tidb http_status 源码
tidb http_status 代码
// Copyright 2017 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package server
import (
rpprof "runtime/pprof"
static "sourcegraph.com/sourcegraph/appdash-data"
const defaultStatusPort = 10080
func (s *Server) startStatusHTTP() {
go s.startHTTPServer()
func serveError(w http.ResponseWriter, status int, txt string) {
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/plain; charset=utf-8")
w.Header().Set("X-Go-Pprof", "1")
_, err := fmt.Fprintln(w, txt)
func sleepWithCtx(ctx context.Context, d time.Duration) {
select {
case <-time.After(d):
case <-ctx.Done():
func (s *Server) listenStatusHTTPServer() error {
s.statusAddr = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", s.cfg.Status.StatusHost, s.cfg.Status.StatusPort)
if s.cfg.Status.StatusPort == 0 && !RunInGoTest {
s.statusAddr = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", s.cfg.Status.StatusHost, defaultStatusPort)
logutil.BgLogger().Info("for status and metrics report", zap.String("listening on addr", s.statusAddr))
clusterSecurity := s.cfg.Security.ClusterSecurity()
tlsConfig, err := clusterSecurity.ToTLSConfig()
if err != nil {
logutil.BgLogger().Error("invalid TLS config", zap.Error(err))
return errors.Trace(err)
tlsConfig = s.setCNChecker(tlsConfig)
if tlsConfig != nil {
// we need to manage TLS here for cmux to distinguish between HTTP and gRPC.
s.statusListener, err = tls.Listen("tcp", s.statusAddr, tlsConfig)
} else {
s.statusListener, err = net.Listen("tcp", s.statusAddr)
if err != nil {
logutil.BgLogger().Info("listen failed", zap.Error(err))
return errors.Trace(err)
} else if RunInGoTest && s.cfg.Status.StatusPort == 0 {
s.statusAddr = s.statusListener.Addr().String()
s.cfg.Status.StatusPort = uint(s.statusListener.Addr().(*net.TCPAddr).Port)
return nil
// Ballast try to reduce the GC frequency by using Ballast Object
type Ballast struct {
ballast []byte
ballastLock sync.Mutex
maxSize int
func newBallast(maxSize int) *Ballast {
var b Ballast
b.maxSize = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 2
if maxSize > 0 {
b.maxSize = maxSize
} else {
// we try to use the total amount of ram as a reference to set the default ballastMaxSz
// since the fatal throw "runtime: out of memory" would never yield to `recover`
totalRAMSz, err := memory.MemTotal()
if err != nil {
logutil.BgLogger().Error("failed to get the total amount of RAM on this system", zap.Error(err))
} else {
maxSzAdvice := totalRAMSz >> 2
if uint64(b.maxSize) > maxSzAdvice {
b.maxSize = int(maxSzAdvice)
return &b
// GetSize get the size of ballast object
func (b *Ballast) GetSize() int {
var sz int
sz = len(b.ballast)
return sz
// SetSize set the size of ballast object
func (b *Ballast) SetSize(newSz int) error {
if newSz < 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("newSz cannot be negative: %d", newSz)
if newSz > b.maxSize {
return fmt.Errorf("newSz cannot be bigger than %d but it has value %d", b.maxSize, newSz)
b.ballast = make([]byte, newSz)
return nil
// GenHTTPHandler generate a HTTP handler to get/set the size of this ballast object
func (b *Ballast) GenHTTPHandler() func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
switch r.Method {
case http.MethodGet:
_, err := w.Write([]byte(strconv.Itoa(b.GetSize())))
case http.MethodPost:
body, err := io.ReadAll(r.Body)
if err != nil {
newSz, err := strconv.Atoi(string(body))
if err == nil {
err = b.SetSize(newSz)
if err != nil {
errStr := err.Error()
if _, err := w.Write([]byte(errStr)); err != nil {
func (s *Server) startHTTPServer() {
router := mux.NewRouter()
router.HandleFunc("/status", s.handleStatus).Name("Status")
// HTTP path for prometheus.
router.Handle("/metrics", promhttp.Handler()).Name("Metrics")
// HTTP path for dump statistics.
