tidb conn 源码
tidb conn 代码
// Copyright 2015 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Copyright 2013 The Go-MySQL-Driver Authors. All rights reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
// The MIT License (MIT)
// Copyright (c) 2014 wandoulabs
// Copyright (c) 2014 siddontang
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
// this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
// the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
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// copies or substantial portions of the Software.
package server
import (
goerr "errors"
plannercore "github.com/pingcap/tidb/planner/core"
storeerr "github.com/pingcap/tidb/store/driver/error"
tidbutil "github.com/pingcap/tidb/util"
tlsutil "github.com/pingcap/tidb/util/tls"
topsqlstate "github.com/pingcap/tidb/util/topsql/state"
const (
connStatusDispatching int32 = iota
connStatusShutdown // Closed by server.
connStatusWaitShutdown // Notified by server to close.
var (
queryTotalCountOk = [...]prometheus.Counter{
mysql.ComSleep: metrics.QueryTotalCounter.WithLabelValues("Sleep", "OK"),
mysql.ComQuit: metrics.QueryTotalCounter.WithLabelValues("Quit", "OK"),
mysql.ComInitDB: metrics.QueryTotalCounter.WithLabelValues("InitDB", "OK"),
mysql.ComQuery: metrics.QueryTotalCounter.WithLabelValues("Query", "OK"),
mysql.ComPing: metrics.QueryTotalCounter.WithLabelValues("Ping", "OK"),
mysql.ComFieldList: metrics.QueryTotalCounter.WithLabelValues("FieldList", "OK"),
mysql.ComStmtPrepare: metrics.QueryTotalCounter.WithLabelValues("StmtPrepare", "OK"),
mysql.ComStmtExecute: metrics.QueryTotalCounter.WithLabelValues("StmtExecute", "OK"),
mysql.ComStmtFetch: metrics.QueryTotalCounter.WithLabelValues("StmtFetch", "OK"),
mysql.ComStmtClose: metrics.QueryTotalCounter.WithLabelValues("StmtClose", "OK"),
mysql.ComStmtSendLongData: metrics.QueryTotalCounter.WithLabelValues("StmtSendLongData", "OK"),
mysql.ComStmtReset: metrics.QueryTotalCounter.WithLabelValues("StmtReset", "OK"),
mysql.ComSetOption: metrics.QueryTotalCounter.WithLabelValues("SetOption", "OK"),
queryTotalCountErr = [...]prometheus.Counter{
mysql.ComSleep: metrics.QueryTotalCounter.WithLabelValues("Sleep", "Error"),
mysql.ComQuit: metrics.QueryTotalCounter.WithLabelValues("Quit", "Error"),
mysql.ComInitDB: metrics.QueryTotalCounter.WithLabelValues("InitDB", "Error"),
mysql.ComQuery: metrics.QueryTotalCounter.WithLabelValues("Query", "Error"),
mysql.ComPing: metrics.QueryTotalCounter.WithLabelValues("Ping", "Error"),
mysql.ComFieldList: metrics.QueryTotalCounter.WithLabelValues("FieldList", "Error"),
mysql.ComStmtPrepare: metrics.QueryTotalCounter.WithLabelValues("StmtPrepare", "Error"),
mysql.ComStmtExecute: metrics.QueryTotalCounter.WithLabelValues("StmtExecute", "Error"),
mysql.ComStmtFetch: metrics.QueryTotalCounter.WithLabelValues("StmtFetch", "Error"),
mysql.ComStmtClose: metrics.QueryTotalCounter.WithLabelValues("StmtClose", "Error"),
mysql.ComStmtSendLongData: metrics.QueryTotalCounter.WithLabelValues("StmtSendLongData", "Error"),
mysql.ComStmtReset: metrics.QueryTotalCounter.WithLabelValues("StmtReset", "Error"),
mysql.ComSetOption: metrics.QueryTotalCounter.WithLabelValues("SetOption", "Error"),
queryDurationHistogramUse = metrics.QueryDurationHistogram.WithLabelValues("Use")
queryDurationHistogramShow = metrics.QueryDurationHistogram.WithLabelValues("Show")
queryDurationHistogramBegin = metrics.QueryDurationHistogram.WithLabelValues("Begin")
queryDurationHistogramCommit = metrics.QueryDurationHistogram.WithLabelValues("Commit")
queryDurationHistogramRollback = metrics.QueryDurationHistogram.WithLabelValues("Rollback")
queryDurationHistogramInsert = metrics.QueryDurationHistogram.WithLabelValues("Insert")
queryDurationHistogramReplace = metrics.QueryDurationHistogram.WithLabelValues("Replace")
queryDurationHistogramDelete = metrics.QueryDurationHistogram.WithLabelValues("Delete")
queryDurationHistogramUpdate = metrics.QueryDurationHistogram.WithLabelValues("Update")
queryDurationHistogramSelect = metrics.QueryDurationHistogram.WithLabelValues("Select")
queryDurationHistogramExecute = metrics.QueryDurationHistogram.WithLabelValues("Execute")
queryDurationHistogramSet = metrics.QueryDurationHistogram.WithLabelValues("Set")
queryDurationHistogramGeneral = metrics.QueryDurationHistogram.WithLabelValues(metrics.LblGeneral)
disconnectNormal = metrics.DisconnectionCounter.WithLabelValues(metrics.LblOK)
disconnectByClientWithError = metrics.DisconnectionCounter.WithLabelValues(metrics.LblError)
disconnectErrorUndetermined = metrics.DisconnectionCounter.WithLabelValues("undetermined")
connIdleDurationHistogramNotInTxn = metrics.ConnIdleDurationHistogram.WithLabelValues("0")
connIdleDurationHistogramInTxn = metrics.ConnIdleDurationHistogram.WithLabelValues("1")
affectedRowsCounterInsert = metrics.AffectedRowsCounter.WithLabelValues("Insert")
affectedRowsCounterUpdate = metrics.AffectedRowsCounter.WithLabelValues("Update")
affectedRowsCounterDelete = metrics.AffectedRowsCounter.WithLabelValues("Delete")
affectedRowsCounterReplace = metrics.AffectedRowsCounter.WithLabelValues("Replace")
// newClientConn creates a *clientConn object.
func newClientConn(s *Server) *clientConn {
return &clientConn{
server: s,
connectionID: s.globalConnID.NextID(),
collation: mysql.DefaultCollationID,
alloc: arena.NewAllocator(32 * 1024),
chunkAlloc: chunk.NewAllocator(),
status: connStatusDispatching,
lastActive: time.Now(),
authPlugin: mysql.AuthNativePassword,
// clientConn represents a connection between server and client, it maintains connection specific state,
// handles client query.
type clientConn struct {
pkt *packetIO // a helper to read and write data in packet format.
bufReadConn *bufferedReadConn // a buffered-read net.Conn or buffered-read tls.Conn.
tlsConn *tls.Conn // TLS connection, nil if not TLS.
server *Server // a reference of server instance.
capability uint32 // client capability affects the way server handles client request.
connectionID uint64 // atomically allocated by a global variable, unique in process scope.
user string // user of the client.
dbname string // default database name.
salt []byte // random bytes used for authentication.
alloc arena.Allocator // an memory allocator for reducing memory allocation.
chunkAlloc chunk.Allocator
lastPacket []byte // latest sql query string, currently used for logging error.
// ShowProcess() and mysql.ComChangeUser both visit this field, ShowProcess() read information through
// the TiDBContext and mysql.ComChangeUser re-create it, so a lock is required here.
ctx struct {
*TiDBContext // an interface to execute sql statements.
attrs map[string]string // attributes parsed from client handshake response, not used for now.
peerHost string // peer host
peerPort string // peer port
status int32 // dispatching/reading/shutdown/waitshutdown
lastCode uint16 // last error code
collation uint8 // collation used by client, may be different from the collation used by database.
lastActive time.Time // last active time
authPlugin string // default authentication plugin
isUnixSocket bool // connection is Unix Socket file
rsEncoder *resultEncoder // rsEncoder is used to encode the string result to different charsets.
inputDecoder *inputDecoder // inputDecoder is used to decode the different charsets of incoming strings to utf-8.
socketCredUID uint32 // UID from the other end of the Unix Socket
// mu is used for cancelling the execution of current transaction.
mu struct {
cancelFunc context.CancelFunc
func (cc *clientConn) getCtx() *TiDBContext {
defer cc.ctx.RUnlock()
return cc.ctx.TiDBContext
func (cc *clientConn) setCtx(ctx *TiDBContext) {
cc.ctx.TiDBContext = ctx
func (cc *clientConn) String() string {
collationStr := mysql.Collations[cc.collation]
return fmt.Sprintf("id:%d, addr:%s status:%b, collation:%s, user:%s",
cc.connectionID, cc.bufReadConn.RemoteAddr(), cc.ctx.Status(), collationStr, cc.user,
// authSwitchRequest is used by the server to ask the client to switch to a different authentication
// plugin. MySQL 8.0 libmysqlclient based clients by default always try `caching_sha2_password`, even
// when the server advertises the its default to be `mysql_native_password`. In addition to this switching
// may be needed on a per user basis as the authentication method is set per user.
// https://dev.mysql.com/doc/internals/en/connection-phase-packets.html#packet-Protocol::AuthSwitchRequest
// https://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=93044
func (cc *clientConn) authSwitchRequest(ctx context.Context, plugin string) ([]byte, error) {
failpoint.Inject("FakeAuthSwitch", func() {
failpoint.Return([]byte(plugin), nil)
enclen := 1 + len(plugin) + 1 + len(cc.salt) + 1
data := cc.alloc.AllocWithLen(4, enclen)
data = append(data, mysql.AuthSwitchRequest) // switch request
data = append(data, []byte(plugin)...)
data = append(data, byte(0x00)) // requires null
data = append(data, cc.salt...)
data = append(data, 0)
err := cc.writePacket(data)
if err != nil {
logutil.Logger(ctx).Debug("write response to client failed", zap.Error(err))
return nil, err
err = cc.flush(ctx)
if err != nil {
logutil.Logger(ctx).Debug("flush response to client failed", zap.Error(err))
return nil, err
resp, err := cc.readPacket()
if err != nil {
err = errors.SuspendStack(err)
if errors.Cause(err) == io.EOF {
logutil.Logger(ctx).Warn("authSwitchRequest response fail due to connection has be closed by client-side")
} else {
logutil.Logger(ctx).Warn("authSwitchRequest response fail", zap.Error(err))
return nil, err
cc.authPlugin = plugin
return resp, nil
// handshake works like TCP handshake, but in a higher level, it first writes initial packet to client,
// during handshake, client and server negotiate compatible features and do authentication.
