harmony 鸿蒙Focus Event

  • 2022-08-09
  • 浏览 (845)

Focus Event

A focus event is triggered when the page focus moves between components. It can be used to process related logic within the component.


  • The APIs of this module are supported since API version 8. Updates will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.

  • Currently, only the Tab button and arrow buttons on the external keyboard can be used to trigger the focus event.

  • Components that have default interaction logic, such as <Button> and <TextInput>, are focusable by default. Other components, such as <Text> and <Image>, are not focusable by default. Only focusable components can trigger a focus event. To enable a component to be focusable, set its focusable attribute to true.


Name Bubbling Supported Description
onFocus(event: () =&gt; void) No Triggered when the current component obtains focus.
onBlur(event:() =&gt; void) No Triggered when the current component loses focus.


// xxx.ets
struct FocusEventExample {
  @State oneButtonColor: string = '#FFC0CB'
  @State twoButtonColor: string = '#87CEFA'
  @State threeButtonColor: string = '#90EE90'

  build() {
    Column({ space: 20 }) {
      // You can use the up and down arrow keys on an external keyboard to move the focus between the three buttons. When a button gains focus, its color changes. When it loses focus, its color changes back.
      Button('First Button')
        .onFocus(() => {
          this.oneButtonColor = '#FF0000'
        .onBlur(() => {
          this.oneButtonColor = '#FFC0CB'
      Button('Second Button')
        .onFocus(() => {
          this.twoButtonColor = '#FF0000'
        .onBlur(() => {
          this.twoButtonColor = '#87CEFA'
      Button('Third Button')
        .onFocus(() => {
          this.threeButtonColor = '#FF0000'
        .onBlur(() => {
          this.threeButtonColor = '#90EE90'
    }.width('100%').margin({ top: 20 })



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