router.Handle("/stats/dump/{db}/{table}", s.newStatsHandler()).Name("StatsDump")
router.Handle("/stats/dump/{db}/{table}/{snapshot}", s.newStatsHistoryHandler()).Name("StatsHistoryDump")
router.Handle("/plan_replayer/dump/{filename}", s.newPlanReplayerHandler()).Name("PlanReplayerDump")
router.Handle("/optimize_trace/dump/{filename}", s.newOptimizeTraceHandler()).Name("OptimizeTraceDump")
tikvHandlerTool := s.newTikvHandlerTool()
router.Handle("/settings", settingsHandler{tikvHandlerTool}).Name("Settings")
router.Handle("/binlog/recover", binlogRecover{}).Name("BinlogRecover")
router.Handle("/schema", schemaHandler{tikvHandlerTool}).Name("Schema")
router.Handle("/schema/{db}", schemaHandler{tikvHandlerTool})
router.Handle("/schema/{db}/{table}", schemaHandler{tikvHandlerTool})
router.Handle("/tables/{colID}/{colTp}/{colFlag}/{colLen}", valueHandler{})
router.Handle("/schema_storage", schemaStorageHandler{tikvHandlerTool}).Name("Schema Storage")
router.Handle("/schema_storage/{db}", schemaStorageHandler{tikvHandlerTool})
router.Handle("/schema_storage/{db}/{table}", schemaStorageHandler{tikvHandlerTool})
router.Handle("/ddl/history", ddlHistoryJobHandler{tikvHandlerTool}).Name("DDL_History")
router.Handle("/ddl/owner/resign", ddlResignOwnerHandler{tikvHandlerTool.Store.(kv.Storage)}).Name("DDL_Owner_Resign")
// HTTP path for get the TiDB config
router.Handle("/config", fn.Wrap(func() (*config.Config, error) {
return config.GetGlobalConfig(), nil
router.Handle("/labels", labelHandler{}).Name("Labels")
// HTTP path for get server info.
router.Handle("/info", serverInfoHandler{tikvHandlerTool}).Name("Info")
router.Handle("/info/all", allServerInfoHandler{tikvHandlerTool}).Name("InfoALL")
// HTTP path for get db and table info that is related to the tableID.
router.Handle("/db-table/{tableID}", dbTableHandler{tikvHandlerTool})
// HTTP path for get table tiflash replica info.
router.Handle("/tiflash/replica-deprecated", flashReplicaHandler{tikvHandlerTool})
if s.cfg.Store == "tikv" {
// HTTP path for tikv.
router.Handle("/tables/{db}/{table}/regions", tableHandler{tikvHandlerTool, opTableRegions})
router.Handle("/tables/{db}/{table}/ranges", tableHandler{tikvHandlerTool, opTableRanges})
router.Handle("/tables/{db}/{table}/scatter", tableHandler{tikvHandlerTool, opTableScatter})
router.Handle("/tables/{db}/{table}/stop-scatter", tableHandler{tikvHandlerTool, opStopTableScatter})
router.Handle("/tables/{db}/{table}/disk-usage", tableHandler{tikvHandlerTool, opTableDiskUsage})
router.Handle("/regions/meta", regionHandler{tikvHandlerTool}).Name("RegionsMeta")
router.Handle("/regions/hot", regionHandler{tikvHandlerTool}).Name("RegionHot")
router.Handle("/regions/{regionID}", regionHandler{tikvHandlerTool})
// HTTP path for get MVCC info
router.Handle("/mvcc/key/{db}/{table}", mvccTxnHandler{tikvHandlerTool, opMvccGetByKey})
router.Handle("/mvcc/key/{db}/{table}/{handle}", mvccTxnHandler{tikvHandlerTool, opMvccGetByKey})
router.Handle("/mvcc/txn/{startTS}/{db}/{table}", mvccTxnHandler{tikvHandlerTool, opMvccGetByTxn})
router.Handle("/mvcc/hex/{hexKey}", mvccTxnHandler{tikvHandlerTool, opMvccGetByHex})
router.Handle("/mvcc/index/{db}/{table}/{index}", mvccTxnHandler{tikvHandlerTool, opMvccGetByIdx})
router.Handle("/mvcc/index/{db}/{table}/{index}/{handle}", mvccTxnHandler{tikvHandlerTool, opMvccGetByIdx})
// HTTP path for generate metric profile.
router.Handle("/metrics/profile", profileHandler{tikvHandlerTool})
// HTTP path for web UI.