// After handshake, client can send sql query to server.
func (cc *clientConn) handshake(ctx context.Context) error {
if err := cc.writeInitialHandshake(ctx); err != nil {
if errors.Cause(err) == io.EOF {
logutil.Logger(ctx).Debug("Could not send handshake due to connection has be closed by client-side")
} else {
logutil.Logger(ctx).Debug("Write init handshake to client fail", zap.Error(errors.SuspendStack(err)))
return err
if err := cc.readOptionalSSLRequestAndHandshakeResponse(ctx); err != nil {
err1 := cc.writeError(ctx, err)
if err1 != nil {
logutil.Logger(ctx).Debug("writeError failed", zap.Error(err1))
return err
// MySQL supports an "init_connect" query, which can be run on initial connection.
// The query must return a non-error or the client is disconnected.
if err := cc.initConnect(ctx); err != nil {
logutil.Logger(ctx).Warn("init_connect failed", zap.Error(err))
initErr := errNewAbortingConnection.FastGenByArgs(cc.connectionID, "unconnected", cc.user, cc.peerHost, "init_connect command failed")
if err1 := cc.writeError(ctx, initErr); err1 != nil {
return initErr
data := cc.alloc.AllocWithLen(4, 32)
data = append(data, mysql.OKHeader)
data = append(data, 0, 0)
if cc.capability&mysql.ClientProtocol41 > 0 {
data = dumpUint16(data, mysql.ServerStatusAutocommit)
data = append(data, 0, 0)
err := cc.writePacket(data)
cc.pkt.sequence = 0
if err != nil {
err = errors.SuspendStack(err)
logutil.Logger(ctx).Debug("write response to client failed", zap.Error(err))
return err
err = cc.flush(ctx)
if err != nil {
err = errors.SuspendStack(err)
logutil.Logger(ctx).Debug("flush response to client failed", zap.Error(err))
return err
return err
func (cc *clientConn) Close() error {
delete(cc.server.clients, cc.connectionID)
connections := len(cc.server.clients)
return closeConn(cc, connections)
func closeConn(cc *clientConn, connections int) error {
if cc.bufReadConn != nil {
err := cc.bufReadConn.Close()
if err != nil {
// We need to expect connection might have already disconnected.
// This is because closeConn() might be called after a connection read-timeout.
logutil.Logger(context.Background()).Debug("could not close connection", zap.Error(err))
// Close statements and session
// This will release advisory locks, row locks, etc.
if ctx := cc.getCtx(); ctx != nil {
return ctx.Close()
return nil
func (cc *clientConn) closeWithoutLock() error {
delete(cc.server.clients, cc.connectionID)
return closeConn(cc, len(cc.server.clients))
// writeInitialHandshake sends server version, connection ID, server capability, collation, server status
// and auth salt to the client.
func (cc *clientConn) writeInitialHandshake(ctx context.Context) error {
data := make([]byte, 4, 128)
// min version 10
data = append(data, 10)
// server version[00]
data = append(data, mysql.ServerVersion...)
data = append(data, 0)
// connection id
data = append(data, byte(cc.connectionID), byte(cc.connectionID>>8), byte(cc.connectionID>>16), byte(cc.connectionID>>24))
// auth-plugin-data-part-1
data = append(data, cc.salt[0:8]...)
// filler [00]
data = append(data, 0)
// capability flag lower 2 bytes, using default capability here
data = append(data, byte(cc.server.capability), byte(cc.server.capability>>8))
// charset
if cc.collation == 0 {
cc.collation = uint8(mysql.DefaultCollationID)
data = append(data, cc.collation)
// status
data = dumpUint16(data, mysql.ServerStatusAutocommit)
// below 13 byte may not be used
// capability flag upper 2 bytes, using default capability here
data = append(data, byte(cc.server.capability>>16), byte(cc.server.capability>>24))
// length of auth-plugin-data
data = append(data, byte(len(cc.salt)+1))
// reserved 10 [00]
data = append(data, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
// auth-plugin-data-part-2
data = append(data, cc.salt[8:]...)
data = append(data, 0)
// auth-plugin name
if ctx := cc.getCtx(); ctx == nil {
if err := cc.openSession(); err != nil {
return err
defAuthPlugin, err := cc.ctx.GetSessionVars().GetGlobalSystemVar(variable.DefaultAuthPlugin)
if err != nil {
return err
cc.authPlugin = defAuthPlugin
data = append(data, []byte(defAuthPlugin)...)
// Close the session to force this to be re-opened after we parse the response. This is needed
// to ensure we use the collation and client flags from the response for the session.
if err = cc.ctx.Close(); err != nil {
return err
data = append(data, 0)
if err = cc.writePacket(data); err != nil {
return err
return cc.flush(ctx)
func (cc *clientConn) readPacket() ([]byte, error) {
if cc.getCtx() != nil {
return cc.pkt.readPacket()
func (cc *clientConn) writePacket(data []byte) error {
failpoint.Inject("FakeClientConn", func() {
if cc.pkt == nil {
return cc.pkt.writePacket(data)
// getSessionVarsWaitTimeout get session variable wait_timeout
func (cc *clientConn) getSessionVarsWaitTimeout(ctx context.Context) uint64 {
valStr, exists := cc.ctx.GetSessionVars().GetSystemVar(variable.WaitTimeout)
if !exists {
return variable.DefWaitTimeout
waitTimeout, err := strconv.ParseUint(valStr, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
logutil.Logger(ctx).Warn("get sysval wait_timeout failed, use default value", zap.Error(err))
// if get waitTimeout error, use default value
return variable.DefWaitTimeout
return waitTimeout
type handshakeResponse41 struct {
Capability uint32
Collation uint8
User string
DBName string
Auth []byte
AuthPlugin string
Attrs map[string]string
// parseHandshakeResponseHeader parses the common header of SSLRequest and HandshakeResponse41.
func parseHandshakeResponseHeader(ctx context.Context, packet *handshakeResponse41, data []byte) (parsedBytes int, err error) {
// Ensure there are enough data to read:
// http://dev.mysql.com/doc/internals/en/connection-phase-packets.html#packet-Protocol::SSLRequest
if len(data) < 4+4+1+23 {
logutil.Logger(ctx).Error("got malformed handshake response", zap.ByteString("packetData", data))
return 0, mysql.ErrMalformPacket
offset := 0
// capability
capability := binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(data[:4])
packet.Capability = capability
offset += 4
// skip max packet size
offset += 4
// charset, skip, if you want to use another charset, use set names
packet.Collation = data[offset]
// skip reserved 23[00]
offset += 23
return offset, nil
// parseHandshakeResponseBody parse the HandshakeResponse (except the common header part).
func parseHandshakeResponseBody(ctx context.Context, packet *handshakeResponse41, data []byte, offset int) (err error) {
defer func() {
// Check malformat packet cause out of range is disgusting, but don't panic!
if r := recover(); r != nil {
logutil.Logger(ctx).Error("handshake panic", zap.ByteString("packetData", data))
err = mysql.ErrMalformPacket
// user name
packet.User = string(data[offset : offset+bytes.IndexByte(data[offset:], 0)])
offset += len(packet.User) + 1
if packet.Capability&mysql.ClientPluginAuthLenencClientData > 0 {
// MySQL client sets the wrong capability, it will set this bit even server doesn't
// support ClientPluginAuthLenencClientData.
// https://github.com/mysql/mysql-server/blob/5.7/sql-common/client.c#L3478
if data[offset] == 0x1 { // No auth data
offset += 2
} else {
num, null, off := parseLengthEncodedInt(data[offset:])
offset += off
if !null {
packet.Auth = data[offset : offset+int(num)]
offset += int(num)
} else if packet.Capability&mysql.ClientSecureConnection > 0 {
// auth length and auth
authLen := int(data[offset])
packet.Auth = data[offset : offset+authLen]
offset += authLen
} else {
packet.Auth = data[offset : offset+bytes.IndexByte(data[offset:], 0)]
offset += len(packet.Auth) + 1
if packet.Capability&mysql.ClientConnectWithDB > 0 {
if len(data[offset:]) > 0 {
idx := bytes.IndexByte(data[offset:], 0)
packet.DBName = string(data[offset : offset+idx])
offset += idx + 1
if packet.Capability&mysql.ClientPluginAuth > 0 {
idx := bytes.IndexByte(data[offset:], 0)
s := offset
f := offset + idx
if s < f { // handle unexpected bad packets
packet.AuthPlugin = string(data[s:f])
offset += idx + 1
if packet.Capability&mysql.ClientConnectAtts > 0 {
if len(data[offset:]) == 0 {
// Defend some ill-formated packet, connection attribute is not important and can be ignored.
return nil
if num, null, off := parseLengthEncodedInt(data[offset:]); !null {
offset += off
row := data[offset : offset+int(num)]
attrs, err := parseAttrs(row)
if err != nil {
logutil.Logger(ctx).Warn("parse attrs failed", zap.Error(err))
return nil
packet.Attrs = attrs
return nil
func parseAttrs(data []byte) (map[string]string, error) {
attrs := make(map[string]string)
pos := 0
for pos < len(data) {
key, _, off, err := parseLengthEncodedBytes(data[pos:])
if err != nil {
return attrs, err
pos += off
value, _, off, err := parseLengthEncodedBytes(data[pos:])
if err != nil {
return attrs, err
pos += off
attrs[string(key)] = string(value)
return attrs, nil
func (cc *clientConn) readOptionalSSLRequestAndHandshakeResponse(ctx context.Context) error {
// Read a packet. It may be a SSLRequest or HandshakeResponse.
