tidb server 源码

  • 2022-09-19
  • 浏览 (406)

tidb server 代码


// Copyright 2015 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

// The MIT License (MIT)
// Copyright (c) 2014 wandoulabs
// Copyright (c) 2014 siddontang
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
// this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
// the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
// use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
// the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
// subject to the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
// copies or substantial portions of the Software.

package server

import (
	"net/http" //nolint:goimports
	// For pprof
	_ "net/http/pprof" // #nosec G108


var (
	serverPID int
	osUser    string
	osVersion string
	// RunInGoTest represents whether we are run code in test.
	RunInGoTest bool

func init() {
	serverPID = os.Getpid()
	currentUser, err := user.Current()
	if err != nil {
		osUser = ""
	} else {
		osUser = currentUser.Name
	osVersion, err = linux.OSVersion()
	if err != nil {
		osVersion = ""

var (
	errUnknownFieldType        = dbterror.ClassServer.NewStd(errno.ErrUnknownFieldType)
	errInvalidSequence         = dbterror.ClassServer.NewStd(errno.ErrInvalidSequence)
	errInvalidType             = dbterror.ClassServer.NewStd(errno.ErrInvalidType)
	errNotAllowedCommand       = dbterror.ClassServer.NewStd(errno.ErrNotAllowedCommand)
	errAccessDenied            = dbterror.ClassServer.NewStd(errno.ErrAccessDenied)
	errAccessDeniedNoPassword  = dbterror.ClassServer.NewStd(errno.ErrAccessDeniedNoPassword)
	errConCount                = dbterror.ClassServer.NewStd(errno.ErrConCount)
	errSecureTransportRequired = dbterror.ClassServer.NewStd(errno.ErrSecureTransportRequired)
	errMultiStatementDisabled  = dbterror.ClassServer.NewStd(errno.ErrMultiStatementDisabled)
	errNewAbortingConnection   = dbterror.ClassServer.NewStd(errno.ErrNewAbortingConnection)
	errNotSupportedAuthMode    = dbterror.ClassServer.NewStd(errno.ErrNotSupportedAuthMode)
	errNetPacketTooLarge       = dbterror.ClassServer.NewStd(errno.ErrNetPacketTooLarge)

// DefaultCapability is the capability of the server when it is created using the default configuration.
// When server is configured with SSL, the server will have extra capabilities compared to DefaultCapability.
const defaultCapability = mysql.ClientLongPassword | mysql.ClientLongFlag |
	mysql.ClientConnectWithDB | mysql.ClientProtocol41 |
	mysql.ClientTransactions | mysql.ClientSecureConnection | mysql.ClientFoundRows |
	mysql.ClientMultiStatements | mysql.ClientMultiResults | mysql.ClientLocalFiles |
	mysql.ClientConnectAtts | mysql.ClientPluginAuth | mysql.ClientInteractive | mysql.ClientDeprecateEOF

// Server is the MySQL protocol server
type Server struct {
	cfg               *config.Config
	tlsConfig         unsafe.Pointer // *tls.Config
	driver            IDriver
	listener          net.Listener
	socket            net.Listener
	rwlock            sync.RWMutex
	concurrentLimiter *TokenLimiter
	clients           map[uint64]*clientConn
	capability        uint32
	dom               *domain.Domain
	globalConnID      util.GlobalConnID

	statusAddr     string
	statusListener net.Listener
	statusServer   *http.Server
	grpcServer     *grpc.Server
	inShutdownMode bool

	sessionMapMutex  sync.Mutex
	internalSessions map[interface{}]struct{}

// ConnectionCount gets current connection count.
func (s *Server) ConnectionCount() int {
	cnt := len(s.clients)
	return cnt

func (s *Server) getToken() *Token {
	start := time.Now()
	tok := s.concurrentLimiter.Get()
	// Note that data smaller than one microsecond is ignored, because that case can be viewed as non-block.
	metrics.GetTokenDurationHistogram.Observe(float64(time.Since(start).Nanoseconds() / 1e3))
	return tok

func (s *Server) releaseToken(token *Token) {

// SetDomain use to set the server domain.
func (s *Server) SetDomain(dom *domain.Domain) {
	s.dom = dom

// InitGlobalConnID initialize global connection id.
func (s *Server) InitGlobalConnID(serverIDGetter func() uint64) {
	s.globalConnID = util.NewGlobalConnIDWithGetter(serverIDGetter, true)

