harmony 鸿蒙Click Event

  • 2022-08-09
  • 浏览 (989)

Click Event

A click event is triggered when a component is clicked.


The APIs of this module are supported since API version 7. Updates will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.


Name Bubbling Supported Description
onClick(event: (event?: ClickEvent) => void) No Called when a click event occurs. For details about event, see ClickEvent.
Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.


Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.

Name Type Description
x number X coordinate of the click relative to the upper left corner of the component being clicked.
y number Y coordinate of the click relative to the upper left corner of the component being clicked.
timestamp8+ number Timestamp of the event. It is the interval between the time when the event is triggered and the time when the system starts, in nanoseconds.
target8+ EventTarget Display area of the object that triggers the event.
source8+ SourceType Event input device.
windowX10+ number X coordinate of the click relative to the upper left corner of the application window.
windowY10+ number Y coordinate of the click relative to the upper left corner of the application window.
displayX10+ number X coordinate of the click relative to the upper left corner of the application screen.
displayY10+ number Y coordinate of the click relative to the upper left corner of the application screen.
screenX(deprecated) number X coordinate of the click relative to the upper left corner of the application window.
This API is deprecated since API version 10. You are advised to use windowX instead.
screenY(deprecated) number Y coordinate of the click relative to the upper left corner of the application window.
This API is deprecated since API version 10. You are advised to use windowY instead.


Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.

Name Type Description
area Area Area information of the target element.


// xxx.ets
struct ClickExample {
  @State text: string = ''

  build() {
    Column() {
      Row({ space: 20 }) {
          .onClick((event?: ClickEvent) => {
              this.text = 'Click Point:' + '\n  windowX:' + event.windowX + '\n  windowY:' + event.windowY
              + '\n  x:' + event.x + '\n  y:' + event.y + '\ntarget:' + '\n  component globalPos:('
              + event.target.area.globalPosition.x + ',' + event.target.area.globalPosition.y + ')\n  width:'
              + event.target.area.width + '\n  height:' + event.target.area.height + '\ntimestamp' + event.timestamp;
          .onClick((event?: ClickEvent) => {
              this.text = 'Click Point:' + '\n  windowX:' + event.windowX + '\n  windowY:' + event.windowY
              + '\n  x:' + event.x + '\n  y:' + event.y + '\ntarget:' + '\n  component globalPos:('
              + event.target.area.globalPosition.x + ',' + event.target.area.globalPosition.y + ')\n  width:'
              + event.target.area.width + '\n  height:' + event.target.area.height + '\ntimestamp' + event.timestamp;




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