data, err := cc.readPacket()
if err != nil {
err = errors.SuspendStack(err)
if errors.Cause(err) == io.EOF {
logutil.Logger(ctx).Debug("wait handshake response fail due to connection has be closed by client-side")
} else {
logutil.Logger(ctx).Debug("wait handshake response fail", zap.Error(err))
return err
var resp handshakeResponse41
var pos int
if len(data) < 2 {
logutil.Logger(ctx).Error("got malformed handshake response", zap.ByteString("packetData", data))
return mysql.ErrMalformPacket
capability := uint32(binary.LittleEndian.Uint16(data[:2]))
if capability&mysql.ClientProtocol41 > 0 {
pos, err = parseHandshakeResponseHeader(ctx, &resp, data)
} else {
logutil.Logger(ctx).Error("ClientProtocol41 flag is not set, please upgrade client")
return errNotSupportedAuthMode
if err != nil {
return err
if resp.Capability&mysql.ClientSSL > 0 {
tlsConfig := (*tls.Config)(atomic.LoadPointer(&cc.server.tlsConfig))
if tlsConfig != nil {
// The packet is a SSLRequest, let's switch to TLS.
if err = cc.upgradeToTLS(tlsConfig); err != nil {
return err
// Read the following HandshakeResponse packet.
data, err = cc.readPacket()
if err != nil {
logutil.Logger(ctx).Warn("read handshake response failure after upgrade to TLS", zap.Error(err))
return err
pos, err = parseHandshakeResponseHeader(ctx, &resp, data)
if err != nil {
return err
} else if tlsutil.RequireSecureTransport.Load() && !cc.isUnixSocket {
// If it's not a socket connection, we should reject the connection
// because TLS is required.
err := errSecureTransportRequired.FastGenByArgs()
return err
// Read the remaining part of the packet.
err = parseHandshakeResponseBody(ctx, &resp, data, pos)
if err != nil {
return err
cc.capability = resp.Capability & cc.server.capability
cc.user = resp.User
cc.dbname = resp.DBName
cc.collation = resp.Collation
cc.attrs = resp.Attrs
err = cc.handleAuthPlugin(ctx, &resp)
if err != nil {
return err
switch resp.AuthPlugin {
case mysql.AuthCachingSha2Password:
resp.Auth, err = cc.authSha(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
case mysql.AuthTiDBSM3Password:
resp.Auth, err = cc.authSM3(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
case mysql.AuthNativePassword:
case mysql.AuthSocket:
case mysql.AuthTiDBSessionToken:
return errors.New("Unknown auth plugin")
err = cc.openSessionAndDoAuth(resp.Auth, resp.AuthPlugin)
if err != nil {
logutil.Logger(ctx).Warn("open new session or authentication failure", zap.Error(err))
return err
func (cc *clientConn) handleAuthPlugin(ctx context.Context, resp *handshakeResponse41) error {
if resp.Capability&mysql.ClientPluginAuth > 0 {
newAuth, err := cc.checkAuthPlugin(ctx, resp)
if err != nil {
logutil.Logger(ctx).Warn("failed to check the user authplugin", zap.Error(err))
return err
if len(newAuth) > 0 {
resp.Auth = newAuth
switch resp.AuthPlugin {
case mysql.AuthCachingSha2Password:
case mysql.AuthTiDBSM3Password:
case mysql.AuthNativePassword:
case mysql.AuthSocket:
case mysql.AuthTiDBSessionToken:
logutil.Logger(ctx).Warn("Unknown Auth Plugin", zap.String("plugin", resp.AuthPlugin))
} else {
// MySQL 5.1 and older clients don't support authentication plugins.
logutil.Logger(ctx).Warn("Client without Auth Plugin support; Please upgrade client")
_, err := cc.checkAuthPlugin(ctx, resp)
if err != nil {
return err
resp.AuthPlugin = mysql.AuthNativePassword
return nil
// authSha implements the caching_sha2_password specific part of the protocol.
func (cc *clientConn) authSha(ctx context.Context) ([]byte, error) {
const (
shaCommand = 1
requestRsaPubKey = 2 // Not supported yet, only TLS is supported as secure channel.
fastAuthOk = 3
fastAuthFail = 4
// Currently we always send a "FastAuthFail" as the cached part of the protocol isn't implemented yet.
// This triggers the client to send the full response.
err := cc.writePacket([]byte{0, 0, 0, 0, shaCommand, fastAuthFail})
if err != nil {
logutil.Logger(ctx).Error("authSha packet write failed", zap.Error(err))
return nil, err
err = cc.flush(ctx)
if err != nil {
logutil.Logger(ctx).Error("authSha packet flush failed", zap.Error(err))
return nil, err
data, err := cc.readPacket()
if err != nil {
logutil.Logger(ctx).Error("authSha packet read failed", zap.Error(err))
return nil, err
return bytes.Trim(data, "\x00"), nil
// authSM3 implements the tidb_sm3_password specific part of the protocol.
func (cc *clientConn) authSM3(ctx context.Context) ([]byte, error) {
err := cc.writePacket([]byte{0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 4})
if err != nil {
logutil.Logger(ctx).Error("authSM3 packet write failed", zap.Error(err))
return nil, err
err = cc.flush(ctx)
if err != nil {
logutil.Logger(ctx).Error("authSM3 packet flush failed", zap.Error(err))
return nil, err
data, err := cc.readPacket()
if err != nil {
logutil.Logger(ctx).Error("authSM3 packet read failed", zap.Error(err))
return nil, err
return bytes.Trim(data, "\x00"), nil
func (cc *clientConn) SessionStatusToString() string {
status := cc.ctx.Status()
inTxn, autoCommit := 0, 0
if status&mysql.ServerStatusInTrans > 0 {
inTxn = 1
if status&mysql.ServerStatusAutocommit > 0 {
autoCommit = 1
return fmt.Sprintf("inTxn:%d, autocommit:%d",
inTxn, autoCommit,
func (cc *clientConn) openSession() error {
var tlsStatePtr *tls.ConnectionState
if cc.tlsConn != nil {
tlsState := cc.tlsConn.ConnectionState()
tlsStatePtr = &tlsState
ctx, err := cc.server.driver.OpenCtx(cc.connectionID, cc.capability, cc.collation, cc.dbname, tlsStatePtr)
if err != nil {
return err
err = cc.server.checkConnectionCount()
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (cc *clientConn) openSessionAndDoAuth(authData []byte, authPlugin string) error {
// Open a context unless this was done before.
if ctx := cc.getCtx(); ctx == nil {
err := cc.openSession()
if err != nil {
return err
hasPassword := "YES"
if len(authData) == 0 {
hasPassword = "NO"
host, port, err := cc.PeerHost(hasPassword)
if err != nil {
return err
if !cc.isUnixSocket && authPlugin == mysql.AuthSocket {
return errAccessDeniedNoPassword.FastGenByArgs(cc.user, host)
userIdentity := &auth.UserIdentity{Username: cc.user, Hostname: host}
if authPlugin == mysql.AuthTiDBSessionToken {
if !cc.ctx.AuthWithoutVerification(userIdentity) {
return errAccessDenied.FastGenByArgs(cc.user, host, hasPassword)
if err = sessionstates.ValidateSessionToken(authData, cc.user); err != nil {
logutil.BgLogger().Warn("verify session token failed", zap.String("username", cc.user), zap.Error(err))
return errAccessDenied.FastGenByArgs(cc.user, host, hasPassword)
} else if err = cc.ctx.Auth(userIdentity, authData, cc.salt); err != nil {
return err
if cc.dbname != "" {
err = cc.useDB(context.Background(), cc.dbname)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Check if the Authentication Plugin of the server, client and user configuration matches
func (cc *clientConn) checkAuthPlugin(ctx context.Context, resp *handshakeResponse41) ([]byte, error) {
// Open a context unless this was done before.
if ctx := cc.getCtx(); ctx == nil {
err := cc.openSession()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
authData := resp.Auth
// tidb_session_token is always permitted and skips stored user plugin.
if resp.AuthPlugin == mysql.AuthTiDBSessionToken {
return authData, nil
hasPassword := "YES"
if len(authData) == 0 {
hasPassword = "NO"
host, _, err := cc.PeerHost(hasPassword)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Find the identity of the user based on username and peer host.
identity, err := cc.ctx.MatchIdentity(cc.user, host)
if err != nil {
return nil, errAccessDenied.FastGenByArgs(cc.user, host, hasPassword)
// Get the plugin for the identity.
userplugin, err := cc.ctx.AuthPluginForUser(identity)
if err != nil {
logutil.Logger(ctx).Warn("Failed to get authentication method for user",
zap.String("user", cc.user), zap.String("host", host))
failpoint.Inject("FakeUser", func(val failpoint.Value) {
userplugin = val.(string)
if userplugin == mysql.AuthSocket {
if !cc.isUnixSocket {
return nil, errAccessDenied.FastGenByArgs(cc.user, host, hasPassword)
resp.AuthPlugin = mysql.AuthSocket
user, err := user.LookupId(fmt.Sprint(cc.socketCredUID))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return []byte(user.Username), nil
if len(userplugin) == 0 {
// No user plugin set, assuming MySQL Native Password
// This happens if the account doesn't exist or if the account doesn't have
// a password set.
if resp.AuthPlugin != mysql.AuthNativePassword {
if resp.Capability&mysql.ClientPluginAuth > 0 {
resp.AuthPlugin = mysql.AuthNativePassword
authData, err := cc.authSwitchRequest(ctx, mysql.AuthNativePassword)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return authData, nil
return nil, nil
// If the authentication method send by the server (cc.authPlugin) doesn't match
// the plugin configured for the user account in the mysql.user.plugin column
// or if the authentication method send by the server doesn't match the authentication
// method send by the client (*authPlugin) then we need to switch the authentication
// method to match the one configured for that specific user.
if (cc.authPlugin != userplugin) || (cc.authPlugin != resp.AuthPlugin) {
if resp.Capability&mysql.ClientPluginAuth > 0 {
authData, err := cc.authSwitchRequest(ctx, userplugin)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
resp.AuthPlugin = userplugin
return authData, nil
} else if userplugin != mysql.AuthNativePassword {
// MySQL 5.1 and older don't support authentication plugins yet
return nil, errNotSupportedAuthMode
return nil, nil
func (cc *clientConn) PeerHost(hasPassword string) (host, port string, err error) {
if len(cc.peerHost) > 0 {
return cc.peerHost, cc.peerPort, nil
host = variable.DefHostname
if cc.isUnixSocket {
cc.peerHost = host
addr := cc.bufReadConn.RemoteAddr().String()
host, port, err = net.SplitHostPort(addr)
if err != nil {
err = errAccessDenied.GenWithStackByArgs(cc.user, addr, hasPassword)
cc.peerHost = host
cc.peerPort = port
// skipInitConnect follows MySQL's rules of when init-connect should be skipped.