// newConn creates a new *clientConn from a net.Conn.
// It allocates a connection ID and random salt data for authentication.
func (s *Server) newConn(conn net.Conn) *clientConn {
	cc := newClientConn(s)
	if tcpConn, ok := conn.(*net.TCPConn); ok {
		if err := tcpConn.SetKeepAlive(s.cfg.Performance.TCPKeepAlive); err != nil {
			logutil.BgLogger().Error("failed to set tcp keep alive option", zap.Error(err))
		if err := tcpConn.SetNoDelay(s.cfg.Performance.TCPNoDelay); err != nil {
			logutil.BgLogger().Error("failed to set tcp no delay option", zap.Error(err))
	cc.salt = fastrand.Buf(20)
	return cc

// NewServer creates a new Server.
func NewServer(cfg *config.Config, driver IDriver) (*Server, error) {
	s := &Server{
		cfg:               cfg,
		driver:            driver,
		concurrentLimiter: NewTokenLimiter(cfg.TokenLimit),
		clients:           make(map[uint64]*clientConn),
		globalConnID:      util.NewGlobalConnID(0, true),
		internalSessions:  make(map[interface{}]struct{}, 100),
	s.capability = defaultCapability

	tlsConfig, autoReload, err := util.LoadTLSCertificates(
		s.cfg.Security.SSLCA, s.cfg.Security.SSLKey, s.cfg.Security.SSLCert,
		s.cfg.Security.AutoTLS, s.cfg.Security.RSAKeySize)

	// LoadTLSCertificates will auto generate certificates if autoTLS is enabled.
	// It only returns an error if certificates are specified and invalid.
	// In which case, we should halt server startup as a misconfiguration could
	// lead to a connection downgrade.
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Trace(err)

	// Automatically reload auto-generated certificates.
	// The certificates are re-created every 30 days and are valid for 90 days.
	if autoReload {
		go func() {
			for range time.Tick(time.Hour * 24 * 30) { // 30 days
				logutil.BgLogger().Info("Rotating automatically created TLS Certificates")
				tlsConfig, _, err = util.LoadTLSCertificates(
					s.cfg.Security.SSLCA, s.cfg.Security.SSLKey, s.cfg.Security.SSLCert,
					s.cfg.Security.AutoTLS, s.cfg.Security.RSAKeySize)
				if err != nil {
					logutil.BgLogger().Warn("TLS Certificate rotation failed", zap.Error(err))
				atomic.StorePointer(&s.tlsConfig, unsafe.Pointer(tlsConfig))

	if tlsConfig != nil {
		setSSLVariable(s.cfg.Security.SSLCA, s.cfg.Security.SSLKey, s.cfg.Security.SSLCert)
		atomic.StorePointer(&s.tlsConfig, unsafe.Pointer(tlsConfig))
		logutil.BgLogger().Info("mysql protocol server secure connection is enabled",
			zap.Bool("client verification enabled", len(variable.GetSysVar("ssl_ca").Value) > 0))
	if s.tlsConfig != nil {
		s.capability |= mysql.ClientSSL

	if s.cfg.Host != "" && (s.cfg.Port != 0 || RunInGoTest) {
		addr := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", s.cfg.Host, s.cfg.Port)
		tcpProto := "tcp"
		if s.cfg.EnableTCP4Only {
			tcpProto = "tcp4"
		if s.listener, err = net.Listen(tcpProto, addr); err != nil {
			return nil, errors.Trace(err)
		logutil.BgLogger().Info("server is running MySQL protocol", zap.String("addr", addr))
		if RunInGoTest && s.cfg.Port == 0 {
			s.cfg.Port = uint(s.listener.Addr().(*net.TCPAddr).Port)

	if s.cfg.Socket != "" {
		if err := cleanupStaleSocket(s.cfg.Socket); err != nil {
			return nil, errors.Trace(err)

		if s.socket, err = net.Listen("unix", s.cfg.Socket); err != nil {
			return nil, errors.Trace(err)
		logutil.BgLogger().Info("server is running MySQL protocol", zap.String("socket", s.cfg.Socket))

	if s.socket == nil && s.listener == nil {
		err = errors.New("Server not configured to listen on either -socket or -host and -port")
		return nil, errors.Trace(err)

