Example 2

struct NestedScroll {
  @State listPosition: number = 0; // 0 indicates scrolling to the top of the list, 1 indicates scrolling to the middle of the list, and 2 indicates scrolling to the bottom of the list.
  private arr: number[] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
  private scrollerForScroll: Scroller = new Scroller()
  private scrollerForList: Scroller = new Scroller()

  build() {
    Flex() {
      Scroll(this.scrollerForScroll) {
        Column() {
          Text("Scroll Area")
            .onClick(() => {

          List({ space: 20, scroller: this.scrollerForList }) {
            ForEach(this.arr, (item: number) => {
              ListItem() {
                Text("ListItem" + item)
            }, (item: string) => item)
          .onReachStart(() => {
            this.listPosition = 0
          .onReachEnd(() => {
            this.listPosition = 2
          .onScrollFrameBegin((offset: number) => {
            if ((this.listPosition == 0 && offset <= 0)||(this.listPosition == 2 && offset >= 0)) {
              this.scrollerForScroll.scrollBy(0, offset)
              return { offsetRemain: 0 }
            this.listPosition = 1
            return { offsetRemain: offset };

          Text("Scroll Area")


Example 3

struct StickyNestedScroll {
  @State message: string = 'Hello World'
  @State arr: number[] = []

  listCard() {

  build() {
    Scroll() {
      Column() {
        Text("Scroll Area")
        Tabs({ barPosition: BarPosition.Start }) {
          TabContent() {
            List({ space: 10 }) {
              ForEach(this.arr, (item: number) => {
                ListItem() {
                  Text("item" + item)
              }, (item: string) => item)
              scrollForward: NestedScrollMode.PARENT_FIRST,
              scrollBackward: NestedScrollMode.SELF_FIRST

          TabContent() {

  aboutToAppear() {
    for (let i = 0; i < 30; i++) {



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