// In 5.7 it is any user with SUPER privilege, but in 8.0 it is:
// - SUPER or the CONNECTION_ADMIN dynamic privilege.
// - (additional exception) users with expired passwords (not yet supported)
// In TiDB CONNECTION_ADMIN is satisfied by SUPER, so we only need to check once.
func (cc *clientConn) skipInitConnect() bool {
checker := privilege.GetPrivilegeManager(cc.ctx.Session)
activeRoles := cc.ctx.GetSessionVars().ActiveRoles
return checker != nil && checker.RequestDynamicVerification(activeRoles, "CONNECTION_ADMIN", false)
// initResultEncoder initialize the result encoder for current connection.
func (cc *clientConn) initResultEncoder(ctx context.Context) {
chs, err := cc.ctx.GetSessionVars().GetSessionOrGlobalSystemVar(variable.CharacterSetResults)
if err != nil {
chs = ""
logutil.Logger(ctx).Warn("get character_set_results system variable failed", zap.Error(err))
cc.rsEncoder = newResultEncoder(chs)
func (cc *clientConn) initInputEncoder(ctx context.Context) {
chs, err := cc.ctx.GetSessionVars().GetSessionOrGlobalSystemVar(variable.CharacterSetClient)
if err != nil {
chs = ""
logutil.Logger(ctx).Warn("get character_set_client system variable failed", zap.Error(err))
cc.inputDecoder = newInputDecoder(chs)
// initConnect runs the initConnect SQL statement if it has been specified.
// The semantics are MySQL compatible.
func (cc *clientConn) initConnect(ctx context.Context) error {
val, err := cc.ctx.GetSessionVars().GlobalVarsAccessor.GetGlobalSysVar(variable.InitConnect)
if err != nil {
return err
if val == "" || cc.skipInitConnect() {
return nil
logutil.Logger(ctx).Debug("init_connect starting")
stmts, err := cc.ctx.Parse(ctx, val)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, stmt := range stmts {
rs, err := cc.ctx.ExecuteStmt(ctx, stmt)
if err != nil {
return err
// init_connect does not care about the results,
// but they need to be drained because of lazy loading.
if rs != nil {
req := rs.NewChunk(nil)
for {
if err = rs.Next(ctx, req); err != nil {
return err
if req.NumRows() == 0 {
if err := rs.Close(); err != nil {
return err
logutil.Logger(ctx).Debug("init_connect complete")
return nil
// Run reads client query and writes query result to client in for loop, if there is a panic during query handling,
// it will be recovered and log the panic error.
// This function returns and the connection is closed if there is an IO error or there is a panic.
func (cc *clientConn) Run(ctx context.Context) {
defer func() {
r := recover()
if r != nil {
logutil.Logger(ctx).Error("connection running loop panic",
zap.Stringer("lastSQL", getLastStmtInConn{cc}),
zap.String("err", fmt.Sprintf("%v", r)),
err := cc.writeError(ctx, fmt.Errorf("%v", r))
// Usually, client connection status changes between [dispatching] <=> [reading].
// When some event happens, server may notify this client connection by setting
// the status to special values, for example: kill or graceful shutdown.
// The client connection would detect the events when it fails to change status
// by CAS operation, it would then take some actions accordingly.
for {
if !atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&cc.status, connStatusDispatching, connStatusReading) ||
// The judge below will not be hit by all means,
// But keep it stayed as a reminder and for the code reference for connStatusWaitShutdown.
atomic.LoadInt32(&cc.status) == connStatusWaitShutdown {
// close connection when idle time is more than wait_timeout
waitTimeout := cc.getSessionVarsWaitTimeout(ctx)
cc.pkt.setReadTimeout(time.Duration(waitTimeout) * time.Second)
start := time.Now()
data, err := cc.readPacket()
if err != nil {
if terror.ErrorNotEqual(err, io.EOF) {
if netErr, isNetErr := errors.Cause(err).(net.Error); isNetErr && netErr.Timeout() {
if atomic.LoadInt32(&cc.status) == connStatusWaitShutdown {
logutil.Logger(ctx).Info("read packet timeout because of killed connection")
} else {
idleTime := time.Since(start)
logutil.Logger(ctx).Info("read packet timeout, close this connection",
zap.Duration("idle", idleTime),
zap.Uint64("waitTimeout", waitTimeout),
} else if errors.ErrorEqual(err, errNetPacketTooLarge) {
err := cc.writeError(ctx, err)
if err != nil {
} else {
errStack := errors.ErrorStack(err)
if !strings.Contains(errStack, "use of closed network connection") {
logutil.Logger(ctx).Warn("read packet failed, close this connection",
if !atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&cc.status, connStatusReading, connStatusDispatching) {
startTime := time.Now()
err = cc.dispatch(ctx, data)
if err != nil {
cc.audit(plugin.Error) // tell the plugin API there was a dispatch error
if terror.ErrorEqual(err, io.EOF) {
cc.addMetrics(data[0], startTime, nil)
} else if terror.ErrResultUndetermined.Equal(err) {
logutil.Logger(ctx).Error("result undetermined, close this connection", zap.Error(err))
} else if terror.ErrCritical.Equal(err) {
logutil.Logger(ctx).Fatal("critical error, stop the server", zap.Error(err))
var txnMode string
if ctx := cc.getCtx(); ctx != nil {
txnMode = ctx.GetSessionVars().GetReadableTxnMode()
if storeerr.ErrLockAcquireFailAndNoWaitSet.Equal(err) {
logutil.Logger(ctx).Debug("Expected error for FOR UPDATE NOWAIT", zap.Error(err))
} else {
var startTS uint64
if ctx := cc.getCtx(); ctx != nil && ctx.GetSessionVars() != nil && ctx.GetSessionVars().TxnCtx != nil {
startTS = ctx.GetSessionVars().TxnCtx.StartTS
logutil.Logger(ctx).Info("command dispatched failed",
zap.String("connInfo", cc.String()),
zap.String("command", mysql.Command2Str[data[0]]),
zap.String("status", cc.SessionStatusToString()),
zap.Stringer("sql", getLastStmtInConn{cc}),
zap.String("txn_mode", txnMode),
zap.Uint64("timestamp", startTS),
zap.String("err", errStrForLog(err, cc.ctx.GetSessionVars().EnableRedactLog)),
err1 := cc.writeError(ctx, err)
cc.addMetrics(data[0], startTime, err)
cc.pkt.sequence = 0
// ShutdownOrNotify will Shutdown this client connection, or do its best to notify.
func (cc *clientConn) ShutdownOrNotify() bool {
if (cc.ctx.Status() & mysql.ServerStatusInTrans) > 0 {
return false
// If the client connection status is reading, it's safe to shutdown it.
if atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&cc.status, connStatusReading, connStatusShutdown) {
return true
// If the client connection status is dispatching, we can't shutdown it immediately,
// so set the status to WaitShutdown as a notification, the loop in clientConn.Run
// will detect it and then exit.
atomic.StoreInt32(&cc.status, connStatusWaitShutdown)
return false
func errStrForLog(err error, enableRedactLog bool) string {
if enableRedactLog {
// currently, only ErrParse is considered when enableRedactLog because it may contain sensitive information like
// password or accesskey
if parser.ErrParse.Equal(err) {
return "fail to parse SQL and can't redact when enable log redaction"
if kv.ErrKeyExists.Equal(err) || parser.ErrParse.Equal(err) || infoschema.ErrTableNotExists.Equal(err) {
// Do not log stack for duplicated entry error.
return err.Error()
return errors.ErrorStack(err)
func (cc *clientConn) addMetrics(cmd byte, startTime time.Time, err error) {
if cmd == mysql.ComQuery && cc.ctx.Value(sessionctx.LastExecuteDDL) != nil {
// Don't take DDL execute time into account.
// It's already recorded by other metrics in ddl package.
var counter prometheus.Counter
if err != nil && int(cmd) < len(queryTotalCountErr) {
counter = queryTotalCountErr[cmd]
} else if err == nil && int(cmd) < len(queryTotalCountOk) {
counter = queryTotalCountOk[cmd]
if counter != nil {
} else {
label := strconv.Itoa(int(cmd))
if err != nil {
metrics.QueryTotalCounter.WithLabelValues(label, "Error").Inc()
} else {
metrics.QueryTotalCounter.WithLabelValues(label, "OK").Inc()
stmtType := cc.ctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx.StmtType
sqlType := metrics.LblGeneral
if stmtType != "" {
sqlType = stmtType
cost := time.Since(startTime)
sessionVar := cc.ctx.GetSessionVars()
affectedRows := cc.ctx.AffectedRows()
cc.ctx.GetTxnWriteThroughputSLI().FinishExecuteStmt(cost, affectedRows, sessionVar.InTxn())
switch sqlType {
case "Use":
case "Show":
case "Begin":
case "Commit":
case "Rollback":
case "Insert":
case "Replace":
case "Delete":
case "Update":
case "Select":
case "Execute":
case "Set":
case metrics.LblGeneral:
// dispatch handles client request based on command which is the first byte of the data.
// It also gets a token from server which is used to limit the concurrently handling clients.