	if s.cfg.ProxyProtocol.Networks != "" {
		proxyTarget := s.listener
		if proxyTarget == nil {
			proxyTarget = s.socket
		ppListener, err := proxyprotocol.NewLazyListener(proxyTarget, s.cfg.ProxyProtocol.Networks,
		if err != nil {
			logutil.BgLogger().Error("ProxyProtocol networks parameter invalid")
			return nil, errors.Trace(err)
		if s.listener != nil {
			s.listener = ppListener
			logutil.BgLogger().Info("server is running MySQL protocol (through PROXY protocol)", zap.String("host", s.cfg.Host))
		} else {
			s.socket = ppListener
			logutil.BgLogger().Info("server is running MySQL protocol (through PROXY protocol)", zap.String("socket", s.cfg.Socket))

	if s.cfg.Status.ReportStatus {
		if err = s.listenStatusHTTPServer(); err != nil {
			return nil, errors.Trace(err)

	// Init rand seed for randomBuf()


	return s, nil

func cleanupStaleSocket(socket string) error {
	sockStat, err := os.Stat(socket)
	if err != nil {
		return nil

	if sockStat.Mode().Type() != os.ModeSocket {
		return fmt.Errorf(
			"the specified socket file %s is a %s instead of a socket file",
			socket, sockStat.Mode().String())

	if _, err = net.Dial("unix", socket); err == nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("unix socket %s exists and is functional, not removing it", socket)

	if err2 := os.Remove(socket); err2 != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("failed to cleanup stale Unix socket file %s: %w", socket, err)

	return nil

func setSSLVariable(ca, key, cert string) {
	variable.SetSysVar("have_openssl", "YES")
	variable.SetSysVar("have_ssl", "YES")
	variable.SetSysVar("ssl_cert", cert)
	variable.SetSysVar("ssl_key", key)
	variable.SetSysVar("ssl_ca", ca)

func setTxnScope() {
	variable.SetSysVar(variable.TiDBTxnScope, func() string {
		if !variable.EnableLocalTxn.Load() {
			return kv.GlobalTxnScope
		if txnScope := config.GetTxnScopeFromConfig(); txnScope == kv.GlobalTxnScope {
			return kv.GlobalTxnScope
		return kv.LocalTxnScope

// Export config-related metrics
func (s *Server) reportConfig() {

// Run runs the server.
func (s *Server) Run() error {

	// Start HTTP API to report tidb info such as TPS.
	if s.cfg.Status.ReportStatus {
	// If error should be reported and exit the server it can be sent on this
	// channel. Otherwise, end with sending a nil error to signal "done"
	errChan := make(chan error)
	go s.startNetworkListener(s.listener, false, errChan)
	go s.startNetworkListener(s.socket, true, errChan)
	err := <-errChan
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return <-errChan

func (s *Server) startNetworkListener(listener net.Listener, isUnixSocket bool, errChan chan error) {
	if listener == nil {
		errChan <- nil
	for {
		conn, err := listener.Accept()
		if err != nil {
			if opErr, ok := err.(*net.OpError); ok {
				if opErr.Err.Error() == "use of closed network connection" {
					if s.inShutdownMode {
						errChan <- nil
					} else {
						errChan <- err

			// If we got PROXY protocol error, we should continue to accept.
			if proxyprotocol.IsProxyProtocolError(err) {
				logutil.BgLogger().Error("PROXY protocol failed", zap.Error(err))

			logutil.BgLogger().Error("accept failed", zap.Error(err))
			errChan <- err

		clientConn := s.newConn(conn)
		if isUnixSocket {
			uc, ok := conn.(*net.UnixConn)
			if !ok {
				logutil.BgLogger().Error("Expected UNIX socket, but got something else")

			clientConn.isUnixSocket = true
			clientConn.peerHost = "localhost"
			clientConn.socketCredUID, err = linux.GetSockUID(*uc)
			if err != nil {
				logutil.BgLogger().Error("Failed to get UNIX socket peer credentials", zap.Error(err))

		err = plugin.ForeachPlugin(plugin.Audit, func(p *plugin.Plugin) error {
			authPlugin := plugin.DeclareAuditManifest(p.Manifest)
			if authPlugin.OnConnectionEvent == nil {
				return nil
			host, _, err := clientConn.PeerHost("")
			if err != nil {
				logutil.BgLogger().Error("get peer host failed", zap.Error(err))
				return errors.Trace(err)
			if err = authPlugin.OnConnectionEvent(context.Background(), plugin.PreAuth,
				&variable.ConnectionInfo{Host: host}); err != nil {
				logutil.BgLogger().Info("do connection event failed", zap.Error(err))
				return errors.Trace(err)
			return nil
		if err != nil {