if host, port, err := net.SplitHostPort(s.statusAddr); err == nil {
if host == "" {
host = "localhost"
baseURL := &url.URL{
Scheme: util.InternalHTTPSchema(),
Host: fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", host, port),
router.HandleFunc("/web/trace", traceapp.HandleTiDB).Name("Trace Viewer")
sr := router.PathPrefix("/web/trace/").Subrouter()
if _, err := traceapp.New(traceapp.NewRouter(sr), baseURL); err != nil {
logutil.BgLogger().Error("new failed", zap.Error(err))
router.PathPrefix("/static/").Handler(http.StripPrefix("/static", http.FileServer(static.Data)))
serverMux := http.NewServeMux()
serverMux.Handle("/", router)
serverMux.HandleFunc("/debug/pprof/", pprof.Index)
serverMux.HandleFunc("/debug/pprof/cmdline", pprof.Cmdline)
serverMux.HandleFunc("/debug/pprof/profile", cpuprofile.ProfileHTTPHandler)
serverMux.HandleFunc("/debug/pprof/symbol", pprof.Symbol)
serverMux.HandleFunc("/debug/pprof/trace", pprof.Trace)
ballast := newBallast(s.cfg.MaxBallastObjectSize)
err := ballast.SetSize(s.cfg.BallastObjectSize)
if err != nil {
logutil.BgLogger().Error("set initial ballast object size failed", zap.Error(err))
serverMux.HandleFunc("/debug/ballast-object-sz", ballast.GenHTTPHandler())
serverMux.HandleFunc("/debug/gogc", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
switch r.Method {
case http.MethodGet:
_, err := w.Write([]byte(strconv.Itoa(util.GetGOGC())))
case http.MethodPost:
body, err := io.ReadAll(r.Body)
if err != nil {
val, err := strconv.Atoi(string(body))
if err != nil {
if _, err := w.Write([]byte(err.Error())); err != nil {
serverMux.HandleFunc("/debug/zip", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
w.Header().Set("Content-Disposition", fmt.Sprintf(`attachment; filename="tidb_debug"`+time.Now().Format("20060102150405")+".zip"))
// dump goroutine/heap/mutex
items := []struct {
name string
gc int
debug int
second int
{name: "goroutine", debug: 2},
{name: "heap", gc: 1},
{name: "mutex"},
zw := zip.NewWriter(w)
for _, item := range items {
p := rpprof.Lookup(item.name)
if p == nil {
serveError(w, http.StatusNotFound, "Unknown profile")
if item.gc > 0 {
fw, err := zw.Create(item.name)
if err != nil {
serveError(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, fmt.Sprintf("Create zipped %s fail: %v", item.name, err))
err = p.WriteTo(fw, item.debug)
// dump profile
fw, err := zw.Create("profile")
if err != nil {
serveError(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, fmt.Sprintf("Create zipped %s fail: %v", "profile", err))
pc := cpuprofile.NewCollector()
if err := pc.StartCPUProfile(fw); err != nil {
serveError(w, http.StatusInternalServerError,
fmt.Sprintf("Could not enable CPU profiling: %s", err))
sec, err := strconv.ParseInt(r.FormValue("seconds"), 10, 64)
if sec <= 0 || err != nil {
sec = 10
sleepWithCtx(r.Context(), time.Duration(sec)*time.Second)
err = pc.StopCPUProfile()
if err != nil {
serveError(w, http.StatusInternalServerError,
fmt.Sprintf("Could not enable CPU profiling: %s", err))
// dump config
fw, err = zw.Create("config")
if err != nil {
serveError(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, fmt.Sprintf("Create zipped %s fail: %v", "config", err))
js, err := json.MarshalIndent(config.GetGlobalConfig(), "", " ")
if err != nil {
serveError(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, fmt.Sprintf("get config info fail%v", err))
_, err = fw.Write(js)
// dump version
fw, err = zw.Create("version")
if err != nil {
serveError(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, fmt.Sprintf("Create zipped %s fail: %v", "version", err))
_, err = fw.Write([]byte(printer.GetTiDBInfo()))
err = zw.Close()
// failpoint is enabled only for tests so we can add some http APIs here for tests.