// The most frequently used command is ComQuery.
func (cc *clientConn) dispatch(ctx context.Context, data []byte) error {
defer func() {
// reset killed for each request
atomic.StoreUint32(&cc.ctx.GetSessionVars().Killed, 0)
t := time.Now()
if (cc.ctx.Status() & mysql.ServerStatusInTrans) > 0 {
} else {
span := opentracing.StartSpan("server.dispatch")
cfg := config.GetGlobalConfig()
if cfg.OpenTracing.Enable {
ctx = opentracing.ContextWithSpan(ctx, span)
var cancelFunc context.CancelFunc
ctx, cancelFunc = context.WithCancel(ctx)
cc.mu.cancelFunc = cancelFunc
cc.lastPacket = data
cmd := data[0]
data = data[1:]
if topsqlstate.TopSQLEnabled() {
defer pprof.SetGoroutineLabels(ctx)
if variable.EnablePProfSQLCPU.Load() {
label := getLastStmtInConn{cc}.PProfLabel()
if len(label) > 0 {
defer pprof.SetGoroutineLabels(ctx)
ctx = pprof.WithLabels(ctx, pprof.Labels("sql", label))
if trace.IsEnabled() {
lc := getLastStmtInConn{cc}
sqlType := lc.PProfLabel()
if len(sqlType) > 0 {
var task *trace.Task
ctx, task = trace.NewTask(ctx, sqlType)
defer task.End()
trace.Log(ctx, "sql", lc.String())
ctx = logutil.WithTraceLogger(ctx, cc.connectionID)
taskID := *(*uint64)(unsafe.Pointer(task))
ctx = pprof.WithLabels(ctx, pprof.Labels("trace", strconv.FormatUint(taskID, 10)))
token := cc.server.getToken()
defer func() {
// if handleChangeUser failed, cc.ctx may be nil
if ctx := cc.getCtx(); ctx != nil {
ctx.SetProcessInfo("", t, mysql.ComSleep, 0)
cc.lastActive = time.Now()
vars := cc.ctx.GetSessionVars()
// reset killed for each request
atomic.StoreUint32(&vars.Killed, 0)
if cmd < mysql.ComEnd {
dataStr := string(hack.String(data))
switch cmd {
case mysql.ComPing, mysql.ComStmtClose, mysql.ComStmtSendLongData, mysql.ComStmtReset,
mysql.ComSetOption, mysql.ComChangeUser:
cc.ctx.SetProcessInfo("", t, cmd, 0)
case mysql.ComInitDB:
cc.ctx.SetProcessInfo("use "+dataStr, t, cmd, 0)
switch cmd {
case mysql.ComSleep:
// TODO: According to mysql document, this command is supposed to be used only internally.
// So it's just a temp fix, not sure if it's done right.
// Investigate this command and write test case later.
return nil
case mysql.ComQuit:
return io.EOF
case mysql.ComInitDB:
if err := cc.useDB(ctx, dataStr); err != nil {
return err
return cc.writeOK(ctx)
case mysql.ComQuery: // Most frequently used command.
// For issue 1989
// Input payload may end with byte '\0', we didn't find related mysql document about it, but mysql
// implementation accept that case. So trim the last '\0' here as if the payload an EOF string.
// See http://dev.mysql.com/doc/internals/en/com-query.html
if len(data) > 0 && data[len(data)-1] == 0 {
data = data[:len(data)-1]
dataStr = string(hack.String(data))
return cc.handleQuery(ctx, dataStr)
case mysql.ComFieldList:
return cc.handleFieldList(ctx, dataStr)
// ComCreateDB, ComDropDB
case mysql.ComRefresh:
return cc.handleRefresh(ctx, data[0])
case mysql.ComShutdown: // redirect to SQL
if err := cc.handleQuery(ctx, "SHUTDOWN"); err != nil {
return err
return cc.writeOK(ctx)
case mysql.ComStatistics:
return cc.writeStats(ctx)
// ComProcessInfo, ComConnect, ComProcessKill, ComDebug
case mysql.ComPing:
return cc.writeOK(ctx)
case mysql.ComChangeUser:
return cc.handleChangeUser(ctx, data)
// ComBinlogDump, ComTableDump, ComConnectOut, ComRegisterSlave
case mysql.ComStmtPrepare:
return cc.handleStmtPrepare(ctx, dataStr)
case mysql.ComStmtExecute:
return cc.handleStmtExecute(ctx, data)
case mysql.ComStmtSendLongData:
return cc.handleStmtSendLongData(data)
case mysql.ComStmtClose:
return cc.handleStmtClose(data)
case mysql.ComStmtReset:
return cc.handleStmtReset(ctx, data)
case mysql.ComSetOption:
return cc.handleSetOption(ctx, data)
case mysql.ComStmtFetch:
return cc.handleStmtFetch(ctx, data)
// ComDaemon, ComBinlogDumpGtid
case mysql.ComResetConnection:
return cc.handleResetConnection(ctx)
// ComEnd
return mysql.NewErrf(mysql.ErrUnknown, "command %d not supported now", nil, cmd)
func (cc *clientConn) writeStats(ctx context.Context) error {
var err error
var uptime int64
info := serverInfo{}
info.ServerInfo, err = infosync.GetServerInfo()
if err != nil {
logutil.BgLogger().Error("Failed to get ServerInfo for uptime status", zap.Error(err))
} else {
uptime = int64(time.Since(time.Unix(info.ServerInfo.StartTimestamp, 0)).Seconds())
msg := []byte(fmt.Sprintf("Uptime: %d Threads: 0 Questions: 0 Slow queries: 0 Opens: 0 Flush tables: 0 Open tables: 0 Queries per second avg: 0.000",
data := cc.alloc.AllocWithLen(4, len(msg))
data = append(data, msg...)
err = cc.writePacket(data)
if err != nil {
return err
return cc.flush(ctx)
func (cc *clientConn) useDB(ctx context.Context, db string) (err error) {
// if input is "use `SELECT`", mysql client just send "SELECT"
// so we add `` around db.
stmts, err := cc.ctx.Parse(ctx, "use `"+db+"`")
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = cc.ctx.ExecuteStmt(ctx, stmts[0])
if err != nil {
return err
cc.dbname = db
func (cc *clientConn) flush(ctx context.Context) error {
var (
stmtDetail *execdetails.StmtExecDetails
startTime time.Time
if stmtDetailRaw := ctx.Value(execdetails.StmtExecDetailKey); stmtDetailRaw != nil {
stmtDetail = stmtDetailRaw.(*execdetails.StmtExecDetails)
startTime = time.Now()
defer func() {
if stmtDetail != nil {
stmtDetail.WriteSQLRespDuration += time.Since(startTime)
trace.StartRegion(ctx, "FlushClientConn").End()
if ctx := cc.getCtx(); ctx != nil && ctx.WarningCount() > 0 {
for _, err := range ctx.GetWarnings() {
var warn *errors.Error
if ok := goerr.As(err.Err, &warn); ok {
code := uint16(warn.Code())
errno.IncrementWarning(code, cc.user, cc.peerHost)
failpoint.Inject("FakeClientConn", func() {
if cc.pkt == nil {
return cc.pkt.flush()
func (cc *clientConn) writeOK(ctx context.Context) error {
return cc.writeOkWith(ctx, mysql.OKHeader, true, cc.ctx.Status())
func (cc *clientConn) writeOkWith(ctx context.Context, header byte, flush bool, status uint16) error {
msg := cc.ctx.LastMessage()
affectedRows := cc.ctx.AffectedRows()
lastInsertID := cc.ctx.LastInsertID()
warnCnt := cc.ctx.WarningCount()
enclen := 0
if len(msg) > 0 {
enclen = lengthEncodedIntSize(uint64(len(msg))) + len(msg)
data := cc.alloc.AllocWithLen(4, 32+enclen)
data = append(data, header)
data = dumpLengthEncodedInt(data, affectedRows)
data = dumpLengthEncodedInt(data, lastInsertID)
if cc.capability&mysql.ClientProtocol41 > 0 {
data = dumpUint16(data, status)
data = dumpUint16(data, warnCnt)
if enclen > 0 {
// although MySQL manual says the info message is string<EOF>(https://dev.mysql.com/doc/internals/en/packet-OK_Packet.html),
// it is actually string<lenenc>
data = dumpLengthEncodedString(data, []byte(msg))
err := cc.writePacket(data)
if err != nil {
return err
if flush {
return cc.flush(ctx)
return nil
func (cc *clientConn) writeError(ctx context.Context, e error) error {
var (
m *mysql.SQLError
te *terror.Error
ok bool
originErr := errors.Cause(e)
if te, ok = originErr.(*terror.Error); ok {
m = terror.ToSQLError(te)
} else {
e := errors.Cause(originErr)
switch y := e.(type) {
case *terror.Error:
m = terror.ToSQLError(y)
m = mysql.NewErrf(mysql.ErrUnknown, "%s", nil, e.Error())
cc.lastCode = m.Code
defer errno.IncrementError(m.Code, cc.user, cc.peerHost)
data := cc.alloc.AllocWithLen(4, 16+len(m.Message))
data = append(data, mysql.ErrHeader)
data = append(data, byte(m.Code), byte(m.Code>>8))
if cc.capability&mysql.ClientProtocol41 > 0 {
data = append(data, '#')
data = append(data, m.State...)
data = append(data, m.Message...)
err := cc.writePacket(data)
if err != nil {
return err
return cc.flush(ctx)
// writeEOF writes an EOF packet or if ClientDeprecateEOF is set it
// writes an OK packet with EOF indicator.
// Note this function won't flush the stream because maybe there are more
// packets following it.
// serverStatus, a flag bit represents server information in the packet.
// Note: it is callers' responsibility to ensure correctness of serverStatus.
func (cc *clientConn) writeEOF(ctx context.Context, serverStatus uint16) error {
if cc.capability&mysql.ClientDeprecateEOF > 0 {
return cc.writeOkWith(ctx, mysql.EOFHeader, false, serverStatus)
data := cc.alloc.AllocWithLen(4, 9)
data = append(data, mysql.EOFHeader)
if cc.capability&mysql.ClientProtocol41 > 0 {
data = dumpUint16(data, cc.ctx.WarningCount())
data = dumpUint16(data, serverStatus)
err := cc.writePacket(data)
return err
func (cc *clientConn) writeReq(ctx context.Context, filePath string) error {
data := cc.alloc.AllocWithLen(4, 5+len(filePath))
data = append(data, mysql.LocalInFileHeader)
data = append(data, filePath...)
err := cc.writePacket(data)
if err != nil {
return err
return cc.flush(ctx)
func insertDataWithCommit(ctx context.Context, prevData,
curData []byte, loadDataInfo *executor.LoadDataInfo) ([]byte, error) {
var err error
var reachLimit bool
for {
prevData, reachLimit, err = loadDataInfo.InsertData(ctx, prevData, curData)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !reachLimit {
// push into commit task queue
err = loadDataInfo.EnqOneTask(ctx)
if err != nil {
return prevData, err
curData = prevData
prevData = nil
return prevData, nil
// processStream process input stream from network
func processStream(ctx context.Context, cc *clientConn, loadDataInfo *executor.LoadDataInfo, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
var err error
var shouldBreak bool
var prevData, curData []byte
defer func() {
r := recover()
if r != nil {
logutil.Logger(ctx).Error("process routine panicked",
zap.Reflect("r", r),
if err != nil || r != nil {
} else {
for {
curData, err = cc.readPacket()
if err != nil {
if terror.ErrorNotEqual(err, io.EOF) {
logutil.Logger(ctx).Error("read packet failed", zap.Error(err))
if len(curData) == 0 {
loadDataInfo.Drained = true
shouldBreak = true
if len(prevData) == 0 {
select {
case <-loadDataInfo.QuitCh:
err = errors.New("processStream forced to quit")
if err != nil {
// prepare batch and enqueue task
prevData, err = insertDataWithCommit(ctx, prevData, curData, loadDataInfo)
if err != nil {
if shouldBreak {
if err != nil {
logutil.Logger(ctx).Error("load data process stream error", zap.Error(err))
if err = loadDataInfo.EnqOneTask(ctx); err != nil {
logutil.Logger(ctx).Error("load data process stream error", zap.Error(err))
// handleLoadData does the additional work after processing the 'load data' query.