		if s.dom != nil && s.dom.IsLostConnectionToPD() {
			logutil.BgLogger().Warn("reject connection due to lost connection to PD")

		go s.onConn(clientConn)

func (s *Server) startShutdown() {
	logutil.BgLogger().Info("setting tidb-server to report unhealthy (shutting-down)")
	s.inShutdownMode = true
	// give the load balancer a chance to receive a few unhealthy health reports
	// before acquiring the s.rwlock and blocking connections.
	waitTime := time.Duration(s.cfg.GracefulWaitBeforeShutdown) * time.Second
	if waitTime > 0 {
		logutil.BgLogger().Info("waiting for stray connections before starting shutdown process", zap.Duration("waitTime", waitTime))

// Close closes the server.
func (s *Server) Close() {
	s.rwlock.Lock() // prevent new connections
	defer s.rwlock.Unlock()

	if s.listener != nil {
		err := s.listener.Close()
		s.listener = nil
	if s.socket != nil {
		err := s.socket.Close()
		s.socket = nil
	if s.statusServer != nil {
		err := s.statusServer.Close()
		s.statusServer = nil
	if s.grpcServer != nil {
		s.grpcServer = nil

// onConn runs in its own goroutine, handles queries from this connection.
func (s *Server) onConn(conn *clientConn) {
	ctx := logutil.WithConnID(context.Background(), conn.connectionID)
	if err := conn.handshake(ctx); err != nil {
		if plugin.IsEnable(plugin.Audit) && conn.getCtx() != nil {
			conn.getCtx().GetSessionVars().ConnectionInfo = conn.connectInfo()
			err = plugin.ForeachPlugin(plugin.Audit, func(p *plugin.Plugin) error {
				authPlugin := plugin.DeclareAuditManifest(p.Manifest)
				if authPlugin.OnConnectionEvent != nil {
					pluginCtx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), plugin.RejectReasonCtxValue{}, err.Error())
					return authPlugin.OnConnectionEvent(pluginCtx, plugin.Reject, conn.ctx.GetSessionVars().ConnectionInfo)
				return nil
		switch errors.Cause(err) {
		case io.EOF:
			// `EOF` means the connection is closed normally, we do not treat it as a noticeable error and log it in 'DEBUG' level.
			logutil.BgLogger().With(zap.Uint64("conn", conn.connectionID)).
				Debug("EOF", zap.String("remote addr", conn.bufReadConn.RemoteAddr().String()))
		case errConCount:
			if err := conn.writeError(ctx, err); err != nil {
				logutil.BgLogger().With(zap.Uint64("conn", conn.connectionID)).
					Warn("error in writing errConCount", zap.Error(err),
						zap.String("remote addr", conn.bufReadConn.RemoteAddr().String()))
			logutil.BgLogger().With(zap.Uint64("conn", conn.connectionID)).
				Warn("Server.onConn handshake", zap.Error(err),
					zap.String("remote addr", conn.bufReadConn.RemoteAddr().String()))

	logutil.Logger(ctx).Debug("new connection", zap.String("remoteAddr", conn.bufReadConn.RemoteAddr().String()))

	defer func() {
		logutil.Logger(ctx).Debug("connection closed")
	s.clients[conn.connectionID] = conn
	connections := len(s.clients)

	sessionVars := conn.ctx.GetSessionVars()
	sessionVars.ConnectionInfo = conn.connectInfo()
	err := plugin.ForeachPlugin(plugin.Audit, func(p *plugin.Plugin) error {
		authPlugin := plugin.DeclareAuditManifest(p.Manifest)
		if authPlugin.OnConnectionEvent != nil {
			return authPlugin.OnConnectionEvent(context.Background(), plugin.Connected, sessionVars.ConnectionInfo)
		return nil
	if err != nil {

	connectedTime := time.Now()

	err = plugin.ForeachPlugin(plugin.Audit, func(p *plugin.Plugin) error {
		authPlugin := plugin.DeclareAuditManifest(p.Manifest)
		if authPlugin.OnConnectionEvent != nil {
			sessionVars.ConnectionInfo.Duration = float64(time.Since(connectedTime)) / float64(time.Millisecond)
			err := authPlugin.OnConnectionEvent(context.Background(), plugin.Disconnect, sessionVars.ConnectionInfo)
			if err != nil {
				logutil.BgLogger().Warn("do connection event failed", zap.String("plugin", authPlugin.Name), zap.Error(err))
		return nil
	if err != nil {