failpoint.Inject("enableTestAPI", func() {
serverMux.HandleFunc("/fail/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
r.URL.Path = strings.TrimPrefix(r.URL.Path, "/fail")
new(failpoint.HttpHandler).ServeHTTP(w, r)
router.Handle("/test/{mod}/{op}", &testHandler{tikvHandlerTool, 0})
// ddlHook is enabled only for tests so we can substitute the callback in the DDL.
router.Handle("/test/ddl/hook", &ddlHookHandler{tikvHandlerTool.Store.(kv.Storage)})
var (
httpRouterPage bytes.Buffer
pathTemplate string
err error
httpRouterPage.WriteString("<html><head><title>TiDB Status and Metrics Report</title></head><body><h1>TiDB Status and Metrics Report</h1><table>")
err = router.Walk(func(route *mux.Route, router *mux.Router, ancestors []*mux.Route) error {
pathTemplate, err = route.GetPathTemplate()
if err != nil {
logutil.BgLogger().Error("get HTTP router path failed", zap.Error(err))
name := route.GetName()
// If the name attribute is not set, GetName returns "".
// "traceapp.xxx" are introduced by the traceapp package and are also ignored.
if name != "" && !strings.HasPrefix(name, "traceapp") && err == nil {
httpRouterPage.WriteString("<tr><td><a href='" + pathTemplate + "'>" + name + "</a><td></tr>")
return nil
if err != nil {
logutil.BgLogger().Error("generate root failed", zap.Error(err))
httpRouterPage.WriteString("<tr><td><a href='/debug/pprof/'>Debug</a><td></tr>")
router.HandleFunc("/", func(responseWriter http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
_, err = responseWriter.Write(httpRouterPage.Bytes())
if err != nil {
logutil.BgLogger().Error("write HTTP index page failed", zap.Error(err))
func (s *Server) startStatusServerAndRPCServer(serverMux *http.ServeMux) {
m := cmux.New(s.statusListener)
// Match connections in order:
// First HTTP, and otherwise grpc.
httpL := m.Match(cmux.HTTP1Fast())
grpcL := m.Match(cmux.Any())
statusServer := &http.Server{Addr: s.statusAddr, Handler: CorsHandler{handler: serverMux, cfg: s.cfg}}
grpcServer := NewRPCServer(s.cfg, s.dom, s)
s.statusServer = statusServer
s.grpcServer = grpcServer
go util.WithRecovery(func() {
err := grpcServer.Serve(grpcL)
logutil.BgLogger().Error("grpc server error", zap.Error(err))
}, nil)
go util.WithRecovery(func() {
err := statusServer.Serve(httpL)
logutil.BgLogger().Error("http server error", zap.Error(err))
}, nil)
err := m.Serve()
if err != nil {
logutil.BgLogger().Error("start status/rpc server error", zap.Error(err))
func (s *Server) setCNChecker(tlsConfig *tls.Config) *tls.Config {
if tlsConfig != nil && len(s.cfg.Security.ClusterVerifyCN) != 0 {
checkCN := make(map[string]struct{})
for _, cn := range s.cfg.Security.ClusterVerifyCN {
cn = strings.TrimSpace(cn)
checkCN[cn] = struct{}{}
tlsConfig.VerifyPeerCertificate = func(rawCerts [][]byte, verifiedChains [][]*x509.Certificate) error {
for _, chain := range verifiedChains {
if len(chain) != 0 {
if _, match := checkCN[chain[0].Subject.CommonName]; match {
return nil
return errors.Errorf("client certificate authentication failed. The Common Name from the client certificate was not found in the configuration cluster-verify-cn with value: %s", s.cfg.Security.ClusterVerifyCN)
tlsConfig.ClientAuth = tls.RequireAndVerifyClientCert
return tlsConfig
// status of TiDB.
type status struct {
Connections int `json:"connections"`
Version string `json:"version"`
GitHash string `json:"git_hash"`
func (s *Server) handleStatus(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
// If the server is in the process of shutting down, return a non-200 status.
// It is important not to return status{} as acquiring the s.ConnectionCount()
// acquires a lock that may already be held by the shutdown process.
if s.inShutdownMode {
st := status{
Connections: s.ConnectionCount(),
Version: mysql.ServerVersion,
GitHash: versioninfo.TiDBGitHash,
js, err := json.Marshal(st)
if err != nil {
logutil.BgLogger().Error("encode json failed", zap.Error(err))
_, err = w.Write(js)
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