// It sends client a file path, then reads the file content from client, inserts data into database.
func (cc *clientConn) handleLoadData(ctx context.Context, loadDataInfo *executor.LoadDataInfo) error {
// If the server handles the load data request, the client has to set the ClientLocalFiles capability.
if cc.capability&mysql.ClientLocalFiles == 0 {
return errNotAllowedCommand
if loadDataInfo == nil {
return errors.New("load data info is empty")
if !loadDataInfo.Table.Meta().IsBaseTable() {
return errors.New("can only load data into base tables")
err := cc.writeReq(ctx, loadDataInfo.Path)
if err != nil {
return err
// let stop watcher goroutine quit
defer loadDataInfo.ForceQuit()
err = sessiontxn.NewTxn(ctx, loadDataInfo.Ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
// processStream process input data, enqueue commit task
wg := new(sync.WaitGroup)
go processStream(ctx, cc, loadDataInfo, wg)
err = loadDataInfo.CommitWork(ctx)
if err != nil {
if !loadDataInfo.Drained {
logutil.Logger(ctx).Info("not drained yet, try reading left data from client connection")
// drain the data from client conn util empty packet received, otherwise the connection will be reset
for !loadDataInfo.Drained {
// check kill flag again, let the draining loop could quit if empty packet could not be received
if atomic.CompareAndSwapUint32(&loadDataInfo.Ctx.GetSessionVars().Killed, 1, 0) {
logutil.Logger(ctx).Warn("receiving kill, stop draining data, connection may be reset")
return executor.ErrQueryInterrupted
curData, err1 := cc.readPacket()
if err1 != nil {
logutil.Logger(ctx).Error("drain reading left data encounter errors", zap.Error(err1))
if len(curData) == 0 {
loadDataInfo.Drained = true
logutil.Logger(ctx).Info("draining finished for error", zap.Error(err))
return err
// getDataFromPath gets file contents from file path.
func (cc *clientConn) getDataFromPath(ctx context.Context, path string) ([]byte, error) {
err := cc.writeReq(ctx, path)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var prevData, curData []byte
for {
curData, err = cc.readPacket()
if err != nil && terror.ErrorNotEqual(err, io.EOF) {
return nil, err
if len(curData) == 0 {
prevData = append(prevData, curData...)
return prevData, nil
// handleLoadStats does the additional work after processing the 'load stats' query.
// It sends client a file path, then reads the file content from client, loads it into the storage.
func (cc *clientConn) handleLoadStats(ctx context.Context, loadStatsInfo *executor.LoadStatsInfo) error {
// If the server handles the load data request, the client has to set the ClientLocalFiles capability.
if cc.capability&mysql.ClientLocalFiles == 0 {
return errNotAllowedCommand
if loadStatsInfo == nil {
return errors.New("load stats: info is empty")
data, err := cc.getDataFromPath(ctx, loadStatsInfo.Path)
if err != nil {
return err
if len(data) == 0 {
return nil
return loadStatsInfo.Update(data)
// handleIndexAdvise does the index advise work and returns the advise result for index.
func (cc *clientConn) handleIndexAdvise(ctx context.Context, indexAdviseInfo *executor.IndexAdviseInfo) error {
if cc.capability&mysql.ClientLocalFiles == 0 {
return errNotAllowedCommand
if indexAdviseInfo == nil {
return errors.New("Index Advise: info is empty")
data, err := cc.getDataFromPath(ctx, indexAdviseInfo.Path)
if err != nil {
return err
if len(data) == 0 {
return errors.New("Index Advise: infile is empty")
if err := indexAdviseInfo.GetIndexAdvice(ctx, data); err != nil {
return err
// TODO: Write the rss []ResultSet. It will be done in another PR.
return nil
func (cc *clientConn) handlePlanReplayerLoad(ctx context.Context, planReplayerLoadInfo *executor.PlanReplayerLoadInfo) error {
if cc.capability&mysql.ClientLocalFiles == 0 {
return errNotAllowedCommand
if planReplayerLoadInfo == nil {
return errors.New("plan replayer load: info is empty")
data, err := cc.getDataFromPath(ctx, planReplayerLoadInfo.Path)
if err != nil {
return err
if len(data) == 0 {
return nil
return planReplayerLoadInfo.Update(data)
func (cc *clientConn) handlePlanReplayerDump(ctx context.Context, e *executor.PlanReplayerDumpInfo) error {
if cc.capability&mysql.ClientLocalFiles == 0 {
return errNotAllowedCommand
if e == nil {
return errors.New("plan replayer dump: executor is empty")
data, err := cc.getDataFromPath(ctx, e.Path)
if err != nil {
return err
if len(data) == 0 {
return nil
return e.DumpSQLsFromFile(ctx, data)
func (cc *clientConn) audit(eventType plugin.GeneralEvent) {
err := plugin.ForeachPlugin(plugin.Audit, func(p *plugin.Plugin) error {
audit := plugin.DeclareAuditManifest(p.Manifest)
if audit.OnGeneralEvent != nil {
cmd := mysql.Command2Str[byte(atomic.LoadUint32(&cc.ctx.GetSessionVars().CommandValue))]
ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), plugin.ExecStartTimeCtxKey, cc.ctx.GetSessionVars().StartTime)
audit.OnGeneralEvent(ctx, cc.ctx.GetSessionVars(), eventType, cmd)
return nil
if err != nil {
// handleQuery executes the sql query string and writes result set or result ok to the client.
// As the execution time of this function represents the performance of TiDB, we do time log and metrics here.
// There is a special query `load data` that does not return result, which is handled differently.
// Query `load stats` does not return result either.
func (cc *clientConn) handleQuery(ctx context.Context, sql string) (err error) {
defer trace.StartRegion(ctx, "handleQuery").End()
sc := cc.ctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx
prevWarns := sc.GetWarnings()
var stmts []ast.StmtNode
if stmts, err = cc.ctx.Parse(ctx, sql); err != nil {
return err
if len(stmts) == 0 {
return cc.writeOK(ctx)
warns := sc.GetWarnings()
parserWarns := warns[len(prevWarns):]
var pointPlans []plannercore.Plan
if len(stmts) > 1 {
// The client gets to choose if it allows multi-statements, and
// probably defaults OFF. This helps prevent against SQL injection attacks
// by early terminating the first statement, and then running an entirely
// new statement.
capabilities := cc.ctx.GetSessionVars().ClientCapability
if capabilities&mysql.ClientMultiStatements < 1 {
// The client does not have multi-statement enabled. We now need to determine
// how to handle an unsafe situation based on the multiStmt sysvar.
switch cc.ctx.GetSessionVars().MultiStatementMode {
case variable.OffInt:
err = errMultiStatementDisabled
return err
case variable.OnInt:
// multi statement is fully permitted, do nothing
warn := stmtctx.SQLWarn{Level: stmtctx.WarnLevelWarning, Err: errMultiStatementDisabled}
parserWarns = append(parserWarns, warn)
// Only pre-build point plans for multi-statement query
pointPlans, err = cc.prefetchPointPlanKeys(ctx, stmts)
if err != nil {
return err
if len(pointPlans) > 0 {
defer cc.ctx.ClearValue(plannercore.PointPlanKey)
var retryable bool
for i, stmt := range stmts {
if len(pointPlans) > 0 {
// Save the point plan in Session, so we don't need to build the point plan again.
cc.ctx.SetValue(plannercore.PointPlanKey, plannercore.PointPlanVal{Plan: pointPlans[i]})
retryable, err = cc.handleStmt(ctx, stmt, parserWarns, i == len(stmts)-1)
if err != nil {
action, txnErr := sessiontxn.GetTxnManager(&cc.ctx).OnStmtErrorForNextAction(sessiontxn.StmtErrAfterQuery, err)
if txnErr != nil {
err = txnErr
if retryable && action == sessiontxn.StmtActionRetryReady {
cc.ctx.GetSessionVars().RetryInfo.Retrying = true
_, err = cc.handleStmt(ctx, stmt, parserWarns, i == len(stmts)-1)
cc.ctx.GetSessionVars().RetryInfo.Retrying = false
if err != nil {
if !retryable || !errors.ErrorEqual(err, storeerr.ErrTiFlashServerTimeout) {
_, allowTiFlashFallback := cc.ctx.GetSessionVars().AllowFallbackToTiKV[kv.TiFlash]
if !allowTiFlashFallback {
// When the TiFlash server seems down, we append a warning to remind the user to check the status of the TiFlash
// server and fallback to TiKV.
warns := append(parserWarns, stmtctx.SQLWarn{Level: stmtctx.WarnLevelError, Err: err})
delete(cc.ctx.GetSessionVars().IsolationReadEngines, kv.TiFlash)
_, err = cc.handleStmt(ctx, stmt, warns, i == len(stmts)-1)
cc.ctx.GetSessionVars().IsolationReadEngines[kv.TiFlash] = struct{}{}
if err != nil {
return err
// prefetchPointPlanKeys extracts the point keys in multi-statement query,
// use BatchGet to get the keys, so the values will be cached in the snapshot cache, save RPC call cost.
// For pessimistic transaction, the keys will be batch locked.
func (cc *clientConn) prefetchPointPlanKeys(ctx context.Context, stmts []ast.StmtNode) ([]plannercore.Plan, error) {
txn, err := cc.ctx.Txn(false)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !txn.Valid() {
// Only prefetch in-transaction query for simplicity.
// Later we can support out-transaction multi-statement query.
return nil, nil
vars := cc.ctx.GetSessionVars()
if vars.TxnCtx.IsPessimistic {
if vars.IsIsolation(ast.ReadCommitted) {
// TODO: to support READ-COMMITTED, we need to avoid getting new TS for each statement in the query.
return nil, nil
if vars.TxnCtx.GetForUpdateTS() != vars.TxnCtx.StartTS {
// Do not handle the case that ForUpdateTS is changed for simplicity.
return nil, nil
pointPlans := make([]plannercore.Plan, len(stmts))
var idxKeys []kv.Key //nolint: prealloc
var rowKeys []kv.Key //nolint: prealloc
sc := vars.StmtCtx
for i, stmt := range stmts {
if _, ok := stmt.(*ast.UseStmt); ok {
// If there is a "use db" statement, we shouldn't cache even if it's possible.
// Consider the scenario where there are statements that could execute on multiple
// schemas, but the schema is actually different.
return nil, nil
// TODO: the preprocess is run twice, we should find some way to avoid do it again.
// TODO: handle the PreprocessorReturn.
if err = plannercore.Preprocess(cc.getCtx(), stmt); err != nil {
return nil, err
p := plannercore.TryFastPlan(cc.ctx.Session, stmt)
pointPlans[i] = p
if p == nil {
// Only support Update for now.
// TODO: support other point plans.
if x, ok := p.(*plannercore.Update); ok {
updateStmt := stmt.(*ast.UpdateStmt)
if pp, ok := x.SelectPlan.(*plannercore.PointGetPlan); ok {
if pp.PartitionInfo != nil {
if pp.IndexInfo != nil {
executor.ResetUpdateStmtCtx(sc, updateStmt, vars)
idxKey, err1 := executor.EncodeUniqueIndexKey(cc.getCtx(), pp.TblInfo, pp.IndexInfo, pp.IndexValues, pp.TblInfo.ID)
if err1 != nil {
return nil, err1
idxKeys = append(idxKeys, idxKey)
} else {
rowKeys = append(rowKeys, tablecodec.EncodeRowKeyWithHandle(pp.TblInfo.ID, pp.Handle))
if len(idxKeys) == 0 && len(rowKeys) == 0 {
return pointPlans, nil
snapshot := txn.GetSnapshot()
idxVals, err1 := snapshot.BatchGet(ctx, idxKeys)
if err1 != nil {
return nil, err1
for idxKey, idxVal := range idxVals {
h, err2 := tablecodec.DecodeHandleInUniqueIndexValue(idxVal, false)
if err2 != nil {
return nil, err2
tblID := tablecodec.DecodeTableID(hack.Slice(idxKey))
rowKeys = append(rowKeys, tablecodec.EncodeRowKeyWithHandle(tblID, h))
if vars.TxnCtx.IsPessimistic {
allKeys := append(rowKeys, idxKeys...)
err = executor.LockKeys(ctx, cc.getCtx(), vars.LockWaitTimeout, allKeys...)
if err != nil {
// suppress the lock error, we are not going to handle it here for simplicity.
err = nil
logutil.BgLogger().Warn("lock keys error on prefetch", zap.Error(err))
} else {
_, err = snapshot.BatchGet(ctx, rowKeys)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return pointPlans, nil
// The first return value indicates whether the call of handleStmt has no side effect and can be retried.
// Currently, the first return value is used to fall back to TiKV when TiFlash is down.
func (cc *clientConn) handleStmt(ctx context.Context, stmt ast.StmtNode, warns []stmtctx.SQLWarn, lastStmt bool) (bool, error) {
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, execdetails.StmtExecDetailKey, &execdetails.StmtExecDetails{})
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, util.ExecDetailsKey, &util.ExecDetails{})
reg := trace.StartRegion(ctx, "ExecuteStmt")
rs, err := cc.ctx.ExecuteStmt(ctx, stmt)
// The session tracker detachment from global tracker is solved in the `rs.Close` in most cases.
// If the rs is nil, the detachment will be done in the `handleNoDelay`.
if rs != nil {
defer terror.Call(rs.Close)
if err != nil {
return true, err
status := cc.ctx.Status()
if lastStmt {
} else {
status |= mysql.ServerMoreResultsExists
if rs != nil {
if connStatus := atomic.LoadInt32(&cc.status); connStatus == connStatusShutdown {
return false, executor.ErrQueryInterrupted
if retryable, err := cc.writeResultset(ctx, rs, false, status, 0); err != nil {
return retryable, err
return false, nil
handled, err := cc.handleQuerySpecial(ctx, status)
if handled {
if execStmt := cc.ctx.Value(session.ExecStmtVarKey); execStmt != nil {
execStmt.(*executor.ExecStmt).FinishExecuteStmt(0, err, false)
if err != nil {
return false, err
return false, nil
func (cc *clientConn) handleQuerySpecial(ctx context.Context, status uint16) (bool, error) {
handled := false
loadDataInfo := cc.ctx.Value(executor.LoadDataVarKey)
if loadDataInfo != nil {
handled = true
defer cc.ctx.SetValue(executor.LoadDataVarKey, nil)
if err := cc.handleLoadData(ctx, loadDataInfo.(*executor.LoadDataInfo)); err != nil {
return handled, err
loadStats := cc.ctx.Value(executor.LoadStatsVarKey)
if loadStats != nil {
handled = true
defer cc.ctx.SetValue(executor.LoadStatsVarKey, nil)
if err := cc.handleLoadStats(ctx, loadStats.(*executor.LoadStatsInfo)); err != nil {
return handled, err
indexAdvise := cc.ctx.Value(executor.IndexAdviseVarKey)
if indexAdvise != nil {
handled = true
defer cc.ctx.SetValue(executor.IndexAdviseVarKey, nil)
if err := cc.handleIndexAdvise(ctx, indexAdvise.(*executor.IndexAdviseInfo)); err != nil {
return handled, err
planReplayerLoad := cc.ctx.Value(executor.PlanReplayerLoadVarKey)
if planReplayerLoad != nil {
handled = true
defer cc.ctx.SetValue(executor.PlanReplayerLoadVarKey, nil)
if err := cc.handlePlanReplayerLoad(ctx, planReplayerLoad.(*executor.PlanReplayerLoadInfo)); err != nil {
return handled, err
planReplayerDump := cc.ctx.Value(executor.PlanReplayerDumpVarKey)
if planReplayerDump != nil {
handled = true
defer cc.ctx.SetValue(executor.PlanReplayerDumpVarKey, nil)
if err := cc.handlePlanReplayerDump(ctx, planReplayerDump.(*executor.PlanReplayerDumpInfo)); err != nil {
return handled, err
return handled, cc.writeOkWith(ctx, mysql.OKHeader, true, status)
// handleFieldList returns the field list for a table.
// The sql string is composed of a table name and a terminating character \x00.
func (cc *clientConn) handleFieldList(ctx context.Context, sql string) (err error) {
parts := strings.Split(sql, "\x00")
columns, err := cc.ctx.FieldList(parts[0])
if err != nil {
return err
data := cc.alloc.AllocWithLen(4, 1024)
defer cc.rsEncoder.clean()
for _, column := range columns {
// Current we doesn't output defaultValue but reserve defaultValue length byte to make mariadb client happy.
// https://dev.mysql.com/doc/internals/en/com-query-response.html#column-definition
// TODO: fill the right DefaultValues.
column.DefaultValueLength = 0
column.DefaultValue = []byte{}
data = data[0:4]
data = column.Dump(data, cc.rsEncoder)
if err := cc.writePacket(data); err != nil {
return err
if err := cc.writeEOF(ctx, cc.ctx.Status()); err != nil {
return err
return cc.flush(ctx)
// writeResultset writes data into a resultset and uses rs.Next to get row data back.
// If binary is true, the data would be encoded in BINARY format.
// serverStatus, a flag bit represents server information.
// fetchSize, the desired number of rows to be fetched each time when client uses cursor.
// retryable indicates whether the call of writeResultset has no side effect and can be retried to correct error. The call
// has side effect in cursor mode or once data has been sent to client. Currently retryable is used to fallback to TiKV when
// TiFlash is down.
func (cc *clientConn) writeResultset(ctx context.Context, rs ResultSet, binary bool, serverStatus uint16, fetchSize int) (retryable bool, runErr error) {
defer func() {
// close ResultSet when cursor doesn't exist
r := recover()
if r == nil {
if str, ok := r.(string); !ok || !strings.HasPrefix(str, memory.PanicMemoryExceed) {
// TODO(jianzhang.zj: add metrics here)
runErr = errors.Errorf("%v", r)
logutil.Logger(ctx).Error("write query result panic", zap.Stringer("lastSQL", getLastStmtInConn{cc}), zap.Stack("stack"), zap.Any("recover", r))
defer cc.rsEncoder.clean()
if mysql.HasCursorExistsFlag(serverStatus) {
if err := cc.writeChunksWithFetchSize(ctx, rs, serverStatus, fetchSize); err != nil {
return false, err
return false, cc.flush(ctx)
if retryable, err := cc.writeChunks(ctx, rs, binary, serverStatus); err != nil {
return retryable, err
return false, cc.flush(ctx)
func (cc *clientConn) writeColumnInfo(columns []*ColumnInfo) error {
data := cc.alloc.AllocWithLen(4, 1024)
data = dumpLengthEncodedInt(data, uint64(len(columns)))
if err := cc.writePacket(data); err != nil {
return err
for _, v := range columns {
data = data[0:4]
data = v.Dump(data, cc.rsEncoder)
if err := cc.writePacket(data); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// writeChunks writes data from a Chunk, which filled data by a ResultSet, into a connection.
// binary specifies the way to dump data. It throws any error while dumping data.