func (cc *clientConn) connectInfo() *variable.ConnectionInfo {
	connType := variable.ConnTypeSocket
	if cc.isUnixSocket {
		connType = variable.ConnTypeUnixSocket
	} else if cc.tlsConn != nil {
		connType = variable.ConnTypeTLS
	connInfo := &variable.ConnectionInfo{
		ConnectionID:      cc.connectionID,
		ConnectionType:    connType,
		Host:              cc.peerHost,
		ClientIP:          cc.peerHost,
		ClientPort:        cc.peerPort,
		ServerID:          1,
		ServerPort:        int(cc.server.cfg.Port),
		User:              cc.user,
		ServerOSLoginUser: osUser,
		OSVersion:         osVersion,
		ServerVersion:     mysql.TiDBReleaseVersion,
		SSLVersion:        "v1.2.0", // for current go version
		PID:               serverPID,
		DB:                cc.dbname,
	return connInfo

func (s *Server) checkConnectionCount() error {
	// When the value of Instance.MaxConnections is 0, the number of connections is unlimited.
	if int(s.cfg.Instance.MaxConnections) == 0 {
		return nil

	conns := len(s.clients)

	if conns >= int(s.cfg.Instance.MaxConnections) {
		logutil.BgLogger().Error("too many connections",
			zap.Uint32("max connections", s.cfg.Instance.MaxConnections), zap.Error(errConCount))
		return errConCount
	return nil

// ShowProcessList implements the SessionManager interface.
func (s *Server) ShowProcessList() map[uint64]*util.ProcessInfo {
	rs := make(map[uint64]*util.ProcessInfo)
	for connID, pi := range s.getUserProcessList() {
		rs[connID] = pi
	if s.dom != nil {
		for connID, pi := range s.dom.SysProcTracker().GetSysProcessList() {
			rs[connID] = pi
	return rs

func (s *Server) getUserProcessList() map[uint64]*util.ProcessInfo {
	defer s.rwlock.RUnlock()
	rs := make(map[uint64]*util.ProcessInfo)
	for _, client := range s.clients {
		if pi := client.ctx.ShowProcess(); pi != nil {
			rs[pi.ID] = pi
	return rs

// ShowTxnList shows all txn info for displaying in `TIDB_TRX`
func (s *Server) ShowTxnList() []*txninfo.TxnInfo {
	defer s.rwlock.RUnlock()
	rs := make([]*txninfo.TxnInfo, 0, len(s.clients))
	for _, client := range s.clients {
		if client.ctx.Session != nil {
			info := client.ctx.Session.TxnInfo()
			if info != nil {
				rs = append(rs, info)
	return rs

// GetProcessInfo implements the SessionManager interface.
func (s *Server) GetProcessInfo(id uint64) (*util.ProcessInfo, bool) {
	conn, ok := s.clients[id]
	if !ok {
		return &util.ProcessInfo{}, false
	return conn.ctx.ShowProcess(), ok

// Kill implements the SessionManager interface.
func (s *Server) Kill(connectionID uint64, query bool) {
	logutil.BgLogger().Info("kill", zap.Uint64("connID", connectionID), zap.Bool("query", query))

	defer s.rwlock.RUnlock()
	conn, ok := s.clients[connectionID]
	if !ok && s.dom != nil {

	if !query {
		// Mark the client connection status as WaitShutdown, when clientConn.Run detect
		// this, it will end the dispatch loop and exit.
		atomic.StoreInt32(&conn.status, connStatusWaitShutdown)

// UpdateTLSConfig implements the SessionManager interface.
func (s *Server) UpdateTLSConfig(cfg *tls.Config) {
	atomic.StorePointer(&s.tlsConfig, unsafe.Pointer(cfg))

func (s *Server) getTLSConfig() *tls.Config {
	return (*tls.Config)(atomic.LoadPointer(&s.tlsConfig))

func killConn(conn *clientConn) {
	sessVars := conn.ctx.GetSessionVars()
	atomic.StoreUint32(&sessVars.Killed, 1)
	cancelFunc := conn.mu.cancelFunc

	if cancelFunc != nil {
	if conn.bufReadConn != nil {
		if err := conn.bufReadConn.SetReadDeadline(time.Now()); err != nil {
			logutil.BgLogger().Warn("error setting read deadline for kill.", zap.Error(err))