// serverStatus, a flag bit represents server information
// The first return value indicates whether error occurs at the first call of ResultSet.Next.
func (cc *clientConn) writeChunks(ctx context.Context, rs ResultSet, binary bool, serverStatus uint16) (bool, error) {
data := cc.alloc.AllocWithLen(4, 1024)
req := rs.NewChunk(cc.chunkAlloc)
gotColumnInfo := false
firstNext := true
var start time.Time
var stmtDetail *execdetails.StmtExecDetails
stmtDetailRaw := ctx.Value(execdetails.StmtExecDetailKey)
if stmtDetailRaw != nil {
stmtDetail = stmtDetailRaw.(*execdetails.StmtExecDetails)
for {
failpoint.Inject("fetchNextErr", func(value failpoint.Value) {
switch value.(string) {
case "firstNext":
failpoint.Return(firstNext, storeerr.ErrTiFlashServerTimeout)
case "secondNext":
if !firstNext {
failpoint.Return(firstNext, storeerr.ErrTiFlashServerTimeout)
// Here server.tidbResultSet implements Next method.
err := rs.Next(ctx, req)
if err != nil {
return firstNext, err
firstNext = false
if !gotColumnInfo {
// We need to call Next before we get columns.
// Otherwise, we will get incorrect columns info.
columns := rs.Columns()
if stmtDetail != nil {
start = time.Now()
if err = cc.writeColumnInfo(columns); err != nil {
return false, err
if cc.capability&mysql.ClientDeprecateEOF == 0 {
// metadata only needs EOF marker for old clients without ClientDeprecateEOF
if err = cc.writeEOF(ctx, serverStatus); err != nil {
return false, err
if stmtDetail != nil {
stmtDetail.WriteSQLRespDuration += time.Since(start)
gotColumnInfo = true
rowCount := req.NumRows()
if rowCount == 0 {
reg := trace.StartRegion(ctx, "WriteClientConn")
if stmtDetail != nil {
start = time.Now()
for i := 0; i < rowCount; i++ {
data = data[0:4]
if binary {
data, err = dumpBinaryRow(data, rs.Columns(), req.GetRow(i), cc.rsEncoder)
} else {
data, err = dumpTextRow(data, rs.Columns(), req.GetRow(i), cc.rsEncoder)
if err != nil {
return false, err
if err = cc.writePacket(data); err != nil {
return false, err
if stmtDetail != nil {
stmtDetail.WriteSQLRespDuration += time.Since(start)
if stmtDetail != nil {
start = time.Now()
err := cc.writeEOF(ctx, serverStatus)
if stmtDetail != nil {
stmtDetail.WriteSQLRespDuration += time.Since(start)
return false, err
// writeChunksWithFetchSize writes data from a Chunk, which filled data by a ResultSet, into a connection.
// binary specifies the way to dump data. It throws any error while dumping data.
// serverStatus, a flag bit represents server information.
// fetchSize, the desired number of rows to be fetched each time when client uses cursor.
func (cc *clientConn) writeChunksWithFetchSize(ctx context.Context, rs ResultSet, serverStatus uint16, fetchSize int) error {
fetchedRows := rs.GetFetchedRows()
// if fetchedRows is not enough, getting data from recordSet.
// NOTE: chunk should not be allocated from the allocator
// the allocator will reset every statement
// but it maybe stored in the result set among statements
// ref https://github.com/pingcap/tidb/blob/7fc6ebbda4ddf84c0ba801ca7ebb636b934168cf/server/conn_stmt.go#L233-L239
// Here server.tidbResultSet implements Next method.
req := rs.NewChunk(nil)
for len(fetchedRows) < fetchSize {
if err := rs.Next(ctx, req); err != nil {
return err
rowCount := req.NumRows()
if rowCount == 0 {
// filling fetchedRows with chunk
for i := 0; i < rowCount; i++ {
fetchedRows = append(fetchedRows, req.GetRow(i))
req = chunk.Renew(req, cc.ctx.GetSessionVars().MaxChunkSize)
// tell the client COM_STMT_FETCH has finished by setting proper serverStatus,
// and close ResultSet.
if len(fetchedRows) == 0 {
serverStatus &^= mysql.ServerStatusCursorExists
serverStatus |= mysql.ServerStatusLastRowSend
return cc.writeEOF(ctx, serverStatus)
// construct the rows sent to the client according to fetchSize.
var curRows []chunk.Row
if fetchSize < len(fetchedRows) {
curRows = fetchedRows[:fetchSize]
fetchedRows = fetchedRows[fetchSize:]
} else {
curRows = fetchedRows
fetchedRows = fetchedRows[:0]
data := cc.alloc.AllocWithLen(4, 1024)
var stmtDetail *execdetails.StmtExecDetails
stmtDetailRaw := ctx.Value(execdetails.StmtExecDetailKey)
if stmtDetailRaw != nil {
stmtDetail = stmtDetailRaw.(*execdetails.StmtExecDetails)
var (
err error
start time.Time
if stmtDetail != nil {
start = time.Now()
for _, row := range curRows {
data = data[0:4]
data, err = dumpBinaryRow(data, rs.Columns(), row, cc.rsEncoder)
if err != nil {
return err
if err = cc.writePacket(data); err != nil {
return err
if stmtDetail != nil {
stmtDetail.WriteSQLRespDuration += time.Since(start)
if cl, ok := rs.(fetchNotifier); ok {
if stmtDetail != nil {
start = time.Now()
err = cc.writeEOF(ctx, serverStatus)
if stmtDetail != nil {
stmtDetail.WriteSQLRespDuration += time.Since(start)
return err
func (cc *clientConn) setConn(conn net.Conn) {
cc.bufReadConn = newBufferedReadConn(conn)
if cc.pkt == nil {
cc.pkt = newPacketIO(cc.bufReadConn)
} else {
// Preserve current sequence number.
func (cc *clientConn) upgradeToTLS(tlsConfig *tls.Config) error {
// Important: read from buffered reader instead of the original net.Conn because it may contain data we need.
tlsConn := tls.Server(cc.bufReadConn, tlsConfig)
if err := tlsConn.Handshake(); err != nil {
return err
cc.tlsConn = tlsConn
return nil
func (cc *clientConn) handleChangeUser(ctx context.Context, data []byte) error {
user, data := parseNullTermString(data)
cc.user = string(hack.String(user))
if len(data) < 1 {
return mysql.ErrMalformPacket
passLen := int(data[0])
data = data[1:]
if passLen > len(data) {
return mysql.ErrMalformPacket
pass := data[:passLen]
data = data[passLen:]
dbName, _ := parseNullTermString(data)
cc.dbname = string(hack.String(dbName))
if err := cc.ctx.Close(); err != nil {
logutil.Logger(ctx).Debug("close old context failed", zap.Error(err))
// session was closed by `ctx.Close` and should `openSession` explicitly to renew session.
// `openSession` won't run again in `openSessionAndDoAuth` because ctx is not nil.
err := cc.openSession()
if err != nil {
return err
if err := cc.openSessionAndDoAuth(pass, ""); err != nil {
return err
return cc.handleCommonConnectionReset(ctx)
func (cc *clientConn) handleResetConnection(ctx context.Context) error {
user := cc.ctx.GetSessionVars().User
err := cc.ctx.Close()
if err != nil {
logutil.Logger(ctx).Debug("close old context failed", zap.Error(err))
var tlsStatePtr *tls.ConnectionState
if cc.tlsConn != nil {
tlsState := cc.tlsConn.ConnectionState()
tlsStatePtr = &tlsState
tidbCtx, err := cc.server.driver.OpenCtx(cc.connectionID, cc.capability, cc.collation, cc.dbname, tlsStatePtr)
if err != nil {
return err
if !cc.ctx.AuthWithoutVerification(user) {
return errors.New("Could not reset connection")
if cc.dbname != "" { // Restore the current DB
err = cc.useDB(context.Background(), cc.dbname)
if err != nil {
return err
return cc.handleCommonConnectionReset(ctx)
func (cc *clientConn) handleCommonConnectionReset(ctx context.Context) error {
cc.ctx.GetSessionVars().ConnectionInfo = cc.connectInfo()
err := plugin.ForeachPlugin(plugin.Audit, func(p *plugin.Plugin) error {
authPlugin := plugin.DeclareAuditManifest(p.Manifest)
if authPlugin.OnConnectionEvent != nil {
connInfo := cc.ctx.GetSessionVars().ConnectionInfo
err := authPlugin.OnConnectionEvent(context.Background(), plugin.ChangeUser, connInfo)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
return cc.writeOK(ctx)
// safe to noop except 0x01 "FLUSH PRIVILEGES"
func (cc *clientConn) handleRefresh(ctx context.Context, subCommand byte) error {
if subCommand == 0x01 {
if err := cc.handleQuery(ctx, "FLUSH PRIVILEGES"); err != nil {
return err
return cc.writeOK(ctx)
var _ fmt.Stringer = getLastStmtInConn{}
type getLastStmtInConn struct {
func (cc getLastStmtInConn) String() string {
if len(cc.lastPacket) == 0 {
return ""
cmd, data := cc.lastPacket[0], cc.lastPacket[1:]
switch cmd {
case mysql.ComInitDB:
return "Use " + string(data)
case mysql.ComFieldList:
return "ListFields " + string(data)
case mysql.ComQuery, mysql.ComStmtPrepare:
sql := string(hack.String(data))
if cc.ctx.GetSessionVars().EnableRedactLog {
sql = parser.Normalize(sql)
return tidbutil.QueryStrForLog(sql)
case mysql.ComStmtExecute, mysql.ComStmtFetch:
stmtID := binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(data[0:4])
return tidbutil.QueryStrForLog(cc.preparedStmt2String(stmtID))
case mysql.ComStmtClose, mysql.ComStmtReset:
stmtID := binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(data[0:4])
return mysql.Command2Str[cmd] + " " + strconv.Itoa(int(stmtID))
if cmdStr, ok := mysql.Command2Str[cmd]; ok {
return cmdStr
return string(hack.String(data))
// PProfLabel return sql label used to tag pprof.
func (cc getLastStmtInConn) PProfLabel() string {
if len(cc.lastPacket) == 0 {
return ""
cmd, data := cc.lastPacket[0], cc.lastPacket[1:]
switch cmd {
case mysql.ComInitDB:
return "UseDB"
case mysql.ComFieldList:
return "ListFields"
case mysql.ComStmtClose:
return "CloseStmt"
case mysql.ComStmtReset:
return "ResetStmt"
case mysql.ComQuery, mysql.ComStmtPrepare:
return parser.Normalize(tidbutil.QueryStrForLog(string(hack.String(data))))
case mysql.ComStmtExecute, mysql.ComStmtFetch:
stmtID := binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(data[0:4])
return tidbutil.QueryStrForLog(cc.preparedStmt2StringNoArgs(stmtID))
return ""
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