// KillAllConnections kills all connections when server is not gracefully shutdown.
func (s *Server) KillAllConnections() {
	logutil.BgLogger().Info("[server] kill all connections.")

	defer s.rwlock.RUnlock()
	for _, conn := range s.clients {
		atomic.StoreInt32(&conn.status, connStatusShutdown)
		if err := conn.closeWithoutLock(); err != nil {

	if s.dom != nil {
		sysProcTracker := s.dom.SysProcTracker()
		for connID := range sysProcTracker.GetSysProcessList() {

var gracefulCloseConnectionsTimeout = 15 * time.Second

// TryGracefulDown will try to gracefully close all connection first with timeout. if timeout, will close all connection directly.
func (s *Server) TryGracefulDown() {
	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), gracefulCloseConnectionsTimeout)
	defer cancel()
	done := make(chan struct{})
	go func() {
		s.GracefulDown(ctx, done)
	select {
	case <-ctx.Done():
	case <-done:

// GracefulDown waits all clients to close.
func (s *Server) GracefulDown(ctx context.Context, done chan struct{}) {
	logutil.Logger(ctx).Info("[server] graceful shutdown.")

	count := s.ConnectionCount()
	for i := 0; count > 0; i++ {

		count = s.ConnectionCount()
		if count == 0 {
		// Print information for every 30s.
		if i%30 == 0 {
			logutil.Logger(ctx).Info("graceful shutdown...", zap.Int("conn count", count))
		ticker := time.After(time.Second)
		select {
		case <-ctx.Done():
		case <-ticker:

func (s *Server) kickIdleConnection() {
	var conns []*clientConn
	for _, cc := range s.clients {
		if cc.ShutdownOrNotify() {
			// Shutdowned conn will be closed by us, and notified conn will exist themselves.
			conns = append(conns, cc)

	for _, cc := range conns {
		err := cc.Close()
		if err != nil {
			logutil.BgLogger().Error("close connection", zap.Error(err))

// ServerID implements SessionManager interface.
func (s *Server) ServerID() uint64 {
	return s.dom.ServerID()

// StoreInternalSession implements SessionManager interface.
// @param addr	The address of a session.session struct variable
func (s *Server) StoreInternalSession(se interface{}) {
	s.internalSessions[se] = struct{}{}

// DeleteInternalSession implements SessionManager interface.
// @param addr	The address of a session.session struct variable
func (s *Server) DeleteInternalSession(se interface{}) {
	delete(s.internalSessions, se)

// GetInternalSessionStartTSList implements SessionManager interface.
func (s *Server) GetInternalSessionStartTSList() []uint64 {
	defer s.sessionMapMutex.Unlock()
	tsList := make([]uint64, 0, len(s.internalSessions))
	analyzeProcID := util.GetAutoAnalyzeProcID(s.ServerID)
	for se := range s.internalSessions {
		if ts, processInfoID := session.GetStartTSFromSession(se); ts != 0 {
			if processInfoID == analyzeProcID {
			tsList = append(tsList, ts)
	return tsList

// InternalSessionExists is used for test
func (s *Server) InternalSessionExists(se interface{}) bool {
	_, ok := s.internalSessions[se]
	return ok

// setSysTimeZoneOnce is used for parallel run tests. When several servers are running,
// only the first will actually do setSystemTimeZoneVariable, thus we can avoid data race.
var setSysTimeZoneOnce = &sync.Once{}

func setSystemTimeZoneVariable() {
	setSysTimeZoneOnce.Do(func() {
		tz, err := timeutil.GetSystemTZ()
		if err != nil {
				"Error getting SystemTZ, use default value instead",
				zap.String("default system_time_zone", variable.GetSysVar("system_time_zone").Value))
		variable.SetSysVar("system_time_zone", tz)

// CheckOldRunningTxn implements SessionManager interface.
func (s *Server) CheckOldRunningTxn(job2ver map[int64]int64, job2ids map[int64]string) {
	defer s.rwlock.RUnlock()
	for _, client := range s.clients {
		if client.ctx.Session != nil {
			session.RemoveLockDDLJobs(client.ctx.Session, job2ver, job2ids)


tidb 源码目录


tidb buffered_read_conn 源码

tidb column 源码

tidb conn 源码

tidb conn_stmt 源码

tidb driver 源码

tidb driver_tidb 源码

tidb http_handler 源码

tidb http_status 源码

tidb mock_conn 源码

tidb optimize_trace